Made minor edits to UTW articles [Ruth] (#1210)

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Joel D. Ruark 2020-01-30 10:26:27 +00:00 committed by Gogs
parent 1fb6e4899d
commit 6e4ef027e9
9 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition:
The term “anoint” means to rub or pour oil on a person or object. Sometimes the oil was mixed with spices, giving it a sweet, perfumed smell. The term is also used figuratively to refer to the Holy Spirit choosing and empowering someone.
The term “anoint” means to rub or pour oil on a person or object. Sometimes the oil was mixed with spices, giving it a sweet, perfumed smell. In biblical times, there were several reasons for anointing someone with oil.
* In the Old Testament, priests, kings, and prophets were anointed with oil to set them apart for special service to God.
* Objects such as altars or the tabernacle were also anointed with oil to show that they were to be used to worship and glorify God.
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ The term “anoint” means to rub or pour oil on a person or object. Sometimes
* After Jesus died, his friends prepared his body for burial by anointing it with oils and spices.
* The titles “Messiah” (Hebrew) and “Christ” (Greek) mean “the Anointed (One).”
* Jesus the Messiah is the one who was chosen and anointed as a Prophet, High Priest, and King.
* In biblical times, a woman might anoint herself with perfume to make herself more sexually attractive.
## Translation Suggestions:

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# clean, cleaned, cleanse, cleansed, wash, washed, unclean
# clean, wash
## Definition:
The term “clean” literally means to not have any dirt or stain. In the Bible, it is often used figuratively to mean, “pure,” “holy,” or “free from sin.”
The term “clean” generally refers either to removing dirt or stains from something or to not having any dirt or stain in the first place. The term "wash" refers specifically to action of removing dirt or stains from something.
* “Cleanse” is the process of making something “clean.” It could also be translated as “wash” or “purify.”
* In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites which animals he had specified as ritually “clean” and which ones were “unclean.” Only the clean animals were permitted to be used for eating or for sacrifice. In this context, the term “clean” means that the animal was acceptable to God for use as a sacrifice.
* A person who had certain skin diseases would be unclean until the skin was healed enough to no longer be contagious. Instructions for cleansing the skin had to be obeyed in order for that person to be declared “clean” again.
* Sometimes “clean” is used figuratively to refer to moral purity.
* Sometimes “clean” is used figuratively to refer to moral purity, meaning to be "clean" from sin.
In the Bible, the term “unclean” is used figuratively to refer to things that God declared to be unfit for his people to touch, eat, or sacrifice.

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# command, commanded, commandment
# command, commandment
## Definition:
The term to “command” means to order someone to do something. A “command” or “commandment” is what the person was ordered to do.
The term “command” means to order someone to do something. The term “commandment” refers to the thing that a person is commanded to do.
* Although these terms have basically the same meaning, “commandment” often refers to certain commands of God which are more formal and permanent, such as the “Ten Commandments.”
* The term “commandment” sometimes refers to certain commands of God which are more formal and permanent, such as the “Ten Commandments.”
* A command can be positive (“Honor your parents”) or negative (“Do not steal”).
* To “take command” means to “take control” or “take charge” of something or someone.

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# name, named
# name
## Definition:
In the Bible, the word “name” was used in several figurative ways.
The term “name” refers to the word by which a specific person or thing is called. In the Bible, however, the term "name" is used in several different ways to refer to several different concepts.
* In some contexts, “name” could refer to a persons reputation, as in “let us make a name for ourselves.”
* The term “name” could also refer to the memory of something. For example, “cut off the names of the idols” means to destroy those idols so that they are no longer remembered or worshiped.

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@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
# redeem, redemption, redeemer
# redeem, redeemer, redemption
## Definition:
To “redeem” and “redemption” refer to buy back something or someone that was previously owned or held captive. “Redemption” is the action of doing that. A “redeemer” is someone who redeems something or someone.
The term “redeem” refers to buying back something or someone that has been previously owned or held captive. A “redeemer” is someone who redeems something or someone.
* God gave laws to the Israelites about how to redeem people or things.
* For example, someone could redeem a person who was in slavery by paying the price so that the slave could go free. The word “ransom” also refers to this practice.
* God gave laws to the Israelites about how to redeem people or things. For example, someone could redeem a person who was in slavery by paying the price so that the slave could go free. The word “ransom” also refers to this practice.
* If someones land had been sold, a relative of that person could “redeem” or “buy back” that land so that it would stay in the family.
* These practices show how God redeems people who are in slavery to sin. When he died on the cross, Jesus paid the full price for peoples sins and redeemed all those who trust in him for salvation. People who have been redeemed by God are set free from sin and its punishment.
## Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, the term “redeem” could also be translated as “buy back” or “pay to free (someone)” or “ransom.”
* The term “redemption” could be translated as “ransom” or “freedom payment” or “the buying back.”
* The words “ransom” and “redeem” have basically the same meaning, so some languages may have only one term to translate both these terms. The word “ransom,” however, can also mean the payment necessary.
* The term “redemption” could be translated as “ransom” or “freedom payment” or “buying back.”
* The words “ransom” and “redeem” have basically the same meaning, so some languages may have only one term to translate both these words. The word “ransom,” however, can also mean the payment necessary to "redeem" something or someone. The term "redeem" never refers to the actual payment itself.
(See also: [free](../other/, [ransom](../kt/

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# restore, restored, restoration
# restore, restoration
## Definition:
The terms “restore” and “restoration” refer to causing something to return to its original and better condition.
The terms “restore” and “restoration” refer to causing something to return to its original place or condition.
* When a diseased body part is restored, this means it has been “healed.”
* A broken relationship that is restored has been “reconciled.” God restores sinful people and brings them back to himself.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition:
The term “generation” refers to a group of people who were all born around the same time period.
The term “generation” generally refers to a group of people who are all alive at the same time. They are all born in the same general time period and are therefore about the same age.
* A generation can also refer to a span of time. In Bible times, a generation was usually considered to be about 40 years.
* Parents and their children are from two different generations.

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# rebuke, rebuked
# rebuke
## Definition:
To rebuke is to give someone a stern verbal correction, often in order to help that person turn away from sin. Such a correction is a rebuke.
The term "rebuke" refers to correcting someone verbally, usually with sternness or force.
* The New Testament commands Christians to rebuke other believers when they are clearly disobeying God.
* The book of Proverbs instructs parents to rebuke their children when they are disobedient.

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# reward, rewarder, prize, deserve, future, payment, wages
# reward, prize, deserve,
## Definition:
The term “reward” refers to what a person receives because of something he has done, either good or bad. To “reward” someone is to give someone something he deserves.
The term “reward” refers to what a person receives because of something he has done, either good or bad. To “reward” someone is to give someone something he deserves. However, this is different than the concept of "wages," which refers to payment (often money) given in exchange for work performed.
* A reward can be a good or positive thing that a person receives because he has done something well or because he has obeyed God.
* Sometimes a reward can refer to negative things that may result from bad behavior, such as the statement “the reward of the wicked.” In this context “reward” refers to the punishment or negative consequences they receive because of their sinful actions.