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Joel Lonbeck 2017-04-11 15:41:23 -07:00
commit 1a9621f30e
378 changed files with 831 additions and 835 deletions

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
The term "abomination" is used to refer to something that causes disgust or extreme dislike.
* The Egyptians considered the Hebrew people to be an "abomination." This means that the Egyptians disliked the Hebrews and didn't want to associate with them or be near them.
* Some of the things that the Bible calls "an abomination to Yahweh" include: lying, pride, sacrificing humans, worship of idols, murder, and sexual sins such as adultery and homosexual acts.
* Some of the things that the Bible calls "an abomination to Yahweh" include lying, pride, sacrificing humans, worship of idols, murder, and sexual sins such as adultery and homosexual acts.
* In teaching his disciples about the end times, Jesus referred to a prophecy by the prophet Daniel about an "abomination of desolation" that would be set up as a rebellion against God, defiling his place of worship.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "abomination" could also be translated by, "something God hates" or "something disgusting" or "disgusting practice" or "very evil action."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate the phrase, "is an abomination to" could include: "is greatly hated by" or "is disgusting to" or "is totally unacceptable to" or "causes deep disgust."
* The phrase "abomination of desolation" could be translated as, "defiling object that causes people to be greatly harmed" or "disgusting thing that causes great sorrow."
* The term "abomination" could also be translated by "something God hates" or "something disgusting" or "disgusting practice" or "very evil action."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate the phrase "is an abomination to" could include "is greatly hated by" or "is disgusting to" or "is totally unacceptable to" or "causes deep disgust."
* The phrase "abomination of desolation" could be translated as "defiling object that causes people to be greatly harmed" or "disgusting thing that causes great sorrow."
(See also: [adultery, adulterous, adulterer, adulteress](../kt/ **·** [desecrate](../other/ **·** [desolate, desolation](../other/ **·** [idol, idolatrous](../other/ **·** [sacrifice, offering](../other/

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@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
# adoption #
# adoption, adopt, adopted #
## Definition: ##
The term "adoption" refers to the process of someone legally becoming the child of people who are not his biological parents.
The terms "adopt" and "adoption" refer to the process of someone legally becoming the child of people who are not his biological parents.
* The Bible uses "adoption" and "adopt" in a figurative way to describe how God causes people to be part of his family, making them his spiritual sons and daughters.
* As adopted children, believers are co-heirs with Jesus Christ, having a right to all the privileges of sons and daughters of God.
* As adopted children, God makes believers to be co-heirs with Jesus Christ, giving them all of the privileges of sons and daughters of God.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could be translated with a term that the language of translation uses to describe this special parent-child relationship. Make sure it is understood that this has a figurative or spiritual meaning.
* The phrase, "experience adoption as sons" could be translated as, "be adopted by God as his children" or "become God's (spiritual) children."
* To "wait for the adoption of sons" could be translated as, "look forward to becoming God's children" or "wait expectantly for God to receive as children."
* The phrase "experience adoption as sons" could be translated as "be adopted by God as his children" or "become God's (spiritual) children."
* To "wait for the adoption of sons" could be translated as "look forward to becoming God's children" or "wait expectantly for God to receive as children."
* The phrase "adopt them" could be translated as "receive them as his own children" or "make them his own (spiritual) children."
(See also: [heir](../other/ **·** [inherit, inheritance](../kt/ **·** [spirit, spiritual](../kt/

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
The term "adultery" refers to a sin that involves a married person having sexual relations with someone who is not his spouse. The term "adulterous" describes this kind of behavior or the person who commits this sin.
The term "adultery" refers to a sin that occurs when a married person has sexual relations with someone who is not that person's spouse. Both of them are qulity of adultery. The term "adulterous" describes this kind of behavior or any person who commits this sin.
* The term "adulterer" refers generally to any person who commits adultery.
* Sometimes the term "adulteress" is used to specify that it was a woman who committed adultery.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The term "adultery" refers to a sin that involves a married person having sexual
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* If the target language does not have one word that means "adultery," this term could be translated with a phrase such as, "having sexual relations with someone else's wife" or "being intimate with another person's spouse."
* If the target language does not have one word that means "adultery," this term could be translated with a phrase such as "having sexual relations with someone else's wife" or "being intimate with another person's spouse."
* Some languages may have an indirect way of talking about adultery, such as "sleeping with someone else's spouse" or "being unfaithful to one's wife." (See: [euphemism](
* When "adulterous" is used in a figurative sense, it is best to translate it literally in order to communicate God's view of his disobedient people as being compared to an unfaithful spouse. If this does not communicate accurately in the target language, the figurative use of "adulterous" could be translated as "unfaithful" or "immoral" or "like an unfaithful spouse."

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@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ The term "afflict" means to cause someone distress or suffering. An "affliction"
* To afflict someone could be translated as "cause someone to experience troubles" or "cause someone to suffer" or "cause suffering to come."
* In certain contexts "afflict" could be translated as "happen to" or "come to" or "bring suffering."
* A phrase like, "afflict someone with leprosy" could be translated as, "cause someone to be sick with leprosy."
* A phrase like "afflict someone with leprosy" could be translated as "cause someone to be sick with leprosy."
* When a disease or disaster is sent to "afflict" people or animals, this could be translated as "cause suffering to."
* Depending on the context, the term "affliction" could be translated as "calamity" or "sickness" or "suffering" or "great distress." physical
* The phrase "afflicted with" could also be translated as, "suffering from" or "sick with."
* The phrase "afflicted with" could also be translated as "suffering from" or "sick with."
(See also: [leprosy](../other/ **·** [plague](../other/ **·** [suffer, suffering](../kt/

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@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
The term "Almighty" literally means "all-powerful"; in the Bible, it always refers to God.
* The titles "the Almighty" or "the Almighty One" refer to God and reveal that he has complete power and authority over everything.
* This term is also used to describe God in the titles, "Almighty God" or "God Almighty" or "Lord Almighty" or "Lord God Almighty."
* This term is also used to describe God in the titles "Almighty God" and "God Almighty" and "Lord Almighty" and "Lord God Almighty."
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could also be translated as "All-powerful" or "Completely Powerful One" or "God, who is completely powerful."
* Ways to translate the phrase "Lord God Almighty" could include, "God, the Powerful Ruler" or "Powerful Sovereign God" or "Mighty God who is Master over everything."
* Ways to translate the phrase "Lord God Almighty" could include "God, the Powerful Ruler" or "Powerful Sovereign God" or "Mighty God who is Master over everything."
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](

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@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ The term "amen" is a word used to emphasize or call attention to what a person h
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Consider whether the target language has a special word or phrase that is used to emphasize something that has been said.
* When used at the end of a prayer or to confirm something, "amen" could be translated as, "let it be so" or "may this happen" or "that is true."
* When Jesus says, "truly I tell you," this could also be translated as, "Yes, I tell you sincerely" or "That is true, and I also tell you."
* The phrase, "truly, truly I tell you" could be translated as "I tell you this very sincerely" or "I tell you this very earnestly" or "what I am telling you is true."
* When used at the end of a prayer or to confirm something, "amen" could be translated as "let it be so" or "may this happen" or "that is true."
* When Jesus says, "truly I tell you," this could also be translated as "Yes, I tell you sincerely" or "That is true, and I also tell you."
* The phrase "truly, truly I tell you" could be translated as "I tell you this very sincerely" or "I tell you this very earnestly" or "what I am telling you is true."
(See also: [fulfill](../kt/ **·** [true](../kt/

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@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ An angel is a powerful spirit being whom God created. Angels exist to serve God
* In the Bible, angels gave messages to people from God. These messages included instructions about what God wanted the people to do.
* Angels also told people about events that were going to happen in the future or events that had already happened.
* Angels have God's authority as his representatives and sometimes in the Bible they spoke as if God himself was speaking.
* Other ways that angels serve God is by protecting and strengthening people.
* A special phrase, "angel of Yahweh" has more than one possible meaning: 1) It may mean "angel who represents Yahweh" or "messenger who serves Yahweh." 2) It may refer to Yahweh himself, who looked like an angel as he talked to a person. Either one of these meanings would explain the angel's use of "I" as if Yahweh himself was talking.
* Other ways that angels serve God are by protecting and strengthening people.
* A special phrase, "angel of Yahweh," has more than one possible meaning: 1) It may mean "angel who represents Yahweh" or "messenger who serves Yahweh." 2) It may refer to Yahweh himself, who looked like an angel as he talked to a person. Either one of these meanings would explain the angel's use of "I" as if Yahweh himself was talking.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate "angel" could include, "messenger from God" or "God's heavenly servant" or "God's spirit messenger."
* Ways to translate "angel" could include "messenger from God" or "God's heavenly servant" or "God's spirit messenger."
* The term "archangel" could be translated as "chief angel" or "head ruling angel" or "leader of the angels."
* Also consider how these terms are translated in a national language or another local language.
* The phrase "angel of Yahweh" should be translated using the words for "angel" and "Yahweh." This will allow for different interpretations of that phrase. Possible translations could include, "angel from Yahweh" or "angel sent by Yahweh" or "Yahweh who looked like an angel."
* The phrase "angel of Yahweh" should be translated using the words for "angel" and "Yahweh." This will allow for different interpretations of that phrase. Possible translations could include "angel from Yahweh" or "angel sent by Yahweh" or "Yahweh, who looked like an angel."
(See also: [How to Translate Unknowns](

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
The term "anoint" means to rub or pour oil on a person or object. Sometimes the oil was mixed with spices, giving it a sweet, perfumed smell. The term is also used figuratively to refer to the Holy Spirit choosing and empowering someone.
* In the Old Testament, priests, kings, and prophets were anointed with oil to set them apart for special service to God.
* Objects such as altars or the tabernacle, were also anointed with oil to show that they were to be used to worship and glorify God.
* Objects such as altars or the tabernacle were also anointed with oil to show that they were to be used to worship and glorify God.
* In the New Testament, sick people were anointed with oil for their healing.
* The New Testament records two times that Jesus was anointed with perfumed oil by a woman, as an act of worship. One time Jesus commented that in doing this she was preparing him for his future burial.
* After Jesus died, his friends prepared his body for burial by anointing it with oils and spices.

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ The term "antichrist" refers to a person or teaching that is against Jesus Chris
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate this term could include a word or phrase that means, "Christ-opposer" or "enemy of Christ" or "person who is against Christ."
* The phrase, "spirit of the antichrist" could also be translated as, "spirit that is against Christ" or "(someone) teaching lies about Christ" or "attitude of believing lies about Christ" or "spirit that teaches lies about Christ."
* Other ways to translate this term could include a word or phrase that means "Christ-opposer" or "enemy of Christ" or "person who is against Christ."
* The phrase "spirit of the antichrist" could also be translated as "spirit that is against Christ" or "(someone) teaching lies about Christ" or "attitude of believing lies about Christ" or "spirit that teaches lies about Christ."
* Also consider how this term is translated in a Bible translation in a local or national language. (See: [How to Translate Unknowns](
(See also: [Christ, Messiah](../kt/ **·** [reveal, revelation](../kt/ **·** [tribulation](../other/

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@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
The "apostles" were men sent by Jesus to preach about God and his kingdom. The term "apostleship" refers to the position and authority of those who were chosen as apostles.
* The word "apostle" means, "someone who is sent out for a special purpose." The apostle has the same authority as the one who sent him.
* The word "apostle" means "someone who is sent out for a special purpose." The apostle has the same authority as the one who sent him.
* Jesus' twelve closest disciples became the first apostles. Other men, such as Paul and James, also became apostles.
* By God's power, the apostles were able to boldly preach the gospel and heal people, including forcing demons to come out of people.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The word "apostle" can also be translated with a word or phrase that means, "someone who is sent out" or "sent out one" or "person who is called to go out and preach God's message to people."
* It is important to translate the terms "apostle" and "disciple" in different ways from each other.
* The word "apostle" can also be translated with a word or phrase that means "someone who is sent out" or "sent-out one" or "person who is called to go out and preach God's message to people."
* It is important to translate the terms "apostle" and "disciple" in different ways.
* Also consider how this term was translated in a Bible translation in a local or national language. (See [How to Translate Unknowns](
(See also: [authority](../kt/ **·** [disciple](../kt/ **·** [jamessonofzebedee](../other/ **·** [paul](../other/ **·** [thetwelve](../kt/

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@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
The terms "appoint" and "appointed" refer to choosing someone to fulfill a specific task or role.
* To "be appointed" can also refer to being "chosen" to receive something, as in,"appointed to eternal life." This means they were chosen to receive eternal life.
* To "be appointed" can also refer to being "chosen" to receive something, as in"appointed to eternal life." This means they were chosen to receive eternal life.
* The phrase "appointed time" refers to God's "chosen time" or "planned time" for something to happen.
* The word "appoint" may also mean to "command" or "assign" someone to do something.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, ways to translate "appoint" could include, "choose" or "assign" or "formally choose" or "designate."
* The term "appointed" could be translated as, "assigned" or "planned" or "specifically chose."
* The phrase "be appointed" could also be translated as, "be chosen."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate "appoint" could include "choose" or "assign" or "formally choose" or "designate."
* The term "appointed" could be translated as "assigned" or "planned" or "specifically chose."
* The phrase "be appointed" could also be translated as "be chosen."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
The term "assembly" usually refers to a group of people who come together to discuss problems, give advice, and make decisions.
* An assembly can be a group that is organized in an official and somewhat permanent way, or it can be a group of people who come together temporarily for a specific purpose or occasion.
* In the Old Testament there was a special kind of assembly called a "sacred assembly" where the people of Israel would gather to worship Yahweh.
* In the Old Testament there was a special kind of assembly called a "sacred assembly" in which the people of Israel would gather to worship Yahweh.
* Sometimes the term "assembly" referred to the Israelites in general, as a group.
* A large gathering of enemy soldiers is sometimes also referred to as an "assembly." This could be translated as "army."
* A large gathering of enemy soldiers was sometimes also referred to as an "assembly." This could be translated as "army."
* In the New Testament, an assembly of 70 Jewish leaders in major cities such as Jerusalem would meet to judge legal matters and to settle disputes between people. This assembly was known as the "Sanhedrin" or the "Council."
## Translation Suggestions ##

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ The terms "stray" and "go astray" mean to disobey God's will. People who are "le
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The phrase "go astray" could be translated as, "go away from God" or "take a wrong path away from God's will" or "stop obeying God" or "live in a way that goes away from God."
* To "lead someone astray" could be translated as, "cause someone to disobey God" or "influence someone to stop obeying God" or "cause someone to follow you down a wrong path."
* The phrase "go astray" could be translated as "go away from God" or "take a wrong path away from God's will" or "stop obeying God" or "live in a way that goes away from God."
* To "lead someone astray" could be translated as "cause someone to disobey God" or "influence someone to stop obeying God" or "cause someone to follow you down a wrong path."
(See also: [disobey](../other/ **·** [shepherd](../other/

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ The terms "atone" and "atonement" refer to how God provided a sacrifice to pay f
* In Old Testament times, God allowed temporary atonement to be made for the sins of the Israelites by the offering of a blood sacrifice, which involved killing an animal.
* As recorded in the New Testament, Christ's death on the cross is the only true and permanent atonement for sin.
* When Jesus died, he took the punishment that people deserved because of their sin. He paid the atonement price with his sacrificial death.
* When Jesus died, he took the punishment that people deserve because of their sin. He paid the atonement price with his sacrificial death.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "atone" could be translated by a word or phrase that means, "pay for" or "provide payment for" or "cause someone's sins to be forgiven" or "make amends for a crime."
* Ways to translate "atonement" could include, "payment" or "sacrifice to pay for sin" or "providing the means of forgiveness."
* The term "atone" could be translated by a word or phrase that means "pay for" or "provide payment for" or "cause someone's sins to be forgiven" or "make amends for a crime."
* Ways to translate "atonement" could include "payment" or "sacrifice to pay for sin" or "providing the means of forgiveness."
* Make sure the translation of this term does not refer to payment of money.
(See also: [atonementlid](../kt/ **·** [forgive](../kt/ **·** [propitiation](../kt/ **·** [reconcile](../kt/ **·** [redeem](../kt/

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The "atonement lid" was a slab of gold that was used to cover the top of the ark
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate this term could include, "ark covering where God promises to redeem" or "place where God atones" or "lid of ark where God forgives and restores."
* Other ways to translate this term could include "ark covering where God promises to redeem" or "place where God atones" or "lid of ark where God forgives and restores."
* Can also mean "place of propitiation."
* Compare this term with how you translated "atonement," "propitiation," and "redemption."

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
# authority #
# authority, authorities #
## Definition: ##
The term "authority" refers to the power of influence and control that someone has over someone else.
* Kings and other governing rulers have authority over the people they are ruling.
* The word "authorities" refers to people, governments, or organizations that have authority over others.
* The word "authorities" can refer to people, governments, or organizations that have authority over others.
* The word "authorities" can also refer to spirit beings who have power over people who have not submitted themselves to Gods authority.
* Masters have authority over their servants or slaves. Parents have authority over their children.
* Governments have the authority or right to make laws that govern their citizens.

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@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ To "avenge" or "take revenge" or "execute vengeance" is to punish someone in ord
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The expression, "to avenge" someone could also be translated as "to right a wrong" or "to get justice for."
* The expression "to avenge" could also be translated as "to right a wrong" or "to get justice for."
* When referring to human beings, to "take revenge" could be translated as "pay back" or "hurt in order to punish" or "get back at."
* Depending on the context, "vengeance" could be translated as "punishment" or "punishment of sin" or "payment for wrongs done." If a word meaning "retaliation" is used, this would apply to human beings only.
* When God says, "take my vengeance," this could be translated by, "punish them for wrongs done against me" or "cause bad things to happen because they have sinned against me."
* When God says, "take my vengeance," this could be translated by "punish them for wrongs done against me" or "cause bad things to happen because they have sinned against me."
* When referring to God's vengeance, make sure it is clear that God is right in his punishment of sin.
(See also: [punish](../other/ **·** [justice](../kt/ **·** [righteous](../kt/

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ In the New Testament, the terms "baptize" and "baptism" usually refer to rituall
* Christians have different views about how a person should be baptized with water. It is probably best to translate this term in a general way that allows for different ways of applying the water.
* Depending on the context, the term "baptize" could be translated as "purify," "pour out on," "plunge (or dip) into," "wash," or "spiritually cleanse." For example, "baptize you with water" could be translated as, "plunge you into water."
* The term "baptism" could be translated as, "purification," "a pouring out," "a dipping," "a cleansing," or "a spiritual washing."
* The term "baptism" could be translated as "purification," "a pouring out," "a dipping," "a cleansing," or "a spiritual washing."
* When it refers to suffering, "baptism" could also be translated as "a time of terrible suffering" or "a cleansing through severe suffering."
* Also consider how this term is translated in a Bible translation in a local or national language.

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The terms "believe" and "believe in" are closely related, but have slightly diff
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* To "believe" could be translated as to "know to be true" or "know to be right."
* To "believe in" could be translated as, "trust completely" or "trust and obey" or "completely rely on and follow."
* To "believe in" could be translated as "trust completely" or "trust and obey" or "completely rely on and follow."
(See also: [faith](../kt/ **·** [believer](../kt/

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ In the Bible, the term "believer" refers to someone who believes in and relies o
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Some translations may prefer to say, "believer in Jesus" or "believer in Christ."
* This term could also be translated by a word or phrase that means, "person who trusts in Jesus" or "someone who knows Jesus and lives for him."
* Other ways to translate "believer" could be, "follower of Jesus" or "person who knows and obeys Jesus."
* Some translations may prefer to say "believer in Jesus" or "believer in Christ."
* This term could also be translated by a word or phrase that means "person who trusts in Jesus" or "someone who knows Jesus and lives for him."
* Other ways to translate "believer" could be "follower of Jesus" or "person who knows and obeys Jesus."
* The term "believer" is a general term for any believer in Christ, while "disciple" and "apostle" were used more specifically for people who knew Jesus while he was alive. It is best to translate these terms in different ways, in order to keep them distinct.
(See also: [apostle](../kt/ **·** [believe, believe in](../kt/ **·** [Christian](../kt/ **·** [disciple](../kt/

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ The term "beloved" is an expression of affection that describes someone who is l
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could also be translated as "loved" or "loved one" or "well-loved" or "very dear."
* In the context of talking about a close friend, this could be translated as "my dear friend" or "my close friend." In English it is natural to say, "my dear friend, Paul" or "Paul, who is my dear friend." Other languages may find it more natural to order this in a different way.
* This term could also be translated as "loved" or "loved one" or "well-loved," or "very dear."
* In the context of talking about a close friend, this could be translated as "my dear friend" or "my close friend." In English it is natural to say "my dear friend, Paul" or "Paul, who is my dear friend." Other languages may find it more natural to order this in a different way.
* Note that the word "beloved" comes from the word for God's love, which is unconditional, unselfish, and sacrificial.
(See also: [love](../kt/

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The term "blameless" literally means "without blame." It is used to refer to a p
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This could also be translated as, "with no fault to his character" or "completely obedient to God" or "avoiding sin" or "keeping away from evil."
* This could also be translated as "with no fault to his character" or "completely obedient to God" or "avoiding sin" or "keeping away from evil."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ In the Bible, the term "blasphemy" refers to speaking in a way that shows a deep
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* To "blaspheme" can be translated as, to "say evil things against" or to "dishonor God" or to "slander."
* Ways to translate "blasphemy" could include, "speaking wrongly about others" or "slander" or "spreading false rumors."
* To "blaspheme" can be translated as to "say evil things against" or to "dishonor God" or to "slander."
* Ways to translate "blasphemy" could include "speaking wrongly about others" or "slander" or "spreading false rumors."
(See also: [dishonor](../other/ **·** [slander](../other/

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@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ To "bless" someone or something means to cause good and beneficial things to hap
* When people 'bless" God or express a desire that God be blessed, this means they are praising him.
* The term "bless" is sometimes used for consecrating food before it is eaten, or for thanking and praising God for the food.
//from comment below:
It is important to not define, focus on, or be confined by applications of the root word of "bless" that suggest primarily the flourishing or abundance of material things or physical wellness. Consider the extensive teachings in Scripture on God's love, mercy and grace that is not only ancient, but current. Consider care, protection, and presence of God's Spirit. And for us to bless God, we can offer thankfulness, appreciation, and understanding as we learn of and follow (obey) him.//
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* To "bless" could also be translated as, "to provide abundantly for" or "to be very kind and favorable toward."
* To "bless" could also be translated as "to provide abundantly for" or "to be very kind and favorable toward."
* "God has brought great blessing to" could be translated as, "God has given many good things to" or "God has provided abundantly for" or "God has caused many good things to happen to".
* "He is blessed" could be translated as "he will greatly benefit" or "he will experience good things" or "God will cause him to flourish."
* "Blessed is the person who" could be translated as "How good it is for the person who."

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The term "blood" refers to the red liquid that comes out of a person's skin when
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term should be translated with the term that is used for blood in the target language
* This term should be translated with the term that is used for blood in the target language.
* The expression "flesh and blood" could be translated as "people" or "human beings."
* Depending on the context, the expression "my own flesh and blood" could be translated as "my own family" or "my own relatives" or "my own people."
* If there is an expression in the target language that is used with this meaning, that expression could be used to translate "flesh and blood."

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ The terms "blot out" and "wipe out" are expressions that mean to completely remo
* These expressions can be used in a positive sense, as when God "blots out" sins by forgiving them and choosing not to remember them.
* It is also often used in a negative sense, as when God "blots out" or "wipes out" a people group, destroying them because of their sin.
* The Bible talks about a person's name being "blotted out" or "wiped out" of God's book of life, which means that the person will not receive eternal life.
* The Bible talks about a person's name being "blotted out" or "wiped out" of God's Book of Life, which means that the person will not receive eternal life.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, these expressions could be translated as "get rid of" or "remove" or "completely destroy" or "completely remove."
* When referring to blotting someone's name out of the Book of Life, this could be translated as, "removed from" or "erased."
* When referring to blotting someone's name out of the Book of Life, this could be translated as "removed from" or "erased."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ The term "boast" means to talk proudly about something or someone. Often it mean
* God rebuked the Israelites for "boasting in" their idols. They arrogantly worshiped false gods instead of the true God.
* The Bible also talks about people boasting in such things as their wealth, their strength, their fruitful fields, and their laws. This means that they were proud about these things and did not acknowledge that God is the one who provided these things.
* God urged the Israelites to instead "boast" or be proud about the fact that they know him.
* The apostle, Paul also talks about boasting in the Lord, which means being glad and thankful to God for all he has done for them.
* The apostle Paul also talks about boasting in the Lord, which means being glad and thankful to God for all he has done for them.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate "boast" could include "brag" or "talk proudly" or "be proud."
* The term "boastful" could be translated by a word or phrase that means, "full of prideful talk" or "prideful" or "talking proudly about oneself."
* The term "boastful" could be translated by a word or phrase that means "full of prideful talk" or "prideful" or "talking proudly about oneself."
* In the context of boasting in or about knowing God, this could be translated as "take pride in" or "exalt in" or "be very glad about" or "give thanks to God about."
* Some languages have two words for "pride": one that is negative, with the meaning of being arrogant, and the other that is positive, with the meaning of taking pride in ones' work, family, or country.

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@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ The term "body" literally refers to the physical body of a person or animal. Thi
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The best way to translate this term would be with the word that is most commonly used to refer to a physical body in the project language. Make sure that the word used is not an offensive term.
* When referring collectively to believers, for some languages it may be more natural and accurate to say, "spiritual body of Christ."
* When Jesus says, "This is my body" it is best to translate this literally, with a note to explain it if needed.
* When referring collectively to believers, for some languages it may be more natural and accurate to say "spiritual body of Christ."
* When Jesus says, "This is my body," it is best to translate this literally, with a note to explain it if needed.
* Some languages may have a separate word when referring to a dead body, such as "corpse" for a person or "carcass" for an animal. Make sure the word used to translate this makes sense in the context and is acceptable.
(See also: [head](../other/ **·** [spirit](../kt/

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@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ The term "bind" means to tie something or fasten it securely. Something that is
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "bind" could also be translated as "tie" or "tie up" or "wrap (around)."
* Figuratively, it could be translated as, "to restrain" or "to prevent" or "to keep from (something)."
* Figuratively, it could be translated as "to restrain" or "to prevent" or "to keep from (something)."
* A special use of "bind" in Matthew 16 and 18 means "forbid" or "not permit."
* The term "bonds" could be translated as "chains" or "ropes" or "shackles."
* Figuratively the term "bond" could be translated as "knot" or "connection" or "close relationship."
* The phrase, "bond of peace" means, "being in harmony, which brings people in closer relationship to each other" or "the tying together that peace brings."
* To "bind up" could be translated as, "wrap around" or "put a bandage on."
* To "bind" oneself with a vow could be translated as, "promise to fulfill a vow" or "commit to fulfill a vow."
* Depending on the context, the term "bound" could also be translate as, "tied" or "tied up" or "chained" or "obligated (to fulfill)" or "required to do."
* The phrase "bond of peace" means "being in harmony, which brings people in closer relationship to each other" or "the tying together that peace brings."
* To "bind up" could be translated as "wrap around" or "put a bandage on."
* To "bind" oneself with a vow could be translated as "promise to fulfill a vow" or "commit to fulfill a vow."
* Depending on the context, the term "bound" could also be translated as "tied" or "tied up" or "chained" or "obligated (to fulfill)" or "required to do."
(See also: [fulfill](../kt/ **·** [peace](../other/ **·** [prison](../other/ **·** [servant](../other/ **·** [vow](../kt/

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
The term "born again" was first used by Jesus to describe what it means for God to change a person from being dead spiritually to being alive spiritually. the terms "born of God" and "born of the Spirit" also refer to a person being given new spiritual life.
The term "born again" was first used by Jesus to describe what it means for God to change a person from being dead spiritually to being alive spiritually. The terms "born of God" and "born of the Spirit" also refer to a person being given new spiritual life.
* All humans are born spiritually dead and are given a "new birth" when they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
* At the moment of the spiritual new birth, God's Holy Spirit begins to live in the new believer and empowers him to produce good spiritual fruit in his life.
@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ The term "born again" was first used by Jesus to describe what it means for God
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate "born again" could include, "born anew" or "born spiritually."
* Other ways to translate "born again" could include "born anew" or "born spiritually."
* It is best to translate this term literally and use the normal word in the language that would be used for being born.
* The term "new birth" might be translated as "spiritual birth."
* The phrase "born of God" could be translated as, "caused by God to have new life like a newborn baby" or "given new life by God."
* In the same way, "born of the Spirit" could be translated as, "given new life by the Holy Spirit" or "empowered by the Holy Spirit to become God's child" or "caused by the Spirit to have new life like a newborn baby."
* The phrase "born of God" could be translated as "caused by God to have new life like a newborn baby" or "given new life by God."
* In the same way, "born of the Spirit" could be translated as "given new life by the Holy Spirit" or "empowered by the Holy Spirit to become God's child" or "caused by the Spirit to have new life like a newborn baby."
(See also: [holyspirit](../kt/ **·** [salvation](../kt/

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ To bow means to bend over to humbly express respect and honor toward someone. To
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, this term could be translated with a word or phrase that means, "bend forward" or "bend the head" or "kneel."
* Depending on the context, this term could be translated with a word or phrase that means "bend forward" or "bend the head" or "kneel."
* The term "bow down" could be translated as "kneel down" or "prostrate oneself."
* Some languages will have more than one way of translating this term, depending on the context.

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@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ In the Bible, the terms "breathe" and "breath" are often used figuratively to re
## Translation Suggestions ##
* The expression "breathed his last" is a figurative way of saying "he died." It could also be translated as, "he took his last breath" or "he stopped breathing and died" or "he breathed in air one last time."
* The expression "breathed his last" is a figurative way of saying "he died." It could also be translated as "he took his last breath" or "he stopped breathing and died" or "he breathed in air one last time."
* Describing the Scriptures as "God-breathed" means that God spoke or inspired the words of the Scriptures which human authors then wrote down. It is probably best, if possible, to translate "God-breathed" somewhat literally since it is difficult to communicate the exact meaning of this.
* If a literal translation of "God-breathed" is not acceptable, other ways to translate this could include, "inspired by God" or "authored by God" or "spoken by God." It could also be said that "God breathed out the words of Scripture."
* The expressions "put breath in" or "breathe life into" or "gives breath to" could be translated as, "cause to breathe" or "make alive again" or "enable them to live and breathe" or "give life to."
* If possible, it is best to translate "breath of God" with the literal word that is used for "breath" in the language. If God cannot be said to have "breath," this could be translated as, "God's power" or "God's speech."
* The expression "catch my breath" or "get my breath" could be translated as, "relax in order to breathe more slowly" or "stop running in order to breathe normally."
* If a literal translation of "God-breathed" is not acceptable, other ways to translate this could include "inspired by God" or "authored by God" or "spoken by God." It could also be said that "God breathed out the words of Scripture."
* The expressions "put breath in" or "breathe life into" or "gives breath to" could be translated as "cause to breathe" or "make alive again" or "enable them to live and breathe" or "give life to."
* If possible, it is best to translate "breath of God" with the literal word that is used for "breath" in the language. If God cannot be said to have "breath," this could be translated as "God's power" or "God's speech."
* The expression "catch my breath" or "get my breath" could be translated as "relax in order to breathe more slowly" or "stop running in order to breathe normally."
* The expression "is only a breath" means "lasts a very short time."
* Similarly the expression "man is a single breath" means "people live a very short time" or "the lives of human beings are very short, like a single breath" or "compared to God, the life of a person seems as short as the time it takes to breathe in one breath of air."

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@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ The term "brother" usually refers to a male person who shares at least one biolo
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* It is best to translate this term with the literal word that is used in the target language to refer to a natural or biological brother, unless this would give wrong meaning.
* In the Old Testament especially, when "brothers" is used very generally to refer to members of the same family, clan, or people group, possible translations could include, "relatives" or "clan members" or "fellow Israelites."
* In the context of referring to a fellow believer in Christ, this term could be translated as, "brother in Christ" or "spiritual brother."
* In the Old Testament especially, when "brothers" is used very generally to refer to members of the same family, clan, or people group, possible translations could include "relatives" or "clan members" or "fellow Israelites."
* In the context of referring to a fellow believer in Christ, this term could be translated as "brother in Christ" or "spiritual brother."
* If both males and females are being referred to and "brother" would give a wrong meaning, then a more general kinship term could be used that would include both males and females.
* Other ways to translate this term so that it refers to both male and female believers could be, "fellow believers" or "Christian brothers and sisters."
* Other ways to translate this term so that it refers to both male and female believers could be "fellow believers" or "Christian brothers and sisters."
* Make sure to check the context to determine whether only men are being referred to, or whether both men and women are included.
(See also: [apostle, the twelve, the eleven](../kt/ **·** [God the Father, Heavenly Father](../kt/ **·** [sister](../other/ **·** [spirit](../kt/

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
In the Bible, the term "child" is often used to generally refer to someone who is young in age, including an infant. The term "children" is the plural form and also has several figurative uses.
In the Bible, the term "child" is often used to generally refer to someone who is young in age, including an infant. The term "children" is the plural form and it also has several figurative uses.
* In the Bible, disciples or followers are sometimes called "children."
* Often the term "children" is used to refer to a person's descendants.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The terms "Messiah" and "Christ" mean "Anointed One" and refer to Jesus, God's S
* Both "Messiah" and "Christ" are used in the New Testament to refer to God's Son, whom God the Father appointed to rule as king over his people, and to save them from sin and death.
* In the Old Testament, the prophets wrote prophecies about the Messiah hundreds of years before he came to earth.
* Often a word meaning "anointed (one)" is used in the Old Testament to refer to the Messiah who would come.
* Jesus fulfilled many of these prophecies and did many miraculous works that proved he is the Messiah; the rest of these prophecies will be fulfilled when he returns.
* Jesus fulfilled many of these prophecies and did many miraculous works that proves he is the Messiah; the rest of these prophecies will be fulfilled when he returns.
* The word "Christ" is often used as a title, as in "the Christ" and "Christ Jesus."
* "Christ" also came to be used as part of his name, as in "Jesus Christ."

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
The tern "clean" literally means to not have any dirt or stain. In the Bible, it is often used figuratively to mean, "pure," "holy," or "free from sin."
The term "clean" literally means to not have any dirt or stain. In the Bible, it is often used figuratively to mean, "pure," "holy," or "free from sin."
* "Cleanse" is the process of making something "clean." It could also be translated as "wash" or "purify."
* In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites which animals he had specified as ritually "clean" and which ones were "unclean." Only the clean animals were permitted to be used for eating or for sacrifice. In this context, the term "clean" means that the animal was acceptable to God for use as a sacrifice.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ When used figuratively in the Bible, "clothed with" means to be endowed or equip
* In the same way that clothing is external to your body and is visible to all, when you are "clothed" with a certain character quality, others can readily see it. To "clothe yourself with kindness" means to let your actions be so characterized by kindness that it is easily seen by everyone.
* To be "clothed with power from on high" means to have power given to you.
* This term is also used to express negative experiences, such as "clothed with shame" or "clothed with terror"
* This term is also used to express negative experiences, such as "clothed with shame" or "clothed with terror."
## Translation Suggestions: ##

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A covenant is a formal, binding agreement between two parties that one or both p
* When people make a covenant with each other, they promise that they will do something, and they must do it.
* Examples of human covenants include marriage covenants, business agreements, and treaties between countries.
* Throughout the Bible, God made several different covenants with his people.
* In some of the covenants, God promised to fulfill his part without conditions. For example when God established his covenant with mankind, promising to never destroy the earth again with a worldwide flood, this promise had no conditions for people to fulfill.
* In some of the covenants, God promised to fulfill his part without conditions. For example, when God established his covenant with mankind promising to never destroy the earth again with a worldwide flood, this promise had no conditions for people to fulfill.
* In other covenants, God promised to fulfill his part only if the people obeyed him and fulfilled their part of the covenant.
## Translation Suggestions: ##

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ This term is used to describe God's commitment to fulfill the promises that he m
* God made promises to the Israelites in formal agreements called "covenants."
* The "covenant faithfulness" or "covenant loyalty" of Yahweh refers to the fact that he keeps his promises to his people.
* God faithfulness to keep his covenant promises is an expression of his grace toward his people.
* The term "loyalty" is another word that refers to being committed and dependable to do and say what has been promised and what will benefit someone else.
* God's faithfulness to keep his covenant promises is an expression of his grace toward his people.
* The term "loyalty" is another word that refers to being committed and dependable, to do and say what has been promised, and what will benefit someone else.
## Translation Suggestions: ##

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The term "darkness" literally means an absence of light. There are also several
* As a metaphor, "darkness" means "impurity" or "evil" or "spiritual blindness."
* It also refers to anything related to sin and moral corruption.
* The expression, "dominion of darkness" refers to all that is evil and ruled by Satan.
* The expression "dominion of darkness" refers to all that is evil and ruled by Satan.
* The term "darkness" can also be used as a metaphor for death. (See: [Metaphor](
* People who do not know God are said to be "living in darkness," which means they do not understand or practice righteousness.
* God is light (righteousness) and the darkness (evil) cannot overcome that light.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate this could include, "my daughter Israel, from Zion" or "people from Zion, who are like a daughter to me" or "Zion, my dear people Israel."
* Ways to translate this could include "my daughter Israel, from Zion" or "people from Zion, who are like a daughter to me" or "Zion, my dear people Israel."
* It is best to keep the term "Zion" in this expression since it is used many times in the Bible. A note could be included in the translation to explain its figurative meaning and prophetic use.
* It is also better to keep the term "Daughter" in the translation of this expression, as long as it is understood correctly.

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
The Old Testament term "day of Yahweh" is used to refer to a specific time(s) when God would punish people for their sin.
* The New Testament term "day of the Lord" usually refers to the day or time when the Lord Jesus will come back to judge people at the end of time.
* This final, future time of judgment and resurrection, is also sometimes referred to as the "last day." This time will begin when the Lord Jesus comes back to judge sinners and will permanently establish his rule.
* This final, future time of judgment and resurrection is also sometimes referred to as the "last day." This time will begin when the Lord Jesus comes back to judge sinners and will permanently establish his rule.
* The word "day" in these phrases may sometimes refer to a literal day or it may refer to a "time" or "occasion" that is longer than a day.
* Sometimes the punishment is referred to as a "pouring out of God's wrath" upon those who do not believe.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate "day of Yahweh" could include, "time of Yahweh" or "time when Yahweh will punish his enemies" or "time of Yahweh's wrath."
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate "day of Yahweh" could include "time of Yahweh" or "time when Yahweh will punish his enemies" or "time of Yahweh's wrath."
* Other ways to translate "day of the Lord" could include "time of the Lord's judgment" or "time when the Lord Jesus will return to judge people."
(See also: [biblicaltimeday](../other/ **·** [judgmentday](../kt/ **·** [lordgod](../kt/ **·** [resurrection](../kt/ **·** [yahweh](../kt/

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@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ This term is used to refer to both physical and spiritual death. Physically, it
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* To translate this term, it is best to use the everyday, natural word or expression that refers to death in the target language.
* To translate this term, it is best to use the everyday, natural word or expression in the target language that refers to death.
* In some languages, "to die" may be expressed as "to not live." The term "dead" may be translated as "not alive" or "not having any life" or "not living."
* Many languages use figurative expressions to describe death, such as "to pass away" in English. However in the Bible it is best to use the most direct term for death that is used in everyday language.
* Many languages use figurative expressions to describe death, such as "to pass away" in English. However, in the Bible it is best to use the most direct term for death that is used in everyday language.
* In the Bible, physical life and death are often compared to spiritual life and death. It is important in a translation to use the same word or phrase for both physical death and spiritual death.
* In some languages it may be more clear to say "spiritual death" when the context requires that meaning. Some translators may also feel it is best to say "physical death" in contexts where it is being contrasted to spiritual death.
* The expression, "the dead" is a nominal adjective that refers to people who have died. Some languages will translate this as, "dead people" or "people who have died." (See: [nominal adjective](
* The expression, "put to death" could also be translated as, "kill" or "murder" or "execute."
* The expression "the dead" is a nominal adjective that refers to people who have died. Some languages will translate this as "dead people" or "people who have died." (See: [nominal adjective](
* The expression "put to death" could also be translated as "kill" or "murder" or "execute."
(See also: [believe](../kt/ **·** [faith](../kt/ **·** [life](../kt/ **·** [spirit](../kt/

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@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
The term "deceive" means to cause someone to believe something that is not true. The act of deceiving someone is called "deceit."
* Another term, "deception" also refers to the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true.
* Another term "deception" also refers to the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true.
* Someone who causes others to believe something false is a "deceiver." For example, Satan is called a "deceiver." The evil spirits that he controls are also deceivers.
* A person, action, or message that is not truthful can be described as "deceptive."
* The terms "deceit" and "deception" have the same meaning, but there are some small differences in how they are used.
* The descriptive terms, "deceitful" and "deceptive" have the same meaning and are used in the same contexts.
* The descriptive terms "deceitful" and "deceptive" have the same meaning and are used in the same contexts.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate "deceive" could include "lie to" or "cause to have a false belief" or "cause someone to think something that is not true."
* The term "deceived" could also be translated as, "caused to think something false" or "lied to" or "tricked" or "fooled" or "misled."
* "Deceiver" could be translated as, "liar" or "one who misleads" or "someone who deceives."
* The term "deceived" could also be translated as "caused to think something false" or "lied to" or "tricked" or "fooled" or "misled."
* "Deceiver" could be translated as "liar" or "one who misleads" or "someone who deceives."
* Depending on the context, the terms "deception" or "deceit" could be translated with a word or phrase that means "falsehood" or "lying" or "trickery" or "dishonesty."
* The terms "deceptive" or "deceitful" could be translated by "untruthful" or "misleading" or "lying" to describe a person who speaks or acts in a way that causes other people to believe things that are not true.
* The terms "deceptive" or "deceitful" could be translated as "untruthful" or "misleading" or "lying" to describe a person who speaks or acts in a way that causes other people to believe things that are not true.
(See also: [true](../kt/

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ To "deliver" someone means to rescue that person. The term "deliverer" refers t
* In the context of helping people escape from their enemies, the term "deliver" can be translated as "rescue" or "liberate" or "save."
* When it means to deliver someone over to the enemy, "deliver over" can be translated as "betray to" or "hand over" or "give over."
* The word "deliverer" can also be translated as, "rescuer" or "liberator."
* The word "deliverer" can also be translated as "rescuer" or "liberator."
* When the term "deliverer" refers to the judges who led Israel, it could also be translated as "governor" or "judge" or "leader."
(See also: [judge](../kt/ **·** [save](../kt/

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ A person who is demon-possessed has a demon or evil spirit that controls what he
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate this term could include, "demon-controlled" or "controlled by an evil spirit" or "having an evil spirit living inside."
* Other ways to translate this term could include "demon-controlled" or "controlled by an evil spirit" or "having an evil spirit living inside."
(See also: [demon](../kt/

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ The term "discipline" refers to training people to obey a set of guidelines for
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, "discipline" could be translated as, "train and instruct" or "morally guide" or "punish for wrongdoing."
* The noun, "discipline" could be translated as "moral training" or "punishment" or "moral correction" or "moral guidance and instruction."
* Depending on the context, "discipline" could be translated as "train and instruct" or "morally guide" or "punish for wrongdoing."
* The noun "discipline" could be translated as "moral training" or "punishment" or "moral correction" or "moral guidance and instruction."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
The term "divine" refers to anything pertaining to God.
* Some ways this term is used include, "divine authority," "divine judgment," "divine nature," "divine power," and "divine glory."
* Some ways this term is used include "divine authority," "divine judgment," "divine nature," "divine power," and "divine glory."
* In one passage in the Bible, the term "divine" is used to describe something about a false deity.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate the term "divine" could include, "God's" or "from God" or "pertaining to God" or "characterized by God."
* Ways to translate the term "divine" could include "God's" or "from God" or "pertaining to God" or "characterized by God."
* For example, "divine authority" could be translated as "God's authority" or "authority that comes from God."
* The phrase "divine glory" could be translated as "God's glory" or "the glory that God has" or "glory that comes from God."
* Some translations may prefer to use a different word when describing something that pertains to a false god.

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ The term "dominion" refers to power, control, or authority over people, animals,
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, other Ways to translate this term could include "authority" or "power" or "control."
* The phrase "have dominion over" could be translated as, "rule over" or "manage."
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate this term could include "authority" or "power" or "control."
* The phrase "have dominion over" could be translated as "rule over" or "manage."
(See also: [authority](../kt/ **·** [power](../kt/

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@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
The term "endure" means to last a long time or to bear something difficult with patience.
* It also means to stand firm when times of testing come, without giving up.
* The term "endurance" can mean "patience," "bearing up under a trial," or "persevering when being persecuted."
* The term "endurance" can mean "patience" or "bearing up under a trial" or "persevering when being persecuted."
* The encouragement to Christians to "endure to the end" is telling them to obey Jesus, even if this causes them to suffer.
* To "endure suffering" can also mean to "experience suffering."
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate the term "endure" could include, "persevere" or "keep believing" or "continue to do what God wants you to do" or "stand firm."
* In some contexts, "to endure" could be translated as, "to experience" or "to go through."
* With the meaning of lasting for a long time, the term "endure" could also be tranlsated as "last" or "continue." The phrase, "will not endure" could be translated as, "will not last" or "will not continue to survive."
* Ways to translate "endurance" could include, "perseverance" or "continuing to believe" or "remaining faithful."
* Ways to translate the term "endure" could include "persevere" or "keep believing" or "continue to do what God wants you to do" or "stand firm."
* In some contexts, "to endure" could be translated as "to experience" or "to go through."
* With the meaning of lasting for a long time, the term "endure" could also be tranlsated as "last" or "continue." The phrase "will not endure" could be translated as "will not last" or "will not continue to survive."
* Ways to translate "endurance" could include "perseverance" or "continuing to believe" or "remaining faithful."
(See also: [persevere, perseverance](../other/

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ An "evangelist" is a person who tells other people the good news about Jesus Chr
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "evangelist" could be translated as, "someone who preaches the good news" or "teacher of the good news" or "person who proclaims the good news (about Jesus)" or "good news proclaimer."
* The term "evangelist" could be translated as "someone who preaches the good news" or "teacher of the good news" or "person who proclaims the good news (about Jesus)" or "good news proclaimer."
(See also: [goodnews](../kt/ **·** [spirit](../kt/ **·** [gift](../kt/

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@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ The terms "evil" and "wicked" both refer to anything that is opposed to God's ho
* While "evil" may describe a person's character, "wicked" may refer more to a person's behavior. However, both terms are very similar in meaning.
* The term "wickedness" refers to the state of being that exists when people do wicked things.
* The results of evil are clearly shown in how people mistreat others by killing, stealing, slandering or being cruel and unkind.
* The results of evil are clearly shown in how people mistreat others by killing, stealing, slandering and being cruel and unkind.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, the terms "evil" and "wicked" can be translated as "bad" or "sinful" or "immoral"
* Other ways to translate these could include, "not good" or "not righteous" or "not moral."
* Depending on the context, the terms "evil" and "wicked" can be translated as "bad" or "sinful" or "immoral."
* Other ways to translate these could include "not good" or "not righteous" or "not moral."
* Make sure the words or phrases that are used to translate these terms fit the context that is natural in the target language.
(See also: [disobey, disobedient](../other/ **·** [sin, sinful, sinner](../kt/ **·** [good, goodness](../kt/ **·** [righteous](../kt/ **·** [demon, evil spirit, unclean spirit](../kt/
(See also: [disobey, disobedient](../other/ **·** [sin, sinful, sinner](../kt/ **·** [good, goodness](../kt/ **·** [righteous](../kt/ **·** [demon, evil spirit, unclean spirit](../kt/
## Bible References: ##

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@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ To exalt is to highly praise and honor someone. It can also mean to put someone
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate "exalt" could include, "highly praise" or "honor greatly" or "extol" or "speak highly of."
* In some contexts, it could be translated by a word or phrase that means, "put in a higher position" or "give more honor to" or "talk about proudly."
* Ways to translate "exalt" could include "highly praise" or "honor greatly" or "extol" or "speak highly of."
* In some contexts it could be translated by a word or phrase that means "put in a higher position" or "give more honor to" or "talk about proudly."
* "Do not exalt yourself" could also be translated as "Do not think of yourself too highly" or "Do not brag about yourself."
* "Those that exalt themselves" could also be translated as "Those who think proudly about themselves" or "Those who boast about themselves"
* "Those that exalt themselves" could also be translated as "Those who think proudly about themselves" or "Those who boast about themselves."
(See also: [praise](../other/ **·** [worship](../kt/ **·** [glorify](../kt/ **·** [boast](../kt/ **·** [proud](../other/

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The term "exhort" means to strongly encourage and urge someone to do what is rig
* Depending on the context, "exhort" could also be translated as "strongly urge" or "persuade" or "advise."
* Make sure the translation of this term does not imply that the exhorter is angry. The term should convey strength and seriousness, but should not refer to angry speech.
* In most contexts, the term "exhort" should be translated differently than "encourage," which means to inspire, reassure, or comfort someone.
* Ussually this term will also be translated differently from "admonish," which means to warn or correct someone for his wrong behavior.
* Usually this term will also be translated differently from "admonish," which means to warn or correct someone for his wrong behavior.
## Bible References: ##

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@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
The word "face" literally refers to the front part of a person's head. This term also has several figurative meanings.
* The expression "your face" is often a figurative way of saying "you." Similarly, the expression "my face" often means, "I" or "me."
* The expression "your face" is often a figurative way of saying "you." Similarly, the expression "my face" often means "I" or "me."
* In a physical sense, "to face" someone or something means to look in the direction of that person or thing.
* To "face each other" means to "look directly at each other."
* Being "face to face" means that two people are seeing each other in person, at a close distance.
* When Jesus "steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem," it means that he very firmly decided to go.
* To "set one's face against" people or a city means to firmly decide: to no longer support, or to reject that city or person.
* The expression "face of the land" refers to the surface of the earth and often is a general reference to the whole earth. For example, a "famine covering the face of the earth" refers to a widespread famine that affected many people living on earth.
* The figurative expression, "do not hide your face from your people" means "do not reject your people" or "do not desert your people" or "do not stop taking care of your people."
* To "set one's face against" people or a city means to firmly decide to no longer support, or to reject that city or person.
* The expression "face of the land" refers to the surface of the earth and often is a general reference to the whole earth. For example, a "famine covering the face of the earth" refers to a widespread famine affecting many people living on earth.
* The figurative expression "do not hide your face from your people" means "do not reject your people" or "do not desert your people" or "do not stop taking care of your people."
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* If possible, it is best to keep the expression or use an expression in the project language that has a similar meaning.
* The term "to face" could be translated as "to turn toward" or "to look at directly" or "to look at the face of."
* The expression "face to face" could be translated as "up close" or "right in front of" or "in the presence of."
* Depending on the context, the expression "before his face" could be translated as, "ahead of him" or "in front of him" or "before him" or "in his presence."
* The expression, "set his face toward" could be translated as "began traveling toward" or "firmly made up his mind to go to."
* The expression, "hide his face from" could be translated as, "turn away from" or "stop helping or protecting" or "reject."
* To "set his face against" a city or people could be translated as, "look at with anger and condemn" or "refuse to accept" or "decide to reject" or "condemn and reject" or "pass judgment on."
* The expression, "say it to their face" could be translated as, "say it to them directly" or "say it to them in their presence" or "say it to them in person."
* The expression, "on the face of the land" could also be translated as, "throughout the land" or "over the whole earth" or "living throughout the earth."
* Depending on the context, the expression "before his face" could be translated as "ahead of him" or "in front of him" or "before him" or "in his presence."
* The expression "set his face toward" could be translated as "began traveling toward" or "firmly made up his mind to go to."
* The expression "hide his face from" could be translated as "turn away from" or "stop helping or protecting" or "reject."
* To "set his face against" a city or people could be translated as "look at with anger and condemn" or "refuse to accept" or "decide to reject" or "condemn and reject" or "pass judgment on."
* The expression "say it to their face" could be translated as "say it to them directly" or "say it to them in their presence" or "say it to them in person."
* The expression "on the face of the land" could also be translated as "throughout the land" or "over the whole earth" or "living throughout the earth."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ In general, the term "faith" refers to a belief, trust or confidence in someone
* To "have faith" in someone is to believe that what he says and does is true and trustworthy.
* To "have faith in Jesus" means to believe all of God's teachings about Jesus. It especially means that people trust in Jesus and his sacrifice to cleanse them from their sin and to rescue them from the punishment they deserve because of their sin.
* True faith or belief in Jesus will cause a person to produce good spiritual fruits or behaviors because the Holy Spirit is living in him.
* Sometimes "faith" refers generally to all the teachings about Jesus, as in the expression, "the truths of the faith."
* Sometimes "faith" refers generally to all the teachings about Jesus, as in the expression "the truths of the faith."
* In contexts such as "keep the faith" or "abandon the faith," the term "faith" refers to the state or condition of believing all the teachings about Jesus.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* In some contexts, "faith" can be translated as "belief" or "conviction" or "confidence" or "trust."
* For some languages these terms will be translated using forms of the verb "believe." (See: [abstractnouns](
* The expression, "keep the faith" could be translated by, "keep believing in Jesus" or "continue to believe in Jesus."
* The sentence, "they must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith" could be translated by, "they must keep believing all the true things about Jesus that they have been taught."
* The expression, "my true son in the faith" could be translated by something like, "who is like a son to me because I taught him to believe in Jesus" or "my true spiritual son, who believes in Jesus."
* The expression "keep the faith" could be translated by "keep believing in Jesus" or "continue to believe in Jesus."
* The sentence "they must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith" could be translated by "they must keep believing all the true things about Jesus that they have been taught."
* The expression "my true son in the faith" could be translated by something like "who is like a son to me because I taught him to believe in Jesus" or "my true spiritual son, who believes in Jesus."
(See also: [believe](../kt/ **·** [faithful](../kt/

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ To be "faithful" to God means to consistently live according to God's teachings.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* In many contexts, "faithful" can be translated as "loyal" or "dedicated" or "dependable."
* In other contexts, "faithful" can be translated by a word or phrase that means, "continuing to believe" or "persevering in believing and obeying God."
* Ways that "faithfulness" could be translated could include, "persevering in believing" or "loyalty" or "trustworthiness" or "believing and obeying God."
* In other contexts, "faithful" can be translated by a word or phrase that means "continuing to believe" or "persevering in believing and obeying God."
* Ways that "faithfulness" could be translated could include "persevering in believing" or "loyalty" or "trustworthiness" or "believing and obeying God."
(See also: [faith](../kt/ **·** [believe, believe in, belief](../kt/

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
The term "faithless" means to not have faith or to not believe.
* This word is used to describe people who do not believe in God, which is seen by the immoral way they act.
* This word is used to describe people who do not believe in God which is seen by the immoral way they act.
* The prophet Jeremiah accused Israel of being faithless and disobedient to God.
* They worshiped idols and followed other ungodly customs of people groups who did not worship or obey God.

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@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
The term "favor" refers to doing something to benefit someone who is regarded positively. Something that is "favorable" is positive, approving, or beneficial.
* The term "favoritism" means to act favorably toward some people but not others. Often favoritism is The term "favoritism" means acting favorably toward some people, but not others. shown toward people who are rich or are considered
* The term "favoritism" means to act favorably toward some people but not others. It means to pick one person over another or one thing over another because the person or item is preferred.
* Jesus grew up "in favor with" God and men. This means they approved of his character and behavior.
* The expression "find favor" means that someone is approved of by someone else.
* When a king shows favor to someone, it often means that he approves of that person's request and grants it.
* A "favor" can also be a gesture or action towards or for another person for their benefit.
## Translation Suggestions: ##

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ In general, the term "fellowship" refers to friendly interactions between member
* In the Bible, the term "fellowship" usually refers to the unity of believers in Christ.
* Christian fellowship is a shared relationship that believers have with one another through their relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit.
* The early Christians expressed their fellowship through listening to the teaching of God's Word and praying together, through the sharing of their belongings, and eating meals together.
* The early Christians expressed their fellowship through listening to the teaching of God's Word and praying together, through the sharing of their belongings, and through eating meals together.
* Christians also have fellowship with God through their faith in Jesus and his sacrificial death on the cross which removed the barrier between God and people.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate "fellowship" could include, "a sharing together" or "relationship" or "companionship" or "Christian community."
* Ways to translate "fellowship" could include "a sharing together" or "relationship" or "companionship" or "Christian community."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
## Definition: ##
The term "filled with the Spirit" is a figurative expression that means that the Holy Spirit is empowering a person to do God's will.
The term "filled with the Spirit" is a figurative expression that, when used to describe a person means the Holy Spirit is empowering that person to do God's will.
* The expression "filled with" is an expression that often means "controlled by."
* People are "filled with the Spirit" when they follow the Holy Spirit's leading and completely rely on him to help them do what God wants.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could be translated as, "empowered by the Holy Spirit" or "controlled by the Holy Spirit." But it should not sound as though the Holy Spirit is forcing the person to do something.
* A sentence such as "he was filled with the Spirit" could be translated as, "he was living fully by the Spirit's power" or "he was completely guided by the Holy Spirit" or "the Holy Spirit was guiding him completely."
* This term could be translated as "empowered by the Holy Spirit" or "controlled by the Holy Spirit." But it should not sound as though the Holy Spirit is forcing the person to do something.
* A sentence such as "he was filled with the Spirit" could be translated as "he was living fully by the Spirit's power" or "he was completely guided by the Holy Spirit" or "the Holy Spirit was guiding him completely."
* This term is similar in meaning to the expression "live by the Spirit," but "filled with the Spirit" emphasizes the completeness with which a person allows the Holy Spirit to have control or influence over his life. So these two expressions should be translated differently, if possible.
(See also: [Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord](../kt/

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
The term "firstborn" refers to an offspring of people or animals that is born first, before the other offspring are born. Usually the firstborn
The term "firstborn" refers to an offspring of people or animals that is born first, before the other offspring are born.
* In the Bible, "firstborn" usually refers to the first male offspring that is born.
* In Bible times, the firstborn son was given a place of prominence and twice as much of his family inheritance as the other sons.
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The term "firstborn" refers to an offspring of people or animals that is born fi
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* When "firstborn" occurs in the text alone, it could also be translated as "firstborn male" or "firstborn son," since that is what is implied. (See: [Assumed Knowledge and Implicit Information](
* Other ways to translate this term could include, "the son who was born first" or "the eldest son" or "the number one son."
* When used figuratively to refer to Jesus, this could be translated with a word or phrase that means, "the son who has authority over everything" or "the Son who is first in honor."
* Other ways to translate this term could include "the son who was born first" or "the eldest son" or "the number one son."
* When used figuratively to refer to Jesus, this could be translated with a word or phrase that means "the son who has authority over everything" or "the Son who is first in honor."
* Caution: Make sure the translation of this term in reference to Jesus does not imply that he was created.
(See also: [inherit](../kt/ **·** [sacrifice](../other/ **·** [son](../kt/

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@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ In the Bible, the term "flesh" literally refers to the soft tissue of the physic
* The Bible also uses the term "flesh" in a figurative way to refer to all human beings or all living creatures.
* In the New Testament, the term "flesh" is used to refer to the sinful nature of human beings. This is often used in contrast to their spiritual nature.
* The expression, "own flesh and blood" refers to someone who is biologically related to another person, such as a parent, sibling, child, or grandchild.
* The expression "own flesh and blood" refers to someone who is biologically related to another person, such as a parent, sibling, child, or grandchild.
* The expression "flesh and blood" can also refer to a person's ancestors or descendants.
* The expression, "one flesh" refers to the physical uniting of a man and woman in marriage.
* The expression "one flesh" refers to the physical uniting of a man and woman in marriage.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* In the context of an animal's body, "flesh" could be translated as "body" or "skin" or "meat."
* When it is used to refer generally to all living creatures, this term could be translated as "living beings" or "everything that is alive."
* When referring in general to all people, this term could be translated as "people" or "human beings" or "everyone who lives."
* The expression, "flesh and blood" could also be translated as "relatives" or "family" or "kinfolk" or "family clan." There may be contexts where it could be translated as "ancestors" or "descendants."
* The expression "flesh and blood" could also be translated as "relatives" or "family" or "kinfolk" or "family clan." There may be contexts where it could be translated as "ancestors" or "descendants."
* Some languages may have an expression that is similar in meaning to "flesh and blood."
* The expression, "become one flesh" could be translated as, "unite sexually" or "become as one body" or "become like one person in body and spirit." The translation of this expression should be checked to make sure it is acceptable in the project language and culture. (See: [euphemism]( It should also be understood that this is figurative, and does not mean that the man and woman literally become one person.
* The expression "become one flesh" could be translated as "unite sexually" or "become as one body" or "become like one person in body and spirit." The translation of this expression should be checked to make sure it is acceptable in the project language and culture. (See: [euphemism]( It should also be understood that this is figurative, and does not mean that a man and a woman who "become one flesh" literally become one person.
## Bible References: ##
* [1 John 02:15-17](

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
The term "fool" refers to a person who often makes wrong choices, especially choosing to disobey. The term "foolish" describes a person or behavior that is not wise.
* In the Bible, the term "fool" usually refers to a person who does not believe or obey God. This is often contrasted to the wise person, who trusts in God and obeys God.
* In the Psalms, David describes a fool as a person who does not believe in God, who ignores all the evidence of God in his creation.
* In the Psalms, David describes a fool as a person who does not believe in God, one who ignores all the evidence of God in his creation.
* The Old Testament book of Proverbs also gives many descriptions of what a fool, or foolish person, is like.
* The term "folly" refers to an action that is not wise because it is against God's will. Often "folly" also includes the meaning of something that is ridiculous or dangerous.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "fool" could be translated as, "foolish person" or "unwise person" or "senseless person" or "ungodly person."
* Ways to translate "foolish" could include, "lacking understanding" or "unwise" or "senseless."
* The term "fool" could be translated as "foolish person" or "unwise person" or "senseless person" or "ungodly person."
* Ways to translate "foolish" could include "lacking understanding" or "unwise" or "senseless."
(See also: [wise](../kt/

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
In the Bible, the term "forever" refers to never-ending time. Sometimes it is used figuratively to mean, "a very long time."
In the Bible, the term "forever" refers to never-ending time. Sometimes it is used figuratively to mean "a very long time."
* The term "forever and ever" emphasizes that something will always exist.
* The phrase "forever and ever" is a way of expressing what eternity or eternal life is. It also has the idea of time that never ends.
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ In the Bible, the term "forever" refers to never-ending time. Sometimes it is us
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could also be translated by "always" or "never ending."
* The phrase, "will last forever" could also be translated as "always exist" or "will never stop" or "will always continue."
* The emphatic phrase, "forever and ever" could also be translated as, "for always and always" or "not ever ending" or "which never, ever ends."
* David's throne lasting forever could be translated as, "David's descendant will reign forever" or "a descendant of mine will always be reigning."
* The phrase "will last forever" could also be translated as "always exist" or "will never stop" or "will always continue."
* The emphatic phrase "forever and ever" could also be translated as "for always and always" or "not ever ending" or "which never, ever ends."
* David's throne lasting forever could be translated as "David's descendant will reign forever" or "a descendant of mine will always be reigning."
(See also: [david](../other/ **·** [everlasting, eternal, eternity](../kt/ **·** [reign](../other/

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@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
## Definition: ##
To forgive someone means to not hold a grudge against a person who did something hurtful. "Forgiveness" is the act of forgiving someone.
To forgive someone means to not hold a grudge against that person who did something hurtful. "Forgiveness" is the act of forgiving someone.
* Forgiving someone often means not punishing that person for something he has done wrong.
* This term can be used figuratively to mean, "cancel" as in the expression, "forgive a debt."
* This term can be used figuratively to mean "cancel," as in the expression "forgive a debt."
* When people confess their sins, God forgives them based on Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross.
* Jesus taught his disciples to forgive others as he has forgiven them.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, "forgive" could be translated as, "pardon" or "cancel" or "release" or "not hold against" (someone).
* The term "forgiveness" could be translated by a word or phrase that means, "practice of not resenting" or "declaring (someone) as not guilty" or "the act of pardoning."
* Depending on the context, "forgive" could be translated as "pardon" or "cancel" or "release" or "not hold against" (someone).
* The term "forgiveness" could be translated by a word or phrase that means "practice of not resenting" or "declaring (someone) as not guilty" or "the act of pardoning."
(See also: [guilt](../kt/

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# sexual immorality #
# sexual immorality, immorality, immoral #
## Definition: ##

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ The term "forsake" means to abandon someone or to give up something. Someone who
* When people "forsake" God, it means they are being unfaithful to him by disobeying him.
* When God "forsakes" people, it means he has stopped helping them and allowed them to experience suffering in order to cause them to turn back to him.
* This term can also mean to forsake things, such as forsaking, or not following God's teachings.
* The term "forsaken" can be used as past tense as in "he has forsaken you" or to refer to someone who has "been forsaken."
* This term can also mean to forsake things, such as forsaking, or not following, God's teachings.
* The term "forsaken" can be used as past tense, as in "he has forsaken you" or to refer to someone who has "been forsaken."
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate this term could include, "abandon" or "neglect" or "give up" or "go away from" or "leave behind," depending on the context.
* Other ways to translate this term could include "abandon" or "neglect" or "give up" or "go away from" or "leave behind," depending on the context.
* To "forsake" God's law could be translated "disobey God's law." This could also be translated as "abandon" or "give up on" or "stop obeying" his teachings or his laws.
* The phrase "be forsaken" can be translated as "be abandoned" or "be deserted."
* The project language may find it more clear to use different words to translate this term, depending on whether the text is talking about forsaking a thing or a person.

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@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
The terms "free" or "freedom" refer to not being in slavery, or any other kind of bondage. Another word for "freedom" is "liberty."
* The expression, "to set someone free" or "to free someone" means to provide a way for someone to no longer be in slavery or captivity.
* The expression "to set someone free" or "to free someone" means to provide a way for someone to no longer be in slavery or captivity.
* In the Bible, these terms are often used figuratively to refer to how a believer in Jesus is no longer under the power of sin.
* Having "liberty" or "freedom" can also refer to no longer being required to obey the Law of Moses, but instead being free to live by the teachings and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "free" could be translated with a word or phrase that means, "not bound" or "not enslaved" or "not in slavery" or "not in bondage."
* The term "freedom" or "liberty" could be translated with a word or phrase that means, "the state of being free" or "the condition of not being a slave" or "not being bound."
* The term "free" could be translated with a word or phrase that means "not bound" or "not enslaved" or "not in slavery" or "not in bondage."
* The term "freedom" or "liberty" could be translated with a word or phrase that means "the state of being free" or "the condition of not being a slave" or "not being bound."
* The expression "to set free" could be translated as "to cause to be free" or "to rescue from slavery" or "to release from bondage."
* A person who has been "set free" has been "released" or "taken out of" bondage or slavery.
(See also: [bond](../kt/ **·** [enslave](../kt/ **·** [servant](../other/, )
(See also: [bond](../kt/ **·** [enslave](../kt/ **·** [servant](../other/
## Bible References: ##

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@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ The term "fruit" literally refers to the part of a plant that can be eaten. Some
* In general, the expression "fruit of" refers to anything that comes from or that is produced by something else. For example, the "fruit of wisdom" refers to the good things that come from being wise.
* The expression "fruit of the land" refers generally to everything that the land produces for people to eat. This includes not only fruits such as grapes or dates, but also vegetables, nuts, and grains.
* The figurative expression "fruit of the Spirit" refers to godly qualities that the Holy Spirit produces in the lives of people who obey him.
* The expression, "fruit of the womb" refers to "what the womb produces," that is, children.
* The expression "fruit of the womb" refers to "what the womb produces," that is, children.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* It is best to translate this term using the general word for "fruit" that is commonly used in the project language to refer to the edible fruit of a fruit tree. In many languages it may be more natural to use the plural
* , "fruits" whenever it refers to more than one fruit.
* Depending on the context, the term "fruitful" could be translated as "producing much spiritual fruit" or "having many children" or "prosperous."
* The expression, "fruit of the land" could also be translated as, "food that the land produces" or "food crops that are growing in that region."
* When God created animals and people, he commanded them to "be fruitful and multiply," which refers to having many offspring. This could also be translated as, "have many offspring" or "have many children and descendants" or "have many children so that you will have many descendants."
* The expression, "fruit of the womb" could be translated as "what the womb produces" or "children a women gives birth to" or just "children." When Elisabeth says to Mary, "blessed is the fruit of your womb" she means, "blessed is the child you will give birth to." The project language may also have a different expression for this.
* Another expression, "fruit of the vine" could be translated as "vine fruit" or "grapes."
* Depending on the context, the expression "will be more fruitful" could also be translated as, "will produce more fruit" or "will have more children" or "will be prosperous."
* The apostle Paul's expression, "fruitful labor" could be translated as, "work that brings very good results" or "efforts that result in many people believing in Jesus."
* The "fruit of the Spirit" could also be translated as "works that the Holy Spirit produces" or "words and actions that show that the Holy Spirit is working in you."
* The expression "fruit of the land" could also be translated as "food that the land produces" or "food crops that are growing in that region."
* When God created animals and people, he commanded them to "be fruitful and multiply," which refers to having many offspring. This could also be translated as "have many offspring" or "have many children and descendants" or "have many children so that you will have many descendants."
* The expression "fruit of the womb" could be translated as "what the womb produces" or "children a women gives birth to" or just "children." When Elizabeth says to Mary "blessed is the fruit of your womb," she means "blessed is the child you will give birth to." The project language may also have a different expression for this.
* Another expression "fruit of the vine," could be translated as "vine fruit" or "grapes."
* Depending on the context, the expression "will be more fruitful" could also be translated as "will produce more fruit" or "will have more children" or "will be prosperous."
* The apostle Paul's expression "fruitful labor" could be translated as "work that brings very good results" or "efforts that result in many people believing in Jesus."
* The "fruit of the Spirit" could also be translated as "works that the Holy Spirit produces" or "words and actions that show that the Holy Spirit is working in someone."
(See also: [descendant](../other/ **·** [grain](../other/ **·** [grape](../other/ **·** [Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord](../kt/ **·** [vine](../other/ **·** [womb](../other/

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ The term "fulfill" means to complete or accomplish something that was expected.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, "fulfill" could be translated as "accomplish" or "complete" or "cause to happen" or "obey" or "perform."
* The phrase "has been fulfilled" could also be translated as, "has come true" or "has happened" or "has taken place."
* Ways to translate "fulfill" as in "fulfill your ministry" could include, "complete" or "perform" or "practice" or "serve other people as God has called you to do."
* The phrase "has been fulfilled" could also be translated as "has come true" or "has happened" or "has taken place."
* Ways to translate "fulfill," as in "fulfill your ministry," could include "complete" or "perform" or "practice" or "serve other people as God has called you to do."
(See also: [prophet](../kt/ **·** [christ](../kt/ **·** [minister](../kt/ **·** [call](../kt/

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ A "gate" is a hinged barrier at an access point in a fence or wall that surround
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate "gate" could be, "door" or "wall opening" or "barrier" or "entranceway."
* The phrase, "bars of the gate" could be translated as, "gate bolts" or "wooden beams to lock the gate" or "metal locking rods of the gate."
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate "gate" could be "door" or "wall opening" or "barrier" or "entranceway."
* The phrase "bars of the gate" could be translated as "gate bolts" or "wooden beams to lock the gate" or "metal locking rods of the gate."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
The term "gift" refers to anything that is given or offered to someone. A gift is given without the expectation of getting anything in return
* Money, food, clothing, or other things given to poor people are called "gifts."
* In the Bible, an offering or sacrifice given to God is also called a gift
* In the Bible, an offering or sacrifice given to God is also called a gift.
* The gift of salvation is something God gives us through faith in Jesus.
* In the New Testament, the term "gifts" is also used to refer to special spiritual abilities that God gives to all Christians for serving other people.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The general term for "gift" could be translated with a word or phrase that means "something that is given."
* In the context of someone having a gift or special ability that comes from God, the term "gift from the Spirit" could be translated as, "spiritual ability" or "special ability from the Holy Spirit" or "special spiritual skill that God gave."
* In the context of someone having a gift or special ability that comes from God, the term "gift from the Spirit" could be translated as "spiritual ability" or "special ability from the Holy Spirit" or "special spiritual skill that God gave."
(See also: [spirit](../kt/ **·** [holyspirit](../kt/

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@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ In general, the term "glory" means honor, splendor, and extreme greatness. Anyth
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, different ways to translate "glory" could include, "splendor" or "brightness" or "majesty" or "awesome greatness" or "extreme value."
* Depending on the context, different ways to translate "glory" could include "splendor" or "brightness" or "majesty" or "awesome greatness" or "extreme value."
* The term "glorious" could be translated as "full of glory" or "extremely valuable" or "brightly shining" or "awesomely majestic."
* The expression,"give glory to God" could be translated as "honor God's greatness" or "praise God because of his splendor" or "tell others how great God is."
* The expression "glory in" could also be translated as, "praise" or "take pride in" or "boast about" or "take pleasure in."
* The expression "give glory to God" could be translated as "honor God's greatness" or "praise God because of his splendor" or "tell others how great God is."
* The expression "glory in" could also be translated as "praise" or "take pride in" or "boast about" or "take pleasure in."
(See also: [glorify](../kt/

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@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ In the Bible, the term "God" refers to the eternal being who created the univers
* God is perfectly righteous, infinitely wise, holy, sinless, just, merciful, and loving.
* He is a covenant-keeping God, who always fulfills his promises.
* People were created to worship God and he is the only one they should worship.
* God revealed his name as "Yahweh" which means, "he is" or "I am" or "the One who (always) exists."
* The Bible also teaches about false "gods" which are nonliving idols that people wrongly worship.
* God revealed his name as "Yahweh," which means "he is" or "I am" or "the One who (always) exists."
* The Bible also teaches about false "gods," which are nonliving idols that people wrongly worship.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate "God" could include, "Deity" or "Creator" or "Supreme Being."
* Other ways to translate "God" could be, "Supreme Creator" or "Infinite Sovereign Lord" or "Eternal Supreme Being."
* Ways to translate "God" could include "Deity" or "Creator" or "Supreme Being."
* Other ways to translate "God" could be "Supreme Creator" or "Infinite Sovereign Lord" or "Eternal Supreme Being."
* Consider how God is referred to in a local or national language. There may also already be a word for "God" in the language being translated. If so, it is important to make sure that this word fits the characteristics of the one true God as described above.
* Many languages capitalize the first letter of the word for the one true God, to distinguish it from the word for a false god.
* Another way to make this distinction would be to use two different terms for "God" and "god."
* The phrase, "I will be their God and they will be my people" could also be translated as, "I, God, will rule over these people and they will worship me."
* Another way to make this distinction would be to use different terms for "God" and "god."
* The phrase "I will be their God and they will be my people" could also be translated as "I, God, will rule over these people and they will worship me."
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Facts: ##
The terms, "God the Father" and "heavenly Father" refer to Yahweh, the one true God. This term also occurs as "Father," especially when Jesus is referring to him.
The terms "God the Father" and "heavenly Father" refer to Yahweh, the one true God. This term also occurs as "Father," especially when Jesus was referring to him.
* God exists as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each one is fully God, and yet they are only one God. This is a mystery that mere humans cannot fully understand.
* God the Father sent God the Son (Jesus) into the world and he sends the Holy Spirit to his people.
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The terms, "God the Father" and "heavenly Father" refer to Yahweh, the one true
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* In the phrase "God the Father," it is best to translate "Father" with the same word that the language naturally uses to refer to a human father.
* In translating the phrase "God the Father," it is best to translate "Father" with the same word that the language naturally uses to refer to a human father.
* The term "heavenly Father" could be translated by "Father who lives in heaven" or "Father God who lives in heaven" or "God our Father from heaven."
* Usually "Father" is capitalized, to show that this refers to God.
* Usually "Father" is capitalized when it, refers to God.
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The word "good" has different meanings depending on the context. Many languages
* Something that is "good" could be pleasing, excellent, helpful, suitable, profitable, or morally right.
* Land that is "good" could be called "fertile" or "productive."
* A "good" crop could be a "plentiful" crop.
* A person can be "good" at what they do if they are skillful at their task or profession, as in, "a good farmer."
* A person can be "good" at what they do if they are skillful at their task or profession, as in, the expression, "a good farmer."
* In the Bible, the general meaning of "good" is often contrasted with "evil."
* The term "goodness" usually refers to being morally good or righteous in thoughts and actions.
* The goodness of God refers to how he blesses people by giving them good and beneficial things. It also can refer to his moral perfection.
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ The word "good" has different meanings depending on the context. Many languages
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The general term for "good" in the target language should be used wherever this general meaning is accurate and natural, especially in contexts where it is contrasted to evil.
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate this term could include, "kind" or "excellent" or "pleasing to God" or "righteous" or "morally upright" or "profitable."
* "Good land" could be translated as, "fertile land" or "productive land"; a "good crop" could be translated as a "plentiful harvest" or "large amount of crops."
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate this term could include "kind" or "excellent" or "pleasing to God" or "righteous" or "morally upright" or "profitable."
* "Good land" could be translated as "fertile land" or "productive land"; a "good crop" could be translated as a "plentiful harvest" or "large amount of crops."
* The phrase "do good to" means to do something that benefits others and could be translated as "be kind to" or "help" or "benefit" someone.
* To "do good on the Sabbath" means to "do things that help others on the Sabbath."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate the term "goodness" could include, "blessing" or "kindness" or "moral perfection" or "righteousness" or "purity."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate the term "goodness" could include "blessing" or "kindness" or "moral perfection" or "righteousness" or "purity."
(See also: [evil](../kt/ **·** [holy](../kt/ **·** [profit](../other/ **·** [righteous](../kt/, )
(See also: [evil](../kt/ **·** [holy](../kt/ **·** [profit](../other/ **·** [righteous](../kt/
## Bible References: ##

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@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The word "grace" refers to help or blessing that is given to someone who has not
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways that "grace" could be translated include, "divine kindness" or "God's favor" or "God's kindness and forgiveness for sinners" or "merciful kindness."
* Other ways that "grace" could be translated include "divine kindness" or "God's favor" or "God's kindness and forgiveness for sinners" or "merciful kindness."
* The term "gracious" could be translated as "full of grace" or "kind" or "merciful" or "mercifully kind."
* The expression, "he found grace in the eyes of God" could be translated as, "he received mercy from God" or "God mercifully helped him" or "God showed his favor to him" or "God was pleased with him and helped him."
* The expression "he found grace in the eyes of God" could be translated as "he received mercy from God" or "God mercifully helped him" or "God showed his favor to him" or "God was pleased with him and helped him."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The terms "holy" and "holiness" refer to the character of God that is totally se
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Ways to translate "holy" might include, "set apart for God" or "belonging to God" or "completely pure" or "perfectly sinless" or "separated from sin."
* Ways to translate "holy" might include "set apart for God" or "belonging to God" or "completely pure" or "perfectly sinless" or "separated from sin."
* To "make holy" is often translated as "sanctify" in English. It could also be translated as "set apart (someone) for God's glory."
(See also: [Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord](../kt/ **·** [consecrate](../kt/ **·** [sanctify, sanctification](../kt/ **·** [set apart](../kt/

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@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The term "Holy One" is a title in the Bible that almost always refers to God.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The literal term is, "the Holy" (with "One" being implied.) Many languages (like English) will translate this with the implied noun included (such as "One" or "God").
* This term could also be translated as, "God, who is holy" or "the Set Apart One."
* The phrase, "the Holy One of Israel" could be translated as, "the Holy God whom Israel worships" or "Holy One who rules Israel."
* The literal term is "the Holy" (with "One" being implied.) Many languages (like English) will translate this with the implied noun included (such as "One" or "God").
* This term could also be translated as "God, who is holy" or "the Set Apart One."
* The phrase "the Holy One of Israel" could be translated as "the Holy God whom Israel worships" or "the Holy One who rules Israel."
* It is best to translate this term using the same word or phrase that is used to translate "holy."
(See also: [holy](../kt/ **·** [god](../kt/

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@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
In the Bible, the terms "the holy place" and "the most holy place" refer to the two parts of the tabernacle or temple building.
* The "holy place" was the first room and it contained the altar of incense and the table with the special "bread of the presence" on it.
* The "most holy place" was the second, innermost room and it contained the ark of the covenant.
* The "holy place" was the first room, and it contained the altar of incense and the table with the special "bread of the presence" on it.
* The "most holy place" was the second, innermost room, and it contained the ark of the covenant.
* A thick, heavy curtain separated the outer room from the inner room.
* The high priest was the only one who was permitted to go into the most holy place.
* Sometimes "holy place" refers to the both the building and courtyard areas of either the temple or tabernacle. It can also refer generally to any place that is set apart for God.
* Sometimes "holy place" refers to both the building and courtyard areas of either the temple or tabernacle. It could also refer generally to any place that is set apart for God.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "holy place" could also be translated as, "room set apart for God" or "special room for meeting God" or "place reserved for God."
* The term, "most holy place" could be translated as, "room that is the most set apart for God" or "most special room for meeting God."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate the general expression "a holy place" could include, "a consecrated place" or "a place that God has set apart" or "a place in the temple complex, which is holy" or "a courtyard of God's holy temple."
* The term "holy place" could also be translated as "room set apart for God" or "special room for meeting God" or "place reserved for God."
* The term "most holy place" could be translated as "room that is the most set apart for God" or "most special room for meeting God."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate the general expression "a holy place" could include "a consecrated place" or "a place that God has set apart" or "a place in the temple complex, which is holy" or "a courtyard of God's holy temple."
(See also: [altarofincense](../other/ **·** [arkofthecovenant](../other/ **·** [bread](../other/ **·** [consecrate](../kt/ **·** [courtyard](../other/ **·** [curtain](../other/ **·** [holy](../kt/ **·** [setapart](../kt/ **·** [tabernacle](../kt/ **·** [temple](../kt/

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord #
# Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit #
## Facts: ##
These terms all refer to the Holy Spirit, who is God. The one true God exists eternally as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
* The Holy Spirit is also referred to as, "the Spirit" and "Spirit of Yahweh" and "Spirit of truth."
* The Holy Spirit is also referred to as "the Spirit" and "Spirit of Yahweh" and "Spirit of truth."
* Because the Holy Spirit is God, he is absolutely holy, infinitely pure, and morally perfect in all his nature and in everything he does.
* Along with the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit was active in creating the world.
* When God's Son, Jesus, returned to heaven, God sent the Holy Spirit to his people to lead them, teach them, comfort them, and enable them to do God's will.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ These terms all refer to the Holy Spirit, who is God. The one true God exists et
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could simply be translated with the words used to translate "holy" and "spirit."
* Ways to translate this term could also include, "Pure Spirit" or "Spirit who is Holy" or "God the Spirit."
* Ways to translate this term could also include "Pure Spirit" or "Spirit who is Holy" or "God the Spirit."
(See also: [holy](../kt/ **·** [spirit](../kt/ **·** [god](../kt/ **·** [lordgod](../kt/ **·** [godthefather](../kt/ **·** [sonofgod](../kt/ **·** [gift](../kt/

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@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
The term "hope" refers to expecting and strongly desiring something to happen. In can also mean to not be certain that it will happen.
* In the Bible, the term "hope" also has the meaning of "trust" as in, "my hope is in the Lord." It refers to a sure expectation of receiving what God has promised his people.
* In the Bible, the term "hope" also has the meaning of "trust," as in "my hope is in the Lord." It refers to a sure expectation of receiving what God has promised his people.
* Sometimes the ULB translates the term "hope" as "confidence," especially in the New Testament in contexts that refer to the assurance of receiving what God has promised to people who believe in Jesus as their Savior.
* To have "no hope" means to have no expectation of something good happening. It means that it is actually very certain that it will not happen.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* In some contexts, the term "to hope" could also be translated as "to wish" or "to desire" or "to expect."
* The expression, "nothing to hope for" could be translated as "nothing to trust in" or "no expectation of anything good"
* To "have no hope" could be translated as, "have no expectation of anything good" or "have no security" or "be sure that nothing good will happen."
* The expression, "have set your hopes on" could also be translated as "have put your confidence in" or "have been trusting in."
* The phrase "I find hope in your Word" could also be translated as, "I am confident that your Word is true" or "Your Word helps me trust in you" or "When I obey your Word, I am certain to be blessed."
* Phrases such as, "hope in" God could also be translated as, "trust in God" or "know for sure that God will do what he has promised" or "be certain that God is faithful."
* The expression "nothing to hope for" could be translated as "nothing to trust in" or "no expectation of anything good"
* To "have no hope" could be translated as "have no expectation of anything good" or "have no security" or "be sure that nothing good will happen."
* The expression "have set your hopes on" could also be translated as "have put your confidence in" or "have been trusting in."
* The phrase "I find hope in your Word" could also be translated as "I am confident that your Word is true" or "Your Word helps me trust in you" or "When I obey your Word, I am certain to be blessed."
* Phrases such as "hope in" God could also be translated a, "trust in God" or "know for sure that God will do what he has promised" or "be certain that God is faithful."
(See also: [bless](../kt/ **·** [confidence](../kt/ **·** [good](../kt/ **·** [obey](../other/ **·** [trust](../kt/ **·** [wordofgod](../kt/

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ In addition to being used to refer to when or how long something took place, the
## Translation Suggestions: ##=
* When used figuratively, the term "hour" can be translated as "time" or "moment" or "appointed time."
* The phrase, "in that very hour" or "the same hour" could be translated as, "at that moment" or "at that time" or "immediately" or "right then."
* The expression "the hour was late" could be translated as, "it was late in the day" or "it would soon be getting dark" or "it was late afternoon."
* The phrase "in that very hour" or "the same hour" could be translated as "at that moment" or "at that time" or "immediately" or "right then."
* The expression "the hour was late" could be translated as "it was late in the day" or "it would soon be getting dark" or "it was late afternoon."
(See also: [biblicaltimehour](../other/

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ In the Bible, the phrases "house of God" (God's house) and "house of Yahweh (Yah
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* When referring to a place of worship, this term could be translated as, "a house for worshiping God" or "a place for worshiping God."
* If it is referring to the temple or tabernacle, this could be translated as, "the temple (or tabernacle) where God is worshiped (or "where God is present" or "where God meets with his people.")
* When referring to a place of worship, this term could be translated as "a house for worshiping God" or "a place for worshiping God."
* If it is referring to the temple or tabernacle, this could be translated as "the temple (or tabernacle) where God is worshiped (or "where God is present" or "where God meets with his people.")
* The word "house" may be important to use in the translation in order to communicate that God "dwells" there, that is, his spirit is in that place to meet with his people and to be worshiped by them.
(See also: [people of God](../kt/ **·** [tabernacle](../kt/ **·** [temple](../kt/

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@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ The term "hypocrite" refers to a person who does things to appear righteous, but
* Hypocrites want to be seen doing good things so that people will think that they are good people.
* Often a hypocrite will criticize other people for doing the same sinful things that they themselves do.
* Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites because they did religious things like wearing certain clothes and eating certain foods, but they were not kind or fair to people.
* Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites because they did religious things like wearing certain clothes and eating certain foods, they were not kind or fair to people.
* A hypocrite points out faults in other people, but doesn't admit his own faults.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Some languages have an expression like "two-faced" that refers to a hypocrite or a hypocrite's actions.
* Other ways to translate "hypocrite" could include, "fraud" or "pretender" or "arrogant, deceitful person."
* Other ways to translate "hypocrite" could include "fraud" or "pretender" or "arrogant, deceitful person."
* The term "hypocrisy" could be translated by, "deception" or "fake actions" or "pretending."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
The term "image" refers to something that looks like something else or that is like someone in character or essence. The phrase "image of God" is used in different ways, depending on the context.
* At the beginning of time, God created human beings "in his image," that is, "in his likeness." This means that people have certain characteristics that reflect the image of God, such as the ability to feel emotion, the ability to reason and communicate, and a spirit that lives eternally.
* The Bible teaches that Jesus, God's Son, is "the image of God," that is, he is God himself. Unlike human beings, Jesus was not created. From all eternity. God the Son has all the divine characteristics because he has had the same essence with God the Father.
* The Bible teaches that Jesus, God's Son, is "the image of God," that is, he is God himself. Unlike human beings, Jesus was not created. From all eternity God the Son has had all the divine characteristics because he has had the same essence with God the Father.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* When referring to Jesus, "image of God" could be translated as "exact likeness of God" or "same essence as God" or "same being as God."
* When referring to human beings, "God created them in his image" could be translated with a phrase that means, "God created them to be like him" or "God created them with characteristics like himself."
* When referring to human beings, "God created them in his image" could be translated with a phrase that means "God created them to be like him" or "God created them with characteristics like his own."
(See also: [image](../other/ **·** [sonofgod](../kt/ **·** [sonofgod](../kt/

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@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
## Definition: ##
The terms "imitate" and "imitator" refer to copying someone else, and acting exactly like that person does.
The terms "imitate" and "imitator" refers to copying someone else by acting exactly like that person does.
* Christians are taught to imitate Jesus Christ by obeying God and loving others, just as Jesus did.
* The apostle Paul told the early church to imitate him, just as he imitated Christ.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "imitate" could be translated as, "do the same things as" or "follow his example."
* The expression, "be imitators of God" could be translated as, "be people who act like God does" or "be people who do the kinds of things God does."
* "You became imitators of us" could be translated as, "You followed our example" or "You are doing the same kinds of godly things that you saw us do."
* The term "imitate" could be translated as "do the same things as" or "follow his example."
* The expression "be imitators of God" could be translated as "be people who act like God does" or "be people who do the kinds of things God does."
* "You became imitators of us" could be translated as "You followed our example" or "You are doing the same kinds of godly things that you saw us do."
## Bible References: ##

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@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
The phrase "in Christ" and related terms refer to the state or condition of being in relationship with Jesus Christ through faith in him.
* Other related terms include, "in Christ Jesus, in Jesus Christ, in the Lord Jesus, in the Lord Jesus Christ."
* Possible meanings for the term, "in Christ" could include, "because you belong to Christ" or "through the relationship you have with Christ" or "based on your faith in Christ."
* Other related terms include "in Christ Jesus, in Jesus Christ, in the Lord Jesus, in the Lord Jesus Christ."
* Possible meanings for the term "in Christ" could include "because you belong to Christ" or "through the relationship you have with Christ" or "based on your faith in Christ."
* These related terms all have the same meaning of being in a state of believing in Jesus and being his disciple.
* Note: Sometimes the word "in" belongs with the verb. For example, "share in Christ" means to "share in" the benefits that come from knowing Christ. To "glory in" Christ means to be glad and give praise to God for who Jesus is and what he has done. To "believe in" Christ means to trust him as Savior and know him.
### Translation Suggestions: ###=
### Translation Suggestions:
* Depending on the context, different ways to translate "in Christ" and "in the Lord" (and related phrases) could include:
* "who belong to Christ"

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@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ The terms "inherit" and "inheritance" refer to receiving something valuable from
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* As always, consider first whether there are already terms in the target language for the concept of an heir or an inheritance and use those terms.
* Depending on the context, other ways that the term "inherit" could be translated might include, "receive" or "possess" or "come into possession of."
* Ways to translate "inheritance" could include, "promised gift" or "secure possession."
* When God's people are referred to as his inheritance this could be translated as, "valued ones belonging to him."
* The term "heir" could be translated with a word or phrase that means, "privileged child who receives the father's possessions" or "person chosen to receive (God's) spiritual possessions or blessings."
* The term "heritage" could be translated as, "blessings from God" or "inherited blessings."
* As always, consider first whether there are already terms in the target language for the concept of an heir or an inheritance, and use those terms.
* Depending on the context, other ways that the term "inherit" could be translated might include "receive" or "possess" or "come into possession of."
* Ways to translate "inheritance" could include "promised gift" or "secure possession."
* When God's people are referred to as his inheritance this could be translated as "valued ones belonging to him."
* The term "heir" could be translated with a word or phrase that means "privileged child who receives the father's possessions" or "person chosen to receive (God's) spiritual possessions or blessings."
* The term "heritage" could be translated as "blessings from God" or "inherited blessings."
(See also: [heir](../other/ **·** [Canaan, Canaanite](../other/ **·** [Promised Land](../kt/

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@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ The term "innocent" means to not be guilty of a crime or other wrongdoing. It ca
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* In most contexts, the term "innocent" can be translated as "not guilty" or "not responsible" or "not to blame" for something.
* When referring in general to innocent people, this term could be translated as, "who have done nothing wrong" or "who are not involved in evil."
* The frequently occurring expression, "innocent blood" could be translated as, "people who did nothing wrong to deserve being killed."
* The expression "shed innocent blood" could be translated as, "kill innocent people" or "kill people who did nothing wrong to deserve it."
* In the context of someone being killed, "innocent of the blood of" could be translated as, "not guilty for the death of."
* When referring in general to innocent people, this term could be translated as "who have done nothing wrong" or "who are not involved in evil."
* The frequently occurring expression "innocent blood" could be translated as "people who did nothing wrong to deserve being killed."
* The expression "shed innocent blood" could be translated as "kill innocent people" or "kill people who did nothing wrong to deserve it."
* In the context of someone being killed, "innocent of the blood of" could be translated as "not guilty for the death of."
* When talking about people not accepting the good news about Jesus but not accepting it, "innocent of the blood of" could be translated as "not responsible for whether they remain spiritually dead or not" or "not responsible for whether they accept this message."
* When Judas said, "I have betrayed innocent blood" he was saying, "I have betrayed a man who did nothing wrong" or "I have caused the death of a man who was sinless."
* When Pilate said about Jesus, "I am innocent of the blood of this innocent man," this could be translated as, "I am not responsible for the killing of this man who has done nothing wrong to deserve it."
* When Judas said "I have betrayed innocent blood," he was saying "I have betrayed a man who did nothing wrong" or "I have caused the death of a man who was sinless."
* When Pilate said about Jesus "I am innocent of the blood of this innocent man," this could be translated as "I am not responsible for the killing of this man who has done nothing wrong to deserve it."
(See also: [guilt, guilty](../kt/

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@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The terms "intercede" and "intercession" refer to making requests to someone on
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate "intercede" could include, "plead for" or "urge (someone) to do something (for someone else)."
* Other ways to translate "intercede" could include "plead for" or "urge (someone) to do something (for someone else)."
* The noun "intercessions" could be translated as "appeals" or "requests" or "urgent prayers."
* The phrase "make intercession for" could be translated as, "make requests for the benefit of" or "make an appeal on behalf of" or "ask God to help" or "appeal to God to bless" (someone).
* The phrase "make intercession for" could be translated as "make requests for the benefit of" or "make an appeal on behalf of" or "ask God to help" or "appeal to God to bless (someone)."
(See also: [pray](../other/

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@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
## Facts: ##
Jesus is God's Son. The name "Jesus" means, "Yahweh saves." The term "Christ" is a title that means "anointed one" and is another word for the Messiah.
Jesus is God's Son. The name "Jesus" means "Yahweh saves." The term "Christ" is a title that means "anointed one" and is another word for Messiah.
* The two names are often combined as "Jesus Christ" or "Christ Jesus." These names emphasize that God's Son is the Messiah who came to save people from being punished eternally for their sins.
* The two names are often combined as "Jesus Christ" or "Christ Jesus." These names emphasize that God's Son is the Messiah, who came to save people from being punished eternally for their sins.
* In a miraculous way, the Holy Spirit caused the eternal Son of God to be born as a human being. His earthly parents were told by an angel to call him "Jesus" because he was destined to save people from their sins.
* Jesus did many miracles that revealed that he is God and that he is the Christ, or Messiah.
* Jesus did many miracles that revealed that he is God and that he is the Christ, or the Messiah.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Many languages spell "Jesus" and "Christ" in a way that keeps the sounds or spelling as close to the original as possible. For example, "Jesucristo," "Jezus Christus," "Yesus Kristus", and "Hesukristo" are some of the ways that these names are translated into different languages.
* For the term, "Christ," some languages may prefer to use some form of the term "Messiah" throughout.
* For the term "Christ," some languages may prefer to use only some form of the term "Messiah" throughout.
* Also consider how these names are spelled in a nearby local or national language.
(Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
Joy is a feeling of delight or deep satisfaction that comes from God. The related term, "joyful" describes a person who feels very glad and full of deep happiness.
Joy is a feeling of delight or deep satisfaction that comes from God. The related term "joyful" describes a person who feels very glad and is full of deep happiness.
* A person feels joy when he has a deep sense that what he is experiencing is very good.
* God is the one who gives true joy to people.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Joy is a feeling of delight or deep satisfaction that comes from God. The relate
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* The term "joy" could also be translated as "gladness" or "delight" or "great happiness."
* The phrase, "be joyful" could be translated as "rejoice" or "be very glad" or with a phrase that means, "be very happy in God's goodness."
* The phrase, "be joyful" could be translated as "rejoice" or "be very glad" or with a phrase that means "be very happy in God's goodness."
* A person who is joyful could be described as "very happy" or "delighted" or "deeply glad."
* A phrase such as "make a joyful shout" could be translated as "shout in a way that shows you are very happy."
* A "joyful city" or "joyful house" could be translated as "city where joyful people live" or "house full of joyful people" or "city whose people are very happy." (See: [metonymy](

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@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The terms "judge" and "judgment" often refer to making a decision about whether
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, ways to translate "to judge" could include, "to decide" or "to condemn" or "to punish" or "to decree."
* The term "judgment" could be translated as, "punishment" or "decision" or "verdict" or "decree" or "condemnation."
* Depending on the context, ways to translate "to judge" could include "to decide" or "to condemn" or "to punish" or "to decree."
* The term "judgment" could be translated as "punishment" or "decision" or "verdict" or "decree" or "condemnation."
* In some contexts, the phrase "in the judgment" could also be translated as "on judgment day" or "during the time when God judges people."
(See also: [decree](../other/ **·** [judgeposition](../other/ **·** [judgmentday](../kt/ **·** [justice](../kt/ **·** [law](../other/ **·** [lawofmoses](../kt/

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@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
## Definition: ##
The term,"judgment day" refers to a future time when God will judge every person.
The term"judgment day" refers to a future time when God will judge every person.
* God has made his Son, Jesus Christ, the judge for all people.
* God has made his Son, Jesus Christ, the judge of all people.
* On judgment day, Christ will judge people on the basis of his righteous character.
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* This term could also be translated as "judgment time" since it could refer to more than one day.
* Other ways to translate this term could include, "the end time when God will judge all people."
* Other ways to translate this term could include "the end time when God will judge all people."
* Some translations capitalize this term to show that it is the name of a special day or time: "Judgment Day" or "Judgment Time."
(See also: [judge, judgment](../kt/ **·** [Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus](../kt/ **·** [heaven, sky, heavens, heavenly](../kt/ **·** [hell, lake of fire](../kt/

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@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
These terms refer to treating people fairly according to God's laws. Human laws that reflect God's standard of right behavior toward others are also just.
* To be "just" is to act in a fair and right way toward others. It also implies honesty and integrity to do what is morally right in God's eyes.
* To act "justly" means to treat people in a way that is right, good and proper according to God's laws.
* To receive "justice" means to be treated fairly under the law, either being protected by law or being punished for breaking the law.
* To act "justly" means to treat people in a way that is right, good, and proper according to God's laws.
* To receive "justice" means to be treated fairly under the law, either being protected by the law or being punished for breaking the law.
* Sometimes the term "just" has the broader meaning of "righteous" or "following God's laws."
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate "just" could include, "morally right" or "fair."
* The term "justice" could be translated as, "fair treatment" or "deserved consequences."
* To "act justly" could be translated as, "treat fairly" or "behave in a just way."
* In some contexts, "just" could be translated as, "righteous" or "upright."
* Depending on the context, other ways to translate "just" could include "morally right" or "fair."
* The term "justice" could be translated as "fair treatment" or "deserved consequences."
* To "act justly" could be translated as "treat fairly" or "behave in a just way."
* In some contexts, "just" could be translated as "righteous" or "upright."
(See also: [judge, judgment](../kt/ **·** [righteous](../kt/ **·** [upright](../kt/

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@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ The terms "justify" and "justification" refer to causing a guilty person to be r
## Translation Suggestions: ##
* Other ways to translate "justify" could include, "declare (someone) to be righteous" or "cause (someone) to be righteous."
* The term "justification" could be translated as, "being declared righteous" or "becoming righteous" or "causing people to be righteous."
* The phrase "resulting in justification" could be translated as, "so that God justified many people" or "which resulted in God causing people to be righteous."
* The phrase "for our justification" could be translated as, "in order that we could be made righteous by God."
* Other ways to translate "justify" could include "declare (someone) to be righteous" or "cause (someone) to be righteous."
* The term "justification" could be translated as "being declared righteous" or "becoming righteous" or "causing people to be righteous."
* The phrase "resulting in justification" could be translated as "so that God justified many people" or "which resulted in God causing people to be righteous."
* The phrase "for our justification" could be translated as "in order that we could be made righteous by God."
(See also: [forgive](../kt/ **·** [guilt](../kt/ **·** [righteous, righteousness](../kt/

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
The terms "kingdom of God" and "kingdom of heaven" both refer to God's rule and authority over his people and over all creation.
* The Jews often used the term "heaven" to refer to God, to avoid saying his name directly. (See: [metonymy](
* In the NT book that Matthew wrote, he referred to God's kingdom as "the kingdom of heaven," probably because he was writing primarily for a Jewish audience.
* In the New Testament book that Matthew wrote, he referred to God's kingdom as "the kingdom of heaven," probably because he was writing primarily for a Jewish audience.
* The kingdom of God refers to God ruling people spiritually as well as ruling over the physical world.
* The Old Testament prophets said that God would send the Messiah to rule with righteousness. Jesus, the Son of God, is the Messiah who will rule over God's kingdom forever.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The terms "kingdom of God" and "kingdom of heaven" both refer to God's rule and
* Depending on the context, "kingdom of God" can be translated as "God's rule (as king)" or "when God reigns as king" or "God's rule over everything."
* The term "kingdom of heaven" could also be translated as "God's rule from heaven as king" or "God in heaven reigning" or "heaven's reign" or "heaven ruling over everything." If it is not possible to translate this simply and clearly, the phrase "kingdom of God" could be translated instead.
* Some translations may prefer to capitalize "Heaven" to show that it refers to God. Others may include a note in the text such as, "kingdom of heaven (that is, 'of God')."
* Some translators may prefer to capitalize "Heaven" to show that it refers to God. Others may include a note in the text, such as "kingdom of heaven (that is, 'of God')."
* A footnote at the bottom of the page of a printed Bible may also be used to explain the meaning of "heaven" in this expression.
(See also: [God](../kt/ **·** [heaven, sky, heavens, heavenly](../kt/ **·** [king](../other/ **·** [kingdom](../other/ **·** [King of the Jews](../kt/ **·** [reign](../other/

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Definition: ##
The term, "King of the Jews" is a title that refers to Jesus, the Messiah.
The term "King of the Jews" is a title that refers to Jesus, the Messiah.
* The first time the Bible records this title is when it was used by the wise men who traveled to Bethlehem looking for the baby who was "King of the Jews."
* The angel revealed to Mary that her son, a descendant of King David, would be a king whose reign would last forever.

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