# defile, be defiled ## Definition The terms "defile" and "be defiled" refer to becoming polluted or dirty. Something can be defiled in a physical, moral, or ritual sense. * God warned the Israelites to not defile themselves by eating or touching things that he had declared as "unclean" and "unholy." * Certain things such as dead bodies and contagious diseases were declared by God to be unclean and would defile a person if they touched them. * God commanded the Israelites to avoid sexual sins. These would defile them and make them unacceptable to God. * There were also certain kinds of bodily processes that defiled a person temporarily until he could become ritually pure again. * In the New Testament, Jesus taught that sinful thoughts and actions are what truly defile a person. ## Translation Suggestions * The term "defile" can also be translated as "cause to be unclean" or "cause to be unrighteous" or "cause to be ritually unacceptable." * To "be defiled" could be translated as "become unclean" or "be caused to be morally unacceptable