Book Chapter Verse ID SupportReference OrigQuote Occurrence GLQuote OccurrenceNote EST front intro d989 0 # Введение в книгу Есфирь #

## Часть 1: Общее введение ##

#### Структура книги ####

1. Артаксеркс лишает царицу Астинь её положения (1:1–22)
1. Артаксеркс избирает Есфирь в качестве новой царицы (2:1–23)
1. Аман составляет план по истреблению евреев (3:1–15)
1. Мардохей просит Есфирь помочь народу Божьему (4:1–17)
1. Есфирь молит царя о спасении иудеев (5:1–7:10)
1. Крах замысла Амана (8:1–9:16)
1. Учреждение праздника Пурим (9:17–32)
1. Заключение (10:1–3)

#### Какова основная тема книги Есфирь? ####

В книге Есфирь рассказывается о том, как молодая еврейская девушка по имени Есфирь стала царицей Персии. Заняв престол, она приложила немало усилий для спасения своего народа от его истребления персами.

Книга завершается рассказом о том, почему евреи учредили праздник Пурим. Слово "пурим" произошло от персидского слова "пур" - "жребий". Аман - противник евреев - бросал жребий, чтобы выбрать подходящее время, когда он мог бы напасть на евреев и уничтожить их. Божий народ ежегодно праздновал Пурим в память о том, как Господь избавил евреев от гибели.

#### Как перевести заголовок книги? ####

Вы можете или использовать традиционный заголовок ("Есфирь", "книга Есфирь") или же уточнить: "Книга о Есфири".

## Часть 2: Культурный и религиозный контекст книги ##

#### Что представляла собой Персидская империя? ####

Кир Великий покорил многие государства. Большая часть Персидского царства располагалась на территории современного Ирана. Данное царство получило название Персидской империи. Когда в 539 году до н. э. Кир завоевал Вавилон, он получил власть над евреями, находившимися в вавилонском плену.

#### Почему евреи находились в Вавилоне, когда персы покорили Вавилонскую империю? ####

В 586 до н. э., вавилоняне покорили Иудею и увели в плен её жителей. Евреи и их потомки находились в Вавилоне, когда персы завоевали Вавилонскую империю.

#### Что означает выражение "законы Персии и Мидии"? ####

Выражение "законы Персии и Мидии" встречается в книгах Есфирь 1:19 и Даниил 6:12. Речь идёт об указах и постановлениях, которые нельзя было изменить или аннулировать после их обнародования. В книге Есфирь говорится о том, как царь издал указ, позволявший персам истребить евреев. Когда впоследствии Артаксеркс пожалел о своём поступке, он был бессилен что-либо изменить.

Мидяне (мидийцы) - это жители Мидии - государства, завоёванного персидским царём Киром Великим.

## Часть 3: Основные трудности перевода ##

#### Какие основные стили речи представлены в книге Есфирь? ####

В настоящей книге описывается большое количество различных ситуаций, где речь героев очень разнообразна. Официально-деловой стиль присутствует при описании персидского суда; он также фигурирует в указах, изданных царём. Разговорный стиль можно проследить в дружеской беседе и речи людей, состоящих друг с другом в родстве (встречаются также случаи, когда говорящий обращается к самому себе). Преводчикам следует использовать всё богатство родного языка, чтобы передать отдельные стили так, чтобы читателям было ясно, о чём идёт речь. EST 1 intro v1fp 0 # Есфирь 01 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Развод царя #####

Царские советники опасались, что мужчины потеряют свою власть над жёнами, когда последние услышат о том, что Астинь отказалась продемонстрировать свою красоту перед гостями царя. Поэтому мудрецы посоветовали Артаксерксу развестись с царицей.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 01:01 Замечания](./
* __[Есфирь intro](../front/

__| [>>](../02/ EST 1 1 jdr1 writing-newevent וַ⁠יְהִ֖י 1 во дни Артаксеркса "в период царствования Артаксеркса" или "во время правления Артаксеркса" EST 1 1 zzz2 figs-idiom בִּ⁠ימֵ֣י אֲחַשְׁוֵר֑וֹשׁ 1 Артаксеркс царствовал над ста двадцатью семью областями Это дополнительная информация о правителе Артаксерксе (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]). EST 1 1 qwe1 translate-names אֲחַשְׁוֵר֑וֹשׁ 1 областями Областью называется пространная территория, являющаяся частью какого-либо государства. Страны делятся на области для более эффективного управления государством. EST 1 1 v5ts writing-background ה֣וּא אֲחַשְׁוֵר֗וֹשׁ הַ⁠מֹּלֵךְ֙ מֵ⁠הֹ֣דּוּ וְ⁠עַד־כּ֔וּשׁ שֶׁ֛בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֥ים וּ⁠מֵאָ֖ה מְדִינָֽה 1 he was Ahasuerus the one who ruled from India even as far as Ethiopia, 127 provinces This is background information to help the reader identify Ahasuerus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 1 1 qwe3 ה֣וּא אֲחַשְׁוֵר֗וֹשׁ הַ⁠מֹּלֵךְ֙ 1 he was Ahasuerus, the one who ruled Alternative translation: “This king named Ahasuerus ruled” EST 1 1 qwe5 writing-background מֵ⁠הֹ֣דּוּ וְ⁠עַד־כּ֔וּשׁ 1 from India even as far as Ethiopia In case your audience might not know where these places are, you could say, “extending from India in the east to Ethiopia in the west.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 1 1 qwe7 writing-background שֶׁ֛בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֥ים וּ⁠מֵאָ֖ה מְדִינָֽה 1 127 provinces The number is given to show what a large empire this was. You could say that explicitly by saying, “Ahasuerus ruled a very large empire that had 127 provinces.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 1 1 qwe8 translate-numbers שֶׁ֛בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֥ים וּ⁠מֵאָ֖ה מְדִינָֽה 1 127 provinces Alternate translation: “one hundred twenty-seven provinces” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 1 2 dk31 figs-metonymy כְּ⁠שֶׁ֣בֶת…עַ֚ל כִּסֵּ֣א מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 сел на свой царский трон "Сесть на трон" - значит "получить власть". Альтернативный перевод: "стал правителем империи" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 1 2 qwe9 figs-abstractnouns עַ֚ל כִּסֵּ֣א מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 в столице Столица древнего государства часто предствляла собой крепость. EST 1 2 hgm3 translate-names בְּ⁠שׁוּשַׁ֥ן 1 Сузы Город Сузы был столицей Персии (см.[[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 1 2 qwr1 translate-unknown הַ⁠בִּירָֽה 1 the citadel This means a castle or palace where a king would live. But since the city of Susa itself is being called a **citadel** here, it’s likely that the term figuratively means royal city or capital city. The person telling this story is identifying Susa as the capital by calling it by the name of something closely associated with it, the royal palace within it. A good translation might be “the capital city of Persia.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 3 ry7m translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁנַ֤ת שָׁלוֹשׁ֙ לְ⁠מָלְכ֔⁠וֹ 1 на третий год своего царствования "По прошествии двух лет своего царствования" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 1 3 qwr3 figs-abstractnouns בִּ⁠שְׁנַ֤ת שָׁלוֹשׁ֙ לְ⁠מָלְכ֔⁠וֹ 1 для главных начальников войск Речь идёт о генералах армии Араксеркса. Можно сказать: "для главнокомандующих войсками" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]). EST 1 3 qwr5 עָשָׂ֣ה מִשְׁתֶּ֔ה 1 he made a feast Alternative translation: “he hosted a feast” EST 1 3 prm1 figs-synecdoche חֵ֣יל ׀ פָּרַ֣ס וּ⁠מָדַ֗י 1 the army of Persia and Media This likely refers to the leaders of the army. It is describing a part of the army by referring to the whole army. Alternate translation: “the officers of the army” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) EST 1 3 qwr7 הַֽ⁠פַּרְתְּמִ֛ים 1 the noblemen This probably means something like “the wealthy landowners.” EST 1 3 jdr3 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָֽי⁠ו 1 before his face **Face** figuratively stands for the presence of a person, so this phrase means “in his presence.” The invitation was to come to the royal capital to attend a banquet where the king would be present in person. You could say, as UST does, that the king was present in person to host the feast. Or you could say as an alternative, “all of them came to Susa for the feast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 4 qwr9 figs-abstractnouns בְּ⁠הַרְאֹת֗⁠וֹ אֶת־עֹ֨שֶׁר֙ כְּב֣וֹד מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 великое богатство своего царства и величие своей славы Эти два выражения синонимичны и употребляются вместе для усиления мысли о том, насколько великим было царство Артаксеркса. Альтернативный перевод: "несметные богатсва своего царства" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]). EST 1 4 qet1 figs-explicit בְּ⁠הַרְאֹת֗⁠וֹ 1 величие своей славы Можно сказать: "своё великое могущество" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]). EST 1 4 m8xa figs-doublet עֹ֨שֶׁר֙ כְּב֣וֹד מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 в течение ста восьмидесяти дней "в течение 180 дней" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 1 4 qet3 figs-abstractnouns בְּ⁠הַרְאֹת֗⁠וֹ…וְ⁠אֶ֨ת־יְקָ֔ר תִּפְאֶ֖רֶת גְּדוּלָּת֑⁠וֹ 1 when he displayed…the splendor of the beauty of his greatness You can translate the abstract nouns **splendor**, **beauty**, and **greatness** as adjectives. Alternate translation: “Ahasuerus … wanted to demonstrate … that he was a very powerful king” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 1 4 lun5 figs-doublet יְקָ֔ר תִּפְאֶ֖רֶת גְּדוּלָּת֑⁠וֹ 1 the splendor of the beauty of his greatness The words **splendor** and **beauty** have similar meaning and emphasize how great he was. Alternate translation: “the splendor of his greatness” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 1 4 qet5 figs-explicit יָמִ֣ים רַבִּ֔ים שְׁמוֹנִ֥ים וּ⁠מְאַ֖ת יֽוֹם 1 for many days, for 180 days This was a very long time for a royal feast to last. The earlier part of the verse provides the reason for this. To make the connection explicit, you could add some explanatory words to the verse like this: “Ahasuerus entertained his guests fabulously because he wanted to demonstrate that his empire was extremely wealthy and that he was a very powerful king. He did so many things for them that the festivities lasted for six months.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 4 x1v6 translate-numbers שְׁמוֹנִ֥ים וּ⁠מְאַ֖ת יֽוֹם 1 for 180 days Six months is about **180 days** or about half a year. You can use whatever expression will best express this time period in your language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 1 5 ue3x figs-explicit וּ⁠בִ⁠מְל֣וֹאת ׀ הַ⁠יָּמִ֣ים הָ⁠אֵ֗לֶּה 1 После этих дней "после окончания пира" EST 1 5 fv9y translate-numbers עָשָׂ֣ה הַ⁠מֶּ֡לֶךְ…מִשְׁתֶּ֖ה 1 семидневный пир Это был второй праздник, устроенный Артаксерксом для его чиновников. Альтернативный перевод: "ещё один пир, продолжавшийся в течение семи дней". EST 1 5 mj16 translate-unknown בְּ⁠שׁוּשַׁ֨ן הַ⁠בִּירָ֜ה 1 в столице Речь идёт об укреплённом городе. См., как вы перевели данное понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 1 5 qet7 figs-idiom הַ⁠נִּמְצְאִים֩ 1 Сузы Это называние уже упоминалось в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 1 5 qet9 figs-activepassive הַ⁠נִּמְצְאִים֩ 1 who were found You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “who worked for him in” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 1 5 qey1 figs-merism לְ⁠מִ⁠גָּ֧דוֹל וְ⁠עַד־קָטָ֛ן 1 from the greatest even to the least The person telling this story is referring to the staff of the palace by speaking of two extreme parts of it, the most important and the least important people who worked there, in order to include everyone in between. You could just explain this meaning, as UST does. Alternate translation: “from the most important official to the least important servant” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]) EST 1 5 qey3 שִׁבְעַ֣ת יָמִ֑ים 1 for seven days Alternate translation: “another feast that lasted seven days” The story does not suggest that this was an unusually long time by saying, “for many days.” But you could also say something like “a whole week” to show that this was a generous gesture of thanks on the part of the king. EST 1 6 qey5 translate-unknown ח֣וּר ׀ כַּרְפַּ֣ס וּ⁠תְכֵ֗לֶת 1 Общая информация Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 1 6 qey7 ח֣וּר ׀ כַּרְפַּ֣ס וּ⁠תְכֵ֗לֶת 1 Linens cotton and blue You can specify at the beginning of this verse that the location being described is the same as in the previous verse: “In the courtyard, white and blue curtains.” EST 1 6 qey9 translate-unknown בְּ⁠חַבְלֵי־ב֣וּץ וְ⁠אַרְגָּמָ֔ן 1 by cords of byssus and purple **Byssus** means “white linen” and it is used to describe the white color of some of these cords. So this means white and purple cords. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 6 qru1 figs-explicit מִטּ֣וֹת ׀ זָהָ֣ב וָ⁠כֶ֗סֶף 1 couches of gold and silver You can specify that these couches were there for the guests to recline on while they ate. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 6 asn4 translate-unknown רִֽצְפַ֥ת 1 a pavement This word probably refers to a mosaic floor made of inlaid pieces of colorful precious stones.
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 6 eyi2 translate-unknown בַּהַט 1 porphyry This is a kind of red and purple stone that contains pieces of crystal. You could call it “feldspar” or something descriptive like “red marble.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 6 qru3 translate-unknown וָ⁠שֵׁ֖שׁ 1 and alabaster This is a white precious stone. You could identify it as “alabaster.” Alternatively, while it is not exactly the same thing as marble, your readers would get the right idea if you called it “white marble.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 6 qru5 translate-unknown וְ⁠סֹחָֽרֶת 1 and precious stone This word probably refers to a black marble that was used to create borders around mosaics. You could call this “black marble,” or you could just say that the floor contained “another precious stone.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 7 urm7 figs-abstractnouns וְ⁠הַשְׁקוֹת֙ 1 с покытием Речь идёт о разноцветной причудливой мозаике. EST 1 7 qru7 וְ⁠כֵלִ֖ים מִ⁠כֵּלִ֣ים שׁוֹנִ֑ים 1 with vessels different from other vessels This could mean that “no two of them were alike.” But you could also just say that the wine was served in “various kinds of golden cups.” EST 1 7 r6ec figs-explicit וְ⁠יֵ֥ין מַלְכ֛וּת רָ֖ב כְּ⁠יַ֥ד הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 and the wine of royalty was abundant according to the hand of the king This means that King Ahasuerus himself paid for all the wine that the guests drank at his seven-day feast in Susa, and the wine came from his personal supply. Alternate translation: “the king was very generous with the royal wine” or “the king showed a great willingness to give” or “the king provided all of it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 7 qru9 figs-abstractnouns וְ⁠יֵ֥ין מַלְכ֛וּת רָ֖ב כְּ⁠יַ֥ד הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 and the wine of royalty This probably means special fine wine that only the king could acquire and afford. You can translate the abstract noun **royalty** with an adjective. Alternate translation: “royal wine” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 1 7 wpq1 figs-metonymy כְּ⁠יַ֥ד הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 according to the hand of the king Here, **hand** refers figuratively to the king himself, viewed through his action of giving. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 8 qtu1 figs-abstractnouns וְ⁠הַ⁠שְּׁתִיָּ֥ה כַ⁠דָּ֖ת 1 Напитки подавали в золотых и разнообразных сосудах Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "гости пили вино из золотых... чаш" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 1 8 g5gu figs-explicit אֵ֣ין אֹנֵ֑ס 1 И царского вина было много, по богатству царя "царь не жалел вина" EST 1 8 f6px grammar-connect-logic-result כִּי־כֵ֣ן ׀ יִסַּ֣ד הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ עַ֚ל כָּל־רַ֣ב בֵּית֔⁠וֹ לַ⁠עֲשׂ֖וֹת כִּ⁠רְצ֥וֹן אִישׁ־וָ⁠אִֽישׁ 1 по богатству "по своей великой щедрости" EST 1 8 qtu3 לַ⁠עֲשׂ֖וֹת כִּ⁠רְצ֥וֹן אִישׁ־וָ⁠אִֽישׁ 1 никто никого не принуждал "никто никого не заставлял пить" EST 1 8 jdr5 figs-idiom אִישׁ־וָ⁠אִֽישׁ 1 потому что царь дал указание всем управляющим в своём доме, чтобы делали по желанию каждого То есть Артаксеркс приказал своим слугам давать гостям столько вина, сколько они сами пожелают. EST 1 9 qtu5 grammar-connect-time-simultaneous גַּ֚ם 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 1 9 qtu7 writing-participants וַשְׁתִּ֣י הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֔ה 1 Vashti the queen You can explain that she was the wife of Ahasuerus by saying, “Queen Vashti**,** the king’s wife” or “his wife.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-participants]]) EST 1 9 qtu9 translate-names וַשְׁתִּ֣י הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֔ה 1 Vashti This is a woman’s name. It occurs several times in this chapter and the next one. Be sure to translate it consistently. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 1 9 qti1 מִשְׁתֵּ֣ה נָשִׁ֑ים 1 a feast of women This could mean the women who served in the palace, the wives of the men who were officers and servants, or both. You could say, “a feast for the wives of the men who attended” or “for the women who worked in the palace.” EST 1 9 qti3 בֵּ֚ית הַ⁠מַּלְכ֔וּת אֲשֶׁ֖ר לַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֽוֹשׁ 1 the house of royalty that belonged to the king Ahasuerus Alternate translation: “the royal palace where King Ahasuerus lived” EST 1 9 qti5 figs-abstractnouns בֵּ֚ית הַ⁠מַּלְכ֔וּת 1 house of royalty You can translate the abstract noun **royalty** with the adjective royal. Alternate translation: “royal palace” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 1 10 jv7z translate-ordinal בַּ⁠יּוֹם֙ הַ⁠שְּׁבִיעִ֔י 1 На седьмой день пира "Спустя 6 дней" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 1 10 le6l figs-idiom כְּ⁠ט֥וֹב לֵב־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ בַּ⁠יָּ֑יִן 1 когда развеселилось сердце царя от вина "Развеселилось сердце царя от вина" - это устойчивое выражение, употребляющееся в значении "опьянел". Можно сказать: "когда царь опьянел и развеселился" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 1 10 dcb2 translate-names לִ֠⁠מְהוּמָן בִּזְּתָ֨א חַרְבוֹנָ֜א בִּגְתָ֤א וַ⁠אֲבַגְתָא֙ זֵתַ֣ר וְ⁠כַרְכַּ֔ס 1 сказал Мегуману, Бизфе, Харбоне, Бигфе и Авагфе, Зефару и Каркасу Это мужские имена (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 1 10 ens5 translate-unknown הַ⁠סָּ֣רִיסִ֔ים 1 семи евнухам, служившим царю Артаксерксу В данной фразе объясняется, кем были перечисленные мужины (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]). EST 1 10 qti7 writing-background הַ⁠מְשָׁ֣רְתִ֔ים אֶת־פְּנֵ֖י הַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֽוֹשׁ 1 who served before the face of King Ahasuerus This is background information to explain who these men were. Alternate translation: “who attended him personally” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 1 10 jdr7 figs-metonymy פְּנֵ֖י הַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ 1 the face of King Here, **face** figuratively means the presence of a person. The phrase means that these seven men served King Ahasuerus personally. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 11 qti9 figs-explicit לְ֠⁠הָבִיא 1 её красоту "наколько прекрасной она была" EST 1 11 jdr9 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 to the face of the king Here, **face** figuratively means the presence of a person. The phrase means that King Ahasuerus wanted Queen Vashti to come personally into his presence. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 11 asd1 figs-abstractnouns בְּ⁠כֶ֣תֶר מַלְכ֑וּת 1 in a crown of royalty You can translate the abstract noun **royalty** with an adjective by saying, “wearing her royal crown.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 1 11 asd3 figs-explicit בְּ⁠כֶ֣תֶר מַלְכ֑וּת 1 in a crown of royalty Ahasuerus likely wanted Vashti to wear her queen’s crown so that everyone would know that she was his wife. You could say that explicitly. (For the possible reasons why he wanted them to know this, see the next note.) (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 11 asd5 writing-background לְ⁠הַרְא֨וֹת הָֽ⁠עַמִּ֤ים וְ⁠הַ⁠שָּׂרִים֙ אֶת־יָפְיָ֔⁠הּ 1 in order to show the people and the officials her beauty Everything Ahasuerus did at his banquets was to show how rich and powerful he was. He seems to have believed that having a very beautiful wife was one more thing that proved he was a great man. So he wanted everyone to see how beautiful Vashti was. You can put this second in the verse, after explaining that Vashti was a very beautiful woman, because it accounts for what happens afterwards, when the king sends his seven personal servants to bring her in to his banquet. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 1 11 asd7 הָֽ⁠עַמִּ֤ים וְ⁠הַ⁠שָּׂרִים֙ 1 the people and the officials This might mean “his guests, especially the officials.” EST 1 11 asd9 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּֽי־טוֹבַ֥ת מַרְאֶ֖ה הִֽיא 1 for she was pleasing of appearance If it would be clearer in your language, you can place this first in the verse because it is the reason that explains everything else that happens afterward in the verse. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 1 11 qvk4 figs-idiom כִּֽי־טוֹבַ֥ת מַרְאֶ֖ה הִֽיא 1 she was pleasing of appearance Alternate translation: “she was very beautiful” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 1 12 asf1 figs-events וַ⁠תְּמָאֵ֞ן הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֣ה וַשְׁתִּ֗י לָ⁠בוֹא֙ 1 по приказу царя, объявленному через евнухов Или "когда евнухи сообщили ей о царском указе". EST 1 12 asf3 figs-explicit וַ⁠תְּמָאֵ֞ן הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֣ה וַשְׁתִּ֗י לָ⁠בוֹא֙ 1 по приказу "по повелению" EST 1 12 b57q בִּ⁠דְבַ֣ר הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 at the word of the king Alternate translation: “at the king’s command” or “what the king wanted” EST 1 12 asf5 figs-metonymy בְּ⁠יַ֣ד הַ⁠סָּרִיסִ֑ים 1 by the hand of the eunuchs Here, **hand** refers figuratively to the eunuchs themselves, viewed through their action of telling Vashti what the king had commanded. Alternation translation: “when those servants told Queen Vashti what the king wanted” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 12 kp6p translate-unknown הַ⁠סָּרִיסִ֑ים 1 the eunuchs See how you translated this term in [1:10](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 12 asf7 figs-parallelism וַ⁠יִּקְצֹ֤ף הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ מְאֹ֔ד וַ⁠חֲמָת֖⁠וֹ בָּעֲרָ֥ה בֽ⁠וֹ 1 the king became very angry, and his rage burned within him These two phrases mean similar things. The repetition is used to emphasize the idea that they are expressing. You could combine them as UST does by saying, “The king became so angry that he could barely contain himself.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 1 12 bsd5 figs-metaphor וַ⁠חֲמָת֖⁠וֹ בָּעֲרָ֥ה בֽ⁠וֹ 1 and his rage burned within him Here the story uses a metaphor that pictures the king’s anger as **a fire that burned inside of him**. If your language has a different word picture that it uses to describe extreme anger, you can use that here. If not, you can translate plainly, “his anger continued to increase.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 1 13 asf9 לַ⁠חֲכָמִ֖ים 1 в нём разгорелась ярость Ярость царя сравнивается с разгоревшмся огнём. Альтернативный перевод: "и его ярость была такой же жгучей, как огонь" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 1 13 g9fe יֹדְעֵ֣י הָֽ⁠עִתִּ֑ים 1 знающим прежние времена "имевшим глубокий жизненный опыт" EST 1 13 x2u7 writing-background כִּי־כֵן֙ דְּבַ֣ר הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 потому что дела царя делались перед всеми знающими закон и права Это дополнительная информация, раскрывающая причину, по которой царь созвал мудрецов (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]). EST 1 13 adf1 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּי־כֵן֙ דְּבַ֣ר הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 for thus was the manner of the king You can place this first in the verse if it would be clearer in your language to put the reason before the result because it explains what happens next. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 1 13 jd11 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֕י 1 before the face of Here, **face** refers figuratively to the presence of a person. The phrase means that King Ahasuerus would personally ask his wise men for advice in matters like these. Alternate translation: “to consult personally with” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 13 adf3 יֹדְעֵ֖י דָּ֥ת וָ⁠דִֽין 1 knowers of law and judgment This means that these advisors knew the law and knew how to make good decisions in light of it. EST 1 14 adf5 וְ⁠הַ⁠קָּרֹ֣ב אֵלָ֗י⁠ו 1 Каршена, Шефар, Адмафа, Фарсис, Мерес, Марсена, Мемухан Это мужские имена (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 1 14 cc44 translate-names כַּרְשְׁנָ֤א שֵׁתָר֙ אַדְמָ֣תָא תַרְשִׁ֔ישׁ מֶ֥רֶס מַרְסְנָ֖א מְמוּכָ֑ן 1 Karshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Mersena, Memukan These are the names of seven men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 1 14 jd13 figs-idiom רֹאֵי֙ פְּנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 seers of the face of the king **To see the face of** is an idiom that means to be in the presence of a person. The phrase means that King Ahasuerus would regularly and personally consult with these seven advisors. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 1 14 adf7 figs-metaphor הַ⁠יֹּשְׁבִ֥ים רִאשֹׁנָ֖ה בַּ⁠מַּלְכֽוּת 1 the ones who sat first in the kingdom Here, **sitting** represents ruling or judging. The expression here means that these were the most powerful officials in the empire. (See:[[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 1 15 j6sh figs-explicit כְּ⁠דָת֙ מַֽה־לַּ⁠עֲשׂ֔וֹת בַּ⁠מַּלְכָּ֖ה וַשְׁתִּ֑י עַ֣ל ׀ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹֽא־עָשְׂתָ֗ה אֶֽת־מַאֲמַר֙ הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֔וֹשׁ בְּ⁠יַ֖ד הַ⁠סָּרִיסִֽים 1 Как по закону поступить Данный вопрос царь задаёт своим советникам. EST 1 15 ics9 כְּ⁠דָת֙…עַ֣ל ׀ אֲשֶׁ֣ר 1 по закону "не нарушая закон" или "согласно закону" EST 1 15 adf9 figs-events בְּ⁠יַ֖ד הַ⁠סָּרִיסִֽים 1 by the hand of the eunuchs To present the events in chronological order, you can begin with the information that these men brought the command. Alternate translation: “Queen Vashti did not do what I told my servants to command her to do” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 1 15 jd15 figs-metonymy בְּ⁠יַ֖ד הַ⁠סָּרִיסִֽים 1 by the hand of the eunuchs Here, **hand** figuratively represents the action of doing or giving. The phrase means that the eunuchs were the ones who told Queen Vashti what King Ahasuerus had commanded her. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 15 adg1 translate-unknown הַ⁠סָּרִיסִֽים 1 eunuchs See how you translated this term in [1:10](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 1 16 adg3 figs-metonymy וַ⁠יֹּ֣אמֶר מְמוּכָ֗ן לִ⁠פְנֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 Мемухан Данное имя уже было переведено в [Есфирь 1:14](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 1 16 yqr8 figs-hyperbole כָּל־הָ֣⁠עַמִּ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֕ר בְּ⁠כָל־מְדִינ֖וֹת הַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ 1 но и перед всеми правителями и перед всеми народами Это преувеличение: советник хочет подчеркнуть тяжесть поступка царицы (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]). EST 1 16 ss5y translate-names מְמוּכָ֗ן 1 по всем областям Область - это пространная териитория, входящая в состав какого-либо госудасртва. Страна делится на области для более эффективного управления. См., как вы перевели данное понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 1 16 adg5 figs-123person הַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֽוֹשׁ 1 the king Ahasuerus Memukan speaks of **the king** in third person as a form of respect. If you want to portray him as speaking primarily to the king because he is answering the king’s question, you could have him say, “in all the provinces that you rule” or “every person who lives in your entire empire.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 1 17 jd17 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּֽי 1 до всех женщин Это преувеличение: советник хочет подчеркнуть, насколько пагубным был поступок царицы (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]). EST 1 17 gn4g figs-hyperbole יֵצֵ֤א דְבַר־הַ⁠מַּלְכָּה֙ עַל־כָּל־הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֔ים 1 the matter of the queen will go out to all the women To emphasize his point, Memukan exaggerates and says that every single woman in the empire will hear about Queen Vashti refusing to obey King Ahasuerus. You could say, as UST does, that “women all over the empire” will hear about what the queen did. Or you could preserve Memukan’s manner of speaking by saying, “every woman” will hear. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]) EST 1 17 jd19 figs-metaphor לְ⁠הַבְז֥וֹת בַּעְלֵי⁠הֶ֖ן בְּ⁠עֵינֵי⁠הֶ֑ן 1 to make their husbands despised in their eyes Here, **eyes** stand for seeing, and seeing figuratively means knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. The phrase means that the women will treat their husbands with disrespect and not obey them. Alternate translation: “women will despise their husbands” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 1 17 adg7 figs-explicit בְּ⁠אָמְרָ֗⁠ם הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֡וֹשׁ אָמַ֞ר לְ⁠הָבִ֨יא אֶת־וַשְׁתִּ֧י הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֛ה לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו וְ⁠לֹא־בָֽאָה 1 when they say, “The king Ahasuerus said to bring Vashti the queen before his face, but she did not come.” The implication is that they will go on to say, “So if even the queen can disobey the king, why should I have to obey my husband?” If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 17 adg9 grammar-connect-logic-result הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֡וֹשׁ אָמַ֞ר לְ⁠הָבִ֨יא אֶת־וַשְׁתִּ֧י הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֛ה לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו וְ⁠לֹא־בָֽאָה 1 The king Ahasuerus said to bring Vashti the queen before his face, but she did not come. The women will stop respecting their husbands after they hear about this. You can put this report about what Queen Vashti did first, before “women will stop respecting their husbands,” because it is the reason that explains that result. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 1 17 jd21 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו 1 before his face Here, **face** figuratively means the presence of a person. The phrase means the Queen Vashti refused to come into the presence of King Ahasuerus when he summoned her during the feast. See how you translated this in verse 11. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 18 afg1 וְֽ⁠הַ⁠יּ֨וֹם הַ⁠זֶּ֜ה 1 будет много пренебрежения и гнева "женщины начнут гневаться на своих мужей и пренебрегать ими" EST 1 18 afg3 שָׂר֣וֹת פָּֽרַס־וּ⁠מָדַ֗י 1 the noblewomen of Persia and Media It becomes clear later in the verse that Memukan is speaking of the wives of the king’s officials, and you could communicate that here by saying, “the wives of the officials who govern Persia and Media.” But the term “noblewomen” indicates that they also had high status of their own, so you could also call them “the leading women of Persia and Media.” EST 1 18 afg5 דְּבַ֣ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֔ה 1 the matter of the queen Alternate translation: “what the queen has done” EST 1 18 afg7 תֹּאמַ֣רְנָה 1 will speak This means that they will “talk back” or “disobey.” Alternate translation: “refuse to obey” EST 1 18 afg9 figs-explicit לְ⁠כֹ֖ל שָׂרֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 to all the officials of the king This means the husbands of the noblewomen. The implication may be, “They will disobey their husbands even though they are officials of the king.” You could say that explicitly, as UST does. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 18 u6d7 וּ⁠כְ⁠דַ֖י בִּזָּי֥וֹן וָ⁠קָֽצֶף 1 and there will be contempt and wrath enough This could mean either that they will treat their husbands with disrespect, and this will make their “husbands angry with them” or that “they will be angry with their husbands and treat them with contempt.” EST 1 18 afh1 figs-explicit וּ⁠כְ⁠דַ֖י 1 and there will be enough This could mean that the husbands will be as furious “as much as they can bear.” But you could also say, “That will be bad enough by itself, even if the news does not spread any farther.” If you think that is the meaning, you can say that explicitly, as UST does. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 19 afh3 figs-idiom אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ ט֗וֹב 1 Связующее утверждение: Мемухан продолжает своё обращение к царю. EST 1 19 d8qk figs-123person אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ ט֗וֹב 1 Если угодно царю,.. к царю Артаксерксу, Советник обращается к Артаксерксу в третьем лице, чтобы выразить своё почтение. Альтерантивный перевод: "Если тебе будет угодно,.. к тебе" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 1 19 jd25 figs-metonymy יֵצֵ֤א דְבַר־מַלְכוּת֙ מִ⁠לְּ⁠פָנָ֔י⁠ו 1 не отменяется Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "которые невозможно отменить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 1 19 afh5 figs-abstractnouns דְבַר־מַלְכוּת֙ 1 a decree of royalty You can translate the abstract noun **royalty** with the adjective “royal.” Alternate translation: “royal decree” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 1 19 jd23 figs-123person מִ⁠לְּ⁠פָנָ֔י⁠ו 1 from before his face Memukan speaks to the king in third person as a form of respect. Alternate translation: “personally” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 1 19 afh7 figs-activepassive וְ⁠יִכָּתֵ֛ב 1 and let it be written You can say this with an active form, and you can say who will do the action. Alternate translation: “you should write a decree yourself” or “command your scribes to write a decree” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 1 19 mh1a וְ⁠לֹ֣א יַעֲב֑וֹר 1 which do not pass away Alternate translation: “these laws never become invalid” or “can never be changed” EST 1 19 jd27 figs-123person תָב֜וֹא…לִ⁠פְנֵי֙ הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ 1 come before the face of the king Memukan speaks to the king in third person as a form of respect. Alternate translation: “never come into your presence again” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 1 19 jd29 figs-metonymy תָב֜וֹא…לִ⁠פְנֵי֙ הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ 1 come before the face of the king Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. The phrase means that Queen Vashti will never again come into the king’s presence. Alternate translation: “never again come before King Ahasuerus” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 19 jd31 figs-123person וּ⁠מַלְכוּתָ⁠הּ֙ יִתֵּ֣ן הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ לִ⁠רְעוּתָ֖⁠הּ הַ⁠טּוֹבָ֥ה מִמֶּֽ⁠נָּה 1 and let the king give her royalty to her female neighbor Memukan speaks to the king in third person as a form of respect. You can show the same meaning with a verb that addresses a singular “you” and indicates that Memukan is offering advice, not giving a command when he say, “choose another woman to be queen.” Alternate translation: “the king can give her position as queen to some other woman” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 1 19 afh9 figs-abstractnouns וּ⁠מַלְכוּתָ⁠הּ֙ 1 and…her royalty You can translate the abstract noun **royalty** with an expression such as “her royal position” or “her position as queen.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 1 19 afj1 figs-explicit הַ⁠טּוֹבָ֥ה מִמֶּֽ⁠נָּה 1 the woman who is better than she Memukan means that the next queen should be “better than” Vashti by obeying all of the king’s commands. You could say this explicitly, as UST does. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 1 20 v9l3 figs-activepassive וְ⁠נִשְׁמַע֩ פִּתְגָ֨ם הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ 1 об этом постановлении царя, которое разойдётся по всему его царству Мемухан обращается к царю в третьем лице в знак своего почтения. Можно сказать: "о твоём постановлении, которое разойдётся по всему твоему царству" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 1 20 des3 figs-123person פִּתְגָ֨ם הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ 1 Когда услышат об этом постановлении царя Вместо страдательного залога можно употебить действительный: "Когда народ услышит о царском повелении" или "когда люди услышат приказ царя" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 1 20 jd33 figs-explicit אֲשֶֽׁר־יַעֲשֶׂה֙ בְּ⁠כָל־מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 велико огромно EST 1 20 afj3 figs-123person מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 от большого до малого Речь идёт обо всех людях - как важных, так и малозначительных (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]). EST 1 20 p8nz כִּ֥י רַבָּ֖ה הִ֑יא 1 though it is great Alternate translation: “even though your empire is very large” EST 1 20 afj5 הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֗ים יִתְּנ֤וּ יְקָר֙ לְ⁠בַעְלֵי⁠הֶ֔ן 1 women will give honor to their husbands Alternate translation: “women will respect and obey their husbands” EST 1 20 be9r figs-merism לְ⁠מִ⁠גָּד֖וֹל וְ⁠עַד־קָטָֽן 1 from the greatest to the least This expression figuratively refers to all of the husbands in the empire. By naming both extremes, it includes everyone in between. You could just give the meaning, as UST does: “every husband in the empire.” Alternate translation: “this will be true for both the most important man and the least important man in the empire, and everyone in between” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]) EST 1 21 afj7 figs-idiom וַ⁠יִּיטַב֙ הַ⁠דָּבָ֔ר בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 Мемухан Переведите данное имя так же, как в [Есфирь 1:14](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 1 21 afj9 figs-metaphor בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ וְ⁠הַ⁠שָּׂרִ֑ים 1 in the eyes of the king and the officials Here, **eyes** stand for for seeing, and seeing is a metaphor for knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. The phrase means that King Ahasuerus and all the officials who heard Memukan’s advice thought that his suggestion was a good idea. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 1 21 agj1 וַ⁠יַּ֥עַשׂ הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ כִּ⁠דְבַ֥ר מְמוּכָֽן 1 the king acted according to the word of Memukan This means that King Ahasuerus wrote a law proclaiming what Memukan had suggested. EST 1 21 p5us translate-names מְמוּכָֽן 1 Memukan Translate his name as in [1:14](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 1 22 agj3 וַ⁠יִּשְׁלַ֤ח סְפָרִים֙ אֶל־כָּל־מְדִינ֣וֹת הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 во все области Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления). См., как вы перевели это понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 1 22 jd37 figs-idiom מְדִינָ֤ה וּ⁠מְדִינָה֙ 1 чтобы каждый муж был господином в своём доме "чтобы каждый мужчина имел нерушимую власть над своей женой и детьми" EST 1 22 agj5 כִּ⁠כְתָבָ֔⁠הּ 1 чтобы это было объявлено каждому Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "чтобы этот указ был объявлен" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 1 22 jd39 figs-idiom עַ֥ם וָ⁠עָ֖ם 1 people by people This is an idiom that means “every people group” or every single people group. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 1 22 jd41 figs-metonymy כִּ⁠לְשׁוֹנ֑⁠וֹ 1 according to its tongue Here, **tongue** figuratively means the language spoken by a person or a group of people. Alternate translation: “in its own language” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 22 jj9n לִ⁠הְי֤וֹת כָּל־אִישׁ֙ שֹׂרֵ֣ר בְּ⁠בֵית֔⁠וֹ 1 that every man should be ruling in his house This meant that all men should have complete authority over their wives and their children. EST 1 22 jd43 figs-metonymy כִּ⁠לְשׁ֥וֹן עַמּֽ⁠וֹ 1 speaking according to the tongue of his people Here, **tongue** figuratively means the language spoken by a person or a group of people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 1 22 agj7 figs-explicit כִּ⁠לְשׁ֥וֹן עַמּֽ⁠וֹ 1 speaking according to the tongue of his people The implication is that the husband ought to be able to give orders to his wife in his own native language and that she should understand and obey him, even if she had to learn his language to do so. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 intro eb4q 0 # Есфирь 02 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Есфирь становится царицей #####

Есфирь смиренно приняла советы евнухов о том, как ей одеться для встречи с царём, и Артаксеркс выбрал её в качестве новой царицы.

##### Мардохей раскрывает заговор, составленный против царя #####

Мардохей - двоюродный брат Есфири - узнал о том, что два человека составили заговор, чтобы убить царя. Он сообщил об этом Есфири, а она, в свою очередь, передала слова Мардохея царю. О заслуге Мардохея было записано в книгу царских дневных записей.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 02:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../01/ | [>>](../03/ EST 2 1 dpc3 writing-newevent אַחַר֙ הַ⁠דְּבָרִ֣ים הָ⁠אֵ֔לֶּה 1 После этого В повествовании начинают разворачиваться новые события (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-newevent]]). EST 2 1 e4lp כְּ⁠שֹׁ֕ךְ חֲמַ֖ת הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֑וֹשׁ 1 когда гнев царя Артаксеркса утих "когда царь Артаксеркс перестал гневаться" EST 2 1 agj9 זָכַ֤ר אֶת־וַשְׁתִּי֙ 1 что было сделано Речь идёт о том, что произошло в [Есфирь 1:19-20](../01/ EST 2 1 xpt9 figs-explicit אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֔תָה וְ⁠אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־נִגְזַ֖ר עָלֶֽי⁠הָ 1 what she had done, and what had been decided concerning her This refers to Vashti’s refusal to obey Ahasuerus, and to the decision he made in [1:21](../01/ that she could never come into his presence again. This could actually mean that when he thought about Vashti and what she had done, he regretted the decision that he had made about her. But there was nothing he could do to bring her back because the laws of the empire could not be changed. You could explain all or some of this in your translation, as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 1 agk1 figs-activepassive אֲשֶׁר־נִגְזַ֖ר עָלֶֽי⁠הָ 1 what had been decided You can say this with an active form, and you can say that the king performed the action. Alternate translation: “what he had decided” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 2 2 agk3 translate-unknown נַעֲרֵֽי־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ מְשָׁרְתָ֑י⁠ו 1 Надо бы поискать Или "прикажи своим слугам поискать" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 2 agk5 figs-explicit יְבַקְשׁ֥וּ לַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ נְעָר֥וֹת 1 для царя Слуги обращаюся к царю в третьем лице в знак своего почтения к нему. Альтернаивный перевод: "для тебя" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 2 2 s4hv writing-participants יְבַקְשׁ֥וּ 1 Let them seek **Them** refers to the servants that the king would send to do this. If this is unclear, you can say “servants” or “your servants.” Be sure to express this in a form that shows that it is a not a command but a respectful suggestion such as “You could send some men Alternate translation: “to look for” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-participants]]) EST 2 2 abt8 figs-123person לַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ 1 for the king The young men speak to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. Alternatively, you could have them say “for yourself” or “on your behalf” if that would be clear but also respectful in your language (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 2 2 jd45 figs-idiom טוֹב֥וֹת מַרְאֶֽה 1 pleasing of appearance As in 1:11, this is an idiom that means very beautiful. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 2 3 g9vp figs-123person וְ⁠יַפְקֵ֨ד הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ 1 Связующее утверждение: Молодые слуги продолжают говорить с царём. EST 2 3 jd47 figs-idiom טוֹבַ֨ת מַרְאֶ֜ה 1 Пусть в каждой области своего царства царь Молодые слуги обращаются к царю в третьем лице из почтения к своему властелину. Альтернативный перевод: "Назначь наблюдателей в каждой области твоего царства" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 2 3 xqf9 translate-unknown שׁוּשַׁ֤ן הַ⁠בִּירָה֙ 1 области Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления). См., как вы перевели данное понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 2 3 j4ka בֵּ֣ית הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֔ים 1 в дом женщин Или "гарем" - место, где содержались жёны одного человека. EST 2 3 d754 figs-activepassive אֶל־יַ֥ד הֵגֶ֛א סְרִ֥יס הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ שֹׁמֵ֣ר הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֑ים 1 в столицу Речь идёт об укреплённом городе. См., как вы перевели это слово в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ EST 2 3 jd49 figs-metaphor יַ֥ד הֵגֶ֛א 1 Сузы См., как вы перевели название этого города в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 3 lf71 translate-names הֵגֶ֛א 1 под присмотр Гегая — царского евнуха и смотрителя женщин Или "Пусть Гегай - царский евнух - позаботится о них" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 3 jd51 figs-123person סְרִ֥יס הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 Гегай Это мужское имя (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 3 agk7 translate-unknown סְרִ֥יס 1 притиранья Речь идёт о косметических средствах таких, как кремы, лосьоны, пудры - то есть обо всём, что используют женщины, чтобы стать более привлекательными. EST 2 3 agk9 שֹׁמֵ֣ר הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֑ים 1 who is overseer of the women Alternate translation: “who is in charge of the women who live there.” EST 2 3 w1ly translate-unknown תַּמְרוּקֵי⁠הֶֽן 1 their ointments This term seems to refer to a specific substance that women would put on their face or other parts of their body to make themselves more beautiful. From verse 12, it appears to mean lotions that were used along with oils and perfumes. But here, this one aspect of a woman’s beauty treatment seems to be used to refer to all of it, so you could call these “beauty treatments.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 4 jd53 figs-123person וְ⁠הַֽ⁠נַּעֲרָ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר תִּיטַב֙ בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 которая понравится царю Слуги обращаются к царю в третьем лице для выражения почтения. Можно сказать: "которая тебе понравится" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 2 4 lh3n figs-metaphor בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֣י 1 in the eyes of Here, **eyes** figuratively represent seeing, and seeing is a metaphor for knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. The phrase means that King Ahasuerus could decide which young woman he liked the best and make her queen. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 2 4 jd55 figs-metaphor וַ⁠יִּיטַ֧ב הַ⁠דָּבָ֛ר בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 the word was pleasing in the eyes of the king Here, **eyes** have the same figurative meaning. The phrase indicates that King Ahasuerus thought that this suggestion was a good idea. Alternate translation: “The king found their suggestion appealing” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 2 4 zxc1 וַ⁠יַּ֥עַשׂ כֵּֽן 1 so he did thus Alternate translation: “so he followed the suggestion” EST 2 5 h6z2 writing-participants אִ֣ישׁ יְהוּדִ֔י 1 жил один иудей В повествовании появляется новое действующее лицо - Мардохей (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-participants]]). EST 2 5 uu9i translate-unknown בְּ⁠שׁוּשַׁ֣ן הַ⁠בִּירָ֑ה 1 В столице Сузы См., как вы перевели название этого города в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 5 zxc3 translate-names מָרְדֳּכַ֗י 1 сын Иаира, сын Семея, сын Киса Иаир, Семей и Кис были предками Мардохея (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 5 q2rz translate-names בֶּ֣ן יָאִ֧יר בֶּן־שִׁמְעִ֛י בֶּן־קִ֖ישׁ 1 из колена Вениамина "из племени Вениамина" EST 2 5 kw5t אִ֥ישׁ יְמִינִֽי 1 a man, a Benjamite While this likely refers to Kish, it is necessarily also true of Mordecai, and you could put it second in the verse. That way Mordecai’s nationality would come first, then his tribe, and then his family and clan. Alternate translation: “from the tribe of Benjamin” EST 2 6 zxc5 writing-background אֲשֶׁ֤ר הָגְלָה֙ מִ⁠יר֣וּשָׁלַ֔יִם עִם־הַ⁠גֹּלָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר הָגְלְתָ֔ה עִ֖ם יְכָנְיָ֣ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יְהוּדָ֑ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר הֶגְלָ֔ה נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֖ר מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶֽל 1 Он был переселён.., которых переселил вавилонский царь Навуходоносор Здесь говорится о том, как Мардохей оказался в Сузах. Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Навуходоносор - царь Вавилона - переселил его вместе с другими пленниками, выведенными с иудейским царём Иехонией" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 6 z7fe figs-activepassive אֲשֶׁ֤ר הָגְלָה֙ מִ⁠יר֣וּשָׁלַ֔יִם 1 Он был переселён из Иерусалима В оригинальном тексте неясно, о ком именно идёт речь. Возможно, имеется в виду Кис - прадед Мардохея. Если здесь говорится о Мардохее, тогда ко времени воцарения Есфири он должен был быть очень стар. Многие современные версии не дают никаких пояснений, однако в некоторых из них, в том числе и в английской UDB предполагается, что речь всё-таки идёт о Мардохее, переселённом из Иерусалима. EST 2 6 egm7 writing-background אֲשֶׁ֤ר הָגְלָה֙ מִ⁠יר֣וּשָׁלַ֔יִם 1 с иудейским царём Иехонией (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 6 zxc7 figs-explicit אֲשֶׁ֤ר הָגְלָה֙ מִ⁠יר֣וּשָׁלַ֔יִם 1 who had been exiled from Jerusalem If it would be clearer in your language, you could say where King Nebuchadnezzar brought the people that he took away from Jerusalem. Alternate translation: “had taken Kish away from Jerusalem … and brought him to Babylon.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 6 zxc9 grammar-connect-time-simultaneous עִ֖ם 1 along with This means that the two things happened at the same time. You can indicate this with a phrase like “at the same time that he took.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-time-simultaneous]]) EST 2 6 ch1t translate-names יְכָנְיָ֣ה מֶֽלֶךְ־יְהוּדָ֑ה 1 Jeconiah, the king of Judah In the historical passage where this event is described (2 Kings 24:8–17), this king is called Jehoiachin. That was another name by which he was known. You can call him Jehoiachin here in Esther if you think that would help your readers recognize him better. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 2 6 zxv1 translate-names אֲשֶׁ֣ר הֶגְלָ֔ה נְבוּכַדְנֶאצַּ֖ר מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶֽל 1 whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had exiled You can say where King Nebuchadnezzar brought this king when he took him away from Jerusalem. For example, you can say, “Nebuchadnezzar … took King Jehoiachin of Judah away from Jerusalem and brought him to Babylon.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 2 7 zxv3 וַ⁠יְהִ֨י 1 Свзующее утверждение: Здесь продолжаеся мысль о том, кем был Мардохей и кем он приходился Есфири (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]). EST 2 7 hfm9 בַּת־דֹּד֔⁠וֹ 1 Гадассы Это было еврейское имя Есфири (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 7 m9kx translate-names הֲדַסָּ֗ה הִ֤יא אֶסְתֵּר֙ 1 дочь его дяди "его двоюродная сестра" EST 2 7 zxv7 translate-names אֶסְתֵּר֙ 1 не было у неё ни отца, ни матери "её родители умерли" EST 2 7 ccb1 אֵ֥ין לָ֖⁠הּ אָ֣ב וָ⁠אֵ֑ם 1 взял её к себе вместо дочери "забоился о ней как о собственной дочери" EST 2 7 jd59 figs-parallelism וְ⁠הַ⁠נַּעֲרָ֤ה יְפַת־תֹּ֨אַר֙ וְ⁠טוֹבַ֣ת מַרְאֶ֔ה 1 Now the young woman was beautiful of form and pleasing of appearance These two phrases mean something similar. Separately, they could be saying that Esther was both sexually mature and very attractive. But taken together, they mean that, overall, she was very pleasant to look at. You could combine them, as UST does, and say that she was “exceptionally attractive” Alternate translation: “she had a lovely body and a beautiful face” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 2 7 skt5 writing-background וּ⁠בְ⁠מ֤וֹת אָבִ֨י⁠הָ֙ וְ⁠אִמָּ֔⁠הּ לְקָחָ֧⁠הּ מָרְדֳּכַ֛י ל֖⁠וֹ לְ⁠בַֽת 1 And at the death of her father and her mother, Mordecai had taken her for him as a daughter This is background information explaining the relationship between Mordecai and Esther. You can move it to right after the place where Esther is introduced by name because it describes what happened in the past, before Esther became a beautiful young woman. Alternate translation: “after her father and her mother had died, Mordecai had adopted her as his own daughter” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 2 8 zxv9 writing-newevent וַ⁠יְהִ֗י 1 Когда объявили приказ и указание царя Вместо страдательнго залога можно употребить действительный: "Когда слуги царя объявили о его приказе" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 8 zcv1 grammar-connect-time-simultaneous בְּ⁠הִשָּׁמַ֤ע דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ וְ⁠דָת֔⁠וֹ וּֽ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֞ץ נְעָר֥וֹת רַבּ֛וֹת 1 объявили "провозгласили" EST 2 8 zcv3 figs-activepassive בְּ⁠הִשָּׁמַ֤ע דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ וְ⁠דָת֔⁠וֹ וּֽ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֞ץ נְעָר֥וֹת רַבּ֛וֹת 1 были собраны многие девушки Здесь также можно употребить действительный залог: "слуги царя собрали большое количество девушек" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 8 c52i דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 под присмотр Гегая Можно уточнить: "и Гегай начал заботиться о них" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 8 zcv5 וְ⁠דָת֔⁠וֹ 1 тогда взяли и Есфирь в царский дом под присмотр Гегая, смотрителя женщин Или "Гегай - царский евнух - также начал заботиться о Есфири, когда слуги царя привели её в царский дворец" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 8 zcv7 figs-explicit בְּ⁠הִשָּׁמַ֤ע 1 в царский дом См., как вы перевели данную мысль в [Есфирь 1:5](../01/ EST 2 8 m3ld figs-activepassive וּֽ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֞ץ נְעָר֥וֹת רַבּ֛וֹת 1 and when many young women were gathered You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. See the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 2 8 jd65 translate-unknown שׁוּשַׁ֥ן הַ⁠בִּירָ֖ה 1 Susa the citadel Here again, this likely means “the capital city of Susa.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 8 mbk1 figs-metaphor אֶל־יַ֣ד הֵגָ֑י 1 into the hand of Hegai Here, **hand** is a metaphor meaning power, control, or authority. As the overseer of the women, Hegai was responsible for the women in the harem for virgins. You could say that the officers “put them under the custody of Hegai” or that “Hegai began to take care of them.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 2 8 zcv9 grammar-connect-time-simultaneous וַ⁠יְהִ֗י בְּ⁠הִשָּׁמַ֤ע…וּֽ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֞ץ…וַ⁠תִּלָּקַ֤ח 1 So it happened that, when…were heard, and when…were gathered…Esther was taken This means that Esther was brought to the harem of King Ahaserus at the same time as other young women were also being brought to the harem. You can say, “they brought Esther at the same time” or “they also brought Esther.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-time-simultaneous]]) EST 2 8 n3zc figs-activepassive וַ⁠תִּלָּקַ֤ח 1 that…Esther was taken You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “they brought Esther” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 2 8 zcb1 figs-explicit וַ⁠תִּלָּקַ֤ח 1 that…Esther was taken You can explain why this happened. For example, you can say, “Because Esther was exceptionally attractive, the officers also brought her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 8 zcb3 בֵּ֣ית הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 the house of the king Alternate translation: “the king’s palace” EST 2 8 jd71 figs-metaphor אֶל־יַ֥ד הֵגַ֖י שֹׁמֵ֥ר הַ⁠נָּשִֽׁים 1 into the hand of Hegai As earlier in this verse, this means under the custody of Hegai or that Hegai also began to take care of her. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 2 8 zcb5 writing-background שֹׁמֵ֥ר הַ⁠נָּשִֽׁים 1 who was overseer of the women This means that Hegai took care of the young women who lived in the harem for virgins. If it would be clearer in your language, you could move this information to earlier in the verse when Hegai is first mentioned because it explains why the young women were brought to him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 2 9 zcb7 וַ⁠תִּיטַ֨ב הַ⁠נַּעֲרָ֣ה בְ⁠עֵינָי⁠ו֮ וַ⁠תִּשָּׂ֣א חֶ֣סֶד לְ⁠פָנָי⁠ו֒ 1 Эта девушка понравилась его глазам и приобрела у него расположение Эти два выражения синонимичны, но употребляются вместе для усиления мысли о том, как силько Есфирь понравилась царю. Альтернативный перевод: "девушка очень ему понравилась" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]). EST 2 9 zcb9 figs-metonymy וַ⁠תִּיטַ֨ב הַ⁠נַּעֲרָ֣ה בְ⁠עֵינָי⁠ו֮ 1 Эта девушка "Есфирь" EST 2 9 f8i8 הַ⁠נַּעֲרָ֣ה 1 the young woman This means Esther. You should make sure that this is clear in your translation. EST 2 9 jd75 בְ⁠עֵינָי⁠ו֮ 1 in his eyes Here, **his** refers to Hegai. You should make sure that this clear in your translation. EST 2 9 jd77 figs-metonymy וַ⁠תִּשָּׂ֣א חֶ֣סֶד לְ⁠פָנָי⁠ו֒ 1 and she lifted kindness before his face Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. To say that she “lifted kindness before his face” is a rare expression in Hebrew, and the exact meaning is uncertain. In this context, it could even suggest that Esther and Hegai became friends. Alternate translation: “she won his favor” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 2 9 jd79 לְ⁠פָנָי⁠ו֒ 1 before his face Here, **his** refers to Hegai. You should make sure that this clear in your translation. EST 2 9 abc1 translate-unknown תַּמְרוּקֶ֤י⁠הָ 1 her ointments Alternate translation: “her beauty treatments,” as in [2:3](../02/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 9 abc2 מָנוֹתֶ֨⁠הָ֙ 1 her portions of food In context, this likely means that Hegai made sure that Esther was served good food that would keep her healthy. EST 2 9 abc3 שֶׁ֣בַע הַ⁠נְּעָר֔וֹת הָ⁠רְאֻי֥וֹת לָֽ⁠תֶת־לָ֖⁠הּ מִ⁠בֵּ֣ית הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 gave her seven young women chosen from the house of the king This means that Hegai chose seven female servants from the king’s palace and assigned them to take care of Esther. EST 2 9 abc4 וַ⁠יְשַׁנֶּ֧⁠הָ וְ⁠אֶת־נַעֲרוֹתֶ֛י⁠הָ 1 And he transferred her and her young women **Her** means Esther, and **her young women** means the female attendants Hegai assigned to her. EST 2 10 abc6 לֹא־הִגִּ֣ידָה אֶסְתֵּ֔ר אֶת־עַמָּ֖⁠הּ וְ⁠אֶת־מֽוֹלַדְתָּ֑⁠הּ 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 2 10 abc7 figs-doublet אֶת־עַמָּ֖⁠הּ וְ⁠אֶת־מֽוֹלַדְתָּ֑⁠הּ 1 her people or her ancestry These two short phrases mean almost the same thing. They are used together to emphasize that Esther followed Mordecai’s instructions exactly. You could combine them, as UST does, and say something like “what people group she was from.” Alternate translation: “Esther did not tell anyone that she was a Jew, and she did not tell anyone who her relatives were” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 2 10 abc8 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּ֧י מָרְדֳּכַ֛י צִוָּ֥ה עָלֶ֖י⁠הָ 1 for Mordecai had laid a charge upon her This is background information that explains why Esther did not tell anyone about her family or nationality. So you can say this first in the verse if that is clearer in your language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 2 10 abc9 צִוָּ֥ה עָלֶ֖י⁠הָ 1 had laid a charge upon her This means that Mordecai had gotten her to promise not to do it. EST 2 11 jd81 figs-idiom וּ⁠בְ⁠כָל־י֣וֹם וָ⁠י֔וֹם 1 чтобы узнать о здоровье Есфири "чтобы узнать, как она поживает" или "чтобы узнать о её благосостоянии" EST 2 11 abd1 מָרְדֳּכַי֙ מִתְהַלֵּ֔ךְ 1 Mordecai was walking about Express this in the way your language describes an action that someone repeats over and over. For example, you can say, “Mordecai would walk around.” EST 2 11 jd83 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֖י חֲצַ֣ר 1 before the face of the courtyard Here, **face** figuratively means the front of a place. So you could say, “in front of the courtyard.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 2 11 abd2 בֵּית־הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֑ים 1 the house of women Alternate translation: “the harem for virgins” EST 2 11 abd3 grammar-connect-logic-result לָ⁠דַ֨עַת֙ אֶת־שְׁל֣וֹם אֶסְתֵּ֔ר וּ⁠מַה־יֵּעָשֶׂ֖ה בָּֽ⁠הּ 1 in order to know the welfare of Esther and what was being done with her This is background information that explains why Mordecai would walk around in front of the courtyard. It was so that he could ask people who were going into or coming out of the courtyard how Esther was doing. You can place this first in the verse because it explains the rest of what is said, if that would be clearer in your language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 2 11 nz1p שְׁל֣וֹם אֶסְתֵּ֔ר 1 the welfare of Esther Alternate translation: “how Esther was doing” or “about Esther’s well-being” EST 2 11 abd4 figs-parallelism שְׁל֣וֹם אֶסְתֵּ֔ר וּ⁠מַה־יֵּעָשֶׂ֖ה בָּֽ⁠הּ 1 the welfare of Esther and what was being done with her These two phrases mean similar things. The story is using the repetition to emphasize how concerned Mordecai was for Esther. You could combine them and say, “how Esther was doing” or “if Esther was all right.”
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 2 12 jcj8 writing-background וּ⁠בְ⁠הַגִּ֡יעַ 1 Общая информация: В 12-14 стихах описывается жизнь царских наложниц (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]). EST 2 12 jd85 figs-idiom נַעֲרָ֨ה וְ⁠נַעֲרָ֜ה 1 после того, как каждая выполняла всё, что ей было определено "после того, как каждая выполняла все требования" EST 2 12 abd5 figs-explicit וּ⁠בְ⁠הַגִּ֡יעַ תֹּר֩…לָ⁠ב֣וֹא ׀ אֶל־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֗וֹשׁ 1 притиранья Речь идёт о косметических средствах, использующихся для того, чтобы сделать девушек более привлекательными. EST 2 12 p7i5 translate-unknown כְּ⁠דָ֤ת הַ⁠נָּשִׁים֙ 1 according to the law of women Here, **law** probably does not mean a legal decree, but rather a standard regimen that had been developed. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 12 abd7 writing-background כִּ֛י כֵּ֥ן יִמְלְא֖וּ יְמֵ֣י מְרוּקֵי⁠הֶ֑ן 1 For thus the days of their beautification would be fulfilled This phrase indicates that the story is now going to provide background information on how these treatments were done. It means, “This is how these women would spend the time preparing to go to the king.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 2 12 abd8 figs-explicit שִׁשָּׁ֤ה חֳדָשִׁים֙ בְּ⁠שֶׁ֣מֶן הַ⁠מֹּ֔ר 1 six months by oil of myrrh This means that a woman’s attendants would rub her body with olive oil mixed with myrrh every day for six months. You can explain this in more detail if your readers need this information to understand the story. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 12 abd9 בְּ⁠שֶׁ֣מֶן הַ⁠מֹּ֔ר 1 by oil of myrrh This likely means “olive oil mixed with myrrh.” EST 2 12 zhd1 translate-unknown וּ⁠בְ⁠תַמְרוּקֵ֖י הַ⁠נָּשִֽׁים 1 and by the ointments of women This means lotions designed for women. In 2:3 and 2:9, this one specific part of the program seems to be used figuratively to mean all of it, and so in those verses it can be translated “beauty treatments.” But it should be translated with a specific term or phrase here, such as “women’s lotions” or “feminine ointments” because it is named along with oils and perfumes as one component of the treatment. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 13 abd0 וּ⁠בָ⁠זֶ֕ה 1 ей предоставляли Вместо страдательного залога можно упоребить действительный: "слуги царя давали ей всё, чего бы она ни пожелала" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 13 abe0 figs-explicit הַֽ⁠נַּעֲרָ֖ה בָּאָ֣ה אֶל־הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 в дом царя См., как вы перевели это слово в [Есфирь 1:5](../01/ EST 2 13 abe1 figs-explicit כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֹּאמַ֜ר יִנָּ֤תֵֽן לָ⁠הּ֙ 1 Anything that she said would be given to her **Anything** most likely refers to clothing and jewelry. This phrase probably means that a woman could take any of those that she wanted from the harem for virgins and wear them when she went to the king’s palace. You could say that explicitly by saying, “A young woman could take whatever clothing and jewelry she wanted from the harem for virgins and wear them when she went to the king’s palace.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 13 v133 figs-activepassive כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֹּאמַ֜ר יִנָּ֤תֵֽן לָ⁠הּ֙ 1 Anything that she said would be given to her You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “she could take whatever she wanted” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 2 13 abe3 בֵּ֥ית הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the house of the king Alternate translation: “the king’s rooms” or “the king’s house” or “the king’s palace” EST 2 14 abe4 figs-explicit הִ֣יא בָאָ֗ה 1 Связующее утверждение: Дополнительная информация, начатая в [Есфирь 2:12](../02/ продолжается. Речь идёт о жизни царских наложниц (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]). EST 2 14 ded5 figs-explicit וּ֠⁠בַ⁠בֹּקֶר הִ֣יא שָׁבָ֞ה 1 утром То есть "на следующее утро". Можно уточнить: "на следующий день, утром" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 2 14 lq9h translate-ordinal בֵּ֤ית הַ⁠נָּשִׁים֙ שֵׁנִ֔י 1 в другой женский дом "в другой дом" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 2 14 yw63 אֶל־יַ֧ד שַֽׁעֲשְׁגַ֛ז סְרִ֥יס הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ שֹׁמֵ֣ר הַ⁠פִּֽילַגְשִׁ֑ים 1 под присмотр царского евнуха Шаазгаза, который был смотрителем наложниц "где евнух Шаазгаз заботился о наложницах царя" EST 2 14 ze74 figs-metaphor אֶל־יַ֧ד שַֽׁעֲשְׁגַ֛ז סְרִ֥יס הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ שֹׁמֵ֣ר הַ⁠פִּֽילַגְשִׁ֑ים 1 под присмотр "под надзор" или "под контроль" EST 2 14 q5yx translate-names שַֽׁעֲשְׁגַ֛ז 1 Шаазгаз Это мужское имя (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 14 abe5 translate-unknown סְרִ֥יס הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 the eunuch of the king See how you translated this term, **eunuch**, in [1:10](../01/ You could say “royal” rather than “of the king.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 14 abe6 שֹׁמֵ֣ר הַ⁠פִּֽילַגְשִׁ֑ים 1 the overseer of the concubines This means that Shaashgaz was the official who *took care of the concubines* or who was responsible for the concubines. EST 2 14 abe7 figs-explicit הַ⁠פִּֽילַגְשִׁ֑ים 1 the concubines As a **concubine**, the young woman was one of the king’s secondary wives. She would live in this harem for the rest of her life. She was not free to return to her family or to marry anybody else. If it would help your readers to understand the story, you could explain all or part of this to your readers here, if you did not do so in 2:12 or 2:13. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 2 14 abe8 לֹא־תָב֥וֹא עוֹד֙ אֶל־הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 She would not go to the king again Alternate translation: “She would not go and see the king again.” In verse 12, the Note mentioned that “go to the king” meant “have sexual relations with the king.” But for this occurrence of the expression, it is appropriate to use a more general phrase such as “visit the king” because there could be other, more social reasons for a further visit. The woman would now be a secondary wife, and the king would only send for her if he decided that he enjoyed being with her. EST 2 14 abe9 חָפֵ֥ץ בָּ֛⁠הּ 1 had delighted in her This means that he “had enjoyed being with her” or that she “had pleased the king very much.” EST 2 14 abf0 figs-activepassive וְ⁠נִקְרְאָ֥ה בְ⁠שֵֽׁם 1 and she was called by name You can say this with an active form. For example, you can say, “and the king asked for her by name” or “and called for her by name.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 2 15 fiy8 grammar-connect-logic-contrast וּ⁠בְ⁠הַגִּ֣יעַ תֹּר־אֶסְתֵּ֣ר…לָ⁠ב֣וֹא אֶל־הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 Когда настало время Есфири В повествовании начинают разворачиваться новые события (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-newevent]]). EST 2 15 jk51 figs-distinguish בַּת־אֲבִיחַ֣יִל דֹּ֣ד מָרְדֳּכַ֡י אֲשֶׁר֩ לָקַֽח־ל֨⁠וֹ לְ⁠בַ֜ת 1 дочери Аминадава, дяди Мардохея, который взял её к себе вместо дочери Это дополнительная информация, в которой собщается о том, в каком родстве Есфирь состояла с Мардохеем (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-newevent]]). EST 2 15 mg8y translate-names אֲבִיחַ֣יִל 1 Аминадав Аминадав был отцом Есфири и дядей Мардохея (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 15 qx3u figs-doublenegatives לֹ֤א בִקְשָׁה֙ דָּבָ֔ר כִּ֠י אִ֣ם אֶת־אֲשֶׁ֥ר יֹאמַ֛ר הֵגַ֥י 1 она не просила ничего, кроме Здесь можно использовать утвердительную конструкцию: "она просила только". EST 2 15 vw9r אֲשֶׁ֥ר יֹאמַ֛ר הֵגַ֥י 1 Гегай См., как вы перевели это имя в [Есфирь 2:3](../02/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 15 abf1 figs-explicit אֲשֶׁ֥ר יֹאמַ֛ר הֵגַ֥י 1 И приобрела Есфирь расположение к себе в глазах всех "Приобрести расположение" - значит "всем понравиться" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 2 15 abf2 figs-distinguish סְרִיס־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ שֹׁמֵ֣ר הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֑ים 1 the eunuch of the king who was overseer of the women This is saying that Hegai was the royal official responsible for the women in the harem for virgins. This is background information that reminds the reader who Hegai was by describing his responsibilities. You could also move this to the end of the verse and put it in parentheses. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish]]) EST 2 15 abf3 translate-unknown סְרִיס־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 the eunuch of the king See how you decided to translate the term **eunuch** in [1:10](../01/ You could say “royal” for “of the king.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 15 z519 figs-idiom נֹשֵׂ֣את חֵ֔ן בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֖י כָּל־רֹאֶֽי⁠הָ 1 a lifter of favor in the eyes of every man who saw her This is a rare expression in Hebrew, and the exact meaning is uncertain. In this context, the expression probably means that everyone who saw Esther dressed in the clothes she would wear for her visit to the king was very impressed with the way she looked. Alternate translation: “pleased all who saw her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 2 15 jd87 figs-metaphor בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֖י 1 in the eyes of Here, **eyes** is a metonym for seeing, and seeing is a metaphor for knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. In this context, the phrase probably means that everyone who saw Esther thought that she was either an attractive woman or a pleasant person, or both. Alternate translation: “in the judgment of” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 2 15 jd89 figs-gendernotations כָּל־רֹאֶֽי⁠הָ 1 every man who saw her This phrase can mean either **every man or every person who saw her**. Alternate translation: “every man who saw her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations]]) EST 2 16 jd91 figs-activepassive וַ⁠תִּלָּקַ֨ח אֶסְתֵּ֜ר 1 в десятом месяце, то есть в месяце Тебефе Тевет (Тебет; Тебеф) — десятый месяц священного еврейского года, начинающийся с конца декабря и длящийся до начала января (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]], [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]], [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 16 abf5 figs-abstractnouns אֶל־בֵּ֣ית מַלְכוּת֔⁠וֹ 1 на седьмом году "в седьмой год" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]). EST 2 16 jd92 translate-ordinal בַּ⁠חֹ֥דֶשׁ הָ⁠עֲשִׂירִ֖י 1 in the tenth month Alternate translation: “in month ten” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 2 16 jr5s translate-hebrewmonths הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ טֵבֵ֑ת 1 which is the month of Tebeth **Tebeth** is the name of the tenth month of the Hebrew calendar. Alternate translation: “that is, the month of Tebeth” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 2 16 abf6 חֹ֣דֶשׁ טֵבֵ֑ת 1 the month of Tebeth The story is being recorded from the perspective of the Persian court. But for the benefit of its intended Jewish audience, the Hebrew name of the month is given. EST 2 16 abf7 translate-unknown חֹ֣דֶשׁ טֵבֵ֑ת 1 the month of Tebeth You could convert the Hebrew days and months into approximate dates on the calendar that your culture uses. However, the Jews used a lunar calendar, so if you use a solar calendar, the dates will be different every year and the translation will not be quite accurate. So you may just want to provide the Hebrew days and months. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 16 x6yg translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁנַת־שֶׁ֖בַע לְ⁠מַלְכוּתֽ⁠וֹ 1 in the seventh year of his reign Alternate translation: “during the seventh year of the reign of Ahasuerus as king of Persia” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 2 17 p3s7 figs-parallelism וַ⁠יֶּאֱהַ֨ב הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ אֶת־אֶסְתֵּר֙ מִ⁠כָּל־הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֔ים וַ⁠תִּשָּׂא־חֵ֥ן וָ⁠חֶ֛סֶד לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו מִ⁠כָּל־הַ⁠בְּתוּלֹ֑ת 1 Царь полюбил Есфирь Речь идёт о любви как о романтическом чувстве. EST 2 17 abf8 figs-explicit מִ⁠כָּל־הַ⁠נָּשִׁ֔ים 1 Она приобрела его милость и расположение Это устойчивое выражение указывает на то, насколько сильно Есфирь понравилась царю. Альтернативный перевод: "она очень ему понравилась" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]). EST 2 17 bcu8 figs-idiom וַ⁠תִּשָּׂא־חֵ֥ן וָ⁠חֶ֛סֶד לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו 1 Он одел ей на голову царский венец То есть царь сделал её царицей (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 2 17 abf9 figs-doublet וַ⁠תִּשָּׂא־חֵ֥ן וָ⁠חֶ֛סֶד לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו 1 And she lifted both favor and kindness before his face **Favor** and **kindness** mean similar things and are probably used together here to strengthen a single idea. Alternate translation: “he was very pleased with her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 2 17 jd93 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו 1 before his face Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 2 17 sym3 translate-symaction וַ⁠יָּ֤שֶׂם כֶּֽתֶר־מַלְכוּת֙ בְּ⁠רֹאשָׁ֔⁠הּ 1 So he set a crown of royalty on her head Ahasuerus did this to show that he was making Esther his queen. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 2 17 abg0 figs-abstractnouns כֶּֽתֶר־מַלְכוּת֙ 1 a crown of royalty To translate the abstract noun **royalty**, you can use an adjective such as a “royal” crown. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 2 18 abg1 figs-explicit וַ⁠יַּ֨עַשׂ הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ מִשְׁתֶּ֣ה גָד֗וֹל 1 устроил большой пир ради Есфири Или "он устрои пир в честь Есфири". EST 2 18 b1hd translate-names מִשְׁתֵּ֣ה אֶסְתֵּ֑ר 1 Также сделал освобождение от налогов областям "стал брать меньше налогов с провинций" EST 2 18 ufm8 translate-unknown וַ⁠הֲנָחָ֤ה לַ⁠מְּדִינוֹת֙ עָשָׂ֔ה 1 областям Область - это большая территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления) См., как вы перевели аналогичное понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 2 18 jd95 figs-metonymy כְּ⁠יַ֥ד הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 с царской щедростью "с такой щедростью, на которую был способен только царь" EST 2 19 g38f grammar-connect-time-sequential וּ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֥ץ בְּתוּל֖וֹת שֵׁנִ֑ית 1 Когда во второй раз собраны были девушки Неясно, когда именно это поизошло и по какой причине. Данная фраза может по-разному излагаться в разных версиях. Постарайтесь перевести её без изменений. EST 2 19 p842 figs-explicit וּ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֥ץ בְּתוּל֖וֹת שֵׁנִ֑ית 1 во второй раз "повторно" или "ещё раз" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 2 19 abg2 figs-activepassive וּ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֥ץ בְּתוּל֖וֹת שֵׁנִ֑ית 1 Мардохей сидел у царских ворот Возможные значения: 1) Мардохей сидел там, чтобы узнавать от проходящих мимо людей о благосостоянии Есфири; 2)"сидеть у царских ворот" - это идиома, означающая, что Мардохей получил от царя привилегированное положение. EST 2 19 ang3 grammar-connect-time-simultaneous וּ⁠בְ⁠הִקָּבֵ֥ץ בְּתוּל֖וֹת שֵׁנִ֑ית וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֖י 1 у царских ворот "у ворот в царский дворец" EST 2 19 a23f figs-idiom וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֖י יֹשֵׁ֥ב בְּ⁠שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 Mordecai was then sitting at the gate of the king Possible meanings are: (1) **Sitting at the king’s gate** is an idiom meaning that Mordecai worked for the king in some capacity and was stationed at the gate. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) (2) Mordecai sat there so he could hear about how Esther was doing from the many people who passed through the gate. EST 2 19 i8in בְּ⁠שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 at the gate of the king Alternate translation: “the gate to the king’s house” or “the gate to the king’s palace” EST 2 20 abg5 figs-doublet מֽוֹלַדְתָּ⁠הּ֙ וְ⁠אֶת־עַמָּ֔⁠הּ 1 Как приказал Мардохей Мардохей повелел Есфири никому не говорить о её происхождении. EST 2 20 fb39 כַּ⁠אֲשֶׁ֛ר צִוָּ֥ה עָלֶ֖י⁠הָ מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 according to the charge that Mordecai had laid upon her Alternate translation: “just as Mordecai had instructed her” or “as Mordecai had made her promise” or “because Mordecai had warned her not to tell anyone” EST 2 21 vi16 grammar-connect-time-simultaneous בַּ⁠יָּמִ֣ים הָ⁠הֵ֔ם 1 В это время В повествовании начинается новая часть (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-newevent]]). EST 2 21 abg7 figs-explicit וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֖י יֹשֵׁ֣ב בְּ⁠שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 Гавафа и Фарра Это мужские имена (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 2 21 abg8 figs-idiom יֹשֵׁ֣ב בְּ⁠שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 was sitting at the gate of the king As in verse 19, this is likely an idiom that means that Mordecai worked for the king in some capacity and was stationed at the gate where officials met to make important decisions. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 2 21 y2vl translate-names בִּגְתָ֨ן וָ⁠תֶ֜רֶשׁ 1 Bigthan and Teresh These are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 2 21 abg9 translate-unknown שְׁנֵֽי־סָרִיסֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 two eunuchs of the king See how you translated this term in [1:10](../01/ For the phrase **of the king**, you can say “royal.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 21 abh0 מִ⁠שֹּׁמְרֵ֣י הַ⁠סַּ֔ף 1 who were guardians of the doorway In this case the men were not guardians of one of the harems but guardians of the king’s private rooms. You could say, “they guarded the doorway to the king’s private rooms” or “they protected the doorway to the king’s private quarters.” EST 2 21 abh1 figs-metaphor וַ⁠יְבַקְשׁוּ֙ 1 and they sought Here, **seeking** figuratively means actively trying to do something. Alternate translation: “they were plotting” or “they wanted to find a way” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 2 21 jd97 figs-idiom לִ⁠שְׁלֹ֣חַ יָ֔ד 1 to stretch out a hand Here the expression **to stretch out a hand** means to cause someone physical harm with the intention of killing him. You could say, “they were planning to assassinate him.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 2 22 y7tv figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּוָּדַ֤ע הַ⁠דָּבָר֙ לְ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֔י 1 Узнав об этом, Мардохей Можно уточнить: "Когда Мардохей узнал о заговоре". EST 2 22 abh2 וַ⁠יַּגֵּ֖ד לְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֑ה 1 слова Мардохея "передала их от лица Мардохея" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 2 22 dgp3 figs-idiom בְּ⁠שֵׁ֥ם מָרְדֳּכָֽי 1 in the name of Mordecai This expression means that Esther passed the information along to King Ahasuerus on Mordecai’s behalf or that she told the king the information had come from Mordecai. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 2 23 abh3 grammar-connect-time-sequential וַ⁠יְבֻקַּ֤שׁ הַ⁠דָּבָר֙ וַ⁠יִּמָּצֵ֔א וַ⁠יִּתָּל֥וּ שְׁנֵי⁠הֶ֖ם עַל־עֵ֑ץ 1 Дело было расследовано. Это оказалось правдой. И их обоих повесили на дереве Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Царь расследовал это дело и, когда его подозрения подтвердились, он приказал своим слугам повесить преступников" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 23 ld4y figs-activepassive וַ⁠יְבֻקַּ֤שׁ הַ⁠דָּבָר֙ וַ⁠יִּמָּצֵ֔א 1 повесили Или "повесили на виселице" ("виселица" - это сооружение, состоящее из двух столбов с перекладиной, к которой крепилась веревка, свободный конец которой как петля одевался на шею человека. Альтернативный перевод: "казнили через повешение" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]). EST 2 23 abh4 figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּתָּל֥וּ שְׁנֵי⁠הֶ֖ם עַל־עֵ֑ץ 1 а о добром деле Мардохея было записано в книгу Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "слуги царя записали дело Мардохея в книгу" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 2 23 y28j translate-unknown עַל־עֵ֑ץ 1 on a tree Here, **tree** could mean a live tree or anything that is made from a tree, meaning that is made of wood. This could be any kind of pole or wooden structure that would be used to suspend someone above the ground and could be used as a means of killing the person or to display the person’s body after the person is dead. This might mean: (1) by hanging them from it with a rope tied around the neck, or (2) by impaling them on it, that is, by sticking a sharp point on one end of a pole through their body. You could translate this as “a wooden pole” or “a gallows.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 2 23 g9nh figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּכָּתֵ֗ב 1 And it was written You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. You can say, for example, “The king’s scribes recorded an account of this.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 2 23 abh5 figs-idiom בְּ⁠סֵ֛פֶר דִּבְרֵ֥י הַ⁠יָּמִ֖ים 1 the book of the events of days This is an idiom that describes a regular record of the events in a king’s reign. You could call this “the royal chronicles.” Alternate translation: “the daily record book” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 2 23 abh6 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 before the face of the king Here, **face** refers figuratively to the presence of a person. The phrase means that the scribes wrote this account while King Ahasuerus was personally present. You could say that they did this in the king’s presence. Alternate translation: “the king watched a scribe write this down” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 3 intro zb26 0 # Есфирь 03 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Аман издаёт указ об истреблении еврейского народа #####

Если бы Мардохей пал ниц перед Аманом, это бы означило, что он поклонился этому человеку. Однако человек не должен поклоняться людям, но только Богу. То есть Мардохей отказался поклоняться Аману из духовных соображений. Поступок Мардохея привёл Амана в ярость и побудил издать указ об истреблении еврейского народа по всей Персидской империи.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 03:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../02/ | [>>](../04/ EST 3 1 mm4c writing-newevent אַחַ֣ר ׀ הַ⁠דְּבָרִ֣ים הָ⁠אֵ֗לֶּה 1 После этого В повествовании начинают разворачиваться новые события (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-newevent]]). EST 3 1 abh7 grammar-connect-time-sequential אַחַ֣ר ׀ הַ⁠דְּבָרִ֣ים הָ⁠אֵ֗לֶּה 1 вугеянину Аману, сына Амадафа Речь идёт об Амане - одном из царских чиновников (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 3 1 ir5v translate-names הָמָ֧ן 1 поставил его трон выше всех своих правителей "Трон" указывает на позицию среди государственных властей. Альтернативный перевод: "повысил над всеми остальными государственными деятелями" или "дал власть над остальными государственными чиновниками" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 3 1 abh8 translate-names בֶּֽן־הַמְּדָ֛תָא הָ⁠אֲגָגִ֖י 1 the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite These are the names of Haman’s father and Haman’s people group. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 3 1 abh9 figs-explicit גִּדַּל֩…אֲחַשְׁוֵר֜וֹשׁ אֶת־הָמָ֧ן 1 Ahasuerus made Haman…great This means that Ahasuerus **promoted** Haman. It’s implied in the story that Haman was already one of Ahasuerus’s officials, but that he was now being promoted to a higher position. You could say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 1 abi0 figs-doublet וַֽ⁠יְנַשְּׂאֵ֑⁠הוּ וַ⁠יָּ֨שֶׂם֙ אֶת־כִּסְא֔⁠וֹ מֵ⁠עַ֕ל כָּל־הַ⁠שָּׂרִ֖ים 1 He lifted him up and placed his seat of authority from over all the officials These two phrases mean the same thing. They are used together to emphasize that the king was making Haman very powerful. You could combine them and say something like, “the king gave Haman a very high position that was over all of his other officials.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 3 1 pl9i figs-metaphor וַֽ⁠יְנַשְּׂאֵ֑⁠הוּ 1 He lifted him up Here, **lifting** is a metaphor meaning to advance or promote a person to a higher, more important position than they held previously. Alternate translation: “he gave him a more important position” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 3 1 ptm4 figs-idiom כִּסְא֔⁠וֹ 1 his seat of authority Here, **seat of authority** means Haman’s position or status in the Persian government. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 1 abi1 figs-abstractnouns כִּסְא֔⁠וֹ 1 his seat of authority You can translate the abstract noun “authority” by using a concrete noun for this whole phrase. For example, you can say, “his position.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 3 1 abi2 מֵ⁠עַ֕ל כָּל־הַ⁠שָּׂרִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר אִתּֽ⁠וֹ 1 from over all the officials who were with him **Him** in this phrase may refer to the king. You could say that “the king promoted him above his other officials” or “gave him more authority than all of his other officials” or that “Haman became more important than all of his other officials.” EST 3 2 abi3 figs-metonymy וְ⁠כָל־עַבְדֵ֨י הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ אֲשֶׁר־בְּ⁠שַׁ֣עַר הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 кланялись и падали лицом вниз Это был жест подчинения власти Амана (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 3 2 abi4 figs-explicit וְ⁠כָל־עַבְדֵ֨י הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ…כֹּרְעִ֤ים וּ⁠מִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִים֙ לְ⁠הָמָ֔ן 1 падали лицом вниз перед Аманом "выражали своё смирение, падая лицом вниз перед Аманом" EST 3 2 e25k translate-symaction כֹּרְעִ֤ים וּ⁠מִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִים֙ 1 were bowing down and prostrating themselves This means that the other officials humbled themselves and lay flat on the ground before Haman. These actions represented recognition and respect for the very high position that the king had given him in the Persian government. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 3 2 abi5 figs-doublet כֹּרְעִ֤ים וּ⁠מִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִים֙ 1 were bowing down and prostrating themselves These two phrases mean basically the same thing. The repetition is used to emphasize that the officials knew how important it was to obey the king’s command and honor Haman in this way. You could combine them as UST does and say something like “bow down all the way to the ground.” Alternate translation: “bowing and lying down on the ground” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 3 2 fg8v וּ⁠מִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִים֙ 1 and prostrating themselves to Haman This means bowing down all the way to the ground. EST 3 2 jd99 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּי־כֵ֖ן צִוָּה־ל֣⁠וֹ 1 for thus the king had commanded concerning him If that would be clearer in your language, you can put this information first in the verse because it explains the reason why all the other officials were bowing to Haman. See the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 3 2 abi6 figs-explicit כִּי־כֵ֖ן צִוָּה־ל֣⁠וֹ 1 for thus the king had commanded concerning him The king did this as a sign of Haman’s new position. You can state this here or in a separate sentence, as in the UST. Alternate translation: “the king had commanded them to do this in order to show that he had given Haman such a high position” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 2 abi7 figs-parallelism וּ⁠מָ֨רְדֳּכַ֔י לֹ֥א יִכְרַ֖ע וְ⁠לֹ֥א יִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֶֽה 1 But Mordecai would neither bow down nor would he prostrate himself These two phrases mean basically the same thing. The repetition is used to emphasize how serious an offense this was against the king’s command and how much determination it took for Mordecai to remain standing. You could combine these phrases as UST does and say, “But Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman.” Alternate translation: “Mordecai did not bow down or lie on the ground” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 3 2 abi8 figs-explicit וּ⁠מָ֨רְדֳּכַ֔י לֹ֥א יִכְרַ֖ע וְ⁠לֹ֥א יִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֶֽה 1 But Mordecai would neither bow down nor would he prostrate himself It appears that as a Jew, Mordecai considered it wrong to worship anyone other than Yahweh, and that he believed he would be worshiping Haman if he bowed down low to the ground to honor him. So, on religious grounds, Mordecai refused to bow down. You can say this explicitly if it would make your translation clearer. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 3 abi9 עַבְדֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ אֲשֶׁר־בְּ⁠שַׁ֥עַר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 3 3 abj0 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֨אמְר֜וּ…לְ⁠מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 said to Mordecai They spoke to Mordecai because they saw that he did not bow down. You can say this explicitly if that would be clearer in your language. You can say, for example, “The other officials saw that, and they asked Mordecai.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 3 abj1 מַדּ֨וּעַ֙ אַתָּ֣ה עוֹבֵ֔ר אֵ֖ת מִצְוַ֥ת הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 Why are you trespassing the command of the king? Alternative translation: “why are you disobeying the king’s command” or “why are you not obeying what the king commanded” EST 3 4 jd3r figs-explicit ב⁠אמר⁠ם אֵלָי⁠ו֙ 1 чтобы посмотреть, останется ли верен своему слову Мардохей "чтобы посмотреть, какие действия Аман предпримет относительно Мардохея" EST 3 4 jd1r figs-idiom י֣וֹם וָ⁠י֔וֹם 1 day by day This expression means “every day.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 4 abj2 figs-idiom וַ⁠יְהִ֗י ב⁠אמר⁠ם אֵלָי⁠ו֙…וְ⁠לֹ֥א שָׁמַ֖ע אֲלֵי⁠הֶ֑ם 1 Now it happened that, when they spoke…he did not listen to them. Here, **he did not listen** means he did not heed their warning or he did not do what they said. Mordecai heard them, but he did not do what they advised him to do. This means that even though the other officials questioned him and probably warned him, he still refused to bow down. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 4 uek4 figs-idiom וַ⁠יַּגִּ֣ידוּ לְ⁠הָמָ֗ן לִ⁠רְאוֹת֙ הֲ⁠יַֽעַמְדוּ֙ דִּבְרֵ֣י מָרְדֳּכַ֔י 1 So they told Haman to see if the words of Mordecai would stand In this context, **standing** figuratively means to survive a challenge, and **words** means the reasons that Mordecai gave for his actions. This phrase means that the other officials told Haman about it to see if he would tolerate it. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 4 abj3 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּֽי־הִגִּ֥יד לָ⁠הֶ֖ם אֲשֶׁר־ה֥וּא יְהוּדִֽי 1 for he had told them that he was a Jew This is the answer that Mordecai gave the other officials when they asked him why he refused to bow down to Haman. If that would be clearer in your language, you can put it first in the verse because it explains everything that happens afterwards. Alternate translation: “Mordecai told them that he was a Jew, and that Jews would bow down only to God” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 3 4 abj4 figs-explicit כִּֽי־הִגִּ֥יד לָ⁠הֶ֖ם אֲשֶׁר־ה֥וּא יְהוּדִֽי 1 for he had told them that he was a Jew Mordecai’s explanation would have included the fact that Jews would only worship Yahweh. You could say that explicitly if that would be clearer in your language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 5 abj5 figs-metaphor וַ⁠יַּ֣רְא הָמָ֔ן 1 не кланяется и не падает лицом вниз Отказавшись кланяться Аману, Мардохей открыто продемонстрировал непочительное оношение к положению царского чиновника (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 3 5 njt5 figs-parallelism אֵ֣ין מָרְדֳּכַ֔י כֹּרֵ֥עַ וּ⁠מִֽשְׁתַּחֲוֶ֖ה ל֑⁠וֹ 1 он разгневался Или "пришёл в ярость", "весьма разгневался". EST 3 5 wk8p figs-metaphor וַ⁠יִּמָּלֵ֥א הָמָ֖ן חֵמָֽה 1 And Haman was filled with rage Here, **Haman’s rage** is spoken of as something that could fill him up. You could say that he was furious or extremely angry. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 3 6 k5h9 figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּ֣בֶז בְּ⁠עֵינָ֗י⁠ו 1 Ему показалось ничтожным убить одного Мардохея "Ему было мало убить только Мардохея", "он решил убить не только Мардохея, но и". EST 3 6 abj6 figs-explicit וַ⁠יִּ֣בֶז בְּ⁠עֵינָ֗י⁠ו 1 задумал убить всех иудеев "задумал истребить всех иудеев" или "решил уничтожить всех евреев" EST 3 6 abj7 וַ⁠יִּ֣בֶז 1 it was despised **Despise** in this context means not to hate but to think little of or think something is too small. This expression means that Haman decided it would not be enough just to kill Mordecai alone. EST 3 6 jd9r figs-metaphor בְּ⁠עֵינָ֗י⁠ו 1 in his eyes Here, **eyes** stand for “seeing,” and in this case “seeing” figuratively means judgment. This phrase means in Haman’s judgment. Alternate translation: “as he saw it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 3 6 abj8 לִ⁠שְׁלֹ֤ח יָד֙ בְּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֣י לְ⁠בַדּ֔⁠וֹ 1 to stretch out a hand against Mordecai alone Alternate translation: “he rejected the idea of killing only Mordecai” or “he decided to kill more than just Mordecai” or “he decided that it would not be enough to get rid of only Mordecai” EST 3 6 j11r figs-idiom לִ⁠שְׁלֹ֤ח יָד֙ 1 to stretch out a hand As in [2:21](../02/, the expression **to stretch out a hand** means to cause someone physical harm with the intention of killing them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 6 abj9 כִּֽי־הִגִּ֥ידוּ ל֖⁠וֹ אֶת־עַ֣ם מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 for they had told him the people of Mordecai **They** means the other royal officials. **Him** refers to Haman. **The people of Mordecai** means the Jews. Mordecai had told these officials that he would not bow down to Haman because Jews worshiped only God. So this means that the other officials had told Haman that Mordecai was not bowing down to him because he was a Jew. EST 3 6 hue9 figs-metaphor וַ⁠יְבַקֵּ֣שׁ הָמָ֗ן לְ⁠הַשְׁמִ֧יד 1 So Haman sought to annihilate Here, **seeking** figuratively means trying to do something. In this context, it means that Haman decided that he would try to kill all the Jews. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 3 6 abk0 בְּ⁠כָל־מַלְכ֥וּת אֲחַשְׁוֵר֖וֹשׁ 1 in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus This means in the entire empire that King Ahasuerus ruled. EST 3 6 abk1 figs-doublet הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֛ים…עַ֥ם מָרְדֳּכָֽי 1 the Jews, the people of Mordecai These two phrases refer to the same group of people. The repetition emphasizes how great the threat was to their existence. You could combine them as UST does and say something like “all of the Jews.” Alternate translation: “Mordecai’s people, the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 3 7 zl12 translate-ordinal בַּ⁠חֹ֤דֶשׁ הָ⁠רִאשׁוֹן֙ 1 В первый месяц "В 1-й месяц" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]). EST 3 7 wyv6 translate-hebrewmonths הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ נִיסָ֔ן 1 то есть месяц Нисан Нисан - 1-й месяц в еврейском календаре (он длится с марта по апрель) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 3 7 abk2 translate-unknown חֹ֣דֶשׁ נִיסָ֔ן 1 в двенадцатый год правления царя Артаксеркса "На 12-й год царствования Артаксеркса" или "спустя 12 лет после восхождения Артаксеркса на трон" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]). EST 3 7 tw99 translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁנַת֙ שְׁתֵּ֣ים עֶשְׂרֵ֔ה לַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֑וֹשׁ 1 пур, то есть жребий "бросали жребий или "пур"" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 3 7 g4lt translate-names הִפִּ֣יל פּוּר֩ ה֨וּא הַ⁠גּוֹרָ֜ל 1 на двенадцатый "на 12-й месяц" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]). EST 3 7 abk3 translate-unknown הַ⁠גּוֹרָ֜ל 1 то есть на месяц Адар Адар - 12-й и последний месяц в иудейском календаре (он длится марта по апрель) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 3 7 abk4 figs-activepassive הִפִּ֣יל פּוּר֩ 1 a Pur…was cast You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. You can say, for example, “Haman had his servants cast a Pur.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 3 7 abk5 grammar-connect-logic-result הִפִּ֣יל פּוּר֩ 1 a Pur…was cast If that would be clearer in your language, you can put this information first because it explains the rest of what happens in this verse. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 3 7 j13r figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הָמָ֗ן 1 before the face of Haman Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. In this context, the phrase means that Haman was physically present when the lot was cast. Alternate translation: “as Haman watched” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 3 7 j15r מִ⁠יּ֧וֹם ׀ לְ⁠י֛וֹם וּ⁠מֵ⁠חֹ֛דֶשׁ לְ⁠חֹ֥דֶשׁ 1 from day to day and from month to month This expression means that the lot was cast to select a particular day of the month and a particular month of the year. EST 3 7 j17r figs-explicit מִ⁠יּ֧וֹם ׀ לְ⁠י֛וֹם וּ⁠מֵ⁠חֹ֛דֶשׁ לְ⁠חֹ֥דֶשׁ 1 from day to day and from month to month Haman was casting the lot to determine the best day and the best month to kill the Jews. You can say that explicitly if that would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “to determine the best day and the best month to kill the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 7 ih4b translate-hebrewmonths שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר הוּא־חֹ֥דֶשׁ אֲדָֽר 1 the twelfth, which is the month of Adar **Adar** is the name of the twelfth and last month of the Hebrew calendar. This name occurs several times in the story. Be sure to translate it consistently. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 3 7 abk6 שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר הוּא־חֹ֥דֶשׁ אֲדָֽר 1 the twelfth, which is the month of Adar See how you decided in [2:16](../02/ and the first part of this verse to represent the dates that are given in the Hebrew calendar in the book of Esther. Be consistent. EST 3 7 abk7 figs-explicit שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר הוּא־חֹ֥דֶשׁ אֲדָֽר 1 the twelfth, which is the month of Adar This means that the lot indicated the twelfth month of that year as the time for Haman to carry out his plan. You can say that explicitly if that would be clearer in your language. (The day that was chosen is reported in verse 13.) Alternate Translation: “the lot indicated the twelfth month, the month of Adar, as the best month to kill the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 7 k3vd translate-ordinal שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר 1 the twelfth Alternative translation: “month twelve” or “the twelfth month” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 3 8 abk8 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֤אמֶר הָמָן֙ לַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֔וֹשׁ 1 Есть один народ "Есть одни люди" (речь идёт о евреях). EST 3 8 aig9 translate-numbers יֶשְׁנ֣⁠וֹ עַם־אֶחָ֗ד 1 разбросанный и рассеянный "живущие по разным местам" EST 3 8 p4a8 figs-doublet מְפֻזָּ֤ר וּ⁠מְפֹרָד֙ 1 по всем областям Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления ею). См., как вы перевели данное понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 3 8 abk9 בֵּ֣ין הָֽ⁠עַמִּ֔ים בְּ⁠כֹ֖ל מְדִינ֣וֹת מַלְכוּתֶ֑⁠ךָ 1 Царю не следует так оставлять их Аман обращается к царю в третьем лице для выражения своего почтения. Альтернативный перевод: "тебе не следует так оставлять их" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 3 8 abl0 וְ⁠דָתֵי⁠הֶ֞ם שֹׁנ֣וֹת מִ⁠כָּל־עָ֗ם וְ⁠אֶת־דָּתֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ אֵינָ֣⁠ם עֹשִׂ֔ים 1 Царю не следует так оставлять их Или "царь не должен позволять им оставаться". Вместо отрицательной конструкции можно употребить утвердительную: "царь должен избавиться от них". EST 3 8 r34x figs-123person דָּתֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 the laws of the king Haman speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. You could have him say, “your laws.” Or you could indicate this respect another way by having Haman begin by saying, “Your Majesty.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 3 8 bf9g וְ⁠לַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ אֵין־שֹׁוֶ֖ה לְ⁠הַנִּיחָֽ⁠ם 1 And there is no profit to the king to leave them untouched Haman is saying, “It is not good for you to allow them to live in your empire.” This can also be stated without the negative. Alternate translation: “the king should remove them” or “you should remove them” EST 3 8 j19r figs-123person וְ⁠לַ⁠מֶּ֥לֶךְ 1 no profit to the king Haman speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. You could express the same meaning in the second person by saying, “not good for you.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 3 9 abl1 figs-123person אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ ט֔וֹב 1 И я дам десять тысяч талантов серебра в руки служащих "В руки служащих" - значит "исполнителям приказа". "Дам" - то есть "заплачу". Альтернативный перевод: "я заплачу исполнителям твоего приказа десять тысяч талантов серебра" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 3 9 abl2 figs-idiom אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ ט֔וֹב 1 десять тысяч талантов сереб "330 тонн серебра" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bmoney]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 3 9 abl3 figs-activepassive יִכָּתֵ֖ב 1 let it be written You can say this with an active form, and you can say who would do the action. For example, you can say, “the king could write a decree” or “you could write a decree.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 3 9 abl4 לְ⁠אַבְּדָ֑⁠ם 1 to destroy them This means that the decree would say that all the Jews should be killed. EST 3 9 eh3w figs-idiom אֶשְׁקוֹל֙ עַל־יְדֵי֙ עֹשֵׂ֣י הַ⁠מְּלָאכָ֔ה 1 I will weigh out…into the hands of the doers of the work This could mean either of two possibilities: (1) Haman could mean that the king’s men will be able to collect a huge amount of money from the plunder that they would get from the Jews. Referring to the weight would be a way of saying, “I guarantee that it will be at least that much.” This reasoning agrees with 3:13, where the king’s letter specifies that those who kill the Jews can take their plunder. Alternate translation: “we will get so much plunder that the officers you send will be able to bring back” (Also see UST) (2) “**Weigh out into the hands**” could be an idiom that means Haman himself will pay the officers who will put the plan into effect. Haman will not do this personally, but it means that he will take responsibility for paying them from his own resources. Alternate translation: “From my own resources I will pay … to the men who do the work” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 9 lhv5 translate-bmoney וַ⁠עֲשֶׂ֨רֶת אֲלָפִ֜ים כִּכַּר־כֶּ֗סֶף 1 10,000 talents of silver This would be worth over $300 million at current prices in 2020. But since prices vary over time, if you expressed the value in modern measurements, that could cause your Bible translation to become outdated and inaccurate. Instead you could express the amount using the ancient measurement, the talent, and explain in a note that a talent was equivalent to about 30 kilograms. Alternatively, you could specify the weight of the silver in the text, as UST does in metric tons. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bmoney]]) EST 3 9 vm59 figs-hyperbole אֲלָפִ֜ים כִּכַּר־כֶּ֗סֶף 1 The **talent** was the largest unit of money and **10,000** was the largest number in the counting system of the time. It is possible that Haman used these terms to represent a very large, but not precise, amount. Alternate translation: “a huge amount of silver” or “enormous amounts of silver” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]) EST 3 9 abl5 עֹשֵׂ֣י הַ⁠מְּלָאכָ֔ה 1 the doers of the work This could mean: (1) those who work for the king in general (administrators) or (2) more specifically the officers whom Ahasuerus would send around the empire to organize the killing of the Jews. EST 3 9 abl7 figs-123person גִּנְזֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the treasuries of the king Haman speaks to the king in third person as a form of respect. You could also have him speak of “your royal treasuries.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 3 10 abl8 figs-explicit וַ⁠יָּ֧סַר הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ אֶת־טַבַּעְתּ֖⁠וֹ מֵ⁠עַ֣ל יָד֑⁠וֹ וַֽ⁠יִּתְּנָ֗⁠הּ לְ⁠הָמָ֧ן 1 перстень На царском перстне была выгравирована печать царя, с помощью которой скреплялся правительственный указ. EST 3 10 abl9 translate-symaction וַ⁠יָּ֧סַר הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ אֶת־טַבַּעְתּ֖⁠וֹ מֵ⁠עַ֣ל יָד֑⁠וֹ וַֽ⁠יִּתְּנָ֗⁠הּ לְ⁠הָמָ֧ן 1 Then the king removed his signet ring from on his hand **Giving the ring to Haman** showed that Haman could act on the king’s own authority. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “the king gave Haman the power to act on his authority to carry out the plan. To show that, he gave Haman the ring he wore that had his official seal on it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 3 10 c9md translate-unknown טַבַּעְתּ֖⁠וֹ 1 his signet ring This was a special ring that could be used to imprint the king’s official seal on a law or decree. This ring had the king’s name or mark on it. When he put a wax seal on important papers, he would press the mark onto the seal. If a paper had this mark on its seal, people would know that what was written on the paper was written with the king’s authority and had to be obeyed. You could describe this as “the ring he wore that had his official seal on it.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 3 10 abm0 בֶּֽן־הַמְּדָ֛תָא הָ⁠אֲגָגִ֖י 1 the son of Hammedatha the Agagite This information about Haman’s identity is repeated to stress that the king giving him the signet ring was an official legal act that transferred power to him. (In the same way, legal documents today often use a person’s full name and other identifying information.) If you repeat this information in your own translation, your readers should see this significance. EST 3 10 abm1 figs-distinguish צֹרֵ֥ר הַ⁠יְּהוּדִֽים 1 the adversary of the Jews This phrase gives clarifying information about Haman. It means that he had become “the enemy of the Jews.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish]]) EST 3 11 sz4b figs-activepassive הַ⁠כֶּ֖סֶף נָת֣וּן לָ֑⁠ךְ 1 Отдаю тебе серебро и этот народ, поступи с ним, как пожелаешь Значение данной фразы не совсем ясно. Возможные значения: 1) "я возвращаю тебе твоё серебро"; 2) "возьми деньги и поступи так, как считаешь нужным" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 11 abm2 figs-metaphor וְ⁠הָ⁠עָ֕ם לַ⁠עֲשׂ֥וֹת בּ֖⁠וֹ כַּ⁠טּ֥וֹב בְּ⁠עֵינֶֽי⁠ךָ 1 and the people, to do with them as is good in your eyes Here, **eyes** figuratively represent seeing, and seeing is a metaphor for knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. The king is telling Haman that **he can do whatever he wants to the Jews**. Alternate translation: “you can do to the Jews as you see fit” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 3 12 hx6c figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּקָּרְאוּ֩ סֹפְרֵ֨י הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ 1 были призваны царские писари, и было написано, как приказал Аман Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "царь созвал писарей, и они записали указ Амана" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 12 t6qa translate-hebrewmonths בַּ⁠חֹ֣דֶשׁ הָ⁠רִאשׁ֗וֹן בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֨ה עָשָׂ֣ר יוֹם֮ בּ⁠וֹ֒ 1 В тринадцатый день первого месяца Речь идёт о первом месяце в иудейском календаре (о начале апреля) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]). EST 3 12 abm3 בַּ⁠חֹ֣דֶשׁ הָ⁠רִאשׁ֗וֹן בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֨ה עָשָׂ֣ר יוֹם֮ בּ⁠וֹ֒ 1 к царским сатрапам "к областным правителям" EST 3 12 abm4 figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּכָּתֵ֣ב כְּֽ⁠כָל־אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֣ה הָמָ֡ן 1 Всё было написано от имени царя Артаксеркса и скреплено царским перстнем Здесь можно употребиь действительный залог: "Они написали указ от имени Артаксеркса, и Аман запечатал его царским перстнем" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 12 abm5 translate-unknown אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנֵֽי־הַ֠⁠מֶּלֶךְ 1 от имени "От имени" - значит "по приказу". Альтернативный перевод: "согласно воле царя" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 3 12 j23r figs-idiom מְדִינָ֣ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֗ה 1 province by province This expression means every province**.** See how you translated this in 1:22. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 12 abm7 שָׂ֤רֵי עַם֙ וָ⁠עָ֔ם 1 the officials of people by people Alternate translation: “the leaders of each people group” EST 3 12 j25r figs-idiom עַם֙ וָ⁠עָ֔ם 1 people by people This expression means every people group**.** See how you translated this in [1:22](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 12 j27r figs-idiom מְדִינָ֤ה וּ⁠מְדִינָה֙ כִּ⁠כְתָבָ֔⁠הּ 1 province by province according to its writing See how you translated this in [1:22](../01/ Alternate translation: “to each province using its own alphabet” or “written in its own script” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 12 abm8 figs-explicit מְדִינָ֤ה וּ⁠מְדִינָה֙ כִּ⁠כְתָבָ֔⁠הּ 1 province by province according to its writing The implication is that the scribes translated the letter and sent it to each province using its own alphabet. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 12 j31r figs-idiom וְ⁠עַ֥ם וָ⁠עָ֖ם כִּ⁠לְשׁוֹנ֑⁠וֹ 1 and to people by people according to its own tongue See how you translated this expression in [1:22](../01/ Alternate translation: “and to each people group in its own language” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 3 12 j33r figs-metonymy כִּ⁠לְשׁוֹנ֑⁠וֹ 1 according to its tongue Here, **tongue** is a metonym meaning the language spoken by a person or a group of people. Alternate translation: “according to its language” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 3 12 abm9 figs-metaphor בְּ⁠שֵׁ֨ם הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹשׁ֙ נִכְתָּ֔ב 1 In the name of the king Ahasuerus it was written There are two possible meanings: (1) Here, **name** could mean the authority of the king. This would be saying that Haman’s letter had the same authority as it would have had if the king had sent it himself. Alternate translation: “Haman sent the letter under the king’s own authority” (2) However, this could also mean that Haman actually had the scribes sign the king’s name to the letter. Alternate translation: “they signed the king’s name at the end of the letters” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 3 12 lyf2 figs-activepassive נִכְתָּ֔ב וְ⁠נֶחְתָּ֖ם בְּ⁠טַבַּ֥עַת הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 It was written, and it was sealed with the signet ring of the king You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. Alternate translation: “to show that he was sending the letter under the king’s own authority, Haman sealed each copy of the letter with the ring that had the king’s official seal on it,” or “the scribes signed the king’s name at the end of the letters. Then they sealed the letters with wax, and stamped the wax by using the king’s ring” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 3 13 hxx6 figs-activepassive וְ⁠נִשְׁל֨וֹחַ סְפָרִ֜ים 1 Письма были отправлены через посланников Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "Гонцы доставили послание" или "гонцы передали указ" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 13 j34r figs-metaphor בְּ⁠יַ֣ד הָ⁠רָצִים֮ 1 убить, уничтожить и истребить Это синонимы, употребляющиеся вместе для усиления мысли. Альтернативный перевод: "полностью уничтожить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]). EST 3 13 abn0 figs-metonymy אֶל־כָּל־מְדִינ֣וֹת הַ⁠מֶּלֶךְ֒ 1 в тринадцатый день двенадцатого месяца "на 13-й день 12-го месяца" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]). EST 3 13 xs6g figs-doublet לְ⁠הַשְׁמִ֡יד לַ⁠הֲרֹ֣ג וּ⁠לְ⁠אַבֵּ֣ד 1 то есть месяца Адара Адар - это 12-й и последний месяц еврейского календаря (длится с февраля по март) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 3 13 abn1 figs-merism מִ⁠נַּ֨עַר וְ⁠עַד־זָקֵ֜ן 1 разграбить "силой отнять" EST 3 13 abn2 טַ֤ף וְ⁠נָשִׁים֙ 1 children and women Alternate translation: “including the children and the women” EST 3 13 j35r translate-numbers בְּ⁠י֣וֹם אֶחָ֔ד 1 on one day Alternate translation: “on a single day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 3 13 abn3 figs-explicit בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֥ה עָשָׂ֛ר 1 on the thirteenth of the twelfth month Implicitly, this means “the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of that same year.” If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 13 g5br translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֥ה עָשָׂ֛ר 1 on the thirteenth Alternate translation: “on day thirteen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 3 13 j36r translate-ordinal לְ⁠חֹ֥דֶשׁ שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר 1 of the twelfth month Alternate translation: “of month twelve” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 3 13 i5ur translate-hebrewmonths הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֑ר 1 which is the month of Adar This is the name of the twelfth month of the Hebrew calendar. See how you decided in 2:16 and 3:7 to express dates that the story gives according to the Hebrew calendar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 3 13 pbp1 וּ⁠שְׁלָלָ֖⁠ם לָ⁠בֽוֹז 1 and to plunder their spoils This means that the letters also said that those who killed the Jews could take everything that belonged to them. EST 3 14 tj7n figs-activepassive הַ⁠כְּתָ֗ב לְ⁠הִנָּ֤תֵֽן דָּת֙ בְּ⁠כָל־מְדִינָ֣ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֔ה 1 Список с приказа отдать в каждую область Можно уточнить: "Областные начальники должны были сделать копию приказа" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 14 vga2 figs-idiom בְּ⁠כָל־מְדִינָ֣ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֔ה 1 область Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления). См., как вы перевели аналогичное понятие в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 3 14 l9w7 figs-activepassive הַ⁠כְּתָ֗ב…גָּל֖וּי לְ⁠כָל־הָֽ⁠עַמִּ֑ים 1 область как закон, объявляемый для всех народов Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "они сообщили жителям каждой провинции о" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 14 f6dc לִ⁠הְי֥וֹת עֲתִדִ֖ים לַ⁠יּ֥וֹם הַ⁠זֶּֽה 1 к тому дню "к этому событию" EST 3 15 abn4 הָֽ⁠רָצִ֞ים יָצְא֤וּ דְחוּפִים֙ בִּ⁠דְבַ֣ר הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 был объявлен приказ Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Они объявили приказ" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 3 15 abn5 figs-explicit הָֽ⁠רָצִ֞ים יָצְא֤וּ דְחוּפִים֙ בִּ⁠דְבַ֣ר הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 В столице Столица представляла собой укреплённый город. См., как вы перевели это слово в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ EST 3 15 i12c figs-activepassive וְ⁠הַ⁠דָּ֥ת נִתְּנָ֖ה 1 Сузы См., как вы перевели это слово в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 3 15 nlk8 translate-unknown בְּ⁠שׁוּשַׁ֣ן הַ⁠בִּירָ֑ה 1 был в смятении "был в панике" EST 3 15 abn6 figs-synecdoche יָשְׁב֣וּ לִ⁠שְׁתּ֔וֹת 1 sat down to drink (1) This could mean that Ahasuerus and Haman had more than just a drink together. This could be a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to mean the whole thing. They may have celebrated with an entire banquet that is being described here by reference to one part of it, the drinks. Alternate translation: “had a celebration feast together” (2) Another possibility is that this is describing a toast that Ahasuerus and Haman shared to celebrate their plan. “Sat down” would simply be describing how the men would have reclined at a table to drink. Alternate translation: “had a celebration toast” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) EST 3 15 wm4u figs-explicit נָבֽוֹכָה 1 the city of Susa was in confusion The implication is that the people in Susa were very upset about what was going to happen and they did not know what to do about it. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 3 15 wbgv grammar-connect-logic-contrast וְ⁠הָ⁠עִ֥יר 1 The author wants us to see the contrast between the king and Haman sitting down to relax and drink and the people in the city agitated and in an uproar over what the king and Haman had proclaimed. Use a connecting word or other way that your language uses to show a contrast.
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast]]) EST 3 15 abn7 figs-metonymy וְ⁠הָ⁠עִ֥יר שׁוּשָׁ֖ן 1 but the city of Susa This does not mean the city itself, but the people who live there. This is a figure of speech in which something is called not by its own name, but by the name of something closely associated with it. So this means “everyone who lived in Susa” or the people in Susa (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 3 15 abn8 figs-abstractnouns נָבֽוֹכָה 1 was in confusion You can translate the abstract noun **confusion** with a verbal phrase such as “was very confused.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 4 intro z7u2 0 # Есфирь 04 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Мардохей побуждает Есфирь действовать #####

Мардохей говорит Есфири, что она должа молить царя о помиловании иудеев, поставив под угрозу собственную жизнь.

#### Прочие трудности, встречающиеся при переводе данной главы ####

##### Скрытая (подразумеваемая) информация #####

В предложении "Кто знает, не для этого ли времени ты достигла царского звания?" есть скрытая информация, которую переводчики могут не понять. Автор имеет в виду следующее: "Возможно, Бог сделал тебя царицей для того, чтобы ты спасла евреев!" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]).

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 04:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../03/ | [>>](../05/ EST 4 1 j37r writing-participants וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֗י יָדַע֙ 1 узнал обо всём, что происходило "узнал об указе" EST 4 1 nya6 כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר נַעֲשָׂ֔ה 1 то разорвал свою одежду, надел на себя лохмотья, посыпал себя пеплом Эти действия символизировали глубокую скорбь. Альтернативный перевод: "разорвал свою одежду, надел лохмотья и посыпал себя пеплом в знак великой скорби" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 4 1 vgy8 translate-symaction וַ⁠יִּקְרַ֤ע מָרְדֳּכַי֙ אֶת־בְּגָדָ֔י⁠ו וַ⁠יִּלְבַּ֥שׁ שַׂ֖ק וָ⁠אֵ֑פֶר 1 he tore his garments and put on sackcloth and ashes These actions demonstrate extreme sadness. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 4 1 abn9 figs-explicit וַ⁠יִּקְרַ֤ע מָרְדֳּכַי֙ אֶת־בְּגָדָ֔י⁠ו וַ⁠יִּלְבַּ֥שׁ שַׂ֖ק וָ⁠אֵ֑פֶר 1 he tore his garments and put on sackcloth and ashes You can explain why Mordecai did this. Alternate translation: “he was so anguished that he tore his clothes and put on rough sackcloth and threw ashes over himself” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 1 abo0 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֵּצֵא֙ בְּ⁠ת֣וֹךְ הָ⁠עִ֔יר 1 he went out into the midst of the city The next verse shows that Mordecai was heading towards the king’s palace. You could say that explicitly here. Mordecai might have wanted to call attention to the danger that the Jews were in by going to a public location where people were used to seeing him. Or he might have wanted to contact Esther and ask her to help with the trouble. Or he might have wanted both. Alternate translation: “he started walking towards the city center, towards the king’s palace” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 1 abo1 figs-doublet וַ⁠יִּזְעַ֛ק זְעָקָ֥ה גְדֹלָ֖ה וּ⁠מָרָֽה 1 and cried out a great and bitter outcry **Great** and **bitter** are two words that refer to the same thing and that work together. They indicate that Mordecai’s cry was so loud because it was so anguished. Alternate translation: “cried out in anguish” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 4 2 abo2 וַ⁠יָּב֕וֹא 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 2 j38r figs-metonymy עַ֖ד לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 only as far as before the face of the gate of the king Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of an object. The phrase means that Mordecai could not come inside the gate to the king’s palace, but had to wait just outside of it. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 4 2 abo3 שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 the gate of the king See how you translated this in [2:19](../02/ Alternate translation: “the gate to the king’s palace” EST 4 2 abo4 grammar-connect-logic-result אֵ֥ין לָ⁠ב֛וֹא אֶל־שַׁ֥עַר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ בִּ⁠לְב֥וּשׁ שָֽׂק 1 no one was to come into the gate of the king while wearing sackcloth Alternate translation: “But no one who was wearing sackcloth was allowed inside the palace gates” If it would be clearer in your language, you can put this information first in the verse because it explains why Mordecai waited outside. See the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 4 3 e73y figs-idiom וּ⁠בְ⁠כָל־מְדִינָ֣ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֗ה 1 В каждой области Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления государством). См., как вы перевели аналогичное слово в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 4 3 abo5 מְקוֹם֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ וְ⁠דָת⁠וֹ֙ מַגִּ֔יעַ 1 была огромная скорбь среди иудеев "иудеи глубоко скорбели" EST 4 3 abo6 figs-doublet דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ וְ⁠דָת⁠וֹ֙ 1 лохмотья и пепел служили постелью для многих "Многие люди лежали на земле, одетые в лохмотья и покрытые пеплом" EST 4 3 e7zx אֵ֤בֶל גָּדוֹל֙ לַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים 1 there was great mourning by the Jews Alternate translation: “the Jews mourned greatly” or “when the Jews heard about it, they mourned greatly” EST 4 3 abo7 figs-explicit וְ⁠צ֥וֹם 1 and fasting **Fasting** is a sign of mourning. If your readers would not understand this, you could state it explicitly. Alternate translation: “they went without food because they were so upset” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 3 abo8 figs-doublet וּ⁠בְכִ֖י וּ⁠מִסְפֵּ֑ד 1 weeping, and lamenting These two words mean basically the same thing. The repetition is used to emphasize how distressed the Jews were. Alternate translation: “wailed loudly” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 4 3 djf6 translate-symaction שַׂ֣ק וָ⁠אֵ֔פֶר יֻצַּ֖ע לָֽ⁠רַבִּֽים 1 sackcloth and ashes were laid out by the multitudes These were actions that demonstrated deep grief. “Many of them lay on the ground, dressed in sackcloth and sitting in ashes” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 4 4 q7ll נַעֲר֨וֹת אֶסְתֵּ֤ר 1 служанки Есфири и её евнухи "слуги и служанки Есфири" EST 4 4 abo9 translate-unknown וְ⁠סָרִיסֶ֨י⁠הָ֙ 1 одежду, чтобы Мардохей надел её "одежду для Мардохея" EST 4 4 abp0 figs-explicit וַ⁠יַּגִּ֣ידוּ לָ֔⁠הּ 1 and they told her That is, they told her that Mordecai was sitting outside the gate wearing sackcloth. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly, as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 4 abp1 figs-activepassive וַ⁠תִּתְחַלְחַ֥ל הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֖ה מְאֹ֑ד 1 even the queen was seized with extreme fear **The queen** means Esther. You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “Esther herself became very afraid” or “this made the queen very distressed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 4 4 abp2 figs-explicit וַ⁠תִּתְחַלְחַ֥ל הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֖ה מְאֹ֑ד 1 even the queen was seized with extreme fear The implication is that this happened when she heard what Mordecai was doing. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. Alternate translation: “When she heard about this, Esther herself became very afraid” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 4 y8bc translate-symaction וַ⁠תִּשְׁלַ֨ח בְּגָדִ֜ים לְ⁠הַלְבִּ֣ישׁ אֶֽת־מָרְדֳּכַ֗י 1 she sent garments to clothe Mordecai and to take off his sackcloth from upon him **She** means Esther. This was her way of encouraging Mordecai to be hopeful and act publicly as if whatever situation he was worried about were not completely desperate. Alternate translation: “she sent servants to take to Mordecai some good clothes to wear” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 4 4 abp3 translate-symaction וְ⁠לֹ֥א קִבֵּֽל 1 he did not accept Alternate translation: “he refused to put them on” This was Mordecai’s way of replying to Esther that the situation truly was desperate. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 4 5 abp4 וַ⁠תִּקְרָא֩ אֶסְתֵּ֨ר לַ⁠הֲתָ֜ךְ מִ⁠סָּרִיסֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 Гафах Это мужское имя (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 4 5 vf4m translate-names לַ⁠הֲתָ֜ךְ 1 одного из евнухов царя, которого он приставил к ней Или "царского евнуха, приставленного к ней царём" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 4 5 lp8m writing-background מִ⁠סָּרִיסֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר הֶעֱמִ֣יד לְ⁠פָנֶ֔י⁠הָ 1 from the eunuchs of the king whom he had caused to stand before her face Alternate translation: “who was one of the royal guardians whom the king had assigned to serve Esther personally” You can put this information first because it provides background information. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 4 5 icg7 translate-unknown מִ⁠סָּרִיסֵ֤י 1 from the eunuchs of See how you translated this term **eunuch** in [1:10](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 4 5 j39r figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנֶ֔י⁠הָ 1 before her face Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. This phrase means that the guardians served Esther personally. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 4 5 abp6 figs-parallelism לָ⁠דַ֥עַת מַה־זֶּ֖ה וְ⁠עַל־מַה־זֶּֽה 1 to know what this was and on account of what this was These two phrases mean similar things. In both cases, “this” refers to what Mordecai was doing. The repetition is used to emphasize that Esther now knew there must be a very serious reason why Mordecai was wearing sackcloth in such a public place. Alternate translation: “to find out why he was so distressed that he was sitting at the palace gate wearing sackcloth” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 4 6 abp7 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֵּצֵ֥א הֲתָ֖ךְ אֶֽל־מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 Гафах См., как это имя переведено в [Есфирь 4:5](../04/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 4 6 mgl5 רְח֣וֹב הָ⁠עִ֔יר 1 на городскую площадь "на рыночную площадь" EST 4 6 j41r figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י 1 before the face of Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of an object. The phrase means that the open square was in front of the palace gate. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 4 6 abp8 figs-metonymy שַֽׁעַר־הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the gate of the king Alternate translation: “the citadel gate” The citadel is being described by reference to something associated with it, the gate that leads into it. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 4 7 zq3s figs-synecdoche אֵ֖ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר קָרָ֑⁠הוּ 1 Аман См., как это имя переведено в [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 4 7 abp9 פָּרָשַׁ֣ת הַ⁠כֶּ֗סֶף אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָמַ֤ר הָמָן֙ לִ֠⁠שְׁקוֹל עַל־גִּנְזֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ בַּיְּהוּדִ֖ים לְ⁠אַבְּדָֽ⁠ם 1 the exact amount of silver that Haman had said to weigh out in the treasuries of the king, against, to destroy them This could mean either of two possibilities: (1) the amount of silver that Haman said the king would get for his treasury from the plunder that the people who destroyed the Jews would take from them, or (2) the amount of silver that Haman had said he would contribute to pay for the expenses of the plan to destroy the Jews. You could say either one as an alternate translation, but it should agree with your interpretation of [3:9](../03/ EST 4 8 j43r פַּתְשֶׁ֣גֶן כְּתָֽב־הַ֠⁠דָּת 1 Он вручил "Мардохей дал Гафаху" EST 4 8 zt49 figs-activepassive הַ֠⁠דָּת אֲשֶׁר־נִתַּ֨ן בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֤ן 1 молила его о помиловании "молила царя о помиловании" EST 4 8 abq0 לְ⁠הַשְׁמִידָ⁠ם֙ 1 to annihilate them Alternative translation: “that said that all the Jews must be killed” EST 4 8 abq1 figs-parallelism לְ⁠הַרְא֥וֹת אֶת־אֶסְתֵּ֖ר וּ⁠לְ⁠הַגִּ֣יד לָ֑⁠הּ 1 in order to show Esther, and to inform her These two phrases mean similar things. They are repeated to emphasize how important Mordecai knew it was for Esther to understand just what Haman was planning. “so that Esther could see exactly what it said.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 4 8 abq2 וּ⁠לְ⁠צַוּ֣וֹת עָלֶ֗י⁠הָ 1 and to lay a charge upon her Alternate translation: “and to urge her” EST 4 8 gds6 figs-doublet לְ⁠הִֽתְחַנֶּן־ל֛⁠וֹ וּ⁠לְ⁠בַקֵּ֥שׁ 1 to implore his favor and to seek These two phrases mean similar things. They are repeated to emphasize the force of the action that Mordecai felt was needed. Alternate translation: “to plead with him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 4 8 j47r figs-metonymy מִ⁠לְּ⁠פָנָ֖י⁠ו 1 to go to the king…from before his face Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. In this context, the phrase means that Esther should go into the presence of the king to ask personally for the king’s intervention. Alternate translation: “to go to the king personally” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 4 8 abq3 עַל־עַמָּֽ⁠הּ 1 concerning her people Alternate translation: “to act mercifully toward her people” EST 4 9 27e4 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 10 abq5 וַ⁠תֹּ֤אמֶר אֶסְתֵּר֙ לַ⁠הֲתָ֔ךְ וַ⁠תְּצַוֵּ֖⁠הוּ אֶֽל־מָרְדֳּכָֽי 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 11 abq6 figs-merism כָּל־עַבְדֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֡לֶךְ וְ⁠עַם־מְדִינ֨וֹת הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ יֽוֹדְעִ֗ים 1 каждому... кто войдёт к царю во внутренний двор без приглашения, один суд — смерть. Только тот, к кому царь протянет свой золотой скипетр, останется жив Альтернативный перевод: "ни одному мужчине или женщине не разрешается входить к царю во внутренний двор, если только царь сам их не позовёт. Человек, нарушивший этот закон, будет казнен (если только царь не протянет к нему свой золотой скипетр"). EST 4 11 abq7 כָּל־עַבְדֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֡לֶךְ וְ⁠עַם־מְדִינ֨וֹת הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ יֽוֹדְעִ֗ים 1 тридцать дней "30 дней" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 4 11 d9mh figs-merism כָּל־אִ֣ישׁ וְ⁠אִשָּׁ֡ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר 1 for any man or woman Here, Esther once again refers to a group figuratively by describing two parts of it. She means all of the people whom Ahasuerus rules as king. If it would be clearer in your language, you could combine these phrases and say something like “anyone”. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]) EST 4 11 abq8 translate-symaction יָבֽוֹא־אֶל־הַ⁠מֶּלֶךְ֩ אֶל־הֶ⁠חָצֵ֨ר הַ⁠פְּנִימִ֜ית 1 who goes to the king, to the inner court As [5:1](../05/ makes clear, this refers to a courtyard right outside the room where King Ahasuerus sat on his throne. He could see out of the entrance to the room into the courtyard and tell if anyone came and stood there. Anyone who did that was asking to speak to the king. Alternate translation: “who goes into the inner courtyard of the palace, where the king can see them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 4 11 abq9 figs-activepassive אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹֽא־יִקָּרֵ֗א 1 who has not been called If it would help your readers to understand, you can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. Alternate translation: “when the king has not summoned that person” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 4 11 abr0 אַחַ֤ת דָּת⁠וֹ֙ 1 his law is one Alternate translation: “this law applies to everyone in the kingdom” If that would be clearer in your language, you could put this after the explanation of the law itself. EST 4 11 abr1 לְ⁠הָמִ֔ית 1 to cause to die Alternate translation: “that person must be executed” or “the guards will kill that person” EST 4 11 abr2 translate-symaction לְ֠⁠בַד מֵ⁠אֲשֶׁ֨ר יֽוֹשִׁיט־ל֥⁠וֹ הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ אֶת־שַׁרְבִ֥יט הַ⁠זָּהָ֖ב 1 apart from when the king holds out to him the scepter of gold, then he will live If the king pointed his scepter toward a person, that meant that the king was accepting him. Alternate translation: “unless the king extends his golden scepter towards him”
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 4 11 abr3 translate-unknown שַׁרְבִ֥יט הַ⁠זָּהָ֖ב 1 the scepter of gold A scepter was an ornamental staff or wand that rulers carried or held as a symbol of their authority. According to this, the scepter of King Ahasuerus was made of gold. Alternate translation: “golden scepter” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 4 11 ilp4 figs-explicit וְ⁠חָיָ֑ה 1 This means that the guards will not kill this person and he can proceed to speak to the king. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “then the guards will not kill him and he can speak to the king” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 11 abr4 figs-explicit וַ⁠אֲנִ֗י לֹ֤א נִקְרֵ֨אתי֙ לָ⁠ב֣וֹא אֶל־הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ זֶ֖ה שְׁלוֹשִׁ֥ים יֽוֹם 1 But as for me, I have not been called to come to the king these thirty days Esther is saying by implication that she cannot speak to the king as Mordecai has requested because the king has not been calling for her, which would have given her an opportunity to speak to him. If she goes without being summoned, she could be put to death. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly, as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 4 11 j49r grammar-connect-logic-contrast וַ⁠אֲנִ֗י 1 But as for me This expression indicates a contrast between Esther’s present situation and the situation she has just described. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast]]) EST 4 11 abr5 זֶ֖ה שְׁלוֹשִׁ֥ים יֽוֹם 1 these 30 days The phrase means that Esther has not been called in the king’s presence for a period of at least 30 days. You could use an equivalent expression in your language that would indicate this is a long enough time that Esther has reason to believe the king is not interested in seeing her. Alternate translation: “in over a month” EST 4 11 gv1v translate-numbers זֶ֖ה שְׁלוֹשִׁ֥ים יֽוֹם 1 these 30 days Alternate translation: “thirty days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 4 12 abr6 וַ⁠יַּגִּ֣ידוּ לְ⁠מָרְדֳּכָ֔י 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 13 abr7 וַ⁠יֹּ֥אמֶר מָרְדֳּכַ֖י לְ⁠הָשִׁ֣יב אֶל־אֶסְתֵּ֑ר 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 14 i1uy figs-personification רֶ֣וַח וְ⁠הַצָּלָ֞ה יַעֲמ֤וֹד לַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֙ מִ⁠מָּק֣וֹם אַחֵ֔ר 1 свобода и спасение придёт для иудеев из другого места Здесь свобода и спасение персонифицируются. Альтернаивный перевод: "Бог изберёт другого человека, чтобы он спас евреев" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]]). EST 4 14 t3k7 figs-doublet רֶ֣וַח וְ⁠הַצָּלָ֞ה 1 Кто знает, не для этого ли времени ты достигла царского звания? Мардохей задаёт Есфири этот вопрос для того, чтобы она глубоко задумалась о своей роли в данной ситуации. Альтернативный перевод: "Кто знает, не для этого ли времени Бог сделал тебя царицей?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]). EST 4 14 abs0 וְ⁠אַ֥תְּ וּ⁠בֵית־אָבִ֖י⁠ךְ תֹּאבֵ֑דוּ 1 but you and the house of your father will perish Alternate translation: “you and your relatives will be killed” The implication is that the Jews will be rescued starting in that other place, but the ones living in Susa will still be in danger because no one who could have helped them there (such as Esther) would have done anything. EST 4 14 dtg7 figs-rquestion וּ⁠מִ֣י יוֹדֵ֔עַ אִם־לְ⁠עֵ֣ת כָּ⁠זֹ֔את הִגַּ֖עַתְּ לַ⁠מַּלְכֽוּת 1 And who knows if you have arrived at royalty for such a time as this? This is really a statement, and it is about what is happening right then. Mordecai asks it in question form so that Esther will think deeply about her role in this situation. Alternate translation: “who knows, perhaps it was to intervene in this very situation that you became queen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]) EST 4 15 94ef Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 16 d6cq figs-activepassive כָּל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֜ים הַֽ⁠נִּמְצְאִ֣ים בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֗ן 1 в Сузах См., как переведено название этого города в [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 4 16 t2wg translate-symaction וְ⁠צ֣וּמוּ עָ֠לַ⁠י 1 поститесь за меня... Я... буду также поститься Пост - это символический акт, которым сопровождается усиленная молитва. Вы можете уточнить: "поститесь и молитесь за меня... Я... буду также поститься и молиться" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 4 16 qw8v translate-numbers וְ⁠אַל־תֹּאכְל֨וּ וְ⁠אַל־תִּשְׁתּ֜וּ שְׁלֹ֤שֶׁת יָמִים֙ לַ֣יְלָה וָ⁠י֔וֹם 1 три дня "3 дня" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 4 16 j51r גַּם־אֲנִ֥י וְ⁠נַעֲרֹתַ֖⁠י אָצ֣וּם כֵּ֑ן 1 Also, I myself and my young female attendants will fast likewise Alternate translation: “my maids and I will also fast” EST 4 16 abs2 וּ⁠בְ⁠כֵ֞ן 1 Then, in such circumstances Alternate translation: “after we have all done that, and while still fasting” EST 4 16 abs3 אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֹֽא־כַ⁠דָּ֔ת 1 which is not according to the law Alternate translation: “even though there is a law against going without being summoned” EST 4 16 abs4 וְ⁠כַ⁠אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָבַ֖דְתִּי אָבָֽדְתִּי 1 and if I perish, I perish Alternate translation: “then if they kill me, they kill me” EST 4 17 abs5 figs-explicit וַֽ⁠יַּעֲבֹ֖ר מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 4 17 abs6 כְּ⁠כֹ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־צִוְּתָ֥ה עָלָ֖י⁠ו אֶסְתֵּֽר 1 according to the whole charge that Esther had laid upon him Alternate translation: “everything that Esther had told him to do” EST 5 intro k5ff 0 # Есфирь 05 Общие замечания #

#### Структура и оформление ####

С этой главы начинаеся история о падении Амана (см. 5-7 главы).

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Почтительное поведение Есфири #####

Есфирь проявила к царю глубокое почтение. Её отношение вызвало в царе ответное почтение (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]).

## Ссылка: ##

* __[Есфирь 05:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../04/ | [>>](../06/ EST 5 1 j53r writing-newevent וַ⁠יְהִ֣י ׀ בַּ⁠יּ֣וֹם הַ⁠שְּׁלִישִׁ֗י 1 стоящую во дворе "стуящую у входа" или "находившуюся у входа" EST 5 1 abs7 figs-abstractnouns וַ⁠תִּלְבַּ֤שׁ אֶסְתֵּר֙ מַלְכ֔וּת 1 Esther put on royalty You can use an adjective and a concrete noun to translate the abstract noun “royalty,” as in the UST, or you could use a phrase to explain what they were. Alternate translation: “Esther put on the robes that showed that she was the queen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 5 1 abs8 figs-explicit וַ⁠תִּלְבַּ֤שׁ אֶסְתֵּר֙ מַלְכ֔וּת 1 Esther put on royalty It is clear from the story that before she went to see the king, Esther got a banquet ready so that she could invite him and Haman to come to it right away. If it is confusing to leave that out, you can explain that here. Alternate translation, add: “Esther prepared a grand banquet and then put on her royal robes” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 1 abs9 בַּ⁠חֲצַ֤ר בֵּית־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ הַ⁠פְּנִימִ֔ית 1 the inner court of the palace of the king See how you translated this in [4:11](../04/ Alternate translation: “the inner courtyard of the palace” EST 5 1 uk7p נֹ֖כַח בֵּ֣ית הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 opposite to the house of the king Alternate translation: “across from the room where the king was” EST 5 1 abt0 figs-abstractnouns וְ֠⁠הַ⁠מֶּלֶךְ יוֹשֵׁ֞ב עַל־כִּסֵּ֤א מַלְכוּת⁠וֹ֙ בְּ⁠בֵ֣ית הַ⁠מַּלְכ֔וּת 1 sitting on the throne of his royalty in the palace of royalty **Royalty** is an abstract noun that refers to those things that belonged only to the king. You can translate this idea with a verb, “the throne he ruled from” and “the palace where he reigned,” or with an adjective, “his royal throne” and “his royal palace.” Alternate translation: “in the throne room of the palace, sitting on the king’s throne” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 5 1 j55r נֹ֖כַח פֶּ֥תַח הַ⁠בָּֽיִת 1 opposite to the entrance of the palace Alternate translation: “facing the entrance of the room” EST 5 2 abt1 grammar-connect-time-sequential וַ⁠יְהִי֩ 1 она приобрела милость в его глазах Это метафора, употребляющаяся в значении "царь явил ей свою милость", "царь был доволен её приходом" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 5 2 abt2 כִ⁠רְא֨וֹת 1 Царь протянул к Есфири золотой скипетр, который был в его руке Этот жест символизировал царскую милость. EST 5 2 j57r figs-idiom נָשְׂאָ֥ה חֵ֖ן בְּ⁠עֵינָ֑י⁠ו 1 коснулась конца скипетра Возможно, это был акт почтения, который Есфирь выразила по отношению к царской власти, или же знак благодарности. EST 5 2 pw4x figs-metaphor נָשְׂאָ֥ה חֵ֖ן בְּ⁠עֵינָ֑י⁠ו 1 she lifted favor in his eyes Here, **eyes** figuratively represent seeing, and seeing is a metaphor for knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. This phrase means that King Ahasuerus decided not to kill Esther for coming into the inner court without being summoned. Alternate translation: “he was very pleased to see her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 5 2 uu8s translate-symaction וַ⁠יּ֨וֹשֶׁט הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ לְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֗ר אֶת־שַׁרְבִ֤יט הַ⁠זָּהָב֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּ⁠יָד֔⁠וֹ 1 And the king held out to her the golden scepter that was in his hand King Ahasuerus did this to show that he would not enforce the law that said that Esther should be executed for coming into the king’s inner court without being summoned. See how you translated this in 4:11. Alternate translation: “he extended the gold scepter toward her.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 5 2 abt3 figs-explicit וַ⁠יּ֨וֹשֶׁט הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ לְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֗ר אֶת־שַׁרְבִ֤יט הַ⁠זָּהָב֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּ⁠יָד֔⁠וֹ 1 And the king held out to her the golden scepter that was in his hand King Ahasuerus did this to show that he would not enforce the law that said Esther should be executed. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “he extended the gold scepter toward her to signal that he would be glad to talk to her.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 2 abt4 וַ⁠תִּקְרַ֣ב 1 so…approached Alternate translation; “so … came close” or “so … came up to the throne” EST 5 2 z4mn translate-symaction וַ⁠תִּגַּ֖ע בְּ⁠רֹ֥אשׁ הַ⁠שַּׁרְבִֽיט 1 and touched the head of the scepter This action was probably customary for a king’s subjects in a Persian court, when the king extended the royal scepter. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 5 2 abt5 figs-explicit וַ⁠תִּגַּ֖ע בְּ⁠רֹ֥אשׁ הַ⁠שַּׁרְבִֽיט 1 and touched the head of the scepter This action demonstrated that Esther respected the authority of King Ahasuerus and was thankful for his kindness to her. If it would be helpful for your readers, you could include that information here, such as: “… to show that she respected his authority.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 2 j59r figs-metonymy בְּ⁠רֹ֥אשׁ הַ⁠שַּׁרְבִֽיט 1 the head of the scepter Here, **head** is a metonym meaning the top (or uppermost part) of an object or location. This phrase means that Esther touched the top of the king’s scepter on the end that was extended toward her. Alternate translation: “the top of the scepter” or “the tip of the scepter” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 5 3 abt6 מַה־לָּ֖⁠ךְ אֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֑ה 1 Даже до полцарства будет дано тебе Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Если ты попросишь у меня даже полцарства, я дам его тебе" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 5 3 abt7 figs-parallelism מַה־לָּ֖⁠ךְ אֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֑ה וּ⁠מַה־בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֛⁠ךְ 1 What is to you, Esther the queen? And what is your request? These two phrases mean almost the same thing. Ahasuerus says the same thing twice, in slightly different ways, to show that he is very interested in hearing why Esther has come to see him. You do not need to repeat both phrases in your translation if it would be more natural in your language to combine them into one. Alternate translation: “What do you want, Queen Esther?” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 5 3 j61r figs-hyperbole עַד־חֲצִ֥י הַ⁠מַּלְכ֖וּת וְ⁠יִנָּ֥תֵֽן לָֽ⁠ךְ 1 As much as half of the kingdom, and let it be given to you This was probably a formal and customary expression in the Persian royal court, meant to show honor to the person making a request of the king and to indicate the king’s willingness to be very generous when answering the request. King Ahasuerus was almost certainly not offering to give Esther half of his kingdom. If it would be clearer to your readers, you could express the meaning: “I will give you anything you ask for, no matter how great it is.” Alternate translation: “I will give you what you want, even if you ask me to give you half of my kingdom!” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]) EST 5 3 c6h7 figs-activepassive וְ⁠יִנָּ֥תֵֽן לָֽ⁠ךְ 1 and let it be given to you You can say this with an active form, and you can say who will do the action. Alternate translation: “I will give you anything you ask for” or “I will give you what you want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 5 4 abt8 figs-idiom אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ ט֑וֹב 1 Если царь пожелает, то пусть царь придёт с Аманом сегодня на пир, который я приготовила ему Есфирь обращалась к царю в третьем лице, чтобы почтить его. Вместо слова "царь" можно использовать местоимение "ты" или другие почительные слова, например, "О царь! Если тебе угодно, приди сегодня с Аманом на пир, который я для тебя приготовила" или "Господин мой! Если пожелаешь, приди сегодня ко мне на пир, приготовленный для тебя" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 5 4 m3uy figs-123person אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ ט֑וֹב 1 с Аманом См., как это имя переведено в [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 5 4 j63r figs-123person יָב֨וֹא הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ וְ⁠הָמָן֙ 1 let the king come with Haman Esther speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. Alternate translation: “O king, please come with Haman” or “you and Haman come” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 5 4 abt9 figs-123person הַ⁠מִּשְׁתֶּ֖ה אֲשֶׁר־עָשִׂ֥יתִי לֽ⁠וֹ 1 the banquet that I have made for him Esther speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. Alternate translation: “the banquet that I have prepared for you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 5 4 abu0 figs-yousingular הַ⁠מִּשְׁתֶּ֖ה אֲשֶׁר־עָשִׂ֥יתִי לֽ⁠וֹ 1 the banquet that I have made for him If you decide to translate this as “the banquet that I have prepared for you,” then the word “you” should be singular, since here it refers just to the king. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-yousingular]]) EST 5 5 abu1 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֣אמֶר הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 5 5 abu2 מַהֲרוּ֙ אֶת־הָמָ֔ן לַ⁠עֲשׂ֖וֹת אֶת־דְּבַ֣ר אֶסְתֵּ֑ר 1 Bring Haman quickly, in order to do the word of Esther The **word of Esther** means her invitation to the banquet. Alternate translation: “go and get Haman and bring him quickly to the banquet that Esther has prepared” EST 5 5 abu3 עָשְׂתָ֥ה 1 had made Alternate translation: “had prepared for them” EST 5 6 d5wr figs-parallelism מַה־שְּׁאֵלָתֵ֖⁠ךְ וְ⁠יִנָּ֣תֵֽן לָ֑⁠ךְ וּ⁠מַה־בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֛⁠ךְ עַד־חֲצִ֥י הַ⁠מַּלְכ֖וּת וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 Какое у тебя желание? Абстрактное существительное "желание" можно заменить глаголами "просить", "хотеть": "Что ты хочешь у меня попросить?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 5 6 pj3p figs-explicit מַה־שְּׁאֵלָתֵ֖⁠ךְ וְ⁠יִנָּ֣תֵֽן לָ֑⁠ךְ וּ⁠מַה־בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֛⁠ךְ עַד־חֲצִ֥י הַ⁠מַּלְכ֖וּת וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 Оно будет удовлетворено Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Я дам тебе всё, что ты у меня попросишь" или "Я сделаю всё, о чём ты меня попросишь" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 5 6 q5nt figs-abstractnouns שְּׁאֵלָתֵ֖⁠ךְ…בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֛⁠ךְ 1 Какая у тебя просьба? Абстрактное существительное "просьба" можно заменить глаголами "просить", "хотеть": "О чём ты хочешь меня попросить?", "Что бы ты хотела получить от меня?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 5 6 e2v2 figs-activepassive וְ⁠יִנָּ֣תֵֽן…וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 Пусть хоть до полцарства — она будет выполнена Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "Если ты попросишь у меня полцарства, я дам его тебе!" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 5 6 j65r עַד־חֲצִ֥י הַ⁠מַּלְכ֖וּת 1 As much as half of the kingdom See how you translated this expression in [5:3](../05/ Review the explanation there if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “I will give you anything you ask for, no matter how great it is” EST 5 7 abu5 figs-hendiadys וַ⁠תַּ֥עַן…וַ⁠תֹּאמַ֑ר 1 Моё желание и моя просьба Слова "желание" и "просьба" являются синонимами, которые, возможно, употреблены вместе для того, чтобы речь была более официальной и почтительной, поскольку Есфирь обращалась к царю (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]). EST 5 7 r4aw figs-doublet שְׁאֵלָתִ֖⁠י וּ⁠בַקָּשָׁתִֽ⁠י 1 My petition and my request The words **petition** and **request** mean the same thing. Esther probably used these words together as a way of speaking very formally and respectfully to the king. Alternate translation: “this is what I want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 5 7 abu6 figs-abstractnouns שְׁאֵלָתִ֖⁠י וּ⁠בַקָּשָׁתִֽ⁠י 1 My petition and my request The two abstract nouns **petition** and **request** can be expressed with a single phrase using the verb “want.” Alternate translation: “this is what I want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 5 8 c2br figs-idiom אִם־מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֜ן בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 если я нашла расположение в глазах царя и если царь пожелает удовлетворить моё желание и выполнить мою просьбу, то пусть царь Есфирь обращалась к царю в третьем лице, чтобы почтить его. Вместо слова "царь" можно использовать местоимение "ты" или другие почительные слова, например, "О царь! Если тебе угодно" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 5 8 abu7 figs-metaphor אִם־מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֜ן בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 если я нашла расположение в глазах царя "Нашла расположение" - это устойчивое выражение, упоребляющееся в значении "если ты мной доволен". "В глазах царя" - это также идиома, означающая "у тебя". Можно сказать: "если ты мной доволен", "если тебе угодно явить мне милость" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 5 8 c2jy figs-123person אִם־מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֜ן בְּ⁠עֵינֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 пусть царь с Аманом придёт на пир Вместо слова "царь" можно употребить личное местоимение "ты" или почтительные слова: "прошу тебя, приди вместе с Аманом" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 5 8 abu8 figs-idiom וְ⁠אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ ט֔וֹב 1 я отвечу царю Здесь также вместо слова "царь" можер употребить личное местоимение "ты" или почтительные слова. Альтернативный перевод: "я отвечу на твой вопрос" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). EST 5 8 j69r figs-doublet לָ⁠תֵת֙ אֶת־שְׁאֵ֣לָתִ֔⁠י וְ⁠לַ⁠עֲשׂ֖וֹת אֶת־בַּקָּשָׁתִ֑⁠י 1 to grant my petition and to perform my request The phrases **to grant my petition** and **to perform my request** mean the same thing. Alternate translation: “to do what I want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 5 8 x8hf figs-123person יָב֧וֹא הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ וְ⁠הָמָ֗ן אֶל־הַ⁠מִּשְׁתֶּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽעֱשֶׂ֣ה לָ⁠הֶ֔ם 1 let the king come with Haman to the banquet that I will make for them Esther speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. Alternate translation: “please come with Haman to another banquet that I will prepare for you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 5 8 j71r figs-youdual יָב֧וֹא הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ וְ⁠הָמָ֗ן אֶל־הַ⁠מִּשְׁתֶּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽעֱשֶׂ֣ה לָ⁠הֶ֔ם 1 let the king come with Haman to the banquet that I will make for them If you decide to translate this as “the banquet that I have prepared for you,” then the word “you” should be dual if your language uses that form, since it refers to the king and Haman, otherwise it should be plural. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-youdual]]) EST 5 8 abu9 וּ⁠מָחָ֥ר אֶֽעֱשֶׂ֖ה כִּ⁠דְבַ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 and tomorrow I will do according to the word of the king The **word of the king** means his request for Esther to tell him what she wants. Alternate translation: “I will answer your question then” EST 5 8 gf9b figs-123person כִּ⁠דְבַ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 according to the word of the king Esther speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. Alternate translation: “according to your word” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 5 9 abv1 וַ⁠יֵּצֵ֤א 1 тот не встал Люди более низкого положения должны были вставать перед теми, кто занимал более высокое положение. Мардохей не встал перед Аманом и не выразил ему почтения (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 5 9 j73r figs-doublet שָׂמֵ֖חַ וְ⁠ט֣וֹב לֵ֑ב 1 Аман разгневался Или "Аман пришёл в ярость". EST 5 9 j75r figs-metaphor וְ⁠ט֣וֹב לֵ֑ב 1 and good of heart Here, **heart** figuratively represents the action of thinking or feeling. The phrase means that Haman felt happy. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 5 9 dkg6 figs-explicit וְ⁠לֹא־קָם֙ 1 that he neither rose up Under other circumstances, officials were expected to bow low to the ground to show respect for Haman. See [3:2](../03/ But since Mordecai was already sitting on the ground as a sign of mourning, he would have been expected to stand up to show respect. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “Mordecai did not stand up to show respect for Haman” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 9 j77r translate-symaction וְ⁠לֹא־זָ֣ע מִמֶּ֔⁠נּוּ 1 nor trembled from him The phrase means that Mordecai was not afraid of Haman or of what Haman might do to him for refusing to show the respect that the king had commanded. Alternate translation: “or tremble fearfully in front of him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 5 9 s47u figs-metaphor וַ⁠יִּמָּלֵ֥א הָמָ֛ן עַֽל־מָרְדֳּכַ֖י חֵמָֽה 1 then Haman was filled with rage on account of Mordecai Here, **Haman’s rage** is described as something that could fill him up. See how you translated this expression in [3:5](../03/ Alternate translation: “Haman became very angry because of Mordecai” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 5 10 v5nl grammar-connect-logic-contrast וַ⁠יִּתְאַפַּ֣ק הָמָ֔ן 1 Однако Данное слово можно перевести фразой "но, несмотря на свой гнев, он". EST 5 10 bcn1 translate-names זֶ֥רֶשׁ 1 Аман сдержался Сдерживаться - значит не идти на поводу у своих сильных желаний (Аману хотелось излить на Мардохей свой гнев). Альтернативный перевод: "Аман решил не показывать свой гнев" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 5 10 50a9 Зерешь Это женское имя (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 5 11 abv4 וַ⁠יְסַפֵּ֨ר לָ⁠הֶ֥ם 1 Аман рассказывал им о своём великом богатстве Слово "богатство" является абстрактным существительным. Альтернативный перевод: "Аман рассказал им о том, насколько богатым он был" или "Аман рассказал им о замечательных вещах, которыми он владел" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 5 11 mvm5 figs-abstractnouns כְּב֥וֹד עָשְׁר֖⁠וֹ 1 как оказал почёт и как повысил его царь Повысить в должности - значит предоставить больше власти и полномочий. Альтернативный перевод: "Как царь множество раз повышал его в должности, давая ему ещё больше власти" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 5 11 j79r translate-symaction וְ⁠רֹ֣ב בָּנָ֑י⁠ו 1 как повысил его царь между правителями и царскими слугами Царь сделал Амана самым великим среди всех остальных своих чиновников. Можно сказать: "как он стал самым великим среди слуг и чиновников царя" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 5 11 abv5 figs-gendernotations בָּנָ֑י⁠ו 1 his sons This word can sometimes be used in Hebrew to mean both male and female children. However, here it clearly refers to male children, so you should translate it that way. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations]]) EST 5 11 m7fq גִּדְּל֤⁠וֹ 1 made him great Alternate translation: “how the king had continually given him more authority” or “how the king had honored him many times by giving him more important work” EST 5 11 b7c5 figs-metaphor נִשְּׂא֔⁠וֹ עַל 1 he had lifted him over Here, **lifting** is a metaphor meaning to “advance” or “promote” a person to a higher, more important position than they had previously. Alternate translation: “given him a position more important than” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 5 11 abv6 figs-explicit הַ⁠שָּׂרִ֖ים וְ⁠עַבְדֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the officials and administrators of the king This means all of the others, as [3:1](../03/ makes clear. Alternate translation: “all of his other officials and administrators” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 11 xwvh figs-doublet הַ⁠שָּׂרִ֖ים וְ⁠עַבְדֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 The words **officials** and **administrators** mean similar things. If your language uses one word for these, you can combine them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 5 12 abv7 figs-exclamations אַ֣ף 1 никого, кроме меня Вместо отрицательной конструкции можно использовать утвердительную: "только меня". EST 5 12 w1bm figs-doublenegatives לֹא־הֵבִיאָה֩ אֶסְתֵּ֨ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֧ה עִם־הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ…כִּ֣י אִם־אוֹתִ֑⁠י 1 Esther the queen did not bring anyone with the king…except me This can be expressed positively. Alternate translation: “I was the only one Queen Esther invited besides the king” or “Queen Esther invited just two of us, the king and me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]]) EST 5 12 abv8 עָשָׂ֖תָה 1 she had made Alternate translation: “she had prepared” EST 5 12 abv9 figs-activepassive וְ⁠גַם־לְ⁠מָחָ֛ר אֲנִ֥י קָֽרוּא־לָ֖⁠הּ עִם־הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 And also for tomorrow, I am called by her with the king You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “and she has invited me to attend another banquet with the king again tomorrow” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 5 13 abw0 figs-metaphor וְ⁠כָל־זֶ֕ה אֵינֶ֥⁠נּוּ שֹׁוֶ֖ה לִ֑⁠י בְּ⁠כָל־עֵ֗ת אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֤י רֹאֶה֙ 1 недостаточно для меня "не приносит мне счастья" или "не удовлетворяет меня" EST 5 13 wu84 וְ⁠כָל־זֶ֕ה 1 But all of this Haman is continuing to speak here. You can show this by beginning with “Then Haman said.” EST 5 13 abw1 figs-distinguish הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔י 1 the Jew This phrase gives clarifying information about Mordecai. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish]]) EST 5 13 abw2 figs-explicit יוֹשֵׁ֖ב בְּ⁠שַׁ֥עַר הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 sitting at the gate of the king Haman could be referring to the way Mordecai has been refusing to stand up to honor him, or he could be referring generally to the way Mordecai has never honored him (by either bowing or standing up) ever since he was appointed to a position in the king’s service and stationed at the gate. Either way, being reminded of this dishonor is the reason why Haman continues to be unhappy. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “sitting at the citadel gate and refusing to honor me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 13 abw3 בְּ⁠שַׁ֥עַר הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the gate of the king Alternate translation: “the citadel gate” EST 5 14 abw4 figs-explicit וַ⁠תֹּ֣אמֶר ל⁠וֹ֩ זֶ֨רֶשׁ אִשְׁתּ֜⁠וֹ וְ⁠כָל־אֹֽהֲבָ֗י⁠ו 1 дерево Или "виселицу". Виселица - это сооружение, состоящее из двух столбов с перекладиной, к которой крепилась веревка, свободный конец которой как петля одевался на шею человека (в данном случае вместо столбов и перекладины использовалось дерево - прим. пер.) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]). EST 5 14 j81r וְ⁠כָל־אֹֽהֲבָ֗י⁠ו 1 высотой в пятьдесят локтей "Высотой в 50 локтей". Вы можете сказать "приготовьте двадцатиметровую виселицу" (50 локтей - это примерно 21 метр (прим. пер.)) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]]). EST 5 14 abw5 figs-explicit יַֽעֲשׂוּ 1 Аману понравились эти слова "Аману понравилась эта мысль" EST 5 14 i2f3 figs-metonymy עֵץ֮ 1 он приготовил дерево "его слуги приготовили виселицу" EST 5 14 k8zd translate-bdistance גָּבֹ֣הַּ חֲמִשִּׁ֣ים אַמָּה֒ 1 50 cubits high You can convert this to a modern measure if that is the style of translation that you are using. Alternate translation: “seventy-five feet high” or “twenty-five meters high” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]]) EST 5 14 hiui figs-explicit אֱמֹ֣ר לַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ וְ⁠יִתְל֤וּ אֶֽת־מָרְדֳּכַי֙ עָלָ֔י⁠ו 1 If it is clearer in your language, you can make explicit what Haman would say to the king. Alternate translation: “speak to the king and tell him that you would like to hang Mordecai on it” or “tell the king that you intend to hang Mordecai on it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 14 abw7 figs-explicit וְ⁠יִתְל֤וּ אֶֽת־מָרְדֳּכַי֙ עָלָ֔י⁠ו 1 say to the king, and let them hang Mordecai on it If it is clearer in your language, you can make explicit who does the action. Probably, Haman’s servants would carry out the action. But since it would happen under Haman’s orders and perhaps under his supervision, you could also describe him as the one who does the action if that would be natural in your language. Alternate translation: “and have your servants hang Mordecai on it” or “and hang Mordecai on it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 5 14 abw8 grammar-connect-logic-result וּ⁠בֹֽא…אֶל הַ⁠מִּשְׁתֶּ֖ה שָׂמֵ֑חַ 1 Then go…to the banquet joyful **Then** indicates more than a time sequence here. Zeresh and the friends are saying what the result would be. Alternate translation: “after he is dead, you will be able to go to the banquet … in a good mood” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 5 14 bbs9 figs-metonymy וַ⁠יִּיטַ֧ב הַ⁠דָּבָ֛ר לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הָמָ֖ן 1 And the word was good before the face of Haman The **word** was the suggestion that Zeresh and the friends made. Here, **face** figuratively represents Haman himself by something associated with him, his face, which showed what he was thinking and feeling. Alternate translation: “Haman decided that he liked this idea” or “that suggestion pleased Haman” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 5 14 i8is וַ⁠יַּ֥עַשׂ הָ⁠עֵֽץ 1 and he made the tree Haman most likely did not do this personally. He ordered it to be done. Alternate translation: “he gave his servants orders to set up the pole” or “he told his servants to construct the gallows” EST 5 14 j83r translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵֽץ 1 the tree You should translate this the same way you did earlier in the verse, “the pole” or “the gallows.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 6 intro i9x7 0 # Есфирь 06 Общие замечания #

#### Структура и оформление ####

В этой главе продолжается история о падении Амана.

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Втреча с царём #####

Люди не могли свободно входить к царю. Обычно доступ к нему был очень ограничен. В этой главе говорится об уровнях защиты, окружавшей царя.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 06:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../05/ | [>>](../07/ EST 6 1 j85r writing-newevent בַּ⁠לַּ֣יְלָה הַ⁠ה֔וּא 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 6 1 abw9 figs-personification נָדְדָ֖ה שְׁנַ֣ת הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 the sleep of the king fled away Here, **sleep** is spoken of as if it were a living thing that could flee away. Alternate translation: “the king could not sleep” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]]) EST 6 1 abx1 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֗אמֶר לְ⁠הָבִ֞יא 1 And he said to bring **He** means the king. The implication is that he told the young men who attended him to do this. Verses 3 and 5 indicate this. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “so he commanded his servants to fetch” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 6 1 abx2 סֵ֤פֶר הַ⁠זִּכְרֹנוֹת֙ דִּבְרֵ֣י הַ⁠יָּמִ֔ים 1 the book of records of the events of days This is equivalent to the expression “the book of the events of days” in [2:23](../02/ See how you translated that expression. Alternate translation: “the royal chronicles” or “the records of what had happened during all the time that he had been king” EST 6 1 abx3 figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּהְי֥וּ נִקְרָאִ֖ים 1 they were being called out This means that the chronicles were read out loud. You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. Alternate translation: “the young men got the chronicles and began to read them out loud” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 6 1 j87r figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 before the face of the king Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. This phrase means that the book was being read in the king’s presence. Alternate translation: “to the king” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 6 2 u4gi figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּמָּצֵ֣א כָת֗וּב 1 Гаваф и Фарра Это два мужских имени. См., как они переведены в [Есфирь 2:21](../02/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 6 2 abx4 figs-explicit הִגִּ֨יד מָרְדֳּכַ֜י עַל 1 И в ней нашли запись "Нашли" - то есть "прочитали". Альтернативный перевод: "Они прочитали запись, сделанную слугами царя, том, что Мардохей..." (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 6 2 abx5 figs-events הִגִּ֨יד מָרְדֳּכַ֜י עַל 1 Mordecai had told about To relate the events in chronological order, you can put this at the end of the verse. Alternate translation: “but Mordecai had saved the king’s life by discovering their plot and telling him about it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 6 2 syd9 translate-names בִּגְתָ֣נָא וָ⁠תֶ֗רֶשׁ 1 Bigthana and Teresh These are the same two men who are named in [2:21](../02/ However, there the first man’s name is said to be “Bigthan.” Decide on a consistent way of translating these names so your readers will know that they are the same men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 6 2 abx6 translate-unknown שְׁנֵי֙ סָרִיסֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 two of the eunuchs of the king See how you translated the term **eunuch** in [1:10](../01/ Alternate translation: “two of the royal guardians” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 6 2 abx7 מִ⁠שֹּׁמְרֵ֖י הַ⁠סַּ֑ף 1 who were from the guardians of the doorway See how you translated this expression in [2:23](../02/ Alternate translation: “who protected the doorway to the king’s private quarters” EST 6 2 abx8 figs-metaphor בִּקְשׁוּ֙ 1 they had sought Here, **seeking** figuratively means actively trying to do something. Alternate translation: “they had planned” or “they had tried” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 6 2 j89r figs-idiom לִ⁠שְׁלֹ֣חַ יָ֔ד 1 to stretch out a hand As in [2:21](../02/, the expression **to stretch out a hand** means to cause someone physical harm with the intention of killing them. Alternate translation: “to assassinate” or “to kill” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 6 3 lmz6 figs-hendiadys מַֽה־נַּעֲשָׂ֞ה יְקָ֧ר וּ⁠גְדוּלָּ֛ה לְ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֖י 1 Какая честь и награда была оказана Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Что я сделал, чтобы почтить" или "Какую честь и награду я дал" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 6 3 aby0 figs-activepassive נַּעֲשָׂ֞ה 1 Ничего не сделано для него Здесь также можно употребить действительный залог. Однако у читателя не должно создасться впечатления, что слуги обвиняют царя. Альтернативный перевод: "Никто ничего не сделал для Мардохея" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 6 3 n2az figs-activepassive לֹא־נַעֲשָׂ֥ה עִמּ֖⁠וֹ דָּבָֽר 1 Not a thing has been done with him You can say this with an active form. However, it would be good to say this in a way that does not create the impression that the young men are accusing the king. Alternate translation: “no one did anything for him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 6 3 aby1 עַל־זֶ֑ה 1 on account of this Alternate translation: “for saving my life” EST 6 4 aby2 figs-explicit מִ֣י בֶ⁠חָצֵ֑ר 1 Аман Это мужское имя (см. [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ EST 6 4 aby3 מִ֣י בֶ⁠חָצֵ֑ר 1 во внешний двор "во двор перед дворцом" EST 6 4 j91r grammar-connect-time-background וְ⁠הָמָ֣ן בָּ֗א לַ⁠חֲצַ֤ר בֵּית־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ הַ⁠חִ֣יצוֹנָ֔ה לֵ⁠אמֹ֣ר לַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ לִ⁠תְלוֹת֙ אֶֽת־מָרְדֳּכַ֔י עַל־הָ⁠עֵ֖ץ אֲשֶׁר־הֵכִ֥ין לֽ⁠וֹ 1 чтобы повесили Мардохея на дереве Можно уточнить: "чтобы казнили Мардохея, повесив на дереве" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 6 4 rg8t לַ⁠חֲצַ֤ר בֵּית־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ הַ⁠חִ֣יצוֹנָ֔ה 1 повесили Виселица - это сооружение, состоящее из двух столбов с перекладиной, к которой крепилась веревка, свободный конец которой как петля одевался на шею человека (в данном случае вместо столбов и перекладины использовалось дерево - прим. пер.) (см. [Есфирь 5:14](../05/ Альтернативный перевод: "сооружение, которое Аман приготовил для повешения Мардохея" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]). EST 6 4 vu7p לֵ⁠אמֹ֣ר לַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ לִ⁠תְלוֹת֙ אֶֽת־מָרְדֳּכַ֔י 1 приготовил "соорудил" EST 6 4 at53 הָ⁠עֵ֖ץ אֲשֶׁר־הֵכִ֥ין לֽ⁠וֹ 1 the tree that he had prepared for him Alternate translation: “on the pole that he had set up” or “on the gallows that he had set up for Mordecai” EST 6 4 aby4 translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵ֖ץ 1 the tree See how you translated this term in [2:23](../02/ and [5:14](../05/ Review
the note to [2:23](../02/ if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “pole” or “gallows” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 6 5 aby5 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֨אמְר֜וּ נַעֲרֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 6 5 j93r figs-explicit הִנֵּ֥ה 1 Behold This is a term meant to focus the attention of the listener on what the speaker is about to say. If there is not a good way to translate this term in your language, this term can be omitted from the translation. You could also have the young men address the king directly to get his attention. Alternate translation: “O king” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 6 5 j95r יָבֽוֹא 1 Let him come Alternate translation: “he may come in” EST 6 6 j97r וַ⁠יָּבוֹא֮ הָמָן֒ וַ⁠יֹּ֤אמֶר ל⁠וֹ֙ הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Что сделать человеку, которого царь хочет отличить почестью? Здесь царь говорит о себе в третьем лице. Вместо третьего лица вы можете использовать первое: "Что мне сделать для человека, которому я хочу оказать почесть?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 6 6 ky5i figs-123person מַה־לַ⁠עֲשׂ֕וֹת בָּ⁠אִ֕ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֣ץ בִּ⁠יקָר֑⁠וֹ 1 хочет отличить почестью "Отличить почестью" - это устойчивое выражение, употребляющееся в значении "открыто выразить почтение", "наградить". Альтернативный перевод: "которого царь хочет наградить", "которого царь желает почтить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 6 6 n3r5 figs-idiom אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֣ץ בִּ⁠יקָר֑⁠וֹ 1 подумал в своём сердце Под "сердцем" подразумевается человеческая душа. Можно сказать: "подумал" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 6 6 jh4i figs-metaphor וַ⁠יֹּ֤אמֶר הָמָן֙ בְּ⁠לִבּ֔⁠וֹ 1 Кому другому царь захочет оказать честь, кроме меня? Вместо вопроса можно использовать утверждение: "Царь, безусловно, желает оказать мне честь" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]). EST 6 6 yft1 figs-rquestion לְ⁠מִ֞י יַחְפֹּ֥ץ הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ לַ⁠עֲשׂ֥וֹת יְקָ֖ר יוֹתֵ֥ר מִמֶּֽ⁠נִּי 1 For whom would the king delight to do honor more than me Haman is actually making a statement to himself rather than asking a question and trying to figure out the answer. He uses a question form to emphasize how true he believes the statement to be. If it would be clearer in your language, instead of a question, you could use a statement such as, “Surely there is no one whom the king would take pleasure in honoring more than me!” Alternate translation: “whom would the king like to honor more than me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]) EST 6 7 j1d1 figs-idiom אִ֕ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֥ץ בִּ⁠יקָרֽ⁠וֹ 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 6 7 aby6 figs-123person אִ֕ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֥ץ בִּ⁠יקָרֽ⁠וֹ 1 For a man in whose honor the king is delighted Haman speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. You can have him address the king in the second person. Alternate translation: “if you really want to honor someone” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 6 8 mz79 figs-explicit יָבִ֨יאוּ֙ 1 пусть принесут царскую одежду Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "пусть мои слуги принесут царскую одежду" или "повели моим слугам принести царское облачение" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 6 8 aby7 figs-abstractnouns לְב֣וּשׁ מַלְכ֔וּת אֲשֶׁ֥ר לָֽבַשׁ־בּ֖⁠וֹ הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 на котором ездит царь Слова "на котором" относятся к царскому коню. EST 6 8 aby8 figs-123person אֲשֶׁ֥ר לָֽבַשׁ־בּ֖⁠וֹ הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 with which the king has clothed himself Haman speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. You can have him address the king in the second person. Alternate translation: “that you have already worn yourself” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 6 8 aby9 figs-123person וְ⁠ס֗וּס אֲשֶׁ֨ר רָכַ֤ב עָלָי⁠ו֙ 1 and a horse on which the king has ridden Haman speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. You can have him address the king in the second person. Alternate translation: “a horse that you have already ridden yourself” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 6 8 r63j figs-activepassive וַ⁠אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִתַּ֛ן כֶּ֥תֶר מַלְכ֖וּת בְּ⁠רֹאשֽׁ⁠וֹ 1 and which has been given a crown of royalty for its head This whole phrase refers to the horse. You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “and that has a royal crown on its head” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 6 8 abz0 figs-explicit וַ⁠אֲשֶׁ֥ר נִתַּ֛ן כֶּ֥תֶר מַלְכ֖וּת בְּ⁠רֹאשֽׁ⁠וֹ 1 and which has been given a crown of royalty for its head The implication is that this would be done to show that this was one of the king’s own horses. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. Alternate translation: “and that has a royal crown on its head to show that it belongs to you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 6 8 abz1 figs-abstractnouns כֶּ֥תֶר מַלְכ֖וּת 1 a crown of royalty **Royalty** is an abstract noun that refers to the royal authority that the king exercised. You can translate this idea with an adjective, “a royal crown.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 6 9 pp3l figs-metaphor וְ⁠נָת֨וֹן הַ⁠לְּב֜וּשׁ וְ⁠הַ⁠סּ֗וּס עַל־יַד־אִ֞ישׁ מִ⁠שָּׂרֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ 1 Пусть одежду и коня подадут Здесь можно использовать действительный залог: "Скажи им подать одежду и коня" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 6 9 j1d3 figs-123person אִ֞ישׁ מִ⁠שָּׂרֵ֤י הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ הַֽ⁠פַּרְתְּמִ֔ים 1 Пусть оденут того человека.., выведут его на коне на городскую площадь "Повели им облачить того человека.. и вывести его на коне на городскую площадь" EST 6 9 pfz6 figs-explicit וְ⁠הִלְבִּ֨ישׁוּ֙ 1 провозгласят всем "скажи слугам и важным чиновникам провозгласить" EST 6 9 j1d5 figs-idiom הָ⁠אִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֣ץ בִּֽ⁠יקָר֑⁠וֹ 1 the man in whose honor the king is delighted **To delight** in doing something means to be glad to do something or to want to do something. Alternate translation: “the man whom you really want to honor” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 6 9 abz2 figs-123person הָ⁠אִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֣ץ בִּֽ⁠יקָר֑⁠וֹ 1 the man in whose honor the king is delighted Haman speaks to the king in the third person as a sign of respect. If it would clearer in your language, you can use the second person. Alternate translation: “the man whom you really want to honor” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 6 9 abz4 בִּ⁠רְח֣וֹב הָ⁠עִ֔יר 1 in the open place of the city This refers to a large, open space in the city, either the space that was in front of the palace (as in [4:6](../04/, or a space inside one of the city gates. In either case, this would have been a public area where people could gather, and so it was a place where a great number of people would have seen how the king was honoring Mordecai. Alternate translation: “through the public square of the city” EST 6 9 qs3k וְ⁠קָרְא֣וּ 1 and proclaim Alternate translation: “and tell the noble official and servants to proclaim” or “and have them shout out” EST 6 9 j1d7 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָ֔י⁠ו 1 before his face Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of a person. The phrase means that the servants were to shout out to the people in front of the man on the horse, that is, to the people who were in the path of his horse as it approached. Alternate translation: “to whoever is in front of them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 6 9 j1d9 figs-idiom כָּ֚כָה יֵעָשֶׂ֣ה לָ⁠אִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֥ץ בִּ⁠יקָרֽ⁠וֹ 1 Thus shall it be done for the man in whose honor the king is delighted **To delight** in doing something means to be glad to do something or to want to do something. Alternate translation: “the king is doing this because he really wants to honor this man” or “this is what the king does when he especially wants to honor someone” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 6 9 pwgm figs-activepassive כָּ֚כָה יֵעָשֶׂ֣ה 1 You can say this with an active form, and you can say who is doing the action. Alternate translation: “the king is doing this” or “this is what the king does” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 6 10 j2d1 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֨אמֶר הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ 1 ничего не забудь из всего, что ты говорил "Ничего не забудь" - значит "сделай всё, что ты сказал". Вместо отрицательной конструкции можно использовать утвердительную: "убедись в том, что ты сделал всё, что сказал". EST 6 10 abz5 כַּ⁠אֲשֶׁ֣ר דִּבַּ֔רְתָּ וַֽ⁠עֲשֵׂה־כֵן֙ 1 according to how you have spoken, and do thus Alternate translation: “do everything that you have said” or “do just what you have suggested” EST 6 10 abz6 figs-idiom הַ⁠יּוֹשֵׁ֖ב בְּ⁠שַׁ֣עַר הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 the man who sits at the gate of the king As in [2:19](../02/, this is likely an idiom which means that Mordecai worked for the king in some capacity and was stationed at the gate. Alternate translation: “one of my servants, who is stationed at the king’s gate” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 6 10 abz7 figs-123person הַ⁠יּוֹשֵׁ֖ב בְּ⁠שַׁ֣עַר הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 the man who sits at the gate of the king Here the king speaks of himself in the third person. If it would be clearer in your language, you can use the first person. Alternate translation: “one of my servants, who is stationed at the gate to the palace” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 6 10 gln7 figs-metaphor אַל־תַּפֵּ֣ל דָּבָ֔ר 1 Do not allow a word to fail Here the action of letting **fall** is a metaphor meaning to leave out or leave unfulfilled. The phrase means that Haman must do absolutely everything that he said. Alternate translation: “do not leave out anything that you suggested” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 6 10 abz8 figs-doublenegatives אַל־תַּפֵּ֣ל דָּבָ֔ר 1 Do not allow a word to fail This can be stated positively. Alternate translation: “Be sure to do absolutely everything that you have said” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]]) EST 6 11 abz9 וַ⁠יַּרְכִּיבֵ֨⁠הוּ֙ בִּ⁠רְח֣וֹב הָ⁠עִ֔יר 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 6 11 j2d5 figs-metonymy וַ⁠יִּקְרָ֣א לְ⁠פָנָ֔י⁠ו 1 called out before his face Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of a person. The phrase means that Haman shouted out to the people in front of Mordecai, that is, the people who were in the path of his horse as it approached. Alternate translation: “called out to all of the people in front of him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 6 11 j2d7 figs-idiom אֲשֶׁ֥ר הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ חָפֵ֥ץ בִּ⁠יקָרֽ⁠וֹ 1 Thus shall it be done for the man in whose honor the king is delighted **To delight** in doing something means to be glad to do something or to want to do something. Alternate translation: “the king is doing this because he really wants to honor this man” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 6 12 uri5 translate-symaction אָבֵ֖ל וַ⁠חֲפ֥וּי רֹֽאשׁ 1 с покрытой головой Люди обычно покрывали голову в знак глубокого горя или стыда (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 6 13 j3d1 figs-explicit וַ⁠יְסַפֵּ֨ר הָמָ֜ן 1 Зерешь Это женское имя (см. [Есфирь 6:13](../06/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 6 13 aca1 figs-explicit כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר קָרָ֑⁠הוּ 1 из-за которого ты начал падать,.. но несомненно упадёшь перед ним Зерешь имеет в виду противостояние, возникшее между Аманом и Мардохеем. Аман начинает проигрывать Мардохею. "Начал падать" - значит "терпишь поражение и позор". Альтернативный перевод: "который унизил тебя,.. несомненно будешь им побеждён" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 6 13 aca2 figs-explicit וַ⁠יֹּ֩אמְרוּ֩ ל֨⁠וֹ חֲכָמָ֜י⁠ו וְ⁠זֶ֣רֶשׁ 1 не пересилишь его "Ты не сможешь ему противостоять". "Пересилить" - значит "заслужить больше почестей по сравнению с Мардохеем". Можно сказать: "ты не сможешь стать более почётным, чем он" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 6 13 aca3 חֲכָמָ֜י⁠ו 1 his wise men See how you translated this expression in [1:13](../01/ Alternate translation: “his advisors” EST 6 13 fd5k figs-metaphor אִ֣ם…מָרְדֳּכַ֞י אֲשֶׁר֩ הַחִלּ֨וֹתָ לִ⁠נְפֹּ֤ל לְ⁠פָנָי⁠ו֙ 1 If Mordecai, before whose face you have begun to fall This could mean either of two possibilities: (1) The action of falling could refer to bowing down and it could be a metaphor meaning to be dishonored and defeated. Haman wanted Mordecai to bow down in front of him. But instead, the story would be saying that Haman is starting to bow down (in a metaphorical sense) in front of Mordecai. Alternate translation: “Mordecai has begun to humiliate you. If he …” (2) “Fall” could be a figurative way of saying “be killed in battle.” In that case, Zeresh would be comparing Haman and Mordecai to two soldiers who are fighting. She is saying that Haman has already “begun to fall,” that is, he is losing the battle, and he is likely to be killed. Alternate translation: “Mordecai has begun to defeat you. Since he …” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 6 13 j3d3 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָי⁠ו֙ 1 before…face Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of a person. The phrase either means (1) that Haman has already begun to fall down (bow down) in front of Mordecai figuratively, or (2) that Haman and Mordecai are facing one another figuratively in hand-to-hand combat. Alternate translation: “before whom” or “in whose presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 6 13 p5t2 figs-metaphor מִ⁠זֶּ֣רַע הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֡ים 1 from the seed of the Jews Here, **seed** is a metaphor meaning “offspring.” It is a comparison: Just as plants produce seeds that grow into many more plants, so people can have many offspring. Alternate translation: “one of the Jewish people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 6 13 nan5 figs-metaphor לֹא־תוּכַ֣ל ל֔⁠וֹ 1 you will not prevail against him Here Haman’s wife and friends are again speaking figuratively as if Haman is in a battle with Mordecai. Alternate translation: “you will not win against him” or “you will not have greater honor than he has” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 6 13 j3d5 grammar-connect-logic-contrast כִּֽי 1 but This conjunction indicates a contrast between the actions of prevailing (in the previous clause) and falling. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-contrast]]) EST 6 13 j3d7 figs-metaphor נָפ֥וֹל תִּפּ֖וֹל 1 you will surely fall Here the action of **falling** (1) either refers once again to prostrating oneself, and is a metaphor meaning to be dishonored and defeated, or (2) Haman’s wife and friends are saying that for Haman, defeat will be the outcome of the figurative battle. Alternate translation: “you will certainly lose to him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 6 13 j3d9 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָֽי⁠ו 1 before his face Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of a person. The phrase means that Haman will lose in his struggle with Mordecai. Alternate translation: “before him” or “in his presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 6 14 j4d1 grammar-connect-time-background עוֹדָ⁠ם֙ מְדַבְּרִ֣ים עִמּ֔⁠וֹ 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 6 14 aca4 translate-unknown וְ⁠סָרִיסֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 when the eunuchs of the king See how you decided to translate this term in [1:10](../01/ Not all of the king’s eunuchs came. This can be stated explicitly. Alternate translation: “some of the king’s servants” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 6 14 aca5 וַ⁠יַּבְהִ֨לוּ֙ לְ⁠הָבִ֣יא אֶת־הָמָ֔ן 1 And they hurried to bring Haman Alternative translation: “they wanted to bring Haman quickly” EST 6 14 aca6 figs-explicit אֲשֶׁר־עָשְׂתָ֥ה אֶסְתֵּֽר 1 that Esther had made Esther’s servants would have done most of the work of preparing the banquet. This can be stated explicitly. Alternate translation: “that Esther and her servants had prepared” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 7 intro x4w3 0 # Есфирь 07 Общие замечания #

#### Структура и оформление ####

В этой главе завершается история о падении Амана.

#### Прочие трудности, возникающие при переводе данной главы ####

##### Аману накрыли лицо #####

Когда слуги царя "накрыли лицо Аману", это означало, что он был осуждён и приговорён к смерти (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] и [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/condemn]]).

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 07:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../06/ | [>>](../08/ EST 7 1 n8vb figs-synecdoche וַ⁠יָּבֹ֤א הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ וְ⁠הָמָ֔ן לִ⁠שְׁתּ֖וֹת עִם־אֶסְתֵּ֥ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּֽה 1 Аман См. [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 7 2 xt9f translate-ordinal בַּ⁠יּ֤וֹם הַ⁠שֵּׁנִי֙ 1 Какое твоё желание Абстрактное существительное "желание" может быть переведено глаголами "просить", "хотеть": "О чём ты хотела меня попросить?", "Что ты хотела от меня?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 7 2 s5ae בְּ⁠מִשְׁתֵּ֣ה הַ⁠יַּ֔יִן 1 Оно будет выполнено Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "я дам тебе всё, о чём ты меня попросишь" или "я выполню любую твою просьбу" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 7 2 yks7 figs-parallelism מַה־שְּׁאֵלָתֵ֛⁠ךְ…וְ⁠תִנָּ֣תֵֽן לָ֑⁠ךְ וּ⁠מַה־בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֛⁠ךְ עַד־חֲצִ֥י הַ⁠מַּלְכ֖וּת וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 До полцарства будет дано тебе Здесь также можно употребить действиетльный залог: "Если ты попросишь у меня даже полцарства, я дам его тебе" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 7 2 p1xt figs-explicit מַה־שְּׁאֵלָתֵ֛⁠ךְ 1 What is your petition Ahasuerus has now allowed Esther to show her hospitality at two banquets. But he knows that she has done this as a gesture of respect for him and their relationship, and that this signals that she has an important and urgent request to make. You can indicate this by having the king ask, “Now please tell me what you really want.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 7 2 sem7 figs-activepassive וְ⁠תִנָּ֣תֵֽן…וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 And let it be given to you…and let it be done You can capture these parallel passive statements with one statement using an active form. Alternate translation: “I will give you what you ask for” or “I will do for you what you ask” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 7 2 j4d3 figs-abstractnouns שְּׁאֵלָתֵ֛⁠ךְ…בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֛⁠ךְ 1 your petition…your request The two abstract nouns **petition** and **request** can be expressed with a single phrase using the verb “want.” Alternate translation: “what you really want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 7 2 j4d5 figs-hyperbole עַד־חֲצִ֥י הַ⁠מַּלְכ֖וּת 1 As much as half of the kingdom See how you translated this expression in [5:3](../05/ and [5:6](../05/ Alternate translation: “I will give you anything you ask for, no matter how great it is” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]) EST 7 3 ac96 figs-hendiadys וַ⁠תַּ֨עַן…וַ⁠תֹּאמַ֔ר 1 если я нашла расположение в твоих глазах "Приобрести расположение" - это идиома, означающая "снискать милость". "В твоих глазах" - это метафора со значением "перед тобой". Можно сказать: "Если я снискала милость перед тобой" или "если ты мной доволен" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 7 3 k27c figs-idiom אִם־מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֤ן בְּ⁠עֵינֶ֨י⁠ךָ֙ 1 по моей просьбе Абстрактное существительное "просба" может быть заменено глаголом "просить": "вот о чём я тебя попрошу" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 7 3 aca7 figs-metonymy אִם־מָצָ֨אתִי חֵ֤ן בְּ⁠עֵינֶ֨י⁠ךָ֙ 1 If I have found favor in your eyes Here, **eyes** figuratively represent seeing, and seeing is a metaphor for knowledge, notice, attention, or judgment. Alternate translation: “if you evaluate me and approve” or “if you are pleased with me” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 7 3 j4d7 הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 O king In this case, Esther is addressing Ahasuerus directly as “O king”; she is not speaking about him in the third person as a sign of respect, as she and others usually do elsewhere in the story. This may indicate a special urgency to what she is saying, so it would be good to include this difference in your translation or indicate the urgency in some other way. EST 7 3 aca8 figs-idiom וְ⁠אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ ט֑וֹב 1 and if it is good to the king This is an idiom that also appears in [1:19](../01/, [3:9](../03/, [5:4](../05/, and [5:8](../05/ The suggested translation in those cases was, “If it seems like a good plan to you, O king.” That was suitable for the deferential tone the speakers were using. But here, Esther has just addressed the king directly with “O king” and she is pleading urgently for the survival of her whole people. So an alternate translation here could be something more like, “I hope you will be willing to do what I ask” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 7 3 aca9 figs-parallelism תִּנָּֽתֶן־לִ֤⁠י נַפְשִׁ⁠י֙ בִּ⁠שְׁאֵ֣לָתִ֔⁠י וְ⁠עַמִּ֖⁠י בְּ⁠בַקָּשָׁתִֽ⁠י 1 let my life be given to me at my petition, and my people at my request The phrases **at my petition** and **at my request** mean the same thing. The repetition is used to emphasize the urgency of the request. If it would be more natural in your language, you could combine the two requests. Alternate translation: “please spare my life and save my people” or “my request is that you spare my life and the lives of my people” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 7 3 j4d9 figs-activepassive תִּנָּֽתֶן־לִ֤⁠י נַפְשִׁ⁠י֙ 1 let my life be given to me You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “please spare my life” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 7 3 bvi1 figs-abstractnouns בִּ⁠שְׁאֵ֣לָתִ֔⁠י 1 at my petition The abstract noun **petition** can be expressed with the verb “ask for.” Alternate translation: “that is what I am asking for” or “that is what I want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 7 3 qghp figs-ellipsis וְ⁠עַמִּ֖⁠י 1 If this is unclear in your language, you can repeat from the previous clause the words that have been left out. Alternate translation: “and let my people be given to me”
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-ellipsis]]) EST 7 3 j5d1 figs-abstractnouns בְּ⁠בַקָּשָׁתִֽ⁠י 1 at my request The abstract noun **request** can be expressed with the verb “ask for.” Alternate translation: “rhat is what I am asking for” or “rhat is what I want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 7 4 acb1 figs-metaphor כִּ֤י נִמְכַּ֨רְנוּ֙ 1 проданы мы Это метафора, означающая "мы были преданы". Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "люди предали нас" или "кто-то предал нас врагам" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 7 4 fhs7 figs-activepassive כִּ֤י נִמְכַּ֨רְנוּ֙ 1 на истребление, убийство и гибель Эти три слова являются синонимами, но используются вместе для усиления мысли. Вместо существительных можно употребить глаголы: "чтобы наши враги нас убили, истребили и погубили" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 7 4 e9cx figs-doublet לְ⁠הַשְׁמִ֖יד לַ⁠הֲר֣וֹג וּ⁠לְ⁠אַבֵּ֑ד 1 for annihilation, for slaughter, and for destruction As in [3:13](../03/, these words mean the same thing and are used together to emphasize the completeness of the destruction. If using three words would be difficult or confusing in your language, you can use one word for this and indicate that the destruction is extreme. Alternate translation: “and they are going to kill every one of us” (A “doublet” can involve the use of more than two words.) (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 7 4 yg01 figs-abstractnouns לְ⁠הַשְׁמִ֖יד לַ⁠הֲר֣וֹג וּ⁠לְ⁠אַבֵּ֑ד 1 If your language does not use abstract nouns such as these, you can replace them with one or more verbs. Alternate translation: “and they are going to kill every one of us” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 7 4 acb2 וְ֠⁠אִלּוּ לַ⁠עֲבָדִ֨ים וְ⁠לִ⁠שְׁפָח֤וֹת נִמְכַּ֨רְנוּ֙ 1 if we had been sold as slaves and female servants Alternate translation: “if the men and even the women had been sold into slavery” EST 7 4 j5d3 figs-hyperbole אֵ֥ין הַ⁠צָּ֛ר שֹׁוֶ֖ה בְּ⁠נֵ֥זֶק הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the distress would not have been equal to a burden of the king Esther is speaking very deferentially and with some exaggeration in order to impress on the king how important this is to her. She is saying that it would have been worth less to her to see her people rescued from slavery than it would have been to see the king spared the trouble of intervening on their behalf. (Haman uses the expression of “not equal” in this same sense in [5:13](../05/ Alternate translation: “that would have been a matter too small to bother you with” or “that would be a small matter to a king like you, but this is very much worse” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]]) EST 7 4 acb4 figs-123person הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the king Esther addresses King Ahasuerus in the third person as a way of showing respect. Alternate translation: “you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 7 5 acb5 figs-doublet וַ⁠יֹּ֨אמֶר֙…וַ⁠יֹּ֖אמֶר 1 Кто это такой, и где тот, кто осмелился в своём сердце так сделать? "Сделать что-то в своём сердце" - значит "отважиться". Можно сказать: "Где тот, кто посмел совершить такое зло?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 7 5 acb6 figs-parallelism מִ֣י ה֥וּא זֶה֙ וְ⁠אֵֽי־זֶ֣ה ה֔וּא 1 Who is he, this man? And where is this man These two phrases mean similar things. They both ask about the identity of the man who is trying to destroy the Jews. King Ahasuerus uses the repetition to emphasize how outraged he is. If the repetition would be confusing in your language, you could combine the two phrases. However, from another perspective, both the man’s identity and his location are important to know so that his plot can be stopped. So, for that reason, you could also decide to include both phrases in your translation. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 7 5 acb7 מִ֣י ה֥וּא זֶה֙ וְ⁠אֵֽי־זֶ֣ה ה֔וּא 1 Who is he, this man? Alternate translation: “who has done this” EST 7 5 dl4b figs-metaphor וְ⁠אֵֽי־זֶ֣ה ה֔וּא אֲשֶׁר־מְלָא֥⁠וֹ לִבּ֖⁠וֹ לַ⁠עֲשׂ֥וֹת כֵּֽן 1 And where is this man, he whose heart is full to do thus? Here the concept of a **full heart** uses two metaphors at once. “Heart” figuratively represents the action of thinking or feeling. Also, saying that the “heart” is “full” is a figurative way of saying that someone is fully intending to do something, usually something that should not be done. Alternate translation: “where is the man who is intending to do such a thing” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 7 6 j5d5 figs-doublet צַ֣ר וְ⁠אוֹיֵ֔ב 1 задрожал от страха "пришёл в ужас" EST 7 6 ar4f נִבְעַ֔ת 1 was terrified Alternative translation: “was extremely afraid” EST 7 6 j5d9 figs-metonymy נִבְעַ֔ת מִ⁠לִּ⁠פְנֵ֥י 1 terrified from before the face of Here, **face** figuratively means the presence of a person. The phrase means that Haman was now extremely afraid to be in the presence of King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther. Alternate translation: “this made Haman very afraid to be in the presence of the king and the queen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 7 7 bzd4 figs-idiom וְ⁠הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ קָ֤ם בַּ⁠חֲמָת⁠וֹ֙ מִ⁠מִּשְׁתֵּ֣ה הַ⁠יַּ֔יִן 1 Царь встал в гневе "Быть в гневе" - значит "испытывать сильный гнев". Можно сказать: "Царь пришёл в ярость и поднялся со своего места" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 7 7 j6d1 figs-explicit אֶל־גִּנַּ֖ת הַ⁠בִּיתָ֑ן 1 остался умолять царицу Есфирь о своей жизни "остался умолять царицу Есфирь о помиловании" EST 7 7 uaq6 figs-metaphor לְ⁠בַקֵּ֤שׁ עַל־נַפְשׁ⁠וֹ֙ 1 потому что видел, что определена ему злая участь "Видел" - значит "понимал". Альернативный перевод: "поскольку он понял, что беда неминуема" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 7 7 qz1m figs-metaphor כִּ֣י רָאָ֔ה 1 определена ему злая участь от царя Здесь можно употребить действительный залог, а абстрактное словосочетание "злая участь" можно заменить на глаголы "убить", "казнить": "царь принял решение его убить" или "царь был намерен его казнить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 7 7 nin1 figs-activepassive כָלְתָ֥ה אֵלָ֛י⁠ו הָ⁠רָעָ֖ה מֵ⁠אֵ֥ת הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 evil was determined against him by the king You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “the king had decided to cause a disaster against him” or “the king was decided to destroy him” or “the king had decided to kill him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 7 7 j6d3 figs-abstractnouns כָלְתָ֥ה אֵלָ֛י⁠ו הָ⁠רָעָ֖ה מֵ⁠אֵ֥ת הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 evil was determined against him by the king Here the abstract noun **evil** means “harm,” not something that is morally wrong as in the previous verse. In this context, it can be expressed with a verb such as “execute.” Alternate translation: “the king was likely to execute him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 7 8 j6d5 figs-explicit וְ⁠הַ⁠מֶּ֡לֶךְ שָׁב֩…וְ⁠הָמָן֙ נֹפֵ֔ל 1 в дом пира Можно уточннить: "туда, где слуги разливали вино" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 7 8 h4c7 figs-explicit וְ⁠הָמָן֙ נֹפֵ֔ל עַל־הַ⁠מִּטָּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶסְתֵּ֣ר עָלֶ֔י⁠הָ 1 к кушетке Длинное ложе, на котором можно было сидеть или лежать. EST 7 8 acb8 figs-events וְ⁠הָמָן֙ נֹפֵ֔ל עַל־הַ⁠מִּטָּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶסְתֵּ֣ר עָלֶ֔י⁠הָ 1 Ещё и царицу хочет насиловать в моём доме! Царь произносит данную фразу, чтобы выразить негодование и ярость из-за поступка Амана. Данное предложение может быть как восклицательным, так и вопросительным: "Неужели ты собрался ещё и царицу изнасиловать в моём доме?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]). EST 7 8 acb9 figs-idiom וְ⁠הָמָן֙ נֹפֵ֔ל עַל־הַ⁠מִּטָּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶסְתֵּ֣ר עָלֶ֔י⁠הָ 1 царицу хочет насиловать "Хочет напасть на царицу" (это более мягкая фраза для мысли об изнасиловании) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]]) EST 7 8 acc0 הַ⁠מִּטָּה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶסְתֵּ֣ר עָלֶ֔י⁠הָ 1 Как только царь произнёс эти слова "Как только царь произнёс это". EST 7 8 thq6 figs-rquestion הֲ֠⁠גַם לִ⁠כְבּ֧וֹשׁ אֶת־הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֛ה עִמִּ֖⁠י בַּ⁠בָּ֑יִת 1 Аману накрыли лицо Скорее всего, слуги сделали это, поскольку поняли, что царь отдал приказ о казни Амана. Альтернативный перевод: "слуги закрыли лицо Амана в знак того, что он был приговорён к смерти" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]). EST 7 8 l4ce figs-euphemism לִ⁠כְבּ֧וֹשׁ אֶת־הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֛ה 1 to subdue the queen The story is using a mild expression to refer to something that is disturbing. In this context, “subdue” means “rape.” The king thought that Haman was trying to rape Esther, and he likely said just that. You can show this in your translation if you want to make this clear. Alternate translation: “trying to rape the queen” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]]) EST 7 8 acc1 figs-parallelism עִמִּ֖⁠י בַּ⁠בָּ֑יִת 1 with me, in the house These two phrases mean similar things. The repetition is used to emphasize the idea that they are expressing. If it would be clearer in your language, you could combine the phrases. However, each one does indicate something slightly different about what a serious offense it would be if Haman actually were trying to rape Esther. It would be a violation of the king’s personal trust and a violation of the trust implicit in hospitality. So you can also include both phrases. Alternate translation: “in my presence and in my own house” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 7 8 adq6 figs-idiom הַ⁠דָּבָ֗ר יָצָא֙ מִ⁠פִּ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 The word was going out from the mouth of the king This expression describes the action of speaking. Alternate translation: “as soon as the king said this” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 7 8 acc2 grammar-connect-time-background הַ⁠דָּבָ֗ר…וּ⁠פְנֵ֥י הָמָ֖ן חָפֽוּ 1 The word was going out…when they covered the face of Haman The king spoke, and then the servants covered Haman’s face. One action followed upon another. However, this happened so quickly that almost no time seemed to pass in between. You can indicate this with a phrase like “as soon as.” Alternate translation: “when the king said this, immediately they covered Haman’s face” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-time-background]]) EST 7 8 j6d9 figs-explicit וּ⁠פְנֵ֥י הָמָ֖ן חָפֽוּ 1 when they covered the face of Haman The implication is that some the king’s servants who were present did this, and they did it because they understood that the king wanted Haman to be executed. Alternate translation: “some of his servants covered Haman’s face because he was going to be executed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 7 8 acc3 translate-symaction וּ⁠פְנֵ֥י הָמָ֖ן חָפֽוּ 1 when they covered the face of Haman **Covering the face** in this culture, as in many others, was a sign that a person had been condemned to death. Alternate translation: “some of his servants covered Haman’s face to show that he would be executed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 7 9 a7ic translate-names חַ֠רְבוֹנָה 1 Харбона Это мужское имя (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 7 9 j7d1 figs-metonymy אֶחָ֨ד מִן־הַ⁠סָּרִיסִ֜ים לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 дерево, высотой в пятьдесят локтей Данную меру можно перевести в метры. См., как вы перевели аналогичное выражение в [Есфирь 5:14](../05/ Альтернативный перевод: "двадцатиметровая виселица" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]]). EST 7 9 acc4 translate-unknown הַ⁠סָּרִיסִ֜ים לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 the eunuchs before the face of the king See how you translated this term and this phrase in [1:10](../01/ Alternate translation: “the guardians who served the king personally” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 7 9 j7d3 הִנֵּה 1 behold **Behold** is a term meant to focus the attention of the listener on what the speaker is about to say. If there is not a good way to translate this term in your language, it can be omitted from your translation. But consider using an expression that is natural in your language for someone to address the king directly to get his attention. For example, you could say, “O king!” EST 7 9 acc5 גַּ֣ם…הָ⁠עֵ֣ץ אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֪ה הָמָ֟ן לְֽ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֞י…עֹמֵד֙ בְּ⁠בֵ֣ית הָמָ֔ן 1 Also…the tree that Haman made for Mordecai…is standing at the house of Haman Alternate translation:“Haman has also set up a pole [or gallows] at his house because he wants to impale [or hang] Mordecai on it” EST 7 9 j7d5 translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵ֣ץ 1 the tree See how you translated this term in [2:23](../02/, [5:14](../05/, and [6:4](../06/ Review the note to [2:23](../02/ if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “wooden pole” or “gallows” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 7 9 j7d7 figs-idiom לְֽ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֞י אֲשֶׁ֧ר דִּבֶּר־ט֣וֹב עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 for Mordecai, who spoke good for the king This expression means that Mordecai said something that benefitted the king. Specifically, Mordecai reported an assassination plot and saved the king’s life. Alternate translation: “Mordecai, who saved the king’s life.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 7 9 j7d9 figs-123person דִּבֶּר־ט֣וֹב עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 spoke good for the king Harbona addresses the king in the third person as a way of showing respect. Alternate translation: “saved your life” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 7 9 acc6 עֹמֵד֙ 1 is standing Alternate translation: “is set up” EST 7 9 sre1 translate-bdistance גָּבֹ֖הַּ חֲמִשִּׁ֣ים אַמָּ֑ה 1 50 cubits high If it would be clearer in your language, you can convert this to a modern measure. See how you translated this phrase in [5:14](../05/ Alternate translation: “seventy-five feet high” or “twenty-five meters high” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bdistance]]) EST 7 9 acc7 figs-explicit תְּלֻ֥⁠הוּ עָלָֽי⁠ו 1 Hang him on it **Him** means Haman. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. Alternate translation: “hang [or impale] Haman on it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 7 10 j8d3 translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵ֖ץ 1 гнев царя утих Гнев царя сравнивается с разгоревшимся огнём, который начал угасать. Альтернативный перевод: "ярость царя утихла" или "царь перестал гневаться" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 7 10 umd4 figs-metaphor וַ⁠חֲמַ֥ת הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ שָׁכָֽכָה 1 and the rage of the king subsided Here the story figuratively compares the king’s anger to floodwaters, which can cause great destruction. “Subside” means for waters to drain away and for their level to go down. You could express the meaning by saying something like “Then the king’s rage lessened,” or “Then the king was not so angry.” Or you could use a different metaphor that would be meaningful in your language, such as, “Then the king cooled off.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 8 intro z6j7 0 # Есфирь 08 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Божья защита #####

Господь начинает действовать и предотвращает гибель евреев. Он использует Есфирь и Мардохея, чтобы защитить Свой народ.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 08:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../07/ | [>>](../09/ EST 8 1 j8d5 writing-newevent בַּ⁠יּ֣וֹם הַ⁠ה֗וּא 1 Аман См. [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ EST 8 1 j8d7 figs-synecdoche נָתַ֞ן הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ֙ לְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֔ה אֶת־בֵּ֥ית הָמָ֖ן 1 the king Ahasuerus gave to Esther the queen the house of Haman Here, **house** figuratively represents all the household and property of Haman. The story could be referring to all the property by naming one part of it, the house. Or “house” could be a metonym for “property,” meaning everything a person owns and keeps in their house, and by extension everything they own beyond the house as well. Alternate translation: “King Ahasuerus declared that everything that Haman had owned would now belong to Queen Esther” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) EST 8 1 nm3u figs-distinguish צֹרֵ֣ר הַיְּהוּדִ֑ים 1 the adversary of the Jews This phrase gives clarifying information about Haman. Alternate translation: “the enemy of the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish]]) EST 8 1 acc9 figs-explicit וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֗י בָּ֚א לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Mordecai came before the face of the king The implication is that when the king learned how Mordecai was related to Esther, he summoned Mordecai into his presence. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “when he learned that, the king sent for Mordecai to come into his presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 1 j8d9 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 before the face of the king Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. This phrase indicates that Mordecai was allowed to come into the king’s presence. Alternate translation: “into his presence” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 1 acd0 figs-events הִגִּ֥ידָה אֶסְתֵּ֖ר מַ֥ה הוּא־לָֽ⁠הּ 1 Esther told what he was to her Alternate translation: “Esther told the king how Mordecai was related to her” You can say this before saying that the king summoned Mordecai, since it happened first. See the UST.
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 8 1 j9d1 figs-explicit הִגִּ֥ידָה אֶסְתֵּ֖ר מַ֥ה הוּא־לָֽ⁠הּ 1 Esther told what he was to her Esther told this to the king. She would likely have explained not just how she and Mordecai were related, but that he had raised her after her parents died. You can say this if it would be clearer in your language. Alternate translation: “Esther told the king that Mordecai was her cousin and that he had been like a father to her” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 2 m5hz translate-symaction וַ⁠יָּ֨סַר הַ⁠מֶּ֜לֶךְ אֶת־טַבַּעְתּ֗⁠וֹ…וַֽ⁠יִּתְּנָ֖⁠הּ לְ⁠מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 перстень На царском перстне были выгравированы имя царя или его символы.
На важных докуменах ставилась печать: составитель наливал воск на край страницы и вдавливал в него печать. Если на документе имелась царская печать, то читающий знал, что он должен был подчиниться указу. См. [Есфирь 3:10](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]). EST 8 2 acd1 translate-unknown טַבַּעְתּ֗⁠וֹ 1 отдал его Мардохею Передача перстня означала передачу власти: теперь Мардохей имел право скреплять важные документы царской печатью, и люди должны были повиноваться всему, что писалось в указах. EST 8 2 j9d3 figs-explicit אֲשֶׁ֤ר הֶֽעֱבִיר֙ מֵֽ⁠הָמָ֔ן 1 в доме Амана Речь идёт об имуществе Амана, которое царь передал Есфири. EST 8 2 acd2 figs-events אֲשֶׁ֤ר הֶֽעֱבִיר֙ מֵֽ⁠הָמָ֔ן 1 that he had caused to pass from Haman If it is clearer in your language, you can put this information first in the verse because it happened before everything else. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 8 2 z5yn figs-explicit וַֽ⁠יִּתְּנָ֖⁠הּ לְ⁠מָרְדֳּכָ֑י 1 and he gave it to Mordecai By giving his signet ring to Mordecai, the king gave Mordecai the authority to write important papers that people would have to obey. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. See the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 2 acd3 figs-metaphor וַ⁠תָּ֧שֶׂם אֶסְתֵּ֛ר אֶֽת־מָרְדֳּכַ֖י עַל־בֵּ֥ית הָמָֽן 1 Esther placed Mordecai over the house of Haman To place someone over something figuratively means to put them in charge of it. Alternate translation: “Esther appointed Mordecai to be in charge of everything that had belonged to Haman” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 8 2 d2tj figs-metonymy בֵּ֥ית הָמָֽן 1 the house of Haman See the explanation of this phrase in verse 1. Alternate translation: “everything that Haman had owned” or “the household of Haman” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 3 j9d5 writing-newevent וַ⁠תּ֣וֹסֶף אֶסְתֵּ֗ר וַ⁠תְּדַבֵּר֙ לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 умоляла "горячо просила" EST 8 3 j9d7 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 прекратить злобу и замысел вугеянина Амана "Прекратить злобу" - значит "положить ей конец". Можно сказать: "положил конец злым замыслам Амана-вугеянина" или "остановил зло, которое начал Аман-вугеянин" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 8 3 j9d9 figs-idiom וַ⁠תִּפֹּ֖ל לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י רַגְלָ֑י⁠ו 1 вугеянина См., как вы перевели это слово в [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ EST 8 3 acd4 translate-symaction וַ⁠תִּפֹּ֖ל לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י רַגְלָ֑י⁠ו 1 который он замышлял "который он составил против" EST 8 3 acd5 figs-explicit וַ⁠תִּפֹּ֖ל לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י רַגְלָ֑י⁠ו 1 And she fell before the face of his feet Esther’s action was probably a recognized sign of pleading in this culture. However, it would likely still have been remarkable for a queen to fall at the feet of her husband, the king. You can show this by introducing the information with a phrase like “in fact.” Alternate translation: “in fact, to show how desperately she was pleading, Esther got down and put her face right on top of his feet” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 3 j1r1 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י רַגְלָ֑י⁠ו 1 before the face of his feet Here, **face** is a metonym meaning the front of a person, place, or object. This phrase means that Esther prostrated herself in front of the feet of King Ahasuerus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 3 jmn7 figs-idiom לְ⁠הַֽעֲבִיר֙ אֶת־רָעַת֙ הָמָ֣ן הָֽ⁠אֲגָגִ֔י 1 to take away the evil of Haman the Agagite and his plot that he had plotted against the Jews Here, **the evil** refers to Haman’s plan.
This expression means to prevent a wrong action from happening.
Alternate translation: “to stop the evil plan of Haman the Agagite” or “to prevent the evil things from happening that Haman the Agagite had planned”
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 3 bp22 translate-names הָֽ⁠אֲגָגִ֔י 1 the Agagite This is the name of Haman’s people group. See how you translated this in [3:1](../03/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 8 3 c2hw מַֽחֲשַׁבְתּ֔⁠וֹ אֲשֶׁ֥ר חָשַׁ֖ב 1 his plot that he had plotted Alternate translation: “and the plot that he had invented” or “and the plot that Haman invented” EST 8 4 xh24 translate-symaction וַ⁠יּ֤וֹשֶׁט הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ לְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֔ר אֵ֖ת שַׁרְבִ֣ט הַ⁠זָּהָ֑ב 1 царь протянул золотой скипетр к Есфири Он сделал это в знак своего расположения к ней. См., как вы перевели аналогичную мысль в [Есфирь 5:2](../05/ EST 8 4 acd7 translate-unknown שַׁרְבִ֣ט הַ⁠זָּהָ֑ב 1 the scepter of gold See how you translated this in [4:11](../04/ If it would be helpful, review the explanation of what this object was. Alternate translation: “golden scepter” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 8 4 acd8 וַ⁠תָּ֣קָם אֶסְתֵּ֔ר 1 so Esther rose up Alternate translation: “Esther got up off the floor” EST 8 4 j1r5 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 before the face of the king Here, **face** figuratively represents the front of a person, place, or object. This phrase means the Esther now stood facing King Ahasuerus. Alternate translation: “and stood facing the king” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 5 w7yl figs-parallelism אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ ט֜וֹב…וְ⁠כָשֵׁ֤ר הַ⁠דָּבָר֙ לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Если царь пожелает "Если моё желание угодно царю" EST 8 5 r2yy figs-parallelism וְ⁠אִם־מָצָ֧אתִי חֵ֣ן לְ⁠פָנָ֗י⁠ו…וְ⁠טוֹבָ֥ה אֲנִ֖י בְּ⁠עֵינָ֑י⁠ו 1 если я приобрела милость "Приобрести милость" - значит "снискать расположение". Альтернативный перевод: "если ты мной доволен" или "если я заслуживаю твоей милости" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]], [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 5 acd9 figs-123person אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ ט֜וֹב וְ⁠אִם־מָצָ֧אתִי חֵ֣ן לְ⁠פָנָ֗י⁠ו 1 и это дело справедливо перед царём "Перед царём" - это метафора, означающая "по твоему мнению". Можно сказать: "если ты считаешь мою просьбу правильной" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 5 ace0 figs-idiom אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ ט֜וֹב 1 если я ему нравлюсь Или "если я тебе угодила, и ты ценишь меня" или "если ты мной доволен" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 5 ftc7 figs-idiom וְ⁠אִם־מָצָ֧אתִי חֵ֣ן 1 чтобы вернули письма чтобы письма стали недествительными EST 8 5 j1r7 figs-metonymy לְ⁠פָנָ֗י⁠ו…לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Амадаф Это мужское имя (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 8 5 xci7 figs-metaphor בְּ⁠עֵינָ֑י⁠ו 1 во всех царских областях Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления государством) (см. [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 8 5 j1r9 figs-idiom יִכָּתֵ֞ב לְ⁠הָשִׁ֣יב אֶת־הַ⁠סְּפָרִ֗ים 1 let it be written to take back the letters The first letters that told of the plan to destroy the Jews would not be brought back to Susa physically. Rather, **bring back** is an idiom that means “cancel” or “revoke.” Alternate translation: “make a new law to cancel what Haman decreed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 5 nbk3 figs-activepassive יִכָּתֵ֞ב לְ⁠הָשִׁ֣יב אֶת־הַ⁠סְּפָרִ֗ים 1 let it be written You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “write a new letter” or “make a new law” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 8 6 j2r5 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּ֠י 1 Потому что как я могу видеть бедствие моего народа и гибель моих родных? Есфирь использует данный вопрос, чтобы показать, в какою глубокую скорбь её повергнет гибель евреев. Альтернативный перевод: "Я не вынесу, если увижу бедствие моего народа. Я не переживу, если увижу гибель моих родных" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]). EST 8 6 udt6 figs-rquestion אֵיכָכָ֤ה אוּכַל֙ וְֽ⁠רָאִ֔יתִי בָּ⁠רָעָ֖ה אֲשֶׁר־יִמְצָ֣א אֶת־עַמִּ֑⁠י וְ⁠אֵֽיכָכָ֤ה אוּכַל֙ וְֽ⁠רָאִ֔יתִי בְּ⁠אָבְדַ֖ן מוֹלַדְתִּֽ⁠י 1 how could I bear to see the evil that my people would find? And how could I bear seeing the destruction of my kindred? Esther is actually making a statement, but she expresses herself in question form to show how strongly she feels about what she is saying. She does not actually expect the king to tell her how she could bear seeing her people destroyed. Alternate translation: “I cannot bear to see disaster fall on the Jews” or “I cannot endure watching my relatives be killed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]) EST 8 6 ace1 figs-parallelism אֵיכָכָ֤ה אוּכַל֙ וְֽ⁠רָאִ֔יתִי בָּ⁠רָעָ֖ה אֲשֶׁר־יִמְצָ֣א אֶת־עַמִּ֑⁠י וְ⁠אֵֽיכָכָ֤ה אוּכַל֙ וְֽ⁠רָאִ֔יתִי בְּ⁠אָבְדַ֖ן מוֹלַדְתִּֽ⁠י 1 how could I bear to see the evil that my people would find? And how could I bear seeing the destruction of my kindred? These two sentences mean basically the same thing. Esther uses the repetition to emphasize the importance of what she is saying. If it would be clearer in your language, you could combine the phrases. Alternate translation: “I could not bear to see my relatives and my whole people destroyed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 8 6 ace2 figs-abstractnouns בָּ⁠רָעָ֖ה אֲשֶׁר־יִמְצָ֣א אֶת־עַמִּ֑⁠י 1 the evil Even though it was morally very wrong for Haman to want to destroy Mordecai’s whole people, here the abstract noun **evil** likely means “harm,” as in [7:7](../07/ It means the same thing as “destruction” in the next sentence. Alternate translation: “my people being destroyed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 8 6 ace3 figs-idiom יִמְצָ֣א 1 would find As in [1:5](../01/, **find** is an idiom that means something exists in a certain place or time, not that people were looking for it and located it. Esther is speaking of the harm that will exist for the Jews if the effect of Haman’s letters is not undone. Alternate translation: “would be destroyed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 6 ace4 figs-abstractnouns בְּ⁠אָבְדַ֖ן 1 the destruction of This abstract noun can be expressed with a verb such as “destroyed.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 8 6 ace5 מוֹלַדְתִּֽ⁠י 1 my kindred Alternate translation: “my relatives” EST 8 7 j2r7 הִנֵּ֨ה 1 дом Амана Речь идёт обо всём имуществе Амана. Альтернативный перевод: "всё, что принадлежало Аману", "всё, чем Аман владел" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]). EST 8 7 ace6 בֵית־הָמָ֜ן נָתַ֣תִּי לְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֗ר 1 повесили См., как это слово переведено в [Есфирь 6:4](../06/ EST 8 7 h44h figs-metonymy בֵית־הָמָ֜ן 1 the house of Haman Here, **house** is a metonym meaning the entire household of Haman. Alternate translation: “the household of Haman” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 7 ace7 figs-events וְ⁠אֹת⁠וֹ֙ תָּל֣וּ עַל־הָ⁠עֵ֔ץ 1 they have hanged him on the tree Alternate translation: “I had my servants impale Haman on a wooden pole” or “I had my servants hang Haman on a gallows” You can put this information first because it happened before the king gave Haman’s property to Esther. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 8 7 ace8 translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵ֔ץ 1 the tree See how you translated this term in [2:23](../02/, [5:14](../05/, [6:4](../06/, [7:9](../07/, and [7:10](../07/ Review the note to
[2:23](../02/ if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “wooden pole” or “gallows” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 8 7 j2r9 figs-idiom שָׁלַ֥ח יָד֖⁠וֹ 1 he stretched out his hand Here the expression \*\*to stretch out a hand\*\* means to cause someone physical harm with the intention of killing them. Alternate translation: “because he plotted to destroy all the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 8 acf0 וְ֠⁠אַתֶּם 1 от имени царя напишите "Написать от чьего-либо имени" - значит "написать как уполномоченный представитель царя" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 8 8 acf1 כִּתְב֨וּ עַל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֜ים כַּ⁠טּ֤וֹב בְּ⁠עֵֽינֵי⁠כֶם֙ 1 нельзя вернуть Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Потому что никто не может отменить" или "никто не имеет права аннулировать указ" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 8 8 j3r1 figs-metaphor כַּ⁠טּ֤וֹב בְּ⁠עֵֽינֵי⁠כֶם֙ 1 Потому что письма, написанные от имени царя и скреплённые царским перстнем, нельзя вернуть Между словом "письма" и "нельзя вернуть" указывается причина, по которой этого нельзя сделать. Вы можете уточнить, почему царь не смог аннулировать указ Амана: "я не могу отменить изданный указ, потому что он был написан от имени царя и скреплен царским перстнем" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 8 8 j3mn figs-metaphor בְּ⁠שֵׁ֣ם הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 in the name of the king Here, **name** is a metaphor meaning authority. This phrase means Esther and Mordecai have permission to write with the authority of the King Ahasuerus. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 8 8 acf2 figs-123person בְּ⁠שֵׁ֣ם הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 in the name of the king King Ahasuerus refers to himself in the third person. You can have him say this in the first person. Alternate translation: “I give you permission to write with my own authority” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 8 8 j3r3 translate-unknown בְּ⁠טַבַּ֣עַת הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 with the signet ring of the king This is a special ring that could be used to imprint the king’s official seal on a law or decree. Alternate translation: “the ring that has my official seal on it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 8 8 acf3 figs-123person בְּ⁠טַבַּ֣עַת הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 with the signet ring of the king King Ahasuerus refers to himself in the third person. You can have him say this in the first person. Alternate translation: “the ring that has my official seal on it” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]) EST 8 8 j3r5 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּֽי 1 For Here, King Ahasuerus is expressing the reason why he cannot simply revoke the first letter and also why Esther and Mordecai can write another letter that people must obey. Alternate translation: “you see” or “people will obey your letter because” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 8 8 acf4 אֵ֥ין לְ⁠הָשִֽׁיב 1 there is none to take back a writing As in verse 5, this expression means “revoke.” Alternate translation: “no one can revoke” or “no one can nullify” EST 8 8 acf5 כְתָ֞ב…אֵ֥ין לְ⁠הָשִֽׁיב 1 there is none to take back a writing If it would be clearer in your language, you can put this first in the verse because it explains why Ahasuerus answers Esther and Mordecai in the way that he does. See the UST. EST 8 8 acf6 figs-explicit כְתָ֞ב אֲשֶׁר־נִכְתָּ֣ב בְּ⁠שֵׁם־הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ וְ⁠נַחְתּ֛וֹם בְּ⁠טַבַּ֥עַת הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ 1 a writing that has been written in the name of the king and has been sealed with the signet ring of the king The king is describing a general situation, but he has Haman’s letter specifically in mind. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. Alternate translation: “Haman wrote his letter with my authority, and he sealed it with the ring that has my official seal on it. No one can revoke a letter like that” (The story explained in [1:19](../01/ that the king’s laws could not be changed once they had been made and proclaimed.) (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 9 acf7 grammar-connect-logic-result וַ⁠יִּקָּרְא֣וּ סֹפְרֵֽי־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ 1 позвали царских писарей Можно уточнить: "царь созвал писарей". Читатели должны понять, что царь отдал приказ своим слугам, чтобы те собрали к нему писарей (царь лично не созывал их громким голосом) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 8 9 s4ue figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּקָּרְא֣וּ סֹפְרֵֽי־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ 1 На двадцать третий день третьего месяца, то есть в месяц Сиван Сиван - это третий месяц еврейского года (приходится на май — июнь) (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]], [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]], [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 8 9 acf8 וַ⁠יִּקָּרְא֣וּ סֹפְרֵֽי־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ 1 написали "писари написали" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 8 9 j4r1 translate-ordinal בַּ⁠חֹ֨דֶשׁ הַ⁠שְּׁלִישִׁ֜י 1 в каждую из ста двадцати семи областей "в каждую из 127 областей" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 8 9 acf9 figs-explicit בַּ⁠חֹ֨דֶשׁ הַ⁠שְּׁלִישִׁ֜י 1 областей Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления государством). См. [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 8 9 j356 translate-hebrewmonths הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ סִיוָ֗ן 1 на его языке "на понятном языке" (у каждого народа существовала своя письменность) EST 8 9 acg1 הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ סִיוָ֗ן 1 which is the month of Sivan The story is being recorded from the perspective of the Persian court, but for the benefit of its intended Jewish audience, the Hebrew name of the month is given. This month overlaps with May and June on a Western calendar. EST 8 9 j4r3 translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֣ה וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִים֮ בּ⁠וֹ֒ 1 on the twenty-third of it Alternation translation: “on day 23” or “on the twenty-third day of the month” The exact date of the letter helps to establish its legal authority. This would be on June 25th of a Western calendar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 8 9 sz6j figs-activepassive וַ⁠יִּכָּתֵ֣ב כְּֽ⁠כָל־אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֣ה מָרְדֳּכַ֣י 1 And according to all that Mordecai commanded it was written You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “and they wrote in a letter everything that Mordecai dictated to them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 8 9 acg2 figs-explicit אֶל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֡ים 1 to the Jews It appears from verse 11 that the letter would have been addressed specifically to the Jews in the empire, telling them that the king had authorized them to defend themselves. But copies were also sent to all the royal and provincial officials. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “the letter addressed the Jews in the empire, but copies were also sent” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 9 acg3 וְ⁠אֶ֣ל הָ⁠אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנִֽים־וְ⁠הַ⁠פַּחוֹת֩ וְ⁠שָׂרֵ֨י הַ⁠מְּדִינ֜וֹת 1 and to the satraps, and the governors and officials of the provinces See how you translated these terms in [3:12](../03/, where they were used to describe who received Haman’s letter. These are all people in government positions. The first one is the governor of the province and the other two are rulers under him who govern cities or smaller areas. If your language uses one term for all of these, you could use that with a descriptive phrase such as “to the government leaders of each province and also to the leaders under him.” EST 8 9 acg4 אֲשֶׁ֣ר ׀ מֵ⁠הֹ֣דּוּ וְ⁠עַד־כּ֗וּשׁ שֶׁ֣בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֤ים וּ⁠מֵאָה֙ מְדִינָ֔ה 1 that were from India even as far as Ethiopia: 127 provinces This is background information explaining how far this new letter had to be sent. See how you translated this phrase in [1:1](../01/ Alternate translation: “the empire of Ahasuerus had 127 provinces, stretching all the way from India in the east to Ethiopia in the west” EST 8 9 zp4q translate-numbers שֶׁ֣בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֤ים וּ⁠מֵאָה֙ מְדִינָ֔ה 1 127 provinces Alternate translation: “one hundred and twenty-seven provinces” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 8 9 j4r5 figs-idiom מְדִינָ֤ה וּ⁠מְדִינָה֙ 1 province by province This expression means “to people in every province.” Alternate translation: “the scribes wrote to the people in each province” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 9 bj5s כִּ⁠כְתָבָ֔⁠הּ 1 according to its writing Alternate translation: “using its own alphabet” or “written in its own script” EST 8 9 j4r7 figs-idiom וְ⁠עַ֥ם וָ⁠עָ֖ם 1 and people by people This expression means “every people group.” Alternate translation: “and to each ethnic group” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 9 j4r9 figs-metonymy כִּ⁠לְשֹׁנ֑⁠וֹ 1 according to its tongue Here, **tongue** figuratively means the language spoken by a person or a group of people. Alternate translation: “in its own language” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 9 j5r1 וְ⁠אֶ֨ל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים כִּ⁠כְתָבָ֖⁠ם וְ⁠כִ⁠לְשׁוֹנָֽ⁠ם 1 and to the Jews according to their writing and according to their tongue The Jews would have been included among all the people groups in the empire in the phrase “people by people.” So this seems to be saying, “and especially to the Jews.” Verse 11 explains that it was particularly important for the Jews to read the letter because it gave them the right to defend themselves. Alternate translation: “they wrote especially to the Jews in their own script and in their own language” EST 8 10 acg5 וַ⁠יִּכְתֹּ֗ב…וַ⁠יַּחְתֹּ֖ם 1 написал от имени царя Артаксеркса "Написать от чьего-либо имени" - значит написать, используя власть того человека, действуя как его представитель (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 8 10 ijp2 figs-metaphor בְּ⁠שֵׁם֙ הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרֹ֔שׁ 1 скрепил царским перстнем См., как вы перевели аналогичную мысль в [Есфирь 8:2](../08/ EST 8 10 jf31 figs-explicit וַ⁠יַּחְתֹּ֖ם בְּ⁠טַבַּ֣עַת הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 отправил посланников Речь идёт о тех, кто доставил царский указ. EST 8 10 yt4j figs-metaphor בְּ⁠יַד֩ הָ⁠רָצִ֨ים בַּ⁠סּוּסִ֜ים 1 на царских конях, быстрых и скакунах "Царские жеребцы" считались лучшей породой коней. Лошади, использовавшиеся на службе у царя, были потомками тех жеребцов. Альтернативный перевод: "на лучших конях" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 8 10 acg6 רֹכְבֵ֤י הָ⁠רֶ֨כֶשׁ֙ הָֽ⁠אֲחַשְׁתְּרָנִ֔ים בְּנֵ֖י הָֽ⁠רַמָּכִֽים 1 riders of the royal pack horses, sons of the mares Alternate translation: “They rose fast horses that were used in the king’s service. These horses had been bred in the king’s stables.” EST 8 10 p9uc figs-metonymy בְּנֵ֖י הָֽ⁠רַמָּכִֽים 1 sons of the mares Here, **sons** is a metonym meaning the offspring of royal livestock. Alternate translation: “the offspring of the king’s horses” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 11 j5r5 figs-idiom בְּ⁠כָל־עִיר־וָ⁠עִ֗יר 1 царь позволяет иудеям... собраться "царь разрешает иудеям ... объединиться друг с другом" EST 8 11 e1mj figs-metaphor לְ⁠הִקָּהֵל֮ וְ⁠לַ⁠עֲמֹ֣ד עַל־נַפְשָׁ⁠ם֒ 1 встать Это метафора, означающая "оказать сопротивление врагам, не убегая от них". Альтернативный перевод: "начать сражаться" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 11 j5r7 figs-doublet לְ⁠הַשְׁמִיד֩ וְ⁠לַ⁠הֲרֹ֨ג וּ⁠לְ⁠אַבֵּ֜ד 1 to annihilate, and to slaughter, and to destroy These words mean the same thing and are used together to emphasize the completeness of the destruction that is being described. See how you translated this in [3:13](../03/ and [7:4](../07/ Alternate translation: “completely destroy” (A “doublet” can involve the use of more than two words.) (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 8 11 acg7 figs-metonymy כָּל־חֵ֨יל עַ֧ם וּ⁠מְדִינָ֛ה הַ⁠צָּרִ֥ים אֹתָ֖⁠ם 1 any strength of a people or province that would attack them **Strength** is a figurative way of referring to an army or to a person carrying weaponry. Alternate translation: “the army of any people or province that attacked them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 11 acg8 טַ֣ף וְ⁠נָשִׁ֑ים 1 children and women Alternate translation: “they could also kill the wives and children of the armed men” EST 8 11 acg9 וּ⁠שְׁלָלָ֖⁠ם לָ⁠בֽוֹז 1 and plunder their spoil See how you translated this expression in [3:13](../03/ Alternate translation: “and take everything that belonged to them” EST 8 12 ach0 figs-explicit בְּ⁠י֣וֹם אֶחָ֔ד 1 в один день, тринадцатый день двенадцатого месяца, то есть месяца Адара См. [Есфирь 3:13](../03/ EST 8 12 ach1 בְּ⁠כָל־מְדִינ֖וֹת הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֑וֹשׁ 1 in all of the provinces of the king Ahasuerus Alternate translation: “in every province of the kingdom” EST 8 12 j6r3 translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֥ה עָשָׂ֛ר 1 on the thirteenth Alternate translation: “on day 13” or “on the thirteenth day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 8 12 hi2y translate-ordinal לְ⁠חֹ֥דֶשׁ שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר 1 of the twelfth month Alternate translation: “of month 12” or “of the twelfth month” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 8 12 ach2 figs-explicit לְ⁠חֹ֥דֶשׁ שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂ֖ר 1 of the twelfth month Implicitly, this means “the twelfth month of that same year.” If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 12 j6r4 translate-hebrewmonths הוּא־חֹ֥דֶשׁ אֲדָֽר 1 which is the month of Adar This is the name of the twelfth and last month of the Hebrew calendar. See how you
translated this in [3:07](../03/ and [3:13](../03/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 8 13 j6r5 figs-activepassive פַּתְשֶׁ֣גֶן הַ⁠כְּתָ֗ב לְ⁠הִנָּ֤תֵֽן דָּת֙ 1 мстить своим врагам Месть - это вредоносное действие, причиняемое людям за их злые поступки. Альтернативный перевод: "восстать против своих врагов" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 8 13 j6r7 figs-idiom בְּ⁠כָל־מְדִינָ֣ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֔ה 1 in every province by province This expression means “in each and every province.” Alternate translation: “in every single province” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 13 ach4 figs-activepassive גָּל֖וּי לְ⁠כָל־הָ⁠עַמִּ֑ים 1 being uncovered for all the peoples You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “the letter told the officials in every single province to post copies where everyone could see them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 8 13 ach5 וְ⁠לִ⁠הְי֨וֹת הַיְּהוּדִ֤ים עֲתִידִים֙ לַ⁠יּ֣וֹם הַ⁠זֶּ֔ה 1 for the Jews to be prepared for that day Alternate translation: “that way the Jews would get ready to do what the letter said when the day came” EST 8 13 qk1d figs-idiom לְ⁠הִנָּקֵ֖ם מֵ⁠אֹיְבֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 to take revenge from their enemies This expression, “to take revenge from” another person, means to correct a wrong they have done. In this context, the phrase means to correct the wrong of the original law that gave people permission to kill the Jews. Alternate translation: “and fight back against their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 14 ach7 הָ⁠רָצִ֞ים רֹכְבֵ֤י הָ⁠רֶ֨כֶשׁ֙ הָֽ⁠אֲחַשְׁתְּרָנִ֔ים 1 поспешно и торопливо "немедленно" EST 8 14 ach6 figs-activepassive מְבֹהָלִ֥ים וּ⁠דְחוּפִ֖ים בִּ⁠דְבַ֣ר הַ⁠מֶּ֑לֶךְ 1 Сузы Это город, в котором находился царский дворец (см. [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 8 14 b69j figs-doublet מְבֹהָלִ֥ים וּ⁠דְחוּפִ֖ים 1 hastened and hurried These two terms mean almost the same thing and are used together to emphasize the fact that the couriers were told to deliver the letters as quickly as possible. Alternate translation: “they went immediately” or “as quickly as possible” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 8 14 ach8 figs-events הָ⁠רָצִ֞ים רֹכְבֵ֤י הָ⁠רֶ֨כֶשׁ֙ הָֽ⁠אֲחַשְׁתְּרָנִ֔ים 1 The runners, the riders of the royal pack horses To present the events in chronological order, you can put this after the king’s command, as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 8 14 j6r9 figs-activepassive וְ⁠הַ⁠דָּ֥ת נִתְּנָ֖ה 1 And the law was given You can say this with an active form. Alternate translation: “the king’s officials also posted and read copies of the letter” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 8 15 j7r3 writing-newevent וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֞י יָצָ֣א 1 Город Сузы веселился и радовался "Город" - то есть населявшие его люди. Альтернативный перевод: "жители города радовались и веселились" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 8 15 j7r5 figs-metonymy מִ⁠לִּ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּ֗לֶךְ 1 веселился и радовался "ликовал" EST 8 15 ach9 figs-explicit בִּ⁠לְב֤וּשׁ מַלְכוּת֙ תְּכֵ֣לֶת וָ⁠ח֔וּר וַ⁠עֲטֶ֤רֶת זָהָב֙ גְּדוֹלָ֔ה וְ⁠תַכְרִ֥יךְ בּ֖וּץ וְ⁠אַרְגָּמָ֑ן 1 in a garment of royalty of blue and white, with a great crown of gold and a robe of fine linen and purple The implication is that the king gave Mordecai these special things to wear to show that he was now his highest officer. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. To put these events in chronological order, you can place this information before the report that Mordecai left the king’s presence to fulfill his duties. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 15 aci1 בִּ⁠לְב֤וּשׁ מַלְכוּת֙ תְּכֵ֣לֶת 1 a garment of royalty of blue and white Alternate translation: “a blue and white garment that the king had worn” EST 8 15 aci2 וַ⁠עֲטֶ֤רֶת זָהָב֙ גְּדוֹלָ֔ה 1 a great crown of gold Alternate translation: “a large golden crown” EST 8 15 eqc4 figs-metonymy וְ⁠הָ⁠עִ֣יר שׁוּשָׁ֔ן צָהֲלָ֖ה וְ⁠שָׂמֵֽחָה 1 and the city of Susa Here, **the city** represents the people living in it. Alternate translation: “the people of Susa” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 8 15 i1ec figs-hendiadys צָהֲלָ֖ה וְ⁠שָׂמֵֽחָה 1 cheered and rejoiced This phrase expresses a single idea by using two words connected with “and.” The word **rejoiced** tells how they cheered. If it would be clearer in your language, you could express the meaning by saying something like “shouted joyfully.” Alternate translation: “cheered and were happy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys]]) EST 8 15 aci3 figs-explicit צָהֲלָ֖ה וְ⁠שָׂמֵֽחָה 1 cheered and rejoiced The implication is that the people did this when they saw Mordecai. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 16 q2ru figs-metaphor הָֽיְתָ֥ה אוֹרָ֖ה 1 были свет и радость Возможные значения: 1) под "светом" подразумевается "счастье": "были счастье и радость"; 2) речь идёт об успехе и безопасности: "радовались о своей безопасности" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 16 aci4 figs-doublet הָֽיְתָ֥ה אוֹרָ֖ה וְ⁠שִׂמְחָ֑ה 1 there was light and joy The terms **light** and **joy** refer to the same thing here.
They are used together to emphasize the extreme happiness that the Jews felt.
Alternate translation: “the Jews felt very happy” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 8 16 j8r1 figs-doublet וְ⁠שָׂשֹׂ֖ן וִ⁠יקָֽר 1 and rejoicing and honor These terms have similar meaning and are used together with the previous doublet to emphasize again the great happiness and joy that the Jews felt. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 8 16 n94u figs-explicit וִ⁠יקָֽר 1 and honor Here, **honor** might have two possible meanings. (1) Other people honored the Jews. Alternate translation: “other people honored them” (2) The Jews themselves felt honor instead of shame. Alternate translation: “they felt honored” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 17 k1eh figs-idiom וּ⁠בְ⁠כָל־מְדִינָ֨ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֜ה 1 В каждой области Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления государством). См., как вы перевели аналогичное слово в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 8 17 j8r3 figs-idiom וּ⁠בְ⁠כָל־עִ֣יר וָ⁠עִ֗יר 1 куда только доходили приказ царя "Доходил" - то есть "был доставлен". Можно сказать: "куда бы гонцы царя ни доставляли его указ" или "где бы ни зачитывали царское повеление" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 17 va7t figs-personification מְקוֹם֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֤לֶךְ וְ⁠דָת⁠וֹ֙ מַגִּ֔יעַ 1 праздничный день Праздник - это день, когда отмечается какое-либо радостное событие. EST 8 17 j8r5 figs-doublet שִׂמְחָ֤ה וְ⁠שָׂשׂוֹן֙ לַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים 1 с перед иудеями "Напал на них страх" - значит, что они стали сильно бояться иудеев. Альтернативный перевод: "они начали бояться евреев" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 8 17 p89m figs-doublet מִשְׁתֶּ֖ה וְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 a feast and a good day These two terms mean something similar and are used together to emphasize the great happiness and joy that the Jews felt. Alternate translation: “and had festive celebrations” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 8 17 aci5 figs-idiom וְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 a good day This expression generally means a day of happiness or celebration. Alternate translation: “and a holiday” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 17 aci6 figs-explicit וְ⁠רַבִּ֞ים מֵֽ⁠עַמֵּ֤י הָ⁠אָ֨רֶץ֙ מִֽתְיַהֲדִ֔ים 1 And many from the peoples of the land became Jews The implication is that they did this because they thought that the Jews might attack them when the Jews fought back against their enemies. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 8 17 aci7 וְ⁠רַבִּ֞ים מֵֽ⁠עַמֵּ֤י הָ⁠אָ֨רֶץ֙ מִֽתְיַהֲדִ֔ים 1 And many from the peoples of the land Alternate translation: “many people from the other ethnic groups in the empire” EST 8 17 aci8 figs-idiom מֵֽ⁠עַמֵּ֤י הָ⁠אָ֨רֶץ֙ 1 from the peoples of the land The **peoples of the land** were the non-Jewish people groups within the empire. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 8 17 r3qf figs-metaphor נָפַ֥ל פַּֽחַד־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֖ים עֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 dread of the Jews had fallen on them Here, **falling** is a metaphor meaning to affect someone. Alternate translation: “they had become very afraid of the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 8 17 aci9 figs-events נָפַ֥ל פַּֽחַד־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֖ים עֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 dread of the Jews had fallen upon them To present the events in chronological order, you can say this before saying that the people from the other groups became Jews themselves. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 9 intro yty1 0 # Есфирь 09 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Пурим #####

Всё, что случилось с еврейским народом, было настолько значимым, что иудеи начали ежегодно праздновать своё избавление. Данный праздник стал называться "Пурим".

#### Важные изобразительные средства, употреблённые в данной главе ####

##### Ирония #####

Иронией здесь является то, что день, когда враги должны были одержать победу над евреями, стал днём победы для Божьего народа.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 09:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../08/ | [>>](../10/ EST 9 1 j8r7 writing-newevent וּ⁠בִ⁠שְׁנֵים֩ עָשָׂ֨ר חֹ֜דֶשׁ 1 На тринадцатый день двенадцатого месяца, то есть в месяц Адар См., как переведена аналогичная фраза в [Есфирь 3:13](../03/ EST 9 1 acj0 figs-explicit וּ⁠בִ⁠שְׁנֵים֩ עָשָׂ֨ר חֹ֜דֶשׁ הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֗ר בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֨ה עָשָׂ֥ר יוֹם֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ 1 в который пришло время выполнить приказ царя "Испонить приказ" - значит "выполнить чьё-либо распоряжение или приказ". Можно сказать: "когда народ приготовился исполнить царское постановление" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 9 1 j8r9 translate-ordinal וּ⁠בִ⁠שְׁנֵים֩ עָשָׂ֨ר חֹ֜דֶשׁ 1 взять власть над ними "Взять власть над кем-то" (идиома) - значит "одержать над ним победу". Можно сказать: "надеялись их поразить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 9 1 t9yc translate-hebrewmonths הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֗ר 1 вышло наоборот "Ситуация изменилась" (то есть случилось противоположное ожидаемому). Альтернативный перевод: "случилось обратное" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 9 1 j9r1 translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁלוֹשָׁ֨ה עָשָׂ֥ר יוֹם֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ 1 on the thirteenth day of it Alternate translation: “on the thirteenth day of the month” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 1 acj1 אֲשֶׁ֨ר…דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ וְ⁠דָת֖⁠וֹ לְ⁠הֵעָשׂ֑וֹת 1 when the word of the king and his law Alternate translation: “what the letters said the king had decreed” EST 9 1 wh56 figs-personification אֲשֶׁ֨ר הִגִּ֧יעַ דְּבַר־הַ⁠מֶּ֛לֶךְ וְ⁠דָת֖⁠וֹ לְ⁠הֵעָשׂ֑וֹת 1 when the word of the king and his law had reached the time to be done This expression describes the king’s decree as if it had traveled through time (as a person travels through space) and reached this particular day. This phrase means that it was time for people to obey the decree. Alternate translation: “when the time came for people to obey the king’s law and decree” or “when it was the day established in the king’s letters for people to carry out the king’s law” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]]) EST 9 1 acj2 בַּ⁠יּ֗וֹם אֲשֶׁ֨ר שִׂבְּר֜וּ אֹיְבֵ֤י הַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֙ לִ⁠שְׁל֣וֹט בָּ⁠הֶ֔ם 1 on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to dominate them Alternate translation: “the enemies of the Jews had expected to defeat the Jews on that day” EST 9 1 ect2 figs-idiom לִ⁠שְׁל֣וֹט 1 to dominate This word usually means “to rule over,” but here it figuratively means “to have power over, to be able to destroy.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 1 lq9y figs-metaphor וְ⁠נַהֲפ֣וֹךְ 1 but being overturned Saying that a situation was turned over is a figurative way of saying that what happened was the opposite of what was expected. Alternate translation: “the situation was reversed” or “the opposite happened” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 1 acj3 ה֔וּא אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִשְׁלְט֧וּ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֛ים הֵ֖מָּה בְּ⁠שֹׂנְאֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 it happened that the Jews themselves dominated those who hated them Alternate translation: “Instead, it was the Jews themselves who destroyed their enemies” EST 9 1 acj4 figs-idiom בְּ⁠שֹׂנְאֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 those who hated them This is an idiom that describes enemies (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 2 tj62 figs-idiom לִ⁠שְׁלֹ֣חַ יָ֔ד 1 Область Область - это пространная территория, входящая в состав какого-либо государства (страна делится на области для более эффективного управления государством). См., как вы перевели аналогичное слово в [Есфирь 1:1](../01/ EST 9 2 d44x figs-abstractnouns בִּ⁠מְבַקְשֵׁ֖י רָֽעָתָ֑⁠ם 1 чтобы убить тех В других переводах - "наложить руки" (идиома) - поразить, уничтожить. Альтернативный перевод: "чтобы сразиться с теми, кто" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 9 2 acj6 figs-idiom וְ⁠אִישׁ֙ לֹא־עָמַ֣ד לִ⁠פְנֵי⁠הֶ֔ם 1 кто желал им зла Желать зла - значит стремиться причинить зло (в данном случае речь идёт о желании убить). Можно сказать: "кто пытался их убить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 9 2 x8s3 figs-metaphor וְ⁠אִישׁ֙ לֹא־עָמַ֣ד לִ⁠פְנֵי⁠הֶ֔ם 1 Никто не мог устоять перед ними "Не мог устоять" - значит не смог противостоять их атаке. Альтернативный перевод: "никто не был способен противостоять нападению евреев", "никто не смог победить евреев" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 9 2 j9r3 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵי⁠הֶ֔ם 1 страх перед ними напал на все народы Когда "срах нападает на людей" - это значит, что они сильно боятся. Альтернативный перевод: "все люди начали бояться евреев" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 9 2 h7jh figs-metaphor נָפַ֥ל פַּחְדָּ֖⁠ם עַל־כָּל־הָ⁠עַמִּֽים 1 sudden fear of them had fallen on all the peoples Here, **falling** is a metaphor meaning to affect someone. Alternate translation: “all the peoples suddenly became very afraid” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 2 acj7 figs-explicit נָפַ֥ל פַּחְדָּ֖⁠ם עַל־כָּל־הָ⁠עַמִּֽים 1 sudden fear of them had fallen on all the peoples The implication is that as a result, no one helped anyone who attacked the Jews. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 3 acj8 שָׂרֵ֨י הַ⁠מְּדִינ֜וֹת וְ⁠הָ⁠אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנִ֣ים וְ⁠הַ⁠פַּח֗וֹת 1 Все правители в областях "все областные начальники" EST 9 3 acj9 וְ⁠עֹשֵׂ֤י הַ⁠מְּלָאכָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר לַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 напал на них страх перед Мардохеем Когда "срах нападает на людей" - это значит, что они сильно боятся. Альтернативный перевод: "начали бояться Мардохея" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 9 3 ack0 figs-metaphor מְנַשְּׂאִ֖ים אֶת־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֑ים 1 were lifting up the Jews Here, **lifting up** is a figurative way of saying “helping.” The picture is likely of someone helping a tired or injured person to stand or walk by holding them up. Alternate translation: “helped the Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 3 q2ue figs-metaphor נָפַ֥ל פַּֽחַד־מָרְדֳּכַ֖י עֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 dread of Mordecai had fallen on them Here, **falling** is a metaphor meaning to affect someone. Alternate translation: “they were afraid of Mordecai” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 4 j9r5 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּֽי 1 был великим в царском доме "получил огромную власть" EST 9 4 xd49 figs-explicit גָ֤דוֹל מָרְדֳּכַי֙ בְּ⁠בֵ֣ית הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 слава о нём ходила по всем областям, То есть все люди узнали, насколько огромную власть получил Мардохей. Альтернативный перевод: "жители всех областей узнали, какой огромной властью он обладал" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 9 4 ack1 figs-metonymy גָ֤דוֹל מָרְדֳּכַי֙ בְּ⁠בֵ֣ית הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Mordecai was great in the palace of the king **The palace of the king** is a figurative way of describing the king’s administration by referring to the place where it was headquartered. Alternate translation: “was very important in the king’s government” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 9 4 ack2 גָ֤דוֹל מָרְדֳּכַי֙ בְּ⁠בֵ֣ית הַ⁠מֶּ֔לֶךְ 1 Mordecai was great **Great** here is the same term that, as a verb, describes promotion within the king’s
service in in [3:1](../03/ and [5:11](../05/ Alternate translation: “Mordecai was a very important royal official” EST 9 4 mr66 figs-personification וְ⁠שָׁמְע֖⁠וֹ הוֹלֵ֣ךְ בְּ⁠כָל־הַ⁠מְּדִינ֑וֹת 1 and the report of him was going out into all the provinces Here the story speaks of the news of Mordecai’s greatness as if it were a living thing that could travel throughout the empire. Alternate translation: “throughout the empire, everyone was hearing the news of his greatness” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]]) EST 9 4 j9r9 figs-idiom מָרְדֳּכַ֖י הוֹלֵ֥ךְ וְ⁠גָדֽוֹל 1 Mordecai was progressing and becoming great This expression means that Mordecai continued to become more powerful and influential. Alternate translation: “Mordecai was becoming more famous because the king was giving him more and more power” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 5 ack3 וַ⁠יַּכּ֤וּ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֙ בְּ⁠כָל־אֹ֣יְבֵי⁠הֶ֔ם מַכַּת־חֶ֥רֶב 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 9 5 ack4 figs-idiom וַ⁠יַּכּ֤וּ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֙ בְּ⁠כָל־אֹ֣יְבֵי⁠הֶ֔ם מַכַּת־חֶ֥רֶב 1 the Jews struck to all their enemies a strike of sword This expression means that the Jews defended themselves against their enemies, even to the point of killing people who attacked them. Alternate translation: “the Jews attacked all of their enemies and killed them with their swords” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 5 j11d figs-synecdoche מַכַּת־חֶ֥רֶב 1 a strike of sword Swords were not necessarily the only weapons the Jews had and used. The sword is used to represent all of their weaponry. If it would be clearer in your language, you could express this more general meaning. Alternate translation: “the Jews took up their weapons and used them against their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) EST 9 5 j13d figs-doublet וְ⁠הֶ֖רֶג וְ⁠אַבְדָ֑ן 1 and slaughter, and destruction These two words have the same meaning and are used together for emphasis. Alternate translation: “they destroyed them completely” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 9 5 j15d figs-idiom וַ⁠יַּֽעֲשׂ֥וּ בְ⁠שֹׂנְאֵי⁠הֶ֖ם כִּ⁠רְצוֹנָֽ⁠ם 1 and they did to those who hated them according to their pleasure This expression does not mean that the Jews felt pleasure when they killed their enemies. Rather, it means that the Jews were able to defend themselves against their enemies and were not hindered in any way. Alternate translation: “they were able to do everything they wanted to do against their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 5 ack5 figs-idiom בְ⁠שֹׂנְאֵי⁠הֶ֖ם 1 those who hated them This is an idiom that describes enemies. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 6 b5ft וּ⁠בְ⁠שׁוּשַׁ֣ן הַ⁠בִּירָ֗ה 1 В столице Столица - это укреплённый город (см. [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ EST 9 6 j17d figs-doublet הָרְג֤וּ…וְ⁠אַבֵּ֔ד 1 Сузы Город Сузы был столицей персидских царей. См. [Есфирь 1:2](../01/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 6 ha18 translate-numbers חֲמֵ֥שׁ מֵא֖וֹת אִֽישׁ 1 пятьсот человек "500 человек" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 7 ack6 figs-explicit פַּרְשַׁנְדָּ֛תָא…דַּֽלְפ֖וֹן…אַסְפָּֽתָא 1 Паршандафу, Далфона, Асфафу Это мужские имена (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 7 s6x2 translate-names פַּרְשַׁנְדָּ֛תָא…דַּֽלְפ֖וֹן…אַסְפָּֽתָא 1 Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha These are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 9 8 g6zx translate-names פּוֹרָ֛תָא…אֲדַלְיָ֖א…אֲרִידָֽתָא 1 Порафу, Адалью, Аридафу Это мужские имена (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 9 gj4p translate-names פַּרְמַ֨שְׁתָּא֙…אֲרִיסַ֔י…אֲרִדַ֖י…וַיְזָֽתָא 1 Пармашфу, Арисая, Аридая, Ваиезафу Это мужские имена (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 10 fsa2 translate-numbers עֲ֠שֶׂרֶת בְּנֵ֨י 1 десятерых сыновей "10-х сыновей" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 10 xt5b figs-distinguish צֹרֵ֥ר הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֖ים 1 Амана Аман был самым высокопоставленным царским чиновником. См. [сфирь 3:1](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 10 j19d figs-idiom לֹ֥א שָׁלְח֖וּ אֶת־יָדָֽ⁠ם 1 Амадаф См. [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 10 ack7 וּ⁠בַ֨⁠בִּזָּ֔ה 1 врага иудеев Речь идёт об Амане. EST 9 11 ack8 בַּ⁠יּ֣וֹם הַ⁠ה֗וּא 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 9 11 j21d figs-personification בָּ֣א מִסְפַּ֧ר…לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 the report of the number…came to the face of the king Here the story speaks about the report as if it were a living thing that could come into the the king’s presence. Alternate translation: “one of the king’s servants told the king the number of” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]]) EST 9 11 acl0 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֥י הַ⁠מֶּֽלֶךְ 1 to the face of the king Here, **face** figuratively represents the presence of a person. This phrase likely means that someone came into the king’s presence in order to deliver this report. Alternate translation: “someone came in and reported to the king” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 9 11 j22d figs-activepassive מִסְפַּ֧ר הַֽ⁠הֲרוּגִ֛ים 1 the number of those who were killed You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. Alternate translation: “how many people the Jews had killed” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 9 12 j33d figs-doublet הָרְגוּ֩…וְ⁠אַבֵּ֜ד 1 пятьсот человек "500 человек" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 12 cz3e translate-numbers חֲמֵ֧שׁ מֵא֣וֹת אִ֗ישׁ 1 десятерых сыновей "10-х сыновей" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 12 acl1 וְ⁠אֵת֙ 1 что же они сделали в других областях царя? Царь задаёт Есфири этот вопрос, чтобы выразить свою заинтересованность действиями евреев в областях империи. Альтеративный перевод: "Каковы их действия в других областях?", "Должно быть, они убили многих в других областях царя!" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]). EST 9 12 j5p9 translate-numbers עֲשֶׂ֣רֶת בְּנֵֽי 1 Какое твоё желание? Абстрактное существительное "желание" можно заменить глаголами "просить", "хотеть": "Что ты хочешь у меня попросить?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 9 12 vh5l figs-rquestion בִּ⁠שְׁאָ֛ר מְדִינ֥וֹת הַ⁠מֶּ֖לֶךְ מֶ֣ה עָשׂ֑וּ 1 Оно будет удовлетворено Вместо страдательного залога можно употребить действительный: "Я дам тебе всё, что ты у меня попросишь" или "Я сделаю всё, о чём ты меня попросишь" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 9 12 s3sr figs-parallelism וּ⁠מַה־שְּׁאֵֽלָתֵ⁠ךְ֙ וְ⁠יִנָּ֣תֵֽן לָ֔⁠ךְ וּ⁠מַה־בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֥⁠ךְ ע֖וֹד וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 Какая ещё твоя просьба? Абстрактное существительное "просьба" можно заменить глаголами "просить", "хотеть": "О чём ты хочешь меня попросить?", "Что бы ты хотела получить от меня?" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 9 12 n3ua figs-activepassive וְ⁠יִנָּ֣תֵֽן לָ֔⁠ךְ…וְ⁠תֵעָֽשׂ 1 And it will be given to you…and it will be done You can capture these parallel passive statements with one statement using an active form. You can also say who will do the action. Alternate translation: “I will do it for you” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 9 12 ly4g figs-abstractnouns שְּׁאֵֽלָתֵ⁠ךְ֙…בַּקָּשָׁתֵ֥⁠ךְ 1 your petition…your request The two abstract nouns **petition** and **request** can be expressed with a single phrase using the verb “want.” Alternate translation: “anything more that you want” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 9 13 acl2 figs-idiom אִם־עַל־הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ ט֔וֹב 1 делать то же самое и завтра, что сегодня Или "исполнять приказ". Альтеративный перевод: "исполнять приказ также и завтра, "исполнять приказ завтра так же, как и сегодня" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 9 13 acl3 figs-activepassive יִנָּתֵ֣ן 1 десятерых сыновей "10-х сыновей" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 13 nz41 גַּם־מָחָ֗ר לַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֔ן לַ⁠עֲשׂ֖וֹת כְּ⁠דָ֣ת הַ⁠יּ֑וֹם 1 пусть повесят "Повесить" - значит "казнить, повесив на виселице" ("виселица" - это сооружение, состоящее из двух столбов с перекладиной, к которой крепилась веревка, свободный конец которой, как петля, одевался на шею человека). См. [Есфирь 2:23](../02/ Альтернативный перевод: "казнили через повешение" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]). EST 9 13 j43d בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֔ן 1 in Susa Alternate translation: “in the capital city of Susa” EST 9 13 acl4 עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת בְּנֵֽי־הָמָ֖ן יִתְל֥וּ 1 let the ten sons of Haman hang The request is not for the king to allow the bodies to be impaled (or hanged), but instead, for the king to order this. Alternate translation: “and have the bodies of Haman’s ten sons hanged [or impaled]” EST 9 13 acl5 translate-symaction עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת בְּנֵֽי־הָמָ֖ן יִתְל֥וּ 1 let the ten sons of Haman hang The purpose of this would not be to kill the sons, since they are already dead, but to demonstrate publicly that the enemies of the Jews had been completely defeated. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 9 13 acl6 figs-explicit עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת בְּנֵֽי־הָמָ֖ן יִתְל֥וּ 1 the ten sons of Haman It is implicit that since Haman’s sons are already dead, what Esther is actually asking for is for their bodies to be impaled or hanged. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation: “the bodies of Haman’s ten sons” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 13 nr1p translate-numbers עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת בְּנֵֽי 1 ten sons Alternate translation: “10 sons” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 9 13 qyu8 translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵֽץ 1 the tree See how you translated this term in [2:23](../02/ and its other occurrences. Review the explanation in the note to [2:23](../02/ if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “wooden pole” or “gallows.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 9 14 acl7 figs-activepassive וַ⁠יֹּ֤אמֶר הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ֙ לְ⁠הֵֽעָשׂ֣וֹת כֵּ֔ן 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 9 14 acl8 figs-explicit וַ⁠תִּנָּתֵ֥ן דָּ֖ת בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֑ן 1 And a law was given in Susa This phrase, “in Susa,” seems to indicate that this refers to Esther’s first request. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. Alternate translation: “he issued a decree allowing the Jews in Susa to fight against their enemies again the next day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 14 j47d figs-activepassive וַ⁠תִּנָּתֵ֥ן דָּ֖ת בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֑ן 1 And a law was given in Susa This can be stated in active form as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 9 14 j49d בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֑ן 1 in Susa Alternate translation: “in the capital city of Susa” EST 9 14 acl9 figs-explicit תָּלֽוּ 1 they hanged This was Esther’s second request. You can say who did the action. Alternate translation: “he ordered his servants to hang [or impale] the bodies of Haman’s ten sons” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 14 j51d translate-numbers עֲשֶׂ֥רֶת בְּנֵֽי 1 ten sons Alternate translation: “10 sons” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 9 15 j55d בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֗ן 1 в четырнадцатый день месяца Адара См., как переведена аналогичная фраза в [Есфирь 3:13](../03/ EST 9 15 acm0 וַ⁠יִּֽקָּהֲל֞וּ 1 а на грабёж не протянули своих рук "Протянуть руки" - значит, "захватить". Альтернативный перевод: "не стали захватывать добычу", "не стали грабить" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 9 15 p9gc translate-ordinal בְּ⁠י֣וֹם אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ 1 on the fourteenth day Alternate translation: “on day 14” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 15 j57d translate-hebrewmonths לְ⁠חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֔ר 1 of the month of Adar **Adar** is the name of the twelfth and last month of the Hebrew calendar. See how you translated this in [3:7](../03/, [3:13](../03/, [8:12](../08/, and [9:1](../09/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 9 15 j59d בְ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֔ן 1 in Susa Alternate translation: “in the capital city of Susa” EST 9 15 j61d translate-numbers שְׁלֹ֥שׁ מֵא֖וֹת אִ֑ישׁ 1 300 men Alternate translation: “three hundred men” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 9 15 lp12 figs-idiom וּ⁠בַ֨⁠בִּזָּ֔ה לֹ֥א שָׁלְח֖וּ אֶת־יָדָֽ⁠ם 1 they did not stretch out their hand to the plunder Here, the expression **to stretch out a hand** means to take something from another person. Alternate translation: “they did not take the things that belonged to them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 16 j65d figs-metaphor נִקְהֲל֣וּ ׀ וְ⁠עָמֹ֣ד עַל־נַפְשָׁ֗⁠ם 1 семьдесят пять тысяч "75,000" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 16 acm2 figs-explicit נִקְהֲל֣וּ ׀ וְ⁠עָמֹ֣ד עַל־נַפְשָׁ֗⁠ם 1 а на грабёж не протянули своих рук "Не протянули своих рук" - значит "не стали захватывать". Альтернативный перевод: "но не стали забирать вещи у убитых" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 9 16 acm3 figs-metaphor וְ⁠נ֨וֹחַ֙ מֵ⁠אֹ֣יְבֵי⁠הֶ֔ם 1 грабёж Грабёж - это насильственный захват чьего-то имущества. EST 9 16 kms1 וְ⁠הָרֹג֙ בְּ⁠שֹׂ֣נְאֵי⁠הֶ֔ם חֲמִשָּׁ֥ה וְ⁠שִׁבְעִ֖ים אָ֑לֶף 1 they slaughtered 75,000 of those who hated them Alternate translation: “and killed 75,000 of them” EST 9 16 i1d1 translate-numbers חֲמִשָּׁ֥ה וְ⁠שִׁבְעִ֖ים אָ֑לֶף 1 75000 Alternate translation: “seventy-five thousand” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 9 16 m2cx לֹ֥א שָֽׁלְח֖וּ אֶת־יָדָֽ⁠ם 1 they did not stretch out their hand to the plunder Alternate translation: “they did not take the things that belonged to them” or “they did not take the valuable things” or “the did not take their possessions” EST 9 17 ll4f translate-ordinal בְּ⁠יוֹם־שְׁלֹשָׁ֥ה עָשָׂ֖ר 1 в тринадцатый день месяца Адара См., как это выражение переведено в [Есфирь 3:13](../03/ EST 9 17 j67d translate-hebrewmonths לְ⁠חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֑ר 1 На четырнадцатый день этого месяца они успокоились "к 14-ому дню месяца Адара евреи, жившие в областях, успокоились" EST 9 17 acm5 בְּ⁠אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ וְ⁠עָשֹׂ֣ה אֹת֔⁠וֹ י֖וֹם מִשְׁתֶּ֥ה וְ⁠שִׂמְחָֽה 1 on the fourteenth day of it, then they made it a day of feasting and rejoicing Alternate translation: “they devoted the next day, the fourteenth day of the month of Adar, to joyful celebration” or “they feasted joyfully the next day, the fourteenth day of the month of Adar” EST 9 17 kjj1 translate-ordinal בְּ⁠אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ 1 on the fourteenth of it Alternate translation: “on day 14” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 17 j69d figs-hendiadys מִשְׁתֶּ֥ה וְ⁠שִׂמְחָֽה 1 feasting and rejoicing This phrase expresses a single idea by using two words connected with “and.” The word **rejoicing** tells how they celebrated. Alternate translation: “joyful celebration” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys]]) EST 9 17 acm6 figs-synecdoche מִשְׁתֶּ֥ה 1 feasting This is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to mean the whole thing. The celebrations must have included more than just eating special meals together, but the story uses those meals to refer to the entire celebrations. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]]) EST 9 18 w531 וְהַיְּהוּדִ֣ים אֲשֶׁר־בְּ⁠שׁוּשָׁ֗ן נִקְהֲלוּ֙ 1 Иудеи же, которые в Сузах, собирались Вы можете уточнить, для чего собирались евреи: "жившие в Сузах евреи собирались, чтобы веселиться и пировать" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 9 18 acm7 figs-explicit נִקְהֲלוּ֙ 1 assembled themselves The implication is that they did this to fight against their enemies. This can be stated explicitly. Alternate translation: “the Jews who lived in Susa joined together to fight against their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 18 acm8 figs-explicit בִּ⁠שְׁלֹשָׁ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ וּ⁠בְ⁠אַרְבָּעָ֥ה עָשָׂ֖ר בּ֑⁠וֹ 1 on the thirteenth of it and on the fourteenth of it If it would be clearer, you can say which month this is. Alternate translation: “on the thirteenth and fourteenth days of the month of Adar”
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 18 j73d translate-ordinal בִּ⁠שְׁלֹשָׁ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ 1 on the thirteenth of it Alternate translation: “on day 13” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 18 j75d translate-ordinal וּ⁠בְ⁠אַרְבָּעָ֥ה עָשָׂ֖ר בּ֑⁠וֹ 1 and on the fourteenth of it Alternate translation: “and on day 14” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 18 acm9 figs-metaphor וְ⁠נ֗וֹחַ בַּ⁠חֲמִשָּׁ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ וְ⁠עָשֹׂ֣ה אֹת֔⁠וֹ י֖וֹם מִשְׁתֶּ֥ה וְ⁠שִׂמְחָֽה 1 And they rested on the fifteenth of it, and they made it a day of feasting and rejoicing **Resting** is a figurative way of saying that they no longer needed to fight against their enemies because they had won the battle. Alternate translation: “they defeated them, and there was no fighting on the fifteenth day. They devoted that day to joyful celebration” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 18 j77d translate-ordinal בַּ⁠חֲמִשָּׁ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ בּ֔⁠וֹ 1 on the fifteenth of it Alternate translation: “on day 15” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 18 j79d figs-hendiadys מִשְׁתֶּ֥ה וְ⁠שִׂמְחָֽה 1 feasting and rejoicing This phrase means the same thing as in the previous verse. Alternate translation: “for feasting joyfully” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys]]) EST 9 19 j81d grammar-connect-logic-result עַל־כֵּ֞ן 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 9 19 acn0 figs-parallelism הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֣ים הַפְּרָזִ֗ים הַ⁠יֹּשְׁבִים֮ בְּ⁠עָרֵ֣י הַ⁠פְּרָזוֹת֒ 1 the Jews, the ones of the open country, the ones who dwell in the cities of the open areas These two phrases mean similar things. They are used together to make the identification of this group clear. The first phrase means that they lived in rural areas. The second phrase means they lived in settlements that did not have walls around them, that is, in villages. You can combine these phrases. Alternate translation: “the Jews who live in villages in the countryside” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 9 19 acn1 figs-explicit עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֠ת י֣וֹם אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙…וְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 make the fourteenth day…and a good day The implication is that this explanation is being offered for the benefit of city-dwelling Jews who might wonder why rural Jews celebrate this holiday on a different day. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say this explicitly. Alternate translation, add: “rather than on the fifteenth day.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 19 acn2 עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֠ת י֣וֹם אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙…וְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 make the fourteenth day…and a good day Alternate translation: “observe this holiday on the fourteenth day” EST 9 19 j83d translate-ordinal י֣וֹם אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ 1 the fourteenth day Alternate translation: “the fourteenth day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 19 j85d translate-hebrewmonths לְ⁠חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֔ר 1 of the month of Adar **Adar** is the name of the twelfth and last month of the Hebrew calendar.
See how you translated this in [3:7](../03/, [3:13](../03/, [8:12](../08/, [9:1](../09/, [9:15](../09/ and [9:17](../09/
(See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 9 19 j87d figs-hendiadys שִׂמְחָ֥ה וּ⁠מִשְׁתֶּ֖ה 1 for rejoicing and for feasting As in verses 17 and 18, this means “by celebrating joyfully” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys]]) EST 9 19 j89d figs-idiom וְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 and a good day This expression generally means a day of happiness or celebration. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 19 acn3 translate-symaction וּ⁠מִשְׁל֥וֹחַ מָנ֖וֹת אִ֥ישׁ לְ⁠רֵעֵֽ⁠הוּ 1 and for the sending of gifts, a man to his friend Giving gifts, in this culture as in many cultures, was a way of acknowledging a special occasion. Alternate translation: “and by giving gifts to one another” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 9 19 j91d figs-idiom אִ֥ישׁ לְ⁠רֵעֵֽ⁠הוּ 1 a man to his friend Here, **a man** means “a person.” The term **friend** would include family members and neighbors as well as social friends. Alternate translation: “to one another” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 20 acn4 וַ⁠יִּכְתֹּ֣ב…הַ⁠דְּבָרִ֖ים הָ⁠אֵ֑לֶּה 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 9 20 acn5 כָּל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֗ים אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּ⁠כָל־מְדִינוֹת֙ הַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֔וֹשׁ 1 all the Jews who were in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus Alternate translation: “all the Jews everywhere in the kingdom” EST 9 20 j95d figs-merism הַ⁠קְּרוֹבִ֖ים וְ⁠הָ⁠רְחוֹקִֽים 1 the near ones and the far ones This is a figurative way of referring to something by speaking of two extreme parts of it in order to include everything in between. This expression means the Jews who lived in or near Susa, those who lived far away, and all Jews in between. Alternate translation: “everywhere they lived” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]) EST 9 21 acn6 figs-idiom לְ⁠קַיֵּם֮ עֲלֵי⁠הֶם֒ לִ⁠הְי֣וֹת עֹשִׂ֗ים 1 установили у себя ежегодный праздник в четырнадцатый и пятнадцатый день месяца Адар "Установить праздник" - значит "отмечать важное событие". Альтернативный перевод: "ежегодно в четырнадцатый и пятнадцатый день месяца Адар праздновали" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 9 21 j97d translate-ordinal י֣וֹם אַרְבָּעָ֤ה עָשָׂר֙ 1 the fourteenth day Alternate translation: “the fourteenth day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 21 j99d translate-hebrewmonths לְ⁠חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֔ר 1 of the month of Adar **Adar** is the name of the twelfth and last month of the Hebrew calendar.
See how you translated this in [3:7](../03/, [3:13](../03/, [8:12](../08/, [9:1](../09/, [9:15](../09/, [9:17](../09/, and [9:19](../09/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]]) EST 9 21 j111 translate-ordinal יוֹם־חֲמִשָּׁ֥ה עָשָׂ֖ר בּ֑⁠וֹ 1 the fifteenth day of it Alternate translation: “the fifteenth day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]]) EST 9 21 n4v9 figs-idiom בְּ⁠כָל־שָׁנָ֖ה וְ⁠שָׁנָֽה 1 every year by year This expression means “every year.” Alternation translation: “each year” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 22 acn7 grammar-connect-logic-result כַּ⁠יָּמִ֗ים אֲשֶׁר 1 их печаль превратилась в радость Вместо абстрактных существительных "печаль", "радость" можно использовать глаголы "горевать", "радоваться": "они перестали горевать и начали радоваться" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 9 22 acn8 figs-metaphor נָ֨חוּ בָ⁠הֶ֤ם הַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֙ מֵ⁠א֣וֹיְבֵי⁠הֶ֔ם 1 the Jews rested on them from their enemies As in verses 16, 17, and 18, **resting** here is a figurative way of saying that they no longer needed to fight against their enemies because they had won the battle. Alternate translation: “the Jews stopped fighting because they had defeated their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 22 acn9 וְ⁠הַ⁠חֹ֗דֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר֩ 1 and as the month when Alternate translation: “And that was the month when” EST 9 22 aco1 figs-parallelism נֶהְפַּ֨ךְ לָ⁠הֶ֤ם מִ⁠יָּגוֹן֙ לְ⁠שִׂמְחָ֔ה וּ⁠מֵ⁠אֵ֖בֶל לְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 it had turned for them from sorrow into joy and from mourning into a good day These two phrases mean similar things. The repetition is used to emphasize how dramatic and wonderful the change was. If it would be clearer in your language, you could combine these phrases and say something like “after being very sad, they became very happy.” Alternate translation: “they changed from being very sorrowful and crying to being very joyful and celebrating” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 9 22 aco3 figs-explicit נֶהְפַּ֨ךְ לָ⁠הֶ֤ם מִ⁠יָּגוֹן֙ לְ⁠שִׂמְחָ֔ה וּ⁠מֵ⁠אֵ֖בֶל לְ⁠י֣וֹם ט֑וֹב 1 it had turned for them from sorrow into joy and from mourning into a good day It is implicit that the Jews were deeply distressed because they were being threatened with destruction, and they became very happy once they were safe from all their enemies. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that here. Alternate translation: “everything had changed for them. They had been deeply distressed because they were threatened with destruction. But they became very happy once they were safe from all their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 22 nch1 figs-metaphor נֶהְפַּ֨ךְ לָ⁠הֶ֤ם מִ⁠יָּגוֹן֙ לְ⁠שִׂמְחָ֔ה 1 it had turned for them from sorrow into joy **Turning** figuratively represents changing. Alternate translation: “they changed from being very sad to being joyful” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 22 aco4 figs-abstractnouns מִ⁠יָּגוֹן֙ לְ⁠שִׂמְחָ֔ה 1 from sorrow into joy The abstract nouns **sorrow** and **joy** can be expressed with adjectives such as “distressed” and “happy.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 9 22 j113 figs-explicit לַ⁠עֲשׂ֣וֹת אוֹתָ֗⁠ם יְמֵי֙ 1 in order to make them days of These are things that Mordecai is telling the Jews to do in his letters. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that here. Alternate translation: “so Mordecai told them to observe those days with” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 22 j115 figs-hendiadys מִשְׁתֶּ֣ה וְ⁠שִׂמְחָ֔ה 1 feasting and rejoicing As in verses 17, 18, and 19, this phrase expresses a single idea by using two words connected with “and.” The word “rejoicing” tells how the celebrating was to be done. Alternate translation: “joyful celebration” or “feasting joyfully” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys]]) EST 9 22 aco5 וּ⁠מִשְׁל֤וֹחַ מָנוֹת֙ אִ֣ישׁ לְ⁠רֵעֵ֔⁠הוּ 1 and sending of gifts, a man to his friend See how you translated this in verse 19. Review the notes there if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “and by giving gifts to one another” EST 9 22 j117 figs-idiom אִ֣ישׁ לְ⁠רֵעֵ֔⁠הוּ 1 a man to his friend Here, **a man** means “a person.” The term **friend** would include family members and neighbors as well as social friends. Alternate translation: “to one another” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 22 aco6 translate-symaction וּ⁠מַתָּנ֖וֹת לָֽ⁠אֶבְיוֹנִֽים 1 and gifts to the needy In this culture as in many others, helping the poor was also a way of acknowledging a special occasion. The idea was that no one should miss out on the benefits of the wonderful thing that God had done. Alternate translation: “Mordecai also told them that they should help the poor on those days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]]) EST 9 22 z1vl figs-explicit וּ⁠מַתָּנ֖וֹת לָֽ⁠אֶבְיוֹנִֽים 1 This is also something that Mordecai is telling the Jews to do in his letters. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that here. Alternate translation: “Mordecai also told them that they should give gifts to the poor on those days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 23 aco7 figs-explicit וְ⁠קִבֵּל֙…אֲשֶׁר־כָּתַ֥ב מָרְדֳּכַ֖י אֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 Общая информация: В этом предложении подводится итог истории об Есфири, и автор объясняет причину возникновения праздника Пурим. EST 9 23 aco8 וְ⁠קִבֵּל֙ 1 And…accepted Alternate translation: “agreed” EST 9 23 ib25 figs-events אֲשֶׁר־הֵחֵ֖לּוּ לַ⁠עֲשׂ֑וֹת 1 what they had begun to do Alternate translation: “the Jews were already celebrating those days that way.” You can put this information first, to present the events in logical and chronological order. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 9 24 j119 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּי֩ 1 вугеянин Аман, сын Амадафа Речь идёт о царском чиновнике. См. [Есфирь 3:1](../03/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 24 kqf6 figs-explicit כִּי֩ 1 бросал пур, жребий "Пур" - это персидское слово, переводимое как "жребий". Выражение "бросать пур" означает "бросать жребий". EST 9 24 j125 figs-distinguish צֹרֵר֙ כָּל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים 1 бросал пур, жребий Вы можете уточнить, зачем Аман бросал жребий: "он бросал "пур" (то есть "жребий"), чтобы выбрать наиболее подходящий день для истребления евреев" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 9 24 aco9 חָשַׁ֥ב עַל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֖ים לְ⁠אַבְּדָ֑⁠ם 1 had plotted concerning the Jews to annihilate them Alternate translation: “had tried to carry out a plan that would destroy the Jews” EST 9 24 xz7s figs-explicit וְ⁠הִפִּ֥יל פּוּר֙ ה֣וּא הַ⁠גּוֹרָ֔ל 1 and he had cast a Pur (which is “the lot”) You can say explicitly why Haman did this. Alternate translation: “he threw Pur (that is, he threw lots) to find out what would be the best day” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 24 bcy2 translate-names פּוּר֙ ה֣וּא הַ⁠גּוֹרָ֔ל 1 a Pur (which is “the lot”) As in 3:7, the storyteller is giving both the Persian and the Hebrew name because this is the story behind the Festival of Purim, which takes its name from “Pur.” So this is not repetition for emphasis. You can put in the Persian name and then the name for “lot” in your own language to show that the storyteller is doing this. Alternate translation: “a Pur (that is, a lot)” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]) EST 9 24 j127 figs-hendiadys לְ⁠הֻמָּ֖⁠ם וּֽ⁠לְ⁠אַבְּדָֽ⁠ם 1 to vex them and to destroy them The terms **vex** and **destroy** mean basically the same thing. They are used together to emphasize the degree to which Haman’s deadly plans were distressing to the Jews. If it would be clearer in your language, you can combine the terms and express the emphasis with a word like “completely.” Alternate translation: “and completely destroy them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hendiadys]]) EST 9 25 m8x3 figs-explicit וּ⁠בְ⁠בֹאָ⁠הּ֮ לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּלֶךְ֒ 1 как Есфирь дошла до царя Можно сказать: "но Есфирь обратилась за помощью к царю" (в некоторых современных версиях употребляется именно этот вариант). EST 9 25 j128 figs-metonymy לִ⁠פְנֵ֣י הַ⁠מֶּלֶךְ֒ 1 замысел Амана, который он задумал против иудеев, направился против него "Направился против него" - значит "обрушился на него самого". Альтернативный перевод: "злой замысел Амана, составленный против евреев, был осуществлён против него самого" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]). EST 9 25 acp1 figs-explicit אָמַ֣ר עִם־הַ⁠סֵּ֔פֶר 1 he said with the letter Once again, there is much information that is implicit here. If it would be clearer in your language, you can make it explicit. Alternate translation: “the king gave Mordecai the authority to send a letter throughout the empire saying that the Jews could defend themselves against their enemies” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 25 y57b figs-idiom יָשׁ֞וּב מַחֲשַׁבְתּ֧⁠וֹ הָ⁠רָעָ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־חָשַׁ֥ב עַל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֖ים עַל־רֹאשׁ֑⁠וֹ 1 Let his evil plot that he plotted concerning the Jews return on his head **His**, **he**, and **him** in this sentence refer to Haman. **Return on his head** is an idiom that means that what a person was planning to do to someone else happened to that person instead. Use an idiom with that meaning in your language. Alternate translation: “the wicked plan that Haman developed against the Jews will be done to him” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 25 acp2 figs-personification וְ⁠תָל֥וּ אֹת֛⁠וֹ וְ⁠אֶת־בָּנָ֖י⁠ו עַל־הָ⁠עֵֽץ 1 and let them hang him and his sons on the tree The letter itself did not say this. The story is summarizing the events in compressed form. It is speaking of the letter as if it were a person who could take action and give commands like this, but it was the king who gave the command. Alternate translation: “the king also ordered his servants to hang [or impale] Haman on a wooden pole [or hang Haman on a gallows]. When the Jews in Susa killed his ten sons, the king had their bodies hanged [or impaled] as well” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]]) EST 9 25 j129 translate-unknown הָ⁠עֵֽץ 1 the tree See how you translated this term in [2:23](../02/ and its other occurrences. Review the explanation in the note to [2:23](../02/ if that would be helpful. Alternate translation: “wooden pole” or “gallows” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]]) EST 9 26 j131 grammar-connect-logic-result עַל־כֵּ֡ן 1 Потому и назвали эти дни Пурим, от имени "пур" Или "по этой причине они назвали этот праздник Пуримом (от слова "пур"). EST 9 26 acp3 figs-explicit קָֽרְאוּ֩ לַ⁠יָּמִ֨ים הָ⁠אֵ֤לֶּה פוּרִים֙ 1 Пурим Это название древнеперсидского праздника, установленного в память об избавлении еврейского народа от замысла Амана, направленного против истребления иудеев (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 26 c1gi translate-names פוּרִים֙ 1 от имени "пур" Можно уточнить: "слово "пур" означает "жребий" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]). EST 9 26 buf1 writing-background עַל־שֵׁ֣ם הַ⁠פּ֔וּר 1 on account of the name of Pur Alternate translation: “the Persian word for ‘lot’ is ‘Pur’” This is information that the original audience needed to understand how this celebration got its name. You can put this first in the verse because it explains what comes next. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]]) EST 9 26 yq8m figs-explicit שֵׁ֣ם הַ⁠פּ֔וּר 1 the name of Pur. It can be stated clearly what “Pur” means. Alternate translation: “the word Pur, which means ‘lot’” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 26 j133 grammar-connect-logic-result עַל־כֵּ֕ן 1 Therefore The story has just given the reason why the holiday is called Purim. Now it is going to give another reason. It will be explaining why the Jews added this holiday to their calendar, in addition to the festivals that were commanded in the Law of Moses. The next verse describes them adding the holiday. This verse gives the reasons why they did that. Alternate translation: “because” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/grammar-connect-logic-result]]) EST 9 26 acp4 עַל־כָּל־דִּבְרֵ֖י הָ⁠אִגֶּ֣רֶת הַ⁠זֹּ֑את 1 on account of all the words of this letter This is a reference to the letter that Mordecai wrote, as described in verses 20–22. Alternate translation: “because Mordecai wrote to them to tell them to observe this holiday” EST 9 26 acp5 figs-parallelism וּ⁠מָֽה־רָא֣וּ עַל־כָּ֔כָה וּ⁠מָ֥ה הִגִּ֖יעַ אֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 and what they had seen concerning this and what had come upon them These two phrases mean similar things. The repetition is used to emphasize what a vivid experience it was to live through the events that this story describes. If it would be clearer in your language, you can combine the phrases and express the emphasis with a word like “amazing.” Alternate translation: “the amazing things that had happened to them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 9 26 acp6 figs-explicit וּ⁠מָֽה־רָא֣וּ עַל־כָּ֔כָה וּ⁠מָ֥ה הִגִּ֖יעַ אֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 and what they had seen concerning this and what had come upon them These phrases say generally “this” and “what,” but they are referring to the specific events the story has related. If it would be clearer in your language, you can describe these things specifically. Alternate translation: “because the Jews had been able to destroy the enemies who had wanted to destroy them” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 9 26 acp7 figs-events וּ⁠מָֽה־רָא֣וּ עַל־כָּ֔כָה וּ⁠מָ֥ה הִגִּ֖יעַ אֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 and what they had seen concerning this and what had come upon them You can put this first, before the information about Mordecai’s letter, because it happened first. You can say “then” when you tell about the letter. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 9 26 j135 figs-idiom וּ⁠מָ֥ה הִגִּ֖יעַ אֲלֵי⁠הֶֽם 1 and what had come upon them This expression means “what had happened to them.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 27 acp8 קִיְּמ֣וּ וְקִבְּל֣וּ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֩ ׀ עֲלֵי⁠הֶ֨ם ׀ וְ⁠עַל־זַרְעָ֜⁠ם וְ⁠עַ֨ל כָּל־הַ⁠נִּלְוִ֤ים עֲלֵי⁠הֶם֙…לִ⁠הְי֣וֹת עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֣ת שְׁנֵ֤י הַ⁠יָּמִים֙ הָ⁠אֵ֔לֶּה 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 9 27 acp9 figs-doublet קִיְּמ֣וּ וְקִבְּל֣וּ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִים֩ 1 The Jews set up and accepted “Set up” and “accepted” mean basically the same thing. The repetition is used to emphasize that the Jews definitely agreed to do this. If it would be clearer in your language, you could combine these words. Alternate translation: “agreed to establish” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]]) EST 9 27 j137 figs-metaphor וְ⁠עַל־זַרְעָ֜⁠ם 1 and for their seed As in [6:13](../06/, **seed** is a metaphor meaning “offspring.” Alternate translation: “and for their descendants” or “and for their offspring” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 27 j141 figs-idiom וְ⁠לֹ֣א יַעֲב֔וֹר 1 and it will not pass away This expression means that the Jews would never stop celebrating the feast of Purim every year. You can put this last since it applies to the whole verse. Alternate translation: “always” or “forever” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 27 acq0 figs-events לִ⁠הְי֣וֹת עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֣ת שְׁנֵ֤י הַ⁠יָּמִים֙ הָ⁠אֵ֔לֶּה 1 to be making these two days Alternate translation: “to establish those two days as holidays and to observe them.” To present things in chronological order, you can put this before the reference to Jewish descendants and converts to Judaism. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-events]]) EST 9 27 acq1 כִּ⁠כְתָבָ֖⁠ם 1 according to their writing Alternate translation: “in the way that Mordecai had told them to do in the letter” EST 9 27 acq2 וְ⁠כִ⁠זְמַנָּ֑⁠ם 1 and according to their appointed time This means the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar, as specified in [9:21](../09/ Alternate translation: “on those exact days of the month of Adar” EST 9 27 j143 figs-idiom בְּ⁠כָל־שָׁנָ֖ה וְ⁠שָׁנָֽה 1 every year by year This expression means “each and every year.” Alternate translation: “every single year” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 28 acq3 grammar-connect-logic-result וְ⁠הַ⁠יָּמִ֣ים הָ֠⁠אֵלֶּה נִזְכָּרִ֨ים וְ⁠נַעֲשִׂ֜ים 1 Чтобы эти дни помнили и праздновали Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "иудеи должны были помнить и праздновать" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 9 28 acq4 figs-doublet וְ⁠הַ⁠יָּמִ֣ים הָ֠⁠אֵלֶּה נִזְכָּרִ֨ים וְ⁠נַעֲשִׂ֜ים 1 не отменялись Вместо отрицательной конструкции можно использовать утвердительную: "всегда тщательно соблюдались". EST 9 28 hc8s figs-activepassive וְ⁠הַ⁠יָּמִ֣ים הָ֠⁠אֵלֶּה נִזְכָּרִ֨ים וְ⁠נַעֲשִׂ֜ים 1 So these days are remembered and are made This expression uses two passive forms, but you could say the same thing using active forms. Alternate translation: “so the Jews have celebrated and observed these days” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 9 28 j145 figs-idiom בְּ⁠כָל־דּ֣וֹר וָ⁠ד֗וֹר 1 in every generation by generation This expression means “in each and every generation.” Alternate translation: “in every single generation” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 28 j147 figs-idiom מִשְׁפָּחָה֙ וּ⁠מִשְׁפָּחָ֔ה 1 family by family This expression means “every family.” Alternate translation: “every Jewish family” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 28 acq5 figs-merism מְדִינָ֥ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֖ה וְ⁠עִ֣יר וָ⁠עִ֑יר 1 province by province, and city by city This could be a figure of speech that refers to something by speaking of two extreme parts of it in order to include everything in between those parts. Generally speaking, a province would be the largest division of the empire that would identify a person’s location, and a city would be the smallest. Particularly, since the Jews would continue to celebrate Purim after the Persian empire and its provinces no longer exist, you might choose to express the meaning of this figure of speech in a more general way. Alternate translation: “everywhere they have lived” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]) EST 9 28 j149 figs-idiom מְדִינָ֥ה וּ⁠מְדִינָ֖ה 1 province by province This expression means “every province.” Alternate translation: “in every single
province” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 28 j151 figs-idiom וְ⁠עִ֣יר וָ⁠עִ֑יר 1 and city by city This expression means “every city.” Alternate translation: “in every single city” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 9 28 acq6 figs-doublenegatives וִ⁠ימֵ֞י הַ⁠פּוּרִ֣ים הָ⁠אֵ֗לֶּה לֹ֤א יַֽעַבְרוּ֙ מִ⁠תּ֣וֹךְ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים וְ⁠זִכְרָ֖⁠ם לֹא־יָס֥וּף מִ⁠זַּרְעָֽ⁠ם 1 these days of Purim will not pass away As in verse 27, this expression means that the Jews will never stop celebrating the feast of Purim. You can say this positively. Alternate translation: “will always observe the Festival of Purim faithfully” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublenegatives]]) EST 9 28 m5o8 figs-parallelism וִ⁠ימֵ֞י הַ⁠פּוּרִ֣ים הָ⁠אֵ֗לֶּה לֹ֤א יַֽעַבְרוּ֙ מִ⁠תּ֣וֹךְ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים וְ⁠זִכְרָ֖⁠ם לֹא־יָס֥וּף מִ⁠זַּרְעָֽ⁠ם 1 These two phrases mean similar things. The repetition is used to emphasize that the Jews will definitely not stop celebrating Purim each year. If it would be clearer in your language, you can combine the phrases and express the emphasis with a word like “definitely” or “certainly” or “always.” Alternate translation: “the Jews and their descendants will certainly always continue to celebrate this festival of Purim” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 9 28 acq7 מִ⁠תּ֣וֹךְ הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים 1 from the midst of the Jews Alternate translation: “within the Jewish community” EST 9 28 i2qk וְ⁠זִכְרָ֖⁠ם לֹא־יָס֥וּף 1 and their remembrance will not come to an end Alternate translation: “will always observe” EST 9 28 j155 figs-metaphor מִ⁠זַּרְעָֽ⁠ם 1 from their seed As in verse 27, **seed** is a metaphor meaning “offspring.” Alternate translation: “and for their descendants” or “and for their offspring” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 29 je8e figs-distinguish בַת־אֲבִיחַ֛יִל 1 Есфирь, дочь Абихаила, и иудей Мардохей написали со всей властью, чтобы выполняли, написанное в этом новом письме Есфирь была дочерью Абихаила. Она составила данный указ вместе с Мардохеем. EST 9 29 cm8c translate-names אֲבִיחַ֛יִל 1 дочь Абихаила Отец Есфирь был дядей Мардохея. См., как данный факт переведён в [Есфирь 2:15](../02/ (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]]). EST 9 29 oc4c וּ⁠מָרְדֳּכַ֥י 1 в этом новом письме "в ещё одном письме" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 29 acq8 figs-distinguish הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֖י 1 the Jew This phrase gives information about Mordecai to remind the reader. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-distinguish]]) EST 9 29 acq9 תִּכְתֹּב…אֶת־כָּל־תֹּ֑קֶף 1 wrote with all power Alternate translation: “using her royal authority” or “using the authority that she had as queen” EST 9 29 ku7d translate-numbers לְ⁠קַיֵּ֗ם אֵ֣ת אִגֶּ֧רֶת הַ⁠פּוּרִ֛ים הַ⁠זֹּ֖את הַ⁠שֵּׁנִֽית 1 to set up this second letter of Purim **This second letter of Purim** could refer to (1) this letter that Esther is writing, which is the second letter that the Jews will receive about the festival of Purim. Alternate translation: “an additional letter about Purim with her authority” or (2) the second letter that Mordecai wrote (see verses 20-22), creating the festival of Purim. Alternate translation: “to confirm what Mordecai had written about Purim in his second letter” In either case, this letter from Esther is to add her royal authority to what Mordecai had already written. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 9 30 acr1 figs-gendernotations וַ⁠יִּשְׁלַ֨ח סְפָרִ֜ים 1 Письма послали ко всем иудеям Здесь можно употребить действительный залог: "Есфирь послала письма ко всем евреям" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]). EST 9 30 acr2 figs-parallelism אֶל־כָּל־הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֗ים אֶל־שֶׁ֨בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֤ים וּ⁠מֵאָה֙ מְדִינָ֔ה מַלְכ֖וּת אֲחַשְׁוֵר֑וֹשׁ 1 в сто двадцать семь областей "в 127 областей" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]). EST 9 30 acr3 figs-metonymy שֶׁ֨בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֤ים וּ⁠מֵאָה֙ מְדִינָ֔ה 1 со словами мира и правды Абстрактные существительные "мир" и "правда" можно заменить фразами: "желая, чтобы её народ жил в безопасности и чтобы люди были верны евреям" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 9 30 u389 translate-numbers שֶׁ֨בַע וְ⁠עֶשְׂרִ֤ים וּ⁠מֵאָה֙ מְדִינָ֔ה 1 127 provinces Alternate translation: “one hundred and twenty-seven provinces” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]]) EST 9 30 iaf7 figs-abstractnouns דִּבְרֵ֥י שָׁל֖וֹם וֶ⁠אֱמֶֽת 1 words of peace and truth The abstract nouns **peace** and **truth** can be expressed in other ways. Alternate translation: “encouraging the Jews that they are now safe and can live peacefully” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 9 30 mpse דִּבְרֵ֥י שָׁל֖וֹם וֶ⁠אֱמֶֽת 1 The Hebrew word translated as **truth** here also refers to things that are “sure” or “secure.” When “peace” and “truth” are paired together, they can refer to a peaceful, stable political environment, as in 2 Kings 20:19 and Jeremiah 33:6. Alternate translation: “with a message that assured them of their peaceful and stable situation” EST 9 31 acr4 לְ⁠קַיֵּ֡ם אֵת־יְמֵי֩ הַ⁠פֻּרִ֨ים הָ⁠אֵ֜לֶּה בִּ⁠זְמַנֵּי⁠הֶ֗ם כַּ⁠אֲשֶׁר֩ קִיַּ֨ם עֲלֵי⁠הֶ֜ם מָרְדֳּכַ֤י הַ⁠יְּהוּדִי֙ וְ⁠אֶסְתֵּ֣ר הַ⁠מַּלְכָּ֔ה 1 как они сами постановили их для себя и для своих детей "Постановить для себя" - значит "что-то для себя решить". Альтернативный перевод: "евреи вместе решили, что они и их потомки обязаны праздновать Пурим" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 9 31 rgr9 figs-distinguish הַ⁠יְּהוּדִי֙ 1 в дни поста и плача "Дни поста и плача" - это время, когда евреи согласились вместе горевать и поститься. Альтернативный перевод: "во время, когда они вместе скорбели и постились" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 9 31 acr5 וְ⁠כַ⁠אֲשֶׁ֛ר קִיְּמ֥וּ עַל־נַפְשָׁ֖⁠ם וְ⁠עַל־זַרְעָ֑⁠ם דִּבְרֵ֥י הַ⁠צֹּמ֖וֹת וְ⁠זַעֲקָתָֽ⁠ם 1 according to what they had set up concerning their lives and concerning their seed, to matters of the fasts and their outcry This is referring to background information that the original audience would have known. They would have known what the fasting was about. It could be either: (1) fasting as a part of Purim. We know that some Jews fasted on the 13th day of the month of Adar to commemorate the day that Haman intended to destroy them, or (2) other times of fasting. Ever since the destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews had been fasting and mourning in the fifth month of the year to show their sorrow over what had happened. (The story refers to the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in [2:6](../02/ You could put this information in a footnote if it would help your readers to understand this. EST 9 31 rl2s figs-metaphor וְ⁠עַל־זַרְעָ֑⁠ם 1 and concerning their seed Here, **seed** is a metaphor meaning the offspring or descendants of the Jews. Alternate translation: “and for their descendants” or “and for their offspring” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 9 32 acr7 figs-activepassive וְ⁠נִכְתָּ֖ב בַּ⁠סֵּֽפֶר 1 Общая информация: Комментарии к данному стиху отсутствуют. EST 10 intro h4m4 0 # Есфирь 10 Общие замечания #

#### Важные концепции ####

##### Новое положение Мардохея #####

Благодаря Богу, Мардохей занял высокопоставленную должность в Персидской империи: он был вторым властелином после царя Персии и использовал своё положение для того, чтобы улучшить жизнь своего народа.

## Ссылки: ##

* __[Есфирь 10:01 Замечания](./

__[<<](../09/ | __ EST 10 1 j157 writing-newevent וַ⁠יָּשֶׂם֩ הַ⁠מֶּ֨לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֧וֹשׁ 1 установил налог на своей земле и на морских островах "Установить налог" - значит "заставить людей платить налог". Под "землёй" и "морскими островами" подразумевается население тех областей. Альтернативный перевод: "начал брать налоги с населения своей земли и жителей морских островов" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]). EST 10 1 b5ht וַ⁠יָּשֶׂם֩…מַ֛ס 1 Then…set a tribute Alternate translation: “Then … levied a tax” EST 10 1 acr8 figs-merism עַל־הָ⁠אָ֖רֶץ וְ⁠אִיֵּ֥י הַ⁠יָּֽם 1 on the land and the islands of the sea The purpose of this chapter is to describe the greatness of Mordecai. It does that by showing that he was second in command to a very powerful emperor. Referring to both the land and the sea is a way to include everything that lives in a very large area of the earth. If it would be clearer in your language, you could express the general meaning by saying something like “everyone throughout his empire.” Alternate translation: “on all the people in the empire … even the people who lived on the islands in the Mediterranean Sea” or “on everyone throughout the land and even the far-away islands” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]]) EST 10 1 twn8 figs-explicit וְ⁠אִיֵּ֥י הַ⁠יָּֽם 1 The phrase **the islands of the sea** likely refers to the fact that the Persian kings had conquered territories reaching all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. If it would be clearer in your language, you can say that explicitly. Alternate translation: “which reached all the way to the Mediterranean Sea.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]]) EST 10 1 acr9 figs-metonymy עַל־הָ⁠אָ֖רֶץ וְ⁠אִיֵּ֥י הַ⁠יָּֽם 1 on the land and the islands of the sea These geographic features were not expected to pay the tax. The land and coastlands represent the people living there. The story is describing those people figuratively by reference to something associated with them, the places where they live. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]]) EST 10 2 acs1 figs-doublet וְ⁠כָל־מַעֲשֵׂ֤ה תָקְפּ⁠וֹ֙ וּ⁠גְב֣וּרָת֔⁠וֹ 1 все дела о его силе и могуществе Вместо абстрактных существительных "сила" и "могущество" можно использовать прилагательные "великие", "могущественные": "все его великие и могущественные достижения", "о том, насколько великими и могущесвенными были его достижения" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 10 2 p98n figs-abstractnouns תָקְפּ⁠וֹ֙ וּ⁠גְב֣וּרָת֔⁠וֹ 1 точное описание величия Мардохея Или "точный отчёт о том, как царь возвеличил и прославил Мардохея", "точное описание того, как царь почтил Мардохея за его великие достижения" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 10 2 k7tc וּ⁠פָרָשַׁת֙ 1 with the full account of “They also wrote a full account” EST 10 2 acs2 גְּדֻלַּ֣ת מָרְדֳּכַ֔י 1 the greatness of Mordecai to which the king had made him great Alternate translation: “of how important Mordecai was” or “of how the king had honored Mordecai for the great things he had done” EST 10 2 acs3 גִּדְּל֖⁠וֹ 1 made him great See how you translated this phrase in 3:1 and 5:11. Alternate translation: “had promoted him” EST 10 2 acs4 figs-rquestion הֲ⁠לוֹא־הֵ֣ם כְּתוּבִ֗ים עַל־סֵ֨פֶר֙ דִּבְרֵ֣י הַ⁠יָּמִ֔ים לְ⁠מַלְכֵ֖י מָדַ֥י וּ⁠פָרָֽס 1 are they not written in the book of the events of days of the kings of Persia and Media? This is actually a statement. The question form is used to emphasize the certainty of the statement. If questions are not used this way in your language, then use a statement instead, as in the UST. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]]) EST 10 2 acs5 figs-activepassive הֲ⁠לוֹא־הֵ֣ם כְּתוּבִ֗ים 1 are they not written…? You can say this with an active form, and you can say who did the action. Alternate translation: “The king’s scribes made a record …” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-activepassive]]) EST 10 2 acs6 הֲ⁠לוֹא־הֵ֣ם כְּתוּבִ֗ים 1 are they not written…? Because it comes first logically, you can put this first in the verse if that would be clearer in your language. EST 10 2 acs7 figs-idiom סֵ֨פֶר֙ דִּבְרֵ֣י הַ⁠יָּמִ֔ים לְ⁠מַלְכֵ֖י מָדַ֥י וּ⁠פָרָֽס 1 the book of the events of days for the kings of Media and Persia See how you translated this in [2:23](../02/ Alternate translation: “the royal record books of Media and Persia” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 10 3 j159 grammar-connect-logic-result כִּ֣י 1 был вторым после царя Артаксеркса "был самым высокопоставленным правителем после царя Артаксеркса" EST 10 3 acs8 figs-distinguish הַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֗י 1 среди многих своих братьев Речь идёт о людях, которые поддерживали Мардохея. Альтернативный перевод: "среди многих своих соплеменников" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]). EST 10 3 acs9 מִשְׁנֶה֙ לַ⁠מֶּ֣לֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵר֔וֹשׁ 1 он искал добра своему народу "Искать добра" - это метафора, означающая "упорно трудиться ради чьего-то блага". Абстрактное существительное "добро" можно заменить глаголом "процветать" или наречием "безопасно": "он упорно трудился, чтобы его народ мог процветать" или "он прикладывал все усилия для того, чтобы его народ жил безопасно" (см. [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]] и [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]). EST 10 3 act0 וְ⁠גָדוֹל֙ לַ⁠יְּהוּדִ֔ים 1 говорил ради благополучия всего своего племени "представлял интересы своего народа, чтобы евреи жили в мире" EST 10 3 iui7 figs-gendernotations אֶחָ֑י⁠ו 1 his brothers Here, **brothers** is a figurative way of describing fellow members of the same people group. Alternate translation: “fellow Jews” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations]]) EST 10 3 act2 figs-parallelism דֹּרֵ֥שׁ טוֹב֙ לְ⁠עַמּ֔⁠וֹ וְ⁠דֹבֵ֥ר שָׁל֖וֹם לְ⁠כָל־זַרְעֽ⁠וֹ 1 seeking good for his people and speaking peace to all its seed These two phrases basically mean the same thing. The repetition is used to emphasize how hard Mordecai worked for the good of his people. If it would be clearer in your language, you could combine these phrases and say something like, “He worked hard so his people and their descendants would prosper.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]]) EST 10 3 act3 figs-abstractnouns דֹּרֵ֥שׁ טוֹב֙ לְ⁠עַמּ֔⁠וֹ וְ⁠דֹבֵ֥ר שָׁל֖וֹם לְ⁠כָל־זַרְעֽ⁠וֹ 1 seeking good for his people and speaking peace to all its seed The abstract nouns **good** and **peace** refer in this context to prosperity and security. You could translate these ideas with verbs, for example, you could say, “He worked hard to make sure that his people would prosper and their descendants would be secure.” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns]]) EST 10 3 wte9 figs-metaphor דֹּרֵ֥שׁ טוֹב֙ לְ⁠עַמּ֔⁠וֹ 1 seeking good for his people **Seeking** is a figurative way to describe actively trying to do something or work hard for something. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]]) EST 10 3 s8f8 figs-idiom וְ⁠דֹבֵ֥ר שָׁל֖וֹם לְ⁠כָל־זַרְעֽ⁠וֹ 1 and speaking peace to all its seed **Speaking peace** is a figurative way of describing actions that benefit the general welfare of others. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]]) EST 10 3 j161 figs-metaphor לְ⁠כָל־זַרְעֽ⁠וֹ 1 to all its seed Here, **seed** figuratively means “descendants.” Even if you combine the two parallel phrases, you can still convey the idea of “down through the generations” with a word such as “always.” Alternate translation: “and for their descendants” or “and for their offspring” (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])