Additional Levuka NT issues noted by Larry, 4/9/24 Lack of capitalization of first word in sentence was common throughout, although capitalization does appear to be the norm for this language. I capitalized all sentences that were uncapitalized. (Resolved) Most quotations are unmarked in Matthew and Mark. There was an extra chunk (verses 46-48) found in Matthew 6. That text is nearly identical to Luke 6:46-48, and belongs there. So I deleted the errant verses 46-48 from Matthew 6. Matthew 6 should only have 34 verses. (Resolved) Most of the chapters in 2 Corinthians and Philippians started with a \cl that seems to be a 1-2 sentence chapter summary. So I marked them as section headings instead of chapter labels, and inserted standard chapter labels. Acts 18.28 may be incomplete. I don't see words for Apollos or Christ or Jesus, and the verse ends with a comma.