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Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:1 zlc0 Of whom was Jude a servant? Jude was a servant of Jesus Christ.
1:1 dbbd Who was the brother of Jude? James was the brother of Jude.
1:1 i090 To whom did Jude write? He wrote to those who were called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ.
1:2 t12h What did Jude want multiplied to those to whom he wrote? Jude wanted mercy, peace, and love to be multiplied.
1:3 t5qi What did Jude first want to write about? Jude first wanted to write about their common salvation.
1:3 coa8 What did Jude actually write about? Jude actually wrote about the need to struggle for the faith of the saints.
1:4 xc1t How did some condemned and ungodly men come? Some condemned and ungodly men came stealthily.
1:4 ctd5 What did the condemned and ungodly men do? They changed the grace of God into sexual immorality and denied Jesus Christ.
1:5 m9sd From where did the Lord once save people? The Lord saved them from the land of Egypt.
1:5 hcc5 What did the Lord do to those people who did not believe? The Lord destroyed those people who did not believe.
1:6 ch4p What did the Lord do to the angels who left their proper place? The Lord put them in chains in darkness for judgment.
1:7 j0lf What did Sodom, Gomorrah, and the cities around them do? They fornicated and pursued unnatural desires.
1:8 zdpy Like Sodom, Gomorrah, and the cities around them, what do the condemned and ungodly men do? They pollute their bodies in their dreams, reject authority, and say evil things.
1:9 qhrw What did the archangel Michael say to the devil? The archangel Michael said, “May the Lord rebuke you.”
1:12 tntd For whom do the condemned and ungodly men shamelessly care? They shamelessly care for themselves.
1:14 rzvf Enoch was which place in line from Adam? Enoch was the seventh in line from Adam.
1:15 f0ib Upon whom will the Lord execute judgment? The Lord will execute judgment upon all people.
1:16 olau Who are the ungodly men who will be convicted? Grumblers, complainers, those who go after their evil desires, loud boasters, and those who praise for personal advantage are the ungodly men who will be convicted.
1:17 un2i Who spoke words in the past about mockers? The apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ spoke words in the past about mockers.
1:19 s41h What is true of the mockers who go after the own ungodly lusts, who cause divisions and are sensual? They do not have the Holy Spirit.
1:20 ph3n How were the beloved building themselves up and praying? The beloved were building themselves up in their most holy faith, and praying in the Holy Spirit.
1:21 xqvv What were the beloved to keep themselves in and look for? The beloved were to keep themselves in and look for the love of God and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1:22-23 co8y Who were the beloved supposed to save? The beloved were supposed to save those with a garment spotted by the flesh, and those in the fire.
1:24-25 k9o9 What was God their Savior, through Jesus Christ their Lord, able to do? God was able to keep them from stumbling and place them before the presence of his glory without blemish.
1:25 lrs1 What things should be given to the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord? To the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, power, and authority.
1:25 boa6 When did God have glory? God had glory before all time, now, and forevermore.