/* eslint-env node */ 'use strict'; module.exports = function(deployTarget) { let ENV = { build: {} // include other plugin configuration that applies to all deploy targets here }; if (deployTarget === 'development') { ENV.build.environment = 'development'; // configure other plugins for development deploy target here } if (deployTarget === 'staging') { ENV.build.environment = 'staging'; // configure other plugins for staging deploy target here ENV['simply-ssh'] = { connection: { // parameter hash accepted by SSH2, see https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2 for details host: process.env.SSH_HOST, port: process.env.SSH_PORT, username: process.env.SSH_USER, privateKey: process.env.SSH_KEY }, dir: '/home/onlin401/public_html/allgreektome/frontend/test/', keep: 5 } } if (deployTarget === 'production') { ENV.build.environment = 'production'; ENV['simply-ssh'] = { connection: { // parameter hash accepted by SSH2, see https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2 for details host: process.env.SSH_HOST, port: process.env.SSH_PORT, username: process.env.SSH_USER, privateKey: process.env.SSH_KEY }, dir: '/home/onlin401/public_html/allgreektome/frontend/', keep: 5 } } // Note: if you need to build some configuration asynchronously, you can return // a promise that resolves with the ENV object instead of returning the // ENV object synchronously. return ENV; };