diff --git a/16-NEH.usfm b/16-NEH.usfm index 1b40c24f..941e3ef5 100644 --- a/16-NEH.usfm +++ b/16-NEH.usfm @@ -467,11 +467,7 @@ \q \v 58 Jaala, Darkon, Giddel, \q -<<<<<<< Updated upstream \v 59 the descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of Hattil, the descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim, and the descendants of Amon. -======= -\v 59 the descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of Hattil, the descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim, the descendants of Amon. ->>>>>>> Stashed changes \p \v 60 Altogether, there were 392 temple workers and descendants of Solomon's servants who returned. @@ -508,9 +504,9 @@ \s5 \c 8 \p -\v 1 All the people gathered together in the plaza that was close to the Water Gate. Men and women and children who were old enough to understand gathered together. They asked Ezra to bring out the scroll of the law that Moses had written down, and which Yahweh had given as the law for the people of Israel, for them to obey its rules and commands. -\v 2 Ezra, who served God through the sacrifices in the temple, brought out the law and presented it before all the people, to both men and women, and anyone else who could understand what he read. He did this on the first day of the seventh month of that year. -\v 3 So he brought it out and read it to the people. He read it from early in the morning until the middle of the day. All the people listened, men and women, anyone who was able to understand what he read. The people listened with great interest to what Ezra read from the book of the law. +\v 1 All the people gathered together in the plaza that was close to the Water Gate. Men and women and children who were old enough to understand gathered together. They asked Ezra to bring out the scroll of the law that Moses had written down and that Yahweh had given as the law for the people of Israel, for them to obey its rules and commands. +\v 2 Ezra, who served God through the sacrifices in the temple, brought out the law and presented it before all the people—to men, women, and anyone else who could understand what he read. He did this on the first day of the seventh month of that year. +\v 3 So he brought it out and read it to the people. He read it from early in the morning until the middle of the day. All the people listened—men, women, and anyone who was able to understand what he read. The people listened with great interest to what Ezra read from the book of the law. \s5 \p @@ -519,28 +515,28 @@ \v 5 Ezra opened the scroll as he stood on the platform above the people, and all could see him, and as he opened the book all the people stood up. \s5 -\v 6 Then Ezra praised Yahweh, the great God, and all the people lifted up their hands and said, "Amen! Amen!" Then they all bowed down with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped Yahweh. +\v 6 Then Ezra praised Yahweh the great God, and all the people lifted up their hands and said, "Amen! Amen!" Then they all bowed down with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped Yahweh. \p -\v 7 Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, and Pelaiah, were all Levites. They explained the meaning of the laws of Moses to the people who were standing there. +\v 7 Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, and Pelaiah were all Levites. They explained the meaning of the laws of Moses to the people who were standing there. \v 8 They also read from scrolls the law that God gave to Moses, and they translated it into the Aramaic language, making the meaning clear for those who could understand it. \s5 \p -\v 9 Then Nehemiah the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who were interpreting what was being read to the people, said to them, "Yahweh your God considers that this day is set apart from other days. So do not be sad or cry!" For all the people were crying when they heard the law of Moses read by Ezra. +\v 9 Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who were interpreting what was being read to the people said to them, "Yahweh your God considers that this day is set apart from other days. So do not be sad or cry!" For all the people were crying when they heard the law of Moses read by Ezra. \p \v 10 Then Nehemiah said to them, "Now go home and enjoy some good food and have something sweet to drink. And send some of it to people who do not have anything to eat or drink. This is a day set apart to worship our Lord. Do not be filled with sadness! The joy that Yahweh gives will make you strong." \s5 \p -\v 11 The Levites also caused the people to be quiet, saying "Hush, do not cry, for this is a day set apart for Yahweh. Do not be sad!" +\v 11 The Levites also caused the people to be quiet, saying, "Hush, do not cry, for this is a day set apart for Yahweh. Do not be sad!" \p -\v 12 So the people went away, and they ate and drank, and they sent portions of food to those who did not have any. They were very happy, because they understood the meaning of the words that been read to them. +\v 12 So the people went away, and they ate and drank, and they sent portions of food to those who did not have any. They were very happy because they understood the meaning of the words that been read to them. \s5 \p \v 13 On the next day, the leaders of the families and the priests and the Levites came together with Ezra to study so they would gain insight from the words of the law. -\v 14 They read in the law how Yahweh had ordered Moses to command the people of Israel to live in temporary shelters that entire month, to remember that their ancestors lived in shelters when they walked in the wilderness. -\v 15 They also learned that they should proclaim in Jerusalem and in all the towns that the people should go to the hills and cut branches from olive trees and from wild olive trees and from myrtle trees, palm trees and shade trees. They should make shelters from these branches to live in during the festival, just as Moses wrote about this. +\v 14 They read in the law how Yahweh had ordered Moses to command the people of Israel to live in temporary shelters that month to remember that their ancestors lived in shelters when they walked in the wilderness. +\v 15 They also learned that they should proclaim in Jerusalem and in all the towns that the people should go to the hills and cut branches from olive trees, wild olive trees, myrtle trees, palm trees, and shade trees. They should make shelters from these branches to live in during the festival, just as Moses wrote about this. \s5 \p @@ -549,7 +545,7 @@ \s5 \p -\v 18 Every day during that week Ezra read to the people from the book of the law of God. Then on the eighth day, they followed the decree and called for all the people to come together, so they could bring the festival to an end. +\v 18 Every day during that week, Ezra read to the people from the book of the law of God. Then on the eighth day, they followed the decree and called for all the people to come together so they could bring the festival to an end. \s5 \c 9 @@ -564,54 +560,54 @@ \s5 \v 5 Then the leaders of the Levites called out to the people. They were Jeshua, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah. They said, "Stand there and give praise to Yahweh your God, who has always lived and will live forever! Yahweh, we praise your glorious name! Your name is more important than everything else that is good and wonderful! -\v 6 You are Yahweh, and no one else. You made the sky and the heavens above everything, and all the angels who do God's will. You made the earth and everything that is on it, and you made the seas and everything that is in them. You give life to everything. All the angel armies in heaven worship you. +\v 6 You are Yahweh, and no one else. You made the sky and the heavens above everything and all the angels who do your will. You made the earth and everything that is on it, and you made the seas and everything that is in them. You give life to everything. All the angel armies in heaven worship you. \s5 \pi \v 7 Yahweh, you are God. You chose Abram and brought him out of Ur in the Chaldees. You gave him the name Abraham. -\v 8 You saw deep inside of him, and you knew he was a trustworthy person. Then you made a promise to him pledged with blood, promising that you would give to his descendants the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites. And you, Yahweh, have done what you promised, because you always do what is right. +\v 8 You saw deep inside of him, and you knew he was a trustworthy person. Then you made a promise to him pledged with blood, promising that you would give to his descendants the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites. And you, Yahweh, have done what you promised because you always do what is right. \s5 \pi \v 9 You saw how much our ancestors were suffering in Egypt. You heard them cry to you for help when they were beside the Sea of Reeds. -\v 10 You performed many kinds of miracles that caused the king, his servants, and all his people to suffer. As a result, you, Yahweh, made a great name for yourself, and it is still known to be great even today! +\v 10 You performed many kinds of miracles that caused the king of Egypt, his servants, and all his people to suffer. As a result, you, Yahweh, made a great name for yourself, and it is still known to be great even today! \s5 \v 11 You divided the sea into two parts, and your people walked through the middle of it on dry land. You drowned the soldiers of the Egyptian army under the waters, and they sank as a stone sinks in the deep! \s5 -\v 12 During the day you led them with a cloud like a pillar for them to follow, and at night you gave them the light of a pillar of fire, to show them where to walk. +\v 12 During the day you led them with a cloud like a pillar for them to follow, and at night you gave them the light of a pillar of fire to show them where to walk. \pi \v 13 On Mount Sinai you came down from heaven and spoke to them. You gave them many regulations and decrees that are just and reliable, and you gave them commands and laws that are good. \s5 -\v 14 You taught them about your holy Sabbath, and you gave them commands, and rules, and a list of laws to obey from your servant Moses. He would tell them to the people. +\v 14 You taught them about your holy Sabbath, and you gave them commands, rules, and a list of laws to obey from your servant Moses. He would tell them to the people. \v 15 When they were hungry, you gave them bread from heaven. When they were thirsty, you gave them water from a rock. You said to them to go and take the land you promised with a vow to give them. \s5 \pi \v 16 But our ancestors were very proud and stubborn. They refused even to listen to what you commanded them to do. -\v 17 They refused to listen to you. They forgot about all the miracles that you had performed for them. They became stubborn, and because they rebelled against you, they appointed a leader to take them back to Egypt, where they would be slaves again! But you are a God who forgives again and again. You are slow to be angry, and your love for them is never-ending and it is great. You did not abandon them. +\v 17 They refused to listen to you. They forgot about all the miracles that you had performed for them. They became stubborn, and because they rebelled against you, they appointed a leader to take them back to Egypt where they would be slaves again! But you are a God who forgives again and again. You are slow to be angry, and your love for them is never-ending and it is great. You did not abandon them. \s5 -\v 18 So, you did not desert them, even though they melted precious metals and cast an idol that looked like a calf. They presented this calf to the people and said, 'This is your god, who brought you up out of Egypt,' while they cursed God and did what he had forbidden. +\v 18 So, you did not desert them, even though they melted precious metals and cast an idol that looked like a calf. They presented this calf to the people and said, 'This is your god who brought you up out of Egypt,' while they cursed God and did what he had forbidden. \pi -\v 19 You always acted mercifully, and you would not abandon them when they were in the desert. The bright cloud which was like a huge pillar continued to lead them during the daytime, and the fiery cloud showed them where to walk at night. +\v 19 You always acted mercifully, and you would not abandon them when they were in the desert. The bright cloud that was like a huge pillar continued to lead them during the daytime, and the fiery cloud showed them where to walk at night. \s5 -\v 20 You sent your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold the manna from them when they were hungry and you provided water when they were thirsty. +\v 20 You sent your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold the manna from them when they were hungry, and you provided water when they were thirsty. \v 21 For forty years you took care of them in the desert. During all that time, they did not have need of anything. Their clothes did not wear out, and their feet did not swell up. \s5 \pi -\v 22 You gave them kingdoms and nations of people. They took possession of even the most distant places in this land. They occupied the land over which King Sihon ruled from Heshbon and the land over which King Og ruled in the Bashan. +\v 22 You gave them kingdoms and nations of people. They took possession of even the most distant places in this land. They occupied the land over which King Sihon ruled from Heshbon and the land over which King Og ruled in Bashan. \s5 \v 23 You caused our ancestors' children to become as numerous as the stars in the heavens, and you brought them into this land, the land you told their fathers to enter and take for themselves so they might live there. \v 24 They went in and took the land from the people who lived there. You enabled the Israelites to control the Canaanites and their kings so they could do to those people whatever they needed to do. \s5 -\v 25 Our ancestors' children captured cities that had walls around them for protection. They took possession of fertile land. They occupied houses that were full of good things and wells that were already dug. They took possession of vineyards, groves of olive trees, and fruit trees. They ate all that they wanted to, and they were satisfied, and they grew fat, and they were delighted because you were so good to them. +\v 25 Our ancestors' children captured cities that had walls around them for protection. They took possession of fertile land. They occupied houses that were full of good things and wells that were already dug. They took possession of vineyards, groves of olive trees, and fruit trees. They ate all that they wanted to, they were satisfied, they grew fat, and they were delighted because you were so good to them. \s5 \pi @@ -620,7 +616,7 @@ \s5 \pi -\v 28 But after there was a time of peace again, our ancestors again did evil things that you hated. So you allowed their enemies to conquer them and ruled over them. But whenever they cried out to you again to help them, you heard them from heaven, and because you act mercifully you rescued them. +\v 28 But after there was a time of peace again, our ancestors again did evil things that you hated. So you allowed their enemies to conquer them and ruled over them. But whenever they cried out to you again to help them, you heard them from heaven, and because you act mercifully, you rescued them. \pi \v 29 You warned them that they should again obey your laws, but they became proud and stubborn, and they disobeyed your decrees—and it is by obeying them that a person lives. They purposely ignored what you commanded them to do and became stubborn and refused to obey. @@ -630,27 +626,27 @@ \s5 \pi -\v 32 Our God, you are great! You are mighty! You are awesome! You faithfully love us as you promised in your covenant with us that you fulfill! But now we are having great difficulties in all these things. Do not let our hardships become unimportant to you! They have come on our kings, on our princes, and on our priests, and on our prophets, and on our ancestors, and on all your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria until today. +\v 32 Our God, you are great! You are mighty! You are awesome! You faithfully love us as you promised in your covenant with us that you fulfill! But now we are having great difficulties in all these things. Do not let our hardships become unimportant to you! They have come on our kings, our princes, our priests, our prophets, our ancestors, and all of your people, from the days of the kings of Assyria until today. \v 33 We know that you acted justly each time you punished us. You have treated us faithfully, but we have done evil things. -\v 34 Our kings and the leaders they appointed and our priests and our other ancestors did not obey your laws. They did not heed your commands or the warnings that you gave them. +\v 34 Our kings, the leaders they appointed, our priests, and our other ancestors did not obey your laws. They did not heed your commands or the warnings that you gave them. \s5 -\v 35 Even when they had their own kings, and they enjoyed the good things that you did for them in this large and fertile land that you gave to them, they did not serve you and they would not stop doing what was evil. +\v 35 Even when they had their own kings and they enjoyed the good things that you did for them in this large and fertile land that you gave to them, they did not serve you and they would not stop doing what was evil. \s5 \pi -\v 36 So now we are slaves here in this land that you gave to our ancestors, the land that you gave to them in order that they could enjoy all the good things that grow here. But we became slaves here! +\v 36 So now we are slaves here in this land that you gave to our ancestors, the land that you gave to them so that they could enjoy all the good things that grow here. But we became slaves here! \v 37 Because we have sinned, we cannot eat the things that grow here. The kings who now rule over us are enjoying the things that grow here. They rule us and take our cattle. We must serve them and do the things that please them. We are in great misery. \s5 \p -\v 38 Because of all this, we, the people of Israel are making a solemn agreement on a scroll. We will write on it the names of our leaders, the names of the Levites, and the names of the priests, and then we will seal it." +\v 38 Because of all this, we, the people of Israel, are making a solemn agreement on a scroll. We will write on it the names of our leaders, the names of the Levites, and the names of the priests, and then we will seal it." \s5 \c 10 \p \v 1 This is a list of those who signed the agreement: -\q I, Nehemiah son of Hakaliah, the governor and also Zedekiah. +\q I, Nehemiah the governor and the son of Hakaliah, and also Zedekiah. \m \v 2 The priests who signed it were: \q Seraiah, Azariah, Jeremiah, @@ -678,12 +674,12 @@ \q \v 11 Mika, Rehob, Hashabiah, \q -\v 12 Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah, +\v 12 Zakkur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah, \q \v 13 Hodiah, Bani, and Beninu. \m \v 14 The Israelite leaders who signed it were: -\q Parosh, Pahath-Moab, Elam, Zattu, and Bani. +\q Parosh, Pahath-Moab, Elam, Zattu, Bani, \s5 \q @@ -699,7 +695,7 @@ \q \v 20 Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir, \q -\v 21 Meshezabel, Zadok, and Jaddua. +\v 21 Meshezabel, Zadok, Jaddua, \s5 \q @@ -717,8 +713,8 @@ \s5 \p -\v 28 The rest of the people made a solemn agreement, including the priests, gatekeepers, singers, and temple workers. They also included all the men from other neighboring peoples who had left their people and were living in Israel. These men, along with their wives, their sons and daughters who were old enough to understand what they were doing, promised they would obey God's law. -\v 29 They all joined with their leaders in making this solemn agreement. They agreed to obey all the laws that God had given to Moses. They agreed to follow and to obey everything that Yahweh our God had commanded, and all his decrees and instructions. They promised to do the following. +\v 28 The rest of the people made a solemn agreement, including the priests, gatekeepers, singers, and temple workers. They also included all the men from other neighboring peoples who had left their people and were living in Israel. These men, along with their wives and their sons and daughters who were old enough to understand what they were doing, promised they would obey God's law. +\v 29 They all joined with their leaders in making this solemn agreement. They agreed to obey all the laws that God had given to Moses. They agreed to follow and to obey everything that Yahweh our God had commanded and all his decrees and instructions. They promised to do the following. \s5 \pi @@ -728,24 +724,24 @@ \s5 \pi -\v 32 We each also promised ourselves that every year we will pay about 5 grams of silver for those who serve and take care of the temple. -\v 33 With that money they can buy these things: The bread on display before God, the flour that is offered to God by burning it on the altar each day, the animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar, the sacred offerings for the Sabbath days and for celebrating the new moons and other festivals and offerings that are dedicated to God, the animals to be sacrificed to pay the penalty for the sins of the people of Israel, and anything else that is needed for the work of taking care of the temple. +\v 32 We each also promised ourselves that every year we will pay about five grams of silver for those who serve and take care of the temple. +\v 33 With that money they can buy these things: the bread on display before God, the flour that is offered to God by burning it on the altar each day, the animals that were killed and completely burned on the altar, the sacred offerings for the Sabbath days and for celebrating the new moons and other festivals and offerings that are dedicated to God, the animals to be sacrificed to pay the penalty for the sins of the people of Israel, and anything else that is needed for the work of taking care of the temple. \s5 \pi -\v 34 Each year the priests, the descendants of Levi who help the priests, and the rest of us will cast lots to determine for that year which families within the Levites will provide wood to burn on the altar to burn the sacrifices in the house of our God, as it is written in the law of God. +\v 34 Each year, the priests, the descendants of Levi who help the priests, and the rest of us will cast lots to determine for that year which families within the Levites will provide wood to burn on the altar to burn the sacrifices in the house of our God, as it is written in the law of God. \pi -\v 35 We promise that each year each family will take to the temple an offering from the first food that we grow in our soil and harvest for food, and from the firstfruits that grow on our trees that year. +\v 35 We promise that each year, each family will take to the temple an offering from the first food that we grow in our soil and harvest for food and from the firstfruits that grow on our trees that year. \pi \v 36 We will take to the house of God our firstborn sons and we will also bring firstborn calves and lambs and baby goats to be dedicated to God. That is what is written in God's laws that we must do. \s5 \pi -\v 37 We will also take to the priests at the temple the flour made from the first grain that we harvest each year, and our other offerings of wine, olive oil, and fruit. We will also take the tithes to the descendants of Levi who help the priests. -\v 38 A priest, one who is a descendant of Aaron, will be with the Levites and supervise them when they collect the tithes. Then the descendants of Levi must take a portion of it, ten percent of the things that people bring, and put it in the storerooms in the temple. +\v 37 We will also take to the priests at the temple the flour made from the first grain that we harvest each year, as well as our other offerings of wine, olive oil, and fruit. We will also take the tithes to the descendants of Levi who help the priests. +\v 38 A priest, one who is a descendant of Aaron, will be with the Levites and supervise them when they collect the tithes. Then the descendants of Levi must take a portion of it—ten percent of the things that people bring—and put it in the storerooms in the temple. \s5 -\v 39 The descendants of Levi and some of the people of Israel must take the offerings of grain, wine, and olive oil to the storerooms where the various utensils are kept that are used by those who serve in the temple. That is the place where the priests who are serving at that time, the gatekeepers, and where those who sing in the temple choir, live. +\v 39 The descendants of Levi and some of the people of Israel must take the offerings of grain, wine, and olive oil to the storerooms where the various utensils are kept that are used by those who serve in the temple. That is the place where the priests who are serving at that time, the gatekeepers, and those who sing in the temple choir live. \pi We promise that we will not neglect taking care of the temple of our God." \s5 @@ -763,7 +759,7 @@ These are from the relatives of Judah: Athaiah son of Uzziah, the son of Zechari \s5 \p -\v 5 And there was Maaseiah the son of Baruch, who was the son of Colhozeh, who was the son of Hazaiah, who was the son of Adaiah, who was the son of Joiarib, who was the son of Zechariah, who was a descendant of Judah's son Shelah. +\v 5 And there was Maaseiah the son of Baruch, who was the son of Kol-Hozeh, who was the son of Hazaiah, who was the son of Adaiah, who was the son of Joiarib, who was the son of Zechariah, who was a descendant of Judah's son Shelah. \v 6 There were 468 men who were descendants of Perez who lived in the city of Jerusalem. These men were very brave and skilled in combat. \s5