## translationWords * [[en:tw:consume]] * [[en:tw:flesh]] * [[en:tw:god]] * [[en:tw:hand]] * [[en:tw:persecute]] ## translationNotes * Job continues to speak to his three friends. * **My bones cling to my skin and to my flesh** - Job is so thin that his skin and flesh barely cover his bones. * **I survive only by the skin of my teeth** - AT: "I am barely alive." (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor]]) * **Have pity upon me** - "Have compassion on me" * **for the hand of God has touched me** - "Hand" represents the power and authority of God. AT: "because God has afflicted me." (See: [[:en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_synecdoche]]) * **Why do you persecute me...** - AT: "You should not persecute me..." (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion]]) * **Why are you not satisfied with consuming my flesh** - Job uses this image to compare a person who slanders another person with an animal that eats another animal. AT: "Stop violently slandering me." (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor]])