Tue Feb 18 2020 12:36:46 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

This commit is contained in:
Dollylao 2020-02-18 12:36:46 +07:00
parent cf2a38d47d
commit 96db774cfd
3 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
"body": "\"ທີ່ດິນ\" ແມ່ນ synecdoche ສໍາລັບປະຊາຊົນທຸກຄົນທີ່ອາໄສຢູ່ທີ່ນັ້ນ. AT: \"ຂອງປະຊາຊົນອິດສະຣາເອນ\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs synecdoche). \"The land\" is synecdoche for all the people living there. AT: \"of the people of Israel\" (See: figs_synecdoche)"
"title": "take note and see",
"body": "\"Take note\" is an idiom to observe carefully. AT: \"pay close attention to\" (See: figs_idiom)"
"title": "take note and see. take note and see",
"body": "\"ເອົາໃຈໃສ່\" ແມ່ນ idiom ເພື່ອສັງເກດເບິ່ງຢ່າງລະມັດລະວັງ. AT: \"ເອົາໃຈໃສ່ກັບ\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs_idiom). \"Take note\" is an idiom to observe carefully. AT: \"pay close attention to\" (See: figs_idiom)"
"title": "I have not refused him",
"body": "This can be expressed positively. AT: \"I have agreed to his demands\" (See: figs_doublenegatives)"
"title": "ຂ້ອຍບໍ່ໄດ້ປະຕິເສດລາວ. I have not refused him",
"body": "ສິ່ງນີ້ສາມາດສະແດງອອກໃນທາງບວກ. AT: \"ຂ້ອຍໄດ້ຕົກລົງກັບຄວາມຕ້ອງການຂອງລາວ\" (ເບິ່ງ: figs_doublenegatives). This can be expressed positively. AT: \"I have agreed to his demands\" (See: figs_doublenegatives)"

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"title": "May the gods do so to me and more also",
"body": "This is an oath with great emphasis. See how you translated this in 19:1."
"title": "ຂໍໃຫ້ພະເຈົ້າເຮັດເຊັ່ນນັ້ນຕໍ່ຂ້ອຍແລະອື່ນໆອີກ. May the gods do so to me and more also",
"body": "ນີ້ແມ່ນ ຄຳ ສາບານທີ່ມີຄວາມເອົາໃຈໃສ່ທີ່ສຸດ. ເບິ່ງວິທີທີ່ທ່ານແປຂໍ້ນີ້ໃນ 19: 1. This is an oath with great emphasis. See how you translated this in 19:1."
"title": "if even the ashes of Samaria will be enough for all the people who follow me to have a handful each",
"body": "Ben Hadad is threatening that his army will totally destroy everything in Samaria. (See: figs_metaphor)"
"title": "ຖ້າຫາກວ່າແມ່ນແຕ່ຂີ້ເຖົ່າຂອງຊາມາເຣຍກໍ່ຈະພຽງພໍ ສຳ ລັບຄົນທັງ ໝົດ ທີ່ຕິດຕາມຂ້ອຍໃຫ້ມີ ຈຳ ນວນ ໜ້ອຍ ໜຶ່ງ. if even the ashes of Samaria will be enough for all the people who follow me to have a handful each",
"body": "ທ້າວ Ben Hadad ກຳ ລັງຂົ່ມຂູ່ວ່າກອງທັບຂອງລາວຈະ ທຳ ລາຍທຸກສິ່ງທຸກຢ່າງໃນເມືອງຊາມາເຣຍ. (ເບິ່ງ: figs_metaphor). Ben Hadad is threatening that his army will totally destroy everything in Samaria. (See: figs_metaphor)"

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"title": "Tell Ben Hadad, 'No one who is just putting on his armor ... as if he were taking it off.'",
"title": "ບອກທ້າວເບັນຮາດີວ່າ, 'ບໍ່ມີຜູ້ໃດທີ່ ກຳ ລັງວາງແຂນຂອງລາວ ... ຄືກັບວ່າລາວ ກຳ ລັງເອົາມັນອອກ.'. Tell Ben Hadad, 'No one who is just putting on his armor ... as if he were taking it off.'",
"body": "This is an expression to give advice. \"Putting on armor\" is metonymy for getting prepared for battle. \"Tell Ben Hadad, 'Do not boast as if you have already won a battle that you have not yet fought.'\" (See: writing_proverbs and figs_metonymy)\nStatus:\nIdle"