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# adjective Glossary
:github_url: https://git.door43.org/unfoldingWord/en_uhg/src/branch/master/content/adjective.rst
.. _adjective:
An adjective is a word that describes a person(s), place(s), or thing(s). Within a sentence, usually an adjective describes a noun.
However, in Biblical Hebrew an adjective itself can function as a noun or even as an adverb (to describe a verb).
In Bibical Hebrew, adjectives always match the :ref:`noun<noun>` they describe in
gender (:ref:`masculine<gender_masculine>` or :ref:`feminine<gender_feminine>`)
and number (:ref:`singular<number_singular>` or :ref:`plural<number_plural>`).
However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If a noun is :ref:`dual<number_dual>`,
its accompanying adjective will be plural. Also, the gender of some
nouns does not match their apparent form (as in נָשִׁים "women", which is
grammatically-feminine although it appears grammatically-masculine); in
these cases, an accompanying adjective will match the gender of the noun
itself rather than the apparent form. Similarly, for nouns with either :ref:`collective singular<number_singular-collective>`
(as in עַם, meaning "people") or :ref:`majestic plural<number_plural-majestic>` (as in אֱלֹהִים, meaning "God"),
the accompanying adjective may match the implied number rather than the apparent form.
The forms of the adjective closely resemble the forms of the
:ref:`common noun<noun_common>`.
.. csv-table:: Adjective Paradigm
:header-rows: 1
masculine singular absolute,טוֹב,tov,good
masculine singular construct,טוֹב,tov,good
masculine singular determined,הַטּוֹב,hattov,the good
feminine singular absolute,טוֹבָה,tovah,good
feminine singular construct,טוֹבַת,tovath,good
feminine singular determined,הַטּוֹבָה,hattovah,the good
masculine plural absolute,טוֹבִים,tovim,good
masculine plural contruct,טוֹבֵי,tove,good
mascuuline plural determined,הַטּוֹבִים,hattovim,the good
feminine plural absolute,טוֹבוֹת,tovoth,good
feminine plural construct,טוֹבוֹת,tovoth,good
feminine plural determined,הַטּוֹבוֹת,hattovoth,the good
.. _adjective-attributive:
Describes a noun
The most common use of adjectives in Biblical Hebrew is to describe a noun.
There are two kinds of adjectives that function in this way, attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives.
In almost all instances, an attributive adjective immediately follows the noun that it
describes and has the same form in gender, number, and :ref:`definiteness<definiteness>`.
Thus, if the noun is masculine, the adjective is also masculine. If the noun is singular, the adjective is
also singular. If the noun is definite, the adjective is also definite; and so on.
.. note:: When a :ref:`cardinal<adjective_cardinal_number>` or an
:ref:`ordinal<adjective_ordinal_number>` number functions as an attributive
adjective, sometimes it comes *before* the noun it describes
instead of *after* the noun.
.. csv-table:: Example: 1SA 18:17
בִתִּ֨י הַגְּדוֹלָ֤ה
vitti **haggedolah**
my-daughter **the-old**
my **older** daughter
.. csv-table:: Example: JOS 10:2
כִּ֣י עִ֤יר **גְּדוֹלָה֙** גִּבְע֔וֹן
for city **great** Gibeon
because Gibeon was a **large** city
.. _adjective-predicative:
Predicative adjectives are adjectives that describe nouns using a :ref:`linking verb<verb-linking-verbs>`.
Often the linking verb is not present in the Hebrew text and must be supplied when translating into English.
Like attributive adjectives, a predicative adjective usually has the same form as the noun it
describes in both gender and number. Unlike attributive adjectives, however, a predicative
adjective can be indefinite even if it describes a :ref:`definite<definiteness>` noun.
.. note:: Sometimes, predicative adjectives and attributive adjectives look
identical and must be distinguished simply from the context.
.. csv-table:: Example: 2SA 14:20
וַאדֹנִ֣י חָכָ֗ם
wadoni **hakham**
And-my-lord **wise**
My master is **wise**
.. csv-table:: Example: 2KI 20:19
טֹ֥וב דְּבַר־יְהוָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר דִּבַּ֑רְתָּ
**towv** devar-yehwah 'asher dibbarta
**Good** word-of\_Yahweh that you-spoke.
The word of Yahweh that you have spoken is **good**.
.. _adjective-nominal:
Functions as a :ref:`noun<noun>`
Rather than describing a noun, sometimes an adjective itself functions as a noun in the sentence. This is called a nominal adjective.
.. csv-table:: Example: PSA 3:2
רַ֝בִּ֗ים קָמִ֥ים עָלָֽי
**rabbim** qamim 'alay
**many** are-rising-up against-me
**many people** are rising up against me
.. csv-table:: Example: ISA 30:12
לָכֵ֗ן כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ **קְד֣וֹשׁ** יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל
Therefore thus he-says **holy-of** Israel
"Therefore the **Holy One** of Israel says,"
.. _adjective-adverbial:
Functions as an :ref:`adverb<adverb>`
Sometimes an adjective functions as an adverb, meaning that it describes a verb instead of a noun. This is called an adverbial adjective.
.. csv-table:: Example: JOS 21:10
כִּ֥י לָהֶ֛ם הָיָ֥ה הַגּוֹרָ֖ל רִיאשֹׁנָֽה
for to-them it-was the-lot **first**
For the **first** casting of lots had fallen to them.
Other uses of adjectives
.. _adjective-comparative:
compares two or more items
In Biblical Hebrew, adjectives are often used with either the
preposition מִן ("from") or the phrase מִכֹּל ("from all") to express a
comparison between two or more items. This is called a comparative adjective.
.. csv-table:: Example: JDG 14:18
מַה־\ **מָּת֣וֹק** מִדְּבַ֔שׁ וּמֶ֥ה **עַ֖ז** מֵאֲרִ֑י
mah-\ **mmathoq** middevash umeh **'az** me'ari
What\_\ **sweet** than-honey and-what **strong** from-lion
"What is **sweeter** than honey, and what is **stronger** than a lion"
.. csv-table:: Example: GEN 3:1
וְהַנָּחָשׁ֙ הָיָ֣ה **עָר֔וּם מִכֹּל֙** חַיַּ֣ת הַשָּׂדֶ֔ה
wehannahash hayah **'arum mikkol** hayyath hassadeh
And-the-serpent was **shrewd from-all** beings-of the-field
Now the serpent was **more shrewd than any other** beast of the field
.. _adjective-intensive:
adjectives with stronger meaning
In Biblical Hebrew, the meaning of an adjective can be strengthened by
pairing it either with the word מְאֹד ("very") or with the phrase
לֵאלֹהִים ("to God"). This is called an intensive adjective.
.. csv-table:: Example: GEN 1:31
וְהִנֵּה־ט֖וֹב מְאֹ֑ד
wehinneh-\ **tov me'od**
And-behold\_\ **good very**
"Behold, it was **very good**"
.. csv-table:: Example: JON 3:3
עִיר־גְּדוֹלָה֙ לֵֽאלֹהִ֔ים
'ir-**gedolah lelohim**
city\_\ **great to-God**
a **very large** city
.. _adjective-superlative:
adjectives with strongest meaning
Biblical Hebrew utilizes different ways to strengthen an adjective to
its greatest degree ("the smallest", "the greatest", etc.). This is called a superlative adjective.
Usually, the superlative meaning of an adjective must be determined from the context.
.. csv-table:: Example: 1SA 16:11 adjective with the :ref:`definite article<particle_definite_article>`
עֹ֚וד שָׁאַ֣ר הַקָּטָ֔ן
'owd sha'ar **haqqatan**
Still remains **the-young**
There remains yet **the youngest**
.. csv-table:: Example: MIC 7:4 adjective with a :ref:`pronominal suffix<suffix_pronominal>`
טוֹבָ֣ם כְּחֵ֔דֶק
**tovam** kehedeq
**good-their** like-brier
**the best of them** is like a brier
.. csv-table:: Example: SNG 1:8 adjective with a :ref:`prepositional<preposition>` phrase
הַיָּפָ֖ה בַּנָּשִׁ֑ים
**hayyafah** bannashim
**the-fair** among-women
**the fairest** among women