diff --git a/bible/kt/antichrist.md b/bible/kt/antichrist.md index c4e79de0..6ecc3979 100644 --- a/bible/kt/antichrist.md +++ b/bible/kt/antichrist.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The term "antichrist" refers to a person or teaching that is against Jesus Christ and his work. There are many antichrists in the world. * The apostle John wrote that a person is the antichrist if he deceives people by saying that Jesus is not the Messiah or if he denies that Jesus is both God and human. -* The Bible also teaches that there is a general spirit of antichrist in the world which opposes Jesus' work. +* The Bible also teaches that there is a general spirit of antichrist in the world which opposes Jesus's work. * The New Testament book of Revelation explains that there will be a man called "the antichrist" who will be revealed in the end times. This man will attempt to destroy God's people, but he will be defeated by Jesus. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/kt/apostle.md b/bible/kt/apostle.md index 6faaa45b..a39ea7a5 100644 --- a/bible/kt/apostle.md +++ b/bible/kt/apostle.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The "apostles" were men sent by Jesus to preach about God and his kingdom. The term "apostleship" refers to the position and authority of those who were chosen as apostles. * The word "apostle" means "someone who is sent out for a special purpose." The apostle has the same authority as the one who sent him. -* Jesus' twelve closest disciples became the first apostles. Other men, such as Paul and James, also became apostles. +* Jesus's twelve closest disciples became the first apostles. Other men, such as Paul and James, also became apostles. * By God's power, the apostles were able to boldly preach the gospel and heal people, and were able to force demons to come out of people. ## Translation Suggestions: @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The "apostles" were men sent by Jesus to preach about God and his kingdom. The t * __[26:10](rc://en/tn/help/obs/26/10)__ Then Jesus chose twelve men who were called his __apostles__. The __apostles__ traveled with Jesus and learned from him. * __[30:01](rc://en/tn/help/obs/30/01)__ Jesus sent his __apostles__ to preach and to teach people in many different villages. -* __[38:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/38/02)__ Judas was one of Jesus' __apostles__. He was in charge of the __apostles'__ money bag, but he loved money and often stole from the bag. +* __[38:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/38/02)__ Judas was one of Jesus's __apostles__. He was in charge of the __apostles'__ money bag, but he loved money and often stole from the bag. * __[43:13](rc://en/tn/help/obs/43/13)__ The disciples devoted themselves to the __apostles'__ teaching, fellowship, eating together, and prayer. * __[46:08](rc://en/tn/help/obs/46/08)__ Then a believer named Barnabas took Saul to the __apostles__ and told them how Saul had preached boldly in Damascus. diff --git a/bible/kt/blood.md b/bible/kt/blood.md index 7daec186..ba840ed5 100644 --- a/bible/kt/blood.md +++ b/bible/kt/blood.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The term "blood" refers to the red liquid that comes out of a person's skin when * Blood symbolizes life and when it is shed or poured out, it symbolizes the loss of life, or death. * When people made sacrifices to God, they killed an animal and poured its blood on the altar. This symbolized the sacrifice of the animal's life to pay for people's sins. -* Through his death on the cross, Jesus' blood symbolically cleanses people from their sins and pays for the punishment they deserve for those sins. +* Through his death on the cross, Jesus's blood symbolically cleanses people from their sins and pays for the punishment they deserve for those sins. * The expression "flesh and blood" refers to human beings. * The expression "own flesh and blood" refers to people who are biologically related. diff --git a/bible/kt/centurion.md b/bible/kt/centurion.md index 36cc0609..7ab27f16 100644 --- a/bible/kt/centurion.md +++ b/bible/kt/centurion.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A centurion was a Roman army officer who had a group of 100 soldiers under his c * This could also be translated with a term that means, "leader of a hundred men" or "army leader" or "officer in charge of a hundred." * One Roman centurion came to Jesus to request healing for his servant. -* The centurion in charge of Jesus' crucifixion was amazed when he witnessed how Jesus died. +* The centurion in charge of Jesus's crucifixion was amazed when he witnessed how Jesus died. * God sent a centurion to Peter so that Peter could explain to him the good news about Jesus. (See also: [Rome](../names/rome.md)) diff --git a/bible/kt/christian.md b/bible/kt/christian.md index 006be38c..95971b71 100644 --- a/bible/kt/christian.md +++ b/bible/kt/christian.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Some time after Jesus went back to heaven, people made up the name "Christian" which means, "follower of Christ." -* It was in the city of Antioch where Jesus' followers were first called "Christians." +* It was in the city of Antioch where Jesus's followers were first called "Christians." * A Christian is a person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, and who trusts Jesus to save him from his sins. * In our modern times, often the term "Christian" is used for someone who identifies with the Christian religion, but who is not really following Jesus. This is not the meaning of "Christian" in the Bible. * Because the term "Christian" in the Bible always refers to someone who truly believes in Jesus, a Christian is also called a "believer." diff --git a/bible/kt/disciple.md b/bible/kt/disciple.md index badf8088..ccb0c88d 100644 --- a/bible/kt/disciple.md +++ b/bible/kt/disciple.md @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ The term "disciple" refers to a person who spends much time with a teacher, lear * The people who followed Jesus around, listening to his teachings and obeying them, were called his "disciples." * John the Baptist also had disciples. -* During Jesus' ministry, there were many disciples who followed him and heard his teachings. +* During Jesus's ministry, there were many disciples who followed him and heard his teachings. * Jesus chose twelve disciples to be his closest followers; these men became known as his "apostles." -* Jesus' twelve apostles continued to be known as his "disciples" or "the twelve." -* Just before Jesus went up to heaven, he commanded his disciples to teach other people about how to become Jesus' disciples, too. +* Jesus's twelve apostles continued to be known as his "disciples" or "the twelve." +* Just before Jesus went up to heaven, he commanded his disciples to teach other people about how to become Jesus's disciples, too. * Anyone who believes in Jesus and obeys his teachings is called a disciple of Jesus. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/kt/forgive.md b/bible/kt/forgive.md index 99f8dbc0..bfed43af 100644 --- a/bible/kt/forgive.md +++ b/bible/kt/forgive.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ To forgive someone means to not hold a grudge against that person even though th * Forgiving someone often means not punishing that person for something he has done wrong. * This term can be used figuratively to mean "cancel," as in the expression "forgive a debt." -* When people confess their sins, God forgives them based on Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross. +* When people confess their sins, God forgives them based on Jesus's sacrificial death on the cross. * Jesus taught his disciples to forgive others as he has forgiven them. The term "pardon" means to forgive and not punish someone for his sin. diff --git a/bible/kt/fulfill.md b/bible/kt/fulfill.md index 388716aa..447416c0 100644 --- a/bible/kt/fulfill.md +++ b/bible/kt/fulfill.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The term "fulfill" means to complete or accomplish something that was expected. ## Examples from the Bible stories: * __[24:04](rc://en/tn/help/obs/24/04)__ John __fulfilled__ what the prophets said, "See I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way." -* __[40:03](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/03)__ The soldiers gambled for Jesus' clothing. When they did this, they __fulfilled__ a prophecy that said, "They divided my garments among them, and gambled for my clothing." +* __[40:03](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/03)__ The soldiers gambled for Jesus's clothing. When they did this, they __fulfilled__ a prophecy that said, "They divided my garments among them, and gambled for my clothing." * __[42:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/42/07)__ Jesus said, "I told you that everything written about me in God's word must be __fulfilled__." * __[43:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/43/05)__ "This __fulfills__ the prophecy made by the prophet Joel in which God said, 'In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit.'" * __[43:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/43/07)__ "This __fulfills__ the prophecy which says, 'You will not let your Holy One rot in the grave.'" diff --git a/bible/kt/goodnews.md b/bible/kt/goodnews.md index 0974252f..a485409e 100644 --- a/bible/kt/goodnews.md +++ b/bible/kt/goodnews.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The term "gospel" literally means "good news" and refers to a message or announcement that tells people something that benefits them and makes them glad. -* In the Bible, this term usually refers to the message about God's salvation for people through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. +* In the Bible, this term usually refers to the message about God's salvation for people through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. * In most English Bibles, "good news" is usually translated as "gospel" and is also used in phrases such as, the "gospel of Jesus Christ," the "gospel of God" and the "gospel of the kingdom." * The writers of the New Testament use a verb based on this noun to talk about telling or proclaiming good news or preaching the gospel. diff --git a/bible/kt/hell.md b/bible/kt/hell.md index 20ef45b9..b587c55c 100644 --- a/bible/kt/hell.md +++ b/bible/kt/hell.md @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ ## Definition: -Hell is the final place of unending pain and suffering where God will punish everyone who rebels against him and rejects his plan of saving them through Jesus' sacrifice. It is also referred to as the "lake of fire." +Hell is the final place of unending pain and suffering where God will punish everyone who rebels against him and rejects his plan of saving them through Jesus's sacrifice. It is also referred to as the "lake of fire." * Hell is described as a place of fire and severe suffering. * Satan and the evil spirits who follow him will be thrown into hell for eternal punishment. -* People who do not believe in Jesus' sacrifice for their sin and do not trust in him to save them, will be punished forever in hell. +* People who do not believe in Jesus's sacrifice for their sin and do not trust in him to save them, will be punished forever in hell. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/kt/jew.md b/bible/kt/jew.md index 4510a9ac..608351fe 100644 --- a/bible/kt/jew.md +++ b/bible/kt/jew.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Jews are people who are descendants of Abraham's grandson Jacob. The word "Jew" * __[20:12](rc://en/tn/help/obs/20/12)__ So, after seventy years in exile, a small group of __Jews__ returned to the city of Jerusalem in Judah. * __[37:10](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/10)__ Many of the __Jews__ believed in Jesus because of this miracle. * __[37:11](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/11)__ But the religious leaders of the __Jews__ were jealous, so they gathered together to plan how they could kill Jesus and Lazarus. -* __[40:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/02)__ Pilate commanded that they write, "King of the __Jews__" on a sign and put it on the cross above Jesus' head. +* __[40:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/02)__ Pilate commanded that they write, "King of the __Jews__" on a sign and put it on the cross above Jesus's head. * __[46:06](rc://en/tn/help/obs/46/06)__ Right away, Saul began preaching to the __Jews__ in Damascus, saying, "Jesus is the Son of God!" ## Word Data: diff --git a/bible/kt/kingofthejews.md b/bible/kt/kingofthejews.md index a084099b..053bdf71 100644 --- a/bible/kt/kingofthejews.md +++ b/bible/kt/kingofthejews.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The term "King of the Jews" is a title that refers to Jesus, the Messiah. * The first time the Bible records this title is when it was used by the wise men who traveled to Bethlehem looking for the baby who was "King of the Jews." * The angel revealed to Mary that her son, a descendant of King David, would be a king whose reign would last forever. -* Before Jesus was crucified, Roman soldiers mockingly called Jesus "King of the Jews." This title was also written on a piece of wood and nailed to the top of Jesus' cross. +* Before Jesus was crucified, Roman soldiers mockingly called Jesus "King of the Jews." This title was also written on a piece of wood and nailed to the top of Jesus's cross. * Jesus truly is the King of the Jews and the king over all creation. ## Translation Suggestions: @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The term "King of the Jews" is a title that refers to Jesus, the Messiah. * __[23:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/23/09)__ Some time later, wise men from countries far to the east saw an unusual star in the sky. They realized it meant a new __king of the Jews__ was born. * __[39:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/09)__ Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you the __King of the Jews__?" * __[39:12](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/12)__ The Roman soldiers whipped Jesus and put a royal robe and a crown made of thorns on him. Then they mocked him by saying, "Look, the __King of the Jews__!" -* __[40:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/02)__ Pilate commanded that they write, "__King of the Jews__" on a sign and put it on the cross above Jesus' head. +* __[40:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/02)__ Pilate commanded that they write, "__King of the Jews__" on a sign and put it on the cross above Jesus's head. ## Word Data: diff --git a/bible/kt/parable.md b/bible/kt/parable.md index 7f892dca..e50e1edf 100644 --- a/bible/kt/parable.md +++ b/bible/kt/parable.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The term "parable" usually refers to a short story or object lesson that is used * Jesus used parables to teach his disciples. Although he also told parables to the crowds of people, he did not always explain the parable. * A parable could be used to reveal truth to his disciples while hiding that truth from people like the Pharisees who did not believe in Jesus. * The prophet Nathan told David a parable to show the king his terrible sin. -* The story of the Good Samaritan is an example of a parable that is a story. Jesus' comparison of old and new wineskins is an example of a parable that was an object lesson to help the disciples understand Jesus' teachings. +* The story of the Good Samaritan is an example of a parable that is a story. Jesus's comparison of old and new wineskins is an example of a parable that was an object lesson to help the disciples understand Jesus's teachings. (See also: [Samaria](../names/samaria.md)) diff --git a/bible/kt/pharisee.md b/bible/kt/pharisee.md index 4eb0b7c0..07d65d9e 100644 --- a/bible/kt/pharisee.md +++ b/bible/kt/pharisee.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -The Pharisees were an important, powerful group of Jewish religious leaders in Jesus' time. +The Pharisees were an important, powerful group of Jewish religious leaders in Jesus's time. * Many of them were middle class businessmen and some of them were also priests. * Of all the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees were the most strict in obeying the Laws of Moses and other Jewish laws and traditions. diff --git a/bible/kt/priest.md b/bible/kt/priest.md index e288e112..d302066e 100644 --- a/bible/kt/priest.md +++ b/bible/kt/priest.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ In the Bible, a priest was someone who was chosen to offer sacrifices to God on * The Israelite priests had the responsibility of offering the people's sacrifices to God, along with other duties in the temple. * Priests also offered regular prayers to God on behalf of his people and performed other religious rites. * The priests pronounced formal blessings on people and taught them God's laws. -* In Jesus' time, there were different levels of priests, including the chief priests and the high priest. +* In Jesus's time, there were different levels of priests, including the chief priests and the high priest. * Jesus is our "great high priest" who intercedes for us in God's presence. He offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice for sin. This means that the sacrifices made by human priests are no longer needed. * In the New Testament, every believer in Jesus is called a "priest" who can come directly to God in prayer to intercede for himself and other people. * In ancient times, there were also pagan priests who presented offerings to false gods such as Baal. @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ In the Bible, a priest was someone who was chosen to offer sacrifices to God on ## Examples from the Bible stories: * __[04:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/04/07)__ "Melchizedek, the __priest__ of God Most High" -* __[13:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/13/09)__ Anyone who disobeyed God's law could bring an animal to the altar in front of the Tent of Meeting as a sacrifice to God. A __priest__ would kill the animal and burn it on the altar. The blood of the animal that was sacrificed covered the person's sin and made that person clean in God's sight. God chose Moses' brother, Aaron, and Aaron's descendants to be his __priests__. +* __[13:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/13/09)__ Anyone who disobeyed God's law could bring an animal to the altar in front of the Tent of Meeting as a sacrifice to God. A __priest__ would kill the animal and burn it on the altar. The blood of the animal that was sacrificed covered the person's sin and made that person clean in God's sight. God chose Moses's brother, Aaron, and Aaron's descendants to be his __priests__. * __[19:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/19/07)__ So the __priests__ of Baal prepared a sacrifice but did not light the fire. * __[21:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/21/07)__ An Israelite __priest__ was someone who made sacrifices to God on behalf of the people as a substitute for the punishment of their sins. __Priests__ also prayed to God for the people. diff --git a/bible/kt/propitiation.md b/bible/kt/propitiation.md index 82479fa6..375f701e 100644 --- a/bible/kt/propitiation.md +++ b/bible/kt/propitiation.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The term "propitiation" refers to a sacrifice that is made to satisfy or fulfill the justice of God and to appease his wrath. * The offering of the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ is the propitiation to God for mankind's sins. -* Jesus' death on the cross appeased God's wrath against sin. This provided a way for God to look on people with favor and offer them eternal life. +* Jesus's death on the cross appeased God's wrath against sin. This provided a way for God to look on people with favor and offer them eternal life. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/kt/reconcile.md b/bible/kt/reconcile.md index 7a87a412..14534b93 100644 --- a/bible/kt/reconcile.md +++ b/bible/kt/reconcile.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ To "reconcile" and "reconciliation" refer to "make peace" between people who wer * In the Bible, this term usually refer to Gods reconciling people to himself through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. * Because of sin, all human beings are God's enemies. But because of his compassionate love, God provided a way for people to be reconciled to him through Jesus. -* Through trusting in Jesus' sacrifice as payment for their sin, people can be forgiven and have peace with God. +* Through trusting in Jesus's sacrifice as payment for their sin, people can be forgiven and have peace with God. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/kt/resurrection.md b/bible/kt/resurrection.md index 1ec27cc4..36305a81 100644 --- a/bible/kt/resurrection.md +++ b/bible/kt/resurrection.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The term "resurrection" refers to the act of becoming alive again after having died. * To resurrect someone means to bring that person back to life again. Only God has the power to do this. -* The word "resurrection" often refers to Jesus' coming back to life after he died. +* The word "resurrection" often refers to Jesus's coming back to life after he died. * When Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" he meant that he is the source of resurrection, and the one who causes people to come back to life. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/kt/righteous.md b/bible/kt/righteous.md index 9a84ebc7..53ba8bab 100644 --- a/bible/kt/righteous.md +++ b/bible/kt/righteous.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The term "righteousness" refers to God's absolute goodness, justice, faithfulnes * These terms are also often used to describe a person who obeys God and is morally good. However, because all people have sinned, no one except God is completely righteous. * Examples of people the Bible who were called "righteous" include Noah, Job, Abraham, Zachariah, and Elisabeth. -* When people trust in Jesus to save them, God cleanses them from their sins and declares them to be righteous because of Jesus' righteousness. +* When people trust in Jesus to save them, God cleanses them from their sins and declares them to be righteous because of Jesus's righteousness. The term "unrighteous" means to be sinful and morally corrupt. "Unrighteousness" refers to sin or the condition of being sinful. diff --git a/bible/kt/righthand.md b/bible/kt/righthand.md index efca4f26..97b58a1d 100644 --- a/bible/kt/righthand.md +++ b/bible/kt/righthand.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The figurative expression "right hand" refers to the place of honor or strength ## Translation Suggestions: -* Sometimes the term "right hand" literally refers to a person's right hand, as when Roman soldiers put a staff into Jesus' right hand to mock him. This should be translated using the term that the language uses to refer to this hand. +* Sometimes the term "right hand" literally refers to a person's right hand, as when Roman soldiers put a staff into Jesus's right hand to mock him. This should be translated using the term that the language uses to refer to this hand. * Regarding figurative uses, if an expression that includes the term "right hand" does not have the same meaning in the project language, then consider whether that language has a different expression with the same meaning. * The expression "at the right hand of" could be translated as "on the right side of" or "in the place of honor beside" or "in the position of strength" or "ready to help." * Ways to translate "with his right hand" could include "with authority" or "using power" or "with his amazing strength." diff --git a/bible/kt/save.md b/bible/kt/save.md index 4a3e0073..4bd24177 100644 --- a/bible/kt/save.md +++ b/bible/kt/save.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The term "save" refers to keeping someone from experiencing something bad or harmful. To "be safe" means to be protected from harm or danger. * In a physical sense, people can be saved or rescued from harm, danger, or death. -* In a spiritual sense, if a person has been "saved," then God, through Jesus' death on the cross, has forgiven him and rescued him from being punished in hell for his sin. +* In a spiritual sense, if a person has been "saved," then God, through Jesus's death on the cross, has forgiven him and rescued him from being punished in hell for his sin. * People can save or rescue people from danger, but only God can save people from being punished eternally for their sins. The term "salvation" refers to being saved or rescued from evil and danger. diff --git a/bible/kt/testimony.md b/bible/kt/testimony.md index f951eac2..ccb3cedb 100644 --- a/bible/kt/testimony.md +++ b/bible/kt/testimony.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ When a person gives "testimony" he makes a statement about something he knows, c * Often a person "testifies" about something he has experienced directly. * A witness who gives "false testimony" does not tell the truth about what happened. * Sometimes the term "testimony" refers to a prophecy that a prophet has stated. -* In the New Testament, this term was often used to refer to how Jesus' followers testified about the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. +* In the New Testament, this term was often used to refer to how Jesus's followers testified about the events of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection. The term "witness" refers to a person who has personally experienced something that happened. Usually a witness is also someone who testifies about what they know is true. The term "eyewitness" emphasizes that the person was actually there and saw what happened. diff --git a/bible/kt/thetwelve.md b/bible/kt/thetwelve.md index 890ab0be..01c0610e 100644 --- a/bible/kt/thetwelve.md +++ b/bible/kt/thetwelve.md @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ The term "the twelve" refers to the twelve men that Jesus chose to be his closes * Jesus had many other disciples, but the title "the twelve" distinguished those who were apparently closest to Jesus. * The names of these twelve disciples are listed in Matthew 10, Mark 3, and Luke 6. -* Some time after Jesus had returned to heaven, "the eleven" chose a disciple named Matthias to take Judas' place. Then they were called "the twelve" again. +* Some time after Jesus had returned to heaven, "the eleven" chose a disciple named Matthias to take Judas's place. Then they were called "the twelve" again. ## Translation Suggestions: -* For many languages it may be clearer or more natural to add the noun and say, "the twelve apostles" or "Jesus' twelve closest disciples." -* "The eleven" could also be translated as "Jesus' eleven remaining disciples." +* For many languages it may be clearer or more natural to add the noun and say, "the twelve apostles" or "Jesus's twelve closest disciples." +* "The eleven" could also be translated as "Jesus's eleven remaining disciples." * Some translations may prefer to use a capital letter to show that it was used as a title, as in "the Twelve" and "the Eleven." (See also: [apostle](../kt/apostle.md), [disciple](../kt/disciple.md)) diff --git a/bible/names/aaron.md b/bible/names/aaron.md index 8b74fd41..16f7d5a7 100644 --- a/bible/names/aaron.md +++ b/bible/names/aaron.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -Aaron was Moses' older brother. God chose Aaron to be the first high priest for the people of Israel. +Aaron was Moses's older brother. God chose Aaron to be the first high priest for the people of Israel. * Aaron helped Moses speak to Pharaoh about letting the Israelites go free. * While the Israelites were traveling through the desert, Aaron sinned by making an idol for the people to worship. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Aaron was Moses' older brother. God chose Aaron to be the first high priest for * __[09:15](rc://en/tn/help/obs/09/15)__ God warned Moses and __Aaron__ that Pharaoh would be stubborn. * __[10:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/10/05)__ Pharaoh called Moses and __Aaron__ and told them that if they stopped the plague, the Israelites could leave Egypt. -* __[13:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/13/09)__ God chose Moses' brother, __Aaron__, and Aaron's descendants to be his priests. +* __[13:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/13/09)__ God chose Moses's brother, __Aaron__, and Aaron's descendants to be his priests. * __[13:11](rc://en/tn/help/obs/13/11)__ So they (the Israelites) brought gold to __Aaron__ and asked him to form it into an idol for them! * __[14:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/14/07)__ They (the Israelites) became angry with Moses and __Aaron__ and said, "Oh, why did you bring us to this horrible place?" diff --git a/bible/names/bartholomew.md b/bible/names/bartholomew.md index 41d6dcf8..40525be7 100644 --- a/bible/names/bartholomew.md +++ b/bible/names/bartholomew.md @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ ## Facts: -Bartholomew was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. +Bartholomew was one of Jesus's twelve apostles. -* Along with the other apostles, Bartholomew was sent out to preach the gospel and do miracles in Jesus' name. +* Along with the other apostles, Bartholomew was sent out to preach the gospel and do miracles in Jesus's name. * He was also one of those who saw Jesus return to heaven. * A few weeks after that, he was with the other apostles in Jerusalem at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them. diff --git a/bible/names/cornelius.md b/bible/names/cornelius.md index ad1670e1..01d55da5 100644 --- a/bible/names/cornelius.md +++ b/bible/names/cornelius.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Cornelius was a Gentile, or non-Jewish man, who was a military officer in the Ro * He prayed regularly to God and was very generous in giving to the poor. * When Cornelius and his family heard the apostle Peter explain the gospel, they became believers in Jesus. * The people of Cornelius' household were the first non-Jewish people to become believers. -* This showed Jesus' followers that he had come to save all people, including Gentiles. +* This showed Jesus's followers that he had come to save all people, including Gentiles. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/eleazar.md b/bible/names/eleazar.md index 9d51434d..c744f167 100644 --- a/bible/names/eleazar.md +++ b/bible/names/eleazar.md @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ Eleazar was the name of several men in the Bible. -* Eleazar was the third son of Moses' brother Aaron. After Aaron died, Eleazar became the high priest in Israel. +* Eleazar was the third son of Moses's brother Aaron. After Aaron died, Eleazar became the high priest in Israel. * Eleazar was also the name of one of David's "mighty men." -* Another Eleazar was one of Jesus' ancestors. +* Another Eleazar was one of Jesus's ancestors. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/elijah.md b/bible/names/elijah.md index 83aa26ac..c407d9fb 100644 --- a/bible/names/elijah.md +++ b/bible/names/elijah.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Elijah was one of the most important prophets of Yahweh. Elijah prophesied durin * Elijah rebuked King Ahab for worshiping the false god Baal. * He challenged the prophets of Baal to a test that proved that Yahweh is the only true God. * At the end of Elijah's life, God miraculously took him up to heaven while he was still alive. -* Hundreds of years later, Elijah, along with Moses, appeared with Jesus on a mountain, and they talked together about Jesus' coming suffering and death in Jerusalem. +* Hundreds of years later, Elijah, along with Moses, appeared with Jesus on a mountain, and they talked together about Jesus's coming suffering and death in Jerusalem. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/elizabeth.md b/bible/names/elizabeth.md index 278c68f2..d807428c 100644 --- a/bible/names/elizabeth.md +++ b/bible/names/elizabeth.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. Her husband's name was Zechariah. * Zechariah and Elizabeth had never been able to have children, but in their old age, God promised Zechariah that Elizabeth would bear him a son. * God kept his promise, and soon Zechariah and Elizabeth were able to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. They named the baby John. -* Elizabeth was also a relative of Mary, Jesus' mother. +* Elizabeth was also a relative of Mary, Jesus's mother. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/herodantipas.md b/bible/names/herodantipas.md index 280958c7..ffbba171 100644 --- a/bible/names/herodantipas.md +++ b/bible/names/herodantipas.md @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ ## Facts: -During most of Jesus' lifetime, Herod Antipas was the ruler of the part of the Roman Empire that included Galilee province. +During most of Jesus's lifetime, Herod Antipas was the ruler of the part of the Roman Empire that included Galilee province. * Like his father Herod the Great, Antipas was sometimes referred to as "King Herod" even though he was not really a king. * Herod Antipas ruled one-fourth of the Roman Empire and so he was also called "Herod the tetrarch." * Antipas is the "Herod" who gave the order for John the Baptist to be killed by beheading. * It was also Herod Antipas who questioned Jesus before his crucifixion. -* The other Herods in the New Testament were Antipas' son (Agrippa) and grandson (Agrippa 2) who ruled during the time of the apostles. +* The other Herods in the New Testament were Antipas's son (Agrippa) and grandson (Agrippa 2) who ruled during the time of the apostles. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/jamesbrotherofjesus.md b/bible/names/jamesbrotherofjesus.md index 1987c5de..517bd798 100644 --- a/bible/names/jamesbrotherofjesus.md +++ b/bible/names/jamesbrotherofjesus.md @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ ## Facts: -James was a son of Mary and Joseph. He was one of Jesus' younger half-brothers. +James was a son of Mary and Joseph. He was one of Jesus's younger half-brothers. -* Jesus' other half-brothers were named Joseph, Judas, and Simon. -* During Jesus' lifetime, James and his brothers did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. +* Jesus's other half-brothers were named Joseph, Judas, and Simon. +* During Jesus's lifetime, James and his brothers did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. * Later, after Jesus was raised from the dead, James believed in him and became a leader of the church in Jerusalem. * The New Testament book of James is a letter that James wrote to Christians who had fled to other countries to escape persecution. diff --git a/bible/names/jamessonofalphaeus.md b/bible/names/jamessonofalphaeus.md index cb086e49..c2af669e 100644 --- a/bible/names/jamessonofalphaeus.md +++ b/bible/names/jamessonofalphaeus.md @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ ## Facts: -James, the son of Alphaeus, was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. Jesus also called these men apostles. +James, the son of Alphaeus, was one of Jesus's twelve disciples. Jesus also called these men apostles. -* His name is given in the lists of Jesus' disciples in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. +* His name is given in the lists of Jesus's disciples in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. * He is also mentioned in the book of Acts as one of the eleven disciples who were together praying in Jerusalem after Jesus went back up to heaven. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/jamessonofzebedee.md b/bible/names/jamessonofzebedee.md index 5362dc82..37bd9b9c 100644 --- a/bible/names/jamessonofzebedee.md +++ b/bible/names/jamessonofzebedee.md @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ ## Facts: -James, a son of Zebedee, was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He had a younger brother named John who was also one of Jesus' apostles. +James, a son of Zebedee, was one of Jesus's twelve apostles. He had a younger brother named John who was also one of Jesus's apostles. * James and his brother John worked by fishing with their father Zebedee. * James and John were nicknamed the "Sons of Thunder," perhaps because they got angry quickly. -* Peter, James, and John were Jesus' closest disciples and were with him for amazing events such as when Jesus was on a mountaintop with Elijah and Moses and when Jesus caused a dead little girl to come back to life. +* Peter, James, and John were Jesus's closest disciples and were with him for amazing events such as when Jesus was on a mountaintop with Elijah and Moses and when Jesus caused a dead little girl to come back to life. * This is a different James than the one who wrote a book in the Bible. Some languages may have to write their names differently to make it clear that they were two different men. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/jethro.md b/bible/names/jethro.md index 90322b8f..30b505f2 100644 --- a/bible/names/jethro.md +++ b/bible/names/jethro.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -The names "Jethro" and "Reuel" both refer to the father of Moses' wife, Zipporah. There were also two other men named "Reuel" in the Old Testament. +The names "Jethro" and "Reuel" both refer to the father of Moses's wife, Zipporah. There were also two other men named "Reuel" in the Old Testament. * When Moses was a shepherd in the land of Midian, he married the daughter of a Midianite man named Reuel. * Later on Reuel is referred to as "Jethro, the priest of Midian." It could be that "Reuel" was his clan name. diff --git a/bible/names/johntheapostle.md b/bible/names/johntheapostle.md index e5795dca..be9eba11 100644 --- a/bible/names/johntheapostle.md +++ b/bible/names/johntheapostle.md @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ ## Facts: -John was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and one of Jesus' closest friends. +John was one of Jesus's twelve apostles and one of Jesus's closest friends. * John and his brother James were sons of a fisherman named Zebedee. -* In the gospel that he wrote about Jesus' life, John referred to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." This seems to indicate that John was an especially close friend of Jesus. +* In the gospel that he wrote about Jesus's life, John referred to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." This seems to indicate that John was an especially close friend of Jesus. * The apostle John wrote five New Testament books: the gospel of John, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and three letters written to other believers. * Note that the apostle John was a different person than John the Baptist. diff --git a/bible/names/josephnt.md b/bible/names/josephnt.md index 435de8f6..9c71d5c2 100644 --- a/bible/names/josephnt.md +++ b/bible/names/josephnt.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -In the New Testament, one of the men named Joseph was Mary's husband. This Joseph was the husband of Jesus' mother Mary. Joseph raised Jesus as if Jesus were his son. Joseph was a righteous man who worked as a carpenter. +In the New Testament, one of the men named Joseph was Mary's husband. This Joseph was the husband of Jesus's mother Mary. Joseph raised Jesus as if Jesus were his son. Joseph was a righteous man who worked as a carpenter. * Joseph became engaged to a Jewish girl named Mary, while they were engaged God chose her to become the mother of Jesus the Messiah. * An angel told Joseph that the Holy Spirit had miraculously caused Mary to be pregnant, and that Mary's baby was the Son of God. diff --git a/bible/names/joshua.md b/bible/names/joshua.md index 235d7882..4f0ac8ca 100644 --- a/bible/names/joshua.md +++ b/bible/names/joshua.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -There were several Israelite men named Joshua in the Bible. The most well-known is Joshua son of Nun who was Moses' helper and who later became an important leader of God's people. +There were several Israelite men named Joshua in the Bible. The most well-known is Joshua son of Nun who was Moses's helper and who later became an important leader of God's people. * Joshua was one of the twelve spies whom Moses sent to explore the Promised Land. * Along with Caleb, Joshua urged the Israelite people to obey God's command to enter the Promised Land and defeat the Canaanites. diff --git a/bible/names/judasiscariot.md b/bible/names/judasiscariot.md index cbddc586..b2b4e948 100644 --- a/bible/names/judasiscariot.md +++ b/bible/names/judasiscariot.md @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ ## Facts: -Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus' apostles. He was the one who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish leaders. +Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus's apostles. He was the one who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish leaders. * The name "Iscariot" may mean "from Kerioth," perhaps indicating that Judas grew up in that city. * Judas Iscariot managed the apostles' money and regularly stole some of it to use for himself. * Judas betrayed Jesus by telling the religious leaders where Jesus was so they could arrest him. * After the religious leaders condemned Jesus to die, Judas regretted that he had betrayed Jesus, so he gave the betrayal money back to the Jewish leaders and then killed himself. -* Another apostle was also named Judas, as was one of Jesus' brothers. Jesus' brother was also known as "Jude." +* Another apostle was also named Judas, as was one of Jesus's brothers. Jesus's brother was also known as "Jude." (Translation suggestions: [Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus' apostles. He was the one who betrayed Jesus to ## Examples from the Bible stories: -* __[38:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/38/02)__ One of Jesus' disciples was a man named __Judas__. … After Jesus and the disciples arrived in Jerusalem, __Judas__ went to the Jewish leaders and offered to betray Jesus to them in exchange for money. +* __[38:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/38/02)__ One of Jesus's disciples was a man named __Judas__. … After Jesus and the disciples arrived in Jerusalem, __Judas__ went to the Jewish leaders and offered to betray Jesus to them in exchange for money. * __[38:03](rc://en/tn/help/obs/38/03)__ The Jewish leaders, led by the high priest, paid __Judas__ thirty silver coins to betray Jesus. * __[38:14](rc://en/tn/help/obs/38/14)__ __Judas__ came with the Jewish leaders, soldiers, and a large crowd. They were all carrying swords and clubs. __Judas__ came to Jesus and said, "Greetings, teacher," and kissed him. * __[39:08](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/08)__ Meanwhile, __Judas__, the betrayer, saw that the Jewish leaders had condemned Jesus to die. He became full of sorrow and went away and killed himself. diff --git a/bible/names/judassonofjames.md b/bible/names/judassonofjames.md index 2cf59232..dd4e41f0 100644 --- a/bible/names/judassonofjames.md +++ b/bible/names/judassonofjames.md @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ ## Facts: -Judas son of James was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. Note that he was not the same man as Judas Iscariot. +Judas son of James was one of Jesus's twelve apostles. Note that he was not the same man as Judas Iscariot. * Often in the Bible, men with the same name were distinguished by mentioning whose son they were. Here, Judas was identified as the "son of James." -* Another man named Judas was Jesus' brother. He was also known as "Jude." -* The New Testament book called "Jude" was probably written by Jesus' brother Judas, since the author identified himself as the "brother of James." James was another brother of Jesus. -* It is also possible that the book of Jude was written by Jesus' disciple, Judas, the son of James. +* Another man named Judas was Jesus's brother. He was also known as "Jude." +* The New Testament book called "Jude" was probably written by Jesus's brother Judas, since the author identified himself as the "brother of James." James was another brother of Jesus. +* It is also possible that the book of Jude was written by Jesus's disciple, Judas, the son of James. (Translation suggestions: [Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/lazarus.md b/bible/names/lazarus.md index 11a2c8f2..82557b5b 100644 --- a/bible/names/lazarus.md +++ b/bible/names/lazarus.md @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were special friends of Jesus. Jesus o * __[37:01](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/01)__ One day, Jesus received a message that __Lazarus__ was very sick. __Lazarus__ and his two sisters, Mary and Martha, were close friends of Jesus. * __[37:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/02)__ Jesus said, "Our friend __Lazarus__ has fallen asleep, and I must wake him." -* __[37:03](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/03)__ Jesus' disciples replied, "Master, if __Lazarus__ is sleeping, then he will get better." Then Jesus told them plainly, "__Lazarus__ is dead." +* __[37:03](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/03)__ Jesus's disciples replied, "Master, if __Lazarus__ is sleeping, then he will get better." Then Jesus told them plainly, "__Lazarus__ is dead." * __[37:04](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/04)__ When Jesus arrived at __Lazarus'__ hometown, __Lazarus__ had already been dead for four days. * __[37:06](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/06)__ Jesus asked them, "Where have you put __Lazarus__?" * __[37:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/09)__ Then Jesus shouted, "__Lazarus__, come out!" diff --git a/bible/names/levite.md b/bible/names/levite.md index 486f3655..ae42fb77 100644 --- a/bible/names/levite.md +++ b/bible/names/levite.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Levi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, or Israel. The term "Levite" refers to * All Jewish priests were Levites, descended from Levi and part of the tribe of Levi. (Not all Levites were priests, however.) * The Levite priests were set apart and dedicated for the special work of serving God in the temple. * Two other men named "Levi" were ancestors of Jesus, and their names are in the genealogy in the gospel of Luke. -* Jesus' disciple Matthew was also called Levi. +* Jesus's disciple Matthew was also called Levi. (See also: [Matthew](../names/matthew.md), [priest](../kt/priest.md), [sacrifice](../other/sacrifice.md), [temple](../kt/temple.md), [twelve tribes of Israel](../other/12tribesofisrael.md)) diff --git a/bible/names/luke.md b/bible/names/luke.md index ab875c21..6dbe4143 100644 --- a/bible/names/luke.md +++ b/bible/names/luke.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Luke wrote two books of the New Testament: the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. * In his letter to the Colossians, Paul refers to Luke as a doctor. Paul also mentions Luke in two of his other letters. -* It is thought that Luke was a Greek and a Gentile who came to know Christ. In his gospel, Luke includes several accounts that highlight Jesus' love for all peoples, both Jews and Gentiles. +* It is thought that Luke was a Greek and a Gentile who came to know Christ. In his gospel, Luke includes several accounts that highlight Jesus's love for all peoples, both Jews and Gentiles. * Luke accompanied Paul on two of his missionary journeys and helped him in his work. * In some early church writings, it is said that Luke was born in the city of Antioch in Syria. diff --git a/bible/names/moses.md b/bible/names/moses.md index ddd7f21b..59df4211 100644 --- a/bible/names/moses.md +++ b/bible/names/moses.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Moses was a prophet and leader of the Israelite people for over 40 years. -* When Moses was a baby, Moses' parents put him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile River to hide him from the Egyptian Pharaoh. Moses' sister Miriam watched over him there. Moses' life was spared when the pharaoh's daughter found him and took him to the palace to raise him as her son. +* When Moses was a baby, Moses's parents put him in a basket in the reeds of the Nile River to hide him from the Egyptian Pharaoh. Moses's sister Miriam watched over him there. Moses's life was spared when the pharaoh's daughter found him and took him to the palace to raise him as her son. * God chose Moses to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and to lead them to the Promised Land. * After the Israelites' escape from Egypt and while they were wandering in the desert, God gave Moses two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them. * Near the end of his life, Moses saw the Promised Land, but didn't get to live in it because he disobeyed God. diff --git a/bible/names/nazareth.md b/bible/names/nazareth.md index 6d08f348..55e2def0 100644 --- a/bible/names/nazareth.md +++ b/bible/names/nazareth.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Nazareth is a town in the region of Galilee in northern Israel. It is about 100 kilometers north of Jerusalem, and it took about three to five days to travel on foot. * Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth, and this is where they raised Jesus. That is why Jesus was known as "the Nazarene." -* Many of the Jews living in Nazareth did not respect Jesus' teaching because he had grown up among them, and they thought he was just an ordinary person. +* Many of the Jews living in Nazareth did not respect Jesus's teaching because he had grown up among them, and they thought he was just an ordinary person. * Once, when Jesus was teaching in Nazareths synagogue, the Jews there tried to kill him because he claimed to be the Messiah and had rebuked them for rejecting him. * The remark Nathaniel made when he heard that Jesus was from Nazareth indicated that this city was not thought of very highly. diff --git a/bible/names/persia.md b/bible/names/persia.md index 798d2f84..945f9713 100644 --- a/bible/names/persia.md +++ b/bible/names/persia.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Persia was a country that also became a powerful empire founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BC. The country of Persia was located southeast of Babylonia and Assyria in a region that is now the modern-day country of Iran. * The people of Persia were called "Persians." -* Under King Cyrus' decree, the Jews were freed from their captivity in Babylon and allowed to go home, and the temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt, with funds provided by the Persian Empire. +* Under King Cyrus's decree, the Jews were freed from their captivity in Babylon and allowed to go home, and the temple in Jerusalem was rebuilt, with funds provided by the Persian Empire. * King Artaxerxes was the ruler of the Persian Empire when Ezra and Nehemiah went back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. * Esther became a queen of the Persian empire when she married King Ahasuerus. diff --git a/bible/names/peter.md b/bible/names/peter.md index 695639b1..21e0149c 100644 --- a/bible/names/peter.md +++ b/bible/names/peter.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -Peter was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He was an important leader of the early Church. +Peter was one of Jesus's twelve apostles. He was an important leader of the early Church. * Before Jesus called him to be his disciple, Peter's name was Simon. * Later, Jesus also named him "Cephas," which means "stone" or "rock" in the Aramaic language. The name Peter also means "stone" or "rock" in the Greek language. diff --git a/bible/names/philip.md b/bible/names/philip.md index 2e101206..5022c101 100644 --- a/bible/names/philip.md +++ b/bible/names/philip.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ In the early Christian church in Jerusalem, Philip was one of seven leaders chos * God used Philip to share the gospel with people in many different towns in the provinces of Judea and Galilee, including an Ethiopian man he met on the desert road to Gaza from Jerusalem. * Years later Philip was living in Caesarea when Paul and his companions stayed at his house on their way back to Jerusalem. -* Most Bible scholars think that Philip the evangelist was not the same man as Jesus' apostle by that name. Some languages may prefer to use slightly different spellings for the names of these two men to make it clear they are different men. +* Most Bible scholars think that Philip the evangelist was not the same man as Jesus's apostle by that name. Some languages may prefer to use slightly different spellings for the names of these two men to make it clear they are different men. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/pilate.md b/bible/names/pilate.md index f81b3a71..5fdb0b51 100644 --- a/bible/names/pilate.md +++ b/bible/names/pilate.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Pilate was the governor of the Roman province of Judea who sentenced Jesus to de * __[39:10](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/10)__ __Pilate__ said, "What is truth?" * __[39:11](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/11)__ After speaking with Jesus, __Pilate__ went out to the crowd and said, "I find no guilt in this man." But the Jewish leaders and the crowd shouted, "Crucify him!" __Pilate__ replied, "He is not guilty." But they shouted even louder. Then __Pilate__ said a third time, "He is not guilty!" * __[39:12](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/12)__ __Pilate__ became afraid that the crowd would begin to riot, so he ordered his soldiers to crucify Jesus. -* __[40:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/02)__ __Pilate__ commanded that a sign be put above Jesus' head that read, "King of the Jews." +* __[40:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/02)__ __Pilate__ commanded that a sign be put above Jesus's head that read, "King of the Jews." * __[41:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/41/02)__ __Pilate__ said, "Take some soldiers and make the tomb as secure as you can." ## Word Data: diff --git a/bible/names/seaofgalilee.md b/bible/names/seaofgalilee.md index 4440c762..0d1ea066 100644 --- a/bible/names/seaofgalilee.md +++ b/bible/names/seaofgalilee.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The "Sea of Galilee" is a lake in eastern Israel. In the Old Testament it was ca * The water of this lake flows south through the Jordan River down to the Salt Sea. * Capernaum, Bethsaida, Gennesaret, and Tiberias were some of the towns located on the Sea of Galilee during New Testament times. -* Many events of Jesus' life took place on or near the Sea of Galilee. +* Many events of Jesus's life took place on or near the Sea of Galilee. * The Sea of Galilee was also referred to as the "Sea of Tiberias" and the "lake of Gennesaret." * This term could also be translated as "lake in the region of Galilee" or "Lake Galilee" or "lake near Tiberias (Gennesaret)." diff --git a/bible/names/simonthezealot.md b/bible/names/simonthezealot.md index 5e983185..7ab5e67c 100644 --- a/bible/names/simonthezealot.md +++ b/bible/names/simonthezealot.md @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ ## Facts: -Simon the Zealot was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. +Simon the Zealot was one of Jesus's twelve disciples. -* Simon is mentioned three times in the listing of Jesus' disciples, but little else is known about him. +* Simon is mentioned three times in the listing of Jesus's disciples, but little else is known about him. * Simon was one of the Eleven who met to pray together in Jerusalem after Jesus went back up into heaven. * The term "zealot" may mean that Simon was a member of "the Zealots," a Jewish religious party that was very zealous in upholding the Law of Moses while strongly opposing the Roman government. * Or, "zealot" may simply mean "the zealous one," referring to Simon's religious zeal. diff --git a/bible/names/thomas.md b/bible/names/thomas.md index 8aadc98d..827dc52e 100644 --- a/bible/names/thomas.md +++ b/bible/names/thomas.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Thomas was one of twelve men whom Jesus chose to be his disciples and later, apostles. He was also known as "Didymus," which means "twin." -* Near the end of Jesus' life, he told his disciples that he was going away to be with the Father and would prepare a place for them to be with him. Thomas asked Jesus how they could know the way to get there when they didn't even know where he was going. +* Near the end of Jesus's life, he told his disciples that he was going away to be with the Father and would prepare a place for them to be with him. Thomas asked Jesus how they could know the way to get there when they didn't even know where he was going. * After Jesus died and came back to life, Thomas said he would not believe that Jesus was really alive again unless he could see and feel the scars where Jesus had been wounded. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names)) diff --git a/bible/names/zebedee.md b/bible/names/zebedee.md index 1bc4f050..98cd5bf5 100644 --- a/bible/names/zebedee.md +++ b/bible/names/zebedee.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ## Facts: -Zebedee was a fisherman from Galilee who is known because of his sons, James and John, who were Jesus' disciples. They are often identified in the New Testament as the "sons of Zebedee." +Zebedee was a fisherman from Galilee who is known because of his sons, James and John, who were Jesus's disciples. They are often identified in the New Testament as the "sons of Zebedee." * Zebedee's sons were also fishermen and worked with him to catch fish. * James and John quit their fishing work with their father Zebedee and left to go follow Jesus. diff --git a/bible/other/betray.md b/bible/other/betray.md index a823fc2e..d9555581 100644 --- a/bible/other/betray.md +++ b/bible/other/betray.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The term "betray" means to act in a way that deceives a person and allows other people to harm that person. A "betrayer" is a person who betrays a friend who was trusting him. * Judas was "the betrayer" because he told the Jewish leaders how to capture Jesus. -* The betrayal by Judas was especially evil because he was an apostle of Jesus who received money in exchange for giving the Jewish leaders information that would result in Jesus' unjust death. +* The betrayal by Judas was especially evil because he was an apostle of Jesus who received money in exchange for giving the Jewish leaders information that would result in Jesus's unjust death. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/other/bribe.md b/bible/other/bribe.md index 36756235..ec877f76 100644 --- a/bible/other/bribe.md +++ b/bible/other/bribe.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ To "bribe" means to give someone something of value, such as money, to influence that person to do something dishonest. -* The soldiers who guarded Jesus' empty tomb were bribed with money to lie about what happened. +* The soldiers who guarded Jesus's empty tomb were bribed with money to lie about what happened. * Sometimes a government official will be bribed to overlook a crime or to vote a certain way. * The Bible forbids giving or taking bribes. * The term, "bribe" could be translated as, "dishonest payment" or "payment for lying" or "price for breaking the rules." diff --git a/bible/other/chiefpriests.md b/bible/other/chiefpriests.md index 804aa79b..d8a6e170 100644 --- a/bible/other/chiefpriests.md +++ b/bible/other/chiefpriests.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The chief priests were important Jewish religious leaders during the time that J * The chief priests were responsible for everything needed for the worship services at the temple. They were also in charge of the money that was given to the temple. * They were higher in rank and power than the ordinary priests. Only the high priest had more authority. -* The chief priests were some of Jesus' main enemies and they strongly influenced the Roman leaders to arrest and kill him. +* The chief priests were some of Jesus's main enemies and they strongly influenced the Roman leaders to arrest and kill him. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/other/clan.md b/bible/other/clan.md index 57174a2f..6379f248 100644 --- a/bible/other/clan.md +++ b/bible/other/clan.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The term "clan" refers to a group of extended family members who come from a com * In the Old Testament, the Israelites were counted according to their clans, or family groups. * Clans were normally named after their most well-known ancestor. -* Individual people were sometimes referred to by the name of their clan. An example of this is when Moses' father-in-law Jethro is sometimes called by his clan name, Reuel. +* Individual people were sometimes referred to by the name of their clan. An example of this is when Moses's father-in-law Jethro is sometimes called by his clan name, Reuel. * Clan could be translated as "family group" or "extended family" or "relatives." (See also: [family](../other/family.md), [Jethro](../names/jethro.md), [tribe](../other/tribe.md)) diff --git a/bible/other/crown.md b/bible/other/crown.md index a9147f2c..c18c785a 100644 --- a/bible/other/crown.md +++ b/bible/other/crown.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A crown is a decorative, circular headpiece worn on the head of rulers such as k * Crowns are usually made of gold or silver, and are embedded with precious gems such as emeralds and rubies. * A crown was intended to be a symbol of a king's power and wealth. -* By contrast, the crown made of thorn branches that the Roman soldiers placed on Jesus' head was meant to mock him and hurt him. +* By contrast, the crown made of thorn branches that the Roman soldiers placed on Jesus's head was meant to mock him and hurt him. * In ancient times, winners of athletic contests would be awarded a crown made out of olive branches. The apostle Paul mentions this crown in his second letter to Timothy. * Used figuratively, to "crown" means to honor someone. We honor God by obeying him and praising him to others. This is like putting a crown on him and acknowledging that he is King. * Pauls calls fellow believers his "joy and crown." In this expression, "crown" is used figuratively to mean that Paul has been greatly blessed and honored by how these believers have remained faithful in serving God. diff --git a/bible/other/drinkoffering.md b/bible/other/drinkoffering.md index 3c94c3bb..c95e85f4 100644 --- a/bible/other/drinkoffering.md +++ b/bible/other/drinkoffering.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ A drink offering was a sacrifice to God that involved pouring wine on an altar. It was often offered together with a burnt offering and a grain offering. * Paul refers to his life as being poured out like a drink offering. This means that he was totally dedicated to serving God and telling people about Jesus, even though he knew he would suffer and probably be killed because of that. -* Jesus' death on the cross was the ultimate drink offering, as his blood was poured out on the cross for our sins. +* Jesus's death on the cross was the ultimate drink offering, as his blood was poured out on the cross for our sins. ## Translation Suggestions: diff --git a/bible/other/heal.md b/bible/other/heal.md index 1e611f16..a6d8fc38 100644 --- a/bible/other/heal.md +++ b/bible/other/heal.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The terms "heal" and "cure" both mean to cause a sick, wounded, or disabled pers * __[21:10](rc://en/tn/help/obs/21/10)__ He (Isaiah) also predicted that the Messiah would __heal__ sick people and those who could not hear, see, speak, or walk. * __[26:06](rc://en/tn/help/obs/26/06)__ Jesus continued saying, "And during the time of the prophet Elisha, there were many people in Israel with skin diseases. But Elisha did not __heal__ any of them. He only __healed__ the skin disease of Naaman, a commander of Israel's enemies." * __[26:08](rc://en/tn/help/obs/26/08)__ They brought many people who were sick or handicapped, including those who could not see, walk, hear, or speak, and Jesus __healed__ them. -* __[32:14](rc://en/tn/help/obs/32/14)__ She had heard that Jesus had __healed__ many sick people and thought, "I'm sure that if I can just touch Jesus' clothes, then I will be __healed__, too!" +* __[32:14](rc://en/tn/help/obs/32/14)__ She had heard that Jesus had __healed__ many sick people and thought, "I'm sure that if I can just touch Jesus's clothes, then I will be __healed__, too!" * __[44:03](rc://en/tn/help/obs/44/03)__ Immediately, God __healed__ the lame man, and he began to walk and jump around, and to praise God. * __[44:08](rc://en/tn/help/obs/44/08)__ Peter answered them, "This man stands before you __healed__ by the power of Jesus the Messiah." * __[49:02](rc://en/tn/help/obs/49/02)__ ] Jesus did many miracles that prove he is God. He walked on water, calmed storms, __healed__ many sick people, drove out demons, raised the dead to life, and turned five loaves of bread and two small fish into enough food for over 5,000 people. diff --git a/bible/other/jewishleaders.md b/bible/other/jewishleaders.md index 960b6b0f..403ca823 100644 --- a/bible/other/jewishleaders.md +++ b/bible/other/jewishleaders.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The term "Jewish leader" or "Jewish authority" refers to religious leaders such * __[39:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/05)__ The __Jewish leaders__ all answered the high priest, "He (Jesus) deserves to die!" * __[39:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/09)__ Early the next morning, the __Jewish leaders__ brought Jesus to Pilate, the Roman governor. * __[39:11](rc://en/tn/help/obs/39/11)__ But the __Jewish leaders__ and the crowd shouted, "Crucify him!" -* __[40:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/09)__ Then Joseph and Nicodemus, two __Jewish leaders__ who believed Jesus was the Messiah, asked Pilate for Jesus' body. +* __[40:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/09)__ Then Joseph and Nicodemus, two __Jewish leaders__ who believed Jesus was the Messiah, asked Pilate for Jesus's body. * __[44:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/44/07)__ The next day, the __Jewish leaders__ brought Peter and John to the high priest and the other __religious leaders__. ## Word Data: diff --git a/bible/other/lots.md b/bible/other/lots.md index c4f02fe0..7e4f0ef8 100644 --- a/bible/other/lots.md +++ b/bible/other/lots.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A "lot" is a marked object that is chosen from among other similar objects as a * Some cultures "draw" or "pull out" lots using a bunch of straws. Someone holds the straws so that no one can see how long they are. Each person pulls out a straw and the one who picks the longest (or shortest) straw is the one who is chosen. * The practice of casting lots was used by the Israelites to find out what God wanted them to do. * As in the time of Zechariah and Elizabeth, it was also used to choose which priest would perform a specific duty in the temple at a specific time. -* The soldiers who crucified Jesus cast lots to decide who would get to keep Jesus' robe. +* The soldiers who crucified Jesus cast lots to decide who would get to keep Jesus's robe. * The phrase "casting lots" can be translated as "tossing lots" or "drawing lots" or "rolling lots." Make sure the translation of "cast" does not sound like the lots were being thrown a long distance. * Depending on the context, the term "lot" could also be translated as "marked stone" or "pottery piece" or "stick" or "piece of straw." * If a decision is made "by lot" this could be translated as, "by drawing (or throwing) lots." diff --git a/bible/other/messenger.md b/bible/other/messenger.md index 6ae8c2a6..f51b267c 100644 --- a/bible/other/messenger.md +++ b/bible/other/messenger.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The term "messenger" refers to someone who is given a message to tell others. * In ancient times, a messenger would be sent from the battlefield to tell people back in the city what was happening. * An angel is a special kind of messenger whom God sends to give people messages. Some translations translate "angel" as "messenger." * John the Baptist was called a messenger who came before Jesus to announce the Messiah's coming and to prepare people to receive him. -* Jesus' apostles were his messengers to go share with other people the good news about the kingdom of God. +* Jesus's apostles were his messengers to go share with other people the good news about the kingdom of God. (See also: [angel](../kt/angel.md), [apostle](../kt/apostle.md), [John (the Baptist)](../names/johnthebaptist.md)) diff --git a/bible/other/pierce.md b/bible/other/pierce.md index 9099dc49..5ac36399 100644 --- a/bible/other/pierce.md +++ b/bible/other/pierce.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The term "pierce" means to stab something or to make a hole with a sharp, pointed object. It is also used figuratively to refer to causing someone deep emotional pain. -* A soldier pierced Jesus' side when he was hanging on the cross. +* A soldier pierced Jesus's side when he was hanging on the cross. * In Bible times, a slave who was set free would have his ear pierced as a sign that he was choosing to continue working for his master. * Simeon spoke figuratively when he told Mary that a sword would pierce her heart, meaning that she would experience deep grief because of what would happen to her son Jesus. diff --git a/bible/other/reject.md b/bible/other/reject.md index 0cc578fa..c24daf0d 100644 --- a/bible/other/reject.md +++ b/bible/other/reject.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ To "reject" someone or something means to refuse to accept that person or thing. * The term "reject" can also mean to "refuse to believe in" something. * To reject God also means to refuse to obey him. -* When the Israelites rejected Moses' leadership, it means that they were rebelling against his authority. They did not want to obey him. +* When the Israelites rejected Moses's leadership, it means that they were rebelling against his authority. They did not want to obey him. * The Israelites showed that they were rejecting God when they worshiped false gods. * The term "push away" is the literal meaning of this word. Other languages may have a similar expression that means to reject or refuse to believe someone or something. * One can reject something by pushing oneself away or "staying away" from it. diff --git a/bible/other/sandal.md b/bible/other/sandal.md index db801b11..e677bb14 100644 --- a/bible/other/sandal.md +++ b/bible/other/sandal.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A sandal is a simple flat-soled shoe held onto the foot by straps that go around * A sandal was sometimes used to confirm a legal transaction, such as the selling of property: one man would take off a sandal and give it to the other. * Removing one's shoes or sandals was also a sign of respect and reverence, especially in God's presence. -* John said that he was not worthy to even untie Jesus' sandals, which would have been the task of a lowly servant or slave. +* John said that he was not worthy to even untie Jesus's sandals, which would have been the task of a lowly servant or slave. ## Bible References: diff --git a/bible/other/seal.md b/bible/other/seal.md index bd47545e..232021e2 100644 --- a/bible/other/seal.md +++ b/bible/other/seal.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ To seal an object means to keep it closed with something that makes it impossibl * Often a seal is marked with a design to show who it belongs to. * Melted wax was used to seal letters or other documents that needed to be protected. When the wax cooled and hardened, the letter could not be opened without breaking the wax seal. The person who received the letter would see the unbroken seal and know that no one had opened it. -* A seal was put on the stone in front of Jesus' grave in order to keep anyone from moving the stone. +* A seal was put on the stone in front of Jesus's grave in order to keep anyone from moving the stone. * Paul figuratively refers to the Holy Spirit as a "seal" showing that our salvation is secure. (See also: [Holy Spirit](../kt/holyspirit.md), [tomb](../other/tomb.md)) diff --git a/bible/other/servant.md b/bible/other/servant.md index 55a8d6eb..562e56f8 100644 --- a/bible/other/servant.md +++ b/bible/other/servant.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The word for "servant" can also mean "slave" and refers to a person who works fo * In the New Testament, people who obeyed God through faith in Christ were often called his "servants." * To "serve tables" means to bring food to people who are sitting at tables, or more generally, to "distribute food." * People who teach others about God are said to serve both God and the ones they are teaching. -* The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians about how they used to "serve" the old covenant. This refers to obeying the laws of Moses. Now they "serve" the new covenant. That is, because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, believers in Jesus are enabled by the Holy Spirit to please God and live holy lives. +* The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians about how they used to "serve" the old covenant. This refers to obeying the laws of Moses. Now they "serve" the new covenant. That is, because of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross, believers in Jesus are enabled by the Holy Spirit to please God and live holy lives. * Paul talks about their actions in terms of their "service" to either the old or new covenant. This could be translated as "serving" or "obeying" or "devotion to." * Christians are also called "slaves to righteousness," which is a metaphor that compares the commitment to obey God to a slave's commitment to obey his master. diff --git a/bible/other/sinoffering.md b/bible/other/sinoffering.md index ac51e1f0..6e5c5b91 100644 --- a/bible/other/sinoffering.md +++ b/bible/other/sinoffering.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The "sin offering" was one of several sacrifices that God required the Israelite * The complete burning up of this animal sacrifice shows how holy God is and how terrible sin is. * The Bible teaches that in order for there to be a cleansing from sin, blood must be shed to pay the cost for the sin that was committed. * Animal sacrifices could not permanently bring about forgiveness of sin. -* Jesus' death on the cross paid the penalty for sin, for all time. He was the perfect sin offering. +* Jesus's death on the cross paid the penalty for sin, for all time. He was the perfect sin offering. (See also: [altar](../kt/altar.md), [cow](../other/cow.md), [forgive](../kt/forgive.md), [sacrifice](../other/sacrifice.md), [sin](../kt/sin.md)) diff --git a/bible/other/snow.md b/bible/other/snow.md index 0e2bb907..bc686ed5 100644 --- a/bible/other/snow.md +++ b/bible/other/snow.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ The term "snow" refers to white flakes of frozen water that can fall from clouds in places where the air temperature is cold. * Snow falls in places of higher elevation in Israel, but does not always stay on the ground very long before melting. The peaks of mountains tend to have snow that lasts longer. One example of a place mentioned in the Bible as having snow is Mount Lebanon. -* Something that is very white often has its color compared to the color of snow. For example, in the book of Revelation Jesus' clothing and hair were described as being "white as snow." +* Something that is very white often has its color compared to the color of snow. For example, in the book of Revelation Jesus's clothing and hair were described as being "white as snow." * The whiteness of snow also symbolizes purity and cleanliness. For example, the statement that our "sins will be as white as snow" means that God will completely cleanse his people from their sins. * Some languages might refer to snow as "frozen rain" or "flakes of ice" or "frozen flakes." * "Snow water" refers to the water that comes from melted snow. diff --git a/bible/other/staff.md b/bible/other/staff.md index a34a93c6..8f1a9c63 100644 --- a/bible/other/staff.md +++ b/bible/other/staff.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ A staff is a long wooden stick or rod, often used as a walking stick. * When Jacob was old, he used a staff to help him walk. -* God turned Moses' staff into a snake to show his power to Pharaoh. +* God turned Moses's staff into a snake to show his power to Pharaoh. * Shepherds also used a staff to help guide their sheep, or to rescue the sheep when they fell or wandered. * The shepherd's staff had a hook on the end, so it differed from the shepherd's rod, which was straight and was used to kill wild animals that were trying to attack the sheep. diff --git a/bible/other/sword.md b/bible/other/sword.md index b6dd1de5..9f6f39f1 100644 --- a/bible/other/sword.md +++ b/bible/other/sword.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A sword is a flat-bladed metal weapon used to cut or stab. It has a handle and a * In ancient times the length of a sword’s blade was about 60 to 91 centimeters. * Some swords have two sharp edges and are called "double-edged" or "two-edged" swords. -* Jesus' disciples had swords for self defense. With his sword, Peter cut off the ear of the high priest's servant. +* Jesus's disciples had swords for self defense. With his sword, Peter cut off the ear of the high priest's servant. * Both John the Baptist and the apostle James were beheaded with swords. ## Translation Suggestions diff --git a/bible/other/teach.md b/bible/other/teach.md index c48d21a1..55f341f9 100644 --- a/bible/other/teach.md +++ b/bible/other/teach.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ To "teach" someone is to tell him something he doesn’t already know. It can al * A "teacher" is someone who teaches. The past action of "teach" is "taught." * When Jesus was teaching, he was explaining things about God and his kingdom. -* Jesus' disciples called him "Teacher" as a respectful form of address for someone who taught people about God. +* Jesus's disciples called him "Teacher" as a respectful form of address for someone who taught people about God. * The information that is being taught can be shown or spoken. * The term "doctrine" refers to a set of teachings from God about himself as well as God's instructions about how to live. This could also be translated as "teachings from God" or "what God teaches us." * The phrase "what you have been taught" could also be translated as, "what these people have taught you" or "what God has taught you," depending on the context. diff --git a/bible/other/thorn.md b/bible/other/thorn.md index 65c16897..672935a1 100644 --- a/bible/other/thorn.md +++ b/bible/other/thorn.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Thorn bushes and thistles are plants that have prickly branches or flowers. Thes * A "thorn" is a hard, sharp growth on the branch or stem of a plant. A "thornbush" is a type of small tree or shrub that has many thorns on its branches. * A "thistle" is a plant with prickly stems and leaves. Often the flowers are purple. * Thorn and thistle plants multiply quickly and can cause nearby plants or crops to not be able to grow. This is a picture of how sin keeps a person from producing good spiritual fruit. -* A crown made of twisted thorn branches was placed on Jesus' head before he was crucified. +* A crown made of twisted thorn branches was placed on Jesus's head before he was crucified. * If possible, these terms should be translated by the names of two different plants or bushes that are known in the language area. (See also: [crown](../other/crown.md), [fruit](../other/fruit.md), [spirit](../kt/spirit.md)) diff --git a/bible/other/tomb.md b/bible/other/tomb.md index bc31e072..4bc0e8dc 100644 --- a/bible/other/tomb.md +++ b/bible/other/tomb.md @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ The terms "tomb" and "grave" refer to a place where people put the body of a per * __[32:04](rc://en/tn/help/obs/32/04)__ The man lived among the __tombs__ in the area. * __[37:06](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/06)__ Jesus asked them, "Where have you put Lazarus?" They told him, "In the __tomb__. Come and see." * __[37:07](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/07)__ The __tomb__ was a cave with a stone rolled in front of its opening. -* __[40:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/09)__ Then Joseph and Nicodemus, two Jewish leaders who believed Jesus was the Messiah, asked Pilate for Jesus' body. They wrapped his body in cloth and placed it in a __tomb__ cut out of rock. Then they rolled a large stone in front the __tomb__ to block the opening. +* __[40:09](rc://en/tn/help/obs/40/09)__ Then Joseph and Nicodemus, two Jewish leaders who believed Jesus was the Messiah, asked Pilate for Jesus's body. They wrapped his body in cloth and placed it in a __tomb__ cut out of rock. Then they rolled a large stone in front the __tomb__ to block the opening. * __[41:04](rc://en/tn/help/obs/41/04)__ He (the angel) rolled away the stone that was covering the entrance to the __tomb__ and sat on it. The soldiers guarding the __tomb__ were terrified and fell to the ground like dead men. -* __[41:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/41/05)__ When the women arrived at the __tomb__, the angel told them, "Do not be afraid. Jesus is not here. He has risen from the dead, just like he said he would! Look in the __tomb__ and see." The women looked into the __tomb__ and saw where Jesus' body had been laid. His body was not there! +* __[41:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/41/05)__ When the women arrived at the __tomb__, the angel told them, "Do not be afraid. Jesus is not here. He has risen from the dead, just like he said he would! Look in the __tomb__ and see." The women looked into the __tomb__ and saw where Jesus's body had been laid. His body was not there! ## Word Data: diff --git a/bible/other/tribulation.md b/bible/other/tribulation.md index 9294bf7c..681c2022 100644 --- a/bible/other/tribulation.md +++ b/bible/other/tribulation.md @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ The term "tribulation" refers to a time of hardship, suffering, and distress. -* It is explained in the New Testament that Christians will endure times of persecution and other kinds of tribulation because many people in this world are opposed to Jesus' teachings. -* "The Great Tribulation" is a term used in the Bible to describe a period of time just before Jesus' second coming when God's wrath will be poured out on the earth for several years. +* It is explained in the New Testament that Christians will endure times of persecution and other kinds of tribulation because many people in this world are opposed to Jesus's teachings. +* "The Great Tribulation" is a term used in the Bible to describe a period of time just before Jesus's second coming when God's wrath will be poured out on the earth for several years. * The term "tribulation" could also be translated as "time of great suffering" or "deep distress" or "severe difficulties." diff --git a/bible/other/turn.md b/bible/other/turn.md index 70dfa1ca..e26a1913 100644 --- a/bible/other/turn.md +++ b/bible/other/turn.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ To "turn" means to physically change direction or to cause something else to cha * The phrase "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children" could be translated as "cause fathers to care for their children again." * The expression "turn my honor into shame" could be translated as "cause my honor to become shame" or "dishonor me so that I am shamed" or "shame me (by doing what is evil) so that people no longer honor me." * "I will turn your cities into ruin" could be translated as "I will cause your cities to be destroyed" or "I will cause enemies to destroy your cities." -* The phrase "turn into" could be translated as "become." When Moses' rod "turned into" a snake, it "became" a snake." It could also be translated as "changed into." +* The phrase "turn into" could be translated as "become." When Moses's rod "turned into" a snake, it "became" a snake." It could also be translated as "changed into." (See also: [false god](../kt/falsegod.md), [leprosy](../other/leprosy.md), [worship](../kt/worship.md))