diff --git a/HebrewMesh.xml b/HebrewMesh.xml index e8b118a2..ad96a4e7 100644 --- a/HebrewMesh.xml +++ b/HebrewMesh.xml @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ אֲבַטִּיחַ of uncertain derivation; - a melon (only plural) + a melon (only plural) melon. אֲבַטִּחִים water-melons בטח @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ from 1; fatherly; Abi, Hezekiah's mother Abi. - אֲבִיָּ֫הוּ (Yah(u) is (my) father) + אֲבִיָּ֫הוּ (Yah(u) is (my) father) king of Judah, son & successor of Rehoboam 2nd son of Samuel son of Jerob. @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ from 1 and 410; father (i.e. possessor) of God; Abiel, the name of two Israelites Abiel. - אֲבִיאֵל (Ēl is (my) father) + אֲבִיאֵל (Ēl is (my) father) Saul’s grandfather = foregoing @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ from 1 and 1931; father (i.e. worshipper) of Him (i.e. God); Abihu, a son of Aaron Abihu. - אֲבִיהוּא (Yah(u) is (my) father) + אֲבִיהוּא (Yah(u) is (my) father) king of Judah, son & successor of Rehoboam 2nd son of Samuel son of Jerob. @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ from 1 and 7311; father of height (i.e. lofty); Abiram, the name of two Israelites Abiram. - אֲבִירָם ((the) Exalted One is (my) father) + אֲבִירָם ((the) Exalted One is (my) father) a Reubenite, son of Eliab son of Hiel the Bethelite @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ from the same as 68; a pair of stones (only dual); a potter's wheel or a midwife's stool (consisting alike of two horizontal disks with a support between) wheel, stool. - [אֹבֶן] wheel, disc. + [אֹבֶן] wheel, disc. potter’s wheel prob. bearing-stool, midwife’s stool @@ -1281,12 +1281,12 @@ אֹדֶם from 119; - redness, i.e. the ruby, garnet, or some other red gem + redness, i.e. the ruby, garnet, or some other red gem sardius. - אֹ֫דֶם + אֹ֫דֶם n.[f.] carnelian (fr. redness; 𝔊 σάρδιον; on format. cf. Lag BN 144) Ex 28:17 39:10 (P) Ez 18:13. אדם - stable + done אֲדַמְדָּם @@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ from 142 and 4428; splendor of (the) king; Adrammelek, the name of an Assyrian idol, also of a son of Sennacherib Adrammelech. - אַדְרַמֶּ֫לֶךְ (Adar is prince, As. Adar-malik (?)) + אַדְרַמֶּ֫לֶךְ (Adar is prince, As. Adar-malik (?)) a god of Sepharvaim parricidal son of Sennacherib @@ -3187,13 +3187,13 @@ אַחְלָמָה - perhaps from 2492 (and thus dream-stone); - a gem, probably the amethyst + perhaps from 2492 (and thus dream-stone); + a gem, probably the amethyst amethyst. - אַחְלָ֑מָה + אַחְלָ֑מָה n.f. perh. amethyst (etym. dub.) אחל - stable + base אַחְמְתָא @@ -4765,7 +4765,7 @@ from 410 and 1; God of (his) father; Eliab, the name of six Israelites Eliab. - אֱלִיאָב (God is father) + אֱלִיאָב (God is father) prince of Zebulon prince of Reuben brother of David @@ -4827,7 +4827,7 @@ or prolonged אֵלִיָּהוּ; from 410 and 3050; God of Jehovah; Elijah, the name of the famous prophet and of two other Israelites Elijah, Eliah. - אֵלִיָּה; אֵלִיָּ֫הוּ (Yah(u) is God) + אֵלִיָּה; אֵלִיָּ֫הוּ (Yah(u) is God) Elijah, the great prophet of the reign of Ahab Benjamite a priest of Ezra’s time @@ -5003,7 +5003,7 @@ or (shortened) אֶלְצָפָן; from 410 and 6845; God of treasure; Elitsaphan or Eltsaphan, an Israelite Elizaphan, Elzaphan. - אֱלִיצָפָן (God has protected) + אֱלִיצָפָן (God has protected) chief of the Kohathites chief of Zebulun @@ -5291,7 +5291,7 @@ from 410 and 5826; God (is) helper; Elazar, the name of seven Israelites Eleazar. - אֶלְעָזָר (God has helped) + אֶלְעָזָר (God has helped) Eleazar the priest son of Abinadab one of David’s heroes @@ -5412,7 +5412,7 @@ from 410 and 7069; God has obtained; Elkanah, the name of several Israelites Elkanah. - אֶלְקָנָה (God has created, or taken possession) + אֶלְקָנָה (God has created, or taken possession) father of Samuel son of Korah a ruler in Jerusalem in the time of Ahaz @@ -6842,7 +6842,7 @@ feminine of 646; a girding on (of the ephod); hence, generally, a plating (of metal) ephod, ornament. - אֲפֻדָּה ephod + אֲפֻדָּה ephod of high priest’s ephod of sheathing of idol-images @@ -7867,7 +7867,7 @@ the same as 739; Ariel, a symbolical name for Jerusalem, also the name of an Israelite Ariel. - אֲרִיאֵל + אֲרִיאֵל n. pr. f. (prob., v. Ew) Ariel (lioness of Ēl) name applied to Jerusalem n. pr. m. a chief man among returning exiles two sons of Ariel of Moab @@ -9711,13 +9711,13 @@ בַּד - perhaps from 909 (in the sense of divided fibres); - flaxen thread or yarn; hence, a linen garment + perhaps from 909 (in the sense of divided fibres); + flaxen thread or yarn; hence, a linen garment linen. - בֵּד, בָּ֑ד + בַּד, בָּ֑ד n.[m.] white linen (deriv. unknown) בגד - stable + base בַּד @@ -11408,7 +11408,7 @@ a primitive root; properly, to burst the womb, i.e. (causatively) bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree); also (as denominative from 1061) to give the birthright make firstborn, be firstling, bring forth first child (new fruit). - [בָּכַר] + [בָּכַר] Pi. bear early, new fruit make or constitute as first-born @@ -12421,7 +12421,7 @@ from an unused root of uncertain meaning; Boaz, the ancestor of David; also the name of a pillar in front of the temple Boaz. - בֹּ֫עַז (quickness?) + בֹּ֫עַז (quickness?) kinsman of Naomi, who married Ruth name of the left hand of two pillars set up before temple @@ -12490,7 +12490,7 @@ the same as 1167; Baal, a Phoenician deity Baal, (plural) Baalim. - בַּ֫עַל owner, lord + בַּ֫עַל owner, lord owner husband @@ -13041,7 +13041,7 @@ the same as 1220, an inaccessible spot; Betser, a place in Palestine; also an Israelite Bezer. - בֶּ֫צֶר (fortress) + בֶּ֫צֶר (fortress) n. pr. loc. city in Reuben n. pr. m. a descendant of Asher @@ -13979,9 +13979,9 @@ בָּרֶקֶת lemma בָּרְקַת variant form, corrected to בָּרֶקֶת or בָּרְקַתxlit bârᵉkath corrected to bârᵉqath; from 1300; - a gem (as flashing), perhaps the emerald + a gem (as flashing), perhaps the emerald carbuncle. - בָּרֶ֫קֶת a precious stone, emerald + בָּרֶ֫קֶת n.f. a precious stone, emerald, acc. to 𝔊, 𝔙, Josephus; (from flashing, sparkling; Lag Rel. Jur. Eccl. x., comp. Skr. markata, Gk. μάραγδος, ζμάραγδος) Ex 28:17 39:10 (both P). ברק base @@ -13992,10 +13992,10 @@ or בָּרְקַתxlit bârᵉkath corrected to bârᵉqath; from 1300; a gem (as flashing), perhaps the emerald carbuncle. - בָּֽרְקַת id. [1304a] + בָּֽרְקַת n.f. id. [1304a], Ez 28:13, cf. Ges § 80 R. 2, Pinsk Einl. 73. ברק - base + done בָּרַר @@ -14568,7 +14568,7 @@ feminine passive participle of 1350; redemption (including the right and the object); by implication, relationship kindred, redeem, redemption, right. - גְּאֻלָּה kin(?), redemption + גְּאֻלָּה kin(?), redemption kin redemption, of field right of redemption @@ -14656,7 +14656,7 @@ from an unused root meaning probably to collect; a reservoir; by analogy, a marsh marish, pit. - גֶּ֫בֶא cistern, pool + גֶּ֫בֶא cistern, pool cistern pool, marsh @@ -14890,12 +14890,12 @@ גַּבְלֻת from 1379; - a twisted chain or lace + a twisted chain or lace end. - גַּבְלֻת + גַּבְלֻת n.f. twistingשַׁרְשֹׁת גַּבְלֻת Ex 28:22, שַׁרְשְׁרֹת גּ׳ 39:15 (both P), cords of twisting, i.e. (well or tightly) twisted cords. גבל - stable + done גִּבֵּן @@ -15196,7 +15196,7 @@ a primitive root (compare 1464); to crowd; also to gash (as if by pressing into) assemble (selves by troops), gather (selves together, self in troops), cut selves. - [גָּדַד] penetrate, cut + [גָּדַד] penetrate, cut Qal they attack (penetrate, make inroads upon) the life of a righteous man Hithpo. cut oneself, as religious (heathen) practice @@ -15466,7 +15466,7 @@ from 1431 (in the sense of twisting); thread, i.e. a tassel or festoon fringe, wreath. - גְּדִלִים twisted threads + גְּדִלִים twisted threads tassels on border of garment festoons, on capitals of columns @@ -16593,7 +16593,7 @@ the same as 1536 (with the article as a properly, noun); Gilgal, the name of three places in Palestine Gilgal. See also 1019. - גִּלְגָּל (= (sacred) circle of stones) + גִּלְגָּל (= (sacred) circle of stones) place E. of Jericho, where Isr. lay encamped place on border between Judah & Benjamin place in N. Isr., dwelling of prophets @@ -18365,7 +18365,7 @@ intensive from the same as 1706; a sticky mass, i.e. the hump of a camel hunch (of a camel). - [דַּבֶ֫שֶׁת] + [דַּבֶ֫שֶׁת] n. f. hump (of camel) n. pr. loc. on border of Zebulun @@ -18632,7 +18632,7 @@ from the same as 1730; a pot (for boiling); also (by resemblance of shape) a basket basket, caldron, kettle, (seething) pot. - דּוּד pot, jar + דּוּד pot, jar pot, kettle receptacle for carrying, all Vrss basket @@ -19161,7 +19161,7 @@ or (Job 19:29) דּוּן; from 1777; judgement (the suit, justice, sentence or tribunal); by implication also strife cause, judgement, plea, strife. - דִּין judgment + דִּין judgment throne of judgment cause, plea judgment, condemnation @@ -21086,7 +21086,7 @@ from 3467; deliverer; Hoshea, the name of five Israelites Hosea, Hoshea, Oshea. - הוֹשֵׁעַ (salvation) + הוֹשֵׁעַ (salvation) orig. name of Joshua last king of Israel the prophet Hosea @@ -21891,7 +21891,7 @@ from 2015; an upset, i.e. (abstract) perversity turning of things upside down. - הֶ֫פֶךְ the contrary, contrariness, perversity + הֶ֫פֶךְ the contrary, contrariness, perversity the contrary, opposite thing Oh, your perversity! @@ -21954,7 +21954,7 @@ another form of 2022; mountain; Hor, the name of a peak in Idumaea and of one in Syria Hor. - הֹר + הֹר mt. on border of Edom a NE. spur of Lebanon @@ -22985,12 +22985,14 @@ זָחַח a primitive root; - to shove or displace + to shove or displace loose. - זָחַח + [זָחַח] vb. remove, displace + Niph. and that the breast-piece be not displaced etc. + זחח - stable + base See 2119a, 2119b @@ -23177,7 +23179,7 @@ from 2141; clear clean, pure. - זַךְ pure, clean + זַךְ pure, clean lit., pure, i.e. unmixed, free from foreign substances fig., pure, clean, righteous @@ -23347,7 +23349,7 @@ from 2142; memorable; Zicri, the name of twelve Israelites Zichri. - זִכְרִי + זִכְרִי a Reubenite a Judahite Levites @@ -23844,7 +23846,7 @@ from an unused root (akin (by permutation) to 6819), meaning to dwindle; small little. - זְעֵיר a little (diminutive form) + זְעֵיר a little (diminutive form) of quantity, amount (of instruction) of time @@ -28146,7 +28148,7 @@ a primitive root; to be violent; by implication, to maltreat make bare, shake off, violate, do violence, take away violently, wrong, imagine wrongfully. - [חָמַס] treat violently, wrong + [חָמַס] treat violently, wrong Qal treat violently, wrong of physical wrong of ethical wrong @@ -30013,7 +30015,7 @@ a primitive root; properly, to penetrate; hence, to examine intimately find out, (make) search (out), seek (out), sound, try. - [חָקַר] search + [חָקַר] search Qal search (for) @@ -30144,7 +30146,7 @@ a collaterally form of 2719; drought or desolation desolation, drought, dry, heat, × utterly, waste. - חֹ֫רֶב dryness, drought, heat + חֹ֫רֶב dryness, drought, heat dryness drought parching heat @@ -31151,10 +31153,10 @@ from 2803; a belt or strap (as being interlaced) curious girdle. - חֵ֫שֶׁב + חֵ֫שֶׁב ingenious work, name of the girdle or band of the ephod (cunningly woven band, RV) חשׁב - stable + base חַשְׁבַּדָּנָה @@ -32002,7 +32004,7 @@ to sink drown, fasten, settle, sink. טָבַע sink, sink down - Qal sink, sink down, intrans. + Qal sink, sink down, intrans. Pu. be sunk Hiph. be sunk; of pedestals of the earth, as settled, planted @@ -32286,13 +32288,16 @@ טוּר - from an unused root meaning to range in a regular manner; - a row; hence, a wall + from an unused root meaning to range in a regular manner; + a row; hence, a wall row. - טוּר + טוּר n.m. Ex 28:17 row + row, course of building-stones, in temple and in Solomon’s house + row of jewels, on high priest’s breast-piece + טור - stable + base טוּר @@ -33026,7 +33031,7 @@ or יֹאשִׁיָּהוּ; from the same root as 803 and 3050; founded of Jah; Joshijah, the name of two Israelites Josiah. - יֹאשִׁיָּ֫הוּ, יֹאשִׁיָּה (י׳ supporteth) + יֹאשִׁיָּ֫הוּ, יֹאשִׁיָּה (י׳ supporteth) king of Judah, son of Amon a returned exile @@ -34105,7 +34110,7 @@ from 3068 abbreviated and 6965; Jehovah will raise; Jehojakim, a Jewish king Jehoiakim. Compare 3113. - יְהוֹיָקִים, יוֹיָקִים, יוֹקִים (י׳ raiseth up) + יְהוֹיָקִים, יוֹיָקִים, יוֹקִים (י׳ raiseth up) one of the last kings of Judah, son of Josiah priest, son of Jeshua a Judaite @@ -34261,13 +34266,13 @@ יַהֲלֹם - from 1986 (in the sense of hardness); - a precious stone, probably onyx + from 1986 (in the sense of hardness); + a precious stone, probably onyx diamond. - יַהֲלֹם + יַהֲלֹם n.[m.] a precious stone, jasper? (so 𝔊, 𝔙), or onyx? (appar. fr. √ הלם; owing to its hardness, as able to smite, hammer?)—mentioned in lists of precious stones Ex 28:18 39:11 Ez 28:13. הלם - stable + done יַהַץ @@ -34291,7 +34296,7 @@ from 3068 and 251; Jehovah-brothered; Joach, the name of four Israelites Joah. - יוֹאָח (י׳ is brother) + יוֹאָח (י׳ is brother) son of Asaph the chronicler in Hezekiah’s time Levites son of Zimmah @@ -37677,7 +37682,7 @@ or יִרְמְיָהוּ; from 7311 and 3050; Jah will rise; Jirmejah, the name of eight or nine Israelites Jeremiah. - יִרְמְיָ֫ה(וּ) (? י׳ looseneth, sc. the womb ?) + יִרְמְיָ֫ה(וּ) (? י׳ looseneth, sc. the womb ?) proph., son of Ḥilḳiah, of priestly family in ‛Anathôth of Libnah, father of Josiah’s wife Gadite, David’s time @@ -38292,13 +38297,13 @@ יָשְׁפֵה - from an unused root meaning to polish; - a gem supposed to be jasper (from the resemblance in name) + from an unused root meaning to polish; + a gem supposed to be jasper (from the resemblance in name) jasper. - יָֽשְׁפֶה, יָשְׁפֵה + יָֽשְׁפֶה n.[m.] jasper (loan-word from Pers. Persian) ישׁע - stable + base יִשְׁפָּה @@ -40513,7 +40518,7 @@ a primitive root; properly, to bend the knee; hence, to humiliate, vanquish bring down (low), into subjection, under, humble (self), subdue. - [כָּנַע] be humble, only in der. conj. + [כָּנַע] be humble, only in der. conj. Niph. reflex. humble oneself pass. be humbled, subdued @@ -41661,7 +41666,7 @@ the same as 3759; Karmel, the name of a hill and of a town in Palestine Carmel, fruitful (plentiful) field, (place). - כַּרְמֶל n. pr. mont. et urb. Carmel + כַּרְמֶל n. pr. mont. et urb. Carmel mt.-promontory on Mediterranean, with fertile slopes, Tel el-Amarna city, 3 h. S. of Hebron @@ -42435,7 +42440,7 @@ for 3852; flame flame. - לֶהָבָה + לֶהָבָה flame, poet. point, head of spear @@ -42613,7 +42618,7 @@ from 3835; properly, whiteness, i.e. (by implication) transparency paved. - לְבֵנָה brick, tile + לְבֵנָה brick, tile brick, as building-material = tile, on which plan of city could be engraved = pavement @@ -42627,7 +42632,7 @@ the same as 3839; Libnah, a place in the Desert and one in Palestine Libnah. - לִבְנָה + לִבְנָה city in SW. Judah, exact site unknown, captured by Joshua station of Isr. in wilderness @@ -43932,12 +43937,12 @@ לֶשֶׁם from an unused root of uncertain meaning; - a gem, perhaps the jacinth + a gem, perhaps the jacinth ligure. - לֶ֫שֶׁם + לֶ֫שֶׁם m.[m.] a precious stone in h. p.’s breast-plate Ex 28:19 39:12 (√ and mng. dub.; 𝔊 λιγύριον, Joseph. iii. 7, 6 λίγυρος, 𝔙 ligurius) לשׁם - stable + base לֶשֶׁם @@ -44474,7 +44479,7 @@ from 982; properly, a refuge, i.e. (objective) security, or (subjective) assurance confidence, hope, sure, trust. - מִבְטָח confidence + מִבְטָח confidence the act of confiding the object of confidence the state of confidence, security. @@ -44585,22 +44590,22 @@ מִגְבָּלָה from 1379; - a border + a border end. - מִגְבָּלֹת, מִגְבָּלָה + מִגְבָּלֹת n.f.pl. the twisted, i.e. cords גבל - stable + base מִגְבָּעָה from the same as 1389; - a cap (as hemispherical) + a cap (as hemispherical) bonnet. - מִגְבָּעוֹת, מִגְבָּעָה + מִגְבָּעוֹת n.f.pl. head-gear, turban, of common priest (conical? cf. Di Ex 28:40) גבע - stable + base מֶגֶד @@ -45917,12 +45922,49 @@ מוּסַבָּה or מֻסַבָּה; feminine of 4141; - a reversal, i.e. the backside (of a gem), fold (of a double-leaved door), transmutation (of a name) + a reversal, i.e. the backside (of a gem), fold (of a double-leaved door), transmutation (of a name) being changed, inclosed, be set, turning. - סָבַב + סָבַב turn about, go around, surround + Qal + turn + + march, or walk, around + go partly around, circle about, skirt + make a round, or circuit, go about to + surround, encompass + + + Niph. + + turn oneself against, close round upon + turn round (from a direct course) + esp. of boundary: turn round + + pass. be turned over to + + Pi. to change, transform, the aspect of the matter. + Po‛. encompass, surround (poet. and chiefly late) + Hiph. + + turn (trans.), cause to turn + bring over (i.e. to allegiance) + turn into, of changing name + = bring round + + + cause to go around + surround with (acc.) wall + perh. also encompass (as foe) + + + Hoph. + be turned, of cart wheel + surround, i.e. set, of jewels + + סבב - stable + base מוּסָד @@ -47117,7 +47159,7 @@ from 2470; sick; Machli, the name of two Israelites Mahli. - מַחְלִי + מַחְלִי Levite, son of Merari son of Mushi, grandson of Merari @@ -47335,7 +47377,7 @@ or מַחְסֹר; from 2637; deficiency; hence, impoverishment lack, need, penury, poor, poverty, want. - מַחְסוֹר, מַחְסֹר need, thing needed, poverty + מַחְסוֹר, מַחְסֹר need, thing needed, poverty need = thing needed lack, want in gen., need, poverty @@ -47963,7 +48005,7 @@ from 4310 and 410 with the abbreviated form insep. relatively (see 834) interposed; who (is) what God (is) ?; Mishael, the name of three Israelites Mishael. - מִישָׁאֵל (Who is what God is ?) + מִישָׁאֵל (Who is what God is ?) a cousin of Moses one of Daniel’s companions @@ -48357,13 +48399,13 @@ מִכְנָס - from 3647 in the sense of hiding; - (only in dual) drawers (from concealing the private parts) + from 3647 in the sense of hiding; + (only in dual) drawers (from concealing the private parts) breeches. - מִכְנָס + [מִכְנָס] n.m. Ez 44:18 only du. (or pl.) drawers כנס - stable + base מֶכֶס @@ -48390,7 +48432,7 @@ feminine of 4371; an enumeration; by implication, a valuation number, worth. - מִכְסָה computation; hence + מִכְסָה computation; hence number valuation, worth @@ -48511,7 +48553,7 @@ from 3789; a thing written, the characters, or a document (letter, copy, edict, poem) writing. - מִכְתָּב writing + מִכְתָּב writing = hand-writing = thing written in a title @@ -48638,12 +48680,12 @@ מִלֻּאָה feminine of 4394; - a filling, i.e. setting (of gems) + a filling, i.e. setting (of gems) enclosing, setting. - מִלֻּאָה + [מִלֻּאָה] n.f. setting of jewel (cf. vb. Pi. 2, Pu.) מלא - stable + base מֲלְאָךְ @@ -49157,7 +49199,7 @@ or מַלְכִּיָּהוּlemma מַלְכִּיָהוּ missing dagesh, corrected to מַלְכִּיָּהוּ; (Jeremiah 38:6), from 4428 and 3050; king of (i.e. appointed by) Jah; Malkijah, the name of ten Israelites Malchiah, Malchijah. - מַלְכִּיָּהוּ, מַלְכִּיָּה (my king is Yah) + מַלְכִּיָּהוּ, מַלְכִּיָּה (my king is Yah) father of Pashhur a prince priests @@ -49425,7 +49467,7 @@ from an unused root meaning to alienate; a mongrel, i.e. born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother bastard. - מַמְזֵר bastard, specif. child of incest + מַמְזֵר bastard, specif. child of incest lit. bastard perh. fig. coll., of mixed population @@ -50009,7 +50051,7 @@ from 5274; a bolt shoe. - [מִנְעָל] id. [4514] + [מִנְעָל] id. [4514] נעל base @@ -50771,7 +50813,7 @@ or מְעֹנָה; feminine of 4583, and meaning the same den, habitation, (dwelling) place, refuge. - מְעֹנָה id. + מְעֹנָה id. den, lair of wild beasts fig. the ancient God is a dwelling-place (for his people) @@ -51359,7 +51401,7 @@ or מַעֲשֵׂיָהוּ; from 4639 and 3050; work of Jah; Maasejah, the name of sixteen Israelites Maaseiah. - מַעֲשֵׂיָהוּ, מַעֲשֵׂיָה, מַעֲשַׂי (work of י׳) + מַעֲשֵׂיָהוּ, מַעֲשֵׂיָה, מַעֲשַׂי (work of י׳) priest, Je.’s time 29 Levites @@ -51558,20 +51600,20 @@ or (feminine) מִפְעָלָה; from 6466; a performance work. - מִפְעָל work, thing made + [מִפְעָל] n.[m.] work, thing made (by י׳);—pl. sf. מִפְעָלָיו Pr 8:22. פעל - base + done מִפְעָל or (feminine) מִפְעָלָה; from 6466; a performance work. - מִפְעָלָה deed + [מִפְעָלָה] n.[f.] deed (of י׳);—pl. cstr. מִפְעֲלוֹת י׳ ψ 46:9, מ׳ אֱלֹהִים 66:5. פעל - base + done מַפָּץ @@ -51767,7 +51809,7 @@ or מְצָד; or (feminine) מְצָדָה; from 6679; a fastness (as a covert of ambush) castle, fort, (strong) hold, munition. - מְצָד, מְצַד fastness, stronghold (prop. hunting-place ?) + מְצָד, מְצַד fastness, stronghold (prop. hunting-place ?) mountain-fastness more gen., stronghold @@ -52526,7 +52568,7 @@ ' a primitive root; to melt; figuratively, to flow, dwindle, vanish consume away, be corrupt, dissolve, pine away. - [מָקַק] decay, rot, fester, fig. pine away Niph. fester, of wounds rot, rot away moulder away of pining away by reason of, as punishment for, iniquity Hiph. a causing his flesh to rot + [מָקַק] decay, rot, fester, fig. pine away Niph. fester, of wounds rot, rot away moulder away of pining away by reason of, as punishment for, iniquity Hiph. a causing his flesh to rot מקק @@ -53763,12 +53805,12 @@ מִשְׁבְּצָה from 7660; - a brocade; by analogy, a (reticulated) setting of a gem + a brocade; by analogy, a (reticulated) setting of a gem ouch, wrought. - מִשְׁבְּצ(וֹ)ת, מִשְׁבְּצָה + מִשְׁבְּצ(וֹ)ת chequered (or plaited) work, usu. of settings for gems שׁבץ - stable + base מִשְׁבֵּר @@ -54774,7 +54816,7 @@ from 8264; a traversing, i.e. rapid motion running to and fro. - [מַשָּׁק] running, rushing + [מַשָּׁק] running, rushing שׁקק base @@ -55616,7 +55658,7 @@ from 5024; a bark; Nobach, the name of an Israelite, and of a place East of the Jordan Nobah. - נֹ֫בַח + נֹ֫בַח a Manassite in Gilead @@ -56104,7 +56146,7 @@ a primitive root; to impel; hence, to volunteer (as a soldier), to present spontaneously offer freely, be (give, make, offer self) willing(-ly). - נָדַב incite, impel + נָדַב incite, impel Qal whose heart incited Hithp. volunteer @@ -56130,7 +56172,7 @@ from 5068; liberal; Nadab, the name of four Israelites Nadab. - נָדָב (generous, noble) + נָדָב (generous, noble) eldest son of Aaron son of Jeroboam a Jerahmeelite @@ -57484,7 +57526,7 @@ a primitive root; to sink, i.e. descend; causatively, to press or lead down be broken, (cause to) come down, enter, go down, press sore, settle, stick fast. - [נָחֵת] (Aram. and poet.) go down, descend + [נָחֵת] (Aram. and poet.) go down, descend Qal go down, descend fig. descend in chastisement @@ -58920,7 +58962,7 @@ from an unused root probably meaning to spring forth; a sprout; Nepheg, the name of two Israelites Nepheg. - נֶ֫פֶג + נֶ֫פֶג a Levite a son of David @@ -59008,13 +59050,13 @@ נֹפֶךְ - from an unused root meaning to glisten; - shining; a gem, probably the garnet + from an unused root meaning to glisten; + shining; a gem, probably the garnet emerald. - נֹ֫פֶךְ + נֹ֫פֶךְ n.[m.] a precious stone which Tyre gained by trade Ez 27:16 (where נ׳ doubted by Berthol, queried by Toy Hpt), cf 28:13 (symbol. of wealth and honour of king of Tyre); in high priest’s breast-piece Ex 28:18 39:11. Perh. = ruby or carbuncle 𝔊 Joseph. ἄνθραξ, 𝔙 carbunculus, cf. Di Ex, Kau Ex, Sgfr Ezek, Co Berthol; 𝔗 AV emerald. נפח - stable + done נָפַל @@ -62065,7 +62107,7 @@ a primitive root; properly, to wrench, i.e. (figuratively) to subvert overthrow, pervert. - סָלַף twist, pervert, overturn + סָלַף twist, pervert, overturn Pi. pervert subvert, turn upside down, ruin @@ -62563,7 +62605,7 @@ סַפִּיר from 5608; - a gem (perhaps used for scratching other substances), probably the sapphire + a gem (perhaps used for scratching other substances), probably the sapphire sapphire. סַפִּיר sapphire, perh. also lapis lazuli ספח @@ -64296,7 +64338,7 @@ active participle of 5647; serving; Obed, the name of five Israelites Obed. - עוֹבֵד, עֹבֵד (worshipper)son of Boaz and Ruthnames in Judaha mighty man of Davida doorkeeper + עוֹבֵד, עֹבֵד (worshipper)son of Boaz and Ruthnames in Judaha mighty man of Davida doorkeeper עבד base @@ -65134,7 +65176,7 @@ from 5797 and 410; strength of God; Uzziel, the name of six Israelites Uzziel. - עֻזִּיאֵל (my strength is Ēl) + עֻזִּיאֵל (my strength is Ēl) Levite names a Benjamite @@ -65557,7 +65599,7 @@ from the same as 5852 and a name otherwise unused (being from the same as 8226) meaning hidden; crowns of Shophan; Atroth-Shophan, a place in Palestine Atroth, Shophan (as if two places). - עֲטָרוֹת and עֲטָרֹת + עֲטָרוֹת and עֲטָרֹת E. of Jordan W. of Jordan @@ -67232,7 +67274,7 @@ from 5971 and 5068; people of liberality; Amminadab, the name of four Israelites Amminadab. - עַמִּינָדָב (my kinsman hath bestowed) + עַמִּינָדָב (my kinsman hath bestowed) Aaron’s father-in-law Levites @@ -67534,7 +67576,7 @@ probably from 5971 and 7311; high people; Amram, the name of two Israelites Amram. - עַמְרָם + עַמְרָם father of Moses Ezr @@ -70237,7 +70279,7 @@ probably from 6238; increase flock. - [עַשְׁתָּרוֹת] usu. interpr. either as + [עַשְׁתָּרוֹת] usu. interpr. either as = ewes (Thes) or as = young @@ -71143,7 +71185,7 @@ a primitive root; to waver stumble, move. - [פּוּק] reel, totter + [פּוּק] reel, totter Qal they reel (drunken, in giving) judgment Hiph. totter @@ -71464,12 +71506,12 @@ פִּטְדָה of foreign derivation; - a gem, probably the topaz + a gem, probably the topaz topaz. - פִּטְדָה + פִּטְדָה n.f. (m. acc. to Albr ZAW xvi (1896), 108) topaz or chrysolite (acc. to 𝔊 τοπάζιον, 𝔙 topazius, etc.; prob. foreign word, cf. Skr. pîta (prop. yellow));—named with other precious stones Ez 28:13 Ex 28:17 = 39:10; cstr. פִּטְדַת־כּוּשׁ Jb 28:19.—Vid. Plin NH xxxvii 8 (32), Houghton in Sm DB, Topaz, Ri HWB, Edelstein. פחת - stable + done פָּטוּר @@ -71628,7 +71670,7 @@ apparently from 6310 and a variation of 5175; mouth of a serpent; Pinechas, the name of three Israelites Phinehas. - פִּינְחָס (Egypt. Pe-nehasi, the negro) + פִּינְחָס (Egypt. Pe-nehasi, the negro) grandson of Aaron son of Eli @@ -72710,12 +72752,12 @@ פַּעֲמֹן from 6471; - a bell (as struck) + a bell (as struck) bell. - פַּעֲמֹן + פַּעֲמֹן n.[m.] bell, on high-p.’s robe (from its stroke, beat) פעם - stable + base פָּעַר @@ -73987,7 +74029,7 @@ probably from 6582; liberation; Pashchur, the name of four Israelites Pashur. - פַּשְׁחוּר + פַּשְׁחוּר Je 21 Ne @@ -74578,7 +74620,7 @@ a primitive root; to mass (an army or servants) assemble, fight, perform, muster, wait upon, war. - [צָבָא] wage war, serve + [צָבָא] wage war, serve Qal wage war, fight serve at sacred tent @@ -74978,7 +75020,7 @@ or צִדְקִיָּהוּ; from 6664 and 3050; right of Jah; Tsidkijah, the name of six Israelites Zedekiah, Zidkijah. - צִדְקִיָּ֫הוּ, צִדְקִיָּה (י׳ is righteousness) + צִדְקִיָּ֫הוּ, צִדְקִיָּה (י׳ is righteousness) last king of Judah false prophets prince; Jerem.’s time @@ -77047,7 +77089,7 @@ or צְפַנְיָהוּ; from 6845 and 3050; Jah has secreted; Tsephanjah, the name of four Israelites Zephaniah. - צְפַנְיָה(וּ) (י׳ hath treasured) + צְפַנְיָה(וּ) (י׳ hath treasured) priest the prophet a Judæan @@ -77693,7 +77735,7 @@ from 6895; the paunch (as a cavity) or first stomach of ruminants maw. - קֵבָה, sf. קֳבָתָהּ stomach, belly + קֵבָה, sf. קֳבָתָהּ stomach, belly abs. of sacrificial victim, assigned to priest, i.e. fourth stomach of ruminants sf. of woman, appar. more gen., belly @@ -77746,7 +77788,7 @@ a primitive root; to admit, i.e. take (literally or figuratively) choose, (take) hold, receive, (under-) take. - [קָבַל] Pi. receive, take + [קָבַל] Pi. receive, take Pi. take accept @@ -82392,7 +82434,7 @@ from 7292, bluster(-er) proud, strength. - רַ֫הַב lit. storm, arrogance, but only as names, v. infr.; + רַ֫הַב lit. storm, arrogance, but only as names, v. infr.; mythical sea monster emblemat. name of Egypt @@ -83208,20 +83250,24 @@ a primitive root; to brood; by implication, to be relaxed flutter, move, shake. - רָחַף grow soft, relax + [רָחַף] vb. grow soft, relax (cf. Ar. Arabic be soft);— + Qal Pf. 3 pl. רָֽחֲפוּ Je 23:9 (bones of one appalled). + רחף - base + ref רָחַף a primitive root; to brood flutter, move, shake. - רָחַף Pi. hover + רָחַף vb. Pi. hover (NH id., cf. Grünbaum ZMG xxxix (1885), 607; Syr. Pa. Syriac move gently, also cherish, and brood, cf. Thes S. V.; connexion with I. ר׳ dub.);— + Pi. Impf. 3 ms. יְרַחֵף עַל Dt 32:11 (poem) of vulture hovering over young; Pt. רוּחַ א׳ מְרַהֶפֶת עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּ֑יִם Gn 1:2(P); hovering over face of waters, or perh. (v. Syr.) brooding (and fertilizing), so Jer Quaest. In Gen. ed. Lag. 4 (reading ‘marahaefeth’), cf. Di Gunk. + רחף - base + ref רָחַץ @@ -83683,12 +83729,12 @@ רָכַס a primitive root; - to tie + to tie bind. - רָכַס + [רָכַס] vb. bind רכס - stable + base רֶכֶס @@ -84195,7 +84241,7 @@ from an unused root meaning to curb; a halter (as restraining); by implication, the jaw bridle. - רֶ֫סֶן + רֶ֫סֶן halter jaw @@ -85580,7 +85626,7 @@ from 3423; a net (as catching animals) net(-work). - רֶ֫שֶׁת net + רֶ֫שֶׁת net net brazen network for altar of tabern. @@ -85934,7 +85980,7 @@ from 7599; secure; in a bad sense, haughty that is at ease, quiet, tumult. Compare 7946. - שַׁאֲנָן at ease, secure + שַׁאֲנָן at ease, secure at ease, secure as subst., one at ease, free from misfortune at ease, with collat. idea of careless, wanton, arrogant @@ -86137,13 +86183,13 @@ שְׁבוּ - from an unused root (probably identical with that of 7617 through the idea of subdivision into flashes or streamers (compare 7632) meaning to flame; - a gem (from its sparkle), probably the agate + from an unused root (probably identical with that of 7617 through the idea of subdivision into flashes or streamers (compare 7632) meaning to flame; + a gem (from its sparkle), probably the agate agate. - שְׁבוּ + שְׁבוֹ n.[f.] a precious stone (relation to above √ dub.; = As. šubû; 𝔊 𝔙 agate);—Ex 28:19 = 39:12 (+ לֶשֶׁםאַחְלָ֑מָה). שׁבה - stable + done שְׁבוּאֵל @@ -86627,12 +86673,15 @@ שָׁבַץ a primitive root; - to interweave (colored) threads in squares; by implication (of reticulation) to inchase gems in gold + to interweave (colored) threads in squares; by implication (of reticulation) to inchase gems in gold embroider, set. - שָׁבַץ + [שָׁבַץ] vb. Pi. prob. weave in chequer or plaited work (NH שָׁבַץ ornament a vessel with a pattern) + Pi. and thou shalt chequer (or plait) the tunic (in) byssus. + Pu. inwoven (i.e. set ina chequered or plaited mounting) with gold(-thread) shall they be (of gems). + שׁבץ - stable + base שָׁבָץ @@ -86965,7 +87014,7 @@ a primitive root; to stray (causatively, mislead), usually (figuratively) to mistake, especially (morally) to transgress; by extension (through the idea of intoxication) to reel, (figuratively) be enraptured (cause to) go astray, deceive, err, be ravished, sin through ignorance, (let, make to) wander. - [שָׁגָה] go astray, err + [שָׁגָה] go astray, err Qal err, stray, of flock swerve, meander, reel or roll @@ -90164,7 +90213,7 @@ or שִׁלֻּם; from 7999a; a requital, i.e. (secure) retribution, (venal) a fee recompense, reward. - שִׁלּוּם, שִׁלֻּם requital + שִׁלּוּם, שִׁלֻּם requital requital, retribution reward, bribe @@ -90177,7 +90226,7 @@ or (shorter) שַׁלֻּם; the same as 7966; Shallum, the name of fourteen Israelites Shallum. - שַׁלּוּם (less oft. שַׁלֻּם) + שַׁלּוּם (less oft. שַׁלֻּם) king of N. Israel son of Josiah, and king of Judah husband of Huldah @@ -91625,7 +91674,7 @@ from 8088; famous; Shimi, the name of twenty Israelites Shimeah (from the margin), Shimei, Shimhi, Shimi. - שִׁמְעִי + שִׁמְעִי in Benj. a Ramathite Levites @@ -93297,7 +93346,7 @@ a primitive root; to be alert, i.e. sleepless; hence to be on the lookout (whether for good or ill) hasten, remain, wake, watch (for). - שָׁקַד watch, wake + שָׁקַד watch, wake Qal keep watch of, be wakeful over be wakeful, wake, as mourner, sufferer @@ -93592,7 +93641,7 @@ of foreign derivation; Sharetser, the name of an Assyrian and an Israelite Sharezer. - שַׁרְאֶ֫צֶר in Assyr. (Bab.) + שַׁרְאֶ֫צֶר in Assyr. (Bab.) son of Sennach. a returned exile @@ -94226,10 +94275,10 @@ from 8327; a chain (as rooted, i.e. linked) chain. Compare 8333. - שַׁרְשָׁה, שַׁרְשְׁרָה - שׁרשׁ + [שַׁרְשָׁה] Ex 28:22 v. following [שַׁרְשְׁרָה]. + שׁרר - stable + done שְׁרֹשׁוּ @@ -94244,12 +94293,12 @@ שַׁרְשְׁרָה from 8327 (compare 8331); - a chain; (architectural) probably a garland + a chain; (architectural) probably a garland chain. - שַׁרְשְׁרָה + [שַׁרְשְׁרָה] n.f. (in spite of foll. sf. masc.) chain שׁרר - stable + base שָׁרַת @@ -95401,7 +95450,7 @@ feminine active participle of 8582; mistake, i.e. (morally) impiety, or (political) injury error, hinder. - תּוֹעָה wandering, error + תּוֹעָה wandering, error error in morals and religion confusion, disturbance @@ -95724,12 +95773,12 @@ תַּחֲרָא from 2734 in the original sense of 2352 or 2353; - a linen corslet (as white or hollow) + a linen corslet (as white or hollow) habergeon. - תַּחְרָא, תַּחֲרָא + תַּחְרָא n.[m.] prob. (linen) corselet (𝔗 Oak שריון);—abs. ת׳ Ex 28:32, ∥ 39:23 (P), in sim. תזז - stable + done תַּחָרָה @@ -96093,7 +96142,7 @@ by contraction from 8524; a mound heap, × strength. - תֵּל mound + תֵּל mound mound, ruin-heap (of city) mound or hill on which city stood @@ -96514,7 +96563,7 @@ plural of 8537; perfections, i.e. (techn.) one of the epithets of the objects in the high-priest's breastplate as an emblem of complete Truth Thummim. - תֹּם completeness, integrity + תֹּם completeness, integrity completeness, fulness innocence, simplicity integrity @@ -96846,7 +96895,7 @@ from 5395; properly, a hard breather, i.e. the name of two unclean creatures, a lizard and a bird (both perhaps from changing color through their irascibility), probably the tree-toad and the water-hen mole, swan. - תִּנְשֶׁ֫מֶת an animal + תִּנְשֶׁ֫מֶת an animal unclean bird, the ibis, water-hen unclean, lizard, or chameleon @@ -97739,12 +97788,12 @@ תַּרְשִׁישׁ probably of foreign derivation (compare 8659); - a gem, perhaps the topaz + a gem, perhaps the topaz beryl. - תַּרְשִׁישׁ + תַּרְשִׁישׁ n.m. a precious stone, perhaps yellow jasper, or other gold-coloured stone תקף - stable + base תַּרְשִׁישׁ