Jane's edits to Mark (#116)

Co-authored-by: justplainjane47 <justplainjane47@noreply.door43.org>
Reviewed-on: https://git.door43.org/unfoldingWord/en_tq/pulls/116
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Larry Sallee 2022-04-04 12:29:18 +00:00
parent 5b7c204cf4
commit 42dbc00ade
1 changed files with 36 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
5:1-2 f3h1 Who met Jesus when they came to the region of the Gerasenes? A man with an unclean spirit met Jesus.
5:4 pvch What had happened when people tried to restrain this man with chains? When people tried to restrain this man with chains, he tore the chains apart.
5:7 s4bf What title did the unclean spirit give Jesus? The unclean spirit called Jesus the Son of the Most High God.
5:8 s0ay What did Jesus say to the man? Jesus said to the man, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit”.
5:9 yw86 What was the name of the unclean spirit? The unclean spirits name was Army, because there were many.
5:13 jvth What happened when Jesus cast out the unclean spirit from the man? The spirits came out and entered a herd of pigs, who ran down a steep hill and drowned in the lake.
5:8 s0ay What did Jesus say to the unclean spirit in the man? Jesus said, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit”.
5:9 yw86 What was the name of the unclean spirit? The unclean spirits name was Legion, because there were many.
5:13 jvth What happened when Jesus cast out the unclean spirit from the man? The spirits came out and entered a herd of pigs, which ran down a steep hill and drowned in the lake.
5:15 ist0 After the unclean spirit was cast out, what was the condition of the man? The man was sitting with Jesus, clothed and in his right mind.
5:17 mpj9 What did the people of the region ask Jesus to do? The people asked Jesus to leave their region.
5:19 w96x What did Jesus tell the man who had lived in the tombs to now do? Jesus told the man to tell his people what the Lord had done for him.
5:22-23 pj22 What request did Jairus, the synagogue leader, make of Jesus? Jairus asked Jesus to come with him to lay hands on his daughter who was near death.
5:25 atxm What was the problem with the woman who touched Jesus cloak? The woman had suffered with a discharge of blood for twelve years.
5:22-23 pj22 What request did Jairus, the synagogue leader, make of Jesus? Jairus asked Jesus to come with him to lay hands on his daughter, who was near death.
5:25 atxm What was the problem with the woman who touched Jesus cloak? The woman had suffered with a discharge of blood for 12 years.
5:28 afd1 Why did the woman touch Jesus cloak? The woman thought that if she just touched Jesus clothes, she would be healed.
5:30 mrlf What did Jesus do when the woman touched his cloak? Jesus knew that power had gone out from him and looked around to see who had touched him.
5:32 lyq8 What did Jesus do when the woman touched his cloak? Jesus knew that power had gone out from him and looked around to see who had touched him.
5:30 mrlf What did Jesus do when the woman touched his cloak? Jesus knew that power had gone out from him so he asked who touched his clothes.
5:32 lyq8 What did Jesus do after the woman touched his cloak? Jesus looked around to see who had touched him.
5:34 jfch When the woman told Jesus all the truth, what did Jesus say to her? Jesus told her that her faith had made her well, and to go in peace.
5:35 spbi What was the condition of Jairus daughter when Jesus arrived at the house? Jairus daughter was dead.
5:36 fai5 What did Jesus tell Jairus at this time? Jesus told Jairus to not be afraid, but to just believe.
@ -93,26 +93,26 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
6:7 djdl What authority did Jesus give the Twelve as he sent them out? Jesus gave the Twelve authority over unclean spirits.
6:8-9 e4e2 What did the Twelve take with them on their journey? The Twelve took a staff, sandals, and one tunic.
6:11 yfhp What did Jesus tell the Twelve to do if a place did not receive them? Jesus told the Twelve to shake off the dust under their feet as a testimony against them.
6:14-15 iota Who did the people suppose Jesus was? The people supposed that Jesus was John the Baptizer, or Elijah, or a prophet.
6:14-15 iota Who did the people suppose Jesus was? The people supposed that Jesus was John the Baptizer or Elijah or a prophet.
6:18 wv8i What had John the Baptizer told Herod he was doing unlawfully? John had told Herod it was unlawful for Herod to marry his brothers wife.
6:20 l858 How did Herod react when he heard John preach? Herod became upset when he heard John preach, but he was still glad to hear him.
6:23 fzf0 What oath did Herod swear to Herodias? Herod swore that she could have whatever she asked of him, up to half of his kingdom.
6:25 tn2q For what did Herodias ask? Herodias asked for the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.
6:26 cu47 How did Herod react to Herodias request? Herod became very sorry, but did not refuse her request because of the oaths he had made in front of his guests.
6:26 cu47 How did Herod react to Herodias request? Herod became very sorry but did not refuse her request, because of the oaths he had made in front of his guests.
6:33 c20j What happened when Jesus and the apostles tried to go away by themselves to rest? Many people recognized them and ran to arrive there before Jesus and the apostles.
6:34 mdl0 What was Jesus attitude toward the crowd that was waiting for them? Jesus had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
6:37 if60 When asked by Jesus, what did the disciples think they would have to do to feed the people? The disciples thought they would have to go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread.
6:37 if60 When asked by Jesus, what did the disciples think they would have to do to feed the people? The disciples thought they would have to go and buy 200 denarii worth of bread.
6:38 o56u What food did the disciples already have with them? The disciples already had five loaves and two fish with them.
6:41 bqyw What did Jesus do as he took the loaves and fish? As he took the loaves and fish, Jesus looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples.
6:43 zbvh How much food was left after everyone ate? There were twelve baskets of bread, and pieces of fish left after everyone ate.
6:44 yrio How many men had been fed? There were five thousand men that had been fed.
6:43 zbvh How much food was left after everyone ate? There were 12 baskets of bread, and pieces of fish left after everyone ate.
6:44 yrio How many men had been fed? There were 5,000 men that had been fed.
6:48 uxae How did Jesus come to the disciples on the lake? Jesus came to the disciples walking on the lake.
6:50 j2xz What did Jesus tell the disciples when they saw him? Jesus told the disciples to be brave and to not be afraid.
6:52 icdc Why did the disciples not understand about the miracle of the loaves? The disciples did not understand about the miracle of the loaves because their minds were slow to understand.
6:55 qidu What did the people of the region do when they recognized Jesus? The people brought the sick on stretchers to Jesus wherever they heard he was coming.
6:56 nkto What happened to those who just touched the fringe of Jesus garment? Those who just touched the fringe of Jesus garment were healed.
7:2 t05x What were some of Jesus disciples doing that offended the Pharisees and scribes? Some of the disciples were eating with unwashed hands.
7:3-4 ym0v Whose tradition was it that hands, cups, pots, copper vessels, and dining couches be washed before eating? It was the tradition of the elders that hands, cups, pots, copper vessels, and dining couches be washed before eating.
7:3-4 ym0v Whose tradition was it that hands, cups, pots, and copper vessels be washed before eating? It was the tradition of the elders that hands, cups, pots, and copper vessels be washed before eating.
7:8-9 qrmr What did Jesus say to the Pharisees and scribes about their teaching on the issue of washing? Jesus said that the Pharisees and scribes taught the rules of men while abandoning the commandment of God.
7:11-13 d1yr How did the Pharisees and scribes void the commandment of God which says to honor your father and mother? They voided Gods commandment by telling people to give to them as Corban the money that would have helped their father and mother.
7:15 nqfn What did Jesus say does not defile a person? Jesus said that nothing from outside of a person can defile him when it enters into him.
@ -130,19 +130,19 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
8:5 s9oj How many loaves did the disciples have with them? The disciples had seven loaves with them.
8:6 y5p3 What did Jesus do with the disciples loaves? Jesus gave thanks, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to serve.
8:8 ckyo How much food remained after everyone had eaten? There were seven baskets of food remaining after everyone had eaten.
8:9 h9sm How many people ate and were satisfied? There were about four thousand men who ate and were satisfied.
8:9 h9sm How many people ate and were satisfied? There were about 4,000 men who ate and were satisfied.
8:11 bo9w To test him, what did the Pharisees want Jesus to do? The Pharisees wanted Jesus to give them a sign from heaven.
8:15 jt3x About what did Jesus warn his disciples concerning the Pharisees? Jesus warned his disciples to be on guard of the yeast of the Pharisees.
8:15 jt3x About what did Jesus warn his disciples concerning the Pharisees? Jesus warned his disciples to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees.
8:16 fjm2 About what did the disciples think Jesus was talking? The disciples thought Jesus was talking about the fact that they had forgotten to bring bread.
8:19 nrwx Jesus reminded his disciples that what had happened when Jesus had broken five loaves? Jesus reminded them that when he had broken five loaves, five thousand people had been fed and twelves baskets full of broken pieces had been taken up.
8:19 nrwx Jesus reminded his disciples that what had happened when Jesus had broken five loaves? Jesus reminded them that when he had broken five loaves, 5,000 people had been fed and 12 baskets full of broken pieces had been taken up.
8:23 lkdf What two things did Jesus first do to the blind man in order to restore his sight? Jesus first spat on his eyes and laid his hands upon him.
8:25 w8lo What third thing did Jesus do to the blind man in order to completely restore his sight? Jesus laid his hands upon his eyes.
8:25 w8lo What third thing did Jesus do to the blind man in order to completely restore his sight? Jesus laid his hands upon his eyes again.
8:28 scql Who were the people saying that Jesus was? The people were saying that Jesus was John the Baptizer, Elijah, or one of the prophets.
8:29 pf6h Who did Peter say that Jesus was? Peter said that Jesus was the Christ.
8:31 ssr3 About what future events did Jesus begin to teach his disciples clearly? Jesus taught his disciples that the Son of Man must suffer, be rejected, be killed, and be raised after three days.
8:33 o8md What did Jesus say when Peter began to rebuke him? Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan! You do not care for the things of God, but for the things of people”.
8:34 vqyx What did Jesus say anyone who wants to follow him must do? Jesus said that anyone who wants to follow him must deny himself and take up his cross.
8:36 eosc What did Jesus say about a persons desire to gain the things of the world? Jesus said, “What does it profit a person to gain the whole world, and then forfeit his life?”
8:34 vqyx What did Jesus say anyone who wants to follow him must do? Jesus said that anyone who wants to follow him must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Jesus.
8:36 eosc What did Jesus say about a persons desire to gain the things of the world? Jesus said, “What does it profit a person to gain the whole world and then forfeit his life?”
8:38 fczm What did Jesus say he would do concerning those who are ashamed of him and his words? Jesus said that at his coming he would be ashamed of those who were ashamed of him and his words.
9:1 ryud Who did Jesus say would see the kingdom of God coming with power? Jesus said that some standing there with him would not die before they saw the kingdom of God coming with power.
9:2-3 j5nw What happened to Jesus when Peter, James, and John went up a high mountain with him? Jesus was transfigured and his garments became radiantly brilliant.
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
9:17-18 tzbr What were the disciples unable to do for the father and his son? The disciples were unable to drive out the evil spirit from the fathers son.
9:22 ifim Into what did the evil spirit throw the boy to try to destroy him? The evil spirit threw the boy into the fire or into the waters to try to destroy him.
9:23-24 ay7z How did the father respond when Jesus said all things are possible for the one who believes? The father responded, “I believe! Help my unbelief!”
9:28-29 uh6o Why were the disciples unable to cast out the mute and deaf spirit in the boy? The disciples were unable to cast out the spirit because it could not be cast out except by prayer.
9:28-29 uh6o Why were the disciples unable to cast out the mute and deaf spirit in the boy? The disciples were unable to cast out the spirit, because it could not be cast out except by prayer.
9:31 uvpd What did Jesus tell his disciples would happen to him? Jesus told them he would be put to death, then after three days he would rise again.
9:33-34 q8mj What were the disciples arguing about along the way? The disciples were arguing about who among them was the greatest.
9:35 xnwc Who did Jesus say is first? Jesus said that he is first who is servant of all.
@ -176,27 +176,27 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
10:26-27 a2pr How did Jesus say even a rich person could be saved? Jesus said that with people it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
10:29-30 ut0n What did Jesus say anyone would receive who had left house, family, and lands for Jesus sake? Jesus said they would receive a hundred times as much in this world, with persecutions, and eternal life in the world to come.
10:32 t4vq On what road were Jesus and the disciples traveling? Jesus and the disciples were traveling on the road going up to Jerusalem.
10:33-34 ie59 What did Jesus tell his disciples would happen to him in Jerusalem? Jesus told his disciples that he would be condemned to death, and after three days he would rise.
10:33-34 ie59 What did Jesus tell his disciples would happen to him in Jerusalem? Jesus told his disciples that he would be condemned to death and delivered over to the Gentiles.
10:35-37 mu7d What request did James and John make to Jesus? James and John requested to sit on Jesus right and left hand with him in glory.
10:39 xafk What did Jesus say that James and John would endure? Jesus said that James and John would endure the cup Jesus would drink, and the baptism with which Jesus would be baptized.
10:40 vd45 Did Jesus grant the request of James and John? No, Jesus said that the seats at his right and left hand were not his to give.
10:40 vd45 Did Jesus grant the request of James and John? No. Jesus said that the seats at his right and left hand were not his to give.
10:42 m3q4 How did Jesus say the rulers of the Gentiles treat their subjects? Jesus said that the rulers of the Gentiles dominate their subjects.
10:43-44 yky8 How did Jesus say those who wish to be great among the disciples must live? Jesus said those who wish to be great among the disciples must be servant of all.
10:48 ece0 What did the blind man Bartimaeus do when many rebuked him, telling him to be quiet? Bartimaeus cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
10:52 rato What did Jesus say had healed Bartimaeus of his blindness? Jesus said that Bartimaeus faith had healed him.
11:2 agr2 What did Jesus send two of his disciples to do in the village opposite them? Jesus sent them to bring a colt to him that had never been ridden.
11:5-6 u8he What happened when the disciples untied the colt? Some people asked the disciples what they were doing, so they spoke to the people as Jesus told them, and the people let them go their way.
11:8 cgd8 What did the people spread on the road as Jesus rode on the colt? The people spread their garments, and branches they had cut from the fields.
11:8 cgd8 What did the people spread on the road as Jesus rode on the colt? On the road the people spread their garments and branches they had cut from the fields.
11:10 vfq1 What coming kingdom were the people shouting about as Jesus rode toward Jerusalem? The people were shouting that the kingdom of their father David was coming.
11:11 pj8s What did Jesus do when he entered the temple area? Jesus looked around and then went out to Bethany.
11:14 qg7e What did Jesus do when he saw the fig tree with no fruit on it? Jesus said to the fig tree, “No one will ever eat fruit from you”.
11:15-16 pbr1 What did Jesus do when he entered the temple area this time? Jesus cast out the sellers and purchasers, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple.
11:15-16 pbr1 What did Jesus do when he entered the temple area this time? Jesus cast out the sellers and purchasers and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple.
11:17 dgql What did Jesus say the temple was supposed to be, according to Scripture? Jesus said that the temple was supposed to be a house of prayer for all the nations.
11:17 hpgp What did Jesus say the chief priests and scribes had made the temple? Jesus said they had made the temple a den of robbers.
11:18 x7nj What were the chief priests and scribes trying to do to Jesus? The chief priests and scribes were trying to kill Jesus.
11:20 geb7 What happened to the fig tree to which Jesus had spoken? The fig tree to which Jesus had spoken withered away to its roots.
11:24 okwn What did Jesus say about everything we ask for in prayer? Jesus said that everything we ask for in prayer, believe that we have received it, and it will be ours.
11:25 udpr What did Jesus say we must do so that the Father in heaven will also forgive you? Jesus said we must forgive whatever we have against anyone, so that the Father will also forgive us.
11:25 udpr What did Jesus say we must do so that the Father in heaven will also forgive you? Jesus said we must forgive whatever we have against anyone so that the Father will also forgive us.
11:27-28 y3u8 In the temple, what did the chief priests, scribes, and elders want to know from Jesus? They wanted to know by what authority he did the things he was doing.
11:30 cdce What question did Jesus ask the chief priests, scribes, and elders? Jesus asked them if Johns baptism was from heaven or from men.
11:31 qfb1 Why did the chief priests, scribes, and elders not want to answer that Johns baptism was from heaven? They did not want to give this answer because Jesus would ask why they didnt believe John.
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
12:9 bpsj What will the owner of the vineyard do to the vine dressers? The owner of the vineyard will come and destroy the vine dressers and give the vineyard to others.
12:10 c54c In the scripture, what happens to the stone which the builders rejected? The stone which the builders rejected has been made the cornerstone.
12:14 n5ve What question did the Pharisees and some of the Herodians ask Jesus? They asked him if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not.
12:17 z3xo How did Jesus answer their question? Jesus said they should give to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God, the things that are Gods.
12:17 z3xo How did Jesus answer their question? Jesus said they should give to Caesar the things that are Caesars and give to God the things that are Gods.
12:18 jy15 In what did the Sadducees not believe? The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection.
12:22 nmuk In the story told by the Sadducees, how many husbands did the woman have? The woman had seven husbands.
12:23 fehv What question did the Sadducees ask Jesus about the woman? They asked which of the men would be the womans husband in the resurrection.
@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
12:29-30 tzeh What commandment did Jesus say is most important? Jesus said that to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is the most important commandment.
12:31 mh0y What commandment did Jesus say is second? Jesus said that to love your neighbor as yourself is the second commandment.
12:35-37 qo6t What question did Jesus ask the scribes about David? Jesus asked how David could call the Christ Lord when the Christ is the son of David.
12:38-40 ndcc What did Jesus tell the people to beware of concerning the scribes? Jesus said that the scribes desire to be honored by men, but they devour widows houses, and make long prayers for people to see.
12:38-40 ndcc What did Jesus tell the people to beware of concerning the scribes? Jesus said that the scribes desire to be honored by men, but they devour widows houses and make long prayers for people to see.
12:44 vxj4 Why did Jesus say that the poor widow had put in more than all who contributed to the offering box? Jesus said she had contributed more because she gave out of her poverty while the others gave out of their abundance.
13:2 a889 What did Jesus say would happen to the wonderful stones and buildings of the temple? Jesus said that not one stone would be left on another which would not be torn down.
13:4 et3p What question did the disciples then ask Jesus? The disciples asked Jesus when these things would happen and what would be the sign.
13:2 a889 What did Jesus say would happen to the wonderful stones and buildings of the temple? Jesus said that not one stone would be left on another.
13:4 et3p What question did the disciples then ask Jesus? The disciples asked Jesus when these things would happen, and what would be the sign.
13:5-6 znvi About what did Jesus say the disciples must be careful? Jesus said the disciples must be careful that no one lead them astray.
13:7-8 umt6 What did Jesus say would be the beginnings of birth pains? Jesus said the beginning of birth pains would be wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines.
13:9 arqh What did Jesus say would happen to the disciples? Jesus said that the disciples would be delivered to councils, beaten in synagogues, and would stand before governors and kings as a testimony.
@ -231,14 +231,14 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
13:14 a194 What did Jesus say those in Judea should do when they see the abomination of desolation? Jesus said that those in Judea should flee to the mountains when they see the abomination of desolation.
13:20 pgpi What did Jesus say the Lord would do for the sake of the elect, so that they would be saved? Jesus said the Lord would shorten the days of tribulation for the sake of the elect.
13:22 zmok Who did Jesus say would arise to deceive people? Jesus said that false Christs and false prophets would arise to deceive people.
13:24-25 mxj5 What will happen to the powers in the heavens after the tribulation of those days? The sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
13:24-25 mxj5 What will happen to the lights and powers in the heavens after the tribulation of those days? The sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall from the sky. The powers in the heavens will be shaken.
13:26 ctur What will the people see in the clouds? They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
13:27 kyem What will the Son of Man do when he comes? The Son of Man will gather his elect from the ends of the earth and the sky.
13:30 zo90 What did Jesus say would not pass away until all of these things occurred? Jesus said that this generation would not pass away until all of these things occurred.
13:31 oxg8 What did Jesus say would never pass away? Jesus said that his words would never pass away.
13:32 pmdn When did Jesus say all these things would happen? Jesus said that no one knows the day or hour, except the Father.
13:33 mck3 What command did Jesus give his disciples regarding his coming? Jesus told his disciples to be alert and watch.
13:35 zfgp What command did Jesus give his disciples regarding his coming? Jesus told his disciples to be alert and watch.
13:32 pmdn When did Jesus say all these things would happen? Jesus said that no one knows the day or hour except the Father.
13:33 mck3 What command did Jesus give his disciples regarding when the time is? Jesus told his disciples to be alert, watch and pray.
13:35 zfgp What command did Jesus give his disciples regarding his coming? Jesus told his disciples to be stay alert as they await his coming.
13:37 c6rm What command did Jesus give his disciples regarding his coming? Jesus told his disciples to be alert and watch.
14:1 l7mb What were the chief priests and scribes considering how to do? They were considering how to stealthily arrest Jesus and then kill him.
14:2 ezqi Why did the chief priests and scribes not want to act during the Feast of Unleavened Bread? They were worried that a riot would arise among the people.
@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
14:18 kkmc What did Jesus say as they were reclining at the table and eating? Jesus said that one of the disciples eating with him would betray him.
14:20 grhr Which disciple did Jesus say would betray him? Jesus said that the disciple dipping bread with him in the bowl would betray him.
14:21 lk7c What did Jesus say about the destiny of the disciple who betrayed him? Jesus said that it would have been better for him if he had not been born.
14:22 jok6 What did Jesus say as he gave the disciples the broken bread? Jesus said, “Take this. This is my body.
14:24 apk9 What did Jesus say as he gave the disciples the cup? Jesus said, “This is my blood of the covenant, the blood that is poured out for many.
14:22 jok6 What did Jesus say as he gave the disciples the broken bread? Jesus said, “Take this. This is my body.
14:24 apk9 What did Jesus say as he gave the disciples the cup? Jesus said, “This is my blood of the covenant, the blood that is poured out for many.
14:25 r9so When did Jesus say he would again drink of this fruit of the vine? Jesus said he would again drink of this fruit of the vine on the day when he drank it anew in the kingdom of God.
14:27 yns3 At the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus predict about his disciples? Jesus predicted that his disciples would all fall away because of him.
14:30 gvoq What did Jesus tell Peter after Peter said he would never fall away? Jesus told Peter that before the rooster crowed twice, Peter would deny Jesus three times.
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
14:53-54 mcjr Where was Peter as Jesus was taken to the high priest? Peter sat among the guards, near a fire to keep warm.
14:55-56 k3gb What was wrong with the testimony against Jesus given to the Council? The testimony against Jesus was false and did not agree.
14:61 g1ev What question did the high priest ask Jesus about who Jesus was? The high priest asked Jesus if he was the Christ, the son of the Blessed.
14:62 rabu What was Jesus answer to the high priests question? Jesus answered that he was the Christ, the son of the Blessed.
14:62 rabu What was Jesus answer to the high priests question? Jesus answered by saying, "I am."
14:64 xher Hearing Jesus answer, of what did the high priest say Jesus was guilty? The high priest said that Jesus was guilty of blasphemy.
14:65 if4h What did they do to Jesus after condemning him as one who deserved death? They spit on him, struck him, and beat him.
14:66-68 tjt2 What was Peters answer to the servant girl who said that Peter was with Jesus? Peter answered that he did not know or understand about what the girl was talking.

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