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2021-02-12 16:00:45 +00:00
# Biblical Resources for Translators API
2020-10-02 15:58:41 +00:00
2021-02-12 16:00:45 +00:00
## Laravel
2021-03-06 17:38:04 +00:00
The API is built in [Laravel](https://laravel.com/docs/7.x), a PHP framework. To get the backend up and running locally
2021-02-12 16:00:45 +00:00
[Laravel Homestead](https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/homestead) is the recommended approach. Laravel is currently on version 8,
but our system is using the version 7.x series. Just make sure you grab the correct version to avoid any possible snags that
2021-03-06 17:38:04 +00:00
could show up across major versions.
2020-10-02 15:58:41 +00:00
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Homestead uses [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com) which is a virtual machine tool to make building and maintaining
VMs easier. By using a VM to host the API server, we can avoid potential conflicts with the local development environment
of our respective host machines. The files under development are stored in local folders on the host machine which are
mapped to folders on the guest VM. The documentation on Vagrant and Homestead are quite helpful.
2020-10-02 15:58:41 +00:00
2021-02-12 16:00:45 +00:00
If Homestead is not an option, you may follow the installation directions in the Laravel documentation to install
Laravel directly on your local machine and run `php artisan serve`. You will need to alter the Frontend's environment
configuration to point to the correct server.
2020-10-02 15:58:41 +00:00
2021-03-06 17:38:04 +00:00
## Config Homestead Project
Once Laravel Homestead is installed and working, you will need to setup a project in the Homestead.yaml file. This process
requires that you determine a local hostname to use for the API server and a suitable location for the code. A typical setup
would use `brt.api` or `brt.local` as the hostname. The folder/directory can be anywhere your user account has read/write permisisons
but typically will be something like `~/Code/brt`. With these values in mind, you would edit your Homestead.yaml file
and add the following:
- map: ~/Code/brt/
to: /home/vagrant/brt
- map: brt.api
to: /home/vagrant/Code/gwt/public
php: "7.2"
- brt
A complete Homestead.yaml file might look like the following (keep in mind that if you use Homestead for other projects your
Homestead.yaml file will look very different, but then you would probably already know that and not need this document ;-) )
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 2
provider: virtualbox
authorize: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_key.pub
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa_key
- map: ~/Code/brt/
to: /home/vagrant/code
- map: brt.api
to: /home/vagrant/Code/gwt/public
php: "7.2"
- brt
- key: APP_ENV
value: local
- send: 9912
to: 9912
The *folders* block configures a fileshare connection between the vagrant box and your local filesystem. The *map*
variable is the location of your project code from the perspective of your host machine. It is where you will point your code
editor while you work on the project. The *to* variable is where the virtual machine (VM) looks for that same code. It is not
aware of the filesystem layout of your host machine, so it needs to know how to find your code from within its own environment.
Think of it as a roadmap where the street names are different depending on whether you are a local or a guest.
The *sites* block works similarly, only now we are telling Vagrant how to configure the web server that will serve up our API.
*map* is the hostname we will use in the browser (though in our case we are not accessing the backend API via a browser. Try it,
you won't get very far. This is because the actual frontend (FE) for the site lives in a different [repo](https://content.bibletranslationtools.org/WycliffeAssociates/en_btr_frontend)).
*to* refers to the place where the web server will need to find the startup code for the site. Note that it is not exactly the
same as what we have set in the *folders* block. This is important because the `public` subfolder of a Laravel project contains
an `index.php` file which is what 'boots' the system whenever the API is accessed by the web server.
If you are unsure where your Homestead.yaml file is or need help configuring additional options re-visit the section above.
## Backend Code (This Repo)
Once your VM is configured, you need to clone this repo (en_btr_backend) into your local working directory so that your VM can read the code.
Do this by running the following command within a terminal window within your local working directory:
git clone https://content.bibletranslationtools.org/WycliffeAssociates/en_btr_backend.git .
Not the space + period at the command. Don't leave it out. Otherwise, git will create a new folder named `en_btr_backend`
and you will need to update your Homestead.yaml file or delete the new folder and try again. Either approach is fine, just don't
be fooled by git's strong opinions.
Once you have cloned the backend code, go ahead and try running `vagrant up` in your ~/Homestead folder. If your Homestead.yaml configs are in good order
Vagrant should take off and start dumping a lot of information to your terminal screen. Don't worry about it unless (or until) Vagrant
complains with an error. If you hit an error, revisit the above steps and verify your configuration. If you still have issues and you
cannot get past the `vagrant up` process, you will need some extra assistance. Let us know, and we will do our best to help you.
## Build the database
Assuming that Vagrant succeeded, you now have fully functional VM ready to run the API on your computer. That's great! But you still
need some data or the API is useless. The source data for the project lives in various repos at WA's git server, but you don't need to
worry about that. For testing purposes, there are some files provided in this repo under the `test_files` folder. You will need to move
them to the `storage` folder so that the Laravel app can find them and use them to build the DB. Run the following
command from within your local working directory:
cp -fr test_files/* storage/
Now the files we need are located within the `storage` folder which is where they will ultimately be housed on the live API server.
With the test files in place, you are almost ready to build the database. However, before you can build the database, you need to
make sure that your Laravel config knows how to access the database. Open up the `.env` file in your editor (the `.env` file is in
the root of the project folder). Make sure these settings are somehwere in that file:
Now (as in right now, don't wait!), run the following command:
php artisan gwt:import-lexical-entries
php artisan gwt:import-ulb-xml
These two commands don't give you much output unless something breaks. When they are completed, your
database will have the data to run the API server on your local machine.
At this point, there is not much else you can do with the API. It serves up the files needed by the
frontend so that the frontend can build the site in a browser. If you want to prove that the API exists
and works, you can run the following command in your terminal:
curl http://gwt.api/api/v1/books
You should get something back that looks like
Yes, it looks like "YUCK! I can't do anything with that." But don't worry. The frontend loves this stuff and will have no trouble eating it up,
I mean, consuming it ;-).
To get the frontened up and running,
head on over to [https://content.bibletranslationtools.org/WycliffeAssociates/en_btr_frontend](https://content.bibletranslationtools.org/WycliffeAssociates/en_btr_frontend)