
1.5 KiB


corruption, depraved, flawed, incorruptibility, incorruptible


The terms "corrupt" and "corruption" refer to a state of affairs in which people have become ruined, immoral, or dishonest.

  • The term "corrupt" literally means to be "bent" or "broken" morally.
  • A person who is corrupt has turned away from truth and is doing things that are dishonest or immoral.
  • To corrupt someone means to influence that person to do dishonest and immoral things.

Translation Suggestions:

  • The term to "corrupt" could be translated as to "influence to do evil" or to "cause to be immoral."
  • A corrupt person could be described as a person "who has become immoral" or "who practices evil."
  • This term could also be translated as "bad" or "immoral" or "evil."
  • The term "corruption" could be translated as "the practice of evil" or "evil" or "immorality."
  • Something that cannot be corrupted is "incorruptible" and is characterized as having "incorruptibility."

(See also: evil)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H2254, H2610, H3891, H4889, H7843, H7844, G861, G1311, G2704, G3394, G5351, G5356

Forms Found in the English ULB:

corrupt, corrupted, corrupting, corruption, corruptly, corrupts, depraved, flawed, incorruptibility, incorruptible