diff --git a/42-MRK.usfm b/42-MRK.usfm index b1846a82..518683da 100644 --- a/42-MRK.usfm +++ b/42-MRK.usfm @@ -847,7 +847,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \v 33 "Listen carefully! We are going up to Jerusalem. There the chief priests and the men who teach the laws will arrest me, the Son of Man. They will declare that I must die. Then they will take me to the Roman authorities. \v 34 Their men will ridicule me and spit on me. They will whip me, and then they will kill me. But on the third day after that, I will become alive again!" - \s5 \p \v 35 Along the way, James and John, who were the two sons of Zebedee, approached Jesus and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to do something for us!" @@ -869,7 +868,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \v 44 Furthermore, if anyone among you wants God to consider him to be the most important, he must act like a slave for the rest of you. \v 45 I, the Son of Man, did not come to be served. On the contrary, I came to serve others and to free many people by giving my life for them." - \s5 \p \v 46 On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus and the disciples came to Jericho. Then, while they were leaving Jericho along with a great crowd, a blind man who habitually begged for money was sitting beside the road. His name was Bartimaeus, and his father's name was Timaeus. @@ -955,8 +953,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \s5 \c 12 - - \p \v 1 Then Jesus began to tell them a parable. He said, "A certain man planted a vineyard. He built a fence around it. He made a stone tank to collect the grape juice. He also built a tower for someone to sit in to guard his vineyard. He leased the vineyard to some farmers to cultivate it, and then he went away to another country. \v 2 When the time came to harvest the grapes, he sent a servant to the men who were taking care of the vineyard in order to receive from them his share of the grapes that the vineyard had produced. @@ -981,7 +977,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \p \v 12 Then the Jewish leaders realized that Jesus was accusing them when he told this story about what those wicked people did. So they wanted to arrest him. But they were afraid of what the crowds of people would do if they did that. So they left him and went away. - \s5 \p \v 13 The Jewish leaders sent to Jesus some Pharisees and some members of the party that supported Herod Antipas and the Roman government. They wanted to trick Jesus; they wanted to make him say something wrong, so they could show people that he taught wrong things and get him into trouble with the Roman government. @@ -992,7 +987,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \v 16 After they had brought him a coin, he asked them, "Whose picture is on this coin? And whose name is on it?" They replied, "It is a picture and the name of Caesar." \v 17 Jesus said to them, "That is correct, so give to Caesar what belongs to him, and give to God what belongs to him." They were completely amazed by what he said. - \s5 \p \v 18 Men who belong to the group of Sadducees deny what other Jews believed, that people become alive again after they die. Some Sadducees came to Jesus and asked him, @@ -1012,7 +1006,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \v 26 But let me talk about people becoming alive again after they die. In the book that Moses wrote, he wrote about people who have died; I am sure that you have read it. When Moses was looking at the bush that was burning, God said to him, 'I am the God whom Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worship.' \v 27 Now it is not dead people who worship God. It is living people who worship him. So when you say that dead people do not become alive again, you are very wrong." - \s5 \p \v 28 A man who taught the Jewish laws heard their discussion. He knew that Jesus had answered the Sadducees' question very well. So he stepped forward and asked Jesus, "Which commandment is the most important?" @@ -1030,6 +1023,7 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \v 35 Later, while Jesus was teaching in the temple area, he said to the people, "How is it that those who teach the law say—and they are correct in saying—that the Messiah is the son of David? \v 36 The Holy Spirit caused David to say about the Messiah, 'God said to my Lord, "Sit here beside me at my right hand, in the place where I will highly honor you above everyone else! Sit here while I completely defeat your enemies!"' \v 37 In this Psalm of David he refers to the Messiah as 'Lord.' But how—as the teachers of the law correctly say—can the Messiah also be the son of David?" Many people listened to him gladly as he taught these things. + \s5 \p \v 38 While Jesus was teaching the people, he said to them, "Beware that you do not act like the men who teach our laws. They like people to honor them, so they put on long robes and walk around in order to show people how important they are. They also like people to greet them respectfully in the marketplaces. @@ -1045,7 +1039,6 @@ For example, they refuse to eat until they first wash their hands with a special \s5 \v 43-44 Jesus gathered his disciples around him and said to them, "The truth is that those other people have a lot of money, but they gave only a small part of it. But this woman, who is very poor, has put in all the money that she had to pay for the things she needed for today. So this poor widow has put more money into the box than all the others!" - \s5 \c 13 \p