Ch 4-6 minor edits/corrections

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Bob Johnson 2019-02-04 12:05:03 +00:00
parent 319d9b2be5
commit d35809a95e
1 changed files with 20 additions and 20 deletions

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\c 4
\v 1 Meanwhile, there were some priests in the temple courtyard. There was also the officer in charge of the temple guard, and some members of the Sadducee group. All these men came to Peter and John while the two of them were speaking to the people.
\v 1 Meanwhile, there were some priests in the temple courtyard. There were also the officer in charge of the temple guard and some members of the Sadducee group. All of these men came to Peter and John while the two of them were speaking to the people.
\v 2 These men were very angry because the two apostles were teaching the people about Jesus. What they were telling them was that God caused Jesus to become alive again after he had been killed.
\v 3 So these men arrested Peter and John and put them in jail. The Jewish council had to wait until the next day to question Peter and John, because it was already evening.
\v 4 However, many people who had heard Peter speak put their faith in Jesus. The number of men who believed in Jesus increased to about five thousand.
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\v 13 The Jewish leaders realized that Peter and John were not afraid of them. They also learned that these two men were ordinary people who had not studied in schools. So the leaders were amazed. They knew that these men had spent time with Jesus.
\v 14 They also saw the man who had been healed standing there with the Peter and John, so they were not able to say anything against them.
\v 14 They also saw the man who had been healed standing there with Peter and John, so they were not able to say anything against them.
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\v 21 Then the Jewish leaders again told Peter and John not to disobey them, but they decided not to punish them, because all the people in Jerusalem were praising God about what had happened to the man who could not walk.
\v 21 Then the Jewish leaders again told Peter and John not to disobey them, but they decided not to punish them because all the people in Jerusalem were praising God about what had happened to the man who could not walk.
\v 22 He was more than forty years old, and he was not able to walk since the day that he was born.
\v 23 After Peter and John left the council, they went to the other believers and told them everything that the chief priests and Jewish elders had said to them.
\v 24 When the believers heard this, they all agreed as they prayed to God together, "O Lord! You made the sky, the earth and the oceans, and everything in them.
\v 25 The Holy Spirit caused our ancestor, King David, who served you, to write these words:
\v 25 The Holy Spirit caused our ancestor King David, who served you, to write these words:
\q 'Why did the nations of the world become angry
\q and why do people make their foolish plans?
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\v 27 It is true! Both Herod and Pontius Pilate, together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, all came together in this city to turn against Jesus, the one you chose to serve you, O Lord.
\v 27 It is true! Both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, came together in this city to turn against Jesus, the one you chose to serve you, O Lord.
\v 28 You allowed them to do this because it was what you decided long ago would happen.
\v 29 So now, Lord, listen to what they are saying about how they will punish us! Help us who serve you to speak about Jesus to everyone!
\v 30 Use your power to do great miracles of healing, signs and wonders in the name of your holy servant, Jesus!"
\v 30 Use your power to do great miracles of healing, signs, and wonders in the name of your holy servant Jesus!"
\v 31 When the believers had finished praying, the place where they were meeting shook. The Holy Spirit gave them all power to boldly speak the words that God told them to speak, and this is what they did.
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\v 33 The apostles continued to strongly tell others that God had caused the Lord Jesus to become alive again. And God was helping all the believers very much.
\v 34-35 Some of the believers who owned land or houses sold their property. Then they would bring the money for what they sold and they would give it to the apostles. Then the apostles would give money to any believer who needed it. So all the believers had what they needed to live on.
\v 34-35 Some of the believers who owned land or houses sold their property. Then they would bring the money from what they sold and they would give it to the apostles. Then the apostles would give money to any believer who needed it. So all the believers had what they needed to live on.
\v 36 Now there was a man named Joseph, who belonged to the tribe of Levi, and who came from the Island of Cyprus. The apostles called him Barnabas; in the language of the Jews that name means a person who always encourages others.
\v 36 Now there was a man named Joseph, who belonged to the tribe of Levi and who came from the Island of Cyprus. The apostles called him Barnabas; in the language of the Jews, that name means a person who always encourages others.
\v 37 He sold a field and brought the money to the apostles for them to give to other believers.
\c 5
\v 1 Now there was one of the believers whose name was Ananias, and whose wife's name was Sapphira. He also sold some land.
\v 1 Now there was one of the believers whose name was Ananias and whose wife's name was Sapphira. He also sold some land.
\v 2 He kept for himself some of the money he had received for the land, and his wife knew that he had done that. Then he brought the rest of the money and presented it to the apostles.
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\v 7 About three hours later, his wife came in, but she did not know what had happened.
\v 7 About three hours later his wife came in, but she did not know what had happened.
\v 8 Then Peter showed her the money that Ananias had brought and asked her, "Tell me, is this the amount of money you two received for the land you sold?" She said, "Yes, that is what we received."
\v 9 So Peter said to her, "You both did a terrible thing! You two agreed to try to deceive the Spirit of the Lord! Listen! Do you hear the footsteps of the men who buried your husband? They are right outside this door, and they will carry you out, too!"
\v 10 Immediately Sapphira fell down dead at Peter's feet. Then the young men came in. When they saw that she was dead, too, they carried her body out and buried it beside her husband's body.
\v 9 So Peter said to her, "You both did a terrible thing! You two agreed to try to deceive the Spirit of the Lord! Listen! Do you hear the footsteps of the men who buried your husband? They are right outside this door, and they will also carry you out!"
\v 10 Immediately Sapphira fell down dead at Peter's feet. Then the young men came in. When they saw that she was also dead, they carried her body out and buried it beside her husband's body.
\v 11 All the believers in Jerusalem became greatly frightened because of what God had done to Ananias and Sapphira. And everyone else who heard about these things also became greatly frightened.
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\v 14 Many more men and women started believing in the Lord Jesus, and they joined the group of believers.
\v 15 As a result, people were bringing those who were sick into the streets and laying them on stretchers and mats, in order that when Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on some of them and heal them.
\v 15 As a result, people were bringing those who were sick into the streets and laying them on stretchers and mats in order that, when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on some of them and heal them.
\v 16 Large crowds of people were also coming to the apostles from the towns near Jerusalem. They were bringing the sick and those who were being tormented by evil spirits, and God healed all of them.
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\v 18 So they commanded the temple guards to arrest the apostles and to put them in the public jail.
\v 19 But during the night an angel from the Lord opened the jail doors and brought the apostles outside. Then the angel said
\v 20 to the apostles, "Go to the temple courtyard, stand there, and tell the people all this message of eternal life."
\v 19 But during the night an angel from the Lord opened the jail doors and brought the apostles outside. Then the angel said to the apostles,
\v 20 "Go to the temple courtyard, stand there, and tell the people all this message of eternal life."
\v 21 After hearing this, the apostles entered the temple courtyard about dawn and began to teach the people again about Jesus. Meanwhile, the high priest and those who were with him summoned the other Jewish council members. Together they were all the leaders of Israel. After they had gathered together, they sent guards to the jail to bring in the apostles.
\v 22 But when the guards arrived at the jail, they discovered that the apostles were not there. So they returned to the council and reported,
\v 23 "We saw that the jail doors were very securely locked, and the guards were standing at the doors. But when we opened the doors and went in to get those men, none of them was inside the jail."
\v 23 "We saw that the jail doors were very securely locked and the guards were standing at the doors. But when we opened the doors and went in to get those men, none of them were inside the jail."
\v 24 When the captain of the temple guards and the chief priests heard that, they became greatly confused, and they wondered where all these events would lead.
\v 25 Then someone came and reported to them, "Listen to this! Right now the men whom you put in jail are standing in the temple courtyard, and they are teaching the people!"
\v 25 Then someone came and reported to them, "Listen to this! Right now the men whom you put in jail are standing in the temple courtyard and they are teaching the people!"
\v 26 So the captain of the temple guards went to the temple courtyard with the officers, and they brought the apostles back to the council room. But they did not treat them roughly, because they were afraid that the people would kill them by throwing stones at them.
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\v 32 We tell people about these things that we know happened to Jesus. The Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to us who obey him, is also confirming that these things are true."
\v 33 When the council members heard this, they became very angry with the apostles, and they wanted to kill them.
\v 33 When the council members heard this, they became very angry with the apostles and wanted to kill them.
\v 34 But there was a council member named Gamaliel. He was a member of the Pharisee group. He taught people the Jewish laws, and all the Jewish people respected him. He stood up in the council and told the guards to take the apostles out of the room for a short time.
\v 35 After the guards had taken the apostles out, he said to the other council members, "Men of Israel, you must think carefully about what you want to do to these men.
\v 36 Some years ago a man named Theudas rebelled against the government. He told people that he was an important person, and about four hundred men joined him. But he was killed, and all those who had been accompanying him were scattered. So they were not able to do anything that they had planned.
\v 37 After that, during the time when they were writing down names of the people in order to tax them, a man named Judas from the region of Galilee rebelled and persuaded some people to follow him. But he was killed, too, and all those who had accompanied him went off in different directions.
\v 37 After that, during the time when they were writing down names of the people in order to tax them, a man named Judas from the region of Galilee rebelled and persuaded some people to follow him. But he was also killed, and all those who had accompanied him went off in different directions.
\v 38 So now I say this to you: Do not harm these men! Release them! I say this because if the things that are happening now are just something that humans have planned, someone will stop them. They will fail.
\v 39 But if God has commanded them to do these things, you will not be able to stop them, because you will find out that you are working against God!" The other members of the council accepted what Gamaliel said.
\v 39 But if God has commanded them to do these things, you will not be able to stop them because you will find out that you are working against God!" The other members of the council accepted what Gamaliel said.
\v 40 They told the temple guards to bring the apostles and beat them. So the guards brought them into the council room and beat them. Then the council members commanded them not to speak to people about Jesus any more, and they released the apostles.