See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-poetry]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]] This psalm is a prayer for help. ## For the chief musician; ## "This is for the director of music to use in worship;" ## set to Al Tashheth ## This may refer to a style of music. ## A psalm of David ## "This is a psalm that David wrote." ## A michtam ## See how you translated this in [Psalms 16:1](../016/ ## when he fled from Saul, in the cave. ## AT: "David sang this song after he hid in the cave, from Saul." (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) ## I stay under your wings for protection ## Here David compares how God protects him to how a mother bird protects her babies by huddling them under her wings. AT: "I stay under your protection" (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])