\q2 the coats they gave you to promise that they would repay their debts.
\q2 You take their coats without warning, surprising them as much as soldiers returning from war would be surprised by attacks instead of safety at home.
\v 9 You have forced women to leave their nice homes,
\q2 and you have stolen from their children forever the blessings that I wanted to give them.
\v 10 So get up and leave here!
\q2 This is not a place where you can rest and be safe,
\q1 because you have defiled it.
\q2 I will make sure it will be completely destroyed.
\v 11 You people want a prophet who will lie to you,
\q2 saying, 'I will preach that you should drink plenty of wine and other alcoholic drinks!'
\q2 That is the kind of prophet who would please you."
\v 12 "But some day, you descendants of Jacob, I will bring back from exile the Israelite people who have survived.
\q1 I will gather you together
\q2 like a shepherd gathers his sheep into a pen,
\q2 and there will be many of you in your land.
\v 13 Your leader will enable them to leave the countries where they have been exiled;
\q2 he will lead them out of the gates of their enemies' cities,