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@ -86,48 +86,48 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
6:3 or7v Who chose the seven men to take care of the business of food distribution? The disciples (brothers) chose the seven men.
6:3 u5ro What were the qualifications for being chosen as one of the seven men? The seven men had to be of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom.
6:4 hfdc In what would the apostles continue? The apostles would continue in prayer and in the ministry of the word.
6:6 l1sy What did the apostles do when the believers brought the seven men? The apostles prayed and placed their hands upon them.
6:7 s1cn What was happening with the disciples in Jerusalem? The number of disciples was greatly increasing, including a great number of the priests.
6:6 l1sy What did the apostles do when the believers brought the seven men before them? The apostles prayed and placed their hands upon the seven men.
6:7 s1cn What was happening with the disciples in Jerusalem? The number of disciples was greatly increasing, and it was including a great number of the priests.
6:10 b4fl Who was winning the debates between the unbelieving Jews and Stephen? The unbelieving Jews could not stand against the wisdom and Spirit with which Stephen spoke.
6:14 ji1y What accusation was made by false witnesses against Stephen to the council? The false witnesses claimed that Stephen said Jesus would destroy this place and change the customs of Moses.
6:14 ji1y What accusation did the false witnesses make against Stephen to the council? The false witnesses claimed that Stephen said Jesus would destroy this place and change the customs of Moses.
6:15 wpuh When the council looked at Stephen, what did they see? They saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
7:2 u1f1 Stephen began to review the history of the Jewish people beginning with Gods promise to whom? Stephen began his history by talking about Gods promise to Abraham.
7:5 ae68 What was Gods promise to Abraham? God promised land to Abraham and his descendants.
7:5 hv89 Why did Gods promise to Abraham seem impossible to fulfill? Gods promise seemed impossible because Abraham had no children.
7:6 q4ib What did God say would first happen to Abrahams descendants for four hundred years? God said Abrahams descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for four hundred years.
7:6 q4ib What did God say would first happen to Abrahams descendants for 400 years? God said Abrahams descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years.
7:8 a7pl What covenant did God give to Abraham? God gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision.
7:9 stqg How did Joseph become a slave in Egypt? His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into Egypt.
7:10 pnme How did Joseph become governor over Egypt? God gave Joseph favor and wisdom in the presence of Pharaoh.
7:12-13 onvz What did Jacob do when there was famine in Canaan? Jacob sent his sons to Egypt because he heard there was grain there.
7:14 kdpl Why did Jacob and his relatives move to Egypt? Joseph sent his brothers to tell Jacob to come to Egypt.
7:14 kdpl Why did Jacob and his relatives move to Egypt? Joseph sent his brothers to tell Jacob to come to Egypt so he could provide them with food during the famine.
7:17 qc45 What happened to the number of Israelites in Egypt as the time promised to Abraham drew near? The number of Israelites in Egypt grew and multiplied.
7:19 x8zh How did the new king of Egypt try to reduce the number of Israelites? The new king of Egypt forced the Israelites to throw out their infants so they would not survive.
7:19 x8zh How did the new king of Egypt try to reduce the number of Israelites? The new king of Egypt forced the Israelites to cast out their infants so they would not survive.
7:21 e77c How did Moses survive being thrown out? Pharaohs daughter took Moses and raised him as her own son.
7:22 yeub How was Moses educated? Moses was educated in all the learning of the Egyptians.
7:24 wmvx When he was forty years old, what did Moses do when he saw an Israelite being mistreated? Moses defended the Israelite and struck the Egyptian.
7:24 wmvx When he was 40 years old, what did Moses do when he saw an Israelite being mistreated? Moses defended the Israelite and struck the Egyptian.
7:29 r6b0 To where did Moses flee? Moses fled to Midian.
7:30 ycf8 When Moses was eighty years old, what did Moses see? Moses saw an angel in a flame of fire in a bush.
7:30 ycf8 When Moses was 80 years old, what did Moses see? Moses saw an angel in a flame of fire in a bush.
7:34 easv Where did the Lord command Moses to go, and what was God going to do there? The Lord commanded Moses to go to Egypt, because God was going to rescue the Israelites.
7:36 ohne How long did Moses lead the Israelites in the wilderness? Moses led the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years.
7:36 ohne How long did Moses lead the Israelites in the wilderness? Moses led the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years.
7:37 hq8v What did Moses prophesy to the Israelites? Moses prophesied to the Israelites that God would raise up a prophet like him from among their brothers.
7:41 tkui How did the Israelites turn their hearts back to Egypt? The Israelites made a calf and sacrificed to the idol.
7:42 f7y3 How did God respond to the Israelites turning away from him? God turned from Israelites and gave them up to serve the host of heaven.
7:43 hw00 To where did God say he would carry away the Israelites? God said he would carry the Israelites away to Babylon.
7:41 tkui How did the Israelites turn their hearts back to Egypt? The Israelites made a calf of gold and sacrificed to the idol they had made.
7:42 f7y3 How did God respond to the Israelites turning away from him? God turned from the Israelites and gave them up to serve the host of heaven.
7:43 hw00 To where did God say he would carry away the Israelites? God said he would carry the Israelites away even beyond Babylon.
7:44-45 l6qa In the wilderness, what did God command the Israelites to build, which they later carried into the land? In the wilderness, the Israelites built the tabernacle of the testimony.
7:45 x351 Who drove out the nations ahead of the Israelites? God drove out the nations ahead of the Israelites.
7:46 k9y2 Who asked to build a dwelling place for God? David asked to build a dwelling place for God.
7:47 hypb Who actually built God a house? Solomon built God a house.
7:47 hypb Who actually built a house for God? King David's son Solomon built a house for God.
7:49 ubph Where does the Most High have his throne? The Most High has heaven as his throne.
7:51 pryb What did Stephen accuse the people of always doing, just as their forefathers had done? Stephen accused the people of resisting the Holy Spirit.
7:52 tdtc What did Stephen say the people were guilty of concerning the Righteous One? Stephen said the people had betrayed and murdered the Righteous One.
7:52 tdtc Concerning the Righteous One, of what did Stephen say the people were guilty? Stephen said the people had betrayed and murdered the Righteous One.
7:54 vef4 How did the council members respond to Stephens accusations? The council members were cut to the heart and ground their teeth at Stephen.
7:55-56 kf0j What did Stephen say he saw as he looked up into heaven? Stephen said he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God.
7:57-58 fhm6 What did the council members then do to Stephen? The council members rushed upon him, threw him out of the city, and stoned him.
7:58 h82u Where did the witnesses lay down their outer clothes during the stoning of Stephen? The witnesses laid their outer clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul.
7:60 b3o6 What was the last thing Stephen asked for before he died? Stephen asked God not to hold this sin to the peoples responsibility.
7:60 b3o6 What was the last thing Stephen asked for before he died? Stephen asked God not to hold this sin against the people.
8:1 ff4n What did Saul think about Stephens stoning? Saul was in agreement with Stephens death.
8:1 u11s What began on the day Stephen was stoned? A great persecution against the church in Jerusalem began on the day Stephen was stoned.
8:1 st35 What did the believers in Jerusalem do? The believers in Jerusalem were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.
8:1 st35 What did the believers in Jerusalem do? The believers in Jerusalem became scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, thus spreading the faith to new areas.
8:6 evnl Why did the people of Samaria pay attention to what Philip said? The people paid attention when they saw the signs that Philip did.
8:9-11 h4ec Why had the people of Samaria paid attention to Simon? The people had paid attention when they saw his sorceries.
8:13 yddg When Simon heard Philips message, what did he do? Simon also believed and was baptized.
@ -135,41 +135,41 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
8:18-19 kb86 What offer did Simon make to the apostles? Simon offered the apostles money in exchange for the power to give the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands.
8:23 civh After Simon made this offer to the apostles, what did Peter say was his spiritual condition? Peter said that Simon was in the poison of bitterness and the bonds of sin.
8:26 ignl What did an angel tell Philip to do? An angel told Philip to go south to the desert road toward Gaza.
8:27-28 niwj Who did Philip meet and what was the person doing? Philip met a eunuch of great authority from Ethiopia who was sitting in his chariot reading the prophet Isaiah.
8:30 oujy What question did Philip ask the man? Philip asked the man, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
8:31 bpo8 What did the man ask Philip to do? The man asked Philip to come up into the chariot and explain what he was reading.
8:27-28 niwj Who did Philip meet? Philip met a eunuch from Ethiopia, a man of great authority who had come to worship at Jerusalem.
8:30 oujy What question did Philip ask the man, who he heard reading the prophet Isaiah? Philip asked the man, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
8:31 bpo8 What did the man ask Philip to do? The man asked Philip to come up into the chariot with him and explain what he was reading.
8:32 ixnh What happens to the person being described in the scripture from Isaiah that was being read? The person is led as a sheep to the slaughter, but does not open his mouth.
8:34 m06z What question did the man ask Philip about the scripture he was reading? The man asked Philip if the prophet was speaking about himself or about some other person.
8:35 wcii Who did Philip say was the person in the scripture from Isaiah? Philip explained that the person in the scripture from Isaiah was Jesus.
8:38 hebs What did Philip then do to the man? Philip and the eunuch both went into the water and Philip baptized him.
8:39 s04t What happened to Philip when he came out of the water? When Philip came out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away.
8:39 xp5m What did the eunuch do when he came out of the water? When the eunuch came out of the water, he went on his way rejoicing.
9:1-2 fb5p What did Saul ask the high priest in Jerusalem permission to do? Saul asked for letters so that he could travel to Damascus and bring back bound any who belonged to the Way.
9:1-2 fb5p What did Saul ask the high priest in Jerusalem for permission to do? Saul asked for letters of authority so that he could travel to Damascus, bind and bring back any who belonged to the Way.
9:3 lmyv As Saul neared Damascus, what did he see? As Saul neared Damascus, he saw a light out of heaven.
9:4 vaey What did the voice say to Saul? The voice said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me”.
9:5 c3r1 When Saul asked who was speaking to him, what was the answer? The answer was, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting”.
9:8 rx61 When Saul arose from the ground, what had happened to him? When Saul arose, he could see nothing.
9:9 mfwm Where did Saul then go and what did he do? Saul went to Damascus and did not eat or drink for three days.
9:8-9 mfwm What did Saul do for three days in Damascus? Saul did not eat or drink for three days.
9:11-12 yzg2 What did the Lord tell Ananias to do? The Lord told Ananias to go and lay hands on Saul, so that Saul would receive his sight.
9:13-14 zpb4 What concern did Ananias express to the Lord? Ananias was concerned because he knew Saul had come to Damascus to arrest everyone who called upon the Lords name.
9:15 eq7g What mission did the Lord say he had for Saul as his chosen instrument? The Lord said Saul would carry the Lords name before the Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.
9:16 htif Did the Lord say Sauls mission would be easy or difficult? The Lord said that Saul would suffer greatly for the cause of the Lords name.
9:19 hnuj After Ananias laid hands on Saul, what happened? After Ananias laid hands on Saul, Saul received his sight, was baptized, and ate.
9:20 shrd What did Saul immediately begin to do? Saul immediately began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying that he is the Son of God.
9:25 pbr7 When the Jews finally planned to kill Saul, what did he do? When the Jews planned to kill him, Saul escaped by being let down through the wall in a basket.
9:26 ycr3 When Saul came to Jerusalem, how did the disciples receive him? In Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid of Saul.
9:18-19 hnuj After Ananias laid hands on Saul, what happened? After Ananias laid hands on Saul, Saul received his sight, was baptized, and ate.
9:20 shrd What did Saul immediately begin to do? Saul immediately began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying that Jesus is the Son of God.
9:25 pbr7 When the Jews finally planned to kill Saul, how did he escape? When the Jews planned to kill him, Saul escaped at night by being let down through the wall in a basket.
9:26 ycr3 When Saul came to Jerusalem, how did the disciples receive him? In Jerusalem, the disciples were afraid of Saul because they did not know he had truly become a believer.
9:27 vilh Who then brought Saul to the apostles and explained what had happened to Saul in Damascus? Barnabas brought Saul to the apostles and explained what had happened to Saul in Damascus.
9:29 szo6 What did Saul do in Jerusalem? Saul spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus.
9:28 szo6 What did Saul do in Jerusalem? Saul spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus.
9:31 xaq5 After Saul was sent away to Tarsus, what was the condition of the church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria? The church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and was built up, growing in numbers.
9:33-35 dk3l What happened in Lydda that caused everyone there to turn to the Lord? In Lydda, Peter spoke to a paralyzed man who was healed by Jesus.
9:40 gvk4 What happened in Joppa that caused many people to believe in the Lord? Peter prayed for a dead woman named Tabitha, who was raised back to life.
10:2 l80p What kind of man was Cornelius? Cornelius was a devout man who feared God, was generous, and was always praying to God.
10:1-2 l80p What kind of man was Cornelius? Cornelius was a devout man who feared God, was generous, and was always praying to God.
10:4 sull What did the angel say had caused God to be reminded about Cornelius? The angel said that Cornelius prayers and gifts to the poor had reminded God about Cornelius.
10:5 c9lp What did the angel tell Cornelius to do? The angel told Cornelius to send men to Joppa to bring Peter.
10:5 c9lp What did the angel tell Cornelius to do? The angel told Cornelius to send men to Joppa to bring Peter back to the home of Cornelius.
10:11-12 gzjh On the next day, what did Peter see while he was praying and in a trance on the housetop? Peter saw a large sheet filled with all kinds of animals, things that crawled, and birds.
10:13 waf4 As Peter saw the vision, what did a voice say to him? A voice said to Peter, “Rise, Peter, kill and eat”.
10:14 a7ld What was Peters response to the voice? Peter refused, saying he had never eaten anything defiled and unclean.
10:15 g537 What did the voice say to Peter after this? The voice said, “What God has cleansed, do not call it defiled”.
10:15 g537 What did the voice say to Peter after this? The voice said, “What God has cleansed, do not call defiled”.
10:20 z2fa What did the Spirit tell Peter to do when the men from Cornelius arrived at the house? The Spirit told Peter to go down and go with them.
10:22 bj8d What did the men from Cornelius expect Peter to come and do in Cornelius house? The men from Cornelius expected Peter to come and give a message in Cornelius house.
10:26 vix0 What did Peter say when Cornelius bowed down at Peters feet? Peter told Cornelius to stand up, for he was only a man.
@ -181,35 +181,35 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
10:43 l4id What did Peter say everyone would receive who believes in Jesus? Peter said that everyone who believes in Jesus would receive the forgiveness of sins.
10:44 jjd7 What happened to the people who were listening to Peter while Peter was still speaking? The Holy Spirit fell on all those who were listening to Peter.
10:45 lxzs Why were the believers who belonged to the circumcision group amazed? The believers who belonged to the circumcision group were amazed because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out also on the Gentiles.
10:46 kpj7 What were the people doing which demonstrated that the Holy Spirit had fallen on them? The people were speaking in other languages and praising God which demonstrated that the Holy Spirit had fallen on them.
10:46 kpj7 What were the people doing which demonstrated that the Holy Spirit had fallen on them? The people were speaking in other languages and praising God, which demonstrated that the Holy Spirit had fallen on them.
10:48 gwnt After seeing that the people had received the Holy Spirit, what did Peter command be done with them? Peter commanded that the people be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
11:1 h8gh What news did the apostles and brothers in Judea hear? The apostles and brothers in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God.
11:2-3 b92d What criticism against Peter did those of the circumcision group in Jerusalem have? Those in the circumcision group criticized Peter for eating with the Gentiles.
11:15 zxqp What evidence did Peter present to demonstrate that God had accepted the Gentiles? Peter presented the fact that the Holy Spirit had come upon the Gentiles.
11:15 zxqp What evidence did Peter present to demonstrate that God had accepted the Gentiles? Peter presented the fact that the Holy Spirit had come upon the Gentiles just as the Spirit had fallen upon the Jews in the beginning.
11:18 r9j4 What was the conclusion of those in the circumcision group when they heard Peters explanation? They praised God and concluded that God had given repentance for life to the Gentiles also.
11:19 s9vw What did most of the believers who were scattered after Stephens death do? Most of the scattered believers told the message about Jesus only to Jews.
11:20-21 idod What happened when some of the scattered believers preached the Lord Jesus to Greeks? When they preached the Lord Jesus to Greeks, a great number believed.
11:22-23 nrp0 What did Barnabas from Jerusalem tell the believing Greeks in Antioch? Barnabas encouraged the Greeks to remain with the Lord with all their heart.
11:26 sz44 Who spent an entire year at the church in Antioch? Barnabas and Saul spent an entire year at the church in Antioch.
11:26 sz44 How long did Barnabas and Saul spend at the church in Antioch? Barnabas and Saul spent an entire year at the church in Antioch.
11:26 b69w What name did the disciples first receive in Antioch? The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
11:28 bt8b What did Agabus the prophet predict would happen? Agabus predicted that a great famine would occur over all the world.
11:29-30 tupm How did the disciples respond to Agabus prophecy? The disciples sent help to the brothers in Judea by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
12:2 mymt What did Herod the king do to James the brother of John? Herod the king killed James the brother of John with the sword.
12:2 mymt What did Herod the king do to James, the brother of John? Herod the king killed James, the brother of John, with the sword.
12:3-4 p1bo What did Herod the king do to Peter? Herod arrested and put Peter in prison, intending to bring him to the people after the Passover.
12:5 d6lh What was the assembly doing for Peter? The assembly was earnestly praying for Peter.
12:9-10 et0f How did Peter get past the first and second guard and out of the gate of the prison? Peter followed an angel past the guards, and then the gate opened by itself.
12:8-10 et0f How did Peter get past the first and second guard and out of the gate of the prison? Peter followed an angel past the guards, and then the gate opened by itself.
12:13-14 i4ic When Peter arrived at the house where the believers were praying, who answered the door and what did she do? A servant girl Rhoda answered the door and reported that Peter was standing at the door, but she did not open the door.
12:15 jmhh How did the believers first react to her report? At first they thought Rhoda was insane.
12:17 uo2p After telling the believers what had happened to him, what did Peter tell them to do? Peter told them to report these things to James and the brothers.
12:19 rvwp What happened to the men that had been guarding Peter? Herod questioned the guards and then had them put to death.
12:19 rvwp What happened to the men that had been guarding Peter? The men were put to death after Herod had questioned them.
12:22 ole4 What did the people shout as Herod gave his speech? The people shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man”!
12:23 p08f What happened to Herod after his speech, and why? Because Herod did not give glory to God, an angel struck him and he was eaten by worms and died.
12:23 p08f What happened to Herod after his speech, and why? Because Herod did not give glory to God, an angel struck him, and he was eaten by worms and died.
12:24 ljyo What was happening with the word of God during this time? The word of God grew and multiplied during this time.
12:25 qacs Who did Barnabas and Saul take with them? Barnabas and Saul took John Mark with them.
12:25 qacs Who did Barnabas and Saul bring with them? Barnabas and Saul brought John Mark with them.
13:2 btkh What was the assembly in Antioch doing when the Holy Spirit spoke to them? The assembly in Antioch was worshiping the Lord and fasting when the Holy Spirit spoke to them.
13:2 hq89 What did the Holy Spirit tell them to do? The Holy Spirit told them to set apart Barnabas and Saul to do the work to which the Spirit was calling them.
13:3 anwk What did the assembly do after hearing from the Holy Spirit? The assembly fasted, prayed, laid hands on Barnabas and Saul, and sent them off.
13:5 seta When Barnabas and Saul went to Cyprus, who also was with them? In Cyprus, John Mark was with them as their assistant.
13:5 seta When Barnabas and Saul went to Salamis, who also was with them? In Salamis, John Mark was with them as their assistant.
13:6-7 odpk Who was Bar-Jesus? Bar-Jesus was a Jewish false prophet who associated with the proconsul.
13:7 xuu2 Why did the proconsul summon Barnabas and Saul? The proconsul summoned Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.
13:9 v0iw What was another name by which Saul was known? Saul was also known as Paul.
@ -218,17 +218,17 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
13:13 jtig What did John Mark do when Paul and his friends set sail to Perga? John Mark left Paul and his friends and returned to Jerusalem.
13:15 z2az Where in Antioch of Pisidia was Paul asked to speak? In Antioch of Pisidia, Paul was asked to speak in the Jewish synagogue.
13:17 w4tx In Pauls speech, who does Paul say God chose in the past? In Pauls speech, Paul said that God chose Israel.
13:23 sghs From whom did God bring Israel a Savior? From King David God brought Israel a Savior.
13:23 sghs From the offspring of whom did God bring Israel a Savior? God brought Israel a Savior from the seed of King David.
13:24-25 g0vv Who did Paul say had prepared the way for the coming Savior? Paul said that John the Baptist had prepared the way for the coming Savior.
13:27 vmdy How did the people and rulers in Jerusalem fulfill the prophets messages? The people and rulers in Jerusalem fulfilled the prophets messages by condemning Jesus to death.
13:31 k5gn Who were now Jesus witnesses to the people? The people who saw Jesus after he was raised from the dead were now his witnesses.
13:33 vjik How had God shown that he had kept his promises made to the Jews? God showed that he had kept his promises to the Jews by raising up Jesus from the dead.
13:35 wqos What did God promise to the Holy One in one of the psalms? God promised that the Holy One would not see decay.
13:38 loxj What did Paul proclaim for every one who believes in Jesus? Paul proclaimed the forgiveness of sins for every one who believes in Jesus.
13:40-41 t2p4 What warning did Paul also give his listeners? Paul warned his listeners not to be like those spoken of in the prophets who hear the announcement of Gods work, but do not believe it.
13:38 loxj What did Paul proclaim for everyone who believes in Jesus? Paul proclaimed the forgiveness of sins for everyone who believes in Jesus.
13:40-41 t2p4 What warning did Paul also give his listeners? Paul warned his listeners not to be like those spoken of in the prophets who hear the announcement of Gods work but do not believe it.
13:44 rfqj In Antioch, who came to hear the word of the Lord on the next Sabbath? Almost the whole city came to hear the word of the Lord on the next Sabbath.
13:45 zikw How did the Jews react when they saw the crowds? The Jews were filled with jealousy and spoke against Pauls message, insulting him.
13:46 pzhf What did Paul say the Jews were doing with the word of God spoken to them? Paul said that the Jews were pushing away the word of God spoken to them.
13:46 pzhf What did Paul say the Jews were doing with the word of God spoken to them? Paul said that the Jews were rejecting the word of God spoken to them.
13:48 n7yw What was the Gentiles reaction when they heard that Paul was turning to them? The Gentiles were glad and praised the word of the Lord.
13:48 mg1i How many of the Gentiles believed? As many as were appointed to eternal life believed.
13:50 fskb What did the Jews then do to Paul and Barnabas? The Jews stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas and threw them out of the city.
@ -236,18 +236,18 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
14:1-2 zyc3 What did the disbelieving Jews in Iconium do after a multitude believed Paul and Barnabas preaching? The disbelieving Jews stirred up the minds of the Gentiles and made them bitter against the brothers.
14:3 ye2r How did God give evidence about the message of his grace? God gave evidence about the message of his grace by granting signs and wonders to be done by the hands of Paul and Barnabas.
14:5-7 oeth Why did Paul and Barnabas leave Iconium? Some Gentiles and Jews attempted to persuade their leaders to mistreat and stone Paul and Barnabas.
14:8-10 ryts What did Paul do that caused an uproar in Lystra? Paul healed a man who was a cripple from birth.
14:8-10 ryts What did Paul do that caused an uproar in Lystra? Paul healed a man who was crippled from birth.
14:11-13 mckv What did the people of Lystra want to do for Paul and Barnabas? The people wanted to offer sacrifices through the priest of Zeus to Paul and Barnabas.
14:14-15 apoy How did Barnabas and Paul respond to what the people wanted to do for them? Barnabas and Paul tore their clothing, went into the crowd, and cried out saying that the people should turn from these useless things to a living God.
14:17 df11 How had God not left himself without witness in the past? God had given the nations rain and fruitful seasons, filling their hearts with food and gladness.
14:18 x86f What did the people of Lystra want to do for Paul and Barnabas? The people wanted to offer sacrifices through the priest of Zeus to Paul and Barnabas.
14:19 o9dx What did the crowds at Lystra later do to Paul? The crowds at Lystra later stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city.
14:20 hidi What did Paul do as the disciples were standing around him? Paul got up and entered the city.
14:22 ctwm Through what did Paul say the disciples must enter into the kingdom of God? Through many sufferings Paul said the disciples must enter into the kingdom of God.
14:18 x86f What did the people of Lystra want to do for Paul and Barnabas? The people wanted to offer sacrifices to Paul and Barnabas.
14:19 o9dx What did the crowds at Lystra later do to Paul? The crowds at Lystra later stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, thinking he was dead.
14:20 hidi What did Paul do as the disciples were standing around him? Paul got up and re-entered the city.
14:22 ctwm Through what did Paul say the disciples must enter into the kingdom of God? Paul said the disciples must enter into the kingdom of God through many sufferings.
14:23 n6tc What did Paul and Barnabas do in every assembly of believers before they departed? In every assembly, Paul and Barnabas appointed elders, prayed with fasting, and entrusted the believers to the Lord.
14:27 r8jh What did Paul and Barnabas do when they returned to Antioch? When they returned to Antioch, they reported all the things that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles.
14:27 r8jh What did Paul and Barnabas do when they returned to Antioch? When they returned to Antioch, they gathered the church and reported all the things that God had done with them and how he had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles.
15:1 fv4k What did certain men from Judea come and teach the brothers? Certain men from Judea taught that unless the brothers were circumcised, they could not be saved.
15:2 oo97 How did the brothers decide this question should be resolved? The brothers decided that Paul, Barnabas, and certain others should go to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders.
15:2 oo97 How did the brothers decide this question should be resolved? The brothers decided that Paul, Barnabas, and certain others should go to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders with this question.
15:3 kc4n Passing through Phoenicia and Samaria, what news did Paul and his companions announce? Paul and his companions announced the conversion of the Gentiles.
15:5 zlsp Which group among the believers thought that the Gentiles must be circumcised and must keep the law of Moses? The group of Pharisees believed that the Gentiles must be circumcised and must keep the law of Moses.
15:8-9 jw1h What did Peter say that God had given to and done for the Gentiles? Peter said that God had given the Gentiles the Holy Spirit and had made their hearts clean by faith.
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15:31 hvb5 What was the response of the Gentiles when they heard the letter from Jerusalem? The Gentiles rejoiced because of the encouragement in the letter.
15:35 iwie What did Paul and Barnabas do as they stayed in Antioch? Paul and Barnabas taught and preached the word of the Lord.
15:36 eigw What did Paul tell Barnabas he wanted to do? Paul told Barnabas that he wanted to return and visit the brothers in every city they had proclaimed the word of the Lord.
15:39 kme5 Why did Paul and Barnabas separate and travel in different directions? There was a sharp disagreement between them, so that they separated from each other.
15:39 kme5 Why did Paul and Barnabas separate and travel in different directions? There was a sharp disagreement between them about whether to bring John Mark with them, so that they separated from each other.
16:3 hg99 What did Paul do with Timothy before they traveled together, and why? Paul circumcised Timothy because the Jews in those parts knew Timothys father was a Greek.
16:4 kxf5 What instructions did Paul deliver to the churches on their way? Paul delivered the instructions that had been written by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem.
16:4 kxf5 What instructions did Paul deliver to the churches on their way? Paul delivered the instructions that had been written by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. Those instructions were to keep the decrees decided by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem.
16:9 i6p4 How did Paul know God was calling him to preach the gospel in Macedonia? Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia calling him to come over and help them.
16:13 cypx On the Sabbath, why did Paul go to the river outside the gate of Philippi? Paul thought there would be a place of prayer there.
16:14 gj4v What did the Lord do for Lydia as Paul spoke? The Lord opened Lydias heart to pay attention to the things which were spoken by Paul.
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16:30 lm1s What question did the jailer ask Paul and Silas? The jailer asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved”?
16:31 s7vq What answer did Paul and Silas give the jailer? Paul and Silas answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your house”.
16:33 ykrm Who was baptized that night? The jailer and all his household were baptized that night.
16:37-38 m1vz What caused the magistrates to be afraid after they sent word to let Paul and Silas go? The magistrates were afraid because they realized that they had publicly beaten two uncondemned Roman citizens.
16:37-38 m1vz What caused the magistrates to be afraid after they sent word to let Paul and Silas go? The magistrates were afraid because they realized that they had publicly beaten two uncondemned Roman citizens, an act which was against Roman law.
16:40 y7xo After the magistrates asked them to leave the city, what did Paul and Silas do? Paul and Silas went to the house of Lydia, encouraged the brothers, and then departed from Philippi.
17:1-2 w69x Arriving in Thessalonica, where did Paul go first to speak from the Scriptures about Jesus? Paul went to the synagogue of the Jews first to speak from the Scriptures about Jesus.
17:3 tnbz What did Paul show was necessary from the Scriptures? Paul showed it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise again from the dead.
17:7 xi6i What accusation was made against Paul and Silas to the city officials? Paul and Silas were accused of acting against the decrees of Caesar, saying that there was another kingJesus.
17:7 xi6i What accusation was made against Paul and Silas to the city officials? Paul and Silas were accused of acting against the decrees of Caesar, saying that there was another king, Jesus.
17:10 tci9 Where did Paul and Silas go when they arrived in Berea? Paul and Silas went into the synagogue of the Jews.
17:11 t2et What did the Bereans do when they heard Pauls message? The Bereans received the word and examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was so.
17:13-15 w414 Why did Paul have to leave Berea, and where did he go? Paul had leave Berea because the Jews of Thessalonica stirred up the crowds in Berea, so Paul went to Athens.
17:13-14 w414 Why did Paul have to leave Berea? Paul had leave Berea because the Jews of Thessalonica stirred up the crowds in Berea.
17:17 f8ou Where did Paul go when he arrived in Athens? Paul went to the Jewish synagogue and the marketplace to reason from the Scriptures.
17:19-20 xnc3 Where was Paul brought to explain his teaching further? Paul was brought to the Areopagus to explain his teaching further.
17:23 gjfe Which altar in Athens did Paul find, which he wanted to explain to the people? Paul found an altar with the inscription, TO AN UNKNOWN GOD, which he wanted to explain to the people.
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17:31 ord6 For what has God set a certain day? God has set a certain day when Jesus will judge the world in righteousness.
17:31 x0ou What proof has God given that Jesus has been chosen as the judge of the world? God has proven that Jesus has been chosen as the judge of the world by raising him from the dead.
17:32 pqyi What did some do when they heard Paul speak about the resurrection of the dead? Some mocked Paul when they heard him speak about the resurrection of the dead.
17:34 txwz Did any believe what Paul had said? Yes, certain men believed Paul, and others with them.
17:34 txwz Did any believe what Paul had said? Yes, certain men and a woman believed Paul, and others with them.
18:3 odpl What work did Paul do to support himself? Paul worked as a tentmaker to support himself.
18:5 g7ct What did Paul testify to the Jews in Corinth? Paul testified to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.
18:6 l0vm When the Jews rejected Paul, what did he do? Paul told the Jews their blood was on their own head, and then he went to the Gentiles.
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18:12-13 ev77 What accusation did the Jews bring to the governor against Paul? The Jews accused Paul of teaching people to worship contrary to the law.
18:15 nkla How did the governor respond to the accusations of the Jews against Paul? The governor said that he did not wish to be a judge of matters involving the Jewish law.
18:18-19 yrak Which husband and wife traveled with Paul to Ephesus? Aquila and Priscilla traveled with Paul to Ephesus.
18:22 jtai What were the first two places Paul went after he left Ephesus? After he left Ephesus, Paul traveled to Jerusalem and then to Antioch.
18:22 jtai What were the first two places Paul went after he left Ephesus? After he left Ephesus, Paul traveled to greet the church at Jerusalem and then he went to Antioch.
18:25 g6ho What teaching did Apollos understand accurately, and in what teaching did he need more instruction? Apollos understood the things concerning Jesus accurately, but he knew only the baptism of John.
18:26 eon0 What did Priscilla and Aquila do for Apollos? Priscilla and Aquila became friends with Apollos and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
18:28 rljo What was Apollos able to do with his eloquent speech and knowledge of the Scriptures? Apollos was able to publicly overwhelm the Jews, showing that Jesus was the Christ.
19:2 hdb3 What had the disciples that Paul met in Ephesus not heard about when they believed? The disciples had not heard about the Holy Spirit.
19:4 rigp Johns baptism was a baptism of what? Johns baptism was a baptism of repentance.
19:4 lkcx On whom had John told the people to believe? John had told the people to believe on the one who would come after him.
19:4 lkcx On whom had John told the people to believe? John had told the people to believe on the one who would come after him, Jesus.
19:5 iaq9 In what name did Paul then baptize the disciples from Ephesus? Paul baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus.
19:6 bf8t What happened to the men after they were baptized and Paul laid hands on them? The Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in other languages and prophesied.
19:9 bdpf What did Paul do when some of the Jews in Ephesus began to speak evil of the way of Christ? Paul withdrew with the believers and began to speak in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.
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19:16 zvnx What happened when seven Jewish exorcists tried to cast out an evil spirit in the name of Jesus? The evil spirit beat up the exorcists and they fled naked and wounded.
19:19 xtb7 In Ephesus, what did many who practiced magical arts do? Many who practiced magical arts in Ephesus burned their books in the sight of everyone.
19:21 gy2j Where did Paul say he would go after he went to Jerusalem? Paul said he would go to Rome after he went to Jerusalem.
19:26 efin What concerns did the silversmith Demetrius express to the other workmen? Demetrius was concerned that Paul was teaching people that there are no gods that are made with hands, and that the goddess Diana might be considered worthless.
19:26 efin What concerns did the silversmith Demetrius express to the other workmen? Demetrius was concerned that Paul was teaching people that the things being made with hands are not gods, and that the temple of their goddess Diana might be considered worthless.
19:28-29 hzui How did the people react to Demetrius concerns? The people became angry and cried out saying that Diana was great, filling the whole city with confusion.
19:30-31 kln7 Why did Paul not address the crowd, even though he wanted to? The disciples and some local officials did not allow Paul to speak to the crowd.
19:30-31 kln7 Why did Paul not address the crowd, even though he wanted to? The disciples and some local officials did not allow Paul to speak to the crowd because the crowd was in such a frenzy.
19:38 ocn0 What did the town clerk tell the people to do instead of rioting? The town clerk told the people to bring their accusations to the courts.
19:40 tpx1 In what danger did the town clerk say the people were? The town clerk said that the people were in danger of being accused for being disorderly, and that there was no cause for an explanation.
19:40 tpx1 In what danger did the town clerk say the people were? The town clerk said that the people were in danger of being accused for being disorderly, and that there was no reason that could be given as an explanation.
20:3 rl1q What caused Paul to change his plans and return through Macedonia instead of sailing for Syria? Paul changed his plans because the Jews had formed a plot against him as he was about to sail for Syria.
20:7 kqua On what day of the week did Paul and the believers gather to break bread? On the first day of the week Paul and the believers gathered to break bread.
20:9-10 jxkk What happened to the young man who fell out of the window while Paul was speaking? The young man fell from the third story and was picked up dead, but Paul stretched himself out on him and he came back to life.
20:16 afhc Why was Paul hurrying toward Jerusalem? Paul was hurrying toward Jerusalem to be there for the day of Pentecost.
20:18 yygx About what did Paul say he warned both Jews and Greeks since he set foot in Asia? Paul said he warned both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus.
20:20 o779 About what did Paul say he warned both Jews and Greeks since he set foot in Asia? Paul said he warned both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus.
20:18-21 o779 About what did Paul testify both Jews and Greeks from the time he set foot in Asia? Paul said he testified to both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus.
20:23 mlnm About what was the Holy Spirit witnessing to Paul in every city as he traveled toward Jerusalem? The Holy Spirit was witnessing to Paul that chains and sufferings awaited him.
20:24 qkv9 What ministry had Paul received from the Lord Jesus? Pauls ministry was to bear witness to the gospel of the grace of God.
20:27 drae Why did Paul say he was innocent of the blood of any man? Paul said he was innocent of their blood because he had declared to them the whole will of God.
20:26-27 drae Why did Paul say he was innocent of the blood of any man? Paul said he was innocent of their blood because he had declared to them the whole will of God.
20:28 o9z9 What did Paul command the Ephesian elders to do carefully after his departure? Paul commanded the elders to shepherd the flock carefully.
20:30 i1ak What did Paul say would happen among the Ephesian elders after his departure? Paul said that some of the elders would say corrupt things in order to draw away disciples after themselves.
20:32 ugtl To whom did Paul entrust the Ephesian elders? Paul entrusted the Ephesian elders to God.
20:34-35 ya8e What example did Paul set for the Ephesians regarding work? Paul worked for his own needs and the needs of those with him, and helped the weak.
20:34-35 ya8e What example did Paul set for the Ephesians regarding work? Paul worked for his own needs and the needs of those with him.
20:38 vthv What made the Ephesian elders sad most of all? The Ephesian elders were sad most of all because Paul had said they would never see his face again.
21:4 oixn What did the disciples in Tyre say to Paul through the Spirit? The disciples said to Paul through the Spirit that he should not set foot in Jerusalem.
21:9 g2a5 What do we know about Philip the preachers children? Philip had four virgin daughters that prophesied.
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21:24 mvn9 Why did James and the elders want Paul to purify himself with the four men who had made a vow? They wanted everyone to know that Paul as a Jew also lived so as to keep the law.
21:25 wg6c What did James say the Gentiles who believed should do? James said the Gentiles should keep themselves from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from fornication.
21:28 zmvk What accusations did some Jews from Asia make against Paul in the temple? The Jews accused Paul of teaching against the law and defiling the temple by bringing Greeks into it.
21:31 oa6d After making these accusations, what did the Jews do to Paul? The Jews dragged Paul out of the temple and tried to kill him.
21:30-31 oa6d After making these accusations, what did the Jews do to Paul? The Jews dragged Paul out of the temple and tried to kill him.
21:33 jbdu What did the chief captain of the guard do when he heard that Jerusalem was in an uproar? The chief captain laid hold on Paul and had him bound with two chains, asking who he was and what he had done.
21:36 utw8 What was the crowd shouting as the soldiers carried Paul into the fortress? The crowd was shouting, “Away with him!”
21:39 yplb What request did Paul make to the chief captain? Paul requested that he be allowed to speak to the people.
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22:7 cm8q What did the voice from heaven say to Paul as he neared Damascus? The voice from heaven said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
22:8 zijd Who was Paul persecuting? Paul was persecuting Jesus of Nazareth.
22:11 sdpe Why could Paul no longer see? Paul could no longer see because of the brightness of the light that he saw as he neared Damascus.
22:12-13 rm9u How was Pauls sight restored? A devout man named Ananias came and stood by Paul and said, “Brother Saul, receive your sight”.
22:12-13 rm9u How was Pauls sight restored? A devout man named Ananias came and stood by Paul and said, “Brother Saul, look up.”
22:16 htcq What did Ananias tell Paul to arise and do, and why? Ananias told Paul to arise and be baptized to wash away his sins.
22:18 zmch When Jesus spoke to Paul in the temple, how did he say the Jews would react to Pauls testimony about him? Jesus said that the Jews would not accept Pauls testimony about him.
22:21 crzp To whom did Jesus then send Paul? Jesus sent Paul to the Gentiles.
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23:6 iczg For what reason did Paul say he was being judged before the council? Paul said he was being judged because of his confidence in the resurrection.
23:7-8 p875 Why did an argument begin in the council when Paul gave his reason for being judged? An argument began because the Pharisees say there is a resurrection, but the Sadducees say there is no resurrection.
23:10 l9tz Why did the chief captain take Paul from the council to the fortress? The chief captain feared that Paul would be torn to pieces by the council members.
23:11 l8yd What promise did the Lord give Paul the following night? The Lord told Paul to not fear because he would bear witness in Jerusalem and in Rome.
23:12-13 i7yf What pact concerning Paul did some Jewish men make? About forty Jewish men made a pact that they would not eat or drink until they had killed Paul.
23:14-15 exnu What was the plan the forty Jewish men presented to the chief priests and elders? They asked the chief priests and elders to have Paul brought to the council so they could kill Paul before he arrived.
23:16 lik5 How did Paul learn about the plan of the forty Jewish men? Pauls sisters son heard of the plan and told Paul.
23:23-24 xj40 How did the chief captain respond when he learned the plan of the forty Jewish men? The chief captain ordered a large guard to take Paul safely to Felix the governor at the third hour of the night.
23:11 l8yd What promise did the Lord give Paul the following night? The Lord told Paul not to fear, because he would bear witness in Rome as he had in Jerusalem.
23:12-13 i7yf What pact concerning Paul did some Jewish men make? About 40 Jewish men made a pact that they would not eat or drink until they had killed Paul.
23:14-15 exnu What was the plan the 40 Jewish men presented to the chief priests and elders? They asked the chief priests and elders to have Paul brought to the council so they could kill Paul before he arrived.
23:16 lik5 How did Paul learn about the plan of the 40 Jewish men? Pauls sisters son heard of the plan and told Paul.
23:23-24 xj40 How did the chief captain respond when he learned the plan of the 40 Jewish men? The chief captain ordered a large guard to take Paul safely to Felix the governor at the third hour of the night.
23:29 krfj In his letter to Felix the governor, what did the chief captain say about the accusations against Paul? The chief captain said Paul did not deserve death or imprisonment, but that the accusations were about questions concerning Jewish law.
23:35 ewf2 When did Felix the governor say he would hear Pauls case? Felix said he would hear Pauls case when Pauls accusers arrived.
23:35 csoo Where was Paul kept until his trial? Paul was kept in Herods palace until his trial.
24:5 rdw3 Of what sect did Tertullus say Paul was a leader? Tertullus said Paul was a leader of the Nazarene sect.
24:5-6 jd68 What accusations did the orator Tertullus bring against Paul? Tertullus accused Paul of causing the Jews to rebel and desecrating the temple.
24:5-6 jd68 What accusations did the orator Tertullus bring against Paul? Tertullus accused Paul of causing the Jews to rebel and of desecrating the temple.
24:12 oy41 What did Paul say he had done in the temple, synagogues, and city? Paul said he had not argued with anyone and had not stirred up a crowd.
24:14 ylrl To what did Paul say he was faithful? Paul said he was faithful to all that is in the law and the writings of the prophets.
24:14 ylrl To what did Paul say he was faithful? Paul said he was faithful to all that is in the law and the writings of the prophets and that he served God according to the Way they call a sect.
24:15 fso7 What hope did Paul share with the Jews accusing him? They shared the same confidence in God about the coming resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous dead.
24:17 ndj8 Why did Paul say he had come to Jerusalem? Paul said he had come to bring help to his nation and gifts of money.
24:18 r8yz What did Paul say he was doing in the temple when he was found by certain Jews from Asia? Paul said he was in a purification ceremony when he was found.
24:22 v2dj About what was the governor Felix well informed? The governnor Felix was well informed about the Way.
24:22 d1ji When did Felix say he would decide Pauls case? Felix said he would decide Pauls case when Lusias the commander came from Jerusalem.
24:22 d1ji When did Felix say he would decide Pauls case? Felix said he would decide Pauls case when Lysias the commander came from Jerusalem.
24:24-25 b78w After some days, about what did Paul tell Felix? Paul told Felix about faith in Christ Jesus, rigtheousness, self-control, and the coming judgment.
24:25 bcmp How did Felix react after he heard Paul? Felix became fearful and asked Paul to go away for the present.
24:27 sx9a After two years, why did Felix leave Paul under guard when the new governor came? Felix left Paul under guard because he wanted to gain favor with the Jews.
24:25 bcmp How did Felix react after he heard Paul? Felix became fearful, and he asked Paul to go away for the present time.
24:27 sx9a After two years, why did Felix leave Paul still under guard when the new governor came? Felix left Paul imprisoned because he wanted to gain favor with the Jews.
25:3 l85w What favor did the chief priest and the prominent Jews ask of Festus? They asked Festus to call Paul to Jerusalem so that they could kill Paul along the way.
25:5 rh9q What did Festus tell the chief priest and the prominent Jews to do? Festus told them to go to Caesarea, where Festus was going, and that they could accuse Paul there.
25:4-5 rh9q What did Festus tell the chief priest and the prominent Jews to do? Festus told them to go to Caesarea, where Festus was going, and that they could accuse Paul there.
25:9 haz8 While judging Pauls case in Caesarea, what question did Festus ask Paul? Festus asked Paul if he wanted to go up to Jerusalem and be judged there.
25:9 tfii Why did Festus ask Paul this question? Festus asked Paul this question because he wanted to gain favor with the Jews.
25:10 g7y7 What was Pauls response to Festus question? Paul said that he stood before the judgment seat of Caesar where he must be judged.
25:12 cyst What did Festus decide to do with Pauls case? Festus decided that since Paul had called upon Caesar, then he would go to Caesar.
25:16 ayma What did Festus say was the legal custom with the Romans regarding people charged with crimes? Festus said that the Romans gave the accused person an opportunity to face his accusers and to make a defense against the charges.
25:19 qvr4 What charges did Festus say the Jews had brought against Paul? Festus said that the charges involved certain disputes about their religion and about a certain Jesus who was dead, but Paul claimed to be alive.
25:19 qvr4 What charges did Festus say the Jews had brought against Paul? Festus said that the charges involved certain disputes about their religion and about a certain Jesus who was dead, but whom Paul claimed to be alive.
25:26 r9ht Why did Festus bring Paul to speak before King Agrippa? Festus wanted King Agrippa to help him write something logical about Pauls case to the Emperor.
25:27 cazj What did Festus say would be unreasonable for him to do as he sent Paul to the Emperor? Festus said it would be unreasonable for him to send Paul to the Emperor without stating the charges against him.
26:3 lhsc Why was Paul happy to be able to make his defense before King Agrippa? Paul was happy to be able to make his defense before King Agrippa because Agrippa was an expert in all the Jewish customs and questions.
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27:3 u21g How did the centurion Julius treat Paul at the beginning of the journey to Rome? Julius treated Paul kindly and allowed him to go to his friends and receive their care.
27:7-8 exei Which island did Pauls ship sail around with difficulty? The ship sailed around the island of Crete with difficulty.
27:10-11 slb6 Why did Julius the centurion not follow Pauls warning about the dangers of continuing to sail? Julius did not follow Pauls warning because he paid more attention to the owner of the ship.
27:14 elvz After a gentle start to the voyage, what wind began to beat down on the ship? After a gentle start, a wind called The Northeaster began to beat down on the ship.
27:14 elvz After a gentle start to the voyage, what wind began to beat down on the ship? After a gentle start, a wind called the northeaster began to beat down on the ship.
27:20 vwtk After many days, what hope was abandoned by the crew of the ship? After many days, the crew abandoned any hope that they should be saved.
27:23-24 qalr What message did an angel of God give Paul concerning the people on the voyage? The angel told Paul that he and all the sailors would survive.
27:27 j9uo At midnight on the fourteenth night, what did the sailors think was happening to the ship? The sailors thought the ship was approaching some land.
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27:43 vtui Why did the centurion stop the plan of the soldiers? The centurion stopped the plan of the soldiers because he wanted to save Paul.
27:44 o5br How did all of the people on the ship come safely to land? Those who could swim jumped overboard first, and the rest followed on planks or other things from the ship.
28:2 bqf6 How did the native people on the island of Malta treat Paul and the crew of the ship? The people treated them with not just ordinary kindness.
28:4 h6xz What did the people think when they saw the viper hanging from Pauls hand? The people thought that Paul was a murderer who was not being permitted to live by justice.
28:4 h6xz What did the people think when they saw the viper hanging from Pauls hand? The people thought that Paul was a murderer who, by justice, was not being permitted to live.
28:6 ivas What did the people think when they saw Paul was not killed by the viper? The people thought that Paul was a god.
28:8-9 v6vr What happened after Paul healed the father of Publius, the chief man of the island? The rest of the people on the island who were sick also came and were healed.
28:11 ch6i How long did Paul and the crew remain on the island of Malta? Paul and the crew remained on the island of Malta for three months.
28:15 iz0e What did Paul do when he saw the brothers from Rome who had come to meet him? When he saw the brothers, Paul thanked God and took courage.
28:16 nat0 What were Pauls living arrangements in Rome as a prisoner? Paul was allowed to live by himself with a soldier who was guarding him.
28:20 is6p For what reason did Paul tell the Jewish leaders in Rome he had been chained? Paul told the Jewish leaders in Rome he had been chained for the confidence of Israel.
28:20 is6p For what reason did Paul tell the Jewish leaders in Rome he had been chained? Paul told the Jewish leaders in Rome he had been chained because of the hope of Israel.
28:22 gu6b What did the Jewish leaders in Rome know about the sect of the Christians? The Jewish leaders in Rome knew that the sect was spoken against everywhere.
28:23 mj7v When the Jewish leaders came again to Paul at his dwelling place, what did Paul try to do from morning until evening? Paul tried to persuade them about Jesus, from both the law of Moses and from the prophets.
28:24 ns9t What was the response of the Jewish leaders to Pauls presentation? Some of the Jewish leaders were convinced, while others did not believe.
28:26 dp9e What did the final scripture quoted by Paul say about the Jewish leaders who did not believe? The final scripture Paul quoted said that those who did not believe would not understand nor perceive what they heard and saw.
28:28 bq91 Where did Paul say Gods message of salvation had been sent, and what would be the response? Paul said that Gods message of salvation had been sent to the Gentiles, and they would listen.
28:31 cb7a What did Paul do while a prisoner in Rome? Paul preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness.
28:31 eea2 Who stopped Paul from preaching and teaching while he was a prisoner in Rome for two years? No one stopped him.
28:31 cb7a What did Paul do while a prisoner in Rome? Paul preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.
28:31 eea2 Who stopped Paul from preaching and teaching while he was a prisoner in Rome for two years? The phrase "without hindrance" means that no one stopped him.

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