Larry's notes: 1CO 12:20 -- please review, the last word (sentence) in the verse was originally with the next chunk, preceding verse 21. 1TH 1:1-3 -- please review I suspect that the REV 12:15-18 chunk is incomplete or at least, out of order. Compare to English. I did not attempt to convert straight single quotes to smart single quotes. ------------ Straight quotes found in 41-MAT.usfm: 0 doubles, 2 singles not counting word-medial, Straight quotes found in 42-MRK.usfm: 0 doubles, 6 singles not counting word-medial, Invalid number suffix: 0k at MRK 6:11 Invalid leading zero: 0 at MRK 6:11 Upper case book title in LUK header/intro Missing verse between: JHN 7:15 and JHN 7:17 Straight quotes found in 45-ACT.usfm: 0 doubles, 6 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in ACT header/intro Invalid number prefix: b0 at ACT 8:31 Invalid number suffix: 0o at ACT 8:31 Invalid number prefix: o0 at ACT 26:13 Invalid number suffix: 0m at ACT 26:13 Straight quotes found in 46-ROM.usfm: 0 doubles, 2 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in ROM header/intro Invalid number prefix: v4 at ROM 4:4 Invalid number suffix: 4n at ROM 4:4 Invalid number suffix: 0o at ROM 8:28 Invalid leading zero: 0 at ROM 8:28 Invalid number prefix: h45 at ROM 9:14 Invalid number suffix: 45a at ROM 9:14 Straight quotes found in 47-1CO.usfm: 0 doubles, 1 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in 1CO header/intro Bracket or parens found in 1CO 9:20, a verse that is often footnoted Invalid number prefix: e78 at 1CO 10:6 Invalid number suffix: 78K at 1CO 10:6 Straight quotes found in 48-2CO.usfm: 0 doubles, 4 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in 2CO header/intro Straight quotes found in 49-GAL.usfm: 0 doubles, 2 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in GAL header/intro Upper case book title in EPH header/intro Upper case book title in PHP header/intro Upper case book title in COL header/intro Straight quotes found in 53-1TH.usfm: 0 doubles, 2 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in 1TH header/intro Duplicated verse number: 1TH 1:1 Upper case book title in 2TH header/intro Upper case book title in PHM header/intro Straight quotes found in 59-HEB.usfm: 2 doubles, 4 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in HEB header/intro Bracket or parens found in HEB 9:11, a verse that is often footnoted Word medial punctuation in HEB 11:9: Abwo"kwikiriza Possible verse number in text at HEB 12:9 Upper case book title in JAS header/intro Upper case book title in 1PE header/intro Straight quotes found in 62-2PE.usfm: 0 doubles, 1 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in 2PE header/intro Upper case book title in 1JN header/intro Upper case book title in 2JN header/intro Upper case book title in 3JN header/intro Upper case book title in JUD header/intro Straight quotes found in 67-REV.usfm: 0 doubles, 11 singles not counting word-medial, Upper case book title in REV header/intro Missing verses between: REV 12:14 and REV 12:18 Verse out of order: REV 12:15 after REV 12:18 Empty verse: REV 13:15 SUMMARY: Straight quotes found in --- 11 occurrence(s). Invalid number suffix: --- 7 occurrence(s). Invalid leading zero: 0 at --- 2 occurrence(s). Upper case book title in --- 21 occurrence(s). Missing verse --- 2 occurrence(s). Invalid number prefix: --- 5 occurrence(s). Bracket or parens found in --- 2 occurrence(s). Duplicated verse number: 1TH 1:1 --- 1 occurrence(s). Word medial punctuation in HEB 11:9: Abwo"kwikiriza --- 1 occurrence(s). Possible verse number in text at HEB 12:9 --- 1 occurrence(s). Verse out of order: REV 12:15 after REV 12:18 --- 1 occurrence(s). Empty verse: REV 13:15 --- 1 occurrence(s).