diff --git a/41-MAT/13.usfm b/41-MAT/13.usfm
index 4be718e6..d8068f87 100644
--- a/41-MAT/13.usfm
+++ b/41-MAT/13.usfm
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ because you understand what I say.
-\v 24 Jesus also told the crowd another parable. He said, "When God begins to show himself as king, it will be like a landowner who sent his servants to sow good wheat seed in his field.
+\v 24 Jesus also told the crowd another parable. He said, "When God begins to show himself as king, it will be like a landowner who sent his servants to sow good seed in his field.
 \v 25 While those servants were sleeping and not guarding the field, an enemy of the landowner came and scattered weed seeds in the midst of the wheat. Then he left.
 \v 26 After the seeds sprouted and the green plants grew, the heads of grain began to form. But the weeds also grew.