forked from WA-Catalog/en_udb
Ch 1-3 edits/corrections
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\v 9 Then he said to me, 'Come over here and kill me. I am in very much pain.'
\v 10 So I went to him and killed him, because I saw that he was wounded very badly and would not continue to live. I took the crown from his head and his armband, which I have brought to you, my master."
\v 10 So I went to him and killed him because I saw that he was wounded very badly and would not continue to live. I took the crown from his head and his armband, which I have brought to you, my master."
\v 11 Then David took hold of his clothing and he tore it apart, and all the men who were with him tore their clothes apart as well.
\v 12 They tore their clothing because they were very sad and they refused to eat anything until evening because they remembered that Saul and his son Jonathan had died, and that so many of the people of Yahweh had died, and they were sad because of the great dangers the descendants of Israel had gone through, and because so many of them died in battle.
\v 12 They tore their clothing because they were very sad, and they refused to eat anything until evening because they remembered that Saul and his son Jonathan had died and that so many of the people of Yahweh had died, and they were sad because of the great dangers the descendants of Israel had gone through and because so many of them died in battle.
\v 13 But David asked the young man who had told him about the battle, "Where are you from?" He replied, "My father is a descendant of Amalek, but we live in Israel."
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\q2 because it was there that the shield of Saul, the mighty king, fell to the ground.
\q1 Now there is no one to rub olive oil on Saul's shield.
\v 22 Jonathan's arrows were his servants who always pierced his enemies and drew their blood.
\v 22 Jonathan's arrows were his servants who always pierced his enemies and drew their blood,
\q2 and Saul's sword was his servant who always struck his enemies.
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\v 25 It is very sad that my brother Jonathan has died
\q2 He was a mighty soldiers, and his enemies killed him on the mountain.
\v 25 It is very sad that my brother Jonathan has died.
\q2 He was a mighty soldier, and his enemies killed him on the mountain.
\v 26 Jonathan, my dear friend, I grieve for you.
\q2 You were very dear to me.
\q1 You loved me in a wonderful manner.
\q2 It was even better than the way that a woman loves her husband and her children.
\v 27 It is very sad that these mighty men have died,
\v 27 It is very sad that these mighty men have died
\q2 and that their weapons are now no more!
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\v 1 Some time after that, David asked Yahweh, "Should I go up to one of the towns in Judah?" Yahweh replied, "Yes, go up there." Then David asked, "To which town should I go?" Yahweh replied, "To Hebron."
\v 2 So David went up there, taking his two wives, Ahinoam who was from the city of Jezreel, and Abigail, the widow of Nabal, who was from the city of Carmel.
\v 2 So David went up there, taking his two wives, Ahinoam who was from the city of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal, who was from the city of Carmel.
\v 3 He also took the men who had been with him, together with their families. They all started to live in the city of Hebron and its surrounding villages.
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\v 8 However, Ner's son Abner, the commander of Saul's army, took Saul's son Ishbosheth and went across the Jordan River to the city of Mahanaim.
\v 9 There Abner proclaimed that Ishbosheth was now the king ruling the regions of Gilead and Jezreel, and the tribes of Asher, Ephraim, and Benjamin. That meant that he was the king of most of Israel.
\v 8 However, Ner's son Abner, the commander of Saul's army, took Saul's son Ish-Bosheth and went across the Jordan River to the city of Mahanaim.
\v 9 There Abner proclaimed that Ish-Bosheth was now the king, ruling the regions of Gilead and Jezreel and the tribes of Asher, Ephraim, and Benjamin. That meant that he was the king of most of Israel.
\v 10 Ishbosheth was forty years old when he started to rule over the Israelite people. He ruled them for two years. But the tribe of Judah was loyal to David.
\v 11 David ruled them for seven and a half years while he was living in Hebron.
\v 10 Ish-Bosheth was forty years old when he started to rule over the Israelite people. He ruled them for two years. But the tribe of Judah was loyal to David.
\v 11 David ruled the tribe of Judah for seven and a half years while he was living in Hebron.
\v 12 One day Abner and the officials of Isbosheth went from Mahanaim across the Jordan River to the city of Gibeon.
\v 12 One day, Abner and the officials of Ish-Bosheth went from Mahanaim across the Jordan River to the city of Gibeon.
\v 13 Joab, whose mother was Zeruiah, and some of David's officials went from Hebron to Gibeon, and they met at the pool of water there. They all sat down, one group on one side of the pool and the other group on the other side.
\v 14 Abner said to Joab, "Let us tell some of our young men to fight each other!" Joab replied, "Very well!"
\v 15 So twelve men from the tribe of Benjamin fought for Ishbosheth, against twelve of David's soldiers.
\v 15 So twelve men from the tribe of Benjamin fought for Ish-Bosheth against twelve of David's soldiers.
\v 16 Each of them grabbed the head of the man against whom he was fighting, and thrust his sword into that man's side. The result was that all twenty-four of them fell down dead. So that area in Gibeon is now called "Field of Swords."
\v 16 Each of them grabbed the head of the man against whom he was fighting and thrust his sword into that man's side. The result was that all twenty-four of them fell down dead. So that area in Gibeon is now called "Field of Swords."
\v 17 Then the others started to fight also. It was a very fierce battle. Abner and the men of Israel were defeated by David's soldiers.
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\v 19 Asahel started to pursue Abner. He ran straight toward Abner, without stopping.
\v 20 Abner looked behind him, and said, "Is that you, Asahel?" Asahel replied, "Yes!"
\v 20 Abner looked behind him and said, "Is that you, Asahel?" Asahel replied, "Yes!"
\v 21 Abner shouted, "Stop chasing me; go after someone else!" But Asahel would not stop pursuing Abner.
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\v 22 So Abner yelled at him again, "Stop chasing me! Why should I kill you? How could I face your brother Joab and explain your death to him?"
\v 23 But Asahel refused to stop pursuing Abner. So Abner suddenly turned and thrust the butt end of his spear into Asahel's stomach. Because he thrust it very strongly, that end of the spear went though his body and came out at Asahel's back, and he fell to the ground, dead. All the other soldiers who came to the place where his body was lying stopped and stood there, stunned at Asahel's body.
\v 23 But Asahel refused to stop pursuing Abner. So Abner suddenly turned and thrust the butt end of his spear into Asahel's stomach. Because he thrust it very strongly, that end of the spear went through his body and came out at Asahel's back, and he fell to the ground, dead. All the other soldiers who came to the place where his body was lying stopped and stood there, stunned at Asahel's body.
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\v 26 Then Abner called out to Joab, saying, "Are we going to continue to fight forever? Do you not realize that if we continue fighting the result will be very bad? We are all descendants of Jacob, so we should stop fighting each other! How long will it be until you tell your soldiers to stop pursuing us?
\v 26 Then Abner called out to Joab, saying, "Are we going to continue to fight forever? Do you not realize that if we continue fighting, the result will be very bad? We are all descendants of Jacob, so we should stop fighting each other! How long will it be until you tell your soldiers to stop pursuing us?
\v 27 Joab replied, "Just as surely as God lives, if you had not said that, my soldiers would have continued pursuing your men until tomorrow morning!"
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\v 28 So Joab blew a trumpet to signal that they should stop fighting. So all his men stopped pursing the soldiers of Israel.
\v 29 That night Abner and his soldiers went through the plain along the Jordan River. They crossed the Jordan and marched all the next morning, and they finally arrived back at Mahanaim.
\v 29 That night, Abner and his soldiers went through the plain along the Jordan River. They crossed the Jordan and marched all the next morning, and they finally arrived back at Mahanaim.
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\v 2 David's wives gave birth to six sons at Hebron. The oldest was Amnon, whose mother was Ahinoam from the city of Jezreel.
\v 3 The next son was Kileab, whose mother was Abigail, the widow of Nabal, from the city of Carmel.
\q2 The next son was Absalom, whose mother was Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, the king of the region of Geshur.
\q2 The next son was Absalom, whose mother was Maakah, the daughter of Talmai, the king of the region of Geshur.
\v 4 The next son was Adionijah, whose mother was Haggith.
\v 4 The next son was Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith.
\q2 The next son was Shephatiah, whose mother was Abital.
\v 5 The youngest son was Ithream, whose mother was Eglah, another one of David's wives.
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\v 6 During the conflict between those who wanted Saul's son to rule over them and those who wanted David to rule over them, Abner was becoming more influential among those who wanted Saul's son to be the king.
\v 7 Saul had as one of his wives a slave woman named Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. But one day Abner slept with her. So Ishbosheth said to Abner, "Why have you slept with my father's slave wife?"
\v 7 Saul had as one of his wives a slave woman named Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. But one day Abner slept with her. So Ish-Bosheth said to Abner, "Why have you slept with my father's slave wife?"
\v 8 Abner became very angry about what Ishbosheth said to him. He said to Ishbosheth, "Do you think that I am a worthless dog from Judah? From the beginning I have been loyal to Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends. And I have kept David's army from defeating you. So now why are you criticizing me about what I have done with some woman?
\v 8 Abner became very angry about what Ish-Bosheth said to him. He said to Ish-Bosheth, "Do you think that I am a worthless dog from Judah? From the beginning I have been loyal to Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends. And I have kept David's army from defeating you. So now why are you criticizing me about what I have done with some woman?
\v 9-10 Yahweh solemnly promised that he would not allow Saul and his descendants to continue to rule. He promised that he would cause David to rule over all the tribes of Israel and Judah, from the city of Dan far in the north to the city of Beersheba far in the south. So I hope that God will kill me if I do not enable that to happen!"
\v 11 Ishbosheth was very afraid of Abner, so he did not say anything to reply to Abner.
\v 11 Ish-Bosheth was very afraid of Abner, so he did not say anything to reply to Abner.
\v 12 Then Abner sent messengers to David when he was at Hebron to say to him, "Either you or I should be the ruler of this entire nation, but not Isbosheth. However, if you make an agreement with me, I will help you by encouraging all the people of Israel to ask for you to be their king."
\v 12 Then Abner sent messengers to David when he was at Hebron to say to him, "Either you or I should be the ruler of this entire nation, but not Ish-Bosheth. However, if you make an agreement with me, I will help you by encouraging all the people of Israel to ask for you to be their king."
\v 13 David sent back this reply, "Good! I am willing to make an agreement with you. But before that happens, there is one thing that you must do. When you come to see me, you must bring my wife Michal, Saul's daughter."
\v 14 Then David sent messengers to Ishbosheth to say to him, "I killed one hundred men from Philistia and cut off their foreskins to give to Saul to pay for Michal to be my wife. So now give her back to me!"
\v 14 Then David sent messengers to Ish-Bosheth to say to him, "I killed one hundred men from Philistia and cut off their foreskins to give to Saul to pay for Michal to be my wife. So now give her back to me!"
\v 15 So Ishbosheth sent some men to take Michal from her husband Paltiel. But when they took her, her husband followed them all the way to the city of Bahurim, crying as he went.
\v 16 Then Abner turned and said to him, "Go back home!" so he did.
\v 15 So Ish-Bosheth sent some men to take Michal from her husband Paltiel. But when they took her, her husband followed them all the way to the city of Bahurim, crying as he went.
\v 16 Then Abner turned and said to him, "Go back home!" So he did.
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\v 22 Soon after that, Joab and some of David's other soldiers returned to Hebron after raiding one of their enemy's villages, bringing with them a lot of things that they had captured. But Abner was not there at Hebron, because David had already sent him safely away.
\v 23 When Joab and the soldiers who were with him arrived, someone told him that Abner had come there and talked with the king, and that the king allowed Abner to go away safely.
\v 22 Soon after that, Joab and some of David's other soldiers returned to Hebron after raiding one of their enemy's villages, bringing with them many things that they had captured. But Abner was not there at Hebron, because David had already sent him safely away.
\v 23 When Joab and the soldiers who were with him arrived, someone told him that Abner had come there and talked with the king and that the king allowed Abner to go away safely.
\v 24 So Joab went to the king and said, "Why have you done that? Listen to me! Abner is your enemy, but when he came to you, you allowed him to leave!
\v 25 Do you not know that he came to you to deceive you and to find out everything that you are doing, and all the places that you go to?"
\v 25 Do you not know that he came to you to deceive you and to find out everything that you are doing and all the places that you go to?"
\v 26 After Joab left David, he sent some messengers to get Abner. They found him at the well of Sirah and brought him back to Hebron, but David did not know that they had done this.
\v 27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab met him at the city gate, and took him into a side room as though he wanted to speak with him privately. Then he stabbed Abner in the stomach with his knife. In that way he murdered Abner because Abner had killed Joab's brother Asahel.
\v 27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab met him at the city gate and took him into a side room as though he wanted to speak with him privately. Then he stabbed Abner in the stomach with his knife. In that way he murdered Abner because Abner had killed Joab's brother Asahel.
\v 28 Later, after David heard what had happened, he said, "Yahweh knows that I and the people of my kingdom are not at all responsible for Abner.
\v 29 I hope that there will always be someone in his family who has sores, or someone who is a leper, or some man who is forced to do women's work, or someone who is killed in a battle, or someone who does not have enough food to eat!"
\v 29 I hope that there will always be someone in his family who has sores or someone who is a leper or some man who is forced to do women's work or someone who is killed in a battle or someone who does not have enough food to eat!"
\v 30 That is how Joab and his brother Abishai murdered Abner, because he had killed their brother Asahel in the battle at Gibeon.
\v 30 That is how Joab and his brother Abishai murdered Abner because he had killed their brother Asahel in the battle at Gibeon.
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\c 4
\v 1 When Saul's son Ishbosheth heard that Abner had been killed at Hebron, he became very discouraged, and all the Israelite people with him.
\v 2 Ishbosheth had two officers who were leaders of groups of soldiers. They were brothers with the names of Baanah and Recab; they were sons of Rimmon from the town of Beeroth in the tribe of Benjamin. Now Beeroth is in the area that had been assigned to the tribe of Benjamin.
\v 1 When Saul's son Ish-Bosheth heard that Abner had been killed at Hebron, he became very discouraged, and all the Israelite people with him.
\v 2 Ish-Bosheth had two officers who were leaders of groups of soldiers. They were brothers with the names of Baanah and Recab; they were sons of Rimmon from the town of Beeroth in the tribe of Benjamin. Now Beeroth is in the area that had been assigned to the tribe of Benjamin.
\v 3 But the original inhabitants of Beeroth had fled to the town of Gittaim, where they still live.
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\v 6 Then the Ammonite leaders realized that they had greatly insulted David. So they sent some men to hire some soldiers from other nearby areas to help defend them. They hired twenty thousand soldiers from the regions of Beth Rehob and Zobah northeast of Israel, and twelve thousand soldiers from the region of Tob, and one thousand soldiers from the army of the king of the region of Maacah.
\v 6 Then the Ammonite leaders realized that they had greatly insulted David. So they sent some men to hire some soldiers from other nearby areas to help defend them. They hired twenty thousand soldiers from the regions of Beth Rehob and Zobah northeast of Israel, and twelve thousand soldiers from the region of Tob, and one thousand soldiers from the army of the king of the region of Maakah.
\v 7 When David heard about that, he sent Joab with all of the Israelite army to fight against them.
\v 8 The Ammonite soldiers came outside their city gate and stood in a line ready for battle. At the same time, the foreign soldiers whom their king had hired grouped themselves in the open fields nearby.
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\v 14 Sheba went through all the tribes of Israel, and arrived at the city that is called Abel of Beth Maacah in the northern part of Israel. All the members of his father Bikri's clan gathered there and went with Sheba into the city.
\v 14 Sheba went through all the tribes of Israel, and arrived at the city that is called Abel of Beth Maakah in the northern part of Israel. All the members of his father Bikri's clan gathered there and went with Sheba into the city.
\v 15 The soldiers who were with Joab found out that Sheba had gone there, so they went there and surrounded the city. They built a dirt ramp up against the city wall. They also pounded against the wall to cause it to collapse.
\v 16 Then a wise woman who was in that town stood on the top of the wall and shouted down, "Listen to me! Tell Joab to come here, because I want to talk to him!"
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\v 33 Ahiam the son of Sharar, from Harar,
\v 34 Eliphelet son of Ahasbai, from the city of Maacah,
\v 34 Eliphelet son of Ahasbai, from the city of Maakah,
\li3 Eliam son of Ahithophel, from the city of Gilo,
\v 35 Hezro, from the city of Carmel,
Reference in New Issue