:github_url: https://git.door43.org/unfoldingWord/en_ugg/src/branch/master/content/pronoun.rst .. _pronoun: Pronoun ======= Summary ------- .. include:: en_uhg/content/includes/pronoun-summary.rst Article ------- .. include:: en_uhg/content/includes/pronoun-article.rst Types -------- There are several different kinds of pronouns in Koiné Greek. Most pronouns can function either as nouns or adjectives in a sentence. When a pronoun functions as a noun, this grammar classifies it as a pronoun. When a pronoun functions as an adjective, this grammar classifies it as a determiner. .. _pronoun-personal: Personal Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/paradigms/pronoun-personal.rst .. _pronoun-demonstrative: Demonstrative Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/paradigms/pronoun-demonstrative.rst .. _pronoun-relative: Relative Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/paradigms/pronoun-relative.rst .. csv-table:: r2 (2-1-2) (ὅς *who,which*) :header-rows: 1 ,Masculine,Feminine,Neuter *Singular*,,, Nominative,ὅς,ἥ,ὅ Genitive,οὗ,ἧς,οὗ Dative,ᾧ,ᾗ,ᾧ Accusative,ὅν,ἥν,ὅ *Plural*,,, Nominative,οἵ,αἵ,ἅ Genitive,ὧν,ὧν,ὧν Dative,οἷς,αἷς,οἷς Accusative,οὕς,ἅς,ἅ .. _pronoun-indefinite: Indefinite Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _pronoun-interrogative: Interrogative Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/paradigms/pronoun-interrogative.rst .. _pronoun-reflexive: Reflexive Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/paradigms/pronoun-reflexive.rst Note: - Reflexive pronouns do not appear in the nominative case because they reflect back on the subject of the sentence. - Reflexive pronouns do not occur in the neuter, only in masculine or feminine. - σεαυτοῦ does not occur in the New Testament in the plural, but we have included it here for completeness. .. _pronoun-reciprocal: Reciprocal Pronoun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ αλληλων ἐν **αὐτῷ** ζωὴ ἦν John 1:3 en **autō** zōē ēn in **him** life it was In **him** was life \*\* αὐτῷ\*\* is a taking the place of the noun "λόγος".