dublin_core: conformsto: 'rc0.2' contributor: creator: 'Door43 World Missions Community' description: 'Open-licensed exegetical study notes that provide historical, cultural, and linguistic information for studying the Bible.' format: 'text/tsv' identifier: 'sn' issued: '2021-03-10' language: direction: 'ltr' identifier: 'mr' title: 'मराठी' modified: '2021-03-10' publisher: 'unfoldingWord' relation: - 'en/ult' - 'el-x-koine/ugnt?v=0.18' - 'hbo/uhb?v=2.1.17' rights: 'CC BY-SA 4.0' source: - identifier: 'sn' language: 'en' version: '0' subject: 'TSV Study Notes' title: 'unfoldingWord® Study Notes' type: 'help' version: '1' checking: checking_entity: - 'unfoldingWord' checking_level: '2' projects: -