Sun Feb 16 2020 19:33:07 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

This commit is contained in:
Dollylao 2020-02-16 19:33:08 +07:00
parent 9126a5015a
commit b93f4cdb24
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
"title": "ຣາຊວົງຂອງເຢໂຣໂບອາມ. out of Jeroboam's house",
"body": "ຄຳວ່າ \"ຣາຊວົງ\" ຢູ່ນີ້ແມ່ນຄຳອຸປະມາສຳ ລັບ \"ຄອບຄົວ.\" AT: \"ໃນທຸກໆຄອບຄົວຂອງ Jeroboam\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs_metonymy). The word \"house\" here is a metonymy for \"family.\" AT: \"in all of Jeroboam's family\" (See: figs_metonymy)"
"body": "ຄຳວ່າ \"ຣາຊວົງ\" ຢູ່ນີ້ແມ່ນຄຳອຸປະມາສຳ ລັບ \"ຄອບຄົວ.\" ອາດຈະແປໄດ້ວ່າ: \"ໃນທຸກໆຄອບຄົວຂອງເຢໂຣໂບອາມ\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs_metonymy). The word \"house\" here is a metonymy for \"family.\" AT: \"in all of Jeroboam's family\" (See: figs_metonymy)"
"title": "ບໍ່ມີສິ່ງໃດທີ່ດີໃນສາຍຕາຂອງພະເຢໂຫວາ, ພະເຈົ້າແຫ່ງອິດສະລາເອນ. was anything good found in the sight of Yahweh, the God of Israel",
"body": "sight ຂອງ Yahweh ເປັນຕົວແທນຂອງການຕັດສິນໃຈ Yahweh ຫຼືການປະເມີນຜົນ. ນີ້ສາມາດຖືກລະບຸໄວ້ໃນຮູບແບບທີ່ຫ້າວຫັນ. AT: \"Yahweh, ພຣະເຈົ້າຂອງອິດສະຣາເອນ, ເຫັນວ່າລາວຕັດສິນວ່າມັນດີ\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs_metaphor ແລະ figs_activepassive). The sight of Yahweh represents Yahweh's judgment or evaluation. This can be stated in active form. AT: \"did Yahweh, the God of Israel, find anything he judged to be good\" (See: figs_metaphor and figs_activepassive)"
"title": "ບາງສິ່ງທີ່ພໍພຣະໄທພຣະເນດຂອງພຣະຢາເວພຣະເຈົ້າເເຫ່ງອິດສະຣາເອນ. was anything good found in the sight of Yahweh, the God of Israel",
"body": "ພຣະໄທພຣະເນດຂອງພຣະຢາເວ ເປັນຕົວແທນຂອງການຕັດສິນໃຈ Yahweh ຫຼືການປະເມີນຜົນ. ນີ້ສາມາດຖືກລະບຸໄວ້ໃນຮູບແບບທີ່ຫ້າວຫັນ. AT: \"Yahweh, ພຣະເຈົ້າຂອງອິດສະຣາເອນ, ເຫັນວ່າລາວຕັດສິນວ່າມັນດີ\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs_metaphor ແລະ figs_activepassive). The sight of Yahweh represents Yahweh's judgment or evaluation. This can be stated in active form. AT: \"did Yahweh, the God of Israel, find anything he judged to be good\" (See: figs_metaphor and figs_activepassive)"