
12 lines
710 B

Matthew has multiple instances of unpaired, missing, or spurious quotes.
Mat 16:21, 26 apparently have alternate translation in parentheses
John 19:15 verse marker seems to be misplaced. Several quotes missing in vv. 14-16.
Acts 15:34 - partial footnote in text
Mark 4:40-41 missing. Original had 6:51-52
Hebrews 10:1-4 missing. Original had 13:5-6 in their place.
Hebrews 10:23-25 missing. Original had 11:7 in its place
Some church epistles are named Ba + cityname and others are Aba + cityname
e.g. Abakorinto 1, Bakorinto 2 (1 & 2 Corinthians)
Capitalization of names is inconsistent Compare 1TI 1:1 with 2TI 1:1--
\v 1 Paulo, ntumwa ya yezu kristo ....
\v 1 Paulo, ntumwa ya Kristu Yezu ....