publishing_prep (#1880)

This commit is contained in:
Jesse Griffin 2019-05-09 18:16:14 +00:00 committed by Gogs
parent d8e4a6f43f
commit e2ab6acd50
4 changed files with 24 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -10052,7 +10052,7 @@
\zaln-s | x-strong="G10930" x-lemma="γῆ" x-morph="Gr,N,,,,,GFS," x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1" x-content="γῆς"\*\w earth|x-occurrence="1" x-occurrences="1"\w*\zaln-e\*."
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@ -1,31 +1,13 @@
# unfoldingWord Literal Text
*unfoldingWord® Literal Text*
*an unrestricted Bible intended for translation into any language*
*Copyright © 2019 by unfoldingWord*
This work is based on *The American Standard Version*, which is in the public domain.
This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit []( or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
# License
## Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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### Under the following conditions:
* **Attribution** — You must attribute the work as follows: "Original work of the unfoldingWord Literal Text in English available at". Attribution statements in derivative works should not in any way suggest that we endorse you or your use of this work.
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The unfoldingWord® Literal Text is based on *The American Standard Version*, which is in the public domain.

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# unfoldingWord Literal Text - English
<img src="" alt="drawing" width="100"/>
# unfoldingWord® Literal Text - English
*an unrestricted Bible intended for translation into any language*
@ -21,15 +22,15 @@ file.
### Introduction to the ULT
The ULT (unfoldingWord Literal Text) is a form-centric, and thus "literal," version of the Bible in English that is intended to be used alongside the UST (unfoldingWord Simplified Text) and other translation resources to give English-speaking mother-tongue translators (MTTs) the most complete understanding possible of the messages communicated in the Bible. For MTTs who do not have reading knowledge of the original biblical languages, the ULT provides a sense of *how* these messages were communicated in those original languages. It is anticipated that the ULT and other resource will be translated from English into the world's Gateway Languages so that MTTs worldwide can use them as a set of resources for making accurate translations of God's Word into their own languages.
The ULT (unfoldingWord® Literal Text) is a form-centric, and thus "literal," version of the Bible in English that is intended to be used alongside the UST (unfoldingWord® Simplified Text) and other translation resources to give English-speaking mother-tongue translators (MTTs) the most complete understanding possible of the messages communicated in the Bible. For MTTs who do not have reading knowledge of the original biblical languages, the ULT provides a sense of *how* these messages were communicated in those original languages. It is anticipated that the ULT and other resource will be translated from English into the world's Gateway Languages so that MTTs worldwide can use them as a set of resources for making accurate translations of God's Word into their own languages.
### Editing the ULT
The unfoldingWord Literal Text (ULT) is designed to be used in conjunction with the translationNotes (tN) and the unfoldingWord Simplified Text (UST) as a tool for Bible translation. It is not an end-user Bible, which seeks to transform all of the structures of the original biblical languages into those that are natural and idiomatic in the target language. Instead, unlike the UST and unlike an end-user Bible, the ULT is designed to reflect the forms of the source languages, so that the MTT can see what they are. By using the ULT, the MTT can "look through" it to see how the original Bible expressed the biblical ideas. As you edit or translate the ULT, therefore, you must try to retain the grammatical and syntactic structures of the original as far as the target language (English or other Gateway Language) will allow. If the original structure is ungrammatical in the target language, then you will need to change it into a structure that is grammatical. It does no good to make a translation that the MTT using this tool will not be able to understand. But as far as the target language will allow, retain the structures of the original in your editing or translation of the ULT. For English, it is often possible to retain nouns as nouns, verbs as verbs, etc., but their order in the original sentence must be changed.
The unfoldingWord® Literal Text (ULT) is designed to be used in conjunction with the [unfoldingWord® Translation Notes (UTN)]( and the [unfoldingWord® Simplified Text (UST)]( as a tool for Bible translation. It is not an end-user Bible, which seeks to transform all of the structures of the original biblical languages into those that are natural and idiomatic in the target language. Instead, unlike the UST and unlike an end-user Bible, the ULT is designed to reflect the forms of the source languages, so that the MTT can see what they are. By using the ULT, the MTT can "look through" it to see how the original Bible expressed the biblical ideas. As you edit or translate the ULT, therefore, you must try to retain the grammatical and syntactic structures of the original as far as the target language (English or other Gateway Language) will allow. If the original structure is ungrammatical in the target language, then you will need to change it into a structure that is grammatical. It does no good to make a translation that the MTT using this tool will not be able to understand. But as far as the target language will allow, retain the structures of the original in your editing or translation of the ULT. For English, it is often possible to retain nouns as nouns, verbs as verbs, etc., but their order in the original sentence must be changed.
### Retaining Original Structures
The ULT needs to retain the original grammatical forms (as far as is possible), the idioms, and the figures of speech of the original so that the MTT can consider them and use them if they communicate the right thing in his or her target language (minority or Other Language (OL), not Gateway Language). If those forms are removed in the English or get changed in a Gateway Language (GL) translation of the ULT, then the OL translator will never see them and the translationNotes about them will not make sense. Keep in mind that the ULT and the UST are complementary translation tools for the use of the OL translator. We want these tools to be as useful as possible. For the ULT, this means that it should retain structures that we would not always retain in an end-user Bible. The English editor and the GL translator must understand that this means that the ULT will often lack naturalness and sometimes also lack clarity because it is aiming at reproducing these original language structures and figures of speech that the GL may not normally use. Wherever the ULT translation lacks clarity, however, there will also be a translationNote to explain the meaning of the structure for the OL translator, as well as a clear rendering of the original meaning in the UST. The translationNotes and the UST will provide the meaning wherever that meaning is in doubt in the ULT. In this way, the tools will work together to provide the OL translator with a full set of information about both the form and the meaning of the original Bible.
The ULT needs to retain the original grammatical forms (as far as is possible), the idioms, and the figures of speech of the original so that the MTT can consider them and use them if they communicate the right thing in his or her target language (minority or Other Language (OL), not Gateway Language). If those forms are removed in the English or get changed in a Gateway Language (GL) translation of the ULT, then the OL translator will never see them and the UTN about them will not make sense. Keep in mind that the ULT and the UST are complementary translation tools for the use of the OL translator. We want these tools to be as useful as possible. For the ULT, this means that it should retain structures that we would not always retain in an end-user Bible. The English editor and the GL translator must understand that this means that the ULT will often lack naturalness and sometimes also lack clarity because it is aiming at reproducing these original language structures and figures of speech that the GL may not normally use. Wherever the ULT translation lacks clarity, however, there will also be a Translation Note to explain the meaning of the structure for the OL translator, as well as a clear rendering of the original meaning in the UST. The UTN and the UST will provide the meaning wherever that meaning is in doubt in the ULT. In this way, the tools will work together to provide the OL translator with a full set of information about both the form and the meaning of the original Bible.
#### Examples
@ -37,16 +38,19 @@ The ULT needs to retain the original grammatical forms (as far as is possible),
The ULT of Luke 2:47 reproduces a grammatical form from the Greek source language that is also natural in English, but that might not be natural in other languages. When talking about the boy Jesus at the temple, it says, "All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers." The nouns "understanding" and "answers" refer to events, not things, and so must be translated as verbs in many languages.
The UST of the same verse gives an example of how these nouns can be translated as verbs. It says, "All the people who heard what he said were amazed at how much he understood and how well he answered the questions that the teachers asked."
When editing or translating the ULT, however, nouns should be retained as nouns if that will make sense in the target language.
##### Idioms
The ULT of Matthew 2:20 reproduces an idiom from the Greek source language. It refers to Herod and his soldiers who were trying to kill the child Jesus as, "those who sought the child's life." In some languages this is clear, and in others it is not.
The UST of the same verse tries to make the meaning clear by translating this idiom as, "the people who were trying to kill the child." When editing or translating the ULT, however, this idiom should be retained as it is, so that the Other Language translator can consider it and use it if it makes sense. The UST and the translationNotes will always provide the meaning.
The UST of the same verse tries to make the meaning clear by translating this idiom as, "the people who were trying to kill the child." When editing or translating the ULT, however, this idiom should be retained as it is, so that the Other Language translator can consider it and use it if it makes sense. The UST and the UTN will always provide the meaning.
##### Figures of Speech
The ULT of John 1:17 reproduces a figure of speech from the Greek source language. It says, "grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." (This figure of speech is called "personification.") This figure of speech talks as if grace and truth were like people who can come and go, and it talks as if Jesus Christ were like a doorway that they can come through. In some languages this makes sense, but in other languages it does not. The plain meaning is that Jesus Christ acted toward us with grace and taught us true things about God.
The UST of the same verse tries to make this plain meaning clear by translating it as, "Jesus Christ was kind to us far beyond what we deserved and taught us true things about God."
When translating the ULT, however, this figure of speech should be retained as it is, so that the Other Language translator can consider it and use it if it makes sense. If it does not, the UST provides an alternative way to translate it.
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ Preferred English renderings appear in bold type.
### The ULT Contrasted with the UST
The ULT seeks to represent the language **forms** of the original in a way that also makes sense in English and other Gateway Languages. The UST (unfoldingWord Simplified Text) seeks to represent the **plain meaning** of the original Bible text. This means that:
The ULT seeks to represent the language **forms** of the original in a way that also makes sense in English and other Gateway Languages. The UST (unfoldingWord® Simplified Text) seeks to represent the **plain meaning** of the original Bible text. This means that:
* the ULT reflects better than the UST the grammatical structures of the biblical languages.
* the ULT reflects better than the UST the parts of speech of the biblical languages. The ULT, for example, will seek to use nouns where the original uses nouns, adjectives where the original uses adjectives, and so forth.

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@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ dublin_core:
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- 'Michael Francis'
- 'Door43 World Missions Community'
creator: 'Door43 World Missions Community'
creator: 'unfoldingWord'
description: "An open-licensed update of the ASV, intended to provide a 'form-centric' understanding of the Bible. It increases the translator's understanding of the lexical and grammatical composition of the underlying text by adhering closely to the word order and structure of the originals."
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