Ch 22-24 edits/corrections

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bobj 2019-10-16 12:46:16 +00:00
parent 99f56c2db1
commit 1701e52c39
1 changed files with 24 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1115,19 +1115,19 @@
\c 22
\v 1 The people of Jerusalem appointed Jehoram's youngest son Ahaziah to be their king, because the men from Philistia who had invaded Judah with some Arabs had killed all of Jehoram's other sons. So Ahaziah started to rule Judah.
\v 1 The people of Jerusalem appointed Jehoram's youngest son Ahaziah to be their king because the men from Philistia who had invaded Judah with some Arabs had killed all of Jehoram's other sons. So Ahaziah started to rule Judah.
\v 2 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for one year. His mother's name was Athaliah, a granddaughter of King Omri of Israel.
\v 3 King Ahab conducted his life just like the members of Ahab's family had done, because his mother encouraged him to do things that are wrong.
\v 3 King Ahab conducted his life just as the members of Ahab's family had done because his mother encouraged him to do things that were wrong.
\v 4 He did many things that Yahweh said were evil, like the descendants of Ahab had done, because after Ahaziah's father died, they became his advisors. And Ahaziah died as a result of heeding their bad advice.
\v 5 Before he died, he did what they encourage him to do by going with Joram son of King Ahab of Israel, to fight against the army of Hazael, the king of Aram, at Ramoth Gilead. Joram was wounded there by the Arameans.
\v 4 He did many things that Yahweh said were evil, as the descendants of Ahab had done, because after Ahaziah's father died they became his advisors. And Ahaziah died as a result of heeding their bad advice.
\v 5 Before he died, he did what they encourage him to do by going with Joram son of King Ahab of Israel to fight against the army of Hazael, the king of Aram, at Ramoth Gilead. Joram was wounded there by the Arameans.
\v 6 After he was wounded, Joram went back to the city of Jezreel to recover from his battle wounds. Then King Ahaziah went down to Jezreel to see Joram son of King Ahab, because he had been wounded.
\v 6 After he was wounded, Joram went back to the city of Jezreel to recover from his battle wounds. Then King Ahaziah went down to Jezreel to see Joram son of King Ahab because he had been wounded.
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\v 8 While Jehu and the men who were with him were killing Ahab's descendants, they found the leaders of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah's relatives who had been working for Ahaziah, and they killed all of them also.
\v 9 Then Jehu went to find Ahaziah, and his soldiers found Ahaziah while he was hiding in the city of Samaria. They brought him to Jehu and executed him. Then they buried his corpse, because they said, "He deserves to be buried, because he was a descendant of Jehoshaphat, who tried hard to please Yahweh." After that, there were no descendants of Ahaziah who were powerful enough to become the kings of Judah.
\v 9 Then Jehu went to find Ahaziah, and his soldiers found Ahaziah while he was hiding in the city of Samaria. They brought him to Jehu and executed him. Then they buried his corpse because they said, "He deserves to be buried because he was a descendant of Jehoshaphat, who tried hard to please Yahweh." After that, there were no descendants of Ahaziah who were powerful enough to become the kings of Judah.
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\v 1 The next year, Jehoiada decided that it was necessary to do something. So he made an agreement with the army commanders of groups of one hundred soldiers: Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zikri.
\v 2 They went throughout Judah and gathered the descendants of Levi and the leaders of Israelite families from all the cities. When they came to Jerusalem,
\v 3 the whole group went to the temple and made an agreement with the young king there. Jehoiada said to them, "This is the son of the previous king of Judah. So he is the one who must rule, like Yahweh promised that the descendants of King David must do.
\v 3 the whole group went to the temple and made an agreement with the young king there. Jehoiada said to them, "This is the son of the previous king of Judah. So he is the one who must rule, as Yahweh promised that the descendants of King David must do.
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\v 6 Only the priests and the descendants of Levi who work there are allowed to enter the temple, because they are set apart for that work. All the others must remain in the courtyard, obeying what Yahweh has commanded.
\v 7 You descendants of Levi must stand around the young king, each of you with your weapon in your hand. You must kill anyone else who tries to enter the temple. And stay close to the king, wherever he goes."
\v 7 You descendants of Levi must stand around the young king, each of you with your weapon in your hand. You must kill anyone else who tries to enter the temple. And stay close to the king wherever he goes."
\v 8 So the descendants of Levi and all the men of Judah did what Jehoiada had told them. He did not allow anyone to go home after he finished his work on that day. Each commander took his men, the ones who were finishing their work on that Sabbath day and those who were starting their work on that day.
\v 8 So the descendants of Levi and all the men of Judah did what Jehoiada had told them. He did not allow anyone to go home after finishing work on that day. Each commander took his men, the ones who were finishing their work on that Sabbath day and those who were starting their work on that day.
\v 9 Then Jehoiada gave each of the commanders the spears and the large and small shields that had been put there in the temple by King David.
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\v 18 Then Jehoiada appointed the priests, who were also descended from Levi, to take care of the temple. They were part of the group to whom King David had given various work at the temple, to sacrifice the animals that were to be completely burned on the altar, doing what was written in the laws that Moses had given to them. He also told them to rejoice and sing, which was also what David had commanded.
\v 19 He also put gatekeepers at the gates of the temple in order that anyone who was unacceptable to God would not be allowed to enter.
\v 18 Then Jehoiada appointed the priests, who were also descended from Levi, to take care of the temple. They were part of the group to whom King David had given various kinds of work at the temple, to sacrifice the animals that were to be completely burned on the altar, doing what was written in the laws that Moses had given to them. He also told them to rejoice and sing, which was also what David had commanded.
\v 19 He also put gatekeepers at the gates of the temple so that anyone who was unacceptable to God would not be allowed to enter.
\v 20 Jehoiada took with him the army commanders, the important men, the leaders and many others, and brought the king down from the temple. They went into the palace through the Upper Gate, and put the king on his throne.
\v 21 Then all the people of Judah rejoiced. And there was quiet throughout the city, because Athaliah had been killed.
\v 20 Jehoiada took with him the army commanders, the important men, the leaders, and many others and brought the king down from the temple. They went into the palace through the Upper Gate and put the king on his throne.
\v 21 Then all the people of Judah rejoiced. And there was quiet throughout the city because Athaliah had been killed.
\c 24
@ -1209,22 +1209,22 @@
\v 6 So the king summoned Jehoiada and said to him, "Why have you not required the descendants of Levi to bring to Jerusalem from various places in Judah the annual tax that Moses said that the people of Judah must pay, for taking care of the sacred tent?"
\v 7 The temple needed to be repaired because the sons of that wicked woman Athaliah had entered into the temple and had wrecked some of the things, and had also used some of the sacred items that were in it for the worship of Baal.
\v 7 The temple needed to be repaired because the sons of that wicked woman Athaliah had entered into the temple and had wrecked some of the things there and had also used some of the sacred items that were in it for the worship of Baal.
\v 8 So, obeying what the king commanded, the descendants of Levi made a chest and placed it outside the temple, at one of the entrances.
\v 8 So, obeying what the king commanded, the descendants of Levi made a chest and placed it outside the temple at one of the entrances.
\v 9 Then the king sent letters everywhere in Judah, requesting everyone to bring their tax money to the temple, as Moses had required the Israelite people to do when they were in the wilderness.
\v 10 All the officials and the other people agreed, and they brought their contributions gladly. They put the money into the chest until it was full.
\v 11 Whenever the descendants of Levi brought the chest to the king's officials, and they saw that there was a lot of money in it, the king's secretary and the assistant to the high priest would take all the money from the chest and then put the chest back in its place. They did this frequently, and they collected a huge amount of money.
\v 11 Whenever the descendants of Levi brought the chest to the king's officials and they saw that there was much money in it, the king's secretary and the assistant to the high priest would take all the money from the chest and then put the chest back in its place. They did this frequently, and they collected a huge amount of money.
\v 12 The king and Jehoiada gave the money to the men who were supervising the work of repairing the temple. Those men hired stoneworkers and carpenters to repair the temple. They also hired men who worked with iron and bronze to repair the things in the temple that were broken.
\v 13 The men who did the repair work worked hard, and the work of repairing the temple progressed. They rebuilt the temple to make it as it was originally, and they made it stronger.
\v 14 When they had finished the repair work, they brought to the king and to Jehoiada the money that they had not used for the repairs. That money was used to make things to use for performing the sacrifices that were to be completely burned on the altar, and to make bowls and other gold and silver things for the temple. As long as Joash lived, the people continually brought to the temple sacrifices that were to be completely burned on the altar.
\v 14 When they had finished the repair work, they brought to the king and to Jehoiada the money that they had not used for the repairs. That money was used to make things to use for performing the sacrifices that were to be completely burned on the altar and to make bowls and other gold and silver things for the temple. As long as Joash lived, the people continually brought to the temple sacrifices that were to be completely burned on the altar.
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\v 20 Then God's Spirit came upon Zechariah son of Jehoiada the high priest. He stood up front of the people and said, "This is what God says: Why are you violating Yahweh's commandments? You will not be able prosper if you do that. Since you have stopped obeying Yahweh, he will stop taking care of you."
\v 20 Then God's Spirit came upon Zechariah son of Jehoiada the high priest. He stood before the people and said, "This is what God says: Why are you violating Yahweh's commandments? You will not be able prosper if you do that. Since you have stopped obeying Yahweh, he will stop taking care of you."
\v 21 But the people planned to kill Zechariah. And the king permitted them to kill him. They killed him by throwing stones at him in the temple courtyard.
\v 22 King Joash forgot about how Zechariah's father Jehoiada had been kind to him. So he commanded them to kill Jehoiada's son Zechariah, who said as he was dying, "I hope that Yahweh will see what you are doing to me and punish you for doing it."
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\v 23 Near the end of that year, the army of Aram marched to attack the army of Joash. They invaded Judah and attacked Jerusalem and killed all the leaders of the people. They seized many valuable things and sent them to their king in Damascus, their capital city.
\v 24 The army of Aram that came to Judah was very small, but Yahweh allowed them to defeat the large army of Judah, because he was punishing Joash and the other people of Judah for having abandoned him, the God whom their ancestors worshiped.
\v 24 The army of Aram that came to Judah was very small, but Yahweh allowed them to defeat the large army of Judah because he was punishing Joash and the other people of Judah for having abandoned him, the God whom their ancestors worshiped.
\v 25 Before the battle ended, Joash was severely wounded. Then his officials decided to kill him for murdering Zechariah son of Jehoiada the high priest. They killed him while he was in his bed. They buried him in the part of Jerusalem called the city of David, but they did not bury him in the place where the other kings had been buried.
\v 26 Those who conspired to kill him were Zabad son of Shimeath, who was a woman from the Ammon people, and Jehozabad son of Shimrith, who was a woman from the Moab people.
\v 26 Those who conspired to kill him were Zabad son of Shimeath, who was a woman from the Ammonite people, and Jehozabad son of Shimrith, who was a woman from the Moabite people.
\v 27 An account of the things that were done by the sons of Joash and the many prophecies about Joash and what he did to repair the temple are written in the commentary on the book of the kings of Judah and Israel. Then after Joash died, Amaziah his son became the king.
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\v 5 Amaziah summoned the men of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to come to Jerusalem, and there he put them into groups, each clan in a group by themselves. Then he appointed officers to command each group. Some officers commanded one hundred men, and some commanded one thousand men. They counted the men who were at least twenty years old; altogether there were 300,000 men. They were all men who were ready to be in the army, and able to fight well, using spears and shields.
\v 6 Amaziah also hired 100,000 capable soldiers from Israel; he paid paid almost 3,300 kilograms (or about three and one-third metric tons) of silver for them.
\v 6 Amaziah also hired 100,000 capable soldiers from Israel; he paid almost 3,300 kilograms (or about three and one-third metric tons) of silver for them.
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\v 1 All the people took Uzziah and made him their king, in the place of his father Amaziah. Uzziah was sixteen years old at that time.
\v 2 While he was the king, after his father King Amaziah had died, he had his workers rebuild the city of Elath and brought that city under the protection of Judah.
\v 3 Uzziah ruled in Jerusalem for fifty-two years. His mother was Jecoliah; she was from Jerusalem.
\v 3 Uzziah ruled in Jerusalem for fifty-two years. His mother was Jekoliah; she was from Jerusalem.
\v 4 Uzziah did the things that Yahweh said were good, like his father Amaziah had done.
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\v 2 and was as sinful as the kings of Israel had been. He made idols of the god Baal by having craftsmen cast them in metal.
\v 3 He burned incense in the Valley of Ben Hinnom. He even killed some of his own sons in fires as sacrifices. That imitated the disgusting customs that the peoples who previously lived there had done, people whom Yahweh had drive out when the Israelites were advancing through the land.
\v 3 He burned incense in the Valley of Ben Hinnom. He even killed some of his own sons in fires as sacrifices. That imitated the disgusting customs that the peoples who previously lived there had done, people whom Yahweh had driven out when the Israelites were advancing through the land.
\v 4 He offered sacrifices to idols at the houses built upon hilltops and under every big green tree.