diff --git a/closed_ulb_issues.html b/closed_ulb_issues.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3c29a5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/closed_ulb_issues.html @@ -0,0 +1,4552 @@ + + + + + + + Issues - Door43 Content Service + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Recab / Rekab +
+ 1SA 23:29, 24:1; 2CH 20:2 Engedi/En Gedi +
+ 1SA 21:1 et al. Ahimelech/Ahimelek +
+ Michmash/Michmas/Mikmash +
+ 1SA 9:4 Shalisha(h) +
+ DAN 11 quotation marks +
+ Warning from BIEL "Read on Web" view +
+ Luke 8:43 +
+ Psa 11:6 and Isa 30:33--Sulfur or brimstone +
+ צַלְמָ֡וֶת +
+ Place names in JOS +
+ Hallelujah might be better translated as "Praise Yahweh" or "Praise Yah" +
+ Isa 41:21 Double quote marks needed? +
+ Isa 41:21-22 Quotation marks +
+ Quotations, Doublets changed, by Script on ULB from Henry with changes and suggestions by Tom +
+ Lev 20:21 they will be childless +
+ Lev 20:17 uncovers +
+ Lev 18:7 Missing phrase +
+ Mat 21:4 I added "so" +
+ Mic 6:1-5 Quote marks +
+ JDG 6:32 et al. Jerub Baal +
+ JOS 15:16-19 Aksah/Acsah/Achsah +
+ exalt +
+ reprove/reproof +
+ JOS 11:1, 12:20, 19:25 Acshaph +
+ path to road +
+ Jude 1:23 (from tQ #84) Truncated editing, suggested it be reconnected to assist the reader +
+ Dan 2:2 et al., Chaldeans +
+ Mat 5:11-12 Exult +
+ Col 1:9 "spiritual" or "God's Spirit" +
+ Mark 7:22 evil eye / envy +
+ Mark 7:22 (this may be a duplicate) +
+ Act 3: 6 I do not have / do not belong to me +
+ 2Co 1:24 lords vs masters +
+ 2Co 5:1 our earthly tent home +
+ 2Co 9:5 something coveted +
+ Mat 1 "something in her womb" +
+ Act 13:16 honor / fear +
+ Act 26:23 "the first resurrection from the dead" vs " the first to rise from the dead" +
+ Act 27:37 "souls" versus "people" +
+ 1Co 4:14 "admonish" versus "correct" +
+ Act 14:12 "main speaker" to "leader of the word" +
+ Mat 13:47 every kind (of what?) +
+ Col 1:11 +
+ Act 15:40 entrusted / committed +
+ 1Ti 1:4 helping the stewardship of God +
+ Act 19:11 +
+ 1Ti 6:2 loved vs beloved and disrespect noun vs verb +
+ 1 Tim 6:14 spotlessly and blamelessly +
+ 1Ti 3:4 obey and always respect +
+ Heb 1:8 scepter of uprightness ... kingdom +
+ Mrk 1:6 was eating +
+ Eph 3:16 Inner Person +
+ Checking some PDF edits for confirmation +
+ ULB Phlippians 3:16 +
+ Exodus 28:4 these garments that are set them apart to me +
+ Pro 30:14 are swords ... are like knives +
+ Rom 16:25-27 Benediction formatting at conclusion of book +
+ Ezk 48:19 people belong to all the tribes of Israel +
+ James 4:1 +
+ Where have all the gentiles gone? +
+ Ecc 5 Formatting +
+ 2Sa 7 Paragraphs +
+ ACT 13:6 Bar-Jesus +
+ Mrk 2:9 easier to say X or to say Y +
+ have showed +
+ Hab 2:5 Who enlarges and is never satisfied? +
+ Jer 36:31 What did they not pay attention to? +
+ Act 7:46 What did David want to build? +
+ Ezra 1:1 Possessive forms of Moses and Jesus vs. Cyrus and Ahasuerus +
+ Lam 4:16 Use same tense? +
+ JAM 1:26 missing a not +
+ Sng 5:13 Footnote format +
+ Isa 29:8 he is fainting +
+ Jer 4:22 do not know to do good +
+ LUK 3:1 Iturea +
+ Jer 9:3 change "but" to "and"? +
+ Jer 9:3 They tread on their bows of lies +
+ Jer 2:19 Lord Yahweh of hosts +
+ Jol 2:25 formatting +
+ ZEC 1:1, MAT 23:35 Zechariah son of ... +
+ 2Pe 1:3 All the things concerning divine power for life and godliness? +
+ Ezk 46:22 There the same dimensions +
+ Eze 46:21 incomplete corrections +
+ Isa 17:12 Exclamations and relative clauses +
+ Isa 17:10-11 on the day you plant and hedge and cultivate +
+ Isa 17:9 What kind of relative clause, and what will become a desolation? +
+ Isa 9:1 in the later time +
+ 2Ch 9:9 was ever given to him again +
+ 2CHh 15:9 people from of Ephraim and Manasseh +
+ 2Ch 36:2 Footnote markup error +
+ 1Ch 19:4 Where garments were cut +
+ 1Ch 18:9-10 When ... and so +
+ 1Ch 16:1-2 burnt offerings ... burnt offering +
+ EZK 47:2 - missing 'me'? +
+ HAB 2:13 use of 'peoples' instead of 'people' +
+ Dan:11:37 Extra 'will' +
+ 1Ki 18:43 Elijah said ... seven times +
+ Jdg 8:24 request ... would give +
+ Num 27.12 +
+ NEH 9:12 +
+ 1 John 5:9 "The testimony ... is this" to "This is the testimony ..." +
+ 2Pe 2:20 "them" to "it"? +
+ \d marker for Additional Text appearing at the beginning of Some Psalms +
+ Psalms Scriptural headings +
+ קָדַד and שָׁחָה +
+ 2 Kings 5:13 incoherent +
+ Job 11:13-19 Should have done or Should do? +
+ 1Ki 5:11 +
+ Deut 19:5 Fixed Typo +
+ Gen 2:14 which flows +
+ Hebrew Months +
+ Bath and Baths equivalent to UDB ... +
+ Mat 8:8 Comma changed to period +
+ Deuteronomy 8:9 lack and poverty +
+ 2 Kings 3:14 pleonasm +
+ 2Pe 2:3 For a long time ... not +
+ John 10:10 Awkward wording +
+ Job 40:9 a voice like him +
+ Rom 6:12 in order that you may obey its lusts +
+ Num 14:24 Missing "to" +
+ Gal 6:8 Extra "from the Spirit" +
+ Jer 50:17 Israel is a sheep scattered +
+ Readme.md file +
+ 1Pe 5:8 Either delete or add comma +
+ MAL 2:3 footnote +
+ UDB Suggestions on LUKE from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins +
+ UDB (only) 2PE, 1-3 JN and JUD from Forest Deal files in repo / edited Tom Warren +
+ Revelation 17:11 comma incorrect in compound predicate +
+ Revelation 2:3 missing word +
+ Acts 27:7 comma needed +
+ Exodus 9:4 Eqypt +
+ Mark 4:15-20 "are" is not "are like" +
+ ULB and UDB Matthew from Forest Deal, edited by Tom Warren and John Hutchins +
+ Deuteronomy 28:18 missing series comma +
+ Leviticus 7:21 unclear punctuation +
+ Isaiah 32:20 spurious comma and syntax error +
+ Jeremiah 33:10 comma needed +
+ Record (not completed) of Forest Deal's recommendations, and Tom Warren's and John Hutchin's edits of them +
+ ULB and UDB suggestions from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins +
+ ULB and UDB Suggestions from Forest Deal for REVELATION +
+ 2Ti 1:13 +
+ ULB Revelation from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins +
+ Act 27:7 Conjunctions not working well together +
+ Rev 13:14 missing phrase +
+ Rev 13:3 +
+ Rev 4:6 +
+ Rev 2:2-3 +
+ Rev 1:8 +
+ ULB LUKE from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins +
+ ULB MARK suggestions from Forest Deal by John Hutchins +
+ Acts 25:20 βούλοιτο +
+ Mrk 12:12 +
+ Mrk 4:15-16 +
+ Mrk 4:12 +
+ Luk 23:50-51 +
+ Luk 11.1 missing phrase +
+ 2 Thessalonians 3:11 τινας περιπατοῦντας ἐν ὑμῖν ἀτάκτως +
+ 2 Thessalonians 2:11 +
+ Act 18:4-6 "persuaded" and "compelled by the Spirit" +
+ MIC 6:16 hard returns +
+ JER 26:18 Micah the Morashtite +
+ Matthew ULB suggestions from Forest Deal edited by John Hutchins +
+ mark 4:16 ὁμοίως not translated +
+ 2Th UDB and ULB Suggestions from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren +
+ 1pe 2:12 typo +
+ 1pe 1:10 they searched and inquired carefully +
+ 1 John 2:1; 5:18: Τεκνία +
+ Jonah 3:8 each and every one +
+ Jonah 3:8 each and every one +
+ Jonah 2:8 hebel, hesed +
+ James and 1 Pet from Forest Deal, suggestions +
+ Mat 17:26 +
+ Mat 17:6 +
+ Mat 13:23 +
+ Mat 12:48 +
+ θάλασσα in Mark (and elsewhere?) +
+ Luke 21:34 semantic structure unclear +
+ OBA 1:6 Inconsistent tense +
+ OBA 1:19 Shepelah +
+ Forest Deal's submissions, to be held as backups +
+ From Forest Deal, ULB 2 PE; 1-3 JHN; and JUD +
+ AMO 8:14 "Some scholars want to change the Hebrew text..." +
+ AMO 6:13 Sentence fragment +
+ Act 13:24 This began to happen when +
+ Acts 9:28 coming in and going out +
+ Ecclesiastes 4:7 תַּ֥חַת הַשָּֽׁמֶשׁ untranslated +
+ Titus 1:8 ὅσιον and Heb 7:26 +
+ Titus 1:6 ἀνυπότακτα +
+ HOS 2:23 Ammi Attah +
+ Acts 8:19 whomever +
+ Mat 15:6 +
+ Ecclesiastes 9:1 comma needed +
+ Ecclesiastes 1:2 typos +
+ Ecclesiastes 1:14 misspelling +
+ Ecclesiastes 6:4 unwelcome remnant +
+ Ecclesiastes 1:2 +
+ Ecclesiastes 12:12 incoherent +
+ Ecclesiastes 12:1 +
+ Mark 6:3 different name for same person +
+ Titus 1:3 he trusted me to deliver +
+ Act 7:38, 39 This is the man +
+ Isa 33:9 Confusing footnote +
+ Neh 11:8 Unneeded "which" +
+ LXX in ULB footnotes +
+ 2 Pet 1:19 +
+ Act 3:2 ULB and UDB jumbled +
+ Act 3:16 confusing em-dashes +
+ Act 3:12 missing "or godliness" +
+ HEBREWS UDB and ULB ISSUES from Forest Deal checked by Tom Warren +
+ Act 3:7 "ankle" to "ankles" +
+ Act 1:17 his share of the benefits of this ministry +
+ 1Pe 3:18 +
+ SNG 6:13, 8:10 (2x) footnotes +
+ ECC 12:12 mixed construction +
+ ECC 3:19 Extra words? +
+ ECC 2:4 reflexive pronoun missing +
+ ECC 1:3 and 2:22 +
+ I Timothy UDB and ULB from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren +
+ Numbers 24:8 comma splice +
+ 1TH UDB and ULB from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren +
+ Mrk 3:16 Then he appointed the twelve +
+ Acts 28:31 +
+ 2 Timothy 4:5 +
+ 1ti 2:1 comma needed +
+ 1ti 1:14 article needed +
+ 1ti 1:10 homosexual +
+ lev 15:11 spurious comma +
+ 1 Timothy 1:6 +
+ col 1:28 that +
+ 1Ki 3:11 Sentence fragment starting with "Because" +
+ 1Jn 3:3 this hope fixed on him +
+ Col 1:5 this confident expectation +
+ Eph 1:12 might be the first to hope in Christ +
+ Acts UDB and UDB comments by Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren +
+ Duplicate Romans UDB and ULB from Forest Deal's comments edited by Tom Warren +
+ Philippians ULB and UDB from Forest Deal edited by Tom Warren +
+ Ephesians UDB and ULB from Forest Deal's comments edited by Tom Warren +
+ Colossians ULB and UDB from Forest Deal's comments +
+ Col 4:1 +
+ Col 1:16 prepositions +
+ Col 4:8-9 I sent +
+ Rom 15:13 for believing +
+ Ephesians for ULB and UDB from Forest Deal +
+ Philippians 4:18 predicate adjective +
+ Eph 3:17-19 +
+ Proverbs 30:17 spurious comma +
+ Galatians ULB and UDB from Forest Deal's suggestions, by Tom Warren +
+ Acts 28:25 comma should be colon +
+ act 28:15 improper capitalization +
+ Mark 12:44 spurious space +
+ Prov 30:17 the eye...his eyes...he +
+ Prov 29:20 subject missing +
+ Prov 22:24-25 take bait +
+ 2Co 11:28 awkward sentence +
+ PRO 21:29 Modern translations footnote +
+ 2 Corinthians 4:10-11 dittography introduced +
+ Mark 12:38-39 awkward wording and punctuation +
+ PRO 18:14 Extra word +
+ PRO 17:19 Broken bones +
+ PRO 16:1 Word order +
+ PRO 12:21 preposition +
+ PRO 10:26, 15:19, 19:24, 21.25 Lazy sluggards +
+ PRO 10:10 Consistency; footnote +
+ Gal 2:9 pillars or builders metaphor? +
+ PRO 7:22 footnote +
+ Forest Deal's suggestions for ULB and UDB 2CO +
+ Romans 4:24 syntax mismatch +
+ Acts 26:6-7 subordinate clauses +
+ 1 Corinthians 12:6 word choice +
+ Romans 6:16 commas needed +
+ Romans 12:3: incoherent +
+ PRO 1:11-16 If ... then +
+ Part of Galatians, this is a duplicate GAL ULB just a portion from Forest Deal checked by Tom Warren +
+ 1Co 12:6 all in all +
+ 1 Co 15:8 untimely birth +
+ 1 Cor 15:24 +
+ Mrk 11:12 when they returned +
+ Mrk 11:26 Other book and abbreviations in footnote +
+ Mrk 11:7 so Jesus could ride it +
+ Mrk 11:4 the open street +
+ PSA 139:14 "fearfully" missing? +
+ PSA 136 Supplied "Give thank/s" +
+ PSA 107:37 They build a city to plant fields in +
+ PSA 104:8 the valleys spread out +
+ PSA 103:21 Extra word +
+ NUM 4:19-20 +
+ Forest Deal's notes on UDB and ULB of 1CO +
+ 1Co 10:21 fellowship +
+ Rom 15:24 "will be helped" to "to be helped" +
+ 1Sa 28:2 "So" doesn't fit +
+ PSA 73:26 text missing +
+ Deut 4:19 Missing "to" +
+ "host" for human army or multitude +
+ Jer 46:10 the Yahweh Lord of hosts +
+ PSA 57:3 loving kindness +
+ PSA 51:11 holy Spirit +
+ Roman's Notes from Forest Deal, checked by Tom Warren +
+ 1Co 6:4 Delete "why"? +
+ 1Co 2:13 +
+ 1Co 1:17 "words of human wisdom" +
+ Rom 12:20 "But if your enemy is hungry +
+ MAT 27:24 Variant? +
+ MAT 24:22 verb tense +
+ PSA 18:43 People that +
+ PSA 18:25-26 Nominal adjectives treatment +
+ Acts 8:31; παρακαλεω +
+ PSA 18:13 Speculative footnote +
+ PSA 12:4 ASV "will we prevail" +
+ James 3:6: Punctuation suggestion for improved flow +
+ MAT 20:25 subjugate +
+ MAT 18:25 ASV "had not" to "did not have" +
+ Acts 8:6 ὁμοθυμαδόν again +
+ Acts 7:58 cranky conjunctions +
+ Acts 7:57 "altogether" should be some variant of "all together" +
+ Psalms 118:9 syntax error +
+ PSA 2:8 farthermost regions +
+ MAT 18:11 Citation in footnote +
+ MAT 9:9 tax collection's tent +
+ MAT 5:29-30 More body parts +
+ MAT 1:15 "was" deleted +
+ Acts 5:13 τῶν δὲ λοιπῶν +
+ Acts 5:11 spurious comma +
+ Rom 15:28 having sealed to them the fruit +
+ Romans 15:16 +
+ Acts 4:34; wrong word +
+ Rom 15:24 see you in passing +
+ Luk 11:22 missing "in which he trusted" +
+ JHN 20:19 Two sentences? +
+ JHN 18:16 the other disciple, he went out +
+ JHN 16:16-19 Mikrons +
+ Ezk 43:3 Footnote wording is not smooth +
+ Acts 2:40 +
+ Acts 4:18 +
+ Acts 4:11 +
+ Acts 4:8-10 +
+ Acts 4:5 comma needed +
+ Romans 10:16-17 ακοη +
+ Romans 10:6 comma should be colon +
+ JHN 1:38,41,42; 9:7; ACT 4:36 Hermeneutic verses +
+ Mrk 2:26 unneeded "it" +
+ Acts 13:50; incoherent +
+ Exodus 19:21; odd English +
+ Mark 2:9, spurious comma +
+ LUK 11:11 Footnote attribution +
+ MRK 15:28 (Compare Luke 22:37) +
+ MRK 7:5 Question/statement +
+ Acts 15:9, extra period. Acts 25:3 "that that"; Acts 8:3 comma slice; Acts 14:4 subject verb +
+ Mrk 2:4 bed +
+ Principles στοιχεῖον Consistency; elements principles +
+ Acts edits for quotation markings, paragraphs, and other incidentals from Forest Deal, with Tom Warren's edits. +
+ Romans body parts to "parts of the body" +
+ Acts 2:18 And +
+ Acts 2:22 spurious commas +
+ Acts submissions and edits from Forest Deal applied by Tom Warren +
+ Rom 7:21, 23 νομος as "principle" +
+ Acts 2:20 spurious comma +
+ MRK 8:19-20 Missing pieces +
+ MRK 7:34 He looked up to heaven, he sighed +
+ MRK 6:48 they straining +
+ Rom 6:13 spurious comma +
+ Rom 5:18; words missing +
+ EZR 10:9b +
+ Mark 14:69 the servant girl there +
+ Square Brackets +
+ LUK 19:22 Inconsistent tense +
+ LUK 18:24 Please check +
+ LUK 10:29, 37 Correct referent supplied? +
+ LUK 8:25 Extra words +
+ LUK 5:17 the town of Jerusalem +
+ LUK 2:22 Supplied names +
+ LUK 2:14 Footnote needed? +
+ Mark 14: 68 courtyard +
+ Mark 14:61 the Blessed +
+ Mark 15:19, τιθέντες τὰ γόνατα +
+ Mrk 13:14 Mark's comment about what Jesus was saying +
+ Jhn 12:3 19:39 Litra to a more commonly known measure +
+ Mrk 13:33 "ancient authorities" in footnote +
+ Tit 1:6, 1 Thes 5:23 without blame +
+ ULB descendants of Israel +
+ Act 25:14 "he" or "they" +
+ Tribes or Clans or Families or Descendants +
+ Use of "Hope" consistency +
+ JHN 12:1, 15:26 separated verbs +
+ JHN 8:1, 4, 7, 9 legacy chunk notes +
+ JHN 6:10 a lot of grass +
+ JHN 5:29 incomplete sentence +
+ JHN 1:38, 41, 42; 9:7; 20:16 translated +
+ JHN 1:38 (quote) +
+ power and authority +
+ Titus 2:4 +
+ ROM 14:20 antecedent +
+ ROM 13:9 The commandments: +
+ ROM 13:7 incomplete sentence +
+ ROM 11:25 completion come in +
+ ROM 5:7 man/person +
+ ROM 4:11, 23, 24 counted for him +
+ 1CO 16:24 UDB reference +
+ 1CO 14:38 UDB mismatch in footnote +
+ 1CO 6:6 believer/brother +
+ 1CO 3:13 verb tense +
+ Rom 16:2 she herself as well +
+ 1CH 25:3, 11 Capitalize first word in footnote +
+ 2Sa 21:8 Run-on sentence in footnote +
+ Acts 10:35; ὁ φοβούμενος αὐτὸν +
+ Abbreviations in Footnotes +
+ Quote Marks in Footnotes? +
+ Acts 10:15 ; 11:9: Same sentence translated differently +
+ Ecc 2:8 "etc." in footnote +
+ Pro 30:1 Confusing footnote. +
+ Footnotes missing final period +
+ 1CO 16:24 footnote +
+ 1CO 14:38 footnote +
+ Acts 6:1: Food? +
+ ICO 9:20 footnote mismatch +
+ Exo 6:14-27 Paragraph Markers needed. +
+ 1 Chronicles 20:3; עם people vs בני people +
+ Acts 5:26; UDB passive to active +
+ Deu 33:3 "holy ones" - people or angels +
+ John 18:27 +
+ REV 3:9 verb tense +
+ Acts 2:27, 31; direct vs. indirect quote +
+ Rom 8:15 - spirit of ... spirit of +
+ נֶבֶל and כִּנּוֹר stringed instruments often translated as each other - +
+ Acts 1:4 +
+ 1CO, REV "some older copies" +
+ John 15:27 Indicative or Imperative verb +
+ Decisions Concerning the ULB page - Footnotes +
+ Psalms 84:6 +
+ REV 14:12 obey faith in Jesus +
+ "Versions" Footnote: Maybe could be less wordy +
+ Footnote: "transliteration", not "translation" +
+ Rev 12:1 extra word? +
+ Ecclesiastes: "uselessness" for הֶבֶל +
+ EPH 1:4-5 duplicate footnote +
+ EPH 2:20 verb tense +
+ Numbers 20:5: Subject-verb number agreement +
+ PHP 2:8 death of a cross +
+ "manuscripts" and "mss" in ULB footnotes +
+ MT and mss in the footnotes +
+ LXX and Vulgate in ULB footnotes +
+ 2TH 2:2 either/or +
+ JHN 12:3 how to render an uncommon weight/volume 'litra' +
+ 1TI 2:7 reflexive pronoun +
+ ULB-Intro "relatively literal" "meaning-based" Could it be both? +
+ Exo 34:6-7 -- and many others re covenant love and faithfulness +
+ Jeremiah 4:7; Qal or nip`il, not hip`il. +
+ EXO 34:6-7 from Chris Jarka +
+ minister, ministry +
+ 2 Peter 2:12; metaphor should be simile; pleonasm should be maintained +
+ Isaiah 6:12 solitude +
+ Daniel 4:17 "the messenger" to "the messengers" +
+ nomikos - Readme and consistency issue +
+ 7 ULB Verse Bridges +
+ Job 35:16 piles up words +
+ test +
+ Lam 3:60 insults or vengeance? +
+ HEB 4:6, 9, and 10:26 continuity of "remains" and "is reserved" +
+ Heb 4:6-7 incomplete sentence +
+ Deuteronomy 23:1 overly euphemistic? +
+ ISSUE 1535 I Cor 15:31 +
+ Psa 91:6 שָׁדַד +
+ Space matters in 1 Timothy NO change to the text +
+ Num 35:15 typo +
+ 1Ti 3:14, 15 but so that if +
+ PHP 1:11 broken verse +
+ 1Ti 2:11, 12 "But" +
+ Fixes to Titus +
+ ULB clean up +
+ Num 35:19 (Typo) m put the murderer to death +
+ Num 35 slayer vs. accused +
+ Rom 10:10 and Gen 8:17 +
+ Act 24:22, Gen 8:22, Issue 1719 +
+ Act 24:9 moving footnote around +
+ "unto" in ULB? +
+ Acts 24:9 AWOL +
+ Act 24:9 +
+ Nahum 2:1 אַמֵּ֥ץ כֹּ֖חַ +
+ Job 3:4 נְהָרָֽה +
+ Assorted fixes +
+ Luke 10:41 μεριμνᾷς ... θορυβάζῃ +
+ Isaiah 63:1 royal clothing +
+ Acts 2:39 archaism +
+ Acts 24:7,8 footnotes +
+ Acts 24:6 footnote +
+ Acts 15:18 footnote "some older versions" +
+ Daniel 2:17: חַבְרֹ֖והִי +
+ Acts 27:5 and were near the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia +
+ Acts 28:26 parallelism +
+ Acts 28:11 typos +
+ Acts 27:5 Then/When +
+ Acts 26:14 kick a goad +
+ Jeremiah 14:3 +
+ Acts 24:21 those who have died +
+ Acts 24:8 footnote +
+ Acts 24:6 double word in footnote +
+ Acts 23:3 Then said Paul +
+ Acts 24:22 ajourned / delayed +
+ Posting ISSUE 1583 from Susan, Tom, and Perry; and a minor (add a space) +
+ ISSUE 1709 emdashes moved to the end of the phrase +
+ 1JN 4:15 ὁμολογήσῃ rendered "acknowledge" +
+ LUK 2:16 +
+ Roman 8:9 "if it is true" +
+ LUK 11:2 sanctified/ holy +
+ Fix to GEN 18:3 +
+ Issues 1704 and 1583 +
+ חֻקַּ֥ת עֹולָ֖ם +
+ Misplaced em dashes +
+ ISSUE 1491 Mic 5:1 +
+ Acts 22:4 them to prison both men and women +
+ Issue 1691 Act 19:9 +
+ Jeremiah 10:3 Heb has instrument, ULB doesn't +
+ Acts 21:5 accompanied out of the city +
+ Nahum 1:10 "saturated" might be better "drunk" +
+ Numbers 23:21: ungrammatical sentence +
+ depraved, depravity +
+ Issues resolved ULB +
+ Php 4:23 Supplied word may not be needed +
+ ULB PHP 3:12-14 "grasp" "take hold of" truncated sentences +
+ PHP 3:10-11 sentence was chopped in half. +
+ Acts 20:24 extra word +
+ Acts 20:23 warns to me +
+ Acts 20:21 testifying both Jews and Greeks +
+ Acts 19:33 the crowd informed Alexander +
+ Acts 19:22 helpers who had helped him +
+ Acts 19:9 took the disciples from him +
+ Psalms 119:96 "everything" or "all perfection" +
+ Ezekiel 24:17 do not veil your facial hair +
+ Jer 2:32 קִשֻּׁרֶ֑יהָ veil or sash? +
+ רָחָם +
+ Act 16:15 +
+ Num 31:28-41 מֶכֶס tax or part +
+ Matthew 17:24 half-shekel tax +
+ John 1:18 monogenes +
+ Php 3:8-11 long sentence losing logic +
+ hour and watches +
+ PHP 2:20 anxious to genuine interest/ deep concern +
+ Acts 16:39 double word +
+ Acts 16:37 wrong word +
+ Acts 16:15 stay in house +
+ PHP 2:15 Reconnecting a verse to follow the logic. +
+ Issues and simple fixes +
+ Proverbs 14:3 offshoot of his pride +
+ Issues 1667, 1663, 1665, 1662 +
+ Acts 14:15 we bring you gospel +
+ Acts 14:12 punctuation +
+ Acts 14:4 punctuation +
+ Acts 13:28 cause for death in him cp Acts 28:18 +
+ Acts 13:15 punctuation +
+ Acts 13:9-10 punctuation +
+ Acts 8:27 Cush should be Ethiopia(n(s)) +
+ Exo 9:35 by the hand of Moses etc +
+ Simple changes +
+ Acts 12:25 footnote placement +
+ Acts 10:36 announced gospel +
+ Acts 8:4 gospel of the word +
+ Acts 2:22 incomplete sentence +
+ ISSUE 1654 removed extraneous "and" NUM 11:18 +
+ ISSUE 1655 Act 3:2 cp 3:10 +
+ Pro 7:22 footnote fix +
+ ISSE 1663 +
+ Acts 3:2 Beautiful gate of temple +
+ NUM 11:18 extra 'and' +
+ NUM 2:29-30 mis-spellings +
+ NUM 31:19 and or +
+ NUM 35:19 +
+ PRO 7:22 bad formatting of footnote +
+ ISSUE 1584 LEV 1:7, 8, 12 +
+ Act 21:38 ISSUE 1618 +
+ ISSUE 1604 Ezr 8:2-3 +
+ Issue 1645 Num 4:8; Issue 1644 Ezr 2:59-60 +
+ Num 4:8 +
+ Ezr 2:59-60 Misplaced em dash +
+ Lev 18 fixes; Rev 2:17; 3:22; JOB 8:9; LEV 26:17 +
+ PHP 1:16 +
+ Lev 26:16 duplicate em dash +
+ Job 8:9 Period goes inside parentheses +
+ Rev 2:17, 3:22 extraneous "to" +
+ Luke Look Listen Behold +
+ Some fixes from the Trainer to the ULB master +
+ 2SA 7 edits +
+ Aligning from ULB through issues that had not transferred from the Trainer +
+ Resolutions for 3/12/18 +
+ EPH 2:8-9 comma +
+ Alternative Branch to Master attempt +
+ fix missing +
+ Cherubs changed to cherubim in 4 versus, 5x in all. +
+ Resolutions for 3/12/18 +
+ GEN 42:4 Should use direct speech instead of indirect +
+ GEN 42:16 Missing end of verse +
+ Heb 10:6, 8 sin offering or sacrifices for sin +
+ 1th 2:4 missing backslash +
+ 1th 1:10 hyphen should be em dash +
+ Cherubs or Cherubim? +
+ EZR 10:25 sp +
+ Php 3:3 The true circumcision identified +
+ 1 Ki 19:10, 14 consistency +
+ 2 Sam 7:5-16 Quotation marks +
+ Acts 21:38 RQ and restrictive clause +
+ Acts 1:21-22 Subjunctive or indicative? Be or become? +
+ Acts 1:21-22 Subjunctive or indicative? Be or become? +
+ Ahasuerus or Xerxes +
+ Change in the Issue submission form +
+ Eph 2:8-9 Comma or reconsideration needed. +
+ Malchijah changed to Malkijah in ULB +
+ ISSUE 1602 more on Sea Cows for Fine Leather hides or skins +
+ EXO 39:34 sea cow leather changed to "fine leather" +
+ 1 Chr 6:40, 6:41, 9:12; Jer 21:1, 38:1, 38:6 Malkijah | Malchijah +
+ Extra word removed Isa 6:19 ("the" removed") ISSUE 1601 and JOB 6:23-23 ISSUE 1589 +
+ ISA 8:19 extraneous "the" needs to be removed +
+ 1CH 26:21-22 +
+ Ezr 8:2-3 +
+ Gen 15:3 born in my house +
+ Mrk 4:8 omitted verb +
+ Exo 39:34 sea cow leather +
+ Isaiah 8:19 +
+ Adding extra lines before \s5 marker +
+ 1ThessAlignment +
+ 1CH 26:20-22 Storehouses consistency +
+ Failed Align 1 Thess Chap1 +
+ 1Ch 26:21-22 Relationship of Jehieli to Zetham and Joel +
+ DEU 3:9; 4:48; PSA 29:6 +
+ Job 12:12 ISSUE 1585 +
+ Job 12:12 +
+ Updated personal education bio in manifest +
+ Deu 2:10-11 Emites or Emim +
+ Failed 1 Thess edits for aligning +
+ Job 6:22-23 +
+ Jeremiah 23:37 +
+ Jeremiah 14:8 +
+ Issue for 2-26-18 +
+ Job 12:12 "my" doesn't belong here +
+ Lev 1:8, 12 Wording is the same, but ULB is different. +
+ Gen 18:3 Missing words and extra verb +
+ Mat 11:5 missing words +
+ Neh 9:16-17 stiff-necked metaphor +
+ 1CH 6:60 cities and Kohathites +
+ 1CH 4:29 Verb tense +
+ 1CH 9:21 "tent of meeting" +
+ MRK 2:22 ISSUE 1428 +
+ ISSUE 1438 ULB TIT 1:6 +
+ Php 1:9-11 Remove sentence breaks? +
+ Num 30 for tN +
+ NUM 30:4 +
+ Official to Officer ISSUE 1571 +
+ 1Ki 4:7 and 4:27 +
+ Num 30 +
+ Space missing Act 19:41 +
+ 1CH 2:55 fixed ISSUE 1566 +
+ Space missing Act 19 +
+ 1Ch 2:55 Missing "father" +
+ 1Th 1:8 ULB ISSUE 1445 +
+ 1Th 1:8 ULB ISSUE 1445 +
+ 1TH 2:17 ISSUE 1447 +
+ REV 11:15. ISSUE 1549 +
+ Tit 1:6 ISSUE 1438 +
+ 1CH 2:54-55 ISSUE 1503 +
+ 1TH 3:2-3 ISSUE 1448 +
+ PSA 10:7 and others ISSUE 1532 +
+ PHP 2:2 ISSUE 1521 +
+ REV 6:11 ISSUE 1529 +
+ PHP 2:15 from ISSUE 1534 +
+ ACT 27:12 +
+ NEH 5:8 +
+ Gen 27:18 ISSUE 1550 +
+ ACT 27:12 +
+ Gen 27:18 +
+ REV 11:15 clarity on "He" in ULB +
+ REV 14:4 sexually pure / virgins +
+ NUM 30:4 +
+ PSA 83:5-8 +
+ Num 30:4 Missing clause +
+ PSA 83:5ff +
+ Savior in the ULB UC and 2 LC +
+ Several ULB issues from those left open, but here were closed +
+ Notes with references that span verses +
+ Col 1:14 Update footnote to fit m ore literal ULB text? +
+ PHP group of commits +
+ Fixes from Susan Quigley +
+ PHP 2:15 ULB +
+ Gen 32:16 ISSUE 1477 +
+ 1co 15:31 "I face death" +
+ PHP 2:15 ULB +
+ Php 1:3-5 "fellowship" to "partnership" +
+ Psa 10:7 his tongue injures and destroys +
+ Acts 4:3 and 5:18 τήρησις +
+ Neh 5:8 "brothers and sisters"? +
+ rev 6:11 +
+ 1 Thess. Edits for Aligning +
+ ULB 1Ti 4:2-3 "forbid to receive" to "require to abstain" +
+ PHP 3:8-11 Remove sentence breaks? +
+ PHP 2:16 ULB +
+ ISSUE 1522, Psa 7:16 and 148:11 +
+ PHP 2:4 "take care" to "look"? +
+ Psa 7:16 and 148:11 Extra space before backslash code +
+ PHP 2:2 "thinking alike" +
+ PHP 1:29 granted to "freely given" +
+ GEN 27:18-19 ULB, ISSUE 1479 +
+ Mat 1:19 ULB, editing of critical verse. +
+ MRK 3:9 ULB, ISSUE 1464 +
+ Align 2Ti +
+ ULB ISSUE #1482 JOS 5:11 +
+ Align 1Ti +
+ Rom 9:29, Jas 5:4 Lord of hosts +
+ GEN 47:12 ULB ISSUE 1481 +
+ Jos 14:1 ISSUE 1484 +
+ Luk 2:13 "a great, heavenly army" +
+ Abbreviations in Footnotes +
+ ULB JOS 14:1 ISSUE 1484 +
+ Luk 17:36 Extra comma in footnote +
+ ULB change from omit (in footnotes) to "does not have" SEE ULB ISSUE 1472 +
+ ULB 1CH 2:54-55 Aligning the ULB and the UDB +
+ ULB GLOBAL change omit (in footnotes) to "does not have" +
+ ULB 1CH 2:54-55 Aligning the ULB and the UDB +
+ ULB HEB 2:14 +
+ formattting question. Capital letter following : +
+ LUK 4:18 adding "the" to "gospel" ISSUE 1499 +
+ LUK 4:18 adding "the" to "gospel" +
+ 2CO 1:21 mistranslation corrected +
+ 2CO 1:21 mistranslation corrected ISSUE 1497 +
+ 2ch 2:54 The clans (?) of Salma +
+ HEB 8:5 +
+ JOS 23:1-2 ISSUE 1418 +
+ Jos 23:1-2 completing change +
+ JOS 21:20 +
+ MIC 5:1 Missing "the", punctuation, & "soldiers" +
+ HAB 2:15 confusing "over" and a footnote question +
+ JOS 21:21 "any who" to "anyone who"? +
+ JOS 21:4 Extra "the" and "priests" vs "priest" +
+ JOS 19:32 Missing "the" +
+ JOS 19:8 "their the villages" +
+ JOS 15:11 +
+ JOS 14:1 +
+ JOS 10:37 Missing "in," and punctuation needs work +
+ JOS 5:11 +
+ GEN 47:12 +
+ GEN 44:18 +
+ GEN 27:18 +
+ GEN 27:1 +
+ GEN 32:16 +
+ NAM 3:12-13 +
+ SAM 2:23 +
+ PHP 1:3-5 Keeping the order of the GRK text +
+ Gospel for Good news in the ULB +
+ Matt 17:21 The best ancient copies omit v. 21 +
+ ULB: Gospel vs Good news +
+ Heb 4:12 +
+ Heb 8:5 ULB about the tabernacle or about the priests, or both +
+ Two changes for the ULB from Perry, Susan, and Tom +
+ changed the toc2 (line 5) on 3 John +
+ MAT 1:19 +
+ MRK 3:9 +
+ 1Ti 5:1-2 +
+ Heb 4:12 +
+ Titus 2:14 +
+ ISA 43:11 and others -- Savior inconsistently capitalized. +
+ COL 1:13-14, 15 reconnecting two sentences into one +
+ 2CH 6:41 PSA 97:10, and PSA 116:15 saints in the OT +
+ 3JN has "Second John" in toc2 +
+ PHP 2:5 Which attitude? +
+ Php 4:21, 22 saints/believers +
+ PSA 23.6 +
+ Heb 2:14 +
+ PSA 142.4 +
+ PSA 83.5-8 +
+ Do Not Merge (Yet): Changes from Trainer +
+ Do Not Merge (Yet): Changes from Trainer +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 3:4 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 3:2,3 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 2:17 location of "brothers" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 2:16 "come on" or "overtake" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 1:8 "For" and "indeed" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Thes 1:7 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 89 v 6 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 86 vs 5 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 57 vs 8 +
+ open +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 52 vs 5 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus Line 22 Vs 6 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:16 "May" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:13-14 "lose heart" & conjunctions +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:10 "For" and "even" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th Footnote punctuation +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 2:4 "As a result" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th, line 21 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 1:5 "The result is" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 1:3 "For" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 1:2 "May" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB mrk 2:22 "No man" to "No one" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB mrk 2:21 "No man" to "No one" +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB mrk 2:8 "within themselves" or "among themselves"? +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Co - Extra \id line +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Revelation +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB Titus 1:3 (comma) +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 1Th - line feeds before \s5 +
+ Check D-ULB with T-ULB 2Th 3:18 "May" +
+ JDG 12:3 Doubled phrase +
+ NUM 30:3-7 +
+ JOS 23.1 +
+ 2TH Changes for Alignment +
+ SWORD module plans? +
+ Titus Changes for Alignment +
+ Clarify README +
+ ULB Titus +
+ Matt 15:28 +
+ Align 2TH +
+ Align Ruth +
+ Align Titus +
+ Align 1TH +
+ Fix for Genesis number +
+ 1TH Changes for Alignment +
+ 1TH Updates Before Alignment +
+ List Item Display +
+ ACT 21:14 +
+ συντελείας τοῦ αἰῶνος +
+ Ezk 43:3 +
+ lev 11:35 +
+ jud 1:3 +
+ 1 Thess 4:13 +
+ pro 15:25 +
+ Tit 1:6 +
+ πίπτω +
+ Lam 4:5 +
+ Romans 2:6 +
+ Isa 48:11 +
+ Matt 13:8 redux +
+ Isa 3:2 +
+ Isa 1:1 +
+ Tit 2:3 +
+ Luke 2:49 +
+ jhn 21 +
+ Isaiah 54:14 +
+ Isa 33:19 +
+ Exo 21:16 +
+ eph 3:9 +
+ 2co 9:8 +
+ 1 Cor 10:28 +
+ Rev 3:4 +
+ Rev 4:9-10 +
+ 1ch 11:7 typo +
+ Rev 1:2 +
+ 2ch 18:12 +
+ Act 5:20 +
+ 2ti 4:2 +
+ PRO 8:15-16 +
+ Mark 16:5-6 Astonished +
+ Jer 50:39 +
+ Jdg 3:31 +
+ Isa 33:19 +
+ Exo 23:6 +
+ 2 Samuel 20:9 +
+ ISA 3:2 +
+ 1 Samuel 18:25 +
+ Rom 6:17 ULB "servants of sin" +
+ Hebrews 11:38 +
+ PRO 8:15-16 ULB for Concordance 300 LINE 36 on Google Spreadsheet +
+ Missing chapters in Door43 preview +
+ Genesis 41:23 +
+ ULB ROM 1:29-31 +
+ Genesis 20:2 +
+ Psalms 106:15 +
+ EPH 6:12 ULB +
+ Isaiah 3:1 +
+ Ps 102:title, 61:2 +
+ LUK 2:49 +
+ Mat 6:16 +
+ Rev 12:10 +
+ Rom 9:10 +
+ Jer 47:7 +
+ Errors from Live.door43.org site +
+ HEB 3:10 Greek passive -- Issue from @john_hutchins +
+ John 15:13 +
+ Job 18:3 +
+ 1Co 7:27 "bound" and "free" +
+ Heb 8:8-12 +
+ Isa 6 +
+ Mrk 1:45 "freely" to "openly" or "publicly"? +
+ Formatting issues +
+ Mat 1:23 +
+ Mrk 11:17 +
+ Mrk 10:7 +
+ Psa 119 +
+ Mat 11:5; Luk 7:22 +
+ Ecc 4:2 +
+ Fixes the media block +
+ Tit 1:11 "breaking up" +
+ PSA 89:19 - Do not put character after tag +
+ JHN 3:20 +
+ JHN 3:8 +
+ Hab 1:1 and 2:2 Quote margin formatting +
+ Mat 11 +
+ Gen. Formatting Poetry (blessings and curses) +
+ Gal 4:23 & 27 +
+ Luk 11:43 Delete "the" before "mint and rue"? +
+ ULB footnotes - observations made on the concatenated USFM files from release version 10 +
+ Ecc 8 and 9 Formatting issues with poetry +
+ Formatting issues +
+ ULB ROM has 2 instances of spurious U+00A0 NO BREAK SPACE +
+ ULB files have 9 instances of the tab character +
+ ULB EXO 3:22 & EZK 25:17 are both instances of spurious U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE +
+ ULB 1SA 14:41 contains a footnote that has the only instance of left & right double quotation marks +
+ HAB 3:17 contains a spurious EOT control character after the preceding \q2 +
+ Titus 1:10 +
+ PSA 119:1-176 The 22 acrostic headings should use \qa rather than \d +
+ Zec 5:4 +
+ Zec 7:4-10 +
+ 1pe 3:10-12 Add \q to separate lines of poetry? +
+ 1Pe 4:15 \q needed +
+ 1co 4:6 Indented quote +
+ John 1:20 +
+ 2ki 15:16 Missing \fqa* +
+ Titus 1:8 +
+ Dan 6:27, 28 \p or \m needed? +
+ Luke 23:45 +
+ Luke 22:39 +
+ 1co 14:21 Indent all of OT quote? +
+ Luke 22:7 +
+ Luke 13:22-23 +
+ Acts 28:25-26 Not enough indented? +
+ Act 4:26 Too much indented? +
+ JHN 1:42 +
+ JHN 1:29 +
+ 1th 1:3 typo +
+ LUK 24:44 +
+ LUK 24:28 +
+ LUK 24:50 +
+ LUK 24:12 +
+ LUK 24:8-9 +
+ LUK 23:55 +
+ LUK 23:54 +
+ LUK 23:12 +
+ LUK 23:1 +
+ LUK 22:18 +
+ LUK 22:16 +
+ Luke 20:16 +
+ Luke 20:3-4 +
+ LUK 21:32 +
+ LUK 21:24 +
+ LUK 21:21 +
+ LUK 21:16 +
+ LUK 21:15 +
+ LUK 20:25 +
+ LUK 20:2 +
+ 2co 12:7 +
+ Luk 19:43 +
+ Titus 3: 14 +
+ Titus 3:13 +
+ Num 12:6-8 +
+ Titus 3:11 +
+ Titus 3:9 +
+ Titus 3:8 +
+ LUK 18:33 +
+ LUK 18:15 +
+ LUK 18:2 +
+ LUK 18:1 +
+ Tit 3:7 +
+ Titus 3:7 +
+ Luke 17:28 +
+ Luke 16:9-11 +
+ Luke 15:18 +
+ Luke 17:6 +
+ Luke 16:28 +
+ LUK 17:2 +
+ LUK 16:8 +
+ LUK 16:7 +
+ Luke 1:2 +
+ Jeremiah 13:7 +
+ Ezekiel 22:10 +
+ Psa 80:12 ULB Question mark needed +
+ LUK 15:21 +
+ LUK 15:28 +
+ LUK 15:27 +
+ LUK 15:25 +
+ LUK 15:20 +
+ LUK 15:18 +
+ LUK 14:28 +
+ Num 14:36, 37 ULB +
+ Luk 1:69-71 +
+ Titus 2:15 +
+ Psalms 74:19 +
+ Titus 2:12 +
+ Hebrews 11:1 +
+ Neh 12:1, 10 UDB Jeshua the high priest +
+ Acts 25:16 +
+ 1sa 28:19 +
+ Luke 12:39 +
+ Luke 12:26 +
+ Titus 2:9-10 +
+ Titus 2:8 +
+ Testing Issue +
+ Luk 10:19 Delete comma? +
+ LUK 12:43 +
+ LUK 12:37 +
+ LUK 12:22 +
+ Titus 2:3-4 +
+ LUK 11:36 +
+ LUK 11:4 +
+ LUK 10:36 +
+ LUK 10:4 +
+ LUK 9:7-8 +
+ LUK 8:47 +
+ LUK 8:16 +
+ LUK 8:43 +
+ LUK 8:15 +
+ Luke 2:49 +
+ Tit 2:1-3 +
+ Revelation 19:12 +
+ LUK 6:35 +
+ Revelation 5:8 +
+ LUK 6:34 +
+ LUK 6:26 +
+ LUK 6:22 +
+ LUK 6:1 +
+ Psa 96:11; Jer 18:22 +
+ Exod 12:38 Cattle +
+ LUK 5:24 +
+ LUK 4:35 +
+ LUK 4:1-2 +
+ river [A-Z] +
+ More typos +
+ Typos +
+ Hebrews 11:1 +
+ LUK 2:33 +
+ LUK 2:22 +
+ Genesis 26:3 +
+ Ezekiel 22:4ff +
+ Jer 13:5 +
+ Exodus 20:26 +
+ Daniel 2:23 +
+ Amos 7:16 +
+ Amos 7:10 +
+ Amos 7:7 +
+ Amo 1:1 +
+ 3 John 1:10 +
+ jol 3:11 +
+ Various files +
+ 2 Kings 6:32 +
+ 2co 7:13 +
+ 1 Samuel 24:16 +
+ 1pe 1:25 +
+ LUK 1:17 +
+ LUK 1:71 +
+ LUK 1:2 +
+ MRK 16:1 +
+ MRK 15:39 +
+ MRK 15:21 +
+ MRK 14:40 +
+ MRK 14:35 +
+ Ezk 47:19 ULB difficult sentence +
+ Jeremiah 21:1 +
+ Ezk 47:18 ULB between Gilead and the land of Israel will be the Jordan River +
+ MRK 13:30 +
+ 2 Chronicles 22:11 +
+ MRK 12:36 +
+ MRK 12:35 +
+ MRK 12:10 +
+ MRK 12:26 +
+ MRK 12:19 +
+ MRK 12:6-7 +
+ Mrk 8:36 Delete comma? +
+ Job 16:9 +
+ Mark 7:24-25 But +
+ MRK 10:25 +
+ MRK 10:18 +
+ MRK 9:37 +
+ MRK 8:36 +
+ Esther 5:1 +
+ Gen 50:4 +
+ Genesis 50:4 +
+ 1 Kings 15:20 +
+ Ezk 20:31 you caused your sons +
+ MRK 7:11-12 +
+ MRK 7:25 +
+ MRK 7:35 +
+ MRK 6:14 +
+ MRK 6:40 +
+ MRK 6:30 +
+ Jeremiah 23:32 +
+ MRK 4:24 +
+ MRK 4:4-8 +
+ Ezekiel 6:13 +
+ Ezekiel 26:11 +
+ MRK 3:4 +
+ MRK 3:14 +
+ 1 Chronicles 29:9 +
+ 1 Chronicles 6:54 +
+ Titus 1:16 +
+ TITUS 1:15 +
+ Titus 1:14 +
+ Titus 1:13 +
+ Titus 1:12 +
+ Psalms 95:6 +
+ 2 Chronicles 29:17 +
+ MRK 1:14-15 +
+ MRK 1:7 +
+ Titus 1:7 +
+ MAT 26:59 +
+ MAT 26:55 +
+ MAT 26:34 +
+ Luke 20:26 +
+ Matthew 24:51 +
+ ULB MAT 25:46 These will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life." +
+ MAT 25:20 +
+ MAT 24:49 +
+ Mat 12:18 ULB "judgment" to "justice"? +
+ Matthew 23:34 +
+ Matthew 23:20-22 +
+ MAT 22:24 +
+ MAT 22:7 +
+ MAT 21:16 +
+ MAT 19:5 +
+ Exo 34:28 +
+ MAT 18:35 +
+ Php 1:20 second part missing a main verb? +
+ Heb 10:11 Odd semicolon +
+ MAT 17:20 +
+ MAT 17:18 +
+ MAT 16:28 +
+ MAT 15:6 +
+ JON 4:2 covenant faithfulness +
+ Heb 10:11-12 +
+ Heb 7:5-6 +
+ ULB Heb 7:4 +
+ MAT 13:41 +
+ MAT 13:32 +
+ Test pull request +
+ Mat 13:12 +
+ MAT 13:12 +
+ MAT 12:42 +
+ MAT 12:5 +
+ MAT 10:42 +
+ MAT 10:3 +
+ MAT 9:13 +
+ MAT 9:5 +
+ Sea of Galilee, Sea of Chinnereth, Lake of Gennesaret, Sea of Tiberias +
+ MAT 6:31 +
+ MAT 5:37 +
+ Judges 19:25 +
+ Matt 17:25-26 ULB +
+ PHP 2:18 Imperative? +
+ PHP 2:18 Imperative? +
+ 2sa 20:16 +
+ Php 2:7 ULB Last line is part of v8 +
+ Php 3:2 +
+ TEST for Susan +
+ PHP 1:20 Extra words? +
+ JOB 31:7 - non-printable character +
+ JHN 1:18 Missing word +
+ JHN 1:15 ULB more than me +
+ Test for Tom Warren +
+ Test for Tom +
+ Add text in description field. +
+ Update description field with what and why +
+ ACT Major Title +
+ Fixed initial s5 marker locations +
+ Update contributors +
+ Reading the BIBLE +
+ #1 Incorrect name in Hos 12:3 Edit +
+ Tit 2:3 +
+ Ezekiel 24:13 +
+ Luke 24:21 +
+ Proverbs 20:9 +
+ Exodus 14:5 +
+ Ezekiel 21:15 +
+ Jeremiah 3:3 +
+ Jeremiah 14:22 +
+ Psalms 114:1 +
+ 2 Samuel 17:17 +
+ 1 Kings 10:28 +
+ Proverbs 27:25 +
+ Exodus 13:12 +
+ Genesis 38:20 +
+ Mark 14:67 +
+ 1 Corinthians 15:28 +
+ Luke 2:33 +
+ Jeremiah 28:8 +
+ Ecclesiastes 7:11 +
+ Mark 5:19 +
+ Numbers 16:30 +
+ Zechariah 13:2 +
+ Genesis 24:49 +
+ Psalms 59:3 +
+ Jos 21:20 +
+ 1th 4:13 Extra negator +
+ 2Pe 1:15 ULB missing word. +
+ 1sa 22:19 ULB Extra comma +
+ Acts 27:22 +
+ Jud 1:19 ULB Odd punctuation. +
+ Mark 4:24 ULB "you will be measured" +
+ Psalms 138:3 +
+ Acts 18:23 +
+ Ezra 5:2 +
+ 2 Samuel 13:25 +
+ Psalms 65:11 +
+ Ephesians 6:5 +
+ Revelation 8:13 +
+ Genesis 9:24 +
+ 2 Samuel 13:28 +
+ Numbers 5:15 +
+ Daniel 7:7 +
+ Song of Songs 5:2 +
+ John 19:28 +
+ Psalms 89:30 +
+ Jeremiah 50:36 +
+ Psalms 119:161 +
+ Uncover nakedness +
+ Isaiah 42:25 +
+ Psalms 9:17 +
+ Ezekiel 16:25 +
+ Psalms 68:26 +
+ Leviticus 25:30 +
+ Genesis 21:23 +
+ Romans 15:17 +
+ Job 31:7 +
+ Leviticus 19:7 +
+ Pro 7:22 +
+ Psalms 106:23 +
+ Judges 13:14 +
+ Isaiah 38:13 +
+ Isaiah 47:15 +
+ 2 Samuel 22:16 +
+ Psalms 89:19 +
+ Genesis 49:26 +
+ 2 Timothy 2:9 +
+ Isaiah 33:15 +
+ Joshua 11:14 +
+ Joshua 10:35 +
+ Lev 11:36 +
+ Deuteronomy 4:16 +
+ Hebrews 9:10 +
+ Heb 4:3 +
+ Ezk 34:29 +
+ Psalms 8:2 +
+ Luk 13:15 +
+ Act 26:25 +
+ 2ki 18:20 +
+ Jos 7:5 +
+ 2sa 8:18 +
+ Deu 21:5 +
+ Job 19:22 +
+ Num 14:9 +
+ Pro 1:11 +
+ isa 19:7 +
+ 1sa 14:41 +
+ Act 15:29 +
+ Heb 10:38-39 +
+ Rut 1:13 +
+ Lev 26:18 +
+ Jdg 5:7 +
+ Ezr 3:2 +
+ 2Sa 20:5 +
+ 2Sa 10:10 +
+ 2Ch 8:18 +
+ 1Ki 8:50 +
+ Lev 6:2 +
+ Job 16:5 +
+ clan +
+ Gal 3:27 ULB meaning of "put on Christ" +
+ 1 Co 5:3-5 ULB +
+ Jhn 9:7 ULB Siloam (which translated is: Sent)." +
+ 2ki 16:3 +
+ 2Ch 9:4 +
+ Dan 9:24, 26 +
+ 1sa 1:24 +
+ Acts 25:21, 25 ULB the emperor versus Emperor +
+ 1th 5:27 appeal +
+ Ezk 17:17 +
+ Rom 4:19 +
+ James 3:8 ULB Typo +
+ Mat 15:6 ULB Footnote marker +
+ Gen 40:4 +
+ Act 12:4 +
+ 2Ch 33:7 +
+ Exo 24:11 +
+ Hab 2:15 +
+ Psa 57:3 +
+ Zec 9:8 +
+ 1Ki 20:39 +
+ 1Ki 20:20 +
+ Psa 7:3-4 +
+ Luk 19:22 Tenses not matching +
+ 1ch 5:22 +
+ Luk 19:21 ULB "exacting standards" +
+ Job 13:16 +
+ Heb 12:9 ULB Exclamation +
+ Heb 7:19 ULB "for the future" (extra meaning) +
+ Mat 15:6 +
+ Job 37:15 +
+ 1sa 3:19 +
+ Jer 31:25 +
+ Jer 31:16 +
+ 2TH 1:9 +
+ Jer 13:19 +
+ Ecc 10:12 +
+ Jer 12:7 +
+ Num 2:14 +
+ Exo 21:6 +
+ Ecc 5:1 +
+ 1jn 5:3 ULB lower case on phrase after colon +
+ Ezk 23:19 +
+ Jhn 6:69 +
+ Rom 11:10 +
+ Gen 33:10, 15 +
+ Exo 23:3 +
+ Gen 30:6 +
+ Luk 13:11 +
+ ????????????- +
+ Zech 2:9 spelling +
+ Deu 18:10 ULB any one +
+ Tit 3:1,2 lonely adjective +
+ Ezk 1:15 possible missing phrase in ULB +
+ Phm 1:19 Typo +
+ Tit 2:9, 10 ULB mismatching verb forms +
+ Tit 2:8 ULB Typo +
+ Rom 8:15 ULB and UDB "the Spirit of bondage" +
+ Acts 7:45 ULB —before the face of our fathers— +
+ 1jn 2:1, 24 and 5:1, 4 ULB Capitalization not needed +
+ 1Ti 5:21 typo +
+ 2 Th 3:10 +
+ Act 19:34 ULB Artemis -> Diana +
+ 2Ti 3:8 incomplete sentence in ULB +
+ Amo 2:14 +
+ act 7:45 ULB Typo +
+ 2Ti 2:14 unclear wording +
+ 2ch 24:27 book title capitalization +
+ 2 Ch several verses. Capitalization of "Spirit" +
+ 2Ch 16:13 ULB/UDB mismatch +
+ 2 Ch 16:12 typo +
+ 2Ch 16:8 Missing word +
+ 2Ch 2:13 name mismatch +
+ Rom 7:15 +
+ RMS 3:10-18 +
+ 2ch 22:10-12 Missing verse and formatting problem in ULB (needed) +
+ Ezk 44:4 "faces the house" or "front of the house" +
+ Ezk 42:4 ULB Typo in footnote +
+ Ezk 40:46 ULB Tense issue +
+ Ezk 40:44 ULB Hebrew text is clearer +
+ 2Ch 6:37 UDB typo +
+ 2Ch 5:11 awkward wording in UDB +
+ 2Ch 5:9 add "in" (maintenance) +
+ 2Ch 5:5 change singular to plural +
+ 2Ch 4:14-16--3 issues (maintenance) +
+ 2ch 4:10 ULB more dynamic than UDB +
+ 2Ch 4:4-5 "The Sea" +
+ 2ch4:3 wording issue +
+ Gen 16:14 UDB Extra space +
+ 1Ch 27:27 (maintenance) +
+ Pro 28:12, 28 +
+ john 18:9 British spelling +
+ Jos 8:14 ULB the place facing toward the Jordan River valley +
+ john 19:36 British spelling +
+ (Pull Request): added manifest.yaml for rc spec +
+ 1 Ch 6:27 missing phrase in ULB or extra phrase in UDB +
+ 1Ch 6:25 genealogy problem +
+ 1Ch 5:26 Extra word +
+ 2CH 34:25 +
+ Lam 4:7 verb tense issue in UDB +
+ 2CH 34:7 semi colon +
+ 1 Ch 16:19 pronoun issue. +
+ 2ch 30:7 ULB destruction vs horror +
+ 1Ch 11:18 Typo +
+ 2Ch 30:5 ULB implication of comma +
+ 2 Ch 32:32 capitalization of book title +
+ 2 Ch 32:31 ambiguous phrase +
+ Php 3:8 ULB Punctuation +
+ 2Ch 30:3 ULB Extra word +
+ 2 ch 32:22 misspelling +
+ 2ch 26:23 Capital K not needed +
+ 2ch 26:22 ULB Missing word? +
+ 2Ch 26:16 Missing word +
+ 2ch 26:15 engines +
+ 2CH 20:21 verb tense +
+ 2CH 18:3 semi colon +
+ 1ki 12:18 ULB Adoram vs UDB Adoniram +
+ 2CH 17:14 typo +
+ 2Ch 10:2 ULB Parentheses +
+ 2CH 16:13 semi colon alert +
+ 2ch 9:29 ULB Capital letters needed in title +
+ 2ch 9:23 ULB Missing words +
+ 2 Ch 4:18 ULB/UDB disagreement (needed) +
+ 2ch 9:16 ULB Palace/House +
+ 2ch 9:12 ULB "No wood like this" to "No things like these"? +
+ 2Ch 9:18 ULB round top or gold footstool? +
+ 2 Ch 4:6 missing phrase in UDB +
+ 2ch 9:12:ULB in addition to that which she had brought to the king +
+ Lam 2:10 verb tense consistency (needed) +
+ Lam 2:8 typo +
+ Lam 1:22 typo (maintenance) +
+ Lam 1:13 typo (maintenance) +
+ Lam 1:18-19 2 typos (maintenance) +
+ lam 1:12 typo (maintenance) +
+ 1ki 10:4 ULB "burnt offering" Maintenance +
+ 2 Ch 3:8-9 talents and shekels (needed) +
+ 1CH 29:7 typo +
+ 2Ch 8:5 ULB Delete comma +
+ 2 Ch 2:2 ULB/UDB disagreement +
+ Act 7:19 +
+ 1CH 28:14 phrasing +
+ 1ch 9:19 +
+ 2ch 7:3a ULB "looked on" Maintenance +
+ 2 Ch 1:16 Turkey (Maintenance) +
+ Zec 8:19-23 quotation marks (maintenance) +
+ 1ch 1:51, 54 +
+ 2Ch 6:23 ULB Using parallel structures for parallel requests - Maintenance +
+ 2Ch 1:2 "of thousands and of hundred" (Maintenance) +
+ 1ki 8:32 ULB Odd "to"s Maintenance +
+ 1CH 27:1 typo maintenance +
+ 1CH 26:14 another alt. +
+ 1CH 26:18 too many guards! +
+ 1CH 26:1 alt spelling +
+ 1ch 7:23-24 +
+ Ecc 12:3 change to plural (maintenance) +
+ Lam 4:22 ULB Punctuation +
+ 1CH 25:14 alt spelling +
+ 1CH 25:11 name mismatch +
+ Lam 4:20 ULB Odd tense +
+ Ecc 5:10 redundant word (maintenance) +
+ Nam 2:6 remove "q2" (maintenance) +
+ LAM 5:13 typo +
+ LAM 5:17 extra phrase +
+ Heb 2:2 ULB Typo +
+ Jer 50:43 verb tense (needed) +
+ Lam 4:6 ULB odd "and it" -- Maintenance +
+ Zec 14:10 locations in the UDB (needed) +
+ Zech 14:6 remove extra "that" (maintenance) +
+ LAM 2:16 verb tense +
+ Ezk 6:12 typo (maintenance) +
+ 1Ch 4:22 +
+ Zec 13:4 remove extra "that" (maintenance) +
+ Zec 12:3 remove extra "that" (maintenance) +
+ Hab 1:15-17 singular or plural pronouns (maintenance) +
+ Jer 9:3 Add "one." (maintenance) +
+ Mic 7:2 +
+ Mic 7:18 +
+ LAM 1:16 a / the? (maintenance) +
+ Lam 3:62 ULB Missing word +
+ Jer 44:30 UDB addition (Maintenance) +
+ Jer 44:14 awkward wording (maintenance) +
+ Jer 44:1 Patros (maintenance) +
+ Mic 7:14 +
+ Mic 7:13 +
+ Lam 3:54 ULB Direction of the water +
+ Jer 29:21 change "say" to "says" (maintenance) +
+ Lam 3:52 ULB Missing word +
+ Lam 3:50 ULB Awkward wording +
+ Mic 7:12 +
+ Lam 3:42, 47 ULB Missing close quotation mark? +
+ Mic 7:1 +
+ Mic 6:16 +
+ Jer 14:9 awkward phrase (maintenance) +
+ Mic 5:8 +
+ Jer 30:2 Redundant phrase (maintenance) +
+ Jer 27:7 change plural to singular (Maintenance) +
+ Amo 3:13 ULB Change comma to colon - Maintenance +
+ Jer 27:1 ULB/UDB disagreement (Needed) +
+ Jer 22:18 delete "with" (Maintenance) +
+ Amo 3:11, 12 ULB Replace commas with colon? Maintenance +
+ TIT 2:11 +
+ Amo 3:6b ULB odd "and" +
+ Jer 13:21 change "taught" to "thought" (maintenance) +
+ Amo 3:1 ULB Punctuation - Maintenance +
+ Amo 5:26-27 Relationship of 27 to 26 +
+ Amo 8:14 problem with footnote (maintenance) +
+ John 6:40 +
+ Mic 5:5 +
+ Jer 20:12 incomplete sentence (Maintenance) +
+ Jer 19:3 remove "and" (Maintenance) +
+ 1Co 8:6 ULB "him" to "whom"? +
+ Mic 4:12 +
+ Amo 8:3 incomplete sentence (needed) +
+ Mic 4:6, 5:9 +
+ Amo 4:14 ULB Earth +
+ ROM 8:34 +
+ ROM 8:2 +
+ ROM 8:1 +
+ ECC 9:12 evil times +
+ ECC 8:12 typo +
+ Some footnotes contain both the fqa tag and double quote marks in the text +
+ Mic 3:12 +
+ LEV 21:20 tR +
+ NUM 14:37-38 +
+ Mic 3:5 +
+ Mic 1:6-7 +
+ Mic 1:5 +
+ Jer 6:26 two funerals? +
+ LUK 17:37 +
+ Mic 1:4 +
+ Mic 1:3 +
+ Mic 1:1 +
+ Num 9:11 & 12 tR +
+ NUM 2:13 & 16 tR +
+ Jol 2:25 - 3:13 +
+ 2 Sam 15:19 +
+ Jer 6:10 ULB Who reproaches? +
+ Ecc 12:11 missing imagery? (Maintenance) +
+ Jer 6: 7 ULB "plague" to "wounds"? +
+ ECC 6:7 typo +
+ Jer 28:11 +
+ Jol 2:30 +
+ Jol 2:17 +
+ Jol 2:12 +
+ Rom 16:26 Missing phrase. +
+ Act 27:15 Missing "the"? +
+ Jol 1:10 +
+ Jer 5:14-31 ULB Quote marks +
+ Jer 5:21 ULB vs UDB Who is this talking about? +
+ Jer 51:12 +
+ Jer 5:13 ULB Closing quote mark +
+ Jer 5:13 ULB there is no one else to declare Yahweh's messages to us +
+ ECC 4:1 maintenance +
+ Ezk 18:29 Rhetorical question wording (maybe needed for notes) +
+ Ezk 18:7 awkward sentence (Maintenance) +
+ ECC 2:8 questions needed +
+ Jer 51:35 +
+ Hag 2:23 +
+ Hab 2:16 +
+ Jer 5:19 ULB "worshiped" to "served +
+ Jer 5:18 ULB that then +
+ Hag 2:12 +
+ Jer 49:29 Different speakers +
+ Jer 49:25 +
+ Jer 5:7 ULB took on the marks of +
+ Jer 5:5 ULB Missing end quote mark +
+ JER 10:21 typo +
+ Act 22:4 ULB Typo +
+ Jer 1:1 Test +
+ ULB John 20:16 +
+ JER 10:12 parallelism +
+ GEN 42:9 +
+ GEN 40:23 +
+ JER 10:3 typo +
+ Jer 49:4 ULB/UDB agreement? +
+ Rom 2:19 ULB If-clause without a "then-clause +
+ Eph 5:18 Sentence-initial "And" +
+ Jer 49:2 "daughters will light fires" +
+ Jer 49:1 typo +
+ JER 9"12 +
+ Jer 7:1 ULB The word that came to Jeremiah from Yahweh, "..." +
+ Jer 48:39 add possessive +
+ Jer 48:30 +
+ Job 22:30 innocent man? +
+ Jer 48:27 rhetorical question +
+ Job 1:21 missing word +
+ JER 9:12 what/who +
+ Jer 46:28 quotation marks (part 2) +
+ Jer 46:14 punctuation and quotation marks +
+ JER 9:7 +
+ JER 15:12 mismatch +
+ Jer 2:19 ULB Yahweh the Lord of hosts +
+ Jer 2:19 ULB missing "of" +
+ Jer 4:2 ULB "Yahweh lives" +
+ Jer 46:15 ULB and UDB disagreement? +
+ Jer 5:2 ULB By the life of Yahweh +
+ Job 24:3 apostrophe +
+ Jer 46:14 +
+ Job 19:27 missing period +
+ Jer 4:27 ULB "them" to "it"? +
+ Jer 4:23 ULB "and see!" to "Behold"? +
+ Jer 4:20b ULB or UDB Whose tent(s)? +
+ JER 14:13 typo +
+ Jer 4:2 ULB Misplaced quote marks? +
+ Jer 4:7-10 ULB Formatting +
+ Jer 4:5, 6 ULB formatting +
+ Jer 46:8-9 speaker? +
+ Jer 46:4 get in chariots or on horses +
+ Job 9:20 typo +
+ MRK 9:44, 46, 48 - footnote +
+ Jer 3:23 "many" to "noise on"? +
+ Jer 45:4 missing phrase in UDB. +
+ JER 13:27 fragment +
+ Jer 3:14a ULB "I have married you" to "I am your husband"? +
+ Jer 3:16 ULB What won't be made? +
+ Jer 44:19 missing phrase in ULB +
+ Jer 3:5 ULB So continue to do it! +
+ Jer 42:1 and 43:2 name variant +
+ Jer 3:1 ULB That woman is this land! +
+ Jer 2:35 ULB "Instead" to "But" or "Yet"? +
+ John 2:23; 13:29 +
+ Jer 2:24 longing for life and panting after the useless wind! +
+ Jer 41:17 spelling variant +
+ Jer 41:9 typo +
+ Jer 41:9 Gedaliah incorrect info +
+ JER 12:9 +
+ Jer 2:23 ULB Misplaced question mark +
+ Jer 2:21 ULB a disloyal one from a foreign vine +
+ JER 12:3 +
+ Jer 2:14 Is Israel a slave? Was he not born at home? +
+ Jer 2:3 ULB Typo +
+ Jer 2:13 ULB Clarifying the two evils +
+ Ezk 34:31 "I am" or "I will be" +
+ Ezek 34:18 misspelling +
+ Jer 1:6 ULB Paragraph break missing +
+ EZK 25:4 typo +
+ Ezk 30:21 ULB receive medicine? +
+ Ezk 30:16 ULB or UDB +
+ Ezk 30:2 ULB Capital T needed. +
+ EZK 24:21 typo +
+ EZK 24:21 SV agreement +
+ Eze 29:18 ULB shaved or rubbed bald +
+ Ezek 37:24 "like king David" ? +
+ Neh 6:7 redundant "also" +
+ EZK 24:5 +
+ ACT 10:19 +
+ EZK 23:44-45 typos +
+ Act 15:24 ULB Leftover "Since" +
+ EZK 29:13 ULB Missing "the" +
+ 2 KI 11:21 +
+ EZK 23:42 +
+ Ezk 31:16 him or it +
+ Ezk 31:14 clouds or foliage +
+ Exo 2:9 Dittography in ULB? +
+ Neh 12:41-42 priests with trumpets +
+ Eze 29:7 ULB shattered legs and shaking hips +
+ JON 2:4 +
+ RMS 8:28 +
+ EXO 28:37 ULB Typo +
+ Act 19:14 ULB missing word +
+ Est 7:5 missing word? +
+ Est 9:30, 32 two issues in UDB +
+ Est 6:13 missing quotation mark +
+ Est 6:3 missing word. +
+ Ezr 2:2 awkward phrase +
+ EZK 23:25 +
+ Est 5:8 Incomplete sentence +
+ Est 1:2 "fortress" or "palace" +
+ Neh 11:6 UDB missing part of text +
+ JOB 6:25a +
+ 2 Ki 16:5-6 Country confusion +
+ Job 31:23 ULB Typo +
+ 2 Ki 17:36 change word order +
+ EZK 21:25 hanging indent +
+ LUK 11:14 tr +
+ Job 30:11b ULB "lose self-control" +
+ Ezr 10:28 Name variant +
+ Job 30:8 ULB "descendants of fools" +
+ Ezr 3:4 misspelled word +
+ Job 29:25 ULB "at a funeral" +
+ Job 29:20 ULB Missing final quote mark +
+ 2 Ki 21:12 Different speaker +
+ Pro 25:23 missing "as" +
+ Mat 12:26 ULB "Because of this?" +
+ Pro 25:20 "soda" or "wound" +
+ Job 29:12b ULB those without fathers +
+ Job 29:6 ULB archaic "awash" +
+ 2 Ki 10:25 missing "as" +
+ Pro 25:7 "him" or "them" +
+ 2 Ki 13:25 Joash or Jehoash? +
+ Dan 8:21 "king" or "kingdom" +
+ Dan 8:11 ULB/UDB disagreement +
+ Dan 8:9-12 little horn="him" or "it"? +
+ 1th 2:11 ULB "how" or "that" +
+ Act 28:27 Delete "not"? +
+ 1th 2:11-12 ULB "we exhorted and encouraged you" ? +
+ Pro 22:26 missing word +
+ Heb 8:3 ULB Missing "a"? +
+ Job 27:2-3 UDB +
+ Job 21:3 ULB Archaic word? +
+ Job 20:22b ULB vs UDB +
+ Pro 13:8 ULB/UDB agreement? +
+ Job 10:3b ULB vs UDB a spirit ... answers me +
+ Job 20:3 ULB "puts me to shame" +
+ MAT 12:27 +
+ LUK 18:18-23 tr +
+ LUK 24:28, 29 tr +
+ Job 19 17 ULB "my pleas" vs UDB "me" +
+ Job 19:7 ULB I call out to say that I have been done wrong +
+ Job 14:21 ULB "come to honor" +
+ Job 19:5 "convince everyone that I am disgraced" +
+ Job 13:9 ULB misrepresent him +
+ Job 12:20 ULB "trustworthy" to "trusted" +
+ Job 12:13 ULB good thoughts +
+ Job 12:9 ULB given them life +
+ dan 5:15 One group or two groups? +
+ HEB 12:27 tr +
+ Heb 11:11 ULB & UDB Abraham or Sarah? +
+ MRK 14:53 tr +
+ LUK 9:33 tr +
+ LUK 21:34 tr +
+ LUK 12:48 tr +
+ LUK 12:35, 37 tr +
+ LUK 12:30-31 tr +
+ LUK 7:45 tr +
+ Isa 51:22 "bowl of the cup" ? +
+ Isa 51:21 change tense? +
+ Est 9:22 ULB from mourning into a holiday +
+ Est 9:17 ULB add "and"? +
+ isa 28:27 "Cumin" or "Caraway" +
+ 1SA 15:27 Change "Saul" to "Samuel" +
+ Isa 38:10 Rhetorical question in UDB +
+ Est 5:11 ULB Missing phrase? +
+ HEB 8:5 tr +
+ Isa 28:15, 17 UDB does not agree with itself +
+ Ezr 8:33 ULB Comma or period needed +
+ Isa 28:9 Who is being ridiculed? +
+ NEH 5:18 typo +
+ Deu 28:26 missing "the" +
+ Ezra 8:2-14 List format? +
+ 8:16 ULB vs UDB Elnathan? +
+ Ezr 8:3 ULB Missing words? +
+ Ezra 7:27; 8:15 +
+ Ezk 45:14 ULB "kor" to "cor" +
+ LUK 6:6 +
+ PHP 2:8 tr +
+ PHP 2:1 tr +
+ 1JN 4:1 tr +
+ 2PE 2:15 tr +
+ 1TH 3:13 tr +
+ 1PE 5:9 tr +
+ MRK 13:35 tr +
+ 1PE 1:22 tr +
+ Ezr 7:14 ULB Restrictive or Non-Restrictive Relative clause? +
+ EPH 6:21 tr +
+ EPH 3:6 tr +
+ EPH 5:27 tr +
+ EPH 1:21 tr +
+ 2CO 1:14 tr +
+ EPH 1:13 tr +
+ MRK 3:22 tr +
+ MAT 22:11 tr +
+ MAT 23.25 tr +
+ GAL 2:17 tr +
+ 1TI 4.9 tr +
+ REV 14.2 & 18.22 tr +
+ 1TH 3:13 tr +
+ 1TH 2.11-12 tr +
+ Ezr 6: 12 Missing phrase? +
+ Ezr 6:6 ULB "beyond the River" +
+ NEH 3:26-27 tower +
+ NEH 3:19 awkward verb construct +
+ NEH 3:14 typo? +
+ 2ki 6:6-9 "warning" or "warnings" +
+ 2KI 10:28 added metonymy +
+ Ezr 6:5 ULB "the temple in Babylon" +
+ 2sa 23:7 UDB punctuation +
+ 1Sa 22:3 ULB/UDB spelling discrepancy +
+ 2ki 15:34 Typo +
+ 2ki 15:23 ULB began the reign +
+ 2ki 15:25 ULB delete "the" +
+ 2SA 1:12 missing phrase in UDB +
+ 2KI 9:37 need a verb here +
+ 1Sa 25:2-3 Missing phrase in UDB and possible reordering of UDB +
+ 1SA 23:19 Different spelling +
+ MAT 25.26 +
+ MAT 24.51 +
+ 1SA 6:19 UDB and ULB very large number in the MT +
+ 15:1 ULB began his reign +
+ 2ki 15:16 ULB Tiphsah vs UDB Tappuah +
+ 2ki 15:17 ULB "began the reign of" +
+ 2ki 15:10 ULB vs UDB +
+ 1SA 5:7 "god" or "God" +
+ MRK 15.28 +
+ 1SA 9:23-24 +
+ 1Ki 16:11 ULB awkward wording +
+ 1ki 16:12 Remove extra clause with passive? +
+ 1SA 12:8 Change period to comma +
+ JAS 1:4 Delete "in"? +
+ Jos 6:13 Reword +
+ JDG 18:7 awkward wording +
+ JDG 18:17 Remove extra "and" +
+ JOS 4:8 +
+ 2KI 5:11 typo +
+ JOS 2.24 +
+ Genesis 3:6 +
+ 2KI 3:25 awkward wording +
+ Josh 22:7 +
+ Matt 24:15 +
+ 1Ki 15:2 ULB Capital letter needed +
+ ULB Lev 14:11 +
+ Deu 8:14 "become" or "becomes"? +
+ DEU 8:12 incomplete sentence +
+ 2KI 22:20 change "nor" +
+ Pro 26:23 ULB Backwards simile? +
+ 2ki 22:16 missing word? +
+ 2KI 22:15 God sent Huldah? +
+ 2KI 22:6-7 +
+ Eph 4:24 ULB statement or command? +
+ Eph 3:23 the old man? +
+ Eph 4:20 ULB vs UDB? +
+ DEU 11:27-28 incomplete sentences +
+ 1Ki 17:2, 5 Cherith or Kerith +
+ 1ki 17:15 add "for"? +
+ Eph 1:10 ULB Christ's work was a plan +
+ Jos 11:20 "they cried out for mercy"? and spelling error +
+ Jos 4:5 typo +
+ Php 1:20 ULB Move second "that"? +
+ Gal 4:21 ULB missing "the"? +
+ Luke 21:34, 35 ULB extra "like/as a trap" +
+ Hos 9:6 silver become like a wilderness +
+ Pro 20:26 Metaphor? +
+ 2KI 1:2 spelling +
+ Gal 6:7 ULB Delete "is" +
+ Gal 4:27 "is" to "are"? +
+ Num 31:14, 48 hundreds and thousands +
+ Num 33:11-12 Sin and Zin +
+ Pro 27:13 ULB puts up money? +
+ Lev 27:19 Typo +
+ Deu 24:21 "or" or "and" +
+ Deu 11:21 remove comma +
+ Deu 11:16-17 punctuation +
+ Pro 27:4 ULB "suffered" to "experienced" +
+ Pro 27: 9 ULB the sweetness of a friend is better than his advice +
+ Deu 11:13 Punctuation +
+ Pro 27:8 ULB "backwards" simile +
+ Gal 3:14 ULB Extra "that"? +
+ Deu 11:4 punctuation +
+ Heb 1:5 ULB Two Question marks? +
+ (Pull Request): Fix misplaced \q tags +
+ (Pull Request): Fix Ps 119:35 +
+ Num 19:18 missing phrase? +
+ Isa 54:17 missing "is" +
+ NUM 6:11 Typo +
+ Isa 54:13 children or people +
+ Num 1:11 +
+ Pro 26:5 ULB Introduced metaphor +
+ ISA 51:22 comma +
+ PSA 119 - Alpha 'headers' +
+ Pro 26:7-10 ULB Backward similes? +
+ Num 6:9 "his separated person" +
+ Lev 22:24 +
+ Lev 21:3 ULB missing phrase? +
+ PRO 17:1 +
+ Isa 54:6 quotation mark +
+ REV 3:1 Usage of quotation marks +
+ Isa 52:5 "for nothing" +
+ Isa 52:15 startle or sprinkle +
+ Isa 52:13 successful or wisely +
+ Isa 52:5 ULB/UDB disagreement +
+ Isa 52:5 add quotations +
+ LUK 1-5 +
+ LUK 17:21 "within you" vs "among you" +
+ Isa 18:4-7 Quote marks +
+ Luk 17:20 ULB vs UDB with signs +
+ Luk 8:47 ULB missing "not" +
+ Luke 8:11 ULB Typo +
+ Gal 3:1 ULB Location of footnote +
+ Gal 3:1 ULB typo +
+ ISA 37:32 +
+ Isa 6:9 ULB Quotation mark +
+ Isa 6:9-10 quotation mark +
+ LUK 9:37 ULB Typo +
+ Pro 1:22 +
+ Pro 1:17 Move verse? +
+ Luk 9:16 ULB He taking +
+ LUK 8:42 ULB Typo +
+ (Pull Request): Fix errors in the text so it can be published +
+ Luk 8:13 ULB translation of eisin +
+ Pro 1:5 +
+ LUK 8:10 ULB others they +
+ Luk 8:10 ULB so that 'that seeing +
+ Isa 6:10 minds that are fat +
+ MRK 8:33 ULB You do are not setting your mind +
+ Mrk 3:5 ULB their hardness of hearts +
+ Isa 6:4 foundations of the thresholds +
+ MRK 11:32 ULB "They" to "they" +
+ LUK 9:33 +
+ Isa 30:18 +
+ Isa 30:19 typo +
+ ISA 35:6b +
+ Isa 30:28 "lead into exile?" +
+ ISA 35:1-2 clausal breaks +
+ Isa 30:18 "exalt" or "rise up" +
+ Isa 30:10 "straighforward" +
+ Isa 29:16 punctuation +
+ ISA 33:15 +
+ ISA 17:10 ULB "strange slips"? +
+ Isa 29:6 "help" or "punish" +
+ ISA ULB 17:7, 8 Not indented +
+ ISA 16:11 spelling +
+ Isa 16:7 ULB +
+ Isa 28: 15 and Isa 28:18 Covenant with Death +
+ ISA 32:20 typo +
+ Isa 28:2 +
+ Isa 28:2 "cast down to the earth" +
+ Luk 7:36 Needs "the" +
+ 2CO 13:10 ULB the authority the Lord gave me +
+ Isa 27:12 Merism? +
+ isa 27:9 "turn away" or "take away" +
+ 2SA 20:14 +
+ Isa 26:19 "drop prey" or "give birth" +
+ Isa 26:19 "dew" or "light" +
+ Isa 26:18 reword UDB +
+ Luk 7:6 that you to come +
+ ISA 14:28 What will the poor do? +
+ ISA 14:29 "because" to "that" +
+ ISA 14:20 Who will not be mentioned again? +
+ ISA 14:16 "space comma" to "comma space" +
+ 2SA 19:8 +
+ ISA 25:4-5 +
+ ISA 24:20 +
+ 2SA 17:29 frag +
+ 2SA 17:17 +
+ ISA 22:16 +
+ Isa 21:12 +
+ Isa 21:4 +
+ ISA 13:8 ULB sorrows? +
+ 2SA 9:9-10 +
+ ISA 11:1 ULB "root" to "stump"? +
+ Jos 7:14 The tribe that Yahweh selects by lot +
+ Jos 7:8 ULB ! or ? +
+ JOS 7:1 ULB "Zimri" to "Zabdi"? +
+ MAT 21:15 ULB delete +
+ JOS 6:25 ULB "lived" to "lives"? +
+ 2 SA 14:14 mismatch? +
+ 1SA 27:8 Quotes in footnote +
+ 2SA 12:24 spelling +
+ 2SA 12:25 spelling +
+ REV 6:8 ULB one-fourth of the earth +
+ Jos 9:4 "wine skins" to "wineskins" +
+ MAT 23:17 ULB that has makes the gold holy +
+ JDG 19:22 +
+ JDG 19:7 +
+ JDG 18:19 vs 17:10 +
+ JDG 15:12 +
+ Lev 27:32 one tenth +
+ Lev 27:28 ULB "sets apart" to "permanently sets apart"? +
+ Lev 27:15 ULB Delete "and" +
+ LEV 21:20 +
+ Num 15:2-3 Change period to em-dash? +
+ LEV 21:3 +
+ NUM 30:10 confusing +
+ Lev 26:36 ULB Paragraph break needed +
+ Lev 26:23 "teaching" to "discipline"? +
+ Lev 25:31 ULB round around +
+ NUM 27:3 +
+ Lev 24:2 ULB for which oil lamps? +
+ Lev 23:32 ULB Missing "must" +
+ Lev 23:27 ULB Change comma to semicolon? +
+ NUM 18:24 ULB Extra "it" +
+ Lev 23:1-2 ULB Missing the word "these"? +
+ NUM 18:30 ULB "by the Levites" to "to the Levites"? +
+ Num 18:28-29 ULB presented offering +
+ NUM 9:12 funky phrasing +
+ NUM 8:21 +
+ MAT 5:44 and other verses don't have a \ft tag in their footnote +
+ NUM 7:37+ mingled vs mixed +
+ NUM 18:28 ULB his to "Yahweh +
+ NUM 18:19 ULB Comma needed? +
+ NUM 18:10 ULB vs UDB "holy offerings" vs "sacred place" +
+ Num 18:9 ULB "they is" to "they are" +
+ Num 18:8 ULB "the" needed +
+ Num 17:9 ULB "rod" to "staff"? +
+ Num 17:2 ULB Delete "chosen"? +
+ NUM 16:45 Delete "they"? +
+ odd icon on uW site +
+ Numbers 16:37 ULB "they" to "he"? +
+ \p markers not displaying as expected +
+ NUM 16:16 ULB +
+ Num 16:3, 7 Two English metaphors for one Hebrew idiom +
+ NUM 16:5 bring up +
+ NUM 5:18 +
+ NUM 15:5 ULB vs UDB One or two kinds of offering? Lamb for both? +
+ MRK 4:8 +
+ NUM 4:31 vs 3:36 +
+ NUM 14:35 ULB "consumed" metaphor +
+ NUM 14:33 ULB +
+ NUM 13:30 discouraged or crying loudly? +
+ (Pull Request): Updates from Reader Reviews +
+ NUM 13:30 ULB Confusing sentence. +
+ NUM 13:4-14 Change periods to semi-colons? +
+ NUM 3:51 buy-back +
+ NUM 3:25 extra phrases? +
+ PSA 65:12 "It drops" versus "full of flocks" +
+ NUM 1:53 +
+ PSA 135:12 ULB Random number +
+ PSA 127:2 food or sleep? +
+ PSA 133:3 ULB Missing "is" +
+ PSA 132:14-18 ULB Quote marks needed? +
+ PSA 132:8 ULB Missing text? +
+ PS 106:30 lost passive +
+ PSA 60:9 ULB and UDB Who is saying verse 9? +
+ PSA 60:4b ULB vs UDB truth or bow +
+ PSA 59:16 ULB missing "in the morning" +
+ PS 105:24 +
+ PSA 59:15 ULB vs UDB growl or wait +
+ PS 105:18-19 punctuation +
+ Psalm 59:14-15 ULB vs UDB tense and mood +
+ PSA 58:3 estranged? +
+ Psa 94:8 +
+ PSA 58:9 ULB Apostrophe needed +
+ Psa 94:4 +
+ Psa 93:1 +
+ PS 103:20-22 comma +
+ Psa 75:4-7 +
+ Psa 92:10 +
+ PSA 37:7 +
+ PSA 57:3 ULB swallow me up +
+ PSA 56:11 status of a clause following an em-dash +
+ PSA 56:1 swallow up or harass +
+ Psa 73:8 +
+ PSA 55:19 ULB "remain" as metonym for "rule" +
+ PSA 55:10-11 ULB the city - her vs it +
+ PSA 55:9 ULB Confuse their languages +
+ PSA 53:4 ULB but vs and +
+ PSA 53:3 has gone back +
+ PSA 52:7 ULB confirmed himself +
+ PSA 10:15 ULB make him accountable +
+ PSA 9:19 ULB Do not let man prevail +
+ PSA 9:8 fairly vs justly +
+ PSA 9:5 rebuke vs battle cry +
+ PSA 5:9 ULB sepulchre spelling, or tomb +
+ PSA 2:12 ULB vs UDB +
+ PSA 2:9 UDB +
+ PSA 2:2 ULB Messiah vs anointed +
+ PSA 2:1 "are" vs "do" +
+ EXO 34:34 ULB +
+ EXO 34:32 +
+ EXO 34:31 ULB came up to him +
+ EXO 34:28 UDB and ULB: the ten commandments +
+ Exo 23:14 ULB empty handed +
+ EXO 34:15 ULB +
+ EXO 34:16 ULB +
+ Exo 19:10 ULB "dedicate" to "consecrate"? +
+ Exo 18:9 ULB power or hand? +
+ EXO 18:18 ULB wear out X and Y +
+ EXO 18:10 UDB 'hand' ULB 'power' +
+ Exo 16:14 Description of Manna +
+ EXO 16:32 ULB Missing word +
+ EXO 16:32 Is coriander white? +
+ EXO 16:14 ULB hoarfrost +
+ EXO 15:24 I, Yahweh your God +
+ PSA 43:5 +
+ GEN 40:20 fos dropped +
+ GEN 38:26 sleep with +
+ MAT 23:14 +
+ 2CH 16:9 +
+ Exo 18:23-24 +
+ EXO 30:31 ULB +
+ EXO 30:17, 30:22 ULB +
+ HEB 1:3 +
+ Switch to Custom Chunk Markers +
+ GEN 36:15 typo +
+ GEN 37:14 ? +
+ MRK 15:42 capitalize? +
+ MRK 15:26 capitalize +
+ MRK 14:63 indent +
+ MRK 14:27 extra phrase +
+ 67 books? +
+ MRK 14:12 capitalize? +
+ (Pull Request): Restore Jims mods +
+ MRK 14:3 +
+ (Pull Request): Revert James +
+ (Pull Request): Revert changes to James +
+ NUM 3.16 +
+ MRK 13 1 ellipsis added +
+ Rev 19:7-8 Is 8 part of the quote? +
+ Rev 18:17 ULB and UDB +
+ Rev 18:15 ULB weeping and loud mourning +
+ Rev 18:9 Quote differences in ULB and UDB +
+ Jas 1:6 ULB - "who doubts" +
+ Rev 18:3 ULB and UDB differ +
+ Rev 18:1 ULB +
+ MRK 12:33 dropped idiom +
+ Rev 17:17 ULB power to rule +
+ Rev 16:21 ULB cursed +
+ Rev 16:3,4 became (like) blood +
+ Rev 15:5 "most holy place" and "tent of witness" +
+ Rev 14:12 ULB the believers +
+ Rev 14:8 ULB the wine of +
+ Rev 13:15 Who causes/commands people to be put to death? +
+ Rev 13:14 +
+ Rev 13:13-14 long sentence +
+ Rev 13:3 a lethal wound that would have caused his death +
+ Rev 13:10 patient endurance +
+ MRK 11:15 doves vs pigeons +
+ Rev 13:1, 5-6, 16:11, 17:3 blasphemy/insult +
+ Rev 13:6 tense not matching +
+ 13:4 ULB Double quote mark needed +
+ Rev 12:10 Odd em-dash or 'and' +
+ Rev 2:27 ULB rod or staff +
+ Rev 4:5 flashes or bolts +
+ MRK 10:52 passive +
+ Rev 11:16 Almighty One versus ruler over all +
+ Rev 11:13 Comma needed +
+ Rev 10:11 Who spoke? +
+ Rev 11:5 ULB harm +
+ Rev 10:6 the earth and all that is in it +
+ MRK 10 39 +
+ Rev 9:2 a column of smoke went up +
+ Jhn 2:20 ULB - misplaced hyphen +
+ Rev 9:1 the key of the shaft leading to shaft +
+ Rev 8:6 ULB "sound off on them" +
+ Rev 1:17 ULB - missing text +
+ Heb 11:37 ULB - footnote mismatch +
+ Rom 4:19 - "dead" +
+ Rev 7:13 Quote mark needed +
+ Rev 7:11 laid down +
+ Verses that span chunks +
+ REV 7:5 +
+ MRK 10:7&8 Archaic 'shall' +
+ HEB 9:27 +
+ Rev 5:11 200,000,000 +
+ MRK 9:17, 9:25 +
+ Rev 4:6 +
+ Rev 4:5 lightning +
+ Rev 3:17 Comma needed +
+ REV 3:14 ULB vs UDB arche tes ktisesos +
+ Rev 3:13 ULB The one who has an ear, let him hear +
+ MRK 9:18 convulsions +
+ REV 2:27-28 ULB vs UDB What did Jesus receive? +
+ REV 2:23 ULB +
+ MRK 9:9-10 +
+ Rev 2:16 without delay +
+ Rev 2:7 ULB - the first and the last +
+ REV 2:7 To the one...I will permit +
+ REV 3:6-7 ULB not showing up +
+ Rev 3:7-8, 14 +
+ REV 2:1 These are the words of +
+ REV 2:3 you have gone through much +
+ REV 2:2 says this, "'I know +
+ REV 1:12 "gold" vs "golden" +
+ Luk 20:42 - the book/The Book of Psalms +
+ Gal 6:7ULB +
+ MRK 11:3 ULB '? to ?' +
+ JAS 4:1 "yourselves" to "you" +
+ MRK 7:28 ? +
+ MRK 7:18-19 ? +
+ Mrk 5 ULB - Three instances of "demon possessed" +
+ JE 23:28b-32 Indents +
+ MRK 7:5 FOG lost +
+ JER 38:22-23 Indent +
+ JER 46:25 \m or \p needed? +
+ JER 4:3 ULB \q needed +
+ MRK 6:56 typo +
+ GEN 3:17 ULB Change period to comma +
+ MRK 6:55 typo +
+ ISA 3:16-23 ULB Indents needed +
+ MRK 6:52 lost FOG +
+ Luk 17:6 - sycamore/mulberry +
+ ISA 3:16-23 ULB Indents needed +
+ GEN 3:14-20 Problem with indents +
+ GEN 2:23-24 Indent needs to end before 24 +
+ DAN 10:16 like a human being +
+ REV 1:2 "burnished" to "polished" +
+ Mrk 9:23 ULB - space between quotation marks +
+ Jhn 10:34 ULB - space between quotation marks +
+ ULB Acts 2:30 "one of his descendants" +
+ Neh 13:1 ULB - extra "not" +
+ Mrk 9:23 ULB - 'If you are able?' +
+ Jhn 13:31 ULB - Son of man +
+ 2Pe 2:7 ULB - mid sentence chunk start +
+ AMO 4:3 +
+ Luk 11:2 ULB - Passive "sanctify" +
+ Luk 11:2 - addition of "Jesus" +
+ MAT 12:1 grainfields or grain fields +
+ Luk 10:21 ULB - O Father +
+ 1SA 16:5 And he And he +
+ Jhn 12:23 ULB - Son of Man +
+ Jhn 10:34 ULB - missing quote mark +
+ JER 23:37 Sentence Fragment starting with "Because" +
+ Mat 10:25 ULB - seems to need exclamation mark +
+ EZK 32:27 ULB vs UDB +
+ EXO 34:15 +
+ Luk 8:24 - capitalization +
+ ISA 40:11 Odd line break in poetry +
+ Luk 6:41-42 and Mat 7:3-5 +
+ Luk 6:22 ULB +
+ 1Sa 13:1 +
+ Luk 4:44 ULB +
+ Luk 4:31 UDB +
+ Luk 4:34 ULB +
+ "non-Israelite" vs "non-Jewish" in UDB +
+ Luk 4:18-19 +
+ Luk 4:11 ULB +
+ Act 15:38 ULB +
+ Gal 6:8 ULB +
+ (Pull Request): ULB_SQ_1 global replace +
+ (Pull Request): ULB_SQ_3 Global replace +
+ (Pull Request): ULB_SQ_2 global replace +
+ Verses Not Found +
+ "Savior/savior" +
+ JOS 20:9 Sentence Fragment +
+ (Pull Request): ULBSQ_1 replace Smart quotes +
+ Luk 1:76 ULB +
+ Luk 1:79 UDB +
+ 2Ki 14:11 ULB +
+ Luk 1:39 ULB +
+ Rom 15:17 ULB +
+ Isa 3:10 ULB +
+ City/city of David ULB +
+ 2Ki 8:16 ULB +
+ Luk 1:57 ULB +
+ Luk 1:56 ULB +
+ LUK 7:14 - sofa? +
+ Psa 55:20 ULB +
+ Psa 44:13 ULB +
+ Psa 40:12 ULB +
+ Sng 2:7 and 5:8 ULB +
+ Zec 3:7 ULB +
+ Lev 14:8 ULB +
+ Neh 9:5-6 +
+ Luk 1:31 ULB +
+ Mat 13:15 ULB +
+ Mat 5:25 ULB +
+ ISA 5:10 "four hectares" or "ten acres" +
+ EXO 25:25 Span versus Handbreadth +
+ 2Ki 18:22 ULB +
+ 2Ki 4:25 ULB +
+ 2Sa 23:3 ULB +
+ 1Sa 21:11 ULB +
+ Jos 12:03 ULB +
+ Jos 10:37 U:B +
+ 2Th 2:1-2 ULB +
+ EPH 5:1 ULB +
+ Gen 35:22-23 +
+ Eph 5:25-27 ULB +
+ Rom 8:34 ULB +
+ 2Ch 20:29 ULB +
+ 2Ch 20:9 ULB needs article +
+ 2ch 15:1 Oded/Obed confusion +
+ Job 19:22 ULB sentence break +
+ 2Pe 2:6 ULB ends with ellipse +
+ Mat 19:4 ULB em-dash? +
+ I Cor. 13:4 and 5 Need Corrected in ulb #5 from unfoldingword/ulb-en +
+ ACT 4.26 ??????? is rendered as Anointed One in ACT 4:26 issue #2 from uW/ulb-en +
+ ACT 1.3 Missing Phrase in ACT 1.3 Issue #1 from uW/ulb-en +
+ Training in Github + + \ No newline at end of file