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.. _verb_imperfect:
Verb Imperfect
An Imperfect verb is used generally to indicate an action
that is not complete, or an action that either occurs in the present or
will occur in the future. However, an Imperfect verb can also be
used to describe other kinds of actions.
In Biblical Aramaic the Imperfect conjugation is used generally to describe
actions that are not completed or actions that occur in the present or
future. However, the Imperfect conjugation is also used to describe several
other kinds of actions as determined by the context. These include
frequentive or durative actions, negative commands, indirect commands,
potential actions, and actions of greater or lesser desirability
(similar to :ref:`Jussive<verb_jussive>` verbs and :ref:`Cohortative<verb_cohortative>` verbs).
The normal Imperfect conjugation with the
*waw* (וְ "and") as a prefix is different from the :ref:`Sequential Imperfect<verb_sequential_imperfect>`,
which utilizes a specialized form of the conjunction and contains a
different meaning. Sometimes a
with Imperfect conjugation occurs within a clause after another :ref:`finite verb<verb-finite>`
(as in Gen 49:27 below, supplying the linking verb *to be*). In these
cases, the context must determine whether the Imperfect verb is
functioning as a :ref:`non-finite<verb-non-finite>` verb to complement the preceding main verb, or whether it is functioning as a
second main verb.
.. csv-table:: Pe'al Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,יִכְתֻּב,yikhtubh,"he will write"
feminine singular third person,תִּכְתֻּב,tikhtubh,"she will write"
masculine singular second person,תִּכְתֻּב,tikhtubh,you will write
feminine singular second person,תִּכְתְּבִין,tikhtebhiyn,you will write
common singular first person,אֶכְתֻּב,'ekhtubh,I will write
masculine plural third person,יִכְתְּבוּן,yikhtebhun,they will write
feminine plural third person,יִכְתְּבָנ,yikhtebhan,they will write
masculine plural second person,תִּכְתְּבוּן,tikhtebhun,you will write
feminine plural second person,תִּכְתְּבָן,tikhtebhan,you will write
common plural first person,נִכְתֻּב,nikhtubh,we will write
.. csv-table:: Hithpe'el Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,יִתְכְּתֵב (or יִתְכְּתִב),yithkethebh (or yithkethibh),"he will write himself"
feminine singular third person,תִּתְכְּתֵב,tithkethebh,"she will write herself"
masculine singular second person,תִּתְכְּתֵב,tithkethebh,"you will write yourself"
feminine singular second person,תִּתְכַּתְבִין,tithkathbhiyn,"you will write yourself"
common singular first person,אֶתְכְּתֵב,'ethkethebh,"I will write myself"
masculine plural third person,יִתְכַּתְבוּן,yithkathbhun,"they will write themselves"
feminine plural third person,יִתְכַּתְבָן,yithkathbhan,"they will write themselves"
masculine plural second person,תִּתְכַּתְבוּן,tithkathbhun,"you will write yourselves"
feminine plural second person,תִּתְכַּתְבָן,tithkathbhan,"you will write yourselves"
common plural first person,נִתְכְּתֵב,nithkethebh,"we will write ourselves"
.. csv-table:: Pa'el Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,יְכַתֵּב (or יְכַתִּב),yekhattebh (or yekhattibh),"he will write down"
feminine singular third person,תְּכַתֵּב,tekhattebh,"she will write down"
masculine singular second person,תְּכַתֵּב,tekhattebh,"you will write down"
feminine singular second person,תְּכַתְּבִין,tekhattebhiyn,"you will write down"
common singular first person,אֲכַתֵּב,'ekhattebh,"I will write down"
masculine plural third person,יְכַתְּבוּן,yekhattebhun,"they will write down"
feminine plural third person,יְכַתְּבָן,yekhattebhan,"they will write down"
masculine plural second person,תְּכַתְּבוּן,tekhattebhun,"you will write down"
feminine plural second person,תְּכַתְּבָן,thekhattebhan,"you will write down"
common plural first person,נְכַתֵּב,nekhattebh,"we will write down"
.. csv-table:: Hithpa'al Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,יִתְכַּתַּב,yithkattabh,"he will write himself down"
feminine singular third person,תִּתְכַּתַּב,tithkattabh,"she will write herself down"
masculine singular second person,תִּתְכַּתַּב,tithkattabh,"you will write yourself down"
feminine singular second person,תִּתְכַּתְּבִין,tithkattebhiyn,"you will write yourself down"
common singular first person,אֶתְכַּתַּב,'ethkattabh,"I will write myself down"
masculine plural third person,יִתְכַּתְּבוּן,yithkattebhun,"they will write themselves down"
feminine plural third person,יִתְכַּתְּבָן,yithkattebhan,"they will write themselves down"
masculine plural second person,תִּתְכַּתְּבוּן,tithkattebhun,"you will write themselves down"
feminine plural second person,תִּתְכַּתְּבָן,tithkattebhan,"you will write yourselves down"
common plural first person,נִתְכַּתַּב,nithkattabh,"we will write ourselves down"
.. csv-table:: Haphel Imperfect Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular third person,יְהַכְתֵּב (or יְהַכְתִּב),yehakhtebh,"he will cause to write"
feminine singular third person,תְּהַכְתֵּב,tehakhtebh,"she will cause to write"
masculine singular second person,תְּהַכְתֵּב,tehakhtebh,"you will cause to write"
feminine singular second person,תְּהַכְתְּבִין,tehakhbebhiyn,"you will cause to write"
common singular first person,אֲהַכְתֵּב,'ehakhtebh,"I will cause to write"
masculine plural third person,יְהַכְתְּבוּן,yehakhtebhun,"they will cause to write"
feminine plural third person,יְהַכְתְּבָן,yehakhtebhan,"they will cause to write"
masculine plural second person,תְּהַכְתְּבוּן,tehakhtebhun,"you will cause to write"
feminine plural second person,תְּהַכְתְּבָן,tehakhtebhan,"you will cause to write"
common plural first person,נְהַכְתֵּב,nehakhtebh,"we will cause to write"
The Imperfect conjugation can indicate any of the following kinds of actions:
Actions in future time
Actions in present time
.. _verb_imperfect-frequentive:
.. _verb_imperfect-durative:
Frequentive or durative actions
These may be in past time, present time, future time, or without a
specified time frame.
.. _verb_imperfect-negative-directive:
Direct negative commands (with :ref:`לֹא<particle_negative-lo>` to express an emphatic prohibition)
.. _verb_imperfect-possibility:
Potential actions
.. _verb_imperfect-desirability:
Actions of greater or lesser desirability
These may include instructions, requests, permissions, invitations,
assurances, wishes, etc.