diff --git a/en_tn_59-HEB.tsv b/en_tn_59-HEB.tsv index 26c05a4cfc..3b7700b2c3 100644 --- a/en_tn_59-HEB.tsv +++ b/en_tn_59-HEB.tsv @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ Book Chapter Verse ID SupportReference OrigQuote Occurrence GLQuote OccurrenceNote HEB front intro xy4n 0 # Introduction to Hebrews\n\n## Part 1: General Introduction\n\n### Outline of the Book of Hebrews\n\nHebrews alternates between exposition and exhortation. To put it another way, the author switches between teaching and warning his audience. The following outline identifies which sections are which.\n\n1. Introduction: God and his Son (1:1–4)\n2. The Son and the angels (1:5–2:18)\n * Teaching: The Son is greater than the angels (1:5–14)\n * Exhortation: Listen to the message! (2:1–4)\n * Teaching: The Son becomes lower than the angels to help his brothers (2:5–18)\n3. Example of the wilderness generation (3:1–4:13)\n * Exhortation: The Son is greater than Moses (3:1–6)\n * Exhortation: Strive to enter the rest! (3:7–4:11)\n * Exhortation: The power of God’s word (4:12–13)\n4. Summary statement (4:14–16)\n5. The Son as high priest (5:1–10:18)\n * Teaching: The Son becomes high priest (5:1–10)\n * Exhortation: Make sure to persevere! (5:11–6:12)\n * Exhortation: God’s promise is certain (6:13–20)\n * Teaching: Melchizedek the priest (7:1–10)\n * Teaching: The Son is high priest in the order of Melchizedek (7:11–28)\n * Teaching: The ministry of the Son (8:1–6)\n * Teaching: The new covenant (8:7–13)\n * Teaching: Old and new ministries (9:1–10:18)\n6. Summary statement (10:19–25)\n7. Faith and endurance (10:26–12:29)\n * Exhortation: Endure in the faith! (10:26–39)\n * Exhortation: Examples of faith (11:1–40)\n * Exhortation: Imitate Jesus in rejecting sin and enduring discipline (12:1–17)\n * Exhortation: Mount Sinai and Mount Zion (12:18–29)\n8. Closing (13:1–25)\n * Final commands and exhortations (13:1–19)\n * Benediction and letter closing (13:20–25)\n\n### Who wrote the Book of Hebrews?\n\nWhoever wrote this letter did not include his name, so we cannot be sure who wrote it. People have suggested many different authors, including Paul, Luke, Barnabas, and Apollos. The author uses a masculine word to refer to himself in [11:32](../11/32.md), but we cannot even be sure that a female author would not refer to herself with a masculine word. However, because the author uses this masculine word, the notes will also refer to the author with masculine words. Since the author did not include his name, you should not include any name in your title or translation. \n\n### When was the Book of Hebrews written?\n\nAgain, we cannot be sure when Hebrews was written. Some argue that the author speaks as if temple worship was currently happening and does not mention the destruction of the temple. This would suggest that Hebrews was written before the Romans destroyed the temple in AD 70. On the other hand, others argue that the author does not discuss the temple and is only interested in what the Scriptures say about the Old Testament tabernacle. What is clear is that a letter written around AD 100 quotes from Hebrews, so Hebrews must have been written before then. So, Hebrews was probably written somewhere between AD 50 and 100. \n\n### To whom was the Book of Hebrews written?\n\nAt one point, most scholars thought that Hebrews was written primarily to Jews who had become Christians and who lived in Jerusalem. They argued for this because the book uses the Old Testament so much and says that Jesus’ work is greater than any Old Testament sacrifices. They suggest that “those from Italy” whom the author mentions in [13:24](../13/24.md) are living in Italy. More recently, some scholars have argued that Hebrews was written for an audience of both Jews and non-Jews who had become Christians who possibly lived in Rome. They argue for this because the author does not refer to the current temple and does not attack Judaism. For this argument, “those from Italy” ([13:24](../13/24.md)) are originally from Italy but live somewhere else. Since both of these arguments can explain details about Hebrews, it is best for the translator to avoid picking one option and making decisions based on it. \n\n### What is the Book of Hebrews about?\n\nHebrews is a “word of exhortation” ([13:22](../13/22.md)) that emphasizes the greatness of Jesus and his work and encourages the audience to persevere in trusting him. There are three primary explanations for why the author sent this letter. First, the audience could be experiencing temptation to become Jews (if they were originally Gentiles) or to participate in the sacrificial system again (if they were originally Jews). They might be tempted because they felt guilty and wanted a visible sacrifice to atone for them, or they might be experiencing persecution and desire the safety of being Jewish, which the Romans considered a protected religious status. Second, the audience could be experiencing shame and dishonor from the culture they were living in. Gentiles called Christians “atheists” because they believed in only one God, and Christians were also considered to be dangerous because they did not swear loyalty to Caesar, the “Lord.” In response, they might be tempted to conceal or abandon what they believed. Third, the audience could be experiencing a lack of intensity and interest in what they believed. In other words, as time went on, what they believed became less important to their lives. Whether the author is exhorting his audience not to return to Judaism or not becomes important for some translation decisions, including what to name this book. Given that there are at least three plausible situations that explain what the author was concerned about, it is recommended that you do not base translation decisions on any one specific option. It is better to use general language, just like the author of Hebrews does. In the end, what is clear is that Hebrews explains how Jesus functions as a high priest to save his people, and he is the only priest and savior that matters. The author wants the audience to believe this more and more. \n\n### How should the title of this book be translated?\n\nTranslators may choose to call this book by its traditional title, “Hebrews” or “The Letter to the Hebrews.” Or they may choose a title that focuses more on the contents of the letter, such as “A Word of Exhortation” (see the notes on [13:22](../13/22.md)) or “Sermon to Christians” or “Sermon to Jewish Christians.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])\n\n## Part 2: Important Religious and Cultural Concepts\n\n### What does it mean for Jesus to be the “Son” of God?\n\nIn [1:2](../01/02.md), the author first speaks of Jesus as “Son,” and he continues to use “Son” for Jesus throughout the letter. This is a special title for Jesus that emphasizes his close relationship with his “Father.” The “Father” and the “Son,” together with the “Holy Spirit,” are God. So, the title “Son” indicates that Jesus is God and is closely related to his “Father,” who is God. The author quotes from Old Testament passages that used “son” to indicate the special relationship between the king of Israel and God. Because the author applies these passages to Jesus, “Son” also indicates that Jesus is the king of the world. The author eventually states that those who believe in Jesus become “sons” as well (see [12:5–10](../12/05.md)), which means they are Jesus’ “brothers” (see [2:11–12](../02/11.md)). Therefore, “Son” is a very important title for Jesus and should be preserved in translation if at all possible. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])\n\n### What is a “covenant”?\n\nA “covenant” is a solemn agreement between people or groups. Covenants usually included a description of the relationship between the two parties, stipulations or requirements, and blessings for doing what the covenant required and curses for breaking the covenant. God made a “covenant” like this with Abraham, the ancestor of the Israelites, and he renewed this covenant with the people of Israel when he brought them out of Egypt. In the Old Testament, God promised that he would make a “new covenant” (see how [8:8–12](../08/08.md) quotes from [Jeremiah 31:31–34](../jer/31/31.md)). The author of Hebrews argues that God made this new covenant through Jesus (see the first mention of “covenant” in [7:22](../07/22.md)). Believers are now part of this new covenant, and the author exhorts them to be faithful to it. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/covenant]])\n\n### What is a “high priest”?\n\nA “high priest” was the leader of the priests in Israel. The priests were descended from a man named “Aaron,” and God would appoint one of these priests to be the leader, or “high priest.” This high priest was the only priest allowed to go into the most sacred, inner part of the tabernacle. He entered there once a year to make a special offering to God to take care of sins. The author identifies Jesus as a “high priest” because he is the one who goes to the most sacred place to take care of sins. Consider using a word or phrase that refers to a person who is the greatest or most important priest. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/highpriest]])\n\n### What is the “tabernacle”?\n\nThe “tabernacle” was a large tent that God had Moses and the Israelites make. It was a sacred place where God revealed himself to his people and came close to them. The tabernacle had a courtyard and a tent structure that included two rooms, a Holy Place and a Most Holy Place. Priests often entered the Holy Place, but the Most Holy Place was where the high priest entered one time only every year. The author gives a brief description of this tabernacle and what was in it in [9:1–7](../09/01.md). You can read God’s instructions for the tabernacle in [Exodus 25–27](../exo/25/01.md), [30](../exo/30/01.md), and you can read about how the Israelites made it in [Exodus 36–38](../exo/36/01.md). This tabernacle was the place where the priests presented sacrifices and worshiped God. Later, the kings of Israel built a temple for God, and they made its structure match the tabernacle. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])\n\n### What is the Day of Atonement?\n\nWhen the author refers to a high priest “entering,” presenting blood, or doing something “once a year,” he is referring to the “Day of Atonement.” You can read about this yearly ritual in [Leviticus 16](../lev/16/01.md). On this day, the high priest would slaughter a bull and a goat. He would take the blood from these animals into the Most Holy Place and sprinkle it there before God. Then, he would take another goat, lay his hands on it, and send it out into the wilderness. Finally, someone would burn the carcasses of the slaughtered bull and goat outside the camp area. In this way, the high priest would atone for his own sins and the people’s sins. The author describes what Jesus does as a high priest by comparing it to what the high priest did in the tabernacle. \n\n### When and where does Jesus make atonement in Hebrews?\n\nScholars debate when and where Jesus’ acted as a high priest to make atonement. First, some argue that the author is using symbols to describe Jesus’ death on the cross. In this case, Jesus acted as a high priest when he died on earth. Second, some argue that Jesus functions like the high priest on the Day of Atonement by both slaughtering the sacrifice and then presenting the blood in the sanctuary. In this case, Jesus acted as a high priest when he died on earth and also when he presented his blood in the heavenly sanctuary after he ascended to heaven. Third, some argue that Jesus acts as a high priest only when he presents his blood in the heavenly sanctuary. In this case, when he dies on the cross, he is acting like the bull or goat on the Day of Atonement but not like the high priest. He then acts like the high priest when he presents his blood in the heavenly sanctuary. This is an important issue because it affects word choices. When the author is referring to Jesus’ life on earth, should the translator use words that sound “priestly”? Consider carefully what each verse is saying about Jesus and his work. If possible, your translation should allow all of the above interpretations. \n\n### What does the author’s description of heaven mean?\n\nScholars debate what the author means when he speaks of a throne, tabernacle, and city in heaven. There are three common ways to understand what he means. First, these things could be symbols that the author uses to describe being near God. In this case, the author describes God’s presence in various ways to emphasize various aspects of what God’s presence is like. Second, these things could be metaphors that refer to “heaven,” the place where God dwells. In this case, the author uses these things that people understand to describe something that people cannot fully understand now: what heaven is like. Third, these things could exist within heaven. In other words, the author could be generally describing structures and places within heaven. For all three of these options, the author does describe heaven with language related to throne, tabernacle, and city, so you should preserve the author’s descriptions. If possible, your translation should allow for all three of the above interpretations. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/heaven]])\n\n## Part 3: Important Translation Issues\n\n### How should verbs that refer to God speaking Scripture be translated?\n\nThroughout Hebrews, the author quotes the Old Testament many times. In most cases, he says that God “speaks” the words from the Old Testament. He attributes the quotes sometimes to the Father, sometimes to the Son, and sometimes to the Holy Spirit. If it is possible, you should use words that refer to someone “speaking” when you translate the introductions to the quotations. The fact that God “speaks” or “talks” in the Scriptures is an important part of the message of Hebrews. \n\n### What does “blood” refer to in Hebrews?\n\nHebrews refers frequently to “blood.” When the author refers to “blood” from animals that had been sacrificed, he is speaking about how the “blood” would be drained from the animal into a container and then taken into the tabernacle. When he speaks about Jesus’ “blood,” especially when he says that Jesus offered his “blood,” it is less clear exactly what he means. First, he could be referring to the physical blood of Jesus, which he shed on the cross when he died. Second, he could be using the word “blood” to refer in general to Jesus’ suffering and death. In this case, he could offer this death at the moment when he died or when he ascended to heaven. Third, he could be using the word “blood” to refer to Jesus’ resurrected life. In this case, Jesus offered this life when he ascended into heaven. Since “blood” is an important concept in Hebrews, and because it connects Jesus’ work with the sacrifices of the old covenant, you should preserve language that refers to blood. If your language distinguishes between blood in the body and shed blood, it is probably best to refer to shed blood. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/blood]])\n\n### How should the different phrases used to describe dealing with sins be translated?\n\nThe author uses many different phrases to refer to the forgiveness or removal of sins: “purification for sins” ([1:3](../01/03.md)), sacrifices “for sins” ([5:1](../05/01.md), [3](../05/03.md); [10:12](../10/12.md)), sacrifices “on behalf of sins” ([7:27](../07/27.md); [10:18](../10/18.md), [26](../10/26.md); [13:11](../13/11.md)), “annulment of sin” ([11:1](../09/26.md)), “to bear sins” ([9:28](../09/28.md)), “to take away sins” ([10:4](../10/04.md), [11](../10/11.md)). Each of these phrases refer to how a sacrifice or some other act deals with sins. This suggests that the author does not think that there is one way only that sacrifices deal with sins; rather, each phrase emphasizes a different aspect. You should preserve the different phrases as much as possible instead of harmonizing them.\n\n### How should “perfection” and “perfect” be translated?\n\nThe author of Hebrews uses “perfection” words frequently, both for believers and for Jesus. Since he describes Jesus as being “perfected” (see [2:10](../02/10.md); [5:9](../05/09.md)), the words cannot refer to becoming sinless or holy, since Jesus was always “without sin” (see [4:15](../04/15.md)). There are three primary options. First, “perfection” could refer to becoming a priest. In this case, Jesus becomes a priest when he is “perfected,” and believers also become priests or at least like priests. Second, “perfection” could refer to getting close to God, which would include entering heaven and God’s presence. In this case, Jesus is “perfected” when he enters heaven, and believers too will be “perfected” when they enter heaven. Third, “perfection” could refer generally to a person becoming what they were meant to be. So, Jesus is “perfected” when he becomes the priest that God wanted him to be. Believers are “perfected” when they become what God wants them to be, which would include being faithful and holy. The UST generally follows this third option. Consider what words in your language could indicate “perfection” for both Jesus and believers. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/perfect]])\n\n### Does the author use words for sacred spaces and buildings consistently?\n\nIn [9:1–8](../09/01.md), the author refers to the earthly tabernacle and names its parts: there was a “first tent,” called “Holy Place,” and a “second tent,” named “Holy of Holies.” Together, these make up “the earthly holy place.” However, the rest of the letter only refers to the “holy places” and to a “tabernacle.” Most likely, [9:1–8](../09/01.md) uses terminology taken from the Old Testament. The rest of the letter uses the author’s own labels. There is a great deal of debate about whether the author thought the heavenly tabernacle had one or two rooms. Most likely, the “holy places” refers to the inner, most sacred room, while the “tabernacle” refers to the whole sanctuary. The “holy places” could be one part of the “tabernacle,” or the “holy places” could make up the entire “tabernacle.” Consider what words or phrases can consistently translate “holy places” and “tabernacle.” However, you may need to use different words or phrases in [9:1–8](../09/01.md). See the notes on verses where these terms appear. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/tabernacle]])\n\n### What version of the Old Testament does the author quote from?\n\nMost modern Old Testaments are translated from Hebrew, the language that ancient Israelites spoke. However, many years before Jesus came, the Old Testament was translated into Greek, the language that most people in the Roman empire spoke. Many Jews who lived in cities throughout the empire used one of these Greek translations, since they mostly spoke Greek. The author of Hebrews also seems to use one of these Greek translations for his quotations. Because of this, sometimes his quotations from the Old Testament differ from what you might read in a modern translation of the Old Testament passage. Further, sometimes the author does not directly quote a passage but simply summarizes or paraphrases it. In these cases, the words will again be different than what you might read in the Old Testament. Because of all that, whenever the author quotes or summarizes the Old Testament, you should not make your translation match what you might find in a translation of the Old Testament. Instead, you should translate the words that you find without trying to make them match. \n\n### How should “we” and “you” be translated?\n\nThroughout the letter, “we” includes the author and the audience unless a note specifies otherwise. Similarly, “you” is always plural unless a note specifies otherwise. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-exclusive]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-yousingular]])\n\n### What are the major issues in the text of the Book of Hebrews?\n\nIn the following verses, ancient manuscripts do not all have the same words. The ULT uses the words that are found in most of the earliest manuscripts. When you translate these verses, you should compare the ULT with any translations that your readers may be familiar with to see what your readers may expect. Unless there is a good reason to use the alternate words, you should follow the ULT. See the footnotes and notes at each of these verses for more information. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-textvariants]])\n\n* “of his kingdom” ([1:8](../01/08.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “of your kingdom.”\n* “with glory and honor” ([2:7](../02/07.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “with glory and honor and you have put him over the works of your hands.”\n* “in his house” ([3:2](../03/02.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “in his whole house.”\n* “not having been joined in faith with the ones having heard” ([4:2](../04/02.md)). Here, “not having been joined” refers to people. Some ancient manuscripts have this: “not having been joined by faith to the ones having heard {it}.” Here, “not having been joined” refers to the “message.”\n* “the good things having come into existence” ([9:11](../09/11.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “the good things about to come into existence.”\n* “your conscience” [9:14](../09/14.md). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “our conscience.”\n* “with the prisoners” ([10:34](../10/34.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “with my chains.”\n* “even Sarah herself” ([11:11](../11/11.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “even barren Sarah herself.”\n* “they were sawn in two, they were tried” ([11:37](../11/37.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “they were sawn in two,” omitting “they were tried.”\n* “against themselves” ([12:3](../12/03.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “against himself.”\n* “Grace be with all of you” ([13:25](../13/25.md)). Some ancient manuscripts have this: “Grace be with all of you. Amen.” HEB 1 intro aaf9 0 # Hebrews 1 General Notes

## Structure and Formatting

1. Introduction: God and his Son (1:1–4)
2. The Son and the angels (1:5–2:18)
* Teaching: The Son is greater than the angels (1:5–14)

Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in [1:5](../01/05.md), [7–13](../01/07.md), which are quotations from books of poetry in the Old Testament.

## Special Concepts in this Chapter

### God speaking Scripture

In this chapter, the author quotes the Old Testament seven times. Each time, he says that God is the one who speaks the words, and God speaks them to or about the Son or the angels. The audience would have recognized that these quotations came from the Old Testament, but the author wished to introduce them as words that God himself said and says. He can do this because he believed that God is the author of the entire Old Testament, since he is the one who spoke through the prophets (see [1:1](../01/01.md)). In your translation, you should express these quotations as words that God says. If your readers would not recognize that God is speaking quotations from the Old Testament, you could identify the quotations for your readers in footnotes or in some other way.

### Old Testament quotations

When the author quotes from the Old Testament, he uses a Greek translation that is sometimes different than the original Hebrew version that most modern translations use for the Old Testament. This is particularly obvious in [1:6](../01/06.md), which quotes from the Greek version of [Deuteronomy 32:43](../../deu/32/43.md). In other places, the author may paraphrase or loosely quote the Old Testament. Since the author chose to use these forms of the quotations, you should represent the words the author uses, not the words that may be found in an Old Testament you are familiar with. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-quotations]])

### The Son and the Father

In this chapter, the author refers to the “Son” and several times speaks of God as a “father.” These are important terms for two person of the Trinity: God the Father and God the Son. The author uses these terms partly because the Old Testament texts he quotes use them. Also, “Son” and “Father” refer to two people who are closely related but not the same person, so the words provide good language to speak about two persons of the Trinity. If possible, preserve the father and son language in this chapter, but make sure that your translation does not make it sound like the Son did not exist until a certain time or that the Father at some point physically gave birth to the Son. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]])

### Angels

The author mentions “angels” many times in this chapter. In his culture, everyone knew about “angels.” They were spiritual beings who could appear in human form. Some people talked about good and evil angels. The author only speaks about the good angels in this chapter. These angels serve and worship God, and they do whatever God tells them to do. Some scholars think that the author is arguing against people who said that Jesus was an angel. More likely, the author wishes to prove that Jesus the Son is God, and he uses the angels to do that. The author thinks that the angels are between humans and God in power and position. If the Son is above the angels, that means he must be God. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/angel]])

## Important Figures of Speech in this Chapter

### Rhetorical questions

The author asks rhetorical questions in [1:5](../01/05.md), [13–14](../01/13.md). He is not asking these questions because he wants the audience to provide him with information. Rather, he is asking these questions because he wants the audience to think about how they are acting and what they are thinking. The questions encourage them to think along with the author. For ways to translate these questions, look for the notes on each verse that includes these kinds of questions. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])

### Parallelisms

In the Old Testament, good poetry often included two parallel lines that expressed one idea in two different ways. When the author quotes the Old Testament, he often includes this kind of parallelism. Since both lines contribute to the meaning of the idea, it is best to preserve the parallelism. If your readers would find it confusing, however, you could combine the two parallel lines into one idea. See the notes on each instance of parallel lines for translation options. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])

### Inheriting

In [1:2](../01/02.md), [4](../01/04.md), [14](../01/14.md), the author uses language related to “inheriting” or being an “heir.” In the author’s culture, children often “inherited” property or money when their parents died. In these verses, the author uses the “inheriting” language metaphorically to refer to receiving something from God. In this chapter, the metaphor does not imply that someone must die for the person to “inherit.” If possible, preserve this metaphor since it is an important concept in Hebrews. See the notes on each verse for translation options. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/inherit]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])

## Other Possible Translation Difficulties in this Chapter

### Descriptions of the Son in [1:3](../01/03.md)

In [1:3](../01/03.md), the author describes the Son as “the brightness of God’s glory” and the “exact representation of God’s being.” Both of these phrases identify the Son as God and as unique. In other words, these phrases are the author’s way of saying that the Son is God, but God is not just the Son. Carefully consider how you translate these phrases, and be sure that your translation makes it clear that the Son is God but God is not just the Son. The author uses images and metaphors to express the idea, so consider using similar images and metaphors. -HEB 1 1 dhcr figs-doublet πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι 1 Here, **In many portions** shows that God did not speak just once. Rather, he spoke often throughout the time period called **long ago**. Then, **in many ways** shows that God used various means and people to speak to the **fathers**. The author uses both of these phrases because he wishes to emphasize the variety of times and ways in which God has **spoken**. If your language does not use repetition for emphasis, and if you cannot represent the author’s two phrases well, you could express the idea using one phrase that emphasizes variety. Alternate translation: “Long ago, with great variety” or “Long ago, using multiple methods in different times,” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) -HEB 1 1 c7us figs-infostructure πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι, ὁ Θεὸς, λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις 1 Here, **In many portions and in many ways long ago** describes how God “spoke” **to {our} fathers**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could rearrange the phrases so that **In many portions and in many ways long ago** does modify **having spoken**. Alternate translation: “God, having spoken to our fathers through the prophets in many portions and in many ways long ago” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-infostructure]]) -HEB 1 1 uuix figs-idiom πάλαι 1 Here, **long ago** refers to past time. It often identifies events that happened in the distant past and about which stories are told. Use a word or phrase that refers to the distant past. Alternate translation: “in the past days” or “in ancient times” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) -HEB 1 1 ct15 grammar-connect-time-sequential λαλήσας 1 Here, **having spoken** introduces an action that took place before the actions that take place in the next verse ([1:2](../01/02.md)). Use a form that introduces action that takes place before something else. Alternate translation: “after speaking” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-time-sequential]]) -HEB 1 1 in2c translate-kinship τοῖς πατράσιν 1 Here, **{our} fathers** refers to the Israelites who were alive before Jesus lived on earth. Not all the audience were descended from these Israelites. However, the author can still refer to the Israelites as their **fathers** because he thinks that all Christians have been included in the family of Abraham, the ancestor of the Israelites. If possible, preserve the family language in your translation. Alternate translation: “our forefathers” or “to the Israelite ancestors” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-kinship]]) +HEB 1 1 dhcr figs-doublet πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι 1 Here, the phrase **In many portions** shows that God did not speak just once. Rather, he spoke often throughout the time period called **long ago**. Then, the phrase **in many ways** shows that God used various means and people to speak to the **fathers**. The author uses both of these phrases because he wishes to emphasize the variety of times and ways in which God has **spoken**. If your language does not use repetition for emphasis, and if you cannot represent the author’s two phrases well, you could express the idea using one phrase that emphasizes variety. Alternate translation: “Long ago, with great variety” or “Long ago, using multiple methods in different times,” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) +HEB 1 1 c7us figs-infostructure πολυμερῶς καὶ πολυτρόπως πάλαι, ὁ Θεὸς, λαλήσας τοῖς πατράσιν ἐν τοῖς προφήταις 1 Here, the phrase **In many portions and in many ways long ago** describes how God “spoke” **to {our} fathers**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could rearrange the phrases so that **In many portions and in many ways long ago** does modify **having spoken**. Alternate translation: “God, having spoken to our fathers through the prophets in many portions and in many ways long ago” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-infostructure]]) +HEB 1 1 uuix figs-idiom πάλαι 1 Here, the phrase **long ago** refers to past time. It often identifies events that happened in the distant past and about which stories are told. Use a word or phrase that refers to the distant past. Alternate translation: “in the past days” or “in ancient times” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) +HEB 1 1 ct15 grammar-connect-time-sequential λαλήσας 1 Here, the phrase **having spoken** introduces an action that took place before the actions that take place in the next verse ([1:2](../01/02.md)). Use a form that introduces action that takes place before something else. Alternate translation: “after speaking” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-time-sequential]]) +HEB 1 1 in2c translate-kinship τοῖς πατράσιν 1 Here, the phrase **{our} fathers** refers to the Israelites who were alive before Jesus lived on earth. Not all the audience were descended from these Israelites. However, the author can still refer to the Israelites as their **fathers** because he thinks that all Christians have been included in the family of Abraham, the ancestor of the Israelites. If possible, preserve the family language in your translation. Alternate translation: “our forefathers” or “to the Israelite ancestors” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-kinship]]) HEB 1 2 f3z1 figs-parallelism ἐπ’ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν τούτων, ἐλάλησεν ἡμῖν ἐν Υἱῷ, ὃν 1 The author uses words and phrases in this clause that make its structure parallel to the previous verse ([1:1](../01/01.md)). He does this to emphasize the contrast between “long ago” and **at {the} last of these days**. If possible, use the same structures in this clause as you did in the last verse. Alternate translation: “has spoken to use through a Son at the last of these days. This Son is the one whom” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) -HEB 1 2 scr8 figs-idiom ἐπ’ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν τούτων 1 in these last days Here, **{the} last of these days** refers to the last period in the history of the world, which began when Jesus lived, died, and came alive again. It also means that this last period has been the goal of all the previous events. If your language has a way to refer to the last period in the history of the world, you could use it here. Alternatively, if your language has a way to refer to the end of the world, you could express the idea by stating that the end of the world will happen soon. Alternate translation: “during this time when the end of the world is coming soon” or “in these end times” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) -HEB 1 2 d386 guidelines-sonofgodprinciples Υἱῷ 1 through a Son Here, **Son** is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]]) +HEB 1 2 scr8 figs-idiom ἐπ’ ἐσχάτου τῶν ἡμερῶν τούτων 1 in these last days Here, the phrase **{the} last of these days** refers to the last period in the history of the world, which began when Jesus lived, died, and came alive again. It also means that this last period has been the goal of all the previous events. If your language has a way to refer to the last period in the history of the world, you could use it here. Alternatively, if your language has a way to refer to the end of the world, you could express the idea by stating that the end of the world will happen soon. Alternate translation: “during this time when the end of the world is coming soon” or “in these end times” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) +HEB 1 2 d386 guidelines-sonofgodprinciples Υἱῷ 1 through a Son Here, the word **Son** is an important title for Jesus, the Son of God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples]]) HEB 1 2 i93z figs-possession κληρονόμον πάντων 1 to be the heir of all things Here the author uses the possessive form to indicate that the **heir** receives or inherits **all things**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase such as “receive” or “inherit.” Alternate translation: “the heir who inherits all things” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-possession]]) HEB 1 2 ovmc figs-metaphor ἔθηκεν κληρονόμον πάντων 1 Here the author speaks as if Jesus were child who would receive property that a parent passes on to their child when the parent dies. He speaks in this way to indicate that Jesus is the **Son** who will “inherit” **all things**, which means that he will rule over everything that exists. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable metaphor or express the idea plainly. Alternate translation: “he appointed to be the one who will rule over all things” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) -HEB 1 2 gqj8 translate-unknown τοὺς αἰῶνας 1 It is through him that God also made the universe Here, **the ages** refers primarily to all the time periods that together make up the history of the world. However, **ages** can also refer to everything that God created that exists during those time periods. If possible, use a word or phrase that refers to everything that exists during all of time. Alternate translation: “everything that has existed and will exist” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) +HEB 1 2 gqj8 translate-unknown τοὺς αἰῶνας 1 It is through him that God also made the universe Here, the phrase **the ages** refers primarily to all the time periods that together make up the history of the world. However, **ages** can also refer to everything that God created that exists during those time periods. If possible, use a word or phrase that refers to everything that exists during all of time. Alternate translation: “everything that has existed and will exist” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) HEB 1 3 xvin figs-infostructure ὃς ὢν ἀπαύγασμα τῆς δόξης καὶ χαρακτὴρ τῆς ὑποστάσεως αὐτοῦ, φέρων τε τὰ πάντα τῷ ῥήματι τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ, καθαρισμὸν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ποιησάμενος, ἐκάθισεν ἐν δεξιᾷ τῆς Μεγαλωσύνης ἐν ὑψηλοῖς 1 Here the author includes a long description of who the “Son” is. The phrases **being the brightness of {his} glory and exact representation of his being** and **upholding all the {things} by the word of his power** describe what the “Son” always is and does. The phrase **having made cleansing for sins** refers more specifically to what the “Son” has done and completed before he **sat down at the right hand**. If it would be helpful in your language, you could make it clearer that the phrase **having made purification for sins** refers to something that happened before **sat down**, while the previous phrases all refer to things that the “Son” always is and does. Alternate translation: “who is the brightness of his glory and exact representation of his being and who upholds all the things by the word of his power. After having made purification for sins, he sat down at the right of the Majesty on high” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-infostructure]]) HEB 1 3 he0e figs-abstractnouns ἀπαύγασμα τῆς δόξης καὶ χαρακτὴρ τῆς ὑποστάσεως αὐτοῦ 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns for the ideas behind **brightness**, **glory**, **representation**, and **being**, you could express the ideas by using verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Alternate translation: “brightly glorious like he is and exactly representing who he is” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) HEB 1 3 hn4q figs-metaphor ἀπαύγασμα τῆς δόξης καὶ 1 the brightness of God’s glory Here the author speaks as if the “Son” had the **brightness** that belongs to God’s **glory**, which is pictured here like a bright light. The author speaks in this way to emphasize that the Son “shines” with the **glory** that only God has. He means that the “Son” is God and represents God. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable metaphor or express the idea plainly. Alternate translation: “the reflection of his glory and” or “one who has the glory of God and the” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) -HEB 1 3 b7jc translate-unknown χαρακτὴρ τῆς ὑποστάσεως αὐτοῦ 1 glory, the exact representation of his being Here, **exact representation** refers to something that perfectly shows or matches what something else is like. In this case, the “Son” perfectly shows or matches God’s **being**, that is, what God is like. The author uses **exact representation of his being** to show that the “Son” is God along with God the Father but not the same person. You could use a word or phrase that indicates that the “Son” is just like what God the Father is like. Alternate translation: “exactly like what he is like” or “perfectly representing who God is” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) +HEB 1 3 b7jc translate-unknown χαρακτὴρ τῆς ὑποστάσεως αὐτοῦ 1 glory, the exact representation of his being Here, the phrase **exact representation** refers to something that perfectly shows or matches what something else is like. In this case, the “Son” perfectly shows or matches God’s **being**, that is, what God is like. The author uses **exact representation of his being** to show that the “Son” is God along with God the Father but not the same person. You could use a word or phrase that indicates that the “Son” is just like what God the Father is like. Alternate translation: “exactly like what he is like” or “perfectly representing who God is” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) HEB 1 3 kmza figs-metaphor φέρων…τὰ πάντα 1 Here the author speaks as if the Son were standing underneath **all the {things}** and holding them up so that they did not fall. He speaks in this way to indicate that everything continues to exist only because the Son works to make it continue. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a comparable metaphor or express the idea plainly. Alternate translation: “preserving all the things” or “supporting all things” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) -HEB 1 3 ms8z figs-metonymy τῷ ῥήματι τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 the word of his power Here, **word** refers to speaking “words” or “messages.” It does not refer to one word that the Son speaks. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that refers to how the Son speaks. Alternate translation: “through his powerful speech” or “by how he speaks with power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) +HEB 1 3 ms8z figs-metonymy τῷ ῥήματι τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 the word of his power Here, the word **word** refers to speaking “words” or “messages.” It does not refer to one word that the Son speaks. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a word or phrase that refers to how the Son speaks. Alternate translation: “through his powerful speech” or “by how he speaks with power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) HEB 1 3 mk26 figs-abstractnouns τῷ ῥήματι τῆς δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ 1 If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea behind **power**, you could express the idea by using an adjective such as “powerful.” Alternate translation: “by his powerful word” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) HEB 1 3 l1pg figs-abstractnouns καθαρισμὸν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ποιησάμενος 1 After he had made cleansing for sins If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea behind **purification**, you could express the idea by using a verb such as “cleanse” or “purify.” Alternate translation: “having cleansed us from our sins” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) HEB 1 3 f729 figs-abstractnouns τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν 1 he had made cleansing for sins If your language does not use an abstract noun for the idea behind **sins**, you could express the idea by using a verb such as “sin.” Alternate translation: “for how we have sinned” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) HEB 1 3 xij7 translate-symaction ἐκάθισεν ἐν δεξιᾷ 1 he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high When someone sits **at {the} right** of God, it symbolizes that person’s honor, authority, and ability to rule. If it would be helpful in your language, you could express the idea explicitly. Alternate translation: “he sat down to rule at the right” or “he took the place of honor and authority at the right” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) -HEB 1 3 uym0 figs-synecdoche ἐν δεξιᾷ τῆς Μεγαλωσύνης 1 Here, **at {the} right** refers to the place next to a person’s **right** hand, which would be the “right side.” In the author’s culture, this side was associated with honor or authority. If it would be helpful in your language, you could refer to the “right side.” Make sure that your readers understand that this side indicates that the Son has honor and authority when he sits there. Alternate translation: “at the right side of the Majesty” or “in the honorable place next to the Majesty” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) +HEB 1 3 uym0 figs-synecdoche ἐν δεξιᾷ τῆς Μεγαλωσύνης 1 Here, the phrase **at {the} right** refers to the place next to a person’s **right** hand, which would be the “right side.” In the author’s culture, this side was associated with honor or authority. If it would be helpful in your language, you could refer to the “right side.” Make sure that your readers understand that this side indicates that the Son has honor and authority when he sits there. Alternate translation: “at the right side of the Majesty” or “in the honorable place next to the Majesty” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) HEB 1 3 ir7x figs-euphemism τῆς Μεγαλωσύνης 1 the Majesty on high In the author’s culture, it was considered reverent to avoid saying God’s name. Here the author uses **Majesty** instead of God’s name in order to follow this custom and to indicate that God is powerful and glorious. If it would be helpful in your language, you could use a reverent way to refer to God in your culture, especially if it emphasizes how God is powerful and glorious. Alternate translation: “of the great deity” or “of the glorious God” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]]) -HEB 1 3 awjd translate-unknown ἐν ὑψηλοῖς 1 Here, **on high** identifies the location of **{the} right of the Majesty**, which is where the Son **sat down**. This location is in heaven. If it would be helpful in your language, you could clarify that it means that Jesus ascended into heaven, which is where the **right** side is. Alternate translation: “in heaven” or “on high, in heaven” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) +HEB 1 3 awjd translate-unknown ἐν ὑψηλοῖς 1 Here, the phrase **on high** identifies the location of **{the} right of the Majesty**, which is where the Son **sat down**. This location is in heaven. If it would be helpful in your language, you could clarify that it means that Jesus ascended into heaven, which is where the **right** side is. Alternate translation: “in heaven” or “on high, in heaven” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) HEB 1 4 x4bh γενόμενος 1 He has become Here, **having become** could introduce: (1) an explanation of what “sitting at God’s right” side ([1:3](../01/03.md)) means. Alternate translation: “thus, he has become” (2) a result that comes from “sitting at God’s right hand” ([1:3](../01/03.md)). Alternate translation: “so, he has become” or “therefore, he has become” HEB 1 4 hnab τοσούτῳ κρείττων γενόμενος τῶν ἀγγέλων, ὅσῳ διαφορώτερον παρ’ αὐτοὺς, κεκληρονόμηκεν ὄνομα 1 Here the author uses a comparison that indicates that the difference in “superiority” between the Son and **the angels** is the same as the difference between the Son’s **name** and the names of **the angels**. Consider clear ways to indicate such a comparison in your language. Alternate translation: “having become as much superior to the angels as the name that he has inherited is more excellent than theirs” HEB 1 4 bn6t translate-unknown τοσούτῳ κρείττων…τῶν ἀγγέλων…διαφορώτερον 1 Here, **far superior** and **more excellent** both refer to how Jesus and Jesus’ **name** have more authority and honor than the angels and their names. If your readers would misunderstand **far superior** and **more excellent**, you could use words or phrases that indicate this more clearly. Alternate translation: “more honorable than the angels … more honorable” or “far higher than the angels … a higher”(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])