diff --git a/bible/kt/adultery.md b/bible/kt/adultery.md index ffc1aa88..69b38ca7 100644 --- a/bible/kt/adultery.md +++ b/bible/kt/adultery.md @@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ The term "adultery" refers to a sin that occurs when a married person has sexual ## Word Data: ## -* Strong's: H5003, H5004, H5005, G3428, G3429, G3430, G3431, G3432 +* Strong's: H5003, H5004, G3428, G3429, G3430, G3431, G3432 diff --git a/bible/kt/bond.md b/bible/kt/bond.md index e5276a2e..2c32518b 100644 --- a/bible/kt/bond.md +++ b/bible/kt/bond.md @@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ The term "bind" means to tie something or fasten it securely. Something that is ## Word Data: ## -* Strong's: H247, H481, H519, H615, H631, H632, H632, H640, H1366, H1367, H1379, H2280, H2706, H3256, H3533, H3729, H4147, H4148, H4205, H4562, H5650, H5656, H5659, H6029, H6123, H6616, H6696, H6872, H6887, H6887, H7194, H7405, H7573, H7576, H8198, H8244, H8379, G254, G331, G332, G1195, G1196, G1198, G1199, G1210, G1210, G1397, G1398, G1401, G1402, G2611, G2615, G3734, G3784, G3814, G4019, G4029, G4385, G4886, G4887, G5265 +* Strong's: H247, H481, H519, H615, H631, H632, H640, H1366, H1367, H1379, H2280, H2706, H3256, H3533, H3729, H4147, H4148, H4205, H4562, H5650, H5656, H5659, H6029, H6123, H6616, H6696, H6872, H6887, H7194, H7405, H7573, H7576, H8198, H8244, H8379, G254, G331, G332, G1195, G1196, G1198, G1199, G1210, G1397, G1398, G1401, G1402, G2611, G2615, G3734, G3784, G3814, G4019, G4029, G4385, G4886, G4887, G5265 diff --git a/bible/kt/wrath.md b/bible/kt/wrath.md index d0377803..4bba8313 100644 --- a/bible/kt/wrath.md +++ b/bible/kt/wrath.md @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ Wrath is an intense anger that is sometimes long-lasting. It especially refers t ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H639, H2197, H2528, H2534, H2534, H2740, H2740, H3707, H3708, H5678, H7107, H7109, H7110, H7265, H7267, G2372, G3709, G3949, G3950 +* Strong's: H639, H2197, H2528, H2534, H2740, H3707, H3708, H5678, H7107, H7109, H7110, H7265, H7267, G2372, G3709, G3949, G3950 diff --git a/bible/other/commit.md b/bible/other/commit.md index 5ccf29c4..dcbf8ff9 100644 --- a/bible/other/commit.md +++ b/bible/other/commit.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ The terms "commit" and "commitment" refers to making a decision or promising to ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H539, H817, H1361, H1497, H1500, H1540, H1556, H2181, H2388, H2398, H2399, H2403, H5003, H4560, H4603, H5003, H5753, H5766, H5771, H6213, H6466, H7683, H7760, H7847, G264, G2038, G2716, G3429, G3431, G3860, G3872, G3908, G4102, G4160, G4203 +* Strong's: H539, H817, H1361, H1497, H1500, H1540, H1556, H2181, H2388, H2398, H2399, H2403, H4560, H4603, H5003, H5753, H5766, H5771, H6213, H6466, H7683, H7760, H7847, G264, G2038, G2716, G3429, G3431, G3860, G3872, G3908, G4102, G4160, G4203 diff --git a/bible/other/death.md b/bible/other/death.md index 8635c39a..e220dfc9 100644 --- a/bible/other/death.md +++ b/bible/other/death.md @@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ This term is used to refer to both physical and spiritual death. Physically, it ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H1478, H4191, H4191, H4192, H4193, H4194, H4194, H4463, H5038, H5315, H6297, H6757, H7496, H7523, H8546, G336, G337, G520, G581, G599, G599, G615, G684, G1935, G2079, G2253, G2286, G2287, G2288, G2289, G2348, G2837, G3498, G3499, G3500, G4430, G4880, G5053, G5054 +* Strong's: H1478, H4191, H4192, H4193, H4194, H4463, H5038, H5315, H6297, H6757, H7496, H7523, H8546, G336, G337, G520, G581, G599, G615, G684, G1935, G2079, G2253, G2286, G2287, G2288, G2289, G2348, G2837, G3498, G3499, G3500, G4430, G4880, G5053, G5054 diff --git a/bible/other/exile.md b/bible/other/exile.md index 84942e8c..d8023afe 100644 --- a/bible/other/exile.md +++ b/bible/other/exile.md @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ The term "exile" refers to people being forced to live somewhere away from their ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H1123, H1473, H1540, H1547, H1541, H1546, H1547, H3212, H3318, H5080, H6808, H7617, H7622, H8689, G3927 +* Strong's: H1123, H1473, H1540, H1541, H1546, H1547, H3212, H3318, H5080, H6808, H7617, H7622, H8689, G3927 diff --git a/bible/other/free.md b/bible/other/free.md index 235f84f4..8b1b407b 100644 --- a/bible/other/free.md +++ b/bible/other/free.md @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ The terms "free" or "freedom" refer to not being in slavery, or any other kind o ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H1865, H2600, H2666, H2668, H2670, H3318, H4800, H5068, H5069, H5071, H5081, H5337, H5352, H5355, H5425, H5674, H5800, H6299, H6362, H7342, H7971, G425, G525, G572, G629, G630, G859, G558, G572, G630, G859, G1344, G1432, G1657, G1658, G1659, G1849, G2010, G3032, G3089, G3955, G4174, G4506, G5483, G5486 +* Strong's: H1865, H2600, H2666, H2668, H2670, H3318, H4800, H5068, H5069, H5071, H5081, H5337, H5352, H5355, H5425, H5674, H5800, H6299, H6362, H7342, H7971, G425, G525, G558, G572, G629, G630, G859, G1344, G1432, G1657, G1658, G1659, G1849, G2010, G3032, G3089, G3955, G4174, G4506, G5483, G5486 diff --git a/bible/other/obey.md b/bible/other/obey.md index 87863a36..75a5475e 100644 --- a/bible/other/obey.md +++ b/bible/other/obey.md @@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ The term "obey" means to do what is required or commanded. The term "obedient" d ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H1697, H2388, H3349, H4928, H6213, H7181, H8085, H8085, H8086, H8104, G191, G544, G3980, G3982, G4198, G5083, G5084, G5218, G5219, G5255, G5292, G5293, G5442 +* Strong's: H1697, H2388, H3349, H4928, H6213, H7181, H8085, H8086, H8104, G191, G544, G3980, G3982, G4198, G5083, G5084, G5218, G5219, G5255, G5292, G5293, G5442 diff --git a/bible/other/proud.md b/bible/other/proud.md index 2898b6b7..52da8289 100644 --- a/bible/other/proud.md +++ b/bible/other/proud.md @@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ The terms "proud" and "prideful" refer to a person thinking too highly of himsel ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H1341, H1343, H1344, H1346, H1346, H1347, H1347, H1348, H1349, H1361, H1362, H1363, H1364, H1396, H1466, H1467, H1984, H2086, H2087, H2087, H2102, H2103, H2121, H3093, H3238, H3513, H4062, H1431, H4791, H5965, H6580, H7293, H7295, H7312, H7342, H7311, H7407, H7830, H8597, G212, G1391, G1392, G2744, G2745, G2746, G3173, G5187, G5187, G5229, G5243, G5244, G5308, G5309, G5426, G5450 +* Strong's: H1341, H1343, H1344, H1346, H1347, H1348, H1349, H1361, H1362, H1363, H1364, H1396, H1466, H1467, H1984, H2086, H2087, H2102, H2103, H2121, H3093, H3238, H3513, H4062, H1431, H4791, H5965, H6580, H7293, H7295, H7312, H7342, H7311, H7407, H7830, H8597, G212, G1391, G1392, G2744, G2745, G2746, G3173, G5187, G5229, G5243, G5244, G5308, G5309, G5426, G5450 diff --git a/bible/other/refuge.md b/bible/other/refuge.md index 5de670c8..f1579c8d 100644 --- a/bible/other/refuge.md +++ b/bible/other/refuge.md @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ The term "refuge" refers to a place or condition of safety and protection. A "sh ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H2620, H4268, H4268, H4498, H4585, H4733, H4869 +* Strong's: H2620, H4268, H4498, H4585, H4733, H4869 diff --git a/bible/other/royal.md b/bible/other/royal.md index 5f0168f2..e32fbc83 100644 --- a/bible/other/royal.md +++ b/bible/other/royal.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ The term "royal" describes people and things associated with a king or queen. ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H643, H1935, H4410, H4428, H4430, H4437, H4438, H4467, H4467, H4468, H7985, H8237, G933, G934, G937 +* Strong's: H643, H1935, H4410, H4428, H4430, H4437, H4438, H4467, H4468, H7985, H8237, G933, G934, G937 diff --git a/bible/other/ruler.md b/bible/other/ruler.md index 0b7e82b0..80469372 100644 --- a/bible/other/ruler.md +++ b/bible/other/ruler.md @@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ The term "ruler" is a general reference to a person who has authority over other ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H995, H1166, H1167, H1404, H2708, H2710, H3027, H3548, H3920, H4043, H4410, H4427, H4428, H4438, H4467, H4474, H4475, H4623, H4910, H4941, H5057, H5065, H5387, H5401, H5461, H5715, H6113, H6213, H6485, H6957, H7101, H7218, H7287, H7300, H7336, H7786, H7860, H7980, H7981, H7985, H7984, H7985, H7989, H7990, H8199, H8269, H8323, H8451, G746, G752, G755, G757, G758, G932, G936, G1018, G1203, G1299, G1778, G1785, G1849, G2232, G2233, G2525, G2583, G2888, G2961, G3545, G3841, G4165, G4173, G4291 +* Strong's: H995, H1166, H1167, H1404, H2708, H2710, H3027, H3548, H3920, H4043, H4410, H4427, H4428, H4438, H4467, H4474, H4475, H4623, H4910, H4941, H5057, H5065, H5387, H5401, H5461, H5715, H6113, H6213, H6485, H6957, H7101, H7218, H7287, H7300, H7336, H7786, H7860, H7980, H7981, H7985, H7989, H7990, H8199, H8269, H8323, H8451, G746, G752, G755, G757, G758, G932, G936, G1018, G1203, G1299, G1778, G1785, G1849, G2232, G2233, G2525, G2583, G2888, G2961, G3545, G3841, G4165, G4173, G4291 diff --git a/bible/other/sacrifice.md b/bible/other/sacrifice.md index 1d505e04..2cf3fa15 100644 --- a/bible/other/sacrifice.md +++ b/bible/other/sacrifice.md @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ In the Bible, the terms "sacrifice" and "offering" refer to special gifts given ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H801, H817, H819, H1685, H1890, H1974, H2076, H2077, H2077, H2281, H2282, H2398, H2401, H2402, H2403, H2409, H3632, H4394, H4469, H4503, H4503, H4504, H5066, H5068, H5069, H5071, H5257, H5258, H5261, H5262, H5927, H5928, H5930, H5930, H6453, H6944, H6999, H7133, H7133, H7311, H8002, H8426, H8548, H8573, H8641, G266, G334, G1049, G1435, G1494, G2378, G2380, G3646, G4376, G5485 +* Strong's: H801, H817, H819, H1685, H1890, H1974, H2076, H2077, H2281, H2282, H2398, H2401, H2402, H2403, H2409, H3632, H4394, H4469, H4503, H4504, H5066, H5068, H5069, H5071, H5257, H5258, H5261, H5262, H5927, H5928, H5930, H6453, H6944, H6999, H7133, H7311, H8002, H8426, H8548, H8573, H8641, G266, G334, G1049, G1435, G1494, G2378, G2380, G3646, G4376, G5485 diff --git a/bible/other/sweep.md b/bible/other/sweep.md index 0f5cea56..b02da4ed 100644 --- a/bible/other/sweep.md +++ b/bible/other/sweep.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ To “sweep” usually means to remove dirt by making broad, quick movements wit ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H622, H857, H1640, H2498, H2894, H3261, H5500, H5502, H5595, H7857, H8175, H7857, H8804, G4216, G4563, G4951 +* Strong's: H622, H857, H1640, H2498, H2894, H3261, H5500, H5502, H5595, H7857, H8804, G4216, G4563, G4951 diff --git a/bible/other/tomb.md b/bible/other/tomb.md index 36807123..f9bc7781 100644 --- a/bible/other/tomb.md +++ b/bible/other/tomb.md @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ The terms "tomb" and "grave" refer to a place where people put the body of a per ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H1164, H1430, H6900, H6913, H7585, H7845, G86, G2750, G3418, G3418, G3419, G3419, G5028 +* Strong's: H1164, H1430, H6900, H6913, H7585, H7845, G86, G2750, G3418, G3419, G5028 diff --git a/bible/other/turn.md b/bible/other/turn.md index 54db795d..8c34a352 100644 --- a/bible/other/turn.md +++ b/bible/other/turn.md @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ To "turn" means to physically change direction or to cause something else to cha ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H541, H1750, H2015, H2015, H2017, H2186, H2559, H3399, H3943, H3943, H4142, H4672, H4740, H4878, H4878, H5186, H5186, H5253, H5414, H5437, H5437, H5472, H5472, H5493, H5493, H5528, H5627, H5753, H5844, H6437, H6437, H6801, H7227, H7725, H7725, H7734, H7750, H7760, H7847, H8159, H8447, H8447, G344, G387, G387, G402, G576, G654, G654, G665, G868, G1294, G1294, G1578, G1612, G1624, G1624, G1994, G1994, G2827, G3179, G3179, G3313, G3329, G3344, G3344, G3346, G3346, G4762, G4762, G5077, G5157, G5290, G6060 +* Strong's: H541, H1750, H2015, H2017, H2186, H2559, H3399, H3943, H4142, H4672, H4740, H4878, H5186, H5253, H5414, H5437, H5472, H5493, H5528, H5627, H5753, H5844, H6437, H6801, H7227, H7725, H7734, H7750, H7760, H7847, H8159, H8447, G344, G387, G402, G576, G654, G665, G868, G1294, G1578, G1612, G1624, G1994, G2827, G3179, G3313, G3329, G3344, G3346, G4762, G5077, G5157, G5290, G6060 diff --git a/bible/other/vain.md b/bible/other/vain.md index fbe9a0d9..47d90ab1 100644 --- a/bible/other/vain.md +++ b/bible/other/vain.md @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ The term "vain" describes something that is useless or has no purpose. Vain thin ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: H205, H1891, H1892, H2600, H3576, H5014, H6754, H7307, H7385, H7386, H7387, H7723, H7723, H8193, H8267, H8414, G945, G1432, G1500, G2755, G2756, G2757, G2758, G2761, G3150, G3151, G3152, G3153, G3154, G3155 +* Strong's: H205, H1891, H1892, H2600, H3576, H5014, H6754, H7307, H7385, H7386, H7387, H7723, H8193, H8267, H8414, G945, G1432, G1500, G2755, G2756, G2757, G2758, G2761, G3150, G3151, G3152, G3153, G3154, G3155 diff --git a/bible/other/warrior.md b/bible/other/warrior.md index 1b7094a2..414b012b 100644 --- a/bible/other/warrior.md +++ b/bible/other/warrior.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ The terms "warrior" and "soldier" both can refer to someone who fights in an arm ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: , H352, H510, H1368, H1416, H1995, H2389, H2428, H2502, H3715, H4421, H5431, H5971, H6518, H6635, H7273, H7916, G4686, G4753, G4754, G4757, G4758, G4961 diff --git a/bible/other/waste.md b/bible/other/waste.md index 8fdb66b9..18e36d9f 100644 --- a/bible/other/waste.md +++ b/bible/other/waste.md @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ To waste something means to carelessly throw it away or to use it unwisely. Some ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H535, H1086, H1104, H1110, H1197, H1326, H2100, H2490, H2522, H2717, H2720, H2721, H2723, H3615, H3765, H3856, H4127, H4198, H4592, H4743, H4875, H5307, H5327, H7334, H7582, H7703, H7722, H7736, H7843, H8047, H8074, H8077, H8414, H8437, G684, G1287, G2049, G2673, G4199 diff --git a/bible/other/watch.md b/bible/other/watch.md index eab8fae1..3005f8fc 100644 --- a/bible/other/watch.md +++ b/bible/other/watch.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ The term "watch" means to look at something very closely and carefully. It also ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H821, H2370, H4929, H4931, H5027, H5341, H5894, H6486, H6822, H6836, H6974, H7462, H7789, H7919, H8104, H8108, H8245, G69, G70, G991, G1127, G1492, G2334, G2892, G3525, G3708, G3906, G4337, G4648, G5083, G5438 diff --git a/bible/other/yeast.md b/bible/other/yeast.md index 6d88f0b3..7ca373c3 100644 --- a/bible/other/yeast.md +++ b/bible/other/yeast.md @@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H2556, H2557, H4682, H7603, G106, G2219, G2220 diff --git a/bible/other/yoke.md b/bible/other/yoke.md index 65b8ad50..4f39b92d 100644 --- a/bible/other/yoke.md +++ b/bible/other/yoke.md @@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ A yoke is a piece of wood or metal attached to two or more animals to connect th ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H3627, H4132, H4133, H5674, H5923, H6776, G2086, G2201, G2218, G4805 diff --git a/bible/other/zacchaeus.md b/bible/other/zacchaeus.md index b6a1f533..f9562d4e 100644 --- a/bible/other/zacchaeus.md +++ b/bible/other/zacchaeus.md @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ Zacchaeus was a tax collector from Jericho who climbed a tree in order to be abl ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: G2195 diff --git a/bible/other/zadok.md b/bible/other/zadok.md index 78a94e1e..919f50d7 100644 --- a/bible/other/zadok.md +++ b/bible/other/zadok.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Zadok was the name of an important high priest in Israel during the reign of Kin ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H6659, G4524 diff --git a/bible/other/zebedee.md b/bible/other/zebedee.md index 0457d246..4dc4bd2e 100644 --- a/bible/other/zebedee.md +++ b/bible/other/zebedee.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Zebedee was a fisherman from Galilee who is known because of his sons, James and ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: G2199 diff --git a/bible/other/zebulun.md b/bible/other/zebulun.md index b3d043b5..ca390a1d 100644 --- a/bible/other/zebulun.md +++ b/bible/other/zebulun.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Zebulun was the last son born to Jacob and Leah and is the name of one of the tw ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H2074, H2075, G2194 diff --git a/bible/other/zechariahnt.md b/bible/other/zechariahnt.md index 0e911b93..82baac65 100644 --- a/bible/other/zechariahnt.md +++ b/bible/other/zechariahnt.md @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ In the New Testament, Zechariah was a Jewish priest who became the father of Joh ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: G2197 diff --git a/bible/other/zechariahot.md b/bible/other/zechariahot.md index dd7b2be3..83595b6c 100644 --- a/bible/other/zechariahot.md +++ b/bible/other/zechariahot.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Zechariah was a prophet who prophesied during the reign of King Darius I of Pers ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H2148 diff --git a/bible/other/zedekiah.md b/bible/other/zedekiah.md index f523cf47..a697a6ec 100644 --- a/bible/other/zedekiah.md +++ b/bible/other/zedekiah.md @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Zedekiah, son of Josiah, was the last king of Judah (597-587 B.C.). There are al ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H6667 diff --git a/bible/other/zephaniah.md b/bible/other/zephaniah.md index b314a162..7ecdd495 100644 --- a/bible/other/zephaniah.md +++ b/bible/other/zephaniah.md @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Zephaniah, son of Cushi, was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem and prophesied dur ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H6846 diff --git a/bible/other/zerubbabel.md b/bible/other/zerubbabel.md index 19b82f2e..5fb5d152 100644 --- a/bible/other/zerubbabel.md +++ b/bible/other/zerubbabel.md @@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Zerubbabel was the name of two Israelite men in the Old Testament. ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H2216, H2217, G2216 diff --git a/bible/other/zoar.md b/bible/other/zoar.md index c0de5fee..9099e5d6 100644 --- a/bible/other/zoar.md +++ b/bible/other/zoar.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ Zoar was a small city where Lot fled when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. ## Word Data:## -* Strong's: +* Strong's: H6820