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.. _stem_pual:
Stem Pual
The Pual stem is the passive form of the Piel, and it generally
expresses the passive voice of the meaning of a verb in the Piel stem.
The Pual
is the passive form of the :ref:`Piel<stem_piel>`
formation in Biblical Aramaic. The Pual stem is usually indicated by a
daghesh in the middle consonsant of the
and a qibbuts vowel under the first consonant. Generally speaking, the
Pual stem expresses the :ref:`passive<stem-voice-passive>` voice of the meaning of a verb in the
Piel stem. Scholars sometimes disagree whether certain verb forms should
be classified as belonging to the Pual, the :ref:`Hophal<stem_hophal>`,
or the :ref:`Qal Passive<stem_qal_passive>` stems.
In English, passive action is expressed using the helping verb "to be."
In Biblical Aramaic, the passive nature of the verbal action is expressed
by the Pual form of the verb itself without any helping verbs.
.. include:: includes/consult_dictionary.txt
.. csv-table:: Pual Perfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,קֻטַּל,quttal,he was slaughtered
feminine singular third person,קֻטְּלָה,quttelah,she was slaughtered
masculine singular second person,קֻטַּלְתָּ,quttalta,you were slaughtered
feminine singular second person,קֻטַּלְתְּ,quttalt,you were slaughtered
common singular first person,קֻטַּלְתִּי,quttalti,I was slaughtered
common plural third person,קֻטְּלוּ,quttelu,they were slaughtered
masculine plural second person,קֻטַּלְתֶּם,quttaltem,you were slaughtered
feminine plural second person,קֻטַּלְתֶּן,quttalten,you were slaughtered
common plural first person,קֻטַּלְנוּ,quttalnu,we were slaughtered
.. csv-table:: Pual Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,יְקֻטַּל,yequttal,he will be slaughtered
feminine singular third person,תְּקֻטַּל,tequttal,she will be slaughtered
masculine singular second person,תְּקֻטַּל,tequttal,you will be slaughtered
feminine singular second person,תְּקֻטְּלִי,tequtteli,you will be slaughtered
common singular first person,אֲקֻטַּל,'aquttal,I will be slaughtered
masculine plural third person,יְקֻטְּלוּ,yequttelu,they will be slaughtered
feminine plural third person,תְּקֻטַּלְנָה,tequttalnah,they will be slaughtered
masculine plural second person,תְּקֻטְּלוּ,tequttelu,you will be slaughtered
feminine plural second person,תְּקֻטַּלְנָה,tequttalnah,you will be slaughtered
common plural first person,נְקֻטַּל,nequttal,we will be slaughtered
.. csv-table:: Pual Sequential Perfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,וְקֻטַּל,wequttal,(and) he will be slaughtered
feminine singular third person,וְקֻטְּלָה,wequttelah,(and) she will be slaughtered
masculine singular second person,וְקֻטַּלְתָּ,wequttalta,(and) you will be slaughtered
feminine singular second person,וְקֻטַּלְתְּ,wequttalt,(and) you will be slaughtered
common singular first person,וְקֻטַּלְתִּי,wequttalti,(and) I will be slaughtered
common plural third person,וְקֻטְּלוּ,wequttelu,(and) they will be slaughtered
masculine plural second person,וְקֻטַּלְתֶּם,wequttaltem,(and) you will be slaughtered
feminine plural second person,וְקֻטַּלְתֶּן,wequttalten,(and) you will be slaughtered
common plural first person,וְקֻטַּלְנוּ,wequttalnu,(and) we will be slaughtered
.. csv-table:: Pual Sequential Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,וַיְּקֻטַּל,wayyequttal,(and) he was slaughtered
feminine singular third person,וַתְּקֻטַּל,wattequttal,(and) she was slaughtered
masculine singular second person,וַתְּקֻטַּל,wattequttal,(and) you were slaughtered
feminine singular second person,וַתְּקֻטְּלִי,wattequtteli,(and) you were slaughtered
common singular first person,וָאֲקֻטַּל,wa'aquttal,(and) I was slaughtered
masculine plural third person,וַיְּקֻטְּלוּ,wayyequttelu,(and) they were slaughtered
feminine plural third person,וַתְּקֻטַּלְנָה,wattequttalnah,(and) they were slaughtered
masculine plural second person,וַתְּקֻטְּלוּ,wattequttelu,(and) you were slaughtered
feminine plural second person,וַתְּקֻטַּלְנָה,wattequttalnah,(and) you were slaughtered
common plural first person,וַנְּקֻטַּל,wannequttal,(and) we were slaughtered
.. csv-table:: Pual Infinitive Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
Infinitive Absolute,קֻטֹּל,quttol,be slaughtered
The infinitive construct, imperative, jussive, and cohortative
are not found in the Pual stem in Biblical Aramaic.
.. csv-table:: Pual Participle (passive voice) Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular,מְקֻטַּל,mequttal,being slaughtered
feminine singular,מְקֻטֶּלֶת,mequtteleth,being slaughtered
masculine plural,מְקֻטְּלִים,mequttelim,being slaughtered
feminine plural,מְקֻטְּלוֹת,mequtteloth,being slaughtered
The Pual stem can express any of the following kinds of verbal action:
Expresses the passive voice of the Piel stem
For most verbs that appear in both the Piel and Pual stems in Biblical
Aramaic, the Pual stem expresses the same kind of action as the Piel stem
(:ref:`simple<stem-voice-active>`, :ref:`intensive<stem-action-intensive>`, :ref:`resultative<stem-action-resultative>`,
:ref:`causative<stem-action-causative>`, etc.) but in passive voice.
A good example is the verb בָּקַע. In the :ref:`Qal<stem_qal>` stem,
the verb בָּקַע means "to cut open" or "to break open" (simple action,
active voice). But in the :ref:`Piel<stem_Piel>` stem, the verb בָּקַע means "to *rip*
open" (intensive action, active voice). Thus, in the Pual stem, the verb
בָּקַע means "to be ripped open" (intensive action, passive voice).
Pual stem of בָּקַע, meaning "to be ripped open"; in Piel stem,
means "to rip open", for example:
.. csv-table:: Example: JOS 9:4
"וַיִּקְח֞וּ ... וְנֹאד֥וֹת יַ֙יִן֙ בָּלִ֔ים **וּמְבֻקָּעִ֖ים**
wayyiqhu ... wenodoth yayin balim **umevuqqa'im** umetsorarim
"and-they-took ... and-skins-of wine worn-out **and-ripped-open**
"They also took old wine skins that were worn, **torn**, and had been
Pual stem of אָסַף, meaning "to be gathered"; in Piel stem,
means "to gather", for example:
.. csv-table:: Example: EZK 38:12
וְאֶל־עַם֙ **מְאֻסָּ֣ף** מִגּוֹיִ֔ם
we'el-'am **me'ussaf** miggoyim
and-to\_people **being-gathered** from-nations
and against the people **gathered** from the nations
Expresses :ref:`simple<stem-action-simple>` action in :ref:`passive<stem-voice-passive>` voice
Some verbs use the Pual stem to express simple action in passive voice
(rather than the :ref:`Niphal<stem_niphal>` stem).
This can be true even if the verb also appears in the Piel stem in
Biblical Aramaic; in such cases, the Pual form does NOT function as a
passive of the Piel stem. A good example is the verb יָלַד. In the Qal
stem, the verb יָלַד expresses the simple action "to give birth". In the
Piel stem, the verb יָלַד expresses the causative action "to cause to
give birth" (meaning, *to serve as a midwife*). But in the Pual stem,
the verb יָלַד expresses the simple passive "to be born" (that is, the
passive of the *Qal* stem rather the *Piel* stem).
The Pual stem of יָלַד ("to give birth") means "to be born" in the Piel,
for example:
.. csv-table:: Example: GEN 4:26
וּלְשֵׁ֤ת גַּם־הוּא֙ **יֻלַּד**\ ־בֵּ֔ן
ulesheth gam-hu' **yullad**-ben
and-to-Seth even\_him **was-born**\ \_son
A son **was born** to Seth
Expresses various kinds of passive or stative action
Sometimes the Pual form is used with specific verbs or in specific
contexts to express a specialized meaning for the verbal action. A
dictionary or lexicon will indicate the correct meaning in these rare
instances of the Pual stem.
For example, in the Pual stem, the verb אָכַל ("to eat") means "to be consumed"
by fire ֹor sword:
.. csv-table:: Example: EXO 3:2
:delim: tab
וְהִנֵּ֤ה הַסְּנֶה֙ בֹּעֵ֣ר בָּאֵ֔שׁ וְהַסְּנֶ֖ה אֵינֶ֥נּוּ אֻכָּֽל
wehinneh hasseneh bo'er ba'esh wehasseneh 'enennu **'ukkal**
"and-behold the-bush was-burning in-the-fire and-the-bush was-not
"and behold, the bush was burning, but the bush was not **burned up**"
The Pual form of the verb שָׁלַשׁ means "to be three (years old)" or
"to have three parts":
.. csv-table:: Example: GEN 15:9
:delim: tab
"**קְחָ֥ה לִי֙ עֶגְלָ֣ה **מְשֻׁלֶּ֔שֶׁת** וְעֵ֥ז **מְשֻׁלֶּ֖שֶׁת
וְאַ֣יִל מְשֻׁלָּ֑שׁ"
"qehah liy 'eglah **meshullesheth** we'ez **meshullesheth** we'ayil
"Take to-me heifer **being-three** and-female-goat **being-three**
and-ram **being-three**"
"Bring me a heifer **three years old**, a female goat
**three years old**, a ram **three years old**"
The Pual :ref:`passive participle<participle_passive>` of יָדַע ("to know") means an
*acquaintance* (that is, "one who is known"):
.. csv-table:: Example: PSA 88:18 (PSA 88:19 in Hebrew)
מְֽיֻדָּעַ֥י מַחְשָֽׁךְ
**meyudda'ay** mahshakh
**one-who-is-known-to-me** darkness
My only **acquaintance** is the darkness