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# Learn the reason languages have metaphor!
## Scroll to read the purpose of metaphor.
Metaphor is a tool for speakers or writers to convey meaning in their communication for audiences. You learned about the 5 Purpose for Using Metaphor in Learning Path 1, but let's review this idea again. Knowing the purposes for metaphors helps us explain the point of comparison in metaphors. Read the five different purposes below:
![[Purpose of Metaphor.png]]
source [translationAcademy](https://door43.org/u/unfoldingWord/en_ta/master/03-translate.html#figs-metaphor)
Let's review the examples of metaphor that we learned about in Learning Path 2. We can identify the author or speaker's purpose(s).
![[Purpose Example Love Rose.png]]
As this metaphor is a statement about "the girl I love," the purpose is vividly connected to *feeling.* The speaker communicates the depth of beauty of the woman he loves through the comparison.
![[Purpose Example Bread of Life.png]]
This metaphor helps the audience remember and understand Jesus' teaching through using the comparison of bread and life. Jesus gives eternal life to those who believe.
![[Purpose Example That Fox.png]]
Jesus wants his audience to know that Herod is **not** an admirable leader. The comparison of fox and King Herod expresses the feelings that Jesus has. He does not admire King Herod.
![[Purpose Example Sun Wings.png]]
These deeply poetic metaphors help the audience understand and remember the character of God. The comparisons of sun and wings to salvation expresses a truth that God's people should remember: Salvation is complete and brings spiritual healing.
*insert spaced repetition here*
A metaphor might have many purposes for communicating meaning. The purposes help explain the point of comparison between the topic and image. A translator should think of these purposes, when they find a metaphor in the Bible. When they think about the purpose, that will help them decide the best way to translate the metaphor.
Click continue.

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Watch this video to review the purposes of metaphor.
![[Metaphor Communicates Meaning.mp4]]
The languages used to write the Bible have metaphor in them. Because of this fact, translators must be able to identify metaphors. Once they have identified metaphors, they must be able to determine the point of comparison. After they know the point of comparison, they are able to understand the purpose and decide the best form in their native language to communicate the meaning.

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This content is likely not appropriate. Need to think of a way to apply purpose. Maybe in forum or wiki?
# Activity: Identifying Purpose of Metaphor
## Testing Questions
### HiDreamz Example Worksheets
#### Matching or Multiple Choice
Example | Answer | Feedback
---------- | ---------- | ----------
At the proper time revealed His word in the proclamation with whichi I was entrusted. | "revealed His word" | look up content in ppt notes
For the household manager of God must be beyond reproach as God's steward. | "household manager" | look in ppt notes
Cretans are always liars, evil beats, lazy gluttons. | "evil beasts" | look in ppt notes
Older women likewise are to be reverent in tehir behaviors not being slaves to much wine. | "slaves to much wine" | look in ppt notes
Jonah boarded a ship to go to Tarshich from before the face of Yahweh. | "before the face" | look in ppt notes
Our people must learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, in order not to be unfruitful. | "not to be unfruitful" | look in ppt notes
He saved us by the washing of new birth. | "washing of new birth" | look in ppt notes
The earth with its bars was around me forever. | "earth with its bars was around me forever" | look in ppt notes
My daughter, shall I not seek a resting place for you, that it may go well for you? | "resting place" | look in ppt notes
I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in truth. | "my children" "walking in truth" | look in ppt notes
#### Matching or Click and Drag
Example | Topic | Image | Point of Comparison
---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
My daughters, it is exceedingly **bitter** for me. | grief | bitterness | Bitterness is compared to grief.
Being justified by His grace we might become **heirs** according to the certain hope of eternal life. | God's promise of eternal life | heirs | God's promise of eternal life to his children is compared to property or possessions that people receive from family members.
I called for help from the **belly** of the Sheol. | Death | Belly of a fish | Belly of fish compared to dying and going to Sheol
The goal of our commandment is love from a **pure heart**. | goal of our commandment | pure heart | Heart is compared to a person's thoughts and desires
Christ Jesus our Lord considered me faithful **placing me into service**. | Me, a faithful follower of Jesus | placing me into service | Serving God is comapred to a location that one can be placed in.
But you have brought up my life from the **pit**, Lord my God. | Death | pit | Pit is compared to the place of death
Some people having **missed the mark** have turned aside to fruitless discussion. | Faith in Christ | a mark to aim for | Faith in Christ is compared to a target that people should aim at.
The grace of our Lord **overflowed** with faith and love. | Grace of God | a flowing liquid | Grace of God is compared to a liquid that fills a container and flows over the top.
God saw their deeds that they **turned** from their evil way, then God relented. | sin and behavior | a pathway or direction | People's decision to stop sinning is compared to walking in an opposite direction on a road.
May the Lord reward your work under whose **wings** you have come for refuge. | God | bird | Wings is compared to place of trusting in God.