Most books did not have chapter labels, just numbers. For consistency, I removed chapter labels. July 2023 - Almost every book contained section headings disguised as short phrases or sentences, usually in Title Case. These occurred before the first verse of a chapter, and at the end of chunks. I marked all that I could identify as section headings. August 2024 - I found a lot more section headings. They often show up as a short, Title Case sentences or phrases at the end of a chunk. Matt. 27.31 - stranded word at end of verse Mark 7.31 - are the first four words a section heading? (see 31.txt; cf. English) Luke 11.36 - is "Ebyengisa mukaaga." at end of verse a section heading? Luke 11.44 - stranded word at end of verse Luke 17:36 and 17:37 are identical. Luke 20:31 - John 6.12 - invalid character at end of word, ebikhalichikhire¬ Galatians 1.10 - is that a section heading at the end of v.10? 2 Timothy 5.8 - is that a section heading at the end of v. 8?