Sat May 26 2018 14:47:56 GMT+0200 (Sudan Standard Time)

This commit is contained in:
tsDesktop 2018-05-26 14:47:57 +02:00
commit 85c6e50004
14 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

04/01.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 1 Nekudharo Djesu wakasesedwa ne Mweia muthambe kuti ayedwe na Diabrossi. \v 2 Panguwa yakapedza kutsanha tsiku dzinokwana makumarongomuna ye masikati ne makumarongomuna yeusiku, akazwa ndzara. \v 3 Diabrossi  wakawia akarequeta kuti ´´ kana uri Mwana wa Mwari, ita Kune bhue iri ritchindje riwe mukate'. \v 4 Asi Djesu,wakadhaira ,akati:`zwakatarwa kuti: munhu hangaponi ne mikate yega, asi nemachoko ese anobhudha mumuromo wa Mwari.

04/05.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 5 Asi Diabrosi wakamutora kwendanae pa guta tswene, akamukanda pambuto ye padhenga pe themberi. \v 6 Wakareketa akati´´ kana huri mwana wa Mwari, dzikandire passi, nekudharo zwakatarwa: iye achapa mithemo kune Nguirossi Dzaque dziwe newe; iwo wachakufumbatira munhara yako, kuti usazogwegwedhuke mirenje yako ne mapue .

04/07.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 7 DJesu wakadhaira:necudharo zvacatarwa: Hiwewe usa isa  Iche  Mwari wako  mukuedzua \v 8 Pakarepo Diaborosi wakamutora kuenda naye pambuto ye pamusoro wakamupanguidza huche wese we nhika pamwepo nekurungama kwaro. \v 9 Wakati kuna Djesu" Zvese dinokupa ,kana ukandinamata".

04/10.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 10 Nekudharo Djesu wacarequeta kuti: " Bhudha pano  Sathani ! Nekudaro zvakatarwa : ´namata Iche Mwari wako ndiye ega anodhiKanua kunamathua. \v 11 Pakarepo Diabrosi Wakamurequera nekudharo watumwa wakawiya Wakamusendzera.

04/12.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 12 Panguwa DJesu pakazwa kuti Jhoani wanga wasungwa;wakabhudha  kwendha ku Gararia. \v 13 Pakabhudha kubva ku Nazareta wakayenda ko gara ku Kafarnaumi; ino gara Paduze ne Bhahari re Gareria,pamuthandha umweo  we Zeburoni na Nafitari.

04/14.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 14 Izvi zvakaitika kuti zvidzadziswe zvia zvakarekethua no Muporofiti Isaia. \v 15 Pamuthandha we Zeburon ne pamutandha we Nafitari,muguandza re bhahari,kundze kwe Jordani,ne Gareria ye Mahedeni ". \v 16 Handhu hanga ari  mudhima wakahona chiedza chikuru .Na Amweni Wanga wari mumuthanya mubvute re rufu pakahoneka  tchiedza".

04/17.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 17 kubhira  panguwa imweio; Djesu wakatanga kuparidza etchiti " tchinhukai,nguekuti Humambo  Wekudhenga  wa paduze".

04/18.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 18 Paifamba mumutcheto mwe  bhahari, ye Gareria;wakahona hama mbiri, Simoni, waidhaindzwa kuti Peduru, na Andrea , waicandira hokota mu Bahari,necuti wakanga wari wabhati we hoowe. \v 19 Wakati iye Djesu, "wiyai quandiri munditewere ndichamuita waedzi we wandhu". \v 20 Nekukasika  wakasia hokota dzaho akamuteera.

04/21.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 21 Panguwa ya Djesu  paihamba,wakahona wamweni hama mbiri, Jacobo,mwana wa Zebedia,na Jhoane.wanga wari mu bhande na zabadeu,bhabha wake, etchigadzira hokota dzawo .Iyena wakaadhaindza. \v 22  Neku ;kasikisa,iwo wakassia bhande, na bhabha wake,akamutera.

04/23.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 23 DJesu wakahamba nhika yese yeku Gareria,etchifundissa muma Sinagoga awo,etchiparidza mazwi  we Humambo etchirapa matenda akasiana siana ne amweni matenda he anhu . \v 24 mbiri yake yakapararira panhika yese ye Siria; wandhu wakaundzisa  wesse wakanga  etchirwara,nematenda akasiana neku bviringuidzica:ne wakagarwa ne madimoni, newanondhutu ne wakaoma mutezo; Djesu wakawarapa. \v 25 Wandhu wakawanda wakamutera  weku gareria, Decapulis,Djerussarema neweku Djudia neKumberi kwe Jordani.

13/01.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 1 Ne tsiku ria Djesu wakabhudha panhumba wakagara paduze ne bhahari. \v 2 handhu akawanda akamutenderera .hie wakapinda mubhande akagara; handhu  wesse wakaramba akamira.

13/03.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
\v 3 pakarepo djesu akareketa zvakawanda ngue mufananidzo. akati :"hiye musime wakabhudha kwenda ko sima. \v 4 panguwa yai sima , dzimwe mbeu dzaiwira muguandza,chiri dzikawia ko nonguera. \v 5  dzimweni mbeu dzakawira munomapue,mangu musina mavu akawanda,

29 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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manifest.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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"source_translations": [],
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"finished_chunks": []