# Bride of Christ A bride is the woman in a wedding ceremony. She is marrying the bridegroom, that is, the person who will be her husband. The word “bride” is also used to talk about Jesus’ church. The word “bridegroom” is used to talk about Jesus. See: Marriage; Church; Metaphor #### More Information About This Topic Jesus will return to earth. When he does this, Jesus will gather his people together in one place. Jesus made his people pure and holy. They are the pure and holy church. God the Father will give the pure and holy church to Jesus in the same way a father gives his daughter to her husband at their wedding (see: 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25-27, 31-32; Revelation 19:7-8). See: Jesus’ Return to Earth; Purify (Pure); Holy; God the Father; Lamb of God