Edit 'tq_2CO.tsv' using 'tc-create-app'

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sunilkasbe 2023-05-24 06:04:20 +00:00
parent e76143c938
commit 8a8584a163
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:1 krio हे पत्र कोणी लिहले ? पौल आणि तीमथ्य यांनी हे पत्र लिहिले.
1:1 nkj4 पत्र कोणाला लिहिले होते? हे करिंथ येथील देवाच्या मडंळीला आणि अखया प्रांतातील सर्व संतांना लिहिले गेले.
1:3 zfqy पौल देवाचे वर्णन कसे करतो? पौल देवाचे वर्णन आपल्या प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्ताचा पिता, दयाळू पिता आणि सर्व सांत्वन करणारा देव असे करतो.
1:4 yoz4 Why does God comfort us in our affliction? He comforts us so that we are able to comfort those who are in affliction, with the same comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
1:8-9 khhr What trouble did Paul and his companions have in Asia? They were burdened beyond what they could bear, so that they expected to die.
1:9 cz6y For what reason was the sentence of death on Paul and his companions? The sentence of death caused them to not put their trust in themselves, but instead to trust in God.
1:11 jd06 How did Paul say that the Corinthian church could help them? Paul said the Corinthian church could help them by their prayer.
1:12 yux4 Of what did Paul say that he and his companions were proud? They were proud of the testimony of their conscience, which is that they had conducted themselves in the world—and especially in dealing with the Corinthian church—with the holiness and sincerity that come from God, not according to earthly wisdom but by the grace of God.
1:14 ikct What was Paul confident would happen on the day of our Lord Jesus? He was confident that on that day Paul and his companions would be the reason for the pride of the Corinthian saints.
1:15 hzbm How many times was Paul planning to visit the Corinthian saints? He was planning to visit them two times.
1:4 yoz4 आपल्या दुःखात देव आपले सांत्वन का करतो? तो आम्हांला सांत्वन देतो जेणे करून आम्ही दुःखात असलेल्यांचे सांत्वन करू शकू, ज्या सांत्वनाने आपण स्वतः देवाचे सांत्वन करतो.
1:8-9 khhr पौल आणि त्याच्या साथीदारांना आशियामध्ये कोणता त्रास झाला? त्यांच्या सहनशक्तीच्या पलीकडे त्यांच्यावर ओझे होते, जेणेकरून ते मरण्याची अपेक्षा करतात.
1:9 cz6y पौल आणि त्याच्या साथीदारांना मृत्यूदंडाची शिक्षा कोणत्या कारणासाठी देण्यात आली? मृत्यूच्या शिक्षेमुळे त्यांनी स्वतःवर भरवसा ठेवला नाही तर देवावर भरवसा ठेवला.
1:11 jd06 करिंथकर मडंळी त्यांना मदत करू शकते असे पौलाने कसे म्हटले? पौल म्हणाला की करिंथकर मडंळी त्यांच्या प्रार्थनेद्वारे त्यांना मदत करू शकते.
1:12 yux4 पौलाने त्याला व त्याच्या सोबत्यांना अभिमान वाटला असे काय म्हटले? त्यांना त्यांच्या विवेकाच्या साक्षीचा अभिमान होता, ते असे आहे की त्यांनी स्वतःला जगात वागवले होते - आणि विशेषतः करिंथकर मडंळीशी व्यवहार करताना - देवाकडून आलेल्या पवित्रतेने आणि प्रामाणिकपणाने, पृथ्वी वरील ज्ञानानुसार नाही तर देवाच्या कृपेने.
1:14 ikct आपल्या प्रभु येशूच्या दिवशी काय घडेल याची पौलाला खात्री होती? त्याला खात्री होती की त्या दिवशी पौल आणि त्याचे साथीदार करिंथकर संतांच्या अभिमानाचे कारण असतील.
1:15 hzbm पौल करिंथकरांच्या संतांना किती वेळा भेट देण्याची योजना आखत होता? त्यांना दोन वेळा भेटण्याचा त्यांचा बेत होता.
1:22 t3mt What is one reason that Christ gave us the Spirit in our hearts? He gave the Spirit as a down payment or guarantee of what he would later give us.
1:23 ycfl Why did Paul not come to Corinth? He did not come to Corinth so that he might spare them.
1:24 ove4 What did Paul say he and Timothy were and were not doing with the Corinthian church? Paul said they were not trying to control what their faith should be, but they were working with the Corinthian church for their joy.

1 Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
2 1:1 krio हे पत्र कोणी लिहले ? पौल आणि तीमथ्य यांनी हे पत्र लिहिले.
3 1:1 nkj4 पत्र कोणाला लिहिले होते? हे करिंथ येथील देवाच्या मडंळीला आणि अखया प्रांतातील सर्व संतांना लिहिले गेले.
4 1:3 zfqy पौल देवाचे वर्णन कसे करतो? पौल देवाचे वर्णन आपल्या प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्ताचा पिता, दयाळू पिता आणि सर्व सांत्वन करणारा देव असे करतो.
5 1:4 yoz4 Why does God comfort us in our affliction? आपल्या दुःखात देव आपले सांत्वन का करतो? He comforts us so that we are able to comfort those who are in affliction, with the same comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. तो आम्हांला सांत्वन देतो जेणे करून आम्ही दुःखात असलेल्यांचे सांत्वन करू शकू, ज्या सांत्वनाने आपण स्वतः देवाचे सांत्वन करतो.
6 1:8-9 khhr What trouble did Paul and his companions have in Asia? पौल आणि त्याच्या साथीदारांना आशियामध्ये कोणता त्रास झाला? They were burdened beyond what they could bear, so that they expected to die. त्यांच्या सहनशक्तीच्या पलीकडे त्यांच्यावर ओझे होते, जेणेकरून ते मरण्याची अपेक्षा करतात.
7 1:9 cz6y For what reason was the sentence of death on Paul and his companions? पौल आणि त्याच्या साथीदारांना मृत्यूदंडाची शिक्षा कोणत्या कारणासाठी देण्यात आली? The sentence of death caused them to not put their trust in themselves, but instead to trust in God. मृत्यूच्या शिक्षेमुळे त्यांनी स्वतःवर भरवसा ठेवला नाही तर देवावर भरवसा ठेवला.
8 1:11 jd06 How did Paul say that the Corinthian church could help them? करिंथकर मडंळी त्यांना मदत करू शकते असे पौलाने कसे म्हटले? Paul said the Corinthian church could help them by their prayer. पौल म्हणाला की करिंथकर मडंळी त्यांच्या प्रार्थनेद्वारे त्यांना मदत करू शकते.
9 1:12 yux4 Of what did Paul say that he and his companions were proud? पौलाने त्याला व त्याच्या सोबत्यांना अभिमान वाटला असे काय म्हटले? They were proud of the testimony of their conscience, which is that they had conducted themselves in the world—and especially in dealing with the Corinthian church—with the holiness and sincerity that come from God, not according to earthly wisdom but by the grace of God. त्यांना त्यांच्या विवेकाच्या साक्षीचा अभिमान होता, ते असे आहे की त्यांनी स्वतःला जगात वागवले होते - आणि विशेषतः करिंथकर मडंळीशी व्यवहार करताना - देवाकडून आलेल्या पवित्रतेने आणि प्रामाणिकपणाने, पृथ्वी वरील ज्ञानानुसार नाही तर देवाच्या कृपेने.
10 1:14 ikct What was Paul confident would happen on the day of our Lord Jesus? आपल्या प्रभु येशूच्या दिवशी काय घडेल याची पौलाला खात्री होती? He was confident that on that day Paul and his companions would be the reason for the pride of the Corinthian saints. त्याला खात्री होती की त्या दिवशी पौल आणि त्याचे साथीदार करिंथकर संतांच्या अभिमानाचे कारण असतील.
11 1:15 hzbm How many times was Paul planning to visit the Corinthian saints? पौल करिंथकरांच्या संतांना किती वेळा भेट देण्याची योजना आखत होता? He was planning to visit them two times. त्यांना दोन वेळा भेटण्याचा त्यांचा बेत होता.
12 1:22 t3mt What is one reason that Christ gave us the Spirit in our hearts? He gave the Spirit as a down payment or guarantee of what he would later give us.
13 1:23 ycfl Why did Paul not come to Corinth? He did not come to Corinth so that he might spare them.
14 1:24 ove4 What did Paul say he and Timothy were and were not doing with the Corinthian church? Paul said they were not trying to control what their faith should be, but they were working with the Corinthian church for their joy.