Tue Sep 19 2023 15:16:32 GMT-0600 (hora estándar central)

This commit is contained in:
Fany_Nohelia 2023-09-19 15:16:32 -06:00
parent 58541b80f4
commit ac67bf4f4c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@
Chilerií âarkipe tawak i´ka ki´rima akawa sukuhí, akes ôhni ye´ kakachitu, Akes un pokua tohkenarií. Akes un maíwa sukuhí, i´ka â tawak lerií tohkepe kakaneí i ye ´akasteshkertu, akes ôhlerií. Akes toh kartawa ôhni. Toh waka tishkerche
Chilerií âarkipe tawak i´ka ki´rima akawa sukuhí, akes ôhni ye´ kakachitu, Akes un pokua tohkenarií. Akes un maíwa sukuhí, i´ka â tawak lerií tohkepe kakaneí i ye ´akasteshkertu, akes ôhlerií. Akes toh kartawa ôhni. Toh waka tishkerchẽ, ¿ta akawa tishpisa ekaí? I´ka tawa´kaña pesh