# About the Translation Manual The Translation Manual is an open licensed manual on Bible translation. It teaches the basics of translation theory and a process for doing Bible translation, it provides practical helps for dealing with various translation issues, and it provides instruction and processes for checking translations. The Translation Manual is intended to empower anyone, anywhere to equip themselves for creating high-quality translations of biblical content into their own language. The manual is designed to be highly flexible. It can be used in a systematic, in-advance approach, or it can be used for just-in-time learning (or both, as needed). It is modular in structure. The Translation Manual is written primarily for mother-tongue Bible translators who have had little or no prior training in translation. The English version of the manual is primarily for people who speak English as a second language. Because of this, we have tried to keep the writing style easy to understand. **You can learn more about the Translation Manual** in the Appendix to the Translation Manual, rc://en_tm/00-tM_front&back/tM-3-Appendix.md. It has the following sections: * Decisions Concerning the Translation Manual * How to use the Translation Manual * Contributors to the Translation Manual (Fuller list) ## Viewing To read or print the complete Translation Manual, see "Wycliffe Associates Translation Manual" on the "Translations" page of [Bible in Every Language](https://bibleineverylanguage.org/translations/) (https://bibleineverylanguage.org/translations/). The Translation Manual is also integrated into BTT Writer and VMAST so that translators can have immediate access to it while translating. BTT Writer and VMAST are available on the Tools page of [Bible in Every Language](https://bibleineverylanguage.org/tools/) (https://bibleineverylanguage.org/tools/). ## Questions, comments, and suggestions We welcome questions, comments, and suggestions. You may send them to helpdesk@techadvancement.com or training_wa@wycliffeassociates.org. ## Contributors to the Translation Manual - Christine Jarka, MSEd in Instructional Design - Henry Whitney, BA in Education - James N. Pohlig, M.Div., MA in Linguistics, D. Litt. in Biblical Languages - Perry Oakes, PhD in Old Testament, MA in Linguistics - Susan Quigley, MA in Linguistics - Tabitha Price, BA in Education - Door43 World Missions Community - Wycliffe Associates Staff