## translationWords * [[en:tw:almighty]] * [[en:tw:evil]] * [[en:tw:god]] * [[en:tw:heal]] * [[en:tw:mighty]] * [[en:tw:trouble]] ## translationNotes * The writer continues to use parallelism in verses 18 and 19, conveying a single idea using two different statements to emphasize God's acts of chastening and healing. (See: [[en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_parallelism]]) * **See, happy is the man whom God corrects** - "See how happy is the man whom God corrects" * **God corrects…chastening of the Almighty** - God is pictured as a parent correcting or instructing a child. * **happy** - "blessed" or "favored" * **do not despise** - "do not reject" or "do not consider worthless" * **chastening** - "instruction" or "correction" or "discipline" (UDB) * **For he wounds and then binds up; he wounds and then his hands heal** - "For he wounds but binds up; he crushes but his hands heal" * **He will rescue you out of six troubles; indeed, in seven troubles, no evil will touch you** - Here the pronoun shifts from "he/him" to "you." "Six times he will deliver you from trouble; seven times no evil will touch you."