non-Jews changed to Gentiles

This commit is contained in:
TomWarren 2019-01-02 10:21:16 -05:00
parent b175516818
commit 14e7df5c77
8 changed files with 115 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ He was preaching to the people who came there. He kept saying,
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\v 46 If you love only the people who love you, do not expect God to reward you at all! Even people who do terrible things, such as tax collectors, love those who love them. You must act better than they do! \v 46 If you love only the people who love you, do not expect God to reward you at all! Even people who do terrible things, such as tax collectors, love those who love them. You must act better than they do!
\v 47 Yes, and if you greet only your friends and ask God to bless them, you are not acting any better than other people. Even non-Jews, who do not obey God's law, do the same thing! \v 47 Yes, and if you greet only your friends and ask God to bless them, you are not acting any better than other people. Even Gentiles, who do not obey God's law, do the same thing!
\v 48 So you must be completely faithful to God your Father in heaven, just as he is completely faithful to you. \v 48 So you must be completely faithful to God your Father in heaven, just as he is completely faithful to you.
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@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ John answered, "No."
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\v 34 Jesus said, "I will tell what I am most hungry for: It is to do what my Father who sent me wants and to complete all his work. \v 34 Jesus said, "I will tell what I am most hungry for: It is to do what my Father who sent me wants and to complete all his work.
\v 35 At this time of the year you usually say, 'There are four months left, and then we will harvest the crops.' Yet look all around you! The fields are ready for harvest at this moment. The non-Jews are now wanting God to rule over them; they are like the fields that are now ready to be harvested. \v 35 At this time of the year you usually say, 'There are four months left, and then we will harvest the crops.' Yet look all around you! The fields are ready for harvest at this moment. The fields are like the fields that are now ready to be harvested.
\v 36 The one who believes this and is ready to work in this kind of harvest is already receiving his payment and is gathering much fruit for eternal life. Those who sow the seed and those who reap the harvest will be glad together. \v 36 The one who believes this and is ready to work in this kind of harvest is already receiving his payment and is gathering much fruit for eternal life. Those who sow the seed and those who reap the harvest will be glad together.
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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
\v 8 But all of us hear them speaking our own language that we learned from birth! \v 8 But all of us hear them speaking our own language that we learned from birth!
\v 9 Some of us are from the regions of Parthia and Media and Elam, and others of us are from the regions of Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia. \v 9 Some of us are from the regions of Parthia and Media and Elam, and others of us are from the regions of Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia.
\v 10 There are some people there from Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the regions in Libya that are near the city of Cyrene. There are others of us who are here visiting Jerusalem from Rome. \v 10 There are some people there from Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the regions in Libya that are near the city of Cyrene. There are others of us who are here visiting Jerusalem from Rome.
\v 11 They include native Jews as well as non-Jews who believe what we Jews believe. And others of us are from the Island of Crete and from the region of Arabia. So how is it that these people are speaking our languages about the great things God has done?" \v 11 They include native Jews as well as Gentiles who believe what we Jews believe. And others of us are from the Island of Crete and from the region of Arabia. So how is it that these people are speaking our languages about the great things God has done?"
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\v 12 The people were amazed and did not know what to think about what was happening. So they asked one another, "What does this mean?" \v 12 The people were amazed and did not know what to think about what was happening. So they asked one another, "What does this mean?"
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\v 22 Peter continued speaking, "Men of Israel, listen to me! When Jesus from Nazareth lived among you, God proved to you that he had sent him by making him able to do many amazing miracles that showed that he was from God. You yourselves know that this is true. \v 22 Peter continued speaking, "Men of Israel, listen to me! When Jesus from Nazareth lived among you, God proved to you that he had sent him by making him able to do many amazing miracles that showed that he was from God. You yourselves know that this is true.
\v 23 Even though you knew that, you handed this man Jesus over into the hands of his enemies. However, God had already planned for that, and he knew all about it. Then you urged men who do not obey God's law to kill Jesus. They did that by nailing him to a cross. \v 23 Even though you knew that, you handed this man Jesus over into the hands of his enemies. However, God had already planned for that, and he knew all about it. Then you urged men who do not have God's law to kill Jesus. They did that by nailing him to a cross.
\v 24 He died, but God raised him up again, because it was not possible for him to remain dead. God caused Jesus to become alive again." \v 24 He died, but God raised him up again, because it was not possible for him to remain dead. God caused Jesus to become alive again."
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\c 10 \c 10
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\v 1 There was a man who lived in the city of Caesarea whose name was Cornelius. He was an officer who commanded one hundred men in a large group of Roman soldiers from Italy. \v 1 There was a man who lived in the city of Caesarea whose name was Cornelius. He was an officer who commanded one hundred men in a large group of Roman soldiers from Italy.
\v 2 He always tried to do what would please God; he and his entire household were non-Jews who habitually worshiped God. He sometimes gave money to help poor Jewish people, and he prayed to God regularly. \v 2 He always tried to do what would please God; he and his entire household worshiped God. He sometimes gave much money to help poor people, and he prayed to God regularly.
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\v 44 While Peter was still speaking those words, suddenly the Holy Spirit came down on all those people from other nations who were listening to the message. \v 44 While Peter was still speaking those words, suddenly the Holy Spirit came down on all those people from other nations who were listening to the message.
\v 45 The Jewish believers who had come with Peter from Joppa were amazed that God had generously given the Holy Spirit to people from all different nations, too. \v 45 The Jewish believers who had come with Peter from Joppa were amazed that God had generously given the Holy Spirit to the Gentile people, as well.
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\v 46 The Jewish believers knew that God had done that because they were hearing those people speaking languages that they had not learned and telling how great God is. Then Peter said \v 46 The Jewish believers knew that God had done that because they were hearing those people speaking languages that they had not learned and telling how great God is. Then Peter said
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\v 1 The apostles and other believers who lived in various towns in the province of Judea heard people say that some non-Jewish people had also believed the message of God about Jesus. \v 1 The apostles and other believers who lived in various towns in the province of Judea heard people say that the Gentiles had also believed the message of God about Jesus.
\v 2 But there were some Jewish believers in Jerusalem who wanted all followers of Christ to be circumcised. When Peter returned from Caesarea to Jerusalem, they met with him and criticized him. \v 2 But there were some Jewish believers in Jerusalem who wanted all followers of Christ to be circumcised. When Peter returned from Caesarea to Jerusalem, they met with him and criticized him.
\v 3 They said to him, "Not only was it wrong for you to visit in the homes of uncircumcised non-Jews, you even ate with them!" \v 3 They said to him, "Not only was it wrong for you to visit in the homes of uncircumcised men, you even ate with them!"
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@ -867,9 +867,9 @@
\v 16 Then I remembered what the Lord had said: 'John baptized you with water, but God will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.' \v 16 Then I remembered what the Lord had said: 'John baptized you with water, but God will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.'
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\v 17 God gave those non-Jews the same Holy Spirit that he had given to us after we had believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. So I could not possibly tell God that he did wrong when he gave them the Holy Spirit!" \v 17 God gave the Gentiles the same Holy Spirit that he had given to us after we had believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. So I could not possibly tell God that he did wrong when he gave them the Holy Spirit!"
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\v 18 After those Jewish believers heard what Peter said, they stopped criticizing him. Instead, they praised God, saying, "Then it is clear to us that God has also accepted the non-Jews so that they will have eternal life, if they turn from their sinful behavior." \v 18 After those Jewish believers heard what Peter said, they stopped criticizing him. Instead, they praised God, saying, "Then it is clear to us that God has also accepted the Gentiles so that they will have eternal life, so that they turned from their sinful behavior."
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@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@
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\v 42 As Paul and Barnabas started to leave that place, many of the people there asked them to return on the next Sabbath and say these things to them again. \v 42 As Paul and Barnabas started to leave that place, many of the people there asked them to return on the next Sabbath and say these things to them again.
\v 43 When the meeting was over, many of them began to follow Paul and Barnabas. The people in this crowd had both Jews and non-Jews who both worshiped God. Paul and Barnabas continued talking to them, and were urging them to continue to trust that God kindly forgives people's sins because of what Jesus did. \v 43 When the meeting was over, many of them began to follow Paul and Barnabas. The people in this crowd had both Jews and Gentiles who both worshiped God. Paul and Barnabas continued talking to them, and were urging them to continue to trust that God kindly forgives people's sins because of what Jesus did.
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@ -1054,13 +1054,13 @@
\v 45 But the leaders of the Jews became extremely jealous when they saw the large crowds of people that were coming to hear Paul and Barnabas. So they began to contradict the things that Paul was saying and also to insult him. \v 45 But the leaders of the Jews became extremely jealous when they saw the large crowds of people that were coming to hear Paul and Barnabas. So they began to contradict the things that Paul was saying and also to insult him.
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\v 46 Then, speaking very boldly, Paul and Barnabas said to those Jewish leaders, "We had to speak the message from God about Jesus to you Jews first before we proclaim it to non-Jews, because God commanded us to do that. But you are rejecting God's message. By doing that, you have shown that you are not worthy of eternal life. Therefore, we are leaving you, and now we will go to the non-Jewish people to tell them the message from God. \v 46 Then, speaking very boldly, Paul and Barnabas said to those Jewish leaders, "We had to speak the message from God about Jesus to you Jews first before we proclaim it to Gentiles, because God commanded us to do that. But you are rejecting God's message. By doing that, you have shown that you are not worthy of eternal life. Therefore, we are leaving you, and now we will go to the Gentiles to tell them the message from God.
\v 47 We are doing this also because the Lord has commanded us to do it. He said in the scriptures, \v 47 We are doing this also because the Lord has commanded us to do it. He said in the scriptures,
\q 'I have chosen you to reveal things about me to non-Jewish people that will be like a light to them. I have chosen you to tell people everywhere in the world the message that I want to save them.'" \q 'I have chosen you to reveal things about me to the Gentiles that will be like a light to them. I have chosen you to tell people everywhere in the world the message that I want to save them.'"
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\v 48 When the non-Jewish people heard those words, they began to rejoice, and they gave God praise for the message about Jesus. All of the non-Jewish people whom God had chosen for eternal life believed the message about the Lord Jesus. \v 48 When the Gentiles heard those words, they began to rejoice, and they gave God praise for the message about Jesus. All of the non-Jewish people whom God had chosen for eternal life believed the message about the Lord Jesus.
\v 49 At that time, many of the believers traveled around throughout that region, spreading the message about the Lord Jesus everywhere they went. \v 49 At that time, many of the believers traveled around throughout that region, spreading the message about the Lord Jesus everywhere they went.
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\c 14 \c 14
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\v 1 At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish meeting place and spoke very powerfully about the Lord Jesus. As a result, many Jews and also non-Jews believed in Jesus. \v 1 At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish meeting place and spoke very powerfully about the Lord Jesus. As a result, many Jews and Gentiles believed in Jesus.
\v 2 But some of the Jews refused to believe that message. They told the non-Jews not to believe it; they made some of the non-Jews angry toward the believers there. \v 2 But some of the Jews refused to believe that message. They told the Gentiles not to believe it; they turned some of the Gentiles against the believers there.
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\v 3 So Paul and Barnabas spent a long time there speaking boldly for the Lord, and the Lord Jesus enabled them to do many miracles. In this way he showed people the truth of the message that, even though we do not deserve it, the Lord saves us. \v 3 So Paul and Barnabas spent a long time there speaking boldly for the Lord, and the Lord Jesus enabled them to do many miracles. In this way he showed people the truth of the message that, even though we do not deserve it, the Lord saves us.
@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@
\v 4 The people who lived in Iconium had two different opinions. Some agreed with the Jews. Others agreed with the apostles. \v 4 The people who lived in Iconium had two different opinions. Some agreed with the Jews. Others agreed with the apostles.
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\v 5 Then the non-Jewish people and the Jews who opposed Paul and Barnabas talked among themselves about how they could mistreat Paul and Barnabas. Some of the important men in that city agreed to help them. Together, they decided that they would kill Paul and Barnabas by throwing stones at them. \v 5 The Gentiles and the Jews who had opposed Paul and Barnabas talked among themselves about how they could mistreat Paul and Barnabas. Some of the important men in that city agreed to help them. Together, they decided that they would kill Paul and Barnabas by throwing stones at them.
\v 6 But Paul and Barnabas heard about their plan, so they quickly went away to the district of Lycaonia. They went to the cities of Lystra and Derbe in that district and to the surrounding area. \v 6 But Paul and Barnabas heard about their plan, so they quickly went away to the district of Lycaonia. They went to the cities of Lystra and Derbe in that district and to the surrounding area.
\v 7 While they were in that area, they continually told the people the message about the Lord Jesus. \v 7 While they were in that area, they continually told the people the message about the Lord Jesus.
@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@
\v 26 There they got on a ship and went back to the city of Antioch in the province of Syria. That was the place where Paul and Barnabas had been chosen to go to other places and preach, and where the believers had asked God to help Paul and Barnabas in the work that they had now completed. \v 26 There they got on a ship and went back to the city of Antioch in the province of Syria. That was the place where Paul and Barnabas had been chosen to go to other places and preach, and where the believers had asked God to help Paul and Barnabas in the work that they had now completed.
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\v 27 When they arrived in the city of Antioch, they called the believers together. Then Paul and Barnabas told them all that God had helped them to do. Specifically, they told them how God had enabled many non-Jewish people to believe in Jesus. \v 27 When they arrived in the city of Antioch, they called the believers together. Then Paul and Barnabas told them all that God had helped them to do. Specifically, they told them how God gave many Gentiles the gift of faith to believe in Jesus.
\v 28 Then Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch with the other believers for a long time. \v 28 Then Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch with the other believers for a long time.
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@ -1136,32 +1136,32 @@
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\v 3 After Paul, Barnabas, and the others were sent on their way by the believers in Antioch, they traveled through the provinces of Phoenicia and Samaria. When they stopped at different places along the way, they reported to the believers that many non-Jews had become believers. As a result, all the believers in those places rejoiced greatly. \v 3 After Paul, Barnabas, and the others were sent on their way by the believers in Antioch, they traveled through the provinces of Phoenicia and Samaria. When they stopped at different places along the way, they reported to the believers that many Gentiles had become believers. As a result, all the believers in those places rejoiced greatly.
\v 4 When Paul, Barnabas, and the others arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the apostles, other elders, and the other believers in the group there. Then Paul and Barnabas reported the things that God had enabled them to do among non-Jewish people. \v 4 When Paul, Barnabas, and the others arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the apostles, other elders, and the other believers in the group there. Then Paul and Barnabas reported the things that God had enabled them to do among non-Jewish people.
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\v 5 But some of the Jewish believers who belonged to the Pharisee sect stood up among the other believers and said to them, "The non-Jews who have believed in Jesus must be circumcised, and they must be told to obey the laws that God gave to Moses." \v 5 But some of the Jewish believers who belonged to the Pharisee sect stood up among the other believers and said to them, "The Gentiles who have believed in Jesus must be circumcised, and they must be told to obey the laws that God gave to Moses."
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\v 6 Then the apostles and the elders met together in order to talk about this matter. \v 6 Then the apostles and the elders met together in order to talk about this matter.
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\v 7 After they had discussed it for a long time, Peter stood up and spoke to them. He said, "Fellow believers, you all know that a long time ago God chose me from among you other apostles, in order that I might tell the non-Jewish people also about God's love, and in order that they might believe in him. \v 7 After they had discussed it for a long time, Peter stood up and spoke to them. He said, "Fellow believers, you all know that a long time ago God chose me from among you other apostles, in order that I might also tell the Gentiles that God had chosen many of them, and that the Gentiles would receive the message of the Gospel and believe.
\v 8 God knows the hearts of all people. He showed me and others that he had accepted the non-Jews to be his people by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just like he had also done for us. \v 8 God knows the hearts of all people. He showed me and others that he had accepted the Gentiles to be his people by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just like he had also done for us.
\v 9 God made no distinction between us and them, because he made them clean inside simply as a result of their believing in the Lord Jesus. That is exactly how he has forgiven us. \v 9 God made no distinction between us and them, because he made them clean inside simply as a result of their believing in the Lord Jesus. That is exactly how he has forgiven us.
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\v 10 Why do you want to force the non-Jewish believers to obey our Jewish rituals and laws? Doing that is like putting a heavy burden on them, because it forces them to obey laws that even our ancestors broke and that we Jews today have never been able to keep! So then, stop making God angry by doing that! \v 10 Why do you want to force the disciples and force them to obey our Jewish rituals and laws? Doing that is like putting a heavy burden on them, because it forces them to obey laws that even our ancestors broke and that we have never been able to keep!
\v 11 We know that God saves us Jews from our sins because of what the Lord Jesus did for us. God saves us Jews exactly like he saves those non-Jews who believe in the Lord Jesus." \v 11 We know that God saves us Jews from our sins because of what the Lord Jesus did for us. God saves the Jewish believers exactly like he saves the Gentiles who believe in the Lord Jesus."
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\v 12 All the people there became silent after Peter had spoken. Then they all listened to Barnabas and Paul, as the two of them told about the many great miracles that God had enabled them to do among the non-Jewish people, miracles that showed that God had accepted the non-Jews. \v 12 All the people there became silent after Peter had spoken. Then they all listened to Barnabas and Paul, as the two of them told about the many great miracles that God had enabled them to do among the Gentiles.
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\v 13 When Barnabas and Paul had finished speaking, James, the leader of the group of believers in Jerusalem, spoke to them. He said, "Fellow believers, listen to me. \v 13 When Barnabas and Paul had finished speaking, James, the leader of the group of believers in Jerusalem, spoke to them. He said, "Fellow believers, listen to me.
\v 14 Simon Peter has told you how God previously blessed the non-Jews. God did that by choosing from among them a people who would belong to himself. \v 14 Simon Peter has told you how God had show his care for the Gentiles. God did that by choosing from among the Gentiles those who would belong to himself.
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\v 15 The words that God spoke long ago, words that were written by one of the prophets, agree with that: \v 15 The words that God spoke long ago, words that were written by one of the prophets, agree with that:
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\v 19 James continued to speak. He said, "Therefore I think that we should stop bothering the Gentiles who are turning away from their sins and are turning to God. \v 19 James continued to speak. He said, "Therefore I think that we should stop bothering the Gentiles who are turning away from their sins and are turning to God.
\v 20 Instead, we should write a letter to them, requiring only four things: They should not eat meat that people have offered to idols, they should not sleep with someone to whom they are not married, they should not eat meat from animals that have been killed by being strangled, and they should not eat the blood of animals. \v 20 Instead, we should write a letter to them, requiring only four things: They should not eat meat that people have offered to idols, they should not sleep with someone to whom they are not married, they should not eat meat from animals that have been killed by being strangled, and they should not eat the blood of animals.
\v 21 In many cities, for a very long time people have been proclaiming the laws that Moses wrote, laws prohibiting those things. And every Sabbath those laws are read in the Jewish meeting places. So if the non-Jews want to know more about those laws, they can find out in our meeting houses." \v 21 In many cities, for a very long time people have been proclaiming the laws that Moses wrote, laws prohibiting those things. And every Sabbath those laws are read in the Jewish meeting places. So if the Gentiles want to know more about those laws, they can find out in our meeting houses."
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\v 3 Aquila and Priscilla made tents to earn money. Paul also made tents, so he stayed with them, and they worked together. \v 3 Aquila and Priscilla made tents to earn money. Paul also made tents, so he stayed with them, and they worked together.
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\v 4 Every Sabbath, Paul went to the Jewish meeting place, where he spoke to both Jews and non-Jews. He taught them about Jesus. \v 4 Every Sabbath, Paul went to the Jewish meeting place, where he spoke to both Jews and Greeks. He taught them about Jesus.
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\v 5 When Silas and Timothy came from the region of Macedonia, Paul was strongly moved by the Spirit to tell the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. \v 5 When Silas and Timothy came from the region of Macedonia, Paul was strongly moved by the Spirit to tell the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.
\v 6 But the Jews began to turn against Paul and to say evil things about him. So he shook the dust from his clothes and he said to them, "If God punishes you, it is your responsibility, not mine! From now on I will talk to those who are not Jewish!" \v 6 But the Jews began to turn against Paul and to say evil things about him. So he shook the dust from his clothes and he said to them, "If God punishes you, it is your responsibility, not mine! From now on I will talk to those who are not Jewish!"
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\v 8 For three months after that, Paul entered the Jewish meeting place in Ephesus on each Sabbath and taught and persuaded people about Jesus and how God would show himself as king. \v 8 For three months after that, Paul entered the Jewish meeting place in Ephesus on each Sabbath and taught and persuaded people about Jesus and how God would show himself as king.
\v 9 But some of the Jews would not believe the message and did not want to to hear it any more. They said many bad things about what Paul was teaching. So Paul left them and took the believers with him to meet in the meeting place of Tyrannus. \v 9 But some of the Jews would not believe the message and did not want to to hear it any more. They said many bad things about what Paul was teaching. So Paul left them and took the believers with him to meet in the meeting place of Tyrannus.
\v 10 For two years Paul taught people there. In this way, most of the Jews and non-Jews who lived in the region of Asia heard the message about the Lord Jesus. \v 10 For two years Paul taught people there. In this way, most of the Jews and Greeks who lived in the region of Asia heard the message about the Lord Jesus.
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\v 15 But one day as they were doing that, the evil spirit did not come out of that person. Instead, the evil spirit said to them, "I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but no one has given you power to do anything to me!" \v 15 But one day as they were doing that, the evil spirit did not come out of that person. Instead, the evil spirit said to them, "I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but no one has given you power to do anything to me!"
\v 16 After saying that, suddenly the man who had the evil spirit jumped on the sons of Sceva. He knocked all of them down and hurt each of them. He tore off their clothes and wounded them. They became frightened and ran out of the house. \v 16 After saying that, suddenly the man who had the evil spirit jumped on the sons of Sceva. He knocked all of them down and hurt each of them. He tore off their clothes and wounded them. They became frightened and ran out of the house.
\v 17 All the people who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and non-Jews, heard what had happened. They became afraid because they saw that the man with the evil spirit was very strong. At the same time, they honored the name of the Lord Jesus. \v 17 All the people who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, heard what had happened. They became afraid because they saw that the man with the evil spirit was very strong. At the same time, they honored the name of the Lord Jesus.
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\v 33 Some of the Jews advised a Jewish man named Alexander, and they pushed him to the front of the crowd. So Alexander waved his hands to make the people stop shouting. He wanted to give a defense before the people there. \v 33 Some of the Jews advised a Jewish man named Alexander, and they pushed him to the front of the crowd. So Alexander waved his hands to make the people stop shouting. He wanted to give a defense before the people there.
\v 34 But many of the non-Jewish people knew that Alexander was a Jew and knew that the Jews did not worship the goddess Artemis. So the non-Jews shouted for two hours, "Great is the goddess Artemis of the Ephesians!" \v 34 But many of the non-Jewish people knew that Alexander was a Jew and knew that the Jews did not worship the goddess Artemis. So the people shouted for two hours, "Great is the goddess Artemis of the Ephesians!"
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\v 18 When the elders came to him, Paul said to them, "From the first day when I arrived here in the province of Asia until the day I left, you know how I acted among you the entire time that I was with you. \v 18 When the elders came to him, Paul said to them, "From the first day when I arrived here in the province of Asia until the day I left, you know how I acted among you the entire time that I was with you.
\v 19 You know how I kept serving the Lord Jesus very humbly and how I sometimes wept. You also know how I suffered because the Jews who were not believers often tried to harm me. \v 19 You know how I kept serving the Lord Jesus very humbly and how I sometimes wept. You also know how I suffered because the Jews who were not believers often tried to harm me.
\v 20 You also know that, when I preached God's message to you, I never left out anything that would help you. You know that I taught you God's message when many people were present, and I also went to your homes and taught you there. \v 20 You also know that, when I preached God's message to you, I never left out anything that would help you. You know that I taught you God's message when many people were present, and I also went to your homes and taught you there.
\v 21 I preached both to Jews and to non-Jews, telling them all that they must turn away from their sinful behavior and believe in our Lord Jesus. \v 21 I preached both to Jews and Greeks, telling them all that they must turn away from their sinful behavior and believe in our Lord Jesus.
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\v 10 After we had been in Philip's house for several days, a believer whose name was Agabus came down from the district of Judea and arrived in Caesarea. He frequently spoke messages that the Holy Spirit had told him. \v 10 After we had been in Philip's house for several days, a believer whose name was Agabus came down from the district of Judea and arrived in Caesarea. He frequently spoke messages that the Holy Spirit had told him.
\v 11 Coming over to where we were, he took off Paul's belt. Then he tied his own feet and hands with it and said, "The Holy Spirit says, 'The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will tie up the hands and feet of the owner of this belt, like this, and they will put him in the hands of non-Jewish people as a prisoner.'" \v 11 Coming over to where we were, he took off Paul's belt. Then he tied his own feet and hands with it and said, "The Holy Spirit says, 'The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will tie up the hands and feet of the owner of this belt, like this, and they will turned him over to the Gentiles as a prisoner.'"
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\v 17 When we arrived in Jerusalem, a group of the believers greeted us happily. \v 17 When we arrived in Jerusalem, a group of the believers greeted us happily.
\v 18 The next day Paul and the rest of us went to speak with James, who was the leader of the church there. All of the other leaders of the church in Jerusalem were also there. \v 18 The next day Paul and the rest of us went to speak with James, who was the leader of the church there. All of the other leaders of the church in Jerusalem were also there.
\v 19 Paul greeted them, and then he told them all of the things that God had enabled him to do among the non-Jewish people. \v 19 Paul greeted them, and then he told them all of the things that God had enabled him to do among the Gentiles.
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\v 20 When they heard that, James and the other elders thanked God. Then one of them said to Paul, "Brother, you know that there are very many thousands of us Jewish people here who have believed in the Lord Jesus. Also, you know that we all continue very carefully to obey the laws that Moses gave us. \v 20 When they heard that, James and the other elders thanked God. Then one of them said to Paul, "Brother, you know that there are very many thousands of us Jewish people here who have believed in the Lord Jesus. Also, you know that we all continue very carefully to obey the laws that Moses gave us.
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\v 27 When the seven days for purifying themselves were nearly finished, Paul returned to the temple courtyard. Some Jews from Asia saw him there, and they were very angry at him. They called out to many other Jews who were in the temple courtyard to help them take hold of Paul. \v 27 When the seven days for purifying themselves were nearly finished, Paul returned to the temple courtyard. Some Jews from Asia saw him there, and they were very angry at him. They called out to many other Jews who were in the temple courtyard to help them take hold of Paul.
\v 28 They shouted, "Men of Israel, come and help us to punish this man! This is the one who is teaching people wherever he goes that they should despise the Jewish people. He teaches people that they should no longer obey the laws of Moses nor respect this holy temple. He has even brought Gentiles here into the court of our temple, causing this place to become polluted!" \v 28 They shouted, "Men of Israel, come and help us to punish this man! This is the one who is teaching people wherever he goes that they should despise the Jewish people. He teaches people that they should no longer obey the laws of Moses nor respect this holy temple. He has even brought Gentiles here into the court of our temple, causing this place to become polluted!"
\v 29 They said these because they had seen Paul walking around in Jerusalem with Trophimus, who was a Gentile. Their laws did not permit non-Jews to be in the temple, and they thought that Paul had brought Trophimus into the temple courtyard that day. \v 29 They said these because they had seen Paul walking around in Jerusalem with Trophimus, who was a Gentile. They thought that Paul had brought Trophimus into the temple courtyard that day.
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\v 30 People all over the city heard that there was trouble at the temple courtyard, and they came running there. They caught Paul and dragged him outside of the temple area. The gates to the temple courtyard were shut, so that the people would not riot inside the temple area. \v 30 People all over the city heard that there was trouble at the temple courtyard, and they came running there. They caught Paul and dragged him outside of the temple area. The gates to the temple courtyard were shut, so that the people would not riot inside the temple area.
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\v 19 But I said to him, 'Lord, they know that I went to many of our synagogues looking for people who believe in you. I was putting in jail those whom I found who believed in you, and I was even beating them. \v 19 But I said to him, 'Lord, they know that I went to many of our synagogues looking for people who believe in you. I was putting in jail those whom I found who believed in you, and I was even beating them.
\v 20 They remember that when Stephen was killed because he told people about you, I stood there watching and approving of what they were doing. I even guarded the outer clothes that those who were murdering him had thrown aside!' \v 20 They remember that when Stephen was killed because he told people about you, I stood there watching and approving of what they were doing. I even guarded the outer clothes that those who were murdering him had thrown aside!'
\v 21 But the Lord said to me, 'No, do not stay here! Leave Jerusalem, because I am going to send you far away from here to other peoples, the non-Jews!' \v 21 But the Lord said to me, 'No, do not stay here! Leave Jerusalem, because I am going to send you far away to the Gentiles!'
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\v 15 "Then I said, 'Who are you, Lord?' \v 15 "Then I said, 'Who are you, Lord?'
\p He said, 'I am Jesus! I am the one you are fighting against. \p He said, 'I am Jesus! I am the one you are fighting against.
\v 16 But get up and stand on your feet! I have appeared to you in order to make you into a servant and a witness both of what you have seen of what you know about me now and what I will show you later. \v 16 But get up and stand on your feet! I have appeared to you in order to make you into a servant and a witness both of what you have seen of what you know about me now and what I will show you later.
\v 17 I will protect you from the people and the non-Jews to whom I will send you, \v 17 I will protect you from your own people and from the Gentiles, to whom I will send you,
\v 18 in order to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of the enemy to God. In this way God will forgive their sins and give to them the things that all my people will have forever, the people who belong to me by faith.' \v 18 in order to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of the enemy to God. In this way God will forgive their sins and give to them the things that all my people will have forever, the people who belong to me by faith.'
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\v 19 "So, King Agrippa, I did what God told me in a vision to do. \v 19 "So, King Agrippa, I did what God told me in a vision to do.
\v 20 First, I spoke to the Jews in Damascus and those in Jerusalem, and in all the countryside of Judea, and to the non-Jews there also. I told them that they should stop sinning and ask God for help. I told them also that they should do those things that show that they have stopped sinning. \v 20 First, I spoke to the Jews in Damascus and those in Jerusalem, and in all the countryside of Judea, and to the Gentiles there also. I told them that they should stop sinning and ask God for help. I told them also that they should do those things that show that they have stopped sinning.
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\v 21 "It is because I preached this message that some Jews seized me when I was in the temple courtyard and tried to kill me. \v 21 "It is because I preached this message that some Jews seized me when I was in the temple courtyard and tried to kill me.
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\v 28 Therefore, you should know that God is offering to save the non-Jews, and they will listen." \v 28 Therefore, you should know that God sent this salvation the Gentiles, and they will listen."
\v 29 \f + \ft Acts 28:29 - the oldest and most accurate ancient copies of the book of Acts do not include the additional words found in Acts 28:29; and for that reason they are not included here. \f* \v 29 \f + \ft Acts 28:29 - the oldest and most accurate ancient copies of the book of Acts do not include the additional words found in Acts 28:29; and for that reason they are not included here. \f*
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\v 4 As to his divine nature, it was powerfully shown that he is God's own Son. God showed this when his Holy Spirit caused him to become alive again after he died. He is Jesus Christ our Lord. \v 4 As to his divine nature, it was powerfully shown that he is God's own Son. God showed this when his Holy Spirit caused him to become alive again after he died. He is Jesus Christ our Lord.
\v 5 He has shown us great kindness and appointed us to be apostles. He did that in order that many among all the nations would believe in him and obey him. \v 5 He has shown us great kindness and appointed us to be apostles. He did that in order that many among all the Gentiles would believe in him and obey him.
\v 6 You believers who are living in Rome are included among those whom God has chosen to belong to Jesus Christ. \v 6 You believers who are living in Rome are included among those whom God has chosen to belong to Jesus Christ.
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\v 12 I mean that I want us to encourage each other by telling each other how we trust in Jesus. \v 12 I mean that I want us to encourage each other by telling each other how we trust in Jesus.
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\v 13 My fellow believers, many times I planned to visit you. I certainly want you to know that. But I have not been able to come to you because something has always stopped me. I have wanted to come in order that more people among you might trust in Jesus, just as in other places among the non-Jews. \v 13 My fellow believers, many times I planned to visit you. I certainly want you to know that. But I have not been able to come to you because something has always stopped me. I have wanted to come in order that more people among you might trust in Jesus, that his name would be honored among all the Gentiles.
\v 14 I feel obliged to proclaim the good news to all non-Jewish people, to those who speak Greek and to those who do not, to people who are smart and to those who are unintelligent. \v 14 I feel obliged to proclaim the good news to all those who speak Greek and to those who do not, to people who are smart and to those who are unintelligent.
\v 15 As a result, what I have eagerly desired is that I might proclaim this good news to you who are living in Rome also. \v 15 As a result, what I have eagerly desired is that I might proclaim this good news to you who are living in Rome also.
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\v 16 I am not ashamed of proclaiming the good news of what Christ has done for us, because this good news is the powerful way in which God saves those who trust in what Christ has done for them. Specifically, God first saves the Jews who believe the good news, and then he saves non-Jews. \v 16 I am not ashamed of proclaiming the good news of what Christ has done for us, because this good news is the powerful way in which God saves those who trust in what Christ has done for them. Specifically, God first saves the Jews who believe the good news, and then he saves the Gentiles.
\v 17 By means of this good news God reveals how he puts people right with himself. This is like what a prophet wrote long ago in the scriptures: "Those whom God puts right with himself will live because they trust him." \v 17 By means of this good news God reveals how he puts people right with himself. This is like what a prophet wrote long ago in the scriptures: "Those whom God puts right with himself will live because they trust him."
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\v 18 God in heaven makes it clear that he is angry with all who show no respect for him and who do wicked things. He shows them that they deserve for him to punish them. Because they do wicked things, they also keep other people from knowing what is true about God. \v 18 God in heaven makes it clear that he is angry with all who show no respect for him and who do wicked things. He shows them that they deserve for him to punish them. Because they do wicked things, they also keep other people from knowing what is true about God.
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\v 19 All non-Jews can clearly know what God is like, because God himself has revealed this to everyone. \v 19 What God is like is plain to all, because God himself has revealed this to everyone.
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\v 20 People cannot actually see with their eyes what God is like. But ever since he created the world, the things in it make us understand things about him—for example, he has always been able to do powerful things. Another example is that everyone knows that he is completely different from all that he has created. So no one is able to say truthfully, "We never knew about God." \v 20 People cannot actually see with their eyes what God is like. But ever since he created the world, the things in it make us understand things about him—for example, he has always been able to do powerful things. Another example is that everyone knows that he is completely different from all that he has created. So no one is able to say truthfully, "We never knew about God."
\v 21 Although non-Jews knew what God is like, they did not honor him as God, nor did they thank him for what he had done. But instead, they began to think foolish things about him, and they were no longer able to understand what he wanted them to know about himself. \v 21 Although they knew what God is like, they did not honor him as God, nor did they thank him for what he had done. But instead, they began to think foolish things about him, and they were no longer able to understand what he wanted them to know about himself.
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\v 22 Although they claimed that they were wise, they became foolish, \v 22 Although they claimed that they were wise, they became foolish,
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\v 24 So God allowed the non-Jews to do immoral sexual things that they strongly desired, things that they thought they had to do, because they wanted so much to do them. As a result, they began to dishonor each other's bodies by their sexual actions. \v 24 So God allowed them to do immoral sexual things that they strongly desired, things that they thought they had to do, because they wanted so much to do them. As a result, they began to dishonor each other's bodies by their sexual actions.
\v 25 Also, they chose to worship false gods instead of admitting what is true about God. They worshiped things that God created instead of worshiping him, the one who created everything, the one whom we should all praise forever! Amen. \v 25 Also, they chose to worship false gods instead of admitting what is true about God. They worshiped things that God created instead of worshiping him, the one who created everything, the one whom we should all praise forever! Amen.
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\v 26 So God allowed the non-Jews to do shameful sexual things that they strongly desired. As a result, many women began sleeping with other women—something that goes against nature. \v 26 So God let them follow their shameful lusts. For their women began sleeping with other women—something that goes against nature.
\v 27 Similarly, many men abandoned their natural relationships with women. Instead, they developed strong sexual desires for each other. They committed homosexual acts with other men, acts that were shameful. As a result, God has punished them by sicknesses in their bodies, which is the direct consequence of that kind of sin. \v 27 Similarly, many men abandoned their natural relationships with women. Instead, they developed strong sexual desires for each other. They committed homosexual acts with other men, acts that were shameful. As a result, God has punished them by sicknesses in their bodies, which is the direct consequence of that kind of sin.
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\v 8 But some people act in selfish ways and refuse to believe that what God says is true, and they do the things that God says are wrong. God will be very angry and will punish them severely. \v 8 But some people act in selfish ways and refuse to believe that what God says is true, and they do the things that God says are wrong. God will be very angry and will punish them severely.
\v 9 He will cause everyone who habitually does evil deeds to suffer greatly and to have many troubles. This certainly will happen to the Jews who refuse to accept God's message, because God gave them the privilege of being his special people, but it will also happen to the non-Jews. \v 9 He will cause everyone who habitually does evil deeds to suffer greatly and to have many troubles. This certainly will happen to the Jews who refuse to accept God's message, because God gave them the privilege of being his special people, but it will also happen to the Gentiles.
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\v 10 But God will praise, honor, and give peace to every person who habitually does good deeds. He will certainly do this for the Jews because he chose them as his special people, but he will also do it for the non-Jews. \v 10 But God will praise, honor, and give peace to every person who habitually does good deeds. He will certainly do this for the Jews because he chose them as his special people, but he will also do it for the Gentiles.
\v 11 God will do this fairly, because he pays no attention to how important anyone is. \v 11 God will do this fairly, because he pays no attention to how important anyone is.
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\v 12 Although non-Jews do not have the laws that God gave to Moses and still sin without having a law, God will bring them to ruin forever. And he will also punish all the Jews who have disobeyed his law, because he will judge them according to what the law says. \v 12 Those who do not have the laws that God gave to Moses and still sin without having a law, God will bring them to ruin forever. And he will also punish all the Jews who have disobeyed his law, because he will judge them according to what the law says.
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\v 13 Those who have only heard about God's law are not righteous before God. No, it is those who have followed the law and obey its commands, they are the ones who will be righteous when they stand before God. Only those who have obeyed God's law are the ones that God makes righteous. \v 13 Those who have only heard about God's law are not righteous before God. No, it is those who have followed the law and obey its commands, they are the ones who will be righteous when they stand before God. Only those who have obeyed God's law are the ones that God makes righteous.
\v 14 Whenever the non-Jews, who do not have the law of God, follow those laws because they obeyed them by the light of nature, they prove that they have a law within themselves, even though they never had the laws that God gave to Moses. \v 14 Whenever the Gentiles, who do not have the law of God, follow those laws because they obeyed them by the light of nature, they prove that they have a law within themselves, even though they never had the laws that God gave to Moses.
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\v 15 They show that they know in their own minds what God commands in his law, for each person in his very own conscience either accuses himself of bad behavior or defends himself. \v 15 They show that they know in their own minds what God commands in his law, for each person in his very own conscience either accuses himself of bad behavior or defends himself.
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\v 17 Now I have something to say to anyone to whom I am writing who is a Jew: You trust that God will save you because you know the laws that he gave to Moses. You boast that you belong to God. \v 17 Now I have something to say to anyone to whom I am writing who is a Jew: You trust that God will save you because you know the laws that he gave to Moses. You boast that you belong to God.
\v 18 You know what God desires. Because you have been taught God's laws, you are able to know which things are right and to choose to do them. \v 18 You know what God desires. Because you have been taught God's laws, you are able to know which things are right and to choose to do them.
\v 19 You are certain that you are able to show God's truth to non-Jews, and that you can instruct those who know nothing about God. \v 19 You are certain that you are able to show people what God's truth is, and that you can instruct those who know nothing about God.
\v 20 You are certain that you can instruct those who believe foolish things about God and those who are like children because they know nothing about him at all. You are certain about all this because you have the law that teaches you truly about God. \v 20 You are certain that you can instruct those who believe foolish things about God and those who are like children because they know nothing about him at all. You are certain about all this because you have the law that teaches you truly about God.
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\v 23 You who boast, saying, "I have God's laws," it is disgusting that you disobey those same laws! As a result you are insulting God! \v 23 You who boast, saying, "I have God's laws," it is disgusting that you disobey those same laws! As a result you are insulting God!
\v 24 It is just as the scriptures tell us, "Because of the evil things that you Jews do, the non-Jews say insulting things about God." \v 24 It is just as the scriptures tell us, "Because of the evil things that you Jewish people do, the Gentiles say insulting things about God."
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\v 25 Any one of you who is circumcised to show that he belongs to God can benefit from that if he obeys the law that he gave to Moses. But if you, a circumcised person, disobey the law, God will consider you to be no better in his sight than someone who is not circumcised. \v 25 Any one of you who is circumcised to show that he belongs to God can benefit from that if he obeys the law that he gave to Moses. But if you, a circumcised person, disobey the law, God will consider you to be no better in his sight than someone who is not circumcised.
\v 26 This means that God will certainly consider that even non-Jews who are not circumcised can become his people if they obey the things that he commanded in his laws. \v 26 This means that God will certainly consider that even Gentiles who are not circumcised can become his people if they obey the things that he commanded in his laws.
\v 27 These people, who are not circumcised but who still obey God's laws, will declare that God is right when he punishes you, for you are circumcised but still break the law. \v 27 These people, who are not circumcised but who still obey God's laws, will declare that God is right when he punishes you, for you are circumcised but still break the law.
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\v 9 Shall we conclude that God will treat us more favorably and will treat the non-Jews less favorably? We can certainly not conclude that! The Jews and also the non-Jews have sinned and so they deserve for God to punish them. \v 9 Shall we conclude that God will treat us Jews more favorably and will treat the Gentiles less favorably? We can certainly not conclude that! The Jews and also the Gentiles have sinned and so they deserve for God to punish them.
\v 10 The following words that are written in the scriptures support this, \v 10 The following words that are written in the scriptures support this,
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\v 19 We know that whatever these laws command, they are for the ones who are required to obey them. This means that Jews or non-Jews are not able to say anything contrary when God demands an answer for having sinned. \v 19 We know that whatever these laws command, they are for the ones who are required to obey them. This means that no one is able to say anything contrary when God demands an answer for having sinned.
\v 20 It is not because people have done the things that God's laws require that God will erase the record of their sins because no one has done those things completely. In fact, the result of our knowing God's laws is that we know clearly that we have sinned. \v 20 It is not because people have done the things that God's laws require that God will erase the record of their sins because no one has done those things completely. In fact, the result of our knowing God's laws is that we know clearly that we have sinned.
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\v 21 When God declares us right with him it does not depend on our obeying the law that he gave Moses. It was written about in the laws and by the prophets that God forgives our sins in a different way. \v 21 When God declares us right with him it does not depend on our obeying the law that he gave Moses. It was written about in the laws and by the prophets that God forgives our sins in a different way.
\v 22 God erases the record of our sins because we trust in what Jesus Christ has done for us. God does this for every person who trusts in Christ because he considers that there is no difference between Jews and non-Jews. \v 22 God erases the record of our sins because we trust in what Jesus Christ has done for us. God does this for every person who trusts in Christ. There is no difference.
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\v 23 All people have done evil, and everyone has failed to accomplish the glorious goals that God set for them. \v 23 All people have done evil, and everyone has failed to accomplish the glorious goals that God set for them.
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\v 28 So it is clear that God makes someone right with himself if that person trusts in Christ—not if that person obeys the law. \v 28 So it is clear that God makes someone right with himself if that person trusts in Christ—not if that person obeys the law.
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\v 29 You who are Jews certainly should not think that you are the only ones whom God will accept! You certainly should realize that he will accept non-Jews too. Of course, he will accept non-Jews, \v 29 You who are Jews certainly should not think that you are the only ones whom God will accept! You certainly should realize that he will accept Gentiles too. Of course, he will accept Gentiles,
\v 30 because, as you firmly believe, there is only one God. It is this same God who will make Jews—who have been circumcised—right with himself because they trust in Christ, and it is also God who will make non-Jews—who have not been circumcised—right with himself, because they also trust in Christ. \v 30 because, as you firmly believe, there is only one God. It is this same God who will make Jews, who have been circumcised, to be right with God because they trust in Christ; and it is also God who will make Gentiles right with God, even those who have not been circumcised, because they also trust in Christ.
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\v 31 If you say that God makes us right with himself because we trust in Christ, does that mean that the law is now useless? Certainly not. Instead, that law is truly valid. \v 31 If you say that God makes us right with himself because we trust in Christ, does that mean that the law is now useless? Certainly not. Instead, that law is truly valid.
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\v 9 Being fortunate like this is not something that only we Jews can experience. No, it is also something that non-Jews can experience. We know this because it is written in the scriptures that Abraham trusted in God, so God considered him to be right with himself. \v 9 Is this blessing something that only circumcised Jews can experience? No, it is also something that Gentiles who have not been circumcised can experience. We know this because it is written in the scriptures that Abraham trusted in God, so God accepted his faith as righteousness.
\v 10 Think about when God did this for Abraham. He did it before Abraham was circumcised, not after. \v 10 Think about when God did this for Abraham. He did it before Abraham was circumcised, not after.
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\v 15 Remember that in reality, God says in his law that he will punish anyone who does not perfectly obey it. Also remember, however, that for people who have no law, it is impossible to disobey it. \v 15 Remember that in reality, God says in his law that he will punish anyone who does not perfectly obey it. Also remember, however, that for people who have no law, it is impossible to disobey it.
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\v 16 So it is because we trust in God that we will receive the things that he has promised to us as a gift, because he is very kind. He gives these things to everyone whom he regards as a true descendant of Abraham—us Jewish believers, who have God's law and trust him, and also those non-Jews who do not have God's laws but who trust in him as Abraham did. For God regards Abraham as the true ancestor of all of us believers. \v 16 So it is because we trust in God that we will receive the things that he has promised to us as a gift, because he is very kind. He gives these things to everyone whom he regards as a true descendant of Abraham who have God's law and trust him, and also those who do not have God's laws but who trust in him as Abraham did. For God regards Abraham as the true ancestor of all of us believers.
\v 17 This is what God said to Abraham in the scriptures: "I will make you the ancestor of many nations." Abraham received this directly from God, who raises dead people to life and creates things out of nothing. \v 17 This is what God said to Abraham in the scriptures: "I will make you the ancestor of many nations." Abraham received this directly from God, who raises dead people to life and creates things out of nothing.
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\v 22 Although God desires to show that he is angry about sin, and although he desires to make clear that he can powerfully punish people who have sinned, he tolerated very patiently the people who caused him to be angry and who deserved to be destroyed. \v 22 Although God desires to show that he is angry about sin, and although he desires to make clear that he can powerfully punish people who have sinned, he tolerated very patiently the people who caused him to be angry and who deserved to be destroyed.
\v 23 God has been patient in order that he might make clear how very wonderfully he acts toward those upon whom he has mercy, those people he prepared ahead of time in order they might experience the glory of God— \v 23 God has been patient in order that he might make clear how very wonderfully he acts toward those upon whom he has mercy, those people he prepared ahead of time in order they might experience the glory of God—
\v 24 that includes even us whom he chose. We were chosen not only from among the Jews, but also from among the non-Jews. \v 24 that includes even us whom he chose. We were chosen not only from among the Jews, but also from among the Gentiles.
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\v 25 God has the right to choose from among both Jews and non-Jews, as the prophet Hosea wrote: \v 25 God has the right to choose from among both Jews and Gentiles, as the prophet Hosea wrote:
\q "Many people who had not been my people, now I will say they are my people. \q "Many people who had not been my people, now I will say they are my people.
\q Many people whom I did not love before, now I will love them." \q Many people whom I did not love before, now I will love them."
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\v 30 We must conclude this: Although the non-Jews were not trying to be holy, they discovered that God would put them right with himself if they trusted in Christ. \v 30 We must conclude this: Although the Gentiles were not trying to be holy, they discovered that God would put them right with himself if they trusted in Christ.
\v 31 But the people of Israel did indeed try to be holy by obeying God's law, but they were not able to. \v 31 But the people of Israel did indeed try to be holy by obeying God's law, but they were not able to.
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\v 11 It is written in the scriptures about the Christ, "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed or ashamed." \v 11 It is written in the scriptures about the Christ, "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed or ashamed."
\v 12 In this way, God treats the Jews and the non-Jews the same. Because he is the same Lord for all people who believe in him, he greatly helps all who ask him to help them. \v 12 In this way, God treats the Jews and the Gentiles the same. Because he is the same Lord for all people who believe in him, he greatly helps all who ask him to help them.
\v 13 This is just like what the scriptures say: "The Lord will save all those who ask him." \v 13 This is just like what the scriptures say: "The Lord will save all those who ask him."
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\v 20 Remember also that God said very boldly through Isaiah, "The non-Jews who did not try to know me will surely find me! I will surely reveal what I am like to those who did not ask for me!" \v 20 Remember also that God said very boldly through Isaiah, "People who did not try to know me will surely find me! I will surely reveal what I am like to those who did not ask for me!"
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\v 21 But God also speaks about Israel, when he says, "For a long time I have held out my arms to the people who disobeyed and rebelled against me in order to invite them to return to me." \v 21 But God also speaks about Israel, when he says, "For a long time I have held out my arms to the people who disobeyed and rebelled against me in order to invite them to return to me."
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\v 11 If someone should ask, "When the Jews sinned by not believing in Christ, did that mean they will always be apart from God?" I would reply, "No, they have certainly not separated themselves from God permanently! Instead, because they sinned, God is saving non-Jews in order to cause the Jews to envy the way he blesses non-Jews, so that they will ask Christ to save them." \v 11 If someone should ask, "When the Jews sinned by not believing in Christ, did that mean they will always be apart from God?" I would reply, "No, they have certainly not separated themselves from God permanently! Instead, because they sinned, God is saving Gentiles in order to cause the Jews to envy the way he blesses Gentiles, so that they will ask Christ to save them."
\v 12 When the Jews rejected Christ, the result was that God abundantly blessed the other people in the world by offering them the opportunity to believe. And when the Jews failed spiritually, the result was that God abundantly blessed the non-Jews. Since that is true, think how wonderful it will be when the complete number of the Jews whom God has chosen will believe in Christ ! \v 12 When the Jews rejected Christ, the result was that God abundantly blessed the other people in the world by offering them the opportunity to believe. And when the Jews failed spiritually, the result was that God abundantly blessed the Gentiles. Since that is true, think how wonderful it will be when the complete number of the Jews whom God has chosen will believe in Christ !
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\v 13 Now it is to you non-Jews that I am saying what follows. I am the one who is the apostle to non-Jews such as you, and I highly value this work that God appointed me to do. \v 13 Now it is to you Gentiles that I am saying what follows. I am the one who is the apostle to Gentiles such as you, and I highly value this work that God appointed me to do.
\v 14 But I also hope that by my labors I will make my fellow Jews jealous, with the result that some of them will believe and thus be saved. \v 14 But I also hope that by my labors I will make my fellow Jews jealous, with the result that some of them will believe and thus be saved.
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\v 17 God has rejected many of the Jews in the same way that people break off dead branches from a tree. And each of you non-Jews whom God has accepted is like a branch of a uncultivated olive tree that someone spliced into the trunk of a cultivated olive tree. God has caused you to benefit from how he blessed our first Jewish ancestors, just as branches benefit from the sap that comes from the root of a cultivated olive tree. \v 17 God has rejected many of the Jews in the same way that people break off dead branches from a tree. And each of you Gentiles whom God has accepted is like a branch of a uncultivated olive tree that someone spliced into the trunk of a cultivated olive tree. God has caused you to benefit from how he blessed our first Jewish ancestors, just as branches benefit from the sap that comes from the root of a cultivated olive tree.
\v 18 However, you non-Jews must not despise the Jews whom God rejected, even though they are like the branches that someone breaks off from the tree! If you want to boast because of how God has saved you, remember this: Branches do not feed a root. Instead, the root feeds the branches. Similarly, God has helped you because of what you have received from the Jews! You have given the Jews nothing that helps them. \v 18 However, you Gentiles must not despise the Jews whom God rejected, even though they are like the branches that someone breaks off from the tree! If you want to boast because of how God has saved you, remember this: Branches do not feed a root. Instead, the root feeds the branches. Similarly, God has helped you because of what you have received from the Jews! You have given the Jews nothing that helps them.
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\v 19 Maybe you will say to me, "God rejected the Jews like people break bad branches off a tree and throw them away, and he has done this in order that he might accept us non-Jews, just like people put branches of a wild olive tree into the trunk of a good tree." \v 19 Maybe you will say to me, "God rejected the Jews like people break bad branches off a tree and throw them away, and he has done this in order that he might accept us Gentiles, just like people put branches of a wild olive tree into the trunk of a good tree."
\v 20 I would reply that this is true. However, it is because the Jews did not believe in Christ that God rejected them. As for you, it is only because you believe in Christ that you stand strong! So do not become proud, but instead be filled with awe! \v 20 I would reply that this is true. However, it is because the Jews did not believe in Christ that God rejected them. As for you, it is only because you believe in Christ that you stand strong! So do not become proud, but instead be filled with awe!
\v 21 Since God did not spare those unbelieving Jews, who grew up like a tree's natural branches that came from the root, then know that if you do not believe, he will not spare you either! \v 21 Since God did not spare those unbelieving Jews, who grew up like a tree's natural branches that came from the root, then know that if you do not believe, he will not spare you either!
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\v 23 And if the Jews believe in Christ, God will also put them back into the tree again, because God is able to do that. \v 23 And if the Jews believe in Christ, God will also put them back into the tree again, because God is able to do that.
\v 24 You non-Jews who were previously apart from God have benefited from the ways in which God blessed the Jews. That is like taking branches that someone has cut from a wild olive tree—a tree that just grew without anyone planting it— and, contrary to what people usually do, splicing them into a cultivated olive tree. So God will much more readily receive back the Jews because they belonged to him before! That will be like putting the original branches that someone cut off, back into the olive tree to which they originally belonged! \v 24 You Gentiles who were previously apart from God have benefited from the ways in which God blessed the Jews. That is like taking branches that someone has cut from a wild olive tree—a tree that just grew without anyone planting it— and, contrary to what people usually do, splicing them into a cultivated olive tree. So God will much more readily receive back the Jews because they belonged to him before! That will be like putting the original branches that someone cut off, back into the olive tree to which they originally belonged!
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\v 25 My non-Jewish fellow believers, I certainly want you to understand this secret truth, so that you do not think you know everything: Many people of Israel will continue to be stubborn until all the non-Jews whom God has chosen have believed in Jesus. \v 25 My non-Jewish fellow believers, I certainly want you to understand this secret truth, so that you do not think you know everything: Many people of Israel will continue to be stubborn until all the Gentiles whom God has chosen have believed in Jesus.
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\v 26 And then God will save all of Israel. Then these words in the scriptures will become true: \v 26 And then God will save all of Israel. Then these words in the scriptures will become true:
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\v 28 The Jews rejected the good news about Christ and now God treats them as his enemies. But that has helped you non-Jews. But because they are the people whom God chose, God still loves them because of what he promised to do for their ancestors. \v 28 The Jews rejected the good news about Christ and now God treats them as his enemies. But that has helped you Gentiles. But because they are the people whom God chose, God still loves them because of what he promised to do for their ancestors.
\v 29 He still loves them, because he never changed his mind about what he has promised to give them, and about how he has called them to be his own people. \v 29 He still loves them, because he never changed his mind about what he has promised to give them, and about how he has called them to be his own people.
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\v 30 You non-Jews once disobeyed God, but now he has acted mercifully toward you because the Jews disobeyed him. \v 30 You once disobeyed God, but now he has acted mercifully toward you because the Jews disobeyed him.
\v 31 Similarly, now they have disobeyed God. The result is that in the very same way in which he acted mercifully toward you, he will act mercifully toward them again. \v 31 Similarly, now they have disobeyed God. The result is that in the very same way in which he acted mercifully toward you, he will act mercifully toward them again.
\v 32 God has declared and proved that all people, both Jews and non-Jews, are disobedient to him. He has done this so that he may show mercy to all of them. \v 32 God has declared and proved that all people, both Jews and Gentiles, are disobedient to him. He has done this so that he may show mercy to all of them.
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\v 8 I want you to remember that Christ helped us Jews to know the truth about God. When Christ came, he confirmed the truth of all the promises that God made to our ancestors long ago. \v 8 I want you to remember that Christ helped us Jews to know the truth about God. When Christ came, he confirmed the truth of all the promises that God made to our ancestors long ago.
\v 9 But he also came to help the non-Jews, so they would praise God for his mercy. God's mercy has produced what is written in the scriptures that David said to God: "So I will praise you among the non-Jews; I will sing and praise you." \v 9 But he also came to help the Gentiles, so they would praise God for his mercy. God's mercy has produced what is written in the scriptures that David said to God: "So I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing and praise you."
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\v 10 Moses also wrote, "You non-Jews, rejoice with us who are God's people." \v 10 Moses also wrote, "You Gentiles, rejoice with us who are God's people."
\v 11 And David wrote in the scriptures, "Praise the Lord, all you non-Jews; may everyone praise him." \v 11 And David wrote in the scriptures, "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles; may everyone praise him."
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\v 12 And Isaiah wrote in the scriptures, "There will be a descendant of King David who will rule over the non-Jews. They will confidently expect him to fulfill what he has promised." \v 12 And Isaiah wrote in the scriptures, "There will be a descendant of King David who will rule over the Gentiles. They will confidently expect him to fulfill what he has promised."
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\v 15 However, I have written to you quite openly in this letter about some things in order to remind you about them. I have written this because God has made me an apostle, although I did not deserve this. \v 15 However, I have written to you quite openly in this letter about some things in order to remind you about them. I have written this because God has made me an apostle, although I did not deserve this.
\v 16 He did this in order that I should work for Jesus Christ among the non-Jews. God has appointed me to act like a priest as I proclaim his good news in order that he may accept the non-Jews who believe in Christ. They will be like an offering that the Holy Spirit has set completely apart for God only. \v 16 He did this in order that I should work for Jesus Christ among the Gentiles. God has appointed me to act like a priest as I proclaim his good news in order that he may accept the Gentiles who believe in Christ. They will be like an offering that the Holy Spirit has set completely apart for God only.
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\v 17 It follows that, because of my relationship with Christ Jesus, I am happy about my work for God. \v 17 It follows that, because of my relationship with Christ Jesus, I am happy about my work for God.
\v 18 I will speak boldly only about the work that Christ has accomplished through me that non-Jews might obey God in their words and in their actions, \v 18 I will speak boldly only about the work that Christ has accomplished through me that Gentiles might obey God in their words and in their actions,
\v 19 Christ worked through my by showing signs and other miracles that were done in the power of the Spirit of God, so that in every place I have traveled, from Jerusalem all the way to the province of Illyricum, I have completed my work of proclaiming the message about Christ. \v 19 Christ worked through my by showing signs and other miracles that were done in the power of the Spirit of God, so that in every place I have traveled, from Jerusalem all the way to the province of Illyricum, I have completed my work of proclaiming the message about Christ.
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\v 20 As I proclaim that message, I am always eagerly trying to proclaim it in places where people have not already heard about Christ. I do that in order that I might not be simply continuing the work that someone else already started. I do not want to be like a man who builds a house on someone else's foundation. \v 20 As I proclaim that message, I am always eagerly trying to proclaim it in places where people have not already heard about Christ. I do that in order that I might not be simply continuing the work that someone else already started. I do not want to be like a man who builds a house on someone else's foundation.
\v 21 On the contrary, I teach non-Jews, so that what happens may be like what was written: "The people who have never heard any news about the Christ, they will see him. Those who have never heard of him will understand about him." \v 21 On the contrary, I teach Gentiles, so that what happens may be like what was written: "The people who have never heard any news about the Christ, they will see him. Those who have never heard of him will understand about him."
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\v 26 The believers in the provinces of Macedonia and Achaia decided to contribute money to help the believers in Jerusalem, God's own people, who are poor. \v 26 The believers in the provinces of Macedonia and Achaia decided to contribute money to help the believers in Jerusalem, God's own people, who are poor.
\v 27 They themselves decided to do this, but truly they owe something to God's people in Jerusalem. The non-Jewish believers benefited spiritually from Jewish believers because they heard the message about Christ from them, so the non-Jews should also help the Jewish believers in Jerusalem by giving them material things. \v 27 They themselves decided to do this, but truly they owe something to God's people in Jerusalem. The non-Jewish believers benefited spiritually from Jewish believers because they heard the message about Christ from them, so the Gentiles should also help the Jewish believers in Jerusalem by giving them material things.
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\v 28 When I finish this task of delivering all this money that the believers in Macedonia and Achaia have given, I will leave Jerusalem and visit you in Rome while I am on my way to Spain. \v 28 When I finish this task of delivering all this money that the believers in Macedonia and Achaia have given, I will leave Jerusalem and visit you in Rome while I am on my way to Spain.
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\v 3 Tell Priscilla and her husband Aquila that I send greetings to them. They worked with me for Christ Jesus, \v 3 Tell Priscilla and her husband Aquila that I send greetings to them. They worked with me for Christ Jesus,
\v 4 and they were even willing to die for me. I thank them, and the non-Jewish congregations also thank them for saving my life. \v 4 and they were even willing to die for me. I thank them, and the Gentile congregations also thank them for saving my life.
\v 5 Also tell the congregation that meets in their house that I send my greetings to them. Tell my dear friend Epaenetus the same thing. He is the first man in the province of Asia to believe in Christ. \v 5 Also tell the congregation that meets in their house that I send my greetings to them. Tell my dear friend Epaenetus the same thing. He is the first man in the province of Asia to believe in Christ.
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\v 22 The Jews wanted public displays of miraculous power before they would follow anyone. The Greeks looked for wisdom through new and fresh ways of thinking about spiritual ideas. \v 22 The Jews wanted public displays of miraculous power before they would follow anyone. The Greeks looked for wisdom through new and fresh ways of thinking about spiritual ideas.
\v 23 But we proclaim a message about Christ, who died on a cross. For the Jews this message about the cross of Christ is something they cannot receive because death on a cross brings a curse with it. To the Greeks it is too foolish to deserve their attention. \v 23 But we proclaim a message about Christ, who died on a cross. For the Jews this message about the cross of Christ is something they cannot receive because death on a cross brings a curse with it. To the Gentiles it is too foolish to deserve their attention.
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\v 24 But for us, we whom God called so we can know him, that message shows that God acted powerfully and wisely by sending Christ to die for us. The good news is not tied to any race or philosophy; in Christ there is no distinction between Jews and all the other nations and races on earth. \v 24 But for us, we whom God called so we can know him, that message shows that God acted powerfully and wisely by sending Christ to die for us. The good news is not tied to any race or philosophy; in Christ there is no distinction between Jews and all the other nations and races on earth.
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ But we can know the very thoughts of Christ.
\v 20 When we worked with Jewish people, I became like a Jew, so that I may win them to Christ. To those who lived under the law I lived as they lived, in order that those we lived under the law may trust in Christ as I trust in him. I lived as they lived, even though I did not live my life by the law's demands. \v 20 When we worked with Jewish people, I became like a Jew, so that I may win them to Christ. To those who lived under the law I lived as they lived, in order that those we lived under the law may trust in Christ as I trust in him. I lived as they lived, even though I did not live my life by the law's demands.
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\v 21 When I was with those who are non-Jews, those who lived apart from the law of Moses, I became like them (though I myself was not outside God's law, and I was obedient to the law of Christ), so that I could persuade those who lived apart from the law to trust in Christ. \v 21 When I with those who are not ruled by the law of Moses, I became like them (though I myself was not outside God's law, and I was obedient to the law of Christ), so that I could persuade those who lived apart from the law to trust in Christ.
\v 22 To those who were weak about rules and laws, I lived as they did, so I persuaded them to trust in Christ. I have lived under rules and with many life-styles and with all kinds of people so that in any way God chose to work, God will rescue some of them. \v 22 To those who were weak about rules and laws, I lived as they did, so I persuaded them to trust in Christ. I have lived under rules and with many life-styles and with all kinds of people so that in any way God chose to work, God will rescue some of them.
\v 23 I do all this so I may proclaim the good news about Christ, so that I will also experience the good things the good news brings to us. \v 23 I do all this so I may proclaim the good news about Christ, so that I will also experience the good things the good news brings to us.
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ But we can know the very thoughts of Christ.
\v 19 So I am saying that an idol is not something real and to eat food sacrificed to an idol is not significant. But even so, there are important issues here. \v 19 So I am saying that an idol is not something real and to eat food sacrificed to an idol is not significant. But even so, there are important issues here.
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\v 20 What I mean is this: When non-Jews make their sacrifices, they are really making them to demons, and not to God at all. And I do not want you to share anything with demons. \v 20 What I mean is this: When pagans make their sacrifices, they are really making them to demons, and not to God at all. And I do not want you to share anything with demons.
\v 21 You must not drink from the Lord's cup and then later drink the cup of demons. You must not share in the Lord's supper and then later eat a meal with demons. \v 21 You must not drink from the Lord's cup and then later drink the cup of demons. You must not share in the Lord's supper and then later eat a meal with demons.
\v 22 To do so would provoke the Lord to become jealous about split loyalty. You are not stronger than he is! \v 22 To do so would provoke the Lord to become jealous about split loyalty. You are not stronger than he is!

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\v 24 Five times the Jews punished me with the thirty-nine lashes, beating me each time until I nearly died. \v 24 Five times the Jews punished me with the thirty-nine lashes, beating me each time until I nearly died.
\v 25 Three times I was beaten by my captors with wooden rods. Once they threw stones at me to kill me. Three different ships I was on were lost to the storms, and I have spent a night and a day in the open ocean hoping for rescue. \v 25 Three times I was beaten by my captors with wooden rods. Once they threw stones at me to kill me. Three different ships I was on were lost to the storms, and I have spent a night and a day in the open ocean hoping for rescue.
\v 26 I have been on many journeys and I have known dangers in rivers, I have been in danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Jews, danger from non-Jews, danger in cities, danger in the wilderness, danger in the ocean, danger from false brothers who betrayed us. \v 26 I have been on many journeys and I have known dangers in rivers, I have been in danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Jews, danger from Gentiles, danger in cities, danger in the wilderness, danger in the ocean, danger from false brothers who betrayed us.
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\v 27 I have worked hard and I have been in hardship. I have often gone without sleep and I have been hungry and thirsty with nothing to eat. I have been cold and I have been without warm clothing. \v 27 I have worked hard and I have been in hardship. I have often gone without sleep and I have been hungry and thirsty with nothing to eat. I have been cold and I have been without warm clothing.

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\v 15 However, I was still in my mother's womb when God chose me to serve him, and he did this because it pleased him to do so. \v 15 However, I was still in my mother's womb when God chose me to serve him, and he did this because it pleased him to do so.
\v 16 He showed me that Jesus is his Son; he did this so that I would tell others the good news about his Son in regions where the non-Jews live. But I did not immediately go to any mere humans in order to understand that message better. \v 16 He showed me that Jesus is his Son; he did this so that I would tell others the good news about his Son in regions where the Gentiles live. But I did not immediately go to any mere humans in order to understand that message better.
\v 17 And I did not immediately leave Damascus and go to Jerusalem to see the apostles there, the men who had become apostles before I became one. Instead, I went away into the region of Arabia, a region of wilderness. Later I returned once more to the city of Damascus. \v 17 And I did not immediately leave Damascus and go to Jerusalem to see the apostles there, the men who had become apostles before I became one. Instead, I went away into the region of Arabia, a region of wilderness. Later I returned once more to the city of Damascus.
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\v 1 After fourteen years passed, Barnabas, Titus, and I went up again to Jerusalem. \v 1 After fourteen years passed, Barnabas, Titus, and I went up again to Jerusalem.
\v 2 We did this because God had told me we should go. I explained privately to the most important leaders of the believers the content of the good news that I had been proclaiming in the regions of the non-Jews. I did this because I wanted to make sure that they approved of what I had been preaching. I wanted to make sure that I had not been working uselessly. \v 2 We did this because God had told me we should go. I explained privately to the most important leaders of the believers the content of the good news that I had been proclaiming in the regions of the Gentiles. I did this because I wanted to make sure that they approved of what I had been preaching. I wanted to make sure that I had not been working uselessly.
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\v 3 But those leaders did not even require Titus, who was with me and was an uncircumcised Gentile, to be circumcised. \v 3 But those leaders did not even require Titus, who was with me and was an uncircumcised Gentile, to be circumcised.
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\v 6 But those who others said were the leaders did not add anything to what I proclaim. Those leaders are important men, but they do not matter to me, because God does not favor certain persons more than others. \v 6 But those who others said were the leaders did not add anything to what I proclaim. Those leaders are important men, but they do not matter to me, because God does not favor certain persons more than others.
\v 7 Instead, the leaders understood that God was trusting me to proclaim the good news to the non-Jews, just as Peter was proclaiming the good news to the Jews. \v 7 Instead, the leaders understood that God was trusting me to proclaim the good news to the Gentiles, just as Peter was proclaiming the good news to the Jews.
\v 8 That is, just as God had empowered Peter to go as an apostle to take God's message to the Jews, he also empowered me to go as an apostle to take his message to the non-Jews. \v 8 That is, just as God had empowered Peter to go as an apostle to take God's message to the Jews, he also empowered me to go as an apostle to take his message to the Gentiles.
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\v 9 Those leaders understood that God had kindly given to me this special mission. So James, Peter, and John, the leaders of the believers in Christ—the same leaders that many people knew and honored—they were the ones who shook hands with us because we were fellow workers with them. We agreed that God had sent us to the non-Jews, that is, to those who were not circumcised, and that God had sent them to the Jews, that is, to those who were circumcised. \v 9 Those leaders understood that God had kindly given to me this special mission. So James, Peter, and John, the leaders of the believers in Christ—the same leaders that many people knew and honored—they were the ones who shook hands with us because we were fellow workers with them. We agreed that God had sent us to the Gentiles, that is, to those who were not circumcised, and that God had sent them to the Jews, that is, to those who were circumcised.
\v 10 They only urged us to still remember to help the poor among the fellow believers who live in Jerusalem. That is exactly what I have been eager to do. \v 10 They only urged us to still remember to help the poor among the fellow believers who live in Jerusalem. That is exactly what I have been eager to do.
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\v 11 But later while I was in the city of Antioch, after Peter came there, I looked into his eyes and told him that what he was doing was wrong. \v 11 But later while I was in the city of Antioch, after Peter came there, I looked into his eyes and told him that what he was doing was wrong.
\v 12 This is what happened. Peter went to Antioch and started eating regularly with non-Jewish believers there. Later there were certain Jewish believers who came to Antioch who claimed that James, the leader of the believers in Jerusalem, had sent them. And when those men came, Peter stopped eating with the non-Jewish believers and would not associate with them. He was afraid that the Jewish believers from Jerusalem would criticize him for associating with non-Jews. \v 12 This is what happened. Peter went to Antioch and started eating regularly with Gentile believers there. Later there were certain Jewish believers who came to Antioch who claimed that James, the leader of the believers in Jerusalem, had sent them. And when those men came, Peter stopped eating with the Gentile believers and would not associate with them. He was afraid that the Jewish believers from Jerusalem would criticize him for associating with Gentiles.
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\v 13 Also, the other Jewish believers in Antioch joined in Peter's hypocrisy by separating themselves from the non-Jewish believers. Even Barnabas thought he had to stop associating with the non-Jews! \v 13 Also, the other Jewish believers in Antioch joined in Peter's hypocrisy by separating themselves from the Gentile believers. Even Barnabas thought he had to stop associating with the Gentiles!
\v 14 But when I realized that they were not following the truth of the good news about Christ, and when all the fellow believers had come together, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are Jewish, but you have been living like a non-Jew who does not follow the law. So how can you possibly persuade the non-Jews to live like Jews?" \v 14 But when I realized that they were not following the truth of the good news about Christ, and when all the fellow believers had come together, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are Jewish, but you have been living like a Gentile who does not follow the law. So how can you possibly persuade the Gentiles to live like Jews?"
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\v 15 We were born as Jews, not as non-Jewish sinners who know nothing about God's law. \v 15 We were Jews by birth, and not Gentile sinners.
\v 16 But we now know that it is not because a person obeys the law that God gave to Moses that God makes a person right in his sight. God does that only if that person trusts in Jesus Christ. Even some of us Jews have trusted Christ Jesus. We did that so God would declare us good in his sight, because we trust Christ, and not because we try to obey the law that God gave to Moses. God has said that he will not declare anyone good in his sight just because they obey the law. \v 16 But we now know that it is not because a person obeys the law that God gave to Moses that God makes a person right in his sight. God does that only if that person trusts in Jesus Christ. Even some of us Jews have trusted Christ Jesus. We did that so God would declare us good in his sight, because we trust Christ, and not because we try to obey the law that God gave to Moses. God has said that he will not declare anyone good in his sight just because they obey the law.
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\v 6 What you have experienced is just as Moses had written in the scriptures about Abraham. He wrote that Abraham trusted God, and as a result God declared Abraham good in his sight. \v 6 What you have experienced is just as Moses had written in the scriptures about Abraham. He wrote that Abraham trusted God, and as a result God declared Abraham good in his sight.
\v 7 You should realize, therefore, that it is those who trust in Christ to save them whom God has made into descendants of Abraham. \v 7 You should realize, therefore, that it is those who trust in Christ to save them whom God has made into descendants of Abraham.
\v 8 Even before God began to make non-Jews good in his sight when they trusted in him, men wrote in the scriptures that he would do this. God announced this good news to Abraham, as we read in the scriptures, "Because of what you have done, I will bless all the peoples in the world." \v 8 Even before God began to make Gentiles good in his sight when they trusted in him, men wrote in the scriptures that he would do this. God announced this good news to Abraham, as we read in the scriptures, "Because of what you have done, I will bless all the peoples in the world."
\v 9 So, we know by this that it is all those who trust in Christ whom God blesses along with Abraham, who also trusted in God. \v 9 So, we know by this that it is all those who trust in Christ whom God blesses along with Abraham, who also trusted in God.
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\v 13 Christ rescued us from the curse that was upon us all. That curse came because there is not one who is able to obey all the requirements of the law. No one but Christ; and he was the one who rescued us from the penalty of our sins because he took away our sins and he died for our sins. He was punished on the cross for the sins we committed. The Scripture says, "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." Christ became a curse for us, so he could rescue us. \v 13 Christ rescued us from the curse that was upon us all. That curse came because there is not one who is able to obey all the requirements of the law. No one but Christ; and he was the one who rescued us from the penalty of our sins because he took away our sins and he died for our sins. He was punished on the cross for the sins we committed. The Scripture says, "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." Christ became a curse for us, so he could rescue us.
\v 14 God cursed Christ in order to bless the non-Jews who believe in Christ just as he blessed Abraham. And he blessed the non-Jews so that we might receive the Spirit, whom he promised to all who trust in Christ. \v 14 God cursed Christ in order to bless the Gentiles who believe in Christ just as he blessed Abraham. And he blessed the Gentiles so that we might receive the Spirit, whom he promised to all who trust in Christ.
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\v 27 All of you who trust in Christ and were baptized so that you are joined to him and you have taken on the characteristics of Christ's life. \v 27 All of you who trust in Christ and were baptized so that you are joined to him and you have taken on the characteristics of Christ's life.
\v 28 If you are believers, it does not matter to God if you are Jews or non-Jews, slaves or free persons, males or females, because all of you are together joined to Christ Jesus. \v 28 If you are believers, it does not matter to God if you are Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free persons, males or females, because all of you are together joined to Christ Jesus.
\v 29 Furthermore, since you belong to Christ, he makes you into descendants of Abraham, and you will receive everything that God has promised him and us. \v 29 Furthermore, since you belong to Christ, he makes you into descendants of Abraham, and you will receive everything that God has promised him and us.
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\v 11 I worry about you! I worked so hard for you, but it seems that it was all for nothing. \v 11 I worry about you! I worked so hard for you, but it seems that it was all for nothing.
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\v 12 My fellow believers, I strongly urge you to become like me, because I do not let the law control me. I became like you non-Jews when I became free from the law, so you too should free yourselves from the gods. When I first went to you, you did not harm me at all, but now you are making me worry about you very much. \v 12 My fellow believers, I strongly urge you to become like me, because I do not let the law control me. I became like you Gentiles when I became free from the law, so you too should free yourselves from the gods. When I first went to you, you did not harm me at all, but now you are making me worry about you very much.
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\v 13 You remember that the first time I told you the good news, I did it because I was sick. \v 13 You remember that the first time I told you the good news, I did it because I was sick.
\v 14 Although you might have despised me because I was sick, you did not reject me. Instead, you welcomed me like you would welcome an angel that came from God. You welcomed me like you would welcome Christ Jesus himself! \v 14 Although you might have despised me because I was sick, you did not reject me. Instead, you welcomed me like you would welcome an angel that came from God. You welcomed me like you would welcome Christ Jesus himself!

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\v 11 Do not forget that you non-Jewish believers were previously called Gentiles because you were not born as Jews. The Jews insulted you by calling you "uncircumcised pagans." They call themselves "the circumcision"; by this they mean that they, not you, are God's people, although circumcision is something that only humans do, not God. \v 11 Do not forget that you Gentilesish believers were previously called Gentiles because you were not born as Jews. The Jews insulted you by calling you "uncircumcised pagans." They call themselves "the circumcision"; by this they mean that they, not you, are God's people, although circumcision is something that only humans do, not God.
\v 12 At that time, you did not have any part of Christ and you were not part of his people Israel. You did not know God's promises and law. You did not have confidence in the future that God promised you, and as you lived your lives, you did not know God. \v 12 At that time, you did not have any part of Christ and you were not part of his people Israel. You did not know God's promises and law. You did not have confidence in the future that God promised you, and as you lived your lives, you did not know God.
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\v 13 But now because of what Christ Jesus has done, you have been able to trust in him because Christ agreed to die on the cross. \v 13 But now because of what Christ Jesus has done, you have been able to trust in him because Christ agreed to die on the cross.
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\v 14 Christ has brought peace and unity between Jews and non-Jews by destroying the barrier between us, as if he had destroyed a wall of hate that separated our peoples from one another. \v 14 Christ has brought peace and unity between Jews and Gentile by destroying the barrier between us and he made us all to be one people, as if he had destroyed a wall of hate between us.
\v 15 He made it no longer necessary for us to obey all the Jewish laws and commandments. He made Jews and non-Jews into one people instead of two because he made peace between us. \v 15 He made it no longer necessary for us to obey all the Jewish laws and commandments. He made Jews and Gentiles into one people instead of two because he made peace between us.
\v 16 Jesus caused Jews and non-Jews together to both become friends with God in one new group of believers. By dying on the cross, Jesus made it possible for them to stop hating each other. \v 16 Jesus caused us both to become friends with God in one new group of believers. By dying on the cross, Jesus made it possible for them to stop hating each other.
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\v 17 Jesus came and proclaimed the good news that brings peace with God; he proclaimed it both to you non-Jews, who did not know about God, and to us Jews, who did know about God. \v 17 Jesus came and proclaimed the good news that brings peace with God; he proclaimed it both to you Gentiles, who did not know about God, and to us who did know about God.
\v 18 Through Jesus both Jews and non-Jews now can speak with the Father because God's Spirit lives in all believers. \v 18 Through Jesus we both can speak with the Father because God's Spirit lives in all believers.
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\v 19 Therefore now you non-Jews are no longer strangers and foreigners to God's people, but instead you are fellow members with those whom God has set apart for himself, and you belong to God's family for whom God is the Father. \v 19 Therefore now you are no longer strangers and foreigners to God's people, but instead you are fellow members with those whom God has set apart for himself, and you belong to God's family for whom God is the Father.
\v 20 You are like stones that God has made to be part of his building, and the building is built on what the apostles and prophets taught. The most important stone, the cornerstone, of the building is Christ Jesus himself. \v 20 You are like stones that God has made to be part of his building, and the building is built on what the apostles and prophets taught. The most important stone, the cornerstone, of the building is Christ Jesus himself.
\v 21 Jesus is increasing his family of believers and fitting them together like a temple of stones is built and fit together, increasing as the Lord joins new believers to himself. \v 21 Jesus is increasing his family of believers and fitting them together like a temple of stones is built and fit together, increasing as the Lord joins new believers to himself.
\v 22 Jesus is building you up together, both Jews and non-Jews, into one family in which God lives by means of his Spirit. \v 22 Jesus is building you into one family in which God lives by means of his Spirit.
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\v 1 Because God has done all this for you non-Jews, Christ Jesus has put me, Paul, in prison for your sake. \v 1 Because God has done all this for you Gentiles, Christ Jesus has put me, Paul, in prison for your sake.
\v 2 I assume that you know that God has honored me by giving me a certain task to do for your sake. \v 2 I assume that you know that God has honored me by giving me a certain task to do for your sake.
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\v 5 Formerly, God did not fully reveal the good news that was to come to anyone. It was something that no one understood, but now his Spirit has revealed the good news to his apostles and prophets whom the Spirit called to serve God. \v 5 Formerly, God did not fully reveal the good news that was to come to anyone. It was something that no one understood, but now his Spirit has revealed the good news to his apostles and prophets whom the Spirit called to serve God.
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\v 6 This hidden truth is that the non-Jews now share together with Jews the spiritual riches of God, and belong to the same group of God's people, and will share all the things God has promised them because they are joined to Christ Jesus—this is the good news. \v 6 This hidden truth is that the Gentiles now share together with Jews the spiritual riches of God, and belong to the same group of God's people, and will share all the things God has promised them because they are joined to Christ Jesus—this is the good news.
\v 7 I am now God's servant to spread the good news, a work I did not deserve to do, but it was the work that God gave me to do, through the working of his power in me. \v 7 I am now God's servant to spread the good news, a work I did not deserve to do, but it was the work that God gave me to do, through the working of his power in me.
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\v 8 Although I am the least worthy of all God's people, God has enabled me by his kindness and mercy to proclaim to non-Jews the good news about what Christ has done for us, which is so much that no one can learn all about it. \v 8 Although I am the least worthy of all God's people, God has enabled me by his kindness and mercy to proclaim to Gentiles the good news about what Christ has done for us, which is so much that no one can learn all about it.
\v 9 My mission is to explain to everyone what God's plan is, something that God has kept hidden from long ago, from the time when he created everything. \v 9 My mission is to explain to everyone what God's plan is, something that God has kept hidden from long ago, from the time when he created everything.
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\v 17 By the authority of the Lord Jesus, I strongly affirm that you must no longer live like the unbelieving non-Jews do. The futile way they think directs them how to live. \v 17 By the authority of the Lord Jesus, I strongly affirm that you must no longer live like the unbelieving Gentiles do. The futile way they think directs them how to live.
\v 18 They are unable to think clearly about what is right or wrong. They cannot comprehend obeying God because they refuse to listen to his message, and so they do not have the eternal life that Jesus gives us. \v 18 They are unable to think clearly about what is right or wrong. They cannot comprehend obeying God because they refuse to listen to his message, and so they do not have the eternal life that Jesus gives us.
\v 19 They have chosen to do shameful things their bodies desire without stopping. They commit all kinds of immoral acts and are obsessed with them more and more, and they are greedy for anything they desire. \v 19 They have chosen to do shameful things their bodies desire without stopping. They commit all kinds of immoral acts and are obsessed with them more and more, and they are greedy for anything they desire.