
1.7 KiB


interpretation, interpreter, translate


The terms "interpret" and "interpretation" refer to understanding and explaining the meaning of something.

  • Often in the Bible these terms are used in connection with explaining the meaning of dreams or visions.
  • In the Old Testament, God sometimes used dreams to reveal to people what would happen in the future. So the interpretations of those dreams were prophecies.
  • The term "interpret" can refer to figuring out the meaning of other things, such as seeing what the sky looks like and figuring out whether or not it will rain or be windy.
  • The terms "interpret" and "translate" can refer to explaining what is said in one language to people who speak another language.

Translation Suggestions:

  • Ways to translate the term "interpret" include "figure out the meaning of" or "explain" or "give the meaning of."
  • The term "interpretation" could also be translated as "explanation" or "meaning."

(See also: Babylon, Daniel, dream, prophet, vision)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H995, H3887, H6591, H6622, H6623, H7667, H7760, H7922, G1252, G1328, G1329, G1381, G1955, G2058, G3177, G4793

Forms Found in the English ULB:

interpret, interpretation, interpretations, interpreted, interpreter, interpreting, interprets, translated