dublin_core: conformsto: 'rc0.2' contributor: - 'Ivan Pavlii, PhD in World Literature, Baku Slavic University' - 'Maria Karyakina, PhD, University of Pretoria, MTh in New Testament, University of South Africa' - 'Aleksey Voskresenskiy, MTh in New Testament, University of Cardiff, Wales' - 'Yuri Tamurkin, BTh, St.Petersburg Christian University' - 'Anna Savitskaya' - 'Samuel Kim' - 'Larry Sallee (Th.M Dallas Theological Seminary, D.Min. Columbia Biblical Seminary)' - 'Perry Oakes (BA Biblical Studies, Taylor University; MA Theology, Fuller Seminary; MA Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington; PhD Old Testament, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)' - 'Joel D. Ruark (M.A.Th. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Th.M. Stellenbosch University; Ph.D. Candidate in Old Testament Studies, Stellenbosch University)' - 'Jesse Griffin (BA Biblical Studies, Liberty University; MA Biblical Languages, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)' - 'Susan Quigley, MA in Linguistics' - 'Jerrell Hein' - 'Cheryl Stauter' - 'Deb Richey' - 'Don Ritchey' - 'Gena Schottmuller' - 'Irene Little' - 'Marsha Rogne' - 'Pat Naber' - 'Randy Stauter' - 'Russ Isham' - 'Vickey DeKraker' - 'Door43 World Missions Community' creator: 'Door43, Russian Open Bible' description: 'Comprehension and theological questions for each chapter of the Bible. It enables translators and translation checkers to confirm that the intended meaning of their translations is clearly communicated to the speakers of that language.' format: 'text/markdown' identifier: 'tq' issued: '2021-01-27' language: identifier: 'ru' title: 'Русский (Russian)' direction: 'ltr' modified: '2021-01-27' publisher: 'Door43, Russian Open Bible' relation: - 'ru/rlob' - 'ru/rob' - 'ru/rsb' - 'ru/rsob' - 'ru/ulb' - 'ru/obs' - 'ru/ta' - 'ru/tn' - 'ru/tw' rights: 'CC BY-SA 4.0' source: - identifier: 'tq' language: 'en' version: '19' subject: 'Translation Questions' title: 'Russian Translation Questions' type: 'help' version: '19.1' checking: checking_entity: - 'Door43, Russian Open Bible' checking_level: '3' projects: - title: 'Бытие' identifier: 'gen' sort: 1 path: './gen' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Исход' identifier: 'exo' sort: 2 path: './exo' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Левит' identifier: 'lev' sort: 3 path: './lev' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Числа' identifier: 'num' sort: 4 path: './num' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Второзаконие' identifier: 'deu' sort: 5 path: './deu' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Иисуса Навина' identifier: 'jos' sort: 6 path: './jos' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Судей' identifier: 'jdg' sort: 7 path: './jdg' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Руфь' identifier: 'rut' sort: 8 path: './rut' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: '1 Царств' identifier: '1sa' sort: 9 path: './1sa' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: '2 Царств' identifier: '2sa' sort: 10 path: './2sa' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: '3 Царств' identifier: '1ki' sort: 11 path: './1ki' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: '4 Царств' identifier: '2ki' sort: 12 path: './2ki' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: '1 Паралипоменон' identifier: '1ch' sort: 13 path: './1ch' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: '2 Паралипоменон' identifier: '2ch' sort: 14 path: './2ch' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Ездры' identifier: 'ezr' sort: 15 path: './ezr' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Неемии' identifier: 'neh' sort: 16 path: './neh' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Есфири' identifier: 'est' sort: 17 path: './est' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Иова' identifier: 'job' sort: 18 path: './job' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Псалтирь' identifier: 'psa' sort: 19 path: './psa' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Притчи' identifier: 'pro' sort: 20 path: './pro' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Екклезиаста' identifier: 'ecc' sort: 21 path: './ecc' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Песнь' identifier: 'sng' sort: 22 path: './sng' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Исаии' identifier: 'isa' sort: 23 path: './isa' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Иеремии' identifier: 'jer' sort: 24 path: './jer' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Плач' identifier: 'lam' sort: 25 path: './lam' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Иезекииля' identifier: 'ezk' sort: 26 path: './ezk' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Даниила' identifier: 'dan' sort: 27 path: './dan' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Осии' identifier: 'hos' sort: 28 path: './hos' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Иоиля' identifier: 'jol' sort: 29 path: './jol' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Амоса' identifier: 'amo' sort: 30 path: './amo' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Авдия' identifier: 'oba' sort: 31 path: './oba' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Ионы' identifier: 'jon' sort: 32 path: './jon' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Михея' identifier: 'mic' sort: 33 path: './mic' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Наума' identifier: 'nam' sort: 34 path: './nam' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Аввакума' identifier: 'hab' sort: 35 path: './hab' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Софонии' identifier: 'zep' sort: 36 path: './zep' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Аггея' identifier: 'hag' sort: 37 path: './hag' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Захарии' identifier: 'zec' sort: 38 path: './zec' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Малахии' identifier: 'mal' sort: 39 path: './mal' categories: [ 'bible-ot' ] versification: - title: 'Матфея' identifier: 'mat' sort: 40 path: './mat' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Марка' identifier: 'mrk' sort: 41 path: './mrk' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Луки' identifier: 'luk' sort: 42 path: './luk' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Иоанна' identifier: 'jhn' sort: 43 path: './jhn' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Деяния' identifier: 'act' sort: 44 path: './act' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Римлянам' identifier: 'rom' sort: 45 path: './rom' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '1 Коринфянам' identifier: '1co' sort: 46 path: './1co' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '2 Коринфянам' identifier: '2co' sort: 47 path: './2co' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Галатам' identifier: 'gal' sort: 48 path: './gal' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Ефесянам' identifier: 'eph' sort: 49 path: './eph' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Филиппийцам' identifier: 'php' sort: 50 path: './php' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Колоссянам' identifier: 'col' sort: 51 path: './col' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '1 Фессалоникийцам' identifier: '1th' sort: 52 path: './1th' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '2 Фессалоникийцам' identifier: '2th' sort: 53 path: './2th' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '1 Тимофею' identifier: '1ti' sort: 54 path: './1ti' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '2 Тимофею' identifier: '2ti' sort: 55 path: './2ti' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Титу' identifier: 'tit' sort: 56 path: './tit' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Филимону' identifier: 'phm' sort: 57 path: './phm' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Евреям' identifier: 'heb' sort: 58 path: './heb' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Иакова' identifier: 'jas' sort: 59 path: './jas' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '1 Петра' identifier: '1pe' sort: 60 path: './1pe' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '2 Петра' identifier: '2pe' sort: 61 path: './2pe' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '1 Иоанна' identifier: '1jn' sort: 62 path: './1jn' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '2 Иоанна' identifier: '2jn' sort: 63 path: './2jn' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: '3 Иоанна' identifier: '3jn' sort: 64 path: './3jn' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Иуды' identifier: 'jud' sort: 65 path: './jud' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: - title: 'Откровение' identifier: 'rev' sort: 66 path: './rev' categories: [ 'bible-nt' ] versification: