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Robert Hunt 2020-12-04 07:56:51 +13:00
parent a8d6cbb0c6
commit a9bddef9db
1 changed files with 673 additions and 0 deletions

OBS_tq.tsv Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
Reference ID Tags SupportReference Quote Occurrence Annotation
1:1 b3fo Where did everything in the universe come from?\n\n> God created everything.
1:1 stxq How long did it take God to create everything?\n\n> He took six days.
1:2 g2ay What was Gods response to the day and night he created on the first day?\n\n> He said they were good.
1:4 zuj2 What was Gods response to the earth and the seas he created on the third day?\n\n> He said they were good.
1:5 su0y What was Gods response to the trees and plants he created on the third day?\n\n> He said they were good.
1:6 obvx What was Gods response to the sun, moon, and stars he created on the fourth day?\n\n> He said they were good.
1:7 la7e What was Gods response to the things in the seas and the birds he created on the fifth day?\n\n> He said they were good.
1:8 jew1 What was Gods response to the land animals he created on the sixth day?\n\n> He said they were good.
1:9 refe In what way did God make man different than the animals?\n\n> He made man in his image and in his likeness.
1:9 bq4g What did God say would be the responsibility of the human beings?\n\n> They would have authority over the earth and over the animals, and would care for them.
1:10 k7qg How did God make the first man?\n\n> God formed him from the soil.
1:10 c5wy How did the man become alive?\n\n> God breathed life into him.
1:10 tzs2 What was the name of the man?\n\n> His name was Adam.
1:10 gm49 Where did God put Adam?\n\n> He put Adam in a garden that God planted.
1:11 yjew From which special tree was Adam not allowed to eat?\n\n> He could not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
1:11 v0ex What would happen if Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?\n\n> He would die.
1:12 lorv Why was Adam **alone** when there were all kinds of animals?\n\n> The animals were not able to be a **helper** for Adam.
1:13 sory How did God make the woman?\n\n> He formed her from Adams rib.
1:14 gmk0 What did the name **woman** mean to Adam?\n\n> It meant that she was made from man.
1:14 k5pl What is the purpose of a man having a wife?\n\n> They are to become one.
1:15 d7xh What did God say about his creation when he finished it?\n\n> He said it was very good.
1:16 ye94 What did God do on the seventh day?\n\n> He finished all his work and blessed the seventh day and made it holy.
2:1 sni3 Why were Adam and Eve not ashamed that they were naked?\n\n> There was no sin in the world.
2:2 mvu2 What was the snakes first question to Eve?\n\n> He asked, “Did God really tell you not to eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”
2:3 kglr From which tree were Adam and and his wife not allowed to eat?\n\n> They were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
2:3 tvbo What did God say would happen if Adam and his wife ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?\n\n> He said they would die.
2:4 uku3 What did the snake say was the reason God did not want them to eat the fruit?\n\n> He said God was lying because God did not want them to understand things like he did.
2:5 c9c3 Why did the woman eat the fruit?\n\n> She saw that it was beautiful and delicious, and she wanted to be wise.
2:5 ysnx Were Adam and his wife forced to eat the fruit?\n\n> No, they freely chose to eat the fruit and disobey God.
2:6 bf96 What did the man and the woman do when they realized they were naked?\n\n> They sewed leaves together to make clothes.
2:8 d2fp How did the man respond when God confronted him about his sin?\n\n> He blamed the woman.
2:8 ggxg How did the woman respond when God confronted her about her sin?\n\n> She blamed the snake.
2:9 pco6 What was Gods curse on the snake?\n\n> You will slide on your belly, and the womans descendant will crush your head.
2:10 twca What was Gods curse on the woman?\n\n> You will have painful childbirth, and although your desire will be for your husband, he will rule over you.
2:11 q88m What was Gods curse on the man?\n\n> You will work hard to grow food, and you will die and return to the soil.
2:12 omde How did God prevent Adam and Eve from living forever?\n\n> He sent them out of the garden containing the tree of life and guarded the entrance with powerful angels.
3:1 njis Why did God decide to destroy the world?\n\n> People had become very wicked and violent.
3:1 ej3s How did God plan to destroy the world?\n\n> He would send a huge flood.
3:2 vo21 Why kind of man was Noah?\n\n> He was a righteous man.
3:3 y1jk What did God tell Noah to do?\n\n> God told him to build a huge boat.
3:3 r61i What was the purpose of the boat?\n\n> The boat would keep Noah, his family, and the animals safe during the flood.
3:4 usgg How did the other people react when Noah told them that the flood would come?\n\n> They did not believe him.
3:6 epne Which animals came into the boat before the flood?\n\n> A male and a female of every kind of animal, and seven males and seven females of every kind of animal that could be used for sacrifice came into the boat.
3:6 d36v Who closed the door of the boat after Noahs family and the animals came inside?\n\n> God closed the door.
3:7 nn4f How long did it rain?\n\n> It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
3:8 uwbu How high did the water of the flood reach?\n\n> It covered everything in the whole world, even the highest mountains.
3:8 isez What happened to everything that lived on land?\n\n> Everything died.
3:12 cb8f How did Noah know the water had dried up?\n\n> He sent out a dove and it did not return.
3:13 mxu6 What did God tell Noah and his family to do when they left the boat?\n\n> He told them to have many children and grandchildren and to fill the earth.
3:14 i0pl How did Noah worship God after he got off the boat?\n\n> He built an altar and sacrificed some of the animals.
3:15 loy2 What did God promise he would never do again?\n\n> He would never again curse the ground or destroy the world with a flood.
3:16 x41v What did God make as a sign of his promise?\n\n> He made a rainbow in the sky.
4:1 vi99 After the flood, did the people fill the earth as God had commanded?\n\n> No, they gathered together and built a city.
4:1 hohm How many different languages were there in the world at that time?\n\n> There was only one language.
4:2 qecg What did the people work together to do instead of spreading out over the earth?\n\n> They started to build a tall tower that would reach heaven.
4:3 vzvn What did God do to cause the people to spread out all over the world?\n\n> He changed their language into many different languages.
4:3 n83g What was the name of the city that they were building?\n\n> It was named **Babel**.
4:3 xmgj What does the name **Babel** mean?\n\n> It means confused.
4:4 impd What did God tell Abram to do?\n\n> God told Abram to leave his country and family and go to another land.
4:4 x1ka What did God promise to do for Abram?\n\n> He promised to give Abram all the land he could see, to make his name great, to make his descendants a great nation, and to bless all the families on earth through him.
4:5 ho24 To which land did Abram go?\n\n> He went to the land of Canaan.
4:6 f3m8 What promise did God make to Abram about Canaan?\n\n> God would give it to Abram and his descendants would always possess it.
4:7 ok0a Who was Melchizedek?\n\n> He was the priest of God Most High.
4:7 ea4c What did Melchizedek do for Abram?\n\n> He blessed Abram.
4:7 ta63 What did Abram give to Melchizedek?\n\n> He gave him a tenth of all he owned.
4:8 cpgp What did God promise Abram after he had lived in Canaan for many years?\n\n> Abram would have a son and as many descendants as the stars in the sky.
4:8 ylwl Why did God say Abram was righteous?\n\n> He said this because Abram believed Gods promise.
4:9 b22p What is a covenant?\n\n> A covenant is an agreement between two parties.
5:1 l0eg Why did Sarai think she would not have children?\n\n> She was too old.
5:1 wxo7 What did Sarai tell Abram to do in order to have a child?\n\n> Marry her servant Hagar, so Hagar could have a child for her.
5:2 x55x What was the name of Hagars child?\n\n> His name was **Ishmael**.
5:2 po6f What problem happened between Sarai and Hagar?\n\n> Sarai became jealous of Hagar.
5:3 mdd9 What covenant promises did God make to Abram?\n\n> Abram would be the father of many nations, and God would give the land of Canaan to him and to his descendants.
5:3 jhpq What did God tell Abram to do as a sign of the covenant between them?\n\n> Abram must circumcise every male in his family.
5:4 pwr5 Who did God say would be the son of the promise?\n\n> Isaac, Sarais son, would be the son of promise.
5:4 bmwa Who did God say would become a great nation?\n\n> Both Isaac and Ishmael would become great nations.
5:4 w9xj What did Abrams new name, Abraham, mean?\n\n> His name means **father of many**.
5:6 mqs6 What did God ask Abraham to do to Isaac when Isaac was a young man?\n\n> God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to him.
5:6 cuoe Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?\n\n> God did this to test Abrahams faith.
5:7 xezy What did Abraham tell Isaac was the reason they did not have a lamb for the sacrifice?\n\n> Abraham said God would provide the lamb for the sacrifice.
5:8 hk9v Did God want Abraham to kill Isaac?\n\n> No, he only wanted to see if Abraham would obey him.
5:9 dmrs What did God provide as a sacrifice instead of Isaac?\n\n> He provided a ram stuck in a bush.
5:10 px3h What did God promise to do for Abraham because Abraham had obeyed him?\n\n> He promised that Abrahams descendents would be more than the stars in the sky, and that all the families of the world would be blessed through his family.
6:1 vfg9 Why did Abraham send his servant back to the land of Abrahams relatives?\n\n> He sent him to bring back a wife for his Abraham's son, Isaac.
6:2 s2yi How did the servant find Rebekah?\n\n> God led him to her.
6:2 n7eq How was Rebekah related to Abraham?\n\n> Rebekah was the granddaughter of Abrahams brother.
6:3 cwqv Was Rebekah forced to go with the servant to marry Isaac?\n\n> No, she agreed to go.
6:4 ri4s What promises of God were passed on to Isaac when Abraham died?\n\n> All of the promises that God had made to Abraham, including that he would have countless descendants, were passed on to Isaac.
6:4 l8tk Why did it appear that the promise of countless descendants would not be fulfilled through Isaac?\n\n> Rebekah could not have children.
6:6 nt3x What did God tell Rebekah about her two twin sons before they were born?\n\n> They would become two nations, and the older son will serve the younger one.
6:7 sgre What was the name of the older son?\n\n> His name was **Esau**.
6:7 f2ma What was the name of the younger son?\n\n> His name was **Jacob**.
7:2 dme4 Esau was the older son. Why did he give everything that he should receive to Jacob, the younger son?\n\n> Everything Esau should have received as the older son, he gave Jacob in exchange for some food.
7:3 sn3a To whom did Isaac want to give his formal blessing?\n\n> He gave it to Esau.
7:3 xyz1 How did Jacob trick Isaac into giving him the blessing?\n\n> He pretended to be Esau by wearing goatskins so that Isaac would think he was Esau.
7:5 md5b Because Jacob stole Esaus blessing, what did Esau plan to do to him?\n\n> Esau planned to kill Jacob after Isaac died.
7:6 hzlj What did Isaac and Rebekah do when Rebekah heard of Esaus plan to kill Jacob?\n\n> They sent Jacob far away to live with Rebekahs relatives.
7:7 tikf What happened to Jacob during the next twenty years?\n\n> He married, had 12 sons and a daughter, and God made him wealthy.
7:9 lmel Why was Jacob afraid when he returned to Canaan?\n\n> He thought Esau would kill him.
7:9 qegf What did Jacob do in order to soothe Esaus anger?\n\n> He sent herds of animals to Esau as a gift.
7:10 p5s8 Was Esau still angry with Jacob?\n\n> No, he no longer wanted to harm Jacob.
7:10 o3ss Where did Jacob settle to live?\n\n> He settled in Canaan.
7:10 p17q After Isaacs death, who received the covenant promises that God originally gave to Abraham?\n\n> Jacob received them.
8:2 y533 Why did Josephs brothers hate him?\n\n> Because Joseph was Jacobs favorite son, and because Joseph had dreamed he would be their ruler.
8:2 abpq What evil thing did Josephs brothers do to him?\n\n> They took him captive and sold him to some slave traders.
8:3 h1ob How did Josephs brothers explain his disappearance to Jacob?\n\n> They put goats blood on Josephs robe so that Jacob would think a wild animal had killed him.
8:4 zlm3 Did God abandon Joseph in Egypt?\n\n> No, in everything Joseph did, God blessed him.
8:5 xkpn Why was Joseph sent to prison in Egypt?\n\n> Joseph refused to sleep with his masters wife, so she falsely accused him.
8:7 t4sa What ability had God given Joseph?\n\n> He gave him the ability to interpret dreams.
8:7 p12c What was the meaning of Pharaohs dream?\n\n> God was going to send seven years of plentiful harvests followed by seven years of famine.
8:8 m15m How did Pharaoh reward Joseph after Joseph interpreted his dream?\n\n> He made Joseph the second most powerful man in Egypt.
8:9 bki0 How did Joseph prepare for the famine?\n\n> Joseph told the Egyptians to store up large amounts of food during the seven good years, and then he sold the food to the people during the seven years of famine.
8:11 i6w2 Why did Josephs brothers come to Egypt?\n\n> They came to buy food because the famine was severe in Canaan also.
8:12 mott Before Joseph told his brothers who he was, why did he test them?\n\n> He tested them to see if they had changed.
8:12 ht8o How did God cause good to come from Josephs brothers selling him as a slave?\n\n> Joseph became a powerful ruler in Egypt, and God used him to provide food for his family and many other people during the famine.
8:14 mlcr What did Jacob do after he found out that Joseph was alive?\n\n> He moved his whole family to Egypt.
8:15 g4js After Jacob died, who received the promises that God gave to Abraham?\n\n> The 12 sons of Jacob received them.
8:15 a13t What did the descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob become?\n\n> They became the 12 tribes of Israel.
9:2 gsl2 Why were the Egyptians afraid of the Israelites?\n\n> They were afraid because there were so many Israelites.
9:2 o7ws What did Pharaoh do to the Israelites because he was afraid of them?\n\n> He made them slaves to the Egyptians.
9:4 w34a How did Pharaoh try to keep the Israelites from increasing in number?\n\n> He ordered all Israelite baby boys to be thrown into the Nile River.
9:7 sfwg What happened to the baby boy in the basket in the river?\n\n> A daughter of Pharaoh saw him, took him as her own son, and named him Moses.
9:9 j621 What did Moses do in order to save a fellow Israelite?\n\n> He killed an Egyptian who was beating him, and buried the Egyptians body.
9:10 ryvs Why did Moses have to flee from Egypt?\n\n> When Pharaoh found out that he killed the Egyptian, he wanted to kill Moses.
9:10 tsyq Where did Moses go to escape from Pharaoh?\n\n> He went to the wilderness.
9:12 yq0y What unusual thing did Moses see while taking care of his sheep in the wilderness?\n\n> He saw a bush that was on fire, but it did not burn up.
9:12 pgw0 What did God tell Moses as he approached the burning bush?\n\n> God said, “Moses, take off your shoes. You are standing on holy ground.”
9:13 tzw6 How do we know God cared about the Israelites in Egypt?\n\n> God said to Moses, “I have seen the suffering of my people.”
9:13 egl2 What did God send Moses to do for the Israelites?\n\n> God told him to go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt.
9:13 v9un What land did God say he would give to the Israelites?\n\n> God would give him the land of Canaan, the land God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
9:14 jvqr What name did God say would be his forever?\n\n> He said his name would be Yahweh.
9:15 jd5f Who did God send to help Moses?\n\n> God sent Moses brother, Aaron, to help him.
10:1 hem2 What was Gods message that Moses and Aaron gave to Pharaoh?\n\n> God's message to Pharaoh was, “Let my people go!”
10:1 g274 What did Pharaoh do when he heard this command?\n\n> He forced the Israelites to work even harder.
10:2 jzo8 What did God do when Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go?\n\n> He sent ten terrible plagues on Egypt.
10:2 ywn2 What did God show Pharaoh through these plagues?\n\n> He showed that he is more powerful than Pharaoh and all of Egypts gods.
10:3 od0o What did God do to the water in the Nile River?\n\n> God turned water in the Nile River into blood.
10:7 fvig Who was affected by the plague of the painful skin sores?\n\n> The sores appeared on the Egyptians, but not on the Israelites.
10:11 czak Did the plague of darkness affect everyone equally?\n\n> No, it was dark where the Egyptians lived, but there was light where the Israelites lived.
10:12 j6dc How did Pharaoh respond to each of the first nine plagues?\n\n> He refused to let the people go free.
10:12 w4u6 What did God do after Pharaoh did not respond to the first nine plagues?\n\n> God planned to send one last plague.
10:12 xmbv What would this last plague do that the first nine had not done?\n\n> It would change Pharaohs mind.
11:1 ghpi What did God say he would do to the Egyptians if Pharaoh did not let the Israelites go?\n\n> He would kill all the firstborn males of both people and animals.
11:2 drwl How could people save their firstborn son?\n\n> They had to kill a perfect lamb.
11:3 q6rb What did God tell the Israelites to do with the blood of the lamb?\n\n> God told them to put the blood of the lamb around the door of their house.
11:3 mujl What specific food did God tell the Israelites to eat with the roasted lamb?\n\n> They were to eat bread that was made without yeast.
11:3 izoo What were the Israelites to be ready to do when they ate?\n\n> They were to be ready to leave Egypt.
11:5 yzya What did God do at the houses that had the blood around the doors?\n\n> He passed over those houses and everyone inside was safe.
11:6 r49k What did God do at every Egyptian house?\n\n> He killed the firstborn son.
11:7 uecb How many of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians were killed?\n\n> All of them died, including Pharaohs son.
11:8 ir3z What did Pharaoh tell Moses and Aaron after this plague?\n\n> He told them to take the Israelites and leave Egypt immediately!
12:1 wnck What did the Egyptians give the Israelites as they left Egypt?\n\n> They gave them whatever they asked for, even gold and silver and other valuable things.
12:1 anas Who else left Egypt with the Israelites?\n\n> Some people from other nations who believed in God left with them.
12:2 z9q5 How did God lead the Israelites?\n\n> He led them in a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night.
12:3 le19 Why did God cause Pharaoh to be stubborn and chase the Israelites?\n\n> God did this to show that he is is the One True God who is more powerful than Pharaoh and his gods.
12:4 nk4y How did the Israelites react when they were trapped between the sea and Pharaohs army?\n\n> They said, “Why did we leave Egypt? We are going to die!”
12:5 vakh What did Moses say to the Israelites to calm their fear?\n\n> He told them to stop being afraid! God would fight for them that day and save them.
12:6 u180 How did God prevent the Egyptians from coming near the Israelites as they started to escape?\n\n> He placed the pillar of cloud between them.
12:7 ywas What did God tell Moses to do in order to make a path of escape for the Israelites?\n\n> God told him to raise his hand over the sea so that the waters would divide.
12:8 xgef How were the Israelites able to cross the sea?\n\n> They walked through it on dry ground.
12:10 iypf What happened to the Egyptians as they chased the Israelites through the sea?\n\n> He caused the Egyptians to panic and their chariots to get stuck.
12:11 tctt How did God destroy the Egyptian army?\n\n> The water covered the Egyptian army so that they drowned.
12:12 ikh1 How did the Israelites react when they saw that the Egyptians were dead?\n\n> They trusted in God and believed that Moses was a prophet of God.
12:13 sqbx Why did the Israelites sing and praise God?\n\n> They praised him because he had saved them from the Egyptians.
12:14 li1a What did God tell the Israelites to do in order to remember his victory over the Egyptians?\n\n> He commanded them to celebrate the Passover every year.
13:1 r28v Where did God lead the Israelites after they crossed the Red Sea?\n\n> He lead them to a mountain called Sinai.
13:2 b7mj What did God promise the Israelites that they would become if they would obey him?\n\n> They would be his prized possession, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.
13:3 fm29 What signs accompanied God when he came down on Mount Sinai?\n\n> Thunder, lightning, smoke, and a loud trumpet blast accompanied God when he came down.
13:7 oeeg What would God do to the Israelites if they disobeyed his commandments?\n\n> He would punish them.
13:8 bhnm What did God tell the Israelites to build for him?\n\n> He told them to make the Tent of Meeting.
13:8 d640 Who could enter into the room behind the curtain where God was?\n\n> Only the high priest could enter there.
13:9 ho0s How could the people cover their sin?\n\n> They could bring an animal for the priests to sacrifice. The blood of the sacrifice would cover their sin.
13:9 niyl Who did God choose to be his priests?\n\n> He chose Aaron and his descendants.
13:11 ep1q What did the people do when they got tired of waiting for Moses to return from Mount Sinai?\n\n> They asked Aaron to make a gold idol, and then they worshiped it and made sacrifices to it.
13:12 rv6a Why did God not destroy the Israelites when they disobeyed?\n\n> He did not destroy them because Moses prayed for them.
13:13 uepy What happened to the stones on which God had written the Ten Commandments?\n\n> Moses was angry and smashed the stones.
13:14 zo66 What did Moses do to the idol?\n\n> He burned the idol and ground it into powder, and then he made the people drink it in water.
13:15 mn4x Where did the Israelites go after Mount Sinai?\n\n> God led the Israelites toward the Promised Land.
14:1 k0oi Where did God lead the Israelites after they left Mount Sinai?\n\n> He led them towards Canaan, the Promised Land.
14:3 gfap What did God tell the Israelites to do to the Canaanites?\n\n> He told them to get rid of all of them, not to make peace with them, not to marry them, and to destroy all of their idols.
14:5 zbc0 What did the 12 spies say about the land of Canaan?\n\n> The land is very fertile and the crops are plentiful.
14:5 u4uc Why did ten of the spies say the Israelites should not attack the people of Canaan?\n\n> They said, “The cities are strong and the people are giants. If we attack them, they will defeat us and kill us!”
14:6 rg06 What did Caleb and Joshua say about the people of Canaan?\n\n> They said, “The people are strong, but we can defeat them. God will fight for us!”
14:7 rd0b What did the people want to do after they heard the report of the spies?\n\n> They wanted to choose another leader and go back to Egypt.
14:8 dn3b How did God say he would punish the people for their disobedience?\n\n> They would wander in the wilderness until everyone twenty years or older, except Caleb and Joshua, died.
14:10 e5na Why were the Israelites defeated when they attacked the Canaanites?\n\n> They were defeated because God did not go with them into the battle.
14:11 yfhr How long did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?\n\n> They wandered for 40 years.
14:11 rst0 How did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?\n\n> He gave them manna, sent flocks of quail, and kept their clothes and shoes from wearing out.
14:12 txk2 How did God respond when the people complained and grumbled?\n\n> God was still faithful to his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
14:13 jpof Why was God angry when Moses struck the rock?\n\n> God was angry because Moses dishonored God by not speaking to the rock as God told him to do.
14:13 w868 How did God punish Moses for his disobedience?\n\n> God said that Moses would not enter the Promised Land.
14:14 sxjr Who did God promise to send one day in the future?\n\n> He would send another prophet like Moses.
14:15 iggp Who led the Israelites after Moses died?\n\n> Joshua led them.
14:15 zl4a What kind of leader was Joshua?\n\n> He was a good leader because he trusted and obeyed God.
15:1 n97t When it was time to enter the Promised Land, what did Joshua do first?\n\n> He sent two spies to Jericho.
15:1 qwps What did the spies promise to do for Rahab the prostitute?\n\n> They promised to protect Rahab and her family when the Israelites destroyed the city.
15:2 kuo5 How were the Israelites able to cross the Jordan River?\n\n> When the priests started to step into the Jordan River, the water stopped flowing.
15:3 n8qo How did the Israelites attack Jericho?\n\n> They marched around the city once a day for six days.
15:4 p3yn What did the Israelites do to Jericho on the seventh day?\n\n> On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven more times. After they marched around the city for the last time, the priests blew their trumpets and the soldiers shouted.
15:5 nn43 What happened when the soldiers shouted and the priests blew trumpets?\n\n> The walls of Jericho fell down so the Israelites could destroy everything in the city.
15:5 wgrj What happened to Rahab and her family?\n\n> They were not killed, and they became part of the Israelites.
15:6 ykbd How did the Gibeonites trick the Israelites into making a peace treaty with them?\n\n> They said they were from a place far from Canaan.
15:6 znq6 Why did Joshua and the Israelites not know the Gibeonites were lying?\n\n> They did not ask God.
15:7 n1mi Why did the Israelites keep the peace treaty and defend the Gibeonites?\n\n> They did not kill them because the Israelites had made a promise before God.
15:9 s1wm How else did God fight for the Israelites against the Amorites?\n\n> He confused the Amorites and sent large hailstones on them.
15:10 qy0i How else did God fight for the Israelites against the Amorites?\n\n> He caused the sun to stay in one place so the Israelites had enough time to completely defeat them.
15:11 ts5l What did Joshua and the Israelites do to the other Canaanite people groups who attacked them?\n\n> Joshua and the Israelites destroyed them.
15:12 m0cz What did each tribe of Israel receive?\n\n> God gave each of the 12 tribes of Israel its own section of the Promised Land.
15:13 g29u Why did Joshua call the Israelites together when he was old?\n\n> He called them together to remind them of their obligation to obey the covenant that God had made with them.
15:13 p7tx How did the Israelites answer Joshua?\n\n> They promised to remain faithful to God and to follow his laws.
16:1 ojyg How did the Israelites disobey God after Joshua died?\n\n> They did not drive out the Canaanites, and they worshiped the Canaanite gods instead of Yahweh, the true God.
16:2 mv2q How did God punish the Israelites for their disobedience?\n\n> God allowed their enemies to defeat them.
16:3 fkgb How did God respond when the Israelites cried out for help?\n\n> He provided a deliverer who rescued them and brought peace to the land.
16:5 nesr What was Gideon doing when the angel of Yahweh came to him?\n\n> Gideon was threshing grain secretly so the Midianites would not steal it.
16:9 unvc What two signs did God do to prove that he would save Israel through Gideon?\n\n> God made the morning dew fall only on the sheepskin and not the ground, and then the dew fell only on the ground and not the sheepskin.
16:10 twl3 Why did Gideon send home all except 300 of the soldiers?\n\n> He sent them home because God told him he had too many men.
16:11 rkmf What additional sign did God give Gideon so he would not be afraid?\n\n> Gideon heard a Midianite soldier tell of his dream that Gideons army would defeat the Midianite army.
16:11 c8t9 What did Gideon do when he heard the Midianite soldiers dream?\n\n> He worshiped God.
16:13 dor2 How did Gideon and his men attack the Midianites?\n\n> They surrounded the Midianite camp, broke their pots to reveal their torches, and blew their horns and shouted, “A sword for Yahweh and for Gideon.”
16:14 gjop What did God do to help Gideon defeat the Midianites?\n\n> God confused the Midianites so they attacked and killed each other.
16:16 hrct What did Gideon do that later led the people to return to idol worship?\n\n> He made a special garment of gold that the people later began to worship as an idol.
16:17 ds21 What did the Israelites do many times?\n\n> The Israelites would sin, God would punish them, they would repent, and God would send a deliverer to save them.
16:18 qpca Why did the people ask God for a king?\n\n> All the other nations had kings, and the Israelites wanted someone to lead them into battle.
16:18 xwsg How did God answer their request?\n\n> He gave them a king, just as they had asked.
17:1 ehsu Was Saul, the first king of Israel, a good king or a wicked king?\n\n> He was good for the first few years, but then he became wicked.
17:2 mdur What was Davids occupation before he became king?\n\n> He was a shepherd who took care of sheep.
17:3 ldow Why was it so amazing that David was able to kill Goliath?\n\n> Goliath was a very tall, very strong trained soldier wearing battle gear. David was a shepherd boy with no weapon but a sling.
17:3 epwk Why did the people of Israel praise David?\n\n> He won many victories over Israels enemies.
17:4 x9fz What did David do when he had a chance to kill Saul in the cave?\n\n> He spared Saul and only cut off a piece of his clothes.
17:5 ldd0 What was the city that David conquered and then made his capital?\n\n> He made Jerusalem his capital.
17:6 pjn0 What did David want to build for God?\n\n> David wanted to build a temple where all the Israelites could worship God and offer sacrifices.
17:7 zjn1 Why did God not allow David to build a temple?\n\n> David would not build it because he had fought in so many wars.
17:7 bxlb Who did God say would build the Temple?\n\n> Davids son would build it.
17:7 a8nf What was the great promise that God gave to David?\n\n> God promised that one of Davids descendants would rule as king over Gods people forever.
17:7 xvp7 What great act would the Messiah do?\n\n> He would save the people of the world from their sin.
17:11 x97t What terrible sin did David commit later in his life?\n\n> He committed adultery with Bathsheba, and murdered her husband.
17:12 m302 What did David do so that people would not know that he had sinned?\n\n> He had his general place Uriah where he would be killed in battle.
17:13 g3dv What did David do when Nathan confronted him about his sin?\n\n> David repented of his sin and received God's forgiveness.
17:14 rxmo How did God punish David for his sin?\n\n> Davids baby boy died, there was fighting in Davids family for the rest of his life, and Davids power was greatly weakened.
17:14 kszn Did God still keep his promises to David in spite of Davids unfaithfulness?\n\n> Yes, he still kept them.
17:14 prgf What was the name of their son who was born later to David and Bathsheba?\n\n> His name was Solomon.
18:1 qrct What did Solomon ask God to do for him?\n\n> He asked God to make him very wise.
18:2 g8i4 What was the purpose of the Temple that Solomon built?\n\n> It was a place for the people to worship God and offer sacrifices.
18:3 ney6 What serious sins did Solomon commit?\n\n> He married many foreign women and worshiped their gods in his old age.
18:4 qdwk How did God punish Solomons sins?\n\n> God said he would divide the nation of Israel into two kingdoms after Solomons death.
18:6 d64c What foolish answer did Rehoboam give to the people?\n\n> I will make you work harder and punish you more than my father, Solomon, did.
18:7 lnw2 What was the name of the kingdom founded by the two southern tribes who remained with Rehoboam?\n\n> It was named the kingdom of Judah.
18:8 js7p How many of the tribes rebelled against Rehoboam and formed the northern kingdom?\n\n> Ten tribes joined the kingdom of Israel.
18:9 f2vu What did Jeroboam do to keep his people from going to Judah to worship at the Temple?\n\n> He built and placed two idols in the kingdom of Israel for his people to worship.
18:11 qcgx How many of the kings of Israel were faithful to God?\n\n> None of them were faithful.
18:12 phac What were some of the evil practices that were often included in the worship of idols?\n\n> They took part in sexual immorality and child sacrifice.
18:13 da1k Who was the ancestor of the kings of Judah?\n\n> King David was their ancestor.
18:13 csuq Were any kings of Judah faithful to God?\n\n> Yes, some were faithful, but most were evil.
19:1 jbjz Where did the prophets get the messages that they spoke to the people?\n\n> They heard the messages from God.
19:2 w56n What did Elijah say that God was going to do to punish the people?\n\n> Elijah said that God will withhold rain and dew in the kingdom of Israel until Elijah says it will rain again.
19:3 bn9e How did God provide for Elijah in the wilderness where he was hiding?\n\n> Every morning and evening, God sent birds with bread and meat for him.
19:4 b4dj How did God provide for Elijah when he lived with the widow and her son?\n\n> God caused their flour jar and bottle of oil to never become empty.
19:5 nhvq What great evil did Elijah say that Ahab had committed?\n\n> Ahab had abandoned Yahweh, the true God, and had worshiped Baal.
19:6 lz72 What choice did Elijah tell the people they must make?\n\n> He told them that if Yahweh is God, they should serve him, but if Baal is God, they should serve Baal.
19:11 zmv7 How did God show he is the real God?\n\n> God sent fire from the sky and burned up the meat, the wood, the rocks, the dirt, and the water around the altar.
19:11 b834 How did the people respond when they saw this demonstration of power?\n\n> They fell on the ground and said, “Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God!”
19:12 fd2p What happened to the prophets of Baal?\n\n> The people took them away and killed them.
19:14 losi What did Elisha tell Naaman to do to in order to heal his skin disease?\n\n> He told him to dip himself seven times in the Jordan River.
19:15 recr What did Naaman do after he heard Elishas instructions?\n\n> At first he was angry and would not do it because it seemed foolish, but later he changed his mind and did it, and was completely healed.
19:16 ozum What did the prophets tell the people to do?\n\n> They told them to stop worshiping idols and to show justice and mercy to others; otherwise, God would punish them.
19:17 dq1f In general, how did the people treat the prophets?\n\n> The people mistreated the prophets and sometimes even killed them.
19:17 j2y6 How did the people mistreat the prophet Jeremiah?\n\n> The people put Jeremiah in a dry well and left him there to die.
19:17 op5y Did Jeremiah die in the well?\n\n> No, the king had mercy on him and had his servants pull Jeremiah out.
19:18 xdwz The prophets reminded the people that God would send a special person. Who was that person?\n\n> The person that God would send was the Messiah.
20:1 h12l What was the warning that the prophets spoke to the people?\n\n> They told them to repent and worship God again.
20:1 uk0i How did the people respond to the message from the prophets?\n\n> The people refused to obey.
20:2 ng4n What enemy destroyed the kingdom of Israel?\n\n> The Assyrians destroyed the kingdom of Israel.
20:4 d9de Who were the Samaritans?\n\n> The Samaritans were the descendants of the Israelites who married the foreigners brought to the land by the Assyrians.
20:5 graw Did the people of the kingdom of Judah obey God when they saw how he had punished the kingdom of Israel?\n\n> No, they continued worshiping idols.
20:6 yy9v Who did the king of Judah agree to serve?\n\n> He agreed to serve King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
20:8 snb0 When the king of Judah rebelled, what did Nebuchadnezzars soldiers do to him?\n\n> They killed the kings sons in front of him, made him blind, and took him away to die in prison in Babylon.
20:9 hqwa What do we call the period of time when Gods people were forced to leave the Promised Land?\n\n> This period is called the Exile.
20:10 jzur What did God promise to the people during the Exile?\n\n> God promised that after 70 years, they would return to the Promised Land again.
20:11 g3mm Who was the king who defeated the Babylonians?\n\n> Cyrus, king of the Persians, defeated the Babylonians.
20:12 qv4t What order did King Cyrus give concerning the Jews?\n\n> He ordered that any Jew who wanted to return to Judah could go there.
20:13 dnkd What did the Jews do when they arrived in Jerusalem?\n\n> They rebuilt the Temple and the wall around the city.
21:1 xi9y When did God first decide to send the Messiah?\n\n> He decided this before he created the world.
21:1 eyfy What would the Messiah do to Satan?\n\n> The Messiah would defeat Satan completely.
21:2 pfis Who would God sent to fulfill his promise that all people groups will be blessed through Abraham?\n\n> He would send the Messiah.
21:3 c8mb In what way would the Messiah like Moses?\n\n> The Messiah would be a prophet like Moses.
21:4 cmny How would the Messiah be related to King David?\n\n> The Messiah would be one of Davids descendants.
21:7 vbnl How would the Messiah be the perfect high priest?\n\n> He would offer himself as a perfect sacrifice to God on behalf of the people.
21:8 dky1 How would the Messiah be the perfect king?\n\n> He would reign over the whole world forever, rule justly, and make the right decisions.
21:9 on93 What did Isaiah say would be special about the birth of the Messiah?\n\n> The Messiah would be born of a virgin.
21:12 wzeo According to the prophets, how would the Messiah die?\n\n> The Messiah would be mistreated and pierced, and would die in great suffering.
21:13 uumm In God's plan, why did the Messiah have to die?\n\n> The Messiah, being perfect, would die so that God could punish him for the peoples sin so they could have peace with God.
21:14 camb What would God accomplish through the death and resurrection of the Messiah?\n\n> God would start the New Covenant and save people who had sinned against him.
21:15 unmz How much time passed between the last prophecy about the Messiah and his coming into the world?\n\n> More than 400 years had passed.
22:1 h9v2 How many years had passed since God had spoken to his people?\n\n> 400 years had passed.
22:1 zc8h What problem did Elizabeth, Zechariahs wife, have?\n\n> She was very old, and had never born any children.
22:2 cfy4 What did the angel tell Zechariah to name his son?\n\n> He was to name him John.
22:2 zv7f What did the angel say John would do in his life?\n\n> John would get people ready to accept the Messiah.
22:2 ucbk Why did Zechariah not believe Elizabeth would have a son?\n\n> They were too old to have children.
22:3 qawb How did the angel punish Zechariah because he did not believe?\n\n> Zechariah was not able to speak until John was born.
22:4 ob4d How long had Elizabeth been pregnant when the angel appeared to Mary?\n\n> She was six months pregnant.
22:4 c2tx What did the angel say was going to happen to Mary?\n\n> She would become pregnant and give birth to a son.
22:4 ua8e Who did the angel say Jesus was going to be?\n\n> He would be the Son of the Most High God.
22:5 d269 Why was Jesus birth a miracle?\n\n> Mary was a virgin.
22:5 qz3j Whose son is Jesus?\n\n> Jesus is the Son of God.
22:6 vln1 Who did Mary go to visit after after the angel left her?\n\n> She went to visit Elizabeth.
22:7 msx9 What did Zechariah say about John?\n\n> He said John would be a prophet of the Most High God and would tell the people how they could receive forgiveness for their sins.
23:1 dt2b What kind of man was Joseph?\n\n> He was a righteous man.
23:1 ih4v What did Joseph plan to do with Mary since she was pregnant?\n\n> He planned to divorce her quietly.
23:2 fd0l What caused Joseph to change his mind and marry Mary?\n\n> An angel came and spoke to him in a dream and said, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.”
23:2 dvc7 What is the meaning of the name **Jesus**?\n\n> It means Yahweh saves.
23:4 ojtd Why did Joseph and Mary make the long journey to Bethlehem?\n\n> They had to go there because the Roman government told everyone to go to where their ancestors had lived in order to be counted.
23:5 lchy In what kind of place was Jesus born?\n\n> He was born in a place where animals stayed.
23:6 eb4s What was the angels message to the shepherds?\n\n> The angel told them, “Do not be afraid, because I have some good news for you. The Messiah, the Master, has been born in Bethlehem!”
23:8 pre0 How would the shepherds know the baby when they found him?\n\n> He would be lying in a feeding trough.
23:8 o7yi What did the shepherds do after they had seen the baby?\n\n> They returned to the fields, praising God for what they had heard and seen.
23:9 hi7i Later, how did the wise men from the east know that a new king of the Jews had been born?\n\n> They saw an unusual star in the sky.
23:10 l5mz What did the wise men do when they saw Jesus?\n\n> They bowed down and worshiped Jesus, and gave him expensive gifts.
24:1 ira8 Where did John live when he grew up?\n\n> He lived in the wilderness.
24:2 ndul What message did John preach to the people?\n\n> He said, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is near!”
24:3 reu5 What did John do to the people who repented from their sins?\n\n> He baptized them.
24:4 zykn Which group of people did John compare to poisonous snakes?\n\n> He spoke this way about many of the religious leaders who refused to repent.
24:5 wlxn What was Johns answer when the Jews asked him if he was the Messiah?\n\n> He said he was not the Messiah.
24:6 mjgp What title did John use for Jesus when he saw him coming to be baptized?\n\n> He called him the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world.
24:7 kzzl Why did Jesus not need to repent of his sins before John baptized him?\n\n> Jesus did not need to repent because he had never sinned.
24:7 r1x2 Why did Jesus say that John should baptize him?\n\n> He said John should baptize him because it was the right thing to do.
24:8 q98c Who came to rest on Jesus after he was baptized?\n\n> The Spirit of God appeared in the form of a dove and rested on Jesus.
24:8 h27f What did God say after Jesus was baptized?\n\n> He said, “This is my Son. I love him, and I am very pleased with him.”
24:9 n96b Whom did God say the person would be upon whom the Holy Spirit would come down and rest?\n\n> That person would be the Son of God.
24:9 t7yr How many gods are there?\n\n> There is only one God.
25:1 o6i5 Where did Jesus go after he was baptized?\n\n> Jesus went into the wilderness.
25:1 poby Who led Jesus into the wilderness?\n\n> The Holy Spirit led him.
25:1 h0d5 What did Jesus do in the wilderness?\n\n> He fasted there for 40 days and 40 nights.
25:2 om0r What did Satan tempt Jesus to do with the rocks?\n\n> He told Jesus to turn the rocks into bread so he could eat.
25:3 s9io What did Jesus say people need just as much as bread?\n\n> People need everything that God tells them.
25:4 kq11 What did Satan tempt Jesus to do next?\n\n> He told Jesus to throw himself down from the Temple.
25:4 nu3n Who did Satan say would protect Jesus?\n\n> God would command his angels to protect Jesus.
25:5 s7nw What did Jesus say in response to Satan?\n\n> Jesus said that Gods Word says not to test the Lord your God.
25:6 altj What did Satan then offer to give Jesus?\n\n> Satan offered to give him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
25:6 djvh What did Satan ask Jesus to do in order to receive these kingdoms?\n\n> Satan wanted Jesus to bow down and worship him.
25:7 ng6q Did Jesus agree to worship Satan?\n\n> No, he would only worship God and only honor him as God.
25:8 ma36 Was Satan able to make Jesus sin?\n\n> No, he was not.
25:8 pu7j What happened after Satan left Jesus?\n\n> Angels came and took care of Jesus.
26:1 mdz7 Where did Jesus go after he overcame Satans temptations?\n\n> Jesus went to the region of Galilee where he lived.
26:2 bxpr What was the name of the city where Jesus lived as a child?\n\n> He lived in Nazareth.
26:2 vq2d Where did Jesus go on the Sabbath?\n\n> He went to the place of worship.
26:2 yvhy Why did the people in the place of worship hand Jesus the scroll of Isaiah?\n\n> They wanted Jesus to read from it.
26:4 jiaw The passage of Scripture that Jesus read was about what person?\n\n> It was about the Messiah.
26:4 msjh What did Jesus say about the Scripture that he had just read?\n\n> He said those things were happening right then.
26:4 ban4 How did the people of Jesus hometown react to his words?\n\n> They were amazed and asked, “Isnt this the son of Joseph?”
26:5 xm94 What example did Jesus give of Gods prophets helping people from other nations when Elijah was a prophet?\n\n> God sent Elijah to help a widow during a drought.
26:6 fi0k What example did Jesus give of Gods prophets helping people from other nations when Elisha was a prophet?\n\n> Jesus said that Elisha healed Naaman, a commander of Israels enemies.
26:7 ujhr How did the people respond when Jesus told them these stories?\n\n> They seized Jesus and tried to throw him off a cliff in order to kill him.
26:7 tffo How did Jesus escape from the crowd?\n\n> Jesus walked through the crowd and left the town.
26:8 ewh0 How did the crowds in Galilee respond to Jesus?\n\n> They brought many people who were sick or handicapped to him so he could heal them.
26:9 k7uy Who did the demons acknowledge Jesus to be when he commanded them to come out of people?\n\n> They said Jesus was the Son of God.
26:10 ly4z How many men did Jesus choose to be his apostles?\n\n> He chose 12 men to be his apostles.
27:1 qw69 What question did the expert in the Jewish law ask Jesus?\n\n> He asked Jesus, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
27:1 m6g8 What question did Jesus ask the expert in response?\n\n> He asked him, “What is written in Gods law?”
27:2 g0eh Who does Gods law say we should love?\n\n> We should love the Lord our God and our neighbor.
27:3 f935 Why did the expert in the Jewish law ask who his neighbor was?\n\n> He wanted to prove that his way of living was correct.
27:5 r7cm In Jesus story, what happened to the Jewish man while he was traveling?\n\n> Robbers attacked him, took everything he had, and beat him until he was almost dead.
27:6 x7tp Who was the first person to see the wounded man?\n\n> The first person was a Jewish priest.
27:6 ly6z What did the priest do when he saw the wounded man?\n\n> He ignored him and passed by on the other side of the road.
27:7 iogb Who was the second person to see the wounded man and pass by?\n\n> A Levite came next.
27:7 g750 What did the Levite do when he saw the wounded man?\n\n> He ignored him and passed by on the other side of the road.
27:8 yxuy Who was the third person to see the wounded man?\n\n> He was a Samaritan.
27:8 sj9i What was the relationship between Jews and Samaritans?\n\n> They hated each other.
27:9 l6zs How did the Samaritan help the wounded man?\n\n> He put him on his own donkey, took him to a roadside inn, and took care of him.
27:10 thea What did the Samaritan tell the person in charge of the inn?\n\n> He told him to take care of the man, and he would repay him for those expenses when he returned.
27:11 td36 Which of the three men acted like a neighbor to the man who was robbed and beaten?\n\n> The Samaritan who was merciful to the man was a neighbor to him.
28:1 hr0w What did the rich young ruler ask Jesus?\n\n> He asked Jesus what he must do to have eternal life.
28:1 tpe7 What did Jesus tell the young man to do in order to have eternal life?\n\n> He told him to obey Gods laws.
28:3 pnbd What did the young ruler say about the laws that Jesus listed?\n\n> He said he had obeyed those laws ever since he was a boy.
28:4 sxln What additional thing did Jesus tell the young man to do?\n\n> Jesus told him to sell everything he owned and to give the money to the poor, and then to follow Jesus.
28:4 y20w What reward did Jesus promise the rich young ruler if he would do this?\n\n> He would have treasure in heaven.
28:5 oyrn Why did the young ruler become sad and then go away from Jesus?\n\n> He was very rich and did not want to give away all the things he possessed.
28:6 nhih How difficult is it for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?\n\n> It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
28:8 s0pq Is it possible for a rich man to be saved?\n\n> Yes, everything is possible for God to do.
28:9 bzim What had the disciples left behind in order to follow Jesus?\n\n> They had left everything.
28:10 zkvq What did Jesus say would be their reward?\n\n> They would receive 100 times more in the next world, and also eternal life.
28:10 c8zh Who else can receive this reward?\n\n> Everyone who leaves houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children, or property for the sake of Jesus name.
29:1 kque What question did Peter ask Jesus?\n\n> Peter asked Jesus, “How many times should I forgive my brother when he sins against me?”
29:1 ke0m How many times did Peter suggest that he should forgive his brother?\n\n> He suggested that he should forgive him seven times.
29:1 e2vj How many times did Jesus say he should forgive his brother?\n\n> Jesus said he must forgive him 70 times seven.
29:1 xuse What did Jesus mean when he said, **70 times seven**?\n\n> He meant that we should always forgive.
29:3 wi1z Was the servant able to pay his huge debt to the king?\n\n> No, he was not.
29:3 bvl6 How did the king decide to punish the servant with the huge debt?\n\n> The king ordered that the man and his family be sold as slaves.
29:4 y8ys What did the king do when the servant begged him to be patient?\n\n> The king felt pity on the servant and canceled his debt.
29:5 zm88 What did the servant then do to a fellow servant who owed him a small debt?\n\n> He grabbed the servant and demanded that he pay the money that he owed him.
29:6 bcwp What did the servant do when his fellow servant fell on his knees and asked him to be patient?\n\n> He threw his fellow servant into prison.
29:7 awqf How did the other servants react when he threw his fellow servant in prison?\n\n> They were greatly disturbed and told the king about it.
29:8 nka6 How did the king punish the servant who did not forgive his fellow servant?\n\n> He threw him into prison until he could pay back all his debt.
29:9 ft52 Will God forgive us if we do not forgive others from our heart?\n\n> No, he will not.
30:1 jt83 What did Jesus send his apostles to do in the villages?\n\n> He sent them to preach and teach.
30:1 euq5 Why did Jesus take his apostles to the other side of the lake?\n\n> He invited them to a quiet place to rest for a while.
30:2 bta4 Were Jesus and his apostles able to be alone and rest?\n\n> No, many people ran to the other side ahead of them.
30:3 lrlw What was Jesus attitude toward the crowd that was waiting for them?\n\n> He felt great compassion towards them.
30:3 ycv1 How did Jesus demonstrate his compassion for the people?\n\n> He taught them and healed the sick.
30:4 r48g Why did the disciples want to send the people away?\n\n> It was late in the day and the people needed to get something to eat.
30:5 e51e Why were the disciples unable to feed all the people?\n\n> They only had five loaves of bread and two small fish.
30:7 zm6j What did Jesus do with the five loaves of bread and the two fish?\n\n> He looked up to heaven and thanked God for the food.
30:8 rdwa What did Jesus do with the five loaves of bread and the two fish after he broke them?\n\n> He thanked His Father in heaven, and gave the pieces to his disciples so they could give them to the people.
30:9 uiv5 How much food was left over after everyone had eaten?\n\n> There was enough to fill 12 baskets.
31:1 x1nx What did Jesus tell the disciples to do while he dismissed the crowd?\n\n> He told them to get into a boat and to sail to the other side of the lake.
31:1 s13u What did Jesus do after he sent the disciples away in their boat?\n\n> He went up on a mountainside alone to pray.
31:2 cf3f What problem did the disciples have during the night?\n\n> The wind was against them, so they only reached the middle of the lake.
31:3 hldc How did Jesus get to their boat?\n\n> He walked to it on top of the water.
31:4 fcqr How did the disciples react when they first saw Jesus?\n\n> They were very afraid because they thought he was a ghost.
31:4 ydms What did Jesus say to them to calm their fear?\n\n> He said, “Do not be afraid. It is I!”
31:5 bi64 Why did Jesus tell Peter to come to him on the water?\n\n> Jesus told Peter to come to him because Peter asked him to do that.
31:6 xe62 What did Peter begin to notice when he turned his eyes away from Jesus?\n\n> He began to look at the waves and to feel the strong wind.
31:7 chyq What happened to Peter when he became afraid of the wind and the waves?\n\n> He began to sink into the water.
31:7 mxxr What did Jesus do when Peter called out for help?\n\n> Jesus reached out and grabbed Peter.
31:7 d3o6 What did Jesus say as a rebuke to Peter?\n\n> Jesus said, “You have so little faith! Why did you not trust me to keep you safe?”
31:8 zqtv What happened after Jesus got into the boat?\n\n> The wind immediately stopped blowing and the water became calm.
31:8 rumt How did the disciples respond to this miracle?\n\n> They bowed down to Jesus, worshiped him, and said, “Truly, you are the Son of God.”
32:2 g400 Whom did Jesus meet when he arrived where the Gerasene people lived?\n\n> He met a man there who was demon possessed.
32:3 ldzi Why were people unable to restrain the demon-possessed man?\n\n> The demon made him so strong that he would break the chains they used to bind him.
32:4 woja How did the man act?\n\n> He lived among the tombs, screaming all day and night, not wearing clothes, and cutting himself with stones.
32:6 hsef What was the demons name?\n\n> His name was Legion.
32:6 r519 What did the name **Legion** mean?\n\n> A legion was a group of several thousand soldiers in the Roman army. This name meant that there were many demons in the man.
32:7 ybhz Where did the demons beg Jesus to send them when they left the man?\n\n> They asked Jesus to send them into a herd of pigs.
32:8 d6jw What happened to the pigs when the demons entered them?\n\n> They ran down a steep bank into the lake and drowned.
32:8 rixb How many pigs drowned when the demons sent them into the lake?\n\n> There were 2,000 pigs in the herd that drowned.
32:9 dtfx How did the man behave after the demons left him?\n\n> He sat calmly, wore clothes, and acted like a normal person.
32:10 euo2 How did the people react when they saw the man who was healed and the dead pigs?\n\n> They were afraid and asked Jesus to leave them.
32:11 vtym What did Jesus tell the healed man to do instead of going with Jesus?\n\n> Jesus told him to go home and tell his friends and family what God had done for him and how God had mercy on him.
32:14 d5b5 Why did the woman with the bleeding problem come to Jesus?\n\n> She thought that if she touched Jesus clothes, she would be healed.
32:14 j0w6 What happened as soon as the woman touched Jesus clothes?\n\n> Her bleeding stopped.
32:15 defv How did Jesus know someone had touched him?\n\n> He realized that power had gone out from him.
32:16 b4iw What did Jesus say to the woman when she fell down before him?\n\n> He told her, “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”
33:2 gx81 What happened to the seed that fell on the path?\n\n> The birds came and ate all of it.
33:3 i92p What happened to the seed that fell on the rocky ground?\n\n> It sprouted quickly, but then withered and died when it got hot.
33:4 k911 What happened to the seed that fell among thorn bushes?\n\n> It began to grow, but the thorns choked it out.
33:5 zjt1 What happened to the seed that fell on the good soil?\n\n> It grew up and produced 30, 60, or 100 times as much grain as the seed that had been planted.
33:6 qboe Did the disciples understand the meaning of the story?\n\n> No, they were confused.
33:6 svag What does the seed represent in the story?\n\n> The seed is the word of God.
33:6 btp1 What does the path represent?\n\n> The path is the person who hears the word, but does not understand it, and the devil takes it away from him.
33:7 bw96 What does the rocky ground represent?\n\n> The rocky ground is the person who hears the word and accepts it with joy, but falls away when hardship and persecution comes.
33:8 axup What does the thorny ground represent?\n\n> The thorny ground is the person who hears the word, but as time passes, he begins to worry about many things, and he tries to make a lot of money, and he tries to get many things, so that he is not able to please God any longer.
33:9 ofjw What does the seed in the good soil represent?\n\n> The seed in the good soil is the person who hears the word, believes it, and produces fruit.
34:1 it3f How does a mustard seed compare to other seeds?\n\n> It is the smallest seed of all.
34:2 ihy5 What happens to a mustard seed when it grows?\n\n> It becomes the largest of all the garden plants.
34:3 uonw What happens to yeast when it is mixed into bread dough?\n\n> It spreads throughout the dough, causing it to rise.
34:4 qpdi What did the man do after he found the treasure that was hidden in the field?\n\n> He buried it again, sold all that he had, and used the money to buy the field.
34:5 ykdr What did the pearl merchant do when he found a perfect pearl?\n\n> He sold all that he had and used the money to buy it.
34:6 q57b To whom did Jesus tell the story of the two men praying at the Temple?\n\n> He told the story to people who thought God would accept them because they were doing good things, and who despised other people.
34:7 nvj9 Why did the religious leader thank God?\n\n> He thanked God because he thought he was not a sinner like other men.
34:8 n512 Why did the religious leader think he was righteous?\n\n> He fasted two times every week and gave ten percent of his money and goods.
34:9 fhfr What did the tax collector request from God?\n\n> He asked God to be merciful to him because he was a sinner.
34:10 eq74 Which man did God declare to be righteous?\n\n> He declared that the tax collector was righteous.
34:10 uvgn What will God do to everyone who is humble?\n\n> He will honor them.
35:2 d9em Why did the religious leaders criticize Jesus?\n\n> They saw Jesus talking to tax collectors and sinners as his friends.
35:3 b0qr What did the younger son demand from his father?\n\n> He wanted his inheritance right away.
35:4 gkfj What did the younger son do with his inheritance?\n\n> He wasted it in sinful living.
35:5 u7tg What happened in the land where the younger son went to live?\n\n> There was a severe famine.
35:5 bnh8 What did the younger son do to survive during the famine?\n\n> He took a job feeding pigs.
35:6 p8lw Why did the younger son decide to return home?\n\n> He realized that fathers servants had plenty to eat, and yet he was starving.
35:6 ogy6 What was the younger son planning to ask his father?\n\n> He was going to ask his father to let him be one of his servants.
35:7 ihac What did the father do when he saw the younger son approaching?\n\n> He felt compassion for him, ran to him, hugged him, and kissed him.
35:8 idh5 What did the younger son say to his father when they met?\n\n> He said, “Father, I have sinned against God and against you. I am not worthy to be your son.”
35:9 qyze How did the father respond to the younger sons confession?\n\n> He put clothes, a ring, and sandals on the younger son and had a feast to celebrate his return.
35:11 af3d How did the older son react when he learned that his brother had come home?\n\n> He was very angry and refused to go into the house.
35:12 yoij What was the older sons complaint to his father?\n\n> The older son said he had worked faithfully for his father, and his father did not give him even a small goat to celebrate. But he killed the best calf for his son who had consumed his father's money.
35:13 vp2u How much of the fathers possessions now belonged to the older son?\n\n> Everything the father had now belonged to the older son.
35:13 b0pi What reason did the father give for celebrating the return of his younger son?\n\n> His son had been dead, but now was alive. He had been lost, but now was found.
36:1 k3ie Who did Jesus take with him up the mountain?\n\n> He took three of his disciples—Peter, James, and John.
36:2 ec20 What change happened to Jesus as he was praying?\n\n> His face became as bright as the sun and his clothes became as white as light.
36:3 bh89 Who were the two men who appeared with Jesus?\n\n> Moses and the prophet Elijah appeared.
36:3 sd7p Why was it miraculous that Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus?\n\n> They both lived hundreds of years before this.
36:3 f1ty What were Moses and Elijah discussing with Jesus?\n\n> They talked about Jesus death.
36:3 ixz5 Where was Jesus going to die?\n\n> He was going to die in Jerusalem.
36:4 d77g What did Peter suggest that they do for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah?\n\n> He wanted to make three shelters, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
36:5 r3re What did the voice from the bright cloud say to the disciples?\n\n> It said, “This is my Son whom I love. I am pleased with him. Listen to him.”
36:7 icoc What did Jesus tell the disciples to do about what they had seen?\n\n> He told them not tell anyone about what happened on the mountain until after he died and came back to life.
37:1 vvw0 What did Jesus say would be the end result of Lazarus sickness?\n\n> It would be for the glory of God.
37:2 s8n9 What did Jesus do after he heard about Lazarus sickness?\n\n> He waited where he was for two more days.
37:2 cx7m Why were the disciples concerned when Jesus decided to go to Judea?\n\n> They were concerned because the people in Judea wanted to kill Jesus.
37:3 hfkx What did the disciples think Jesus meant when he said that Lazarus had fallen asleep?\n\n> They thought he was just asleep and would get better.
37:3 ce96 What did Jesus plainly tell the disciples about Lazarus?\n\n> Jesus said that Lazarus had died.
37:3 idki Why was Jesus glad that he was not there when Lazarus died?\n\n> Jesus was glad because something would happen that would make the disciples believe in him.
37:4 vghl How long had Lazarus been dead?\n\n> He had been dead for four days.
37:4 uiau Did Martha believe that Jesus could have healed Lazarus?\n\n> Yes, she believed that he could.
37:5 rjh8 What will happen to believers because Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life?\n\n> Whoever believes in Jesus will live, even though he dies, and everyone who believes in Jesus will never die.
37:5 y2w7 Who did Martha believe that Jesus was?\n\n> She believed he was the Messiah, the Son of God.
37:7 vxip How long had Lazarus been dead?\n\n> He had been dead for four days.
37:9 sibi Why did Jesus thank the Father out loud?\n\n> He did that so the people would believe that the Father had sent him.
37:9 zlou What did Jesus command Lazarus to do?\n\n> He commanded Lazarus to come out of the tomb!
37:11 jg47 How did the religious leaders of the Jews react when they saw the miracle?\n\n> They envied Jesus and planned to kill him and Lazarus.
38:1 leb4 What was the meaning of Passover that the Jews celebrated every year?\n\n> The Passover was a celebration of how God had freed the ancestors of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.
38:2 omj8 What did Judas want in exchange for betraying Jesus to the Jewish leaders?\n\n> He offered to betray Jesus in exchange for money.
38:3 x3ye How much did the Jewish leaders pay Judas to betray Jesus?\n\n> They paid him 30 silver coins.
38:4 huvx At the Passover meal, what did Jesus say about the bread?\n\n> He said, “This is my body, which is given for you.”
38:5 xqhd What did Jesus say about the cup?\n\n> He said, “It is my blood of the New Covenant that I will pour out so that God will forgive your sins.”
38:6 s6bd Who did Jesus say would betray him?\n\n> Jesus said the one to whom he would give the bread would betray him.
38:7 pnuo What happened to Judas after he took the bread from Jesus?\n\n> Satan entered into Judas.
38:8 xpq2 What did Jesus predict would happen to the disciples that night?\n\n> He said they would all abandon him.
38:9 xdbk What did Jesus say that Peter would do before the rooster crowed?\n\n> He said that Peter would deny three times that he knew Jesus.
38:10 simx How did the disciples respond to Jesus predictions about them?\n\n> They said that they would die rather than deny Jesus.
38:12 ifyz What did Jesus pray to his Father at Gethsemane?\n\n> He asked his Father not to make him drink the cup of suffering, but for Gods will to be done if there was no other way for peoples sins to be forgiven.
38:13 bg9o What were the disciples doing while Jesus prayed?\n\n> They were sleeping.
38:14 pn0j How did the soldiers know which person was Jesus?\n\n> Judas kissed Jesus as a sign for them to arrest him.
38:15 dul2 What did Peter do in order to defend Jesus?\n\n> He pulled out a sword and cut off the ear of a servant of the high priest.
38:15 lgyn Why did Jesus say that he did not need Peter to defend him?\n\n> Jesus said he could ask the Father for an army of angels.
38:15 thnh What did the disciples do after Jesus was arrested?\n\n> They all ran away.
39:1 ll8k What time of the day was it when the Jewish leaders began to question Jesus?\n\n> It was the middle of the night.
39:2 tyub Why could the Jewish leaders not prove Jesus was guilty of anything?\n\n> The statements of the false witnesses did not agree with each other.
39:3 ua1a What question did the high priest finally ask Jesus?\n\n> He asked Jesus, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the living God?”
39:4 mf2l What answer did Jesus give to the high priest?\n\n> Jesus said, “I am, and you will see me seated with God and coming from heaven.”
39:4 fdch What was the crime that the high priest said that Jesus had committed?\n\n> He said that Jesus had claimed he was the Son of God.
39:6 smth Where was Peter during Jesus trial?\n\n> Peter was waiting outside the house of the high priest.
39:6 ps65 Why did the people think that Peter had been with Jesus?\n\n> Peter and Jesus were both from Galilee.
39:7 b334 What did Peter say when the people asked if he knew Jesus?\n\n> Peter denied three times that he knew Jesus.
39:7 nnwt What happened immediately after Peter denied Jesus the third time?\n\n> A rooster crowed, and Jesus turned and looked at Peter.
39:8 yri5 What did Judas do when he saw that the Jewish leaders had condemned Jesus?\n\n> Judas became full of sorrow and went away and killed himself.
39:9 zkfp Why did the Jewish leaders take Jesus to the Roman governor Pilate?\n\n> They wanted Pilate to condemn Jesus and kill him because they didn't have the authority to do it themselves.
39:9 o1n4 What was the first question that Pilate asked Jesus?\n\n> He asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
39:10 saue What did Jesus say was the reason he came to earth?\n\n> Jesus said he came to earth to tell the truth about God.
39:11 uhow How many times did Pilate say to the crowd that Jesus was not guilty?\n\n> He said three times that Jesus was not guilty.
39:12 bcbp If he believed Jesus was innocent, why did Pilate allow Jesus to be crucified?\n\n> Pilate became afraid that the crowd would begin to riot.
39:12 rgf2 How did the Roman soldiers treat Jesus?\n\n> They whipped Jesus, put a royal robe and a crown of thorns on him, and mocked him.
40:1 vdm7 When the soldiers led Jesus away to crucify him, what did they make him carry?\n\n> They made him carry the cross on which he would die.
40:2 fp5m What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?\n\n> It was called the Skull.
40:2 h9pq How did the soldiers attach Jesus to the cross?\n\n> They nailed his hands and feet to the cross.
40:2 f2r2 What did Jesus pray concerning the people who were crucifying him?\n\n> He prayed, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.”
40:2 cbdn What was written on the sign above Jesus head?\n\n> The sign said, "King of the Jews."
40:3 pyof How did the soldiers divide up Jesus clothes?\n\n> They gambled for his clothing as had been prophesied.
40:4 zpcy What did the robber who did not mock Jesus ask him to do?\n\n> He asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom.
40:4 wx27 What was Jesus answer to the request of the robber?\n\n> Jesus said, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.”
40:5 g9wu What did the crowd want Jesus to do to prove that he was the Son of God?\n\n> They told him to come down from the cross and save himself.
40:6 kdld What unusual thing happened in the sky in the middle of the day?\n\n> It became completely dark at noon and stayed dark for three hours.
40:7 dudf What were the last words Jesus cried out from the cross?\n\n> Jesus cried out, “It is finished! Father, I give my spirit into your hands.”
40:7 h3dp What miraculous things happened immediately after Jesus died?\n\n> There was an earthquake and the large curtain in the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.
40:8 x6eb What did Jesus accomplish through his death?\n\n> Jesus opened the way for people to come to God.
40:9 zndb Who asked Pilate for Jesus body?\n\n> Two Jewish leaders named Joseph and Nicodemus asked for his body.
40:9 op0k What did they do with the body?\n\n> They wrapped the body in cloth and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock, and then rolled a large stone in front of the tomb.
41:1 qtme What did Jesus say would happen three days after his death?\n\n> He would rise from the dead.
41:1 ehgk Did the Jewish leaders believe that Jesus would rise again?\n\n> No, they thought he was lying.
41:1 h4s0 What were the Jewish leaders afraid that the disciples would do?\n\n> They thought the disciples would steal the body and say that Jesus had risen from the dead.
41:2 hyg4 What did the Jewish leaders do to secure Jesus tomb?\n\n> They put soldiers to guard the tomb and placed a seal on the stone at the entrance of the tomb.
41:3 wg2g When did the women go to Jesus tomb?\n\n> They went there very early on the morning after the Sabbath day.
41:4 gnhb What miraculous events happened at the tomb before the women arrived there?\n\n> There was an earthquake and an angel appeared, rolled away the stone, and sat on it.
41:4 kg93 What did the soldiers do when they saw that angel?\n\n> They were terrified and fell to the ground like dead men.
41:5 y3fg What did the angel say to the women when they arrived at the tomb?\n\n> The angel told them not to be afraid, for Jesus had risen from the dead. The angel told them to look in the tomb and see.
41:6 gcjv What did the angel tell the women to say to the disciples?\n\n> He told them to tell the disciples that Jesus has risen from the dead, and that he would go to Galilee ahead of them.
41:8 zzlu Who appeared to the women as they were on their way to speak to the disciples?\n\n> Jesus appeared to them.
41:8 z6u6 What did the women do when they saw Jesus?\n\n> They bowed down at his feet.
42:1 tnmi What were the two disciples talking about as they walked along the road?\n\n> They were talking about what had happened to Jesus.
42:2 g7fa Who did the two disciples think Jesus was when he approached them on the road?\n\n> They thought he was a foreigner who did not know what had happened in Jerusalem.
42:3 d927 What had the prophets said would happen to the Messiah?\n\n> They had said the Messiah would suffer and die, but would rise again on the third day.
42:4 no4s What was Jesus doing when the two disciples recognized him?\n\n> He was breaking a loaf of bread and thanking God for it.
42:5 pum8 What did the two disciples do after Jesus left them?\n\n> They returned to Jerusalem and told the other disciples that Jesus was alive and that they had seen him.
42:6 rqc3 How did Jesus prove to the disciples that he was not a ghost?\n\n> He took a piece of fish and ate it.
42:7 uh87 What enabled the disciples to understand Gods word?\n\n> Jesus made them understand God's word better.
42:8 skxb What was the message that Jesus disciples were to proclaim?\n\n> They would proclaim that everyone should repent so that God would forgive their sins.
42:8 n1rh Where were Jesus disciples to proclaim this message?\n\n> They would proclaim it first in Jerusalem, and then go to all people groups everywhere.
42:9 epl6 How long did Jesus continue to appear to the disciples?\n\n> He appeared to them for 40 days.
42:9 tdxp How big was the largest group of disciples that saw Jesus during this time?\n\n> He appeared to more than 500 disciples at the same time.
42:10 ue3h What did Jesus command his disciples to go and do?\n\n> He told them to go and make disciples of all people groups, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything he had commanded them.
42:11 er4f Why did Jesus tell the disciples to wait in Jerusalem?\n\n> They were to wait until the Father gave them power when the Holy Spirit came on them.
42:11 gcyj Where did Jesus go 40 days after his resurrection?\n\n> He went up to heaven.
42:11 s8bn What did Jesus do when he arrived in heaven?\n\n> He sat down at the right hand of God to rule over all things.
43:1 hx6g What were the disciples doing while they waited in Jerusalem?\n\n> They constantly gathered together to pray.
43:2 parc When did the Jews celebrate Pentecost?\n\n> They celebrated Pentecost every year, 50 days after the Passover.
43:3 flx9 What happened to the believers during the Pentecost after Jesus rose from the dead?\n\n> There was a sound like a strong wind, and something like flames of fire appeared over their heads. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.
43:4 g1pe Why were the people in the crowd astonished?\n\n> The people in the crowd were from many different countries, but they each heard the disciples speaking in their native language.
43:5 op5r What did some of the people think was the reason the disciples were talking this way?\n\n> They thought the disciples were drunk.
43:5 rlrr What did Peter say was causing them to speak these languages?\n\n> Peter said God was pouring out his Spirit.
43:6 ee5p Who did Peter say was responsible for crucifying Jesus?\n\n> He said the people in the crowd crucified Jesus.
43:7 slat How did Peter say Jesus became alive again?\n\n> God raised him from the dead.
43:8 bldq What caused the disciples to be able to speak in other languages?\n\n> The Holy Spirit caused them to be able to speak in other languages.
43:9 zjt8 What were the two things that Peter said God caused Jesus to become?\n\n> He became Lord and Messiah.
43:10 l1ms How did the people respond to Peters message?\n\n> They were deeply moved and asked, “Brothers, what should we do?”
43:11 xlhw What did Peter tell the people to do?\n\n> He told them they needed God to forgive their sins, so they should repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
43:12 yrrg How many people believed and were baptized that day?\n\n> About 3,000 people believed.
43:13 fzsq What did the disciples spend their time doing?\n\n> The disciples continually listened to the teaching of the apostles, spent time together, ate together, prayed with each other, praised God together, and shared everything.
44:1 nojc What did the crippled man expect Peter and John to give him?\n\n> He was begging for money.
44:2 xsds What did Peter give to the lame man instead of money?\n\n> In the name of Jesus, Peter told him to get up and walk.
44:4 tv9s What did Peter say caused the crippled man to be healed?\n\n> He said Jesus healed the man with his power because Peter and John believed in Jesus.
44:5 fzkz Who did Peter say killed Jesus?\n\n> He said the people in the crowd told the Roman governor to kill Jesus.
44:5 el6b What prophecies did the people fulfill when they killed Jesus?\n\n> The prophets said that the Messiah would suffer and die.
44:5 vt4n What did Peter tell the people that they should do?\n\n> They should repent and turn to God, so that he would wash away their sins.
44:6 ocn8 How many men believed in Jesus as a result of Peters message?\n\n> About 5,000 men believed.
44:8 cdq4 What did Peter say is the only way to be saved?\n\n> He said the only way to be saved is through the power of Jesus.
44:9 vnru Why were the Jewish leaders shocked at the preaching of Peter and John?\n\n> Peter and John were ordinary, uneducated men.
44:9 i86d What did the Jewish leaders finally decide to do with Peter and John?\n\n> They threatened them and then let them go.
45:1 ehaj What do we learn about Stephen?\n\n> Everyone respected him, and the Holy Spirit gave him much power and wisdom.
45:2 wknu What was the false charge that some Jews brought against Stephen?\n\n> They said they heard Stephen speak evil things about Moses and God.
45:3 k1hh What did Stephen say the people had done that was worse than their ancestors?\n\n> They killed the Messiah.
45:4 pviv How did the religious leaders react to Stephens accusation?\n\n> They dragged Stephen out of the city and threw stones at him in order to kill him.
45:5 k40t What was the last thing Stephen said before he died?\n\n> The last thing he said was, “Master, do not hold this sin against them.”
45:6 unl3 What did the believers do when the persecution began in Jerusalem?\n\n> They fled to other places and preached about Jesus wherever they went.
45:7 dsw3 Who did Philip meet on the road in the wilderness?\n\n> He met an important official from Ethiopia.
45:8 hdcy What was the Ethiopian official doing as Philip approached?\n\n> He was reading what the prophet Isaiah wrote.
45:9 c8tk Did the official understand the prophecy that he was reading?\n\n> No, he needed someone to explain it to him.
45:10 lhdb Who did Philip say Isaiah had written about?\n\n> He said Isaiah had written about Jesus.
45:11 ko5k After Philip explained the prophecy and they came to some water, what did the Ethiopian ask Philip?\n\n> The Ethiopian asked if he could be baptized.
45:12 vwrq What happened to Philip after he baptized the Ethiopian official?\n\n> The Holy Spirit carried Philip away to another place.
45:13 n3p8 What did the Ethiopian official do after Philip left him?\n\n> He continued traveling toward his home, happy that he knew Jesus.
46:1 xv3s Why was Saul going to Damascus?\n\n> He went there to arrest followers of Jesus and to bring them back to Jerusalem.
46:2 a20m What question did Jesus ask Saul on the road to Damascus?\n\n> He asked Saul, “Why are you persecuting me?”
46:3 y9t9 What happened to Saul when he got up after seeing the bright light?\n\n> Saul could not see. His friends led him into Damascus and he did not eat or drink for three days.
46:4 favq Why was Ananias afraid to speak to Saul?\n\n> He had heard that Saul was persecuting the believers.
46:4 ll03 What did God say was the purpose for which he had chosen Saul?\n\n> God had chosen Saul to declare Gods name to the Jews and to people from other people groups.
46:5 e2fh How did Ananias enable Saul to see again?\n\n> He placed his hands on him.
46:5 h0p3 What did Ananias do to Saul after he regained his sight?\n\n> Ananias baptized him.
46:6 jt8k What message did Saul immediately begin preaching to the Jews?\n\n> He preached, “Jesus is the Son of God!”
46:7 yvf0 How did the Jews respond to Sauls preaching?\n\n> They made a plan to kill Saul.
46:7 dlsq How did Saul escape from Damascus?\n\n> His friends lowered him over the city wall in a basket so he could escape.
46:8 i93f Who helped Saul to be accepted by the disciples in Jerusalem?\n\n> Barnabas took Saul to the apostles and told them how Saul had preached boldly in Damascus.
46:9 hwkm What was different about the people who became believers in Antioch?\n\n> They were not Jews.
46:9 u2zg What name first began to be used for the believers in Antioch?\n\n> They called them "Christians."
46:10 lbu7 What was the church in Antioch doing when the Holy Spirit told them to set apart Barnabas and Saul?\n\n> They were praying and fasting.
46:10 bmi4 What was the purpose for which the church in Antioch sent out Saul and Barnabas?\n\n> They sent them out to preach the good news about Jesus in many other places.
47:1 vafx What was the Roman name that Saul began to use?\n\n> He began to use the name "Paul."
47:1 miqa Where did Paul and Silas go in Philippi to proclaim the good news about Jesus?\n\n> They went to a place by the river outside the city where people gathered to pray.
47:2 ysiv What made it possible for Lydia to believe in Jesus?\n\n> God enabled Lydia to understand the message about Jesus.
47:2 ke93 What did Paul and Silas do to Lydia after she believed?\n\n> They baptized Lydia and her family.
47:4 sjum What did the demon-possessed slave girl keep yelling when she saw Paul and Silas?\n\n> She yelled, “These men are servants of the Most High God. They are telling you the way to be saved!”
47:5 pmfo How did Paul respond to the demons testimony?\n\n> Paul commanded the demon to leave the slave girl.
47:6 o42c Why were the owners of the slave girl angry that the demon was gone?\n\n> They realized that people would no longer pay money to them for her to tell people the future.
47:8 wyoc What were Paul and Silas doing in the middle of the night in jail?\n\n> They were singing songs of praise to God.
47:9 c7x0 What happened while Paul and Silas were singing?\n\n> There was a violent earthquake, the prison doors flew open, and the chains of the prisoners fell off.
47:10 htxa Why was the jailer afraid?\n\n> He thought all the prisoners had escaped, and that the Roman authorities would kill him for letting them go.
47:11 eprx What question did the jailer ask Paul?\n\n> He asked, “What must I do to be saved?”
47:11 yq5i What did Paul say the jailer had to do in order to be saved?\n\n> Paul told him to believe in Jesus, the Master.
47:14 ytfb What happened to some of the letters Paul and other follower of Jesus leaders wrote to the believers in the churches?\n\n> Some of these letters became books of the Bible.
48:1 vo2u What was the world like when God first created it?\n\n> Everything was perfect, and there was no sin, sickness, or death.
48:2 e85h Why does everyone on earth die?\n\n> They die because Adam and Eve sinned against God.
48:3 fqre What is the condition of every person who is born?\n\n> They are enemies of God, and have no peace with him.
48:4 s0jn What does it mean that Satan will “wound the heel” of Eves descendent?\n\n> Satan would kill the Messiah, but God would raise him to live again.
48:5 rags In what way is Jesus like the boat God provided when he destroyed the earth by the flood?\n\n> God sent Jesus as a way to save people who believe in him.
48:6 t8dz How is Jesus different than the priests who came before him?\n\n> He offered himself as the only sacrifice that could take away the sin of everyone.
48:7 apx8 How is Gods promise to Abraham fulfilled through Jesus?\n\n> God considers everyone who believes in Jesus, from any people group, to be a descendant of Abraham.
48:8 or8j How is Jesus like the ram that was sacrificed instead of Isaac?\n\n> Jesus is the Lamb of God, who God gave to be a sacrifice in our place.
48:10 xms6 How is Jesus like the Passover Lamb?\n\n> Jesus never sinned and there is nothing wrong with him, so his blood (his death) causes God to pass over and not punish anyone who believes in Jesus.
48:11 a9gy Who can be part of Gods people?\n\n> Anyone from any people group can join Gods people through the New Covenant by believing in Jesus.
48:12 u7ap In what way is Jesus the greatest prophet of all?\n\n> He is God, so all the things he did and said were the actions and words of God.
48:13 aewn How does Jesus fulfill Gods promise to King David?\n\n> Because Jesus is the Son of God, he is the descendant of David who can rule forever.
48:14 moua In what way is Jesus a greater king than David?\n\n> Jesus is the king of the entire universe.
49:1 v9am How is Jesus both God and human?\n\n> Jesus became human because he was born of a woman. At the same time, he was and is God, and was born of virgin made pregnant by an act of the Holy Spirit.
49:2 pjnj How did Jesus prove that he is God?\n\n> He did many miracles.
49:3 zvgl How should we love other people?\n\n> We should love them in the same way as we love ourselves.
49:4 x9c1 Who should we love more than anything else?\n\n> We should love God more than anything else.
49:5 fior What is the most important thing for anyone?\n\n> The most important thing is to belong to the kingdom of God.
49:6 f8yr What do people do when they reject the message about Jesus?\n\n> They refuse to enter into his kingdom.
49:7 umf2 What does God want to do for sinners?\n\n> He wants to forgive them and make them his children.
49:8 aciw What does God hate?\n\n> He hates sin.
49:10 fmtu What do we deserve from God because of our sin?\n\n> We deserve to die.
49:10 wow8 What did God do to Jesus when he died on the cross?\n\n> God punished Jesus for the sin of mankind, you and me.
49:11 zt1k Why was Jesus sacrifice able to take away the sins of every person in the world?\n\n> Jesus could take away our sins because he never sinned and was the perfect sacrifice.
49:13 rhy9 Who will God save?\n\n> God will save everyone who believes in Jesus and accepts him as his Master.
49:16 p5e6 If you are a follower of Jesus, are you still an enemy of God?\n\n> No, you are now a close friend of God.
49:17 ytvl Are followers of Jesus still tempted to sin?\n\n> Yes, they are tempted.
49:17 t9nq What should followers of Jesus do when they sin?\n\n> They should confess their sins to God.
49:17 h0m3 What does God promise to do if we confess our sins?\n\n> He promises to forgive us, and to give us strength to fight against sin.
49:18 x9ws What are some of the things that God tells followers of Jesus to do?\n\n> He tells us to pray, study his word, worship him, and tell others about what he has done for us.
50:1 mtik During the last 2,000 years, what has happened to the number of people who believe in Jesus?\n\n> The number has been increasing.
50:2 wv7x How does God want us to live as we wait for Jesus to return?\n\n> He wants us to live in a way that is holy and that honors him.
50:2 gu0c What did Jesus say would happen before the end of the world comes?\n\n> His disciples would preach the good news of the kingdom of God to people everywhere in the world.
50:4 swdc How will the world that hated Jesus treat his disciples?\n\n> The world will cause his disciples to suffer also.
50:4 kk9g What is Gods promise to those who remain faithful to the end?\n\n> He promises that God will save them.
50:5 rafb In Jesus story about the end of the world, how did the weeds come to be among the wheat?\n\n> An enemy planted them.
50:7 bbi1 Why didnt the servants pull out the weeds?\n\n> Their master did not want them to accidentally pull out the wheat along with the weeds.
50:8 dmwe What does the good seed represent?\n\n> The good seed represents the people of Gods kingdom.
50:9 vq45 What does the harvest represent?\n\n> The harvest represents the end of the world.
50:10 k7xz What will happen to the people who belong to the devil at the end of the world?\n\n> The angels will gather them up and throw them into a very hot fire, where they will suffer terribly.
50:11 ij9s In what form will Jesus return to the earth?\n\n> He will return the way that he left, with a real body, and on the clouds in the sky.
50:11 kjg4 When Jesus returns, what will happen to every follower of Jesus who has died?\n\n> They will also rise to meet him in the sky.
50:12 afzw When Jesus returns, what will happen to the followers of Jesus who are still alive?\n\n> The followers of Jesus who are alive will rise up into the sky and join with the other followers of Jesus who rose from the dead.
50:15 rqb9 What will Jesus do to Satan when he returns?\n\n> Jesus will throw Satan into hell, where he will burn forever.
50:17 dxw5 What will life be like in the new heaven and new earth?\n\n> Jesus will rule his kingdom justly and with peace, and there will be no more suffering.
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