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Joel Lonbeck 2017-05-18 14:49:29 -07:00
commit 30f331847c
600 changed files with 3460 additions and 10727 deletions

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@ -1,23 +1,31 @@
## The Beginning [01-01] ##
# the beginning
That is, "the beginning of all things," before anything existed except God.
This is how __the beginning__ of everything happened. God __created__ the __universe__ and everything in it in six days. After God created the earth it was __dark__ and __empty__, and __nothing had been formed__ in it. But __God's Spirit__ was there over the water.
# created
## Important Terms: ##
This is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
* __[God](
* __[Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord](
# universe
### Translation Notes: ###
This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things.
* __the beginning__ - That is, "the beginning of all things," before anything existed except God.
* __created__ - This is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
* __universe__ - This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things.
* __earth__ - The word "earth" refers to the whole world that people live on.
* __dark__ - It was completely dark. There was no light at all, since God had not yet created light.
* __empty__ - God had not yet created anything except for the bare earth covered by water.
* __nothing had been formed__ - There were no distinguishing featuresjust water covering everything.
* __God's Spirit__ - The Spirit of God, sometimes called the Holy Spirit, was present in the beginning, moving freely over the earth in order to create all that he had planned to do.
# earth
The word "earth" refers to the whole world that people live on.
# dark
It was completely dark. There was no light at all, since God had not yet created light.
# empty
God had not yet created anything except for the bare earth covered by water.
# nothing had been formed
There were no distinguishing featuresjust water covering everything.
# God's Spirit
The Spirit of God, sometimes called the Holy Spirit, was present in the beginning, moving freely over the earth in order to create all that he had planned to do.

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@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
## God Created Light [01-02] ##
# God said
God created light by means of a simple verbal command.
Then __God said__, “__Let there be__ light!” And there was __light__. God saw that the light __was good__ and called it “day.” He separated it from the darkness, which he called “night.” God created the light on the first day of __creation__.
# let there be
## Important Terms: ##
This is a command that happened immediately because it was spoken by God. It may be more natural to translate this as a statement of certainty that this would definitely happen. For example, you could translate this as, "God said, 'There will be light.'"
* __[god](
* __[good](
# light
### Translation Notes: ###
This was a special light that God createdthe sun was not created until later.
* __God said__ - God created light by means of a simple verbal command.
* __let there be__ - This is a command that happened immediately because it was spoken by God. It may be more natural to translate this as a statement of certainty that this would definitely happen. For example, you could translate this as, "God said, 'There will be light.'"
* __light__ - This was a special light that God createdthe sun was not created until later.
* __was good__ - This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose.
* __creation__ - This word is used here to refer to the six-day period during which God made everything that exists.
# was good
This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose.
# creation
This word is used here to refer to the six-day period during which God made everything that exists.

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@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
## God Created Sky [01-03] ##
# the second day
God's work of creation was orderly, purposeful, and sequential. The things he created each day built upon and depended on the acts of the previous days.
On __the second day__ of creation, __God spoke__ and __created__ the __sky__ above the earth. He made the sky by separating the water above from the water below.
# God spoke
## Important Terms: ##
God created the sky by speaking a command.
* __[god](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __the second day__ - God's work of creation was orderly, purposeful, and sequential. The things he created each day built upon and depended on the acts of the previous days.
* __God spoke__ - God created the sky by speaking a command.
* __created__ - God made the sky out of nothing.
* __sky__ - This term refers to all of the space above the earth, including the air we breathe and the heavens.
# created
God made the sky out of nothing.
# sky
This term refers to all of the space above the earth, including the air we breathe and the heavens.

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@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
## God Created the Land [01-04] ##
# third day
The next in the series of orderly days in which God prepared the earth for life.
On the __third day__, __God spoke__ and separated the water from the dry land. He called the dry land “__earth__,” and he called the water “seas.” God saw that what he had __created__ was __good__.
# God spoke
## Important Terms: ##
God created the dry land by speaking a command.
* __[god](
* __[good](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __third day__ - The next in the series of orderly days in which God prepared the earth for life.
* __God spoke__ - God created the dry land by speaking a command.
* __earth__ - This word is used here to refer to dirt or soil, which is what dry land is made of.
* __created__ - This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
# earth
This word is used here to refer to dirt or soil, which is what dry land is made of.
# created
This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.

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@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
## God Created the Plants [01-05] ##
# God said
God created all vegetation by speaking a command.
Then __God said__, “__Let the earth produce all kinds__ of trees and plants.” And that is what happened. God saw that what he had __created was good__.
# let the earth produce
## Important Terms: ##
This is a command that happened immediately because God spoke it.
* __[god](
* __[good](
# all kinds
The many different species, or types, of plants and trees.
### Translation Notes: ###
* __God said__ - God created all vegetation by speaking a command.
* __let the earth produce__ - This is a command that happened immediately because God spoke it.
* __all kinds__ - The many different species, or types, of plants and trees.
* __created__ - This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
* __was good__ - This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose.
# created
This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
# was good
This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose.

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@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
## God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars [01-06] ##
# the fourth day
The next in the orderly series of days in which God created.
On __the fourth day__ of creation, __God spoke__ and made the sun, the moon, and the stars. __God__ made them to give __light__ to the earth and to mark __day and night__, __seasons and years__. God saw that what he had __created__ was __good__.
# God spoke
## Important Terms: ##
God created the sun, moon, and stars by speaking a command.
* __[god](
* __[good](
# light
Shining objects in the sky now provided light for the earth.
### Translation Notes: ###
* __the fourth day__ - The next in the orderly series of days in which God created.
* __God spoke__ - God created the sun, moon, and stars by speaking a command.
* __light__ - Shining objects in the sky now provided light for the earth.
* __day and night, seasons and years__ - God created a different light to mark each portion of time from small to large, and set them to repeat continually until the end of time.
* __created__ - This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
# day and night, seasons and years
God created a different light to mark each portion of time from small to large, and set them to repeat continually until the end of time.
# created
This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.

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@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
## God Created the Birds and Fish [01-07] ##
# the fifth day
God continues his orderly progression of creation that he started during the previous four days.
On __the fifth day__, __God spoke__ and __made everything that swims__ in the water and __all the birds__. God saw that __it was good__, and he __blessed them__.
# God spoke
## Important Terms: ##
God created the birds and water creatures by speaking a command.
* __[god](
* __[good](
* __[bless](
# everything that swims
God not only made fish, but every kind of living thing that lives in the waters. Every one exists because God chose to create it.
### Translation Notes: ###
# all the birds
* __the fifth day__ - God continues his orderly progression of creation that he started during the previous four days.
* __God spoke__ - God created the birds and water creatures by speaking a command.
* __everything that swims__ - God not only made fish, but every kind of living thing that lives in the waters. Every one exists because God chose to create it.
* __all the birds__ - God did not make just one kind of bird, but all of the amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and kinds of birds.
* __it was good__ - This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose.
* __blessed them__ - God speaks his desire that they would prosper and that things would go well for them in the world in which he had placed them.
God did not make just one kind of bird, but all of the amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and kinds of birds.
# it was good
This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose.
# blessed them
God speaks his desire that they would prosper and that things would go well for them in the world in which he had placed them.

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@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
## God Created the Animals [01-08] ##
# the sixth day
The next event in a continuing, orderly progression of days and creative acts.
On __the sixth day__ of creation, __God said__, “Let there be __all kinds__ of __land animals__!” And it happened just like God said. Some were __farm animals__, some __crawled on the ground__, and some were __wild__. And God saw that __it was good__.
# God said
## Important Terms: ##
God's spoken word is the means by which the animals were created.
* __[god](
* __[good](
# all kinds
This indicates a great variety, but also order.
### Translation Notes: ###
# land animals
* __the sixth day__ - The next event in a continuing, orderly progression of days and creative acts.
* __God said__ - God's spoken word is the means by which the animals were created.
* __all kinds__ - This indicates a great variety, but also order.
* __land animals__ - Every kind of animal that lived on the land, as opposed to the birds, or animals that live in the seas.
* __farm animals__ - The kinds of land animals that commonly live peacefully with people-as in tame, or domesticated animals.
* __crawled on the ground__ - This probably includes reptiles, and possibly the insects.
* __wild__ - The kinds of animals that do not normally live peacefully with people, usually because they are afraid of people, or dangerous to them.
* __it was good__ - This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose.
Every kind of animal that lived on the land, as opposed to the birds, or animals that live in the seas.
# farm animals
The kinds of land animals that commonly live peacefully with people-as in tame, or domesticated animals.
# crawled on the ground
This probably includes reptiles, and possibly the insects.
# wild
The kinds of animals that do not normally live peacefully with people, usually because they are afraid of people, or dangerous to them.
# it was good
This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose.

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@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
## God Made Man in His Image [01-09] ##
# Let us
This indicates God's deliberate, willful decision to create man in a particular way for a particular purpose. You could translate this as, "We will make."
Then __God__ said, “__Let us__ make human beings __in our image__ to be __like us__. They will have __authority__ over the earth and all the animals.”
# us…our…us
## Important Terms: ##
The Bible teaches that there is one God, but the Old Testament word "God" is a plural form, and God uses plural pronouns when speaking to himself. Some understand this as a special way of speaking that expresses God's majesty, and others understand this as God the Father speaking to the Son and the Spirit, who are all God.
* __[god](
# in our image
An image is a physical representation of someone or something. Humans were made in such a way that we display or represent some of the qualities or traits of God.
### Translation Notes: ###
# like us
* __Let us__ - This indicates God's deliberate, willful decision to create man in a particular way for a particular purpose. You could translate this as, "We will make."
* __us…our…us__ - The Bible teaches that there is one God, but the Old Testament word "God" is a plural form, and God uses plural pronouns when speaking to himself. Some understand this as a special way of speaking that expresses God's majesty, and others understand this as God the Father speaking to the Son and the Spirit, who are all God.
* __in our image__ - An image is a physical representation of someone or something. Humans were made in such a way that we display or represent some of the qualities or traits of God.
* __like us__ - Humans share some of God's characteristics, but not all of his qualities. This phrase should be translated with words that show man is similar to God, but not equal with him or the same as he is.
* __authority__ - God gave people the right and power to manage, guide, and control how the earth and the animals will be used.
Humans share some of God's characteristics, but not all of his qualities. This phrase should be translated with words that show man is similar to God, but not equal with him or the same as he is.
# authority
God gave people the right and power to manage, guide, and control how the earth and the animals will be used.

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@ -1,26 +1,31 @@
## God Made Adam [01-10] ##
# took some dirt
God made man from the dust, or dry dirt from the ground. This word should probably be different from the general word used for earth.
So __God took some dirt__, __formed it__ into __a man__, and __breathed life__ into him. This man's name was __Adam__. God planted a __garden__ where Adam could live, and put him there to __care for it__.
# formed it
## Important Terms: ##
This word expresses that God personally fashioned the man, comparing this to how a person creates something with his hands. Make sure that a different word from "create" is used. Note that this is very different from how he created everything else through a simple spoken command.
* __[god](
* __[life](
* __[adam](
# a man
Only the man was created at this time; the woman was created later by a different method.
### Translation Notes: ###
# breathed life
* __took some dirt__ - God made man from the dust, or dry dirt from the ground. This word should probably be different from the general word used for earth.
* __formed it__ - This word expresses that God personally fashioned the man, comparing this to how a person creates something with his hands. Make sure that a different word from "create" is used. Note that this is very different from how he created everything else through a simple spoken command.
* __a man__ - Only the man was created at this time; the woman was created later by a different method.
* __breathed life__ - This phrase expresses God's very personal, intimate action as he transferred life from himself into Adam's body, comparing this to how a human being breathes out air.
* __life__ - In this event, God breathed both physical and spiritual life into the man.
* __Adam__ - Adam's name is the same as the Old Testament word for "man," and similar to the word for "dirt" from which he was formed.
* __garden__ - An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purposeusually to produce food or to provide beauty.
* __care for it__ - To maintain the garden by tending, weeding, watering, harvesting, planting, etc.
This phrase expresses God's very personal, intimate action as he transferred life from himself into Adam's body, comparing this to how a human being breathes out air.
# life
In this event, God breathed both physical and spiritual life into the man.
# Adam
Adam's name is the same as the Old Testament word for "man," and similar to the word for "dirt" from which he was formed.
# garden
An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purposeusually to produce food or to provide beauty.
# care for it
To maintain the garden by tending, weeding, watering, harvesting, planting, etc.

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@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
## Two Trees [01-11] ##
# in the middle
The central location emphasizes the importance of the two trees.
__In the middle__ of the __garden__, God planted two special trees—the __tree of life__ and the __tree of the knowledge of good and evil__. God told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If he ate from this tree, he would __die__.
# garden
## Important Terms: ##
An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purposeusually to produce food or to provide beauty.
* __[god](
* __[life](
* __[good](
* __[evil](
* __[adam](
* __[death](
# tree of life
Anyone who ate fruit from this tree would never die.
### Translation Notes: ###
# tree of knowledge of good and evil
* __in the middle__ - The central location emphasizes the importance of the two trees.
* __garden__ - An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purposeusually to produce food or to provide beauty.
* __tree of life__ - Anyone who ate fruit from this tree would never die.
* __tree of knowledge of good and evil__ - The fruit of this tree could enable a person to know both good and evil.
* __knowledge__ - To know or understand by personal experience.
* __good and evil__ - Evil is the opposite of good. Just as "good" refers to what is pleasing to God, "evil" refers to everything that is not pleasing to God.
* __die__ - In this instance, he would die both physically and spiritually.
The fruit of this tree could enable a person to know both good and evil.
# knowledge
To know or understand by personal experience.
# good and evil
Evil is the opposite of good. Just as "good" refers to what is pleasing to God, "evil" refers to everything that is not pleasing to God.
# die
In this instance, he would die both physically and spiritually.

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@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
## Adam Was Alone [01-12] ##
# not good
This is the first time that anything in creation was not good. It means it was, "not yet good" because God was not finished with the creation of humans.
Then __God__ said, “It is __not good__ for man to be __alone__.” But none of the animals could be __Adam's helper__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[good](
* __[adam](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __not good__ - This is the first time that anything in creation was not good. It means it was, "not yet good" because God was not finished with the creation of humans.
* __alone__ - Adam was the only human, with no possibility of a relationship with another person, and unable to reproduce children and multiply.
* __Adam's helper__ - There was no one who was similar enough to Adam to join with him to accomplish the task that God gave to him. None of the animals could do this.
# alone
Adam was the only human, with no possibility of a relationship with another person, and unable to reproduce children and multiply.
# Adam's helper
There was no one who was similar enough to Adam to join with him to accomplish the task that God gave to him. None of the animals could do this.

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@ -1,21 +1,15 @@
## God Made Eve [01-13] ##
# a deep sleep
This was a deeper sleep than normal.
So __God__ made __Adam__ fall into __a deep sleep__. Then God __took one of Adam's ribs and made__ it into __a woman__ and __brought her to him__.
# took one of Adam's ribs and made
## Important Terms: ##
The verbs indicate God's very personal act of removing the rib from Adam and shaping it into a woman.
* __[god](
* __[adam](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __a deep sleep__ - This was a deeper sleep than normal.
* __took one of Adam's ribs and made__ - The verbs indicate God's very personal act of removing the rib from Adam and shaping it into a woman.
* __a woman__ - She was the first woman, the female version of human beings that was missing until now.
* __brought her to him__ - God personally introduced them. He presented the woman to Adam, almost like offering a special gift.
# a woman
She was the first woman, the female version of human beings that was missing until now.
# brought her to him
God personally introduced them. He presented the woman to Adam, almost like offering a special gift.

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@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
## Adam Met Eve [01-14] ##
# At last!
Adam's exclamation indicates that he had been waiting for something like the woman.
When __Adam__ saw her, he said, “__At last__! This one is __like me__! Let her be called '__Woman__,' for she was __madefrom Man__.” This is why __a man leaves__ his father and mother and __becomes one__ with his wife.
# like me
## Important Terms: ##
The woman was the same type of being as Adam, even though there were important differences between them.
* __[adam](
# Woman
This word is the feminine form of the word for man.
### Translation Notes: ###
# made from man
* __At last!__ - Adam's exclamation indicates that he had been waiting for something like the woman.
* __like me__ - The woman was the same type of being as Adam, even though there were important differences between them.
* __Woman__ - This word is the feminine form of the word for man.
* __made from man__ - The woman was formed directly from Adam's own body.
* __a man leaves__ - This is stated in the present tense to indicate what would become the normal situation in the future. Adam did not have a mother or father, but all other men would.
* __becomes one__ - The husband and wife will share an intimate bond of unity and a commitment to one another that will surpass their relationships to anyone else.
The woman was formed directly from Adam's own body.
# a man leaves
This is stated in the present tense to indicate what would become the normal situation in the future. Adam did not have a mother or father, but all other men would.
# becomes one
The husband and wife will share an intimate bond of unity and a commitment to one another that will surpass their relationships to anyone else.

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@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
## Fill the Earth [01-15] ##
# God made
God formed the man and the woman in a very personal way.
__God made__ man and woman __in his own image__. He __blessed__ them and told them, “Have many children and grandchildren and fill the earth!” And God saw that everything he had made was __very good__, and he was very pleased with all of it. This all happened on the sixth day of __creation__.
# in his own image
## Important Terms: ##
An image is a physical representation of someone or something. God made people to display or represent some of his qualities and traits, but not to be equal to him.
* __[god](
* __[bless](
* __[good](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __God made__ - God formed the man and the woman in a very personal way.
* __in his own image__ - An image is a physical representation of someone or something. God made people to display or represent some of his qualities and traits, but not to be equal to him.
* __very good__ - More intense than the, "it was good" statements on previous days. "Very good" refers to all of creation, not just the man and the woman. Everything was exactly as God intended it to be.
* __creation__ - The six-day period during which God made everything that exists.
# very good
More intense than the, "it was good" statements on previous days. "Very good" refers to all of creation, not just the man and the woman. Everything was exactly as God intended it to be.
# creation
The six-day period during which God made everything that exists.

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@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
## God Rested [01-16] ##
# the seventh day
The next day after the six days of creation were completed.
When __the seventh day__ came, __God__ had __finished his work__. So __God rested__ from all he had been doing. He __blessed the seventh day__ and __made it holy__, because on this day he rested from his work. This is how God created __the universe__ and everything in it.
# finished his work
## Important Terms: ##
Specifically, God finished the work of creation. He still performs other work.
* __[god](
* __[bless](
* __[holy](
# God rested
God "rested" in the sense that he stopped working because creation was complete. God was not tired, or unable to continue.
### Translation Notes: ###
# blessed the seventh day
* __the seventh day__ - The next day after the six days of creation were completed.
* __finished his work__ - Specifically, God finished the work of creation. He still performs other work.
* __God rested__ - God "rested" in the sense that he stopped working because creation was complete. God was not tired, or unable to continue.
* __blessed the seventh day__ - God had a special, positive plan for the seventh day, and for every seventh day to follow.
* __made it holy__ - That is, God "set apart" the day as a special day. It was not to be used in the same way as the other six days of the week.
* __the universe__ - This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
God had a special, positive plan for the seventh day, and for every seventh day to follow.
# made it holy
That is, God "set apart" the day as a special day. It was not to be used in the same way as the other six days of the week.
# the universe
This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things.
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
## A Perfect World [02-01] ##
# garden
A special collection of trees and plants that God prepared for Adam and Eve to enjoy and from which to eat. This should be the same word that was used in [01:11](01/11). See how you translated it there.
__Adam__ and his wife were very happy living in the beautiful __garden__ __God__ had made for them. Neither of them wore clothes, but this did not cause them to feel any __shame__, because there was no __sin__ in the world. They often walked in the garden and __talked with God__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[adam](
* __[god](
* __[sin](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __garden__ - A special collection of trees and plants that God prepared for Adam and Eve to enjoy and from which to eat. This should be the same word that was used in __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:01-11|[01-11]]]__. See how you translated it there.
* __talked with God__ - The word for "talk" should be the same as would be used to refer to talking to a human being. God may have taken a physical form to talk to the man and the woman since the text indicates that they talked to him face-to-face.
* __shame__ - The feeling that comes with knowing we have sinned or that we fall short in some way.
# talked with God
The word for "talk" should be the same as would be used to refer to talking to a human being. God may have taken a physical form to talk to the man and the woman since the text indicates that they talked to him face-to-face.
# shame
The feeling that comes with knowing we have sinned or that we fall short in some way.

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@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
## The Snake [02-02] ##
# crafty
Clever and sly, with the intent to deceive.
But there was a __crafty snake__ in the garden. He asked the woman, “__Did God really tell you__ not to eat the __fruit from any of the trees__ in the garden?”
# snake
## Important Terms: ##
An elongated, legless land creature that now moves by wiggling on its belly. Although later on in the story it is revealed that the snake is Satan, this should not be said here in this frame.
* __[god](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __crafty__ - Clever and sly, with the intent to deceive.
* __snake__ - An elongated, legless land creature that now moves by wiggling on its belly. Although later on in the story it is revealed that the snake is Satan, this should not be said here in this frame.
* __Did God really tell you__ - The snake asked the woman whether God actually said not to eat from any of the trees in the garden. But he was only pretending that he didn't know what God had said because he wanted to create doubt in the woman's mind. He wanted her to question God's goodness.
* __fruit of any of the trees__ - All of the various types of fruit from each of the different trees in the garden.
# Did God really tell you
The snake asked the woman whether God actually said not to eat from any of the trees in the garden. But he was only pretending that he didn't know what God had said because he wanted to create doubt in the woman's mind. He wanted her to question God's goodness.
# fruit of any of the trees
All of the various types of fruit from each of the different trees in the garden.

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@ -1,22 +1,11 @@
## Do Not Touch [02-03] ##
# fruit
We don't know what kind of fruit this was. We only know that it grew on this tree. If possible it is best to use a general word for fruit here, and not a word for a specific kind of fruit.
The woman answered, “__God__ told us we could eat the __fruit__ of any tree except from the __tree of the knowledge of good and evil__. God told us, If you eat that fruit or even touch it, __you will die__.’”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[good](
* __[evil](
* __[death](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __fruit__ - We don't know what kind of fruit this was. We only know that it grew on this tree. If possible it is best to use a general word for fruit here, and not a word for a specific kind of fruit.
* __tree of the knowledge of good and evil__ - The woman correctly understood that they were not allowed to eat from this one tree that would enable them to understand evil as well as good.
* __you will die__ - Use your ordinary word for death, for a person's physical life to end. Don't avoid the term just because the thought of death sounds too harsh.
# tree of the knowledge of good and evil
The woman correctly understood that they were not allowed to eat from this one tree that would enable them to understand evil as well as good.
# you will die
Use your ordinary word for death, for a person's physical life to end. Don't avoid the term just because the thought of death sounds too harsh.

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## The Lie [02-04] ##
The snake responded to the woman, “That is not __true__! You will not __die__. __God__ just knows that as soon as you eat it, you will be __like God__ and will __understand good and evil__ like he does.”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[true](
* __[death](
* __[god](
* __[good](
* __[evil](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __like God__ - The man and the woman were already made in the likeness of God. The snake is suggesting that the woman would be more like God if she understood evil. However, God never intended for her to have this knowledge.
* __understand good and evil__ - To know from personal experience what things are good and what things are bad, or being able to know whether something is good or bad.
# like God
The man and the woman were already made in the likeness of God. The snake is suggesting that the woman would be more like God if she understood evil. However, God never intended for her to have this knowledge.
# understand good and evil
To know from personal experience what things are good and what things are bad, or being able to know whether something is good or bad.

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## Disobedience [02-05] ##
The woman saw that the fruit was beautiful and looked delicious. She also wanted to be __wise__, so she picked some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, __who was with her__, and he ate it, too.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[wise](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __wise__ - The woman wanted to have insight and understanding like the snake seemed to have, and like God has.
* __who was with her__ - This is important information because it shows that the man was present when the woman made the decision to eat the fruit.
# wise
The woman wanted to have insight and understanding like the snake seemed to have, and like God has.
# who was with her
This is important information because it shows that the man was present when the woman made the decision to eat the fruit.

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## Open Eyes [02-06] ##
# their eyes were opened
This could be translated as, "they saw things differently." This expression means they now understood something for the first time. In your language, there may be an expression with similar meaning that you could use to translate this.
Suddenly, __their eyes were opened__, and they realized __they were naked__. They tried to __cover their bodies__ by sewing leaves together to make clothes.
## Important Terms: ##
### Translation Notes: ###
* __their eyes were opened__ - This could be translated as, "they saw things differently." This expression means they now understood something for the first time. In your language, there may be an expression with similar meaning that you could use to translate this.
* __realized they were naked__ - After the man and the woman disobeyed God, they felt ashamed that they were naked. That is why they used leaves to try to cover their naked bodies.
* __cover their bodies__ - The man and the woman attempted to use leaves to hide themselves from God.
# realized they were naked
After the man and the woman disobeyed God, they felt ashamed that they were naked. That is why they used leaves to try to cover their naked bodies.
# cover their bodies
The man and the woman attempted to use leaves to hide themselves from God.

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## Where Are You? [02-07] ##
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of __God walking__ through the garden. They both hid from God. Then God called to the man, “__Where are you__?” __Adam__ replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked. So I hid.”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[adam](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __God walking__ - It seems that God regularly came to the garden to walk and talk with the man and the woman. We do not know what this looked like. If it is possible, it is best to use the same word that would be used to talk about a person walking.
* __Where are you?__ - God already knew the answer to this question. The purpose of the question was to force the man and the woman to explain why they were hiding.
# God walking
It seems that God regularly came to the garden to walk and talk with the man and the woman. We do not know what this looked like. If it is possible, it is best to use the same word that would be used to talk about a person walking.
# Where are you?
God already knew the answer to this question. The purpose of the question was to force the man and the woman to explain why they were hiding.

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## The Blame [02-08] ##
# Who told you that you were naked?
Or, "How did you find out that you were naked?" God already knows the answer to all of his questions. By asking this question and the following question, he was giving Adam the opportunity to admit his sin of disobedience. Being naked was not a sin. God created them that way. Their knowledge of their nakedness was the problem. Their shame showed that they had sinned.
Then __God__ asked, “__Who told you that you were naked__? Did you eat the fruit I told you not to eat?” The man answered, “You gave me this woman, and __she gave me the fruit__.” Then God asked the woman, “What have you done?” The woman replied, “__The snake tricked me__.”
# she gave me the fruit
## Important Terms: ##
The man blamed the woman rather than confessing his disobedience and accepting responsibility for disobeying God.
* __[god](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __Who told you that you were naked?__ - Or, "How did you find out that you were naked?" God already knows the answer to all of his questions. By asking this question and the following question, he was giving Adam the opportunity to admit his sin of disobedience. Being naked was not a sin. God created them that way. Their knowledge of their nakedness was the problem. Their shame showed that they had sinned.
* __she gave me the fruit__ - The man blamed the woman rather than confessing his disobedience and accepting responsibility for disobeying God.
* __What have you done?__ - Or, "Why have you done this?" God already knew the answer to this question. By asking this question, he was giving the woman the opportunity to admit her guilt. He was also implying that she should not have done what she did.
* __The snake tricked me__ - The snake deceived or misled her. He lied to her. Don't use a word that indicates that he cast a spell on her or bewitched her. The woman blamed the snake rather than confessing her disobedience and accepting responsibility for disobeying God.
# What have you done?
Or, "Why have you done this?" God already knew the answer to this question. By asking this question, he was giving the woman the opportunity to admit her guilt. He was also implying that she should not have done what she did.
# The snake tricked me
The snake deceived or misled her. He lied to her. Don't use a word that indicates that he cast a spell on her or bewitched her. The woman blamed the snake rather than confessing her disobedience and accepting responsibility for disobeying God.

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## God Cursed the Snake [02-09] ##
# you are cursed
This could also be translated as, "I curse you" or, "Great harm will come to you." Do not use a word that implies magic.
__God__ said to the snake, “__You are cursed__! You will slide on your belly and eat dirt. You and the woman will __hate each other__, and your children and her children will hate each other, too. The __womans descendant__ will __crush your head__, and you will __wound his heel__.”
# hate each other
## Important Terms: ##
The woman would hate the snake and the snake would hate the woman. The women's descendants would also hate the snake's descendants, and the snake's descendants would hate them.
* __[god](
* __[curse](
* __[descendant](
# woman's descendant
Refers to one of her descendants in particular.
## Translation Notes: ##
* __you are cursed__ - This could also be translated as, "I curse you" or, "Great harm will come to you." Do not use a word that implies magic.
* __hate each other__ - The woman would hate the snake and the snake would hate the woman. The women's descendants would also hate the snake's descendants, and the snake's descendants would hate them.
* __woman's descendant__ - Refers to one of her descendants in particular.
* __crush your head__ - The descendant of the woman will destroy the descendant of the snake.
* __wound his heel__ - The descendant of the snake will wound the descendant of the woman.
# crush your head
The descendant of the woman will destroy the descendant of the snake.
# wound his heel
The descendant of the snake will wound the descendant of the woman.

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## God Cursed the Woman [02-10] ##
__God__ then said to the woman, “I will make __childbirth very painful__ for you. You will desire your husband, and he will rule over you.”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __childbirth very painful__ - Some languages may need to express this as a verb. You could say, "I will cause you to have much more pain when you give birth to children."
# childbirth very painful
Some languages may need to express this as a verb. You could say, "I will cause you to have much more pain when you give birth to children."

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## God Cursed the Man [02-11] ##
# ground is cursed
As punishment for Adam's disobedience, the earth would no longer be fruitful. Adam would have to work very hard to raise enough food to eat.
__God__ said to the man, “You listened to your wife and __disobeyed__ me. Now the __ground is cursed__, and you will need to work hard to grow food. Then __you will die__, and your body will __return to dirt__.” The man named his wife __Eve__, __which means__ “__life-giver__,” because she would become the __mother of all people__. And God clothed __Adam__ and Eve with animal skins.
# you will die
## Important Terms: ##
The ultimate punishment for their disobedience was death. Spiritual death is our separation from God. Physical death is our separation from our body.
* __[god](
* __[disobey](
* __[curse](
* __[death](
* __[eve](
* __[adam](
# return to dirt
God created Adam from the dirt or soil and gave him life. As a result of sin, his life will be taken from him and his body will decompose and become dirt again.
### Translation Notes: ###
* __ground is cursed__ - As punishment for Adam's disobedience, the earth would no longer be fruitful. Adam would have to work very hard to raise enough food to eat.
* __you will die__ - The ultimate punishment for their disobedience was death. Spiritual death is our separation from God. Physical death is our separation from our body.
* __return to dirt__ - God created Adam from the dirt or soil and gave him life. As a result of sin, his life will be taken from him and his body will decompose and become dirt again.
* __Eve, which means 'life-giver'__ - God gave life to Adam and Eve, and it is passed on to every person through childbirth.
* __mother of all people__ - This means that she would be the female ancestor of all people. Some languages say "she would be the grandmother of all people."
# Eve, which means 'life-giver'
God gave life to Adam and Eve, and it is passed on to every person through childbirth.
# mother of all people
This means that she would be the female ancestor of all people. Some languages say "she would be the grandmother of all people."

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## Out of the Garden [02-12] ##
# like us by knowing good and evil
Here, this phrase points to a new way that Adam and Eve would be like God. Because they had sinned, they were aware of evil and could experience it. You could say, "because now they knew both good and evil."
Then __God__ said, “Now that the human beings have become __like us by knowing good and evil__, they must not be allowed to eat the __fruit__ of the __tree of life__ and live forever.” So God sent __Adam__ and __Eve__ away from the beautiful garden. God placed large, powerful __angels__ at the entrance to the garden to keep anyone from eating the fruit of the tree of life.
# fruit
## Important Terms: ##
The specific kind of fruit is not revealed, so it is best to translate this using a general word for fruit.
* __[god](
* __[good](
* __[evil](
* __[life](
* __[adam](
* __[eve](
* __[angel](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __like us by knowing good and evil__ - Here, this phrase points to a new way that Adam and Eve would be like God. Because they had sinned, they were aware of evil and could experience it. You could say, "because now they knew both good and evil."
* __fruit__ - The specific kind of fruit is not revealed, so it is best to translate this using a general word for fruit.
* __tree of life__ - This was an actual tree with fruit. See __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:01-11|[01-11]]]__. If a person ate this fruit he would live continually and never die.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
# tree of life
This was an actual tree with fruit. See [01:11](01/11). If a person ate this fruit he would live continually and never die.
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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## Sin Increased [03-01] ##
# After a long time
This story happens many generations (hundreds of years) after creation.
__After a long time__, many people were living in the world. They had become __very wicked and violent__. __It became so bad__ that __God decided to destroy__ the whole world with a __huge flood__.
# very wicked and violent
## Important Terms: ##
It may be more natural to say, "had become wicked and did violent things".
* __[god](
# It became so bad
It may be clearer to say, "People were behaving in such harmful and evil ways that God."
## Translation Notes: ##
* __After a long time__ - This story happens many generations (hundreds of years) after creation.
* __very wicked and violent__ - It may be more natural to say, "had become wicked and did violent things".
* __It became so bad__ It may be clearer to say, "People were behaving in such harmful and evil ways that God."
* __God decided to destroy__ - This does not mean that the earth would be destroyed completely. Rather God planned to destroy all the people who had rebelled against him and who had caused such evil and violence. This flood would also kill all the land animals and the birds.
* __huge flood__ - Very deep water that would cover the earth, even in places where the ground was normally dry, and even covering the tops of the highest mountains.
# God decided to destroy
This does not mean that the earth would be destroyed completely. Rather God planned to destroy all the people who had rebelled against him and who had caused such evil and violence. This flood would also kill all the land animals and the birds.
# huge flood
Very deep water that would cover the earth, even in places where the ground was normally dry, and even covering the tops of the highest mountains.

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## Noah Found Grace [03-02] ##
# found favor
God was pleased with Noah because he feared and obeyed God. So even though Noah was not sinless, God was gracious to him and made a plan to rescue his family from the devastating flood. Make sure this doesn't sound like Noah was lucky or that he just happened to escape. Rather, it was God's choice.
But __Noah found favor__ with __God__. He was a __righteous__ man, living among wicked people. God told Noah about the flood He was __planning to send__. He told Noah to build a huge boat.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[noah]( __
* __[god](
* __[righteous](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __found favor__ - God was pleased with Noah because he feared and obeyed God. So even though Noah was not sinless, God was gracious to him and made a plan to rescue his family from the devastating flood. Make sure this doesn't sound like Noah was lucky or that he just happened to escape. Rather, it was God's choice.
* __the flood__ - See how you translated this in __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:03-01|[03-01]]]__.
* __planning to send__ - God planned to cause deep water to cover the earth by sending a lot of rain. That is, he planned to cause the flood by causing a lot of rain to fall.
# the flood
See how you translated this in [03:01](03/01).
# planning to send
God planned to cause deep water to cover the earth by sending a lot of rain. That is, he planned to cause the flood by causing a lot of rain to fall.

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## The Big Boat [03-03] ##
__God__ told __Noah__ to make __the boat__ about 140 meters long, 23 meters wide, and 13.5 meters high. Noah was to build it with wood and to make three levels, many rooms, a roof, and a window. The boat would keep Noah, his family, and every kind of land animal safe during the flood.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[noah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __the boat__ - The boat was big enough to carry eight people, two of every kind of animal, and their provisions for almost a year.
# the boat
The boat was big enough to carry eight people, two of every kind of animal, and their provisions for almost a year.

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## Building the Boat [03-04] ##
__Noah obeyed God__. He and his three sons built the boat just the way God had told them. It took many years to build the boat, because it was so big. __Noah warned__ the people about the flood that was coming and told them to __turn to God__, but they did not believe him.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[noah](
* __[obey](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Noah warned__ - Noah told everyone that God planned to destroy the world because of sin.
* __turn to God__ - This means that they should stop sinning and start obeying God.
# Noah warned
Noah told everyone that God planned to destroy the world because of sin.
# turn to God
This means that they should stop sinning and start obeying God.

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## Loading the Boat [03-05] ##
__God__ also commanded __Noah__ and his family to gather enough food for themselves and the animals. When everything was ready, God told Noah it was time for him, his wife, his three sons, and their wives to get into the boat—eight people in all.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[noah](
## Translation Notes: ##
_(There are no notes for this frame.)_
_(There are no notes for this frame.)_

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## The Animals Came [03-06] ##
# God sent
Noah did not need to find the animals. God sent them to him.
__God sent__ a male and a female of every animal and bird to __Noah__ so they could go into the boat and be kept safe during the flood. God sent seven males and seven females of every type of animal that could be __used for sacrifices__. When they were all in the boat, __God himself closed the door__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[noah](
* __[sacrifice](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __God sent__ - Noah did not need to find the animals. God sent them to him.
* __used for sacrifices__ - For some languages it may be better to say something like, "animals that were acceptable to sacrifice to God." God had decided that people should sacrifice animals to him, but he only permitted them to sacrifice certain kinds of animals.
* __God himself closed the door__ - This emphasizes that it was God who shut the door.
# used for sacrifices
For some languages it may be better to say something like, "animals that were acceptable to sacrifice to God." God had decided that people should sacrifice animals to him, but he only permitted them to sacrifice certain kinds of animals.
# God himself closed the door
This emphasizes that it was God who shut the door.

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## The Rain Began [03-07] ##
# rain, and rain, and rain
This emphasizes that there was an unusual, extreme amount of rain. Other languages may have a different way of emphasizing this.
Then it began to __rain, and rain, and rain__. It rained for forty days and forty nights without stopping! Water also came gushing up out of the earth. Everything in the __whole world was covered with water__, even the highest mountains.
## Important Terms: ##
## Translation Notes: ##
* __rain, and rain, and rain__ - This emphasizes that there was an unusual, extreme amount of rain. Other languages may have a different way of emphasizing this.
* __gushing__ - This indicates that there was a large amount of water coming out.
* __whole world was covered__ - This refers to all the earth being covered with water from the flood.
# gushing
This indicates that there was a large amount of water coming out.
# whole world was covered
This refers to all the earth being covered with water from the flood.

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## Safe from the Flood [03-08] ##
Everything that lived on the dry land __died__, except the people and animals that were in the boat. The boat floated on the water and kept everything inside the boat safe from drowning.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[death](
## Translation Notes: ##
* _(There are no notes for this frame.)_
There are no notes for this frame.

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## The Rain Stopped [03-09] ##
# the rains stopped
This could be translated as, "it stopped raining."
After __the rains stopped__, the boat floated on the water for five months, and during this time the water started going down. Then one day the __boat rested__ on the top of a mountain, but the world was still covered with water. After __three more months__, the tops of the __mountains were visible__.
# boat rested
## Important Terms: ##
There was so much water from the rain that it covered the mountains. The ship floated over the mountains, and when the water started to go down, the ship went down with the water and settled on a mountain.
## Translation Notes: ##
* __the rains stopped__ This could be translated as, "it stopped raining."
* __boat rested__ - There was so much water from the rain that it covered the mountains. The ship floated over the mountains, and when the water started to go down, the ship went down with the water and settled on a mountain.
* __three more months__ - During the next three months, the water continued to go down.
* __mountains were visible__ - Other ways to translate this would be, "were showing" or, "appeared" or, "could be seen." It may be more clear to say, "After three months, the water had gone down enough so that Noah and his family could clearly see the tops of the mountains.
# three more months
During the next three months, the water continued to go down.
# mountains were visible
Other ways to translate this would be, "were showing" or, "appeared" or, "could be seen." It may be more clear to say, "After three months, the water had gone down enough so that Noah and his family could clearly see the tops of the mountains.

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## The Raven [03-10] ##
After forty more days, __Noah__ sent out a bird called a __raven__ to see if the water had dried up. The raven flew back and forth looking for dry land, but it could not find any.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[noah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __raven__ - A black bird that flies and eats a variety of plant and animal foods, including the rotting flesh of dead animals.
# raven
A black bird that flies and eats a variety of plant and animal foods, including the rotting flesh of dead animals.

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## The Dove [03-11] ##
# dove
A small, white or gray flying bird that eats seeds or fruit.
Later, __Noah__ sent out a bird called a __dove__. But it also could not find any dry land, so it came back to Noah. A week later he sent the dove out again, and it came back with an __olive branch__ in its beak! __The water was going down__, and the plants were growing again!
# olive branch
## Important Terms: ##
* __[noah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __dove__ - A small, white or gray flying bird that eats seeds or fruit.
* __olive branch__ - An olive tree's fruit contains oil which people use for cooking or putting on their skin. If your language does not have a word for "olive branch," you could translate it as, "branch from a tree called 'olive'" or, "branch from an oil-tree."
* __water was going down__ - It may be more natural in your language to say that, "the water was going away" or, "the level of the water was getting lower."
An olive tree's fruit contains oil which people use for cooking or putting on their skin. If your language does not have a word for "olive branch," you could translate it as, "branch from a tree called 'olive'" or, "branch from an oil-tree."
# water was going down
It may be more natural in your language to say that, "the water was going away" or, "the level of the water was getting lower."

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## Dry Land [03-12] ##
__Noah__ __waited another week__ and sent out the dove a third time. This time, it found a place to rest and did not come back. The water was drying up!
## Important Terms: ##
* __[noah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __waited another week__ - You could say, "waited seven more days." The word "waited" shows that Noah was allowing time for the floodwaters to go down before sending out the dove again.
# waited another week
You could say, "waited seven more days." The word "waited" shows that Noah was allowing time for the floodwaters to go down before sending out the dove again.

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## Leaving the Boat [03-13] ##
# Two months later
This means two months after Noah released the dove from the ark. It may be necessary to say this explicitly if it is not clear.
__Two months later__ __God__ said to __Noah__, “You and your family and all the animals may leave the boat now. __Have many children__ and grandchildren and __fill the earth__.” So Noah and his family came out of the boat.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[noah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Two months later__ - This means two months after Noah released the dove from the ark. It may be necessary to say this explicitly if it is not clear.
* __Have many children__ To make sure it is clear that this was God's command and desire, you could say, "You must have many children." or, "I want you to have many children."
* __fill the earth__ - If this is not clear, it may be necessary to say, "and fill the earth with people" or, "so that there will be many people living on the earth."
# Have many children
To make sure it is clear that this was God's command and desire, you could say, "You must have many children." or, "I want you to have many children."
# fill the earth
If this is not clear, it may be necessary to say, "and fill the earth with people" or, "so that there will be many people living on the earth."

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## Noah's Sacrifice [03-14] ##
After __Noah__ got off the boat, he built an __altar__ and __sacrificed__ some of each kind of __animal that could be used for a sacrifice__. __God was happy__ with the sacrifice and __blessed__ Noah and his family.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[noah](
* __[altar](
* __[sacrifice](
* __[god](
* __[bless](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __animal that could be used for a sacrifice__ - Another way to say this would be, "that people could use to sacrifice to him."
* __God was happy__ - God was pleased with Noah for sacrificing these animals.
# animal that could be used for a sacrifice
Another way to say this would be, "that people could use to sacrifice to him."
# God was happy
God was pleased with Noah for sacrificing these animals.

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## God's Promise [03-15] ##
# never again
This means, "not ever again" or, "not again at any time" or, "truly not again". Examples: "I will not ever again curse the ground" or, "I will not curse the ground again at any time" or, "I will truly not curse the ground again".
__God__ said, “I __promise__ I will __never again curse__ the ground because of the __evil__ things that people do, or destroy the world by causing a flood, even though __people are sinful from the time they are children__.”
# curse the ground
## Important Terms: ##
The earth and the other creatures suffered because of man's sin.
* __[god](
* __[promise](
* __[curse](
* __[evil](
* __[sin](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __never again__ - This means, "not ever again" or, "not again at any time" or, "truly not again". Examples: "I will not ever again curse the ground" or, "I will not curse the ground again at any time" or, "I will truly not curse the ground again".
* __curse the ground__ - The earth and the other creatures suffered because of man's sin.
* __the world__ This refers to the earth and the living creatures that lived on it.
* __people are sinful from the time they are children__ - Another way to say this would be, "people do sinful things their entire lives."
# the world
This refers to the earth and the living creatures that lived on it.
# people are sinful from the time they are children
Another way to say this would be, "people do sinful things their entire lives."

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## The Rainbow [03-16] ##
# rainbow
This is the multicolored arc of light that often appears in the sky after a rainstorm.
__God__ then made the first __rainbow__ as __a sign of his promise__. __Every time__ the rainbow appeared in the sky, God would remember __what he promised__ and so would his people.
# a sign
## Important Terms: ##
A sign is something (such as an object or event) that gives a certain meaning or which points to something that is true or will happen.
* __[god](
* __[promise](
# as a sign of his promise
In some languages it may be better to say, "to show that he had promised."
## Translation Notes: ##
# Every time
* __rainbow__ - This is the multicolored arc of light that often appears in the sky after a rainstorm.
* __a sign__ - A sign is something (such as an object or event) that gives a certain meaning or which points to something that is true or will happen.
* __as a sign of his promise__ In some languages it may be better to say, "to show that he had promised."
* __Every time__ Make sure it is clear that this means every time a rainbow appeared from that time on. It may be necessary to add, "From then on, every time."
* __what he promised__ - This refers back to the previous frame in which God promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
Make sure it is clear that this means every time a rainbow appeared from that time on. It may be necessary to add, "From then on, every time."
# what he promised
This refers back to the previous frame in which God promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood.
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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## One People [04-01] ##
# many years after the flood
Many generations had passed since the end of the flood.
__Many years after the flood__, there were __again many people__ in the world, and they all spoke the __same language__. Instead of filling the earth as __God__ had commanded, they gathered together and built __a city__.
# again many people
## Important Terms: ##
Noah's family multiplied into enough people to fill a city.
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __many years after the flood__ - Many generations had passed since the end of the flood.
* __again many people__ - Noah's family multiplied into enough people to fill a city.
* __same language__ - This means there was only one language, so they could all understand each other.
* __a city__ - It is best to use a general word for "city" since the text does not give a specific name.
# same language
This means there was only one language, so they could all understand each other.
# a city
It is best to use a general word for "city" since the text does not give a specific name.

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@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
## The Tower [04-02] ##
They were very __proud__, and they did not care about what __God__ said. They even began building a __tall tower to reach heaven__. God saw that if they all kept working together to do __evil__, they could do many more __sinful__ things.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[proud](
* __[god](
* __[heaven](
* __[evil](
* __[sin](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __tall tower to reach heaven__ - This structure was so tall that its top would be in the sky.
* __heaven__ This could be translated as, "sky."
# tall tower to reach heaven
This structure was so tall that its top would be in the sky.
# heaven
This could be translated as, "sky."

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@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
## Many Languages [04-03] ##
# changed their language
In an instant, God miraculously gave them different languages to speak so that suddenly they were no longer able to understand each other.
So __God changed their language__ into __many different languages__ and __spread the people__ out all over the world. The city they had begun to build was called __Babel__, which means, “__confused__.”
# many different languages
## Important Terms: ##
Instead of one large group of people speaking one language, there were now many smaller people groups each speaking its own separate language.
* __[god](
# spread the people
When God changed their languages, he caused these groups of people to scatter out on the earth and each group moved to its own area.
## Translation Notes: ##
* __changed their language__ In an instant, God miraculously gave them different languages to speak so that suddenly they were no longer able to understand each other.
* __many different languages__ Instead of one large group of people speaking one language, there were now many smaller people groups each speaking its own separate language.
* __spread the people__ - When God changed their languages, he caused these groups of people to scatter out on the earth and each group moved to its own area.
* __Babel__ - We don't know the exact location of this city, other than it was somewhere in the ancient Middle East.
* __confused__ - This refers to how the people were confused or, "mixed-up" when they could no longer understand each other after God changed their language.
# Babel
We don't know the exact location of this city, other than it was somewhere in the ancient Middle East.
# confused
This refers to how the people were confused or, "mixed-up" when they could no longer understand each other after God changed their language.

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## God Chose Abram [04-04] ##
# Hundreds of years later
This could be translated as, "many generations after the people split into different language groups at Babel." or, "a long time after that happened."
__Hundreds of years later__, __God__ spoke to a man named __Abram__. God told him, “__Leave your country and family__ and go to the land I will show you. I will __bless__ you and __make you a great nation__. I will __make your name great__. I will bless those who bless you and __curse__ those who curse you. __All families on earth__ will be blessed because of you.”
# Leave your country
## Important Terms: ##
This refers to the area where Abram was born and grew up (a region in Central Asia called "Ur"). It could be translated as, "native region" or, "homeland" or something similar.
* __[god](
* __[abraham](
* __[bless](
* __[curse](
# and family
God was calling Abram to leave behind most of his relatives. However, God was not telling Abram to abandon the people he was responsible for, including his wife.
## Translation Notes: ##
# make you a great nation
* __Hundreds of years later__ This could be translated as, "many generations after the people split into different language groups at Babel." or, "a long time after that happened."
* __Leave your country__ - This refers to the area where Abram was born and grew up (a region in Central Asia called "Ur"). It could be translated as, "native region" or, "homeland" or something similar.
* __and family__ God was calling Abram to leave behind most of his relatives. However, God was not telling Abram to abandon the people he was responsible for, including his wife.
* __make you a great nation__ - God would cause Abram to have many descendants, and they would become a large and important nation or country.
* __make your name great__ - This means that Abram's name and family would become well-known throughout the world and people would think well of them.
* __all families on earth__ - Abram's decision to follow God would affect not only his own family, but also families from every people group on earth.
God would cause Abram to have many descendants, and they would become a large and important nation or country.
# make your name great
This means that Abram's name and family would become well-known throughout the world and people would think well of them.
# all families on earth
Abram's decision to follow God would affect not only his own family, but also families from every people group on earth.

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## To Canaan [04-05] ##
# He took
Some languages would say, "He brought" here. Others would use two different verbs here, such as, "He caused his wife to come with him" and, "He brought along all of their servants and possessions."
So __Abram obeyed God__. __He took__ his wife, __Sarai__, together with all of his __servants__ and everything he owned and went to the land __God showed him__, __the land of Canaan__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[obey](
* __[god](
* __[sarah](
* __[servant](
* __[canaan](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __He took__ Some languages would say, "He brought" here. Others would use two different verbs here, such as, "He caused his wife to come with him" and, "He brought along all of their servants and possessions."
* __God showed him__ - Somehow God made it clear to Abram where he was to go. The text doesn't tell how God showed him.
* __land of Canaan__ - The name of this land was "Canaan". This could be translated, "the land called Canaan."
# God showed him
Somehow God made it clear to Abram where he was to go. The text doesn't tell how God showed him.
# land of Canaan
The name of this land was "Canaan". This could be translated, "the land called Canaan."

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## God Blessed Abram [04-06] ##
# all the land that you can see
If Abram was standing on a mountain, he could have seen a very large area. On several occasions God promised to give the entire land of Canaan to Abram and his descendants.
When __Abram__ arrived in __Canaan__, __God__ said, “Look all around you. I will give to you and your __descendants all the land that you can see as an inheritance__”. __Then Abram settled in the land__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[canaan](
* __[god](
* __[descendant](
* __[inherit](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __all the land that you can see__ - If Abram was standing on a mountain, he could have seen a very large area. On several occasions God promised to give the entire land of Canaan to Abram and his descendants.
* __as an inheritance__ - God promised to give land to Abram and his descendants as a father gives land and possessions to his children.
* __Then Abram settled in the land__ - Abram lived there along with all those who had gone there with him.
# as an inheritance
God promised to give land to Abram and his descendants as a father gives land and possessions to his children.
# Then Abram settled in the land
Abram lived there along with all those who had gone there with him.

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## Melchizedek [04-07] ##
One day, __Abram__ met __Melchizedek__, the __priest__ of __God Most High__. Melchizedek __blessed__ Abram and said, “May God Most High who __owns heaven and earth__ bless Abram.” Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all he owned.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[priest](
* __[god](
* __[bless](
* __[heaven](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Melchizedek__ - Melchizedek was the recognized religious authority in Canaan who received and presented offerings to God.
* __God Most High__ - The people of Canaan worshiped many false gods. The title, "Most High God" explains that the God that Melchizedek worshiped was far superior to all of them, and was the same God that Abram worshiped.
# Melchizedek
Melchizedek was the recognized religious authority in Canaan who received and presented offerings to God.
# God Most High
The people of Canaan worshiped many false gods. The title, "Most High God" explains that the God that Melchizedek worshiped was far superior to all of them, and was the same God that Abram worshiped.

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## No Son [04-08] ##
__Many years__ went by, but __Abram__ and __Sarai__ still did not have a __son__. __God__ spoke to Abram and __promised__ again that he would have a son and as many __descendants__ __as the stars in the sky__. Abram __believed__ God's promise. God declared that Abram was __righteous__ because he believed in God's promise.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[sarah](
* __[son](
* __[god](
* __[promise](
* __[descendant](
* __[believe](
* __[righteous](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Many years__ - Several years had passed since God had first promised that Abram would have a son.
* __as the stars in the sky__ - This expression means that Abram's descendants will be so many that no one can count them all.
# Many years
Several years had passed since God had first promised that Abram would have a son.
# as the stars in the sky
This expression means that Abram's descendants will be so many that no one can count them all.

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## God's Covenant [04-09] ##
# two parties
The parties could be two people, two groups of people, or a person and a group of people. In this case the agreement was between God and Abram.
Then __God__ made a __covenant__ with __Abram__. A covenant is an agreement between __two parties__. God said, “I will give you a __son from your own body__. I give the land of __Canaan__ to your __descendants__.” But Abram still __did not have a son__.
# from your own body
## Important Terms: ##
With his own body Abram would cause his wife to become pregnant, so that together they would have their own, natural son. This was an amazing promise, since Abram and Sarai were very old.
* __[god](
* __[covenant](
* __[abraham](
* __[son](
* __[canaan](
* __[descendant](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __two parties__ - The parties could be two people, two groups of people, or a person and a group of people. In this case the agreement was between God and Abram.
* __from your own body__ - With his own body Abram would cause his wife to become pregnant, so that together they would have their own, natural son. This was an amazing promise, since Abram and Sarai were very old.
* __did not have a son__ - Abram still did not have any descendants who could possess the land.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
# did not have a son
Abram still did not have any descendants who could possess the land.
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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## Hagar [05-01] ##
# still did not have a child
Without a child, Abram had no descendants to become a great nation.
Ten years after __Abram__ and __Sarai__ arrived in __Canaan__, __they still did not have a child__. So Abram's wife, Sarai, said to him, “Since __God__ has not allowed me to have children and now I am too old to have children, here is my __servant__, __Hagar__. __Marry her also__ so she can __have a child for me__.”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[sarah](
* __[canaan](
* __[god](
* __[servant](
* __[hagar](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __still did not have a child__ - Without a child, Abram had no descendants to become a great nation.
* __Marry her also__ - Abram would take Hagar as a second wife, but Hagar would not have the full status of a wife as Sarai did. She was still Sarai's servant.
* __have a child for me__ - Since Hagar was Sarai's servant, Sarai would be considered the mother of any children that Hagar bore.
# Marry her also
Abram would take Hagar as a second wife, but Hagar would not have the full status of a wife as Sarai did. She was still Sarai's servant.
# have a child for me
Since Hagar was Sarai's servant, Sarai would be considered the mother of any children that Hagar bore.

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## Ishmael Was Born [05-02] ##
So__ Abram married Hagar__. Hagar had a baby boy, and Abram named him __Ishmael__. But __Sarai became jealous of Hagar__. When Ishmael was thirteen years old, __God__ again spoke to Abram.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[hagar](
* __[ishmael](
* __[sarah](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __married__ - Hagar became Abram's concubinea "second wife" of lower status. Hagar was still Sarai's servant.
* __became jealous of Hagar__ - Sarai was jealous of Hagar because Hagar could have children and Sarai could not.
# married
Hagar became Abram's concubinea "second wife" of lower status. Hagar was still Sarai's servant.
# became jealous of Hagar
Sarai was jealous of Hagar because Hagar could have children and Sarai could not.

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## God Renewed the Covenant [05-03] ##
# father of many nations
Abram would have many descendants, and they would have their own lands and rule themselves. They and others would remember that Abram was their ancestor and would honor him.
God said, “I am __God__ Almighty. I will make a __covenant__ with you.” Then __Abram__ bowed to the ground. God also told Abram, “You will be the __father of many nations__. I will give you and your __descendants__ the land of __Canaan__ as their possession and __I will be their God__ forever. You must __circumcise every male in your family__.”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[god](
* __[covenant](
* __[abraham](
* __[descendant](
* __[canaan](
* __[circumcise](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __father of many nations__ - Abram would have many descendants, and they would have their own lands and rule themselves. They and others would remember that Abram was their ancestor and would honor him.
* __I will be their God__ - Another way to say this is, "I will be the God that they will worship."
* __every male in your family__ - This could be translated as, "every boy and man in your family." This included Abram's servants and his descendants.
# I will be their God
Another way to say this is, "I will be the God that they will worship."
# every male in your family
This could be translated as, "every boy and man in your family." This included Abram's servants and his descendants.

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@ -1,29 +1,17 @@
## God Promised Isaac's Birth [05-04] ##
God continues to speak to Abram.
# son of promise
“Your wife, __Sarai__, will have a son—he will be the __son__ of __promise__. Name him __Isaac__. __I will make my covenant with him__, and he will become a great nation. I will make __Ishmael__ a great nation, too, but my covenant will be with Isaac.” Then __God__ changed __Abram's__ name to __Abraham__, which means “__father of many__.” God also changed Sarai's name to __Sarah__, which means “__princess__.”
Isaac would be the son that God promised to Sarai and Abram. He would also be the son that God would use to give Abram many descendants.
## Important Terms: ##
# I will make my covenant with him
* __[sarah](
* __[son](
* __[promise](
* __[isaac](
* __[covenant](
* __[ishmael](
* __[god](
* __[abraham](
* __[sarah](
This would be the same covenant that God made with Abram.
# father of many
## Translation Notes: ##
* (God continues to speak to Abram.)
* __son of promise__ - Isaac would be the son that God promised to Sarai and Abram. He would also be the son that God would use to give Abram many descendants.
* __I will make my covenant with him__ - This would be the same covenant that God made with Abram.
* __father of many__ - As God had promised, Abraham would become the ancestor of many people who would even become many nations.
* __princess__ - A princess is a daughter of a king. The names Sarai and Sarah apparently both meant "princess." But God changed her name to signify that she would be the mother of many nations, and some of her descendants would be kings.
As God had promised, Abraham would become the ancestor of many people who would even become many nations.
# princess
A princess is a daughter of a king. The names Sarai and Sarah apparently both meant "princess." But God changed her name to signify that she would be the mother of many nations, and some of her descendants would be kings.

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## Birth of Isaac [05-05] ##
That day __Abraham circumcised all the males in his household__. About a year later, when Abraham was 100 years old and __Sarah__ was 90, Sarah gave birth to Abraham's __son__. They named him __Isaac__ as __God__ had told them to do.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[circumcise](
* __[sarah](
* __[son](
* __[isaac](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __all the males in his household__ - This means all of the men and boys that Abraham was responsible for, including his male servants, young and old.
# all the males in his household
This means all of the men and boys that Abraham was responsible for, including his male servants, young and old.

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## Test of Faith [05-06] ##
# God tested Abraham's faith
God wanted Abraham to show that he was completely submitted to God, that he would obey whatever God told him to do.
When __Isaac__ was a young man, __God tested Abraham's faith__ by saying, “Take Isaac, your only __son__, and __kill him__ as a __sacrifice__ to me.” Again Abraham __obeyed__ God and __prepared to sacrifice__ his son.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[isaac](
* __[god](
* __[abraham](
* __[faith](
* __[son](
* __[sacrifice](
* __[obey](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __God tested Abraham's faith__ - God wanted Abraham to show that he was completely submitted to God, that he would obey whatever God told him to do.
* __kill him__ - God did not want human sacrifice. God wanted to see that Abraham loved God more than he loved his son and would obey God even when God told him to give his son back to God.
* __prepared to sacrifice__ - Abraham got ready to sacrifice his son. God stopped him before he killed his son.
# kill him
God did not want human sacrifice. God wanted to see that Abraham loved God more than he loved his son and would obey God even when God told him to give his son back to God.
# prepared to sacrifice
Abraham got ready to sacrifice his son. God stopped him before he killed his son.

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## God Will Provide [05-07] ##
# walked to the place of sacrifice
God had told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on a special high hill that was about three days' walk from where they lived.
As __Abraham__ and __Isaac walked to the place of sacrifice__, Isaac asked, “Father, we have __wood for the sacrifice__, but where is __the lamb__?” Abraham replied, “__God__ will provide the lamb for the sacrifice, my son.”
# wood for the sacrifice
## Important Terms: ##
For a sacrifice, normally the lamb was killed and then placed on top of wood so that the wood and the lamb could be burned up with fire.
* __[abraham](
* __[isaac](
* __[sacrifice](
* __[lamb](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __walked to the place of sacrifice__ - God had told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on a special high hill that was about three days' walk from where they lived.
* __wood for the sacrifice__ - For a sacrifice, normally the lamb was killed and then placed on top of wood so that the wood and the lamb could be burned up with fire.
* __the lamb__ - A young sheep or goat would be the normal animal for a sacrifice.
* __provide__ - Abraham may have believed that Isaac was the "lamb" that God provided, although God fulfilled Abraham's words by providing a ram to sacrifice in Isaac's place.
# the lamb
A young sheep or goat would be the normal animal for a sacrifice.
# provide
Abraham may have believed that Isaac was the "lamb" that God provided, although God fulfilled Abraham's words by providing a ram to sacrifice in Isaac's place.

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## The Sacrifice [05-08] ##
# kill his son
God did not want human sacrifice. God wanted to see that Abraham loved God more than he loved his son and would obey God even when God told him to give his son back to God.
When they reached the place of __sacrifice__, __Abraham__ tied up his __son Isaac__ and laid him on an __altar__. He was about to __kill his son__ when __God__ said, “__Stop! Do not hurt the boy__! Now I know that __you fear me__ because you did not keep __your only son__ from me.”
# Stop! Do not hurt the boy!
## Important Terms: ##
God protected Isaac and kept Abraham from killing him.
* __[sacrifice](
* __[abraham](
* __[son](
* __[isaac](
* __[altar](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __kill his son__ - God did not want human sacrifice. God wanted to see that Abraham loved God more than he loved his son and would obey God even when God told him to give his son back to God.
* __Stop! Do no hurt the boy!__ - God protected Isaac and kept Abraham from killing him.
* __you fear me__ - Abraham feared God, which included respect and reverence for God. Because of those things, he obeyed God.
* __your only son__ - Ishmael was also Abraham's son, but Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. God's covenant was with Isaac and it was through Isaac that God would fulfill his promise.
# you fear me
Abraham feared God, which included respect and reverence for God. Because of those things, he obeyed God.
# your only son
Ishmael was also Abraham's son, but Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. God's covenant was with Isaac and it was through Isaac that God would fulfill his promise.

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@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
## The Ram [05-09] ##
Nearby __Abraham__ saw __a ram__ that was stuck in a bush. __God had provided the ram__ to be the __sacrifice__ instead of __Isaac__. Abraham happily offered the ram as a sacrifice.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[god](
* __[sacrifice](
* __[isaac](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __a ram__ - A ram is a male goat. Goats were one of the animals that people could sacrifice to God.
* __God had provided the ram__ - Just at the right moment, God caused the ram to be stuck in the bush.
# a ram
A ram is a male goat. Goats were one of the animals that people could sacrifice to God.
# God had provided the ram
Just at the right moment, God caused the ram to be stuck in the bush.

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@ -1,27 +1,19 @@
## The Blessing [05-10] ##
# your only son
See explanation in [05:08](05/08).
Then __God__ said to __Abraham__, “Because you were willing to give me everything, even __your only son__, I __promise__ to __bless__ you. Your __descendants__ will be more than __the stars in the sky__. Because you have __obeyed__ me, __all the families of the world__ will be __blessed through your family__.”
# the stars in the sky
## Important Terms: ##
See explanation in [04:08](04/08).
* __[god](
* __[abraham](
* __[son](
* __[promise](
* __[bless](
* __[descendant](
* __[obey](
# all the families of the world
Here, "families" refers to the larger distinct groups of people on earth, rather than to each set of parents and children.
## Translation Notes: ##
* __your only son__ - See explanation in __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:05-08|[05-08]]]__.
* __the stars in the sky__ - See explanation in __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:04-08|[04-08]]]__.
* __all the families of the world__ - Here, "families" refers to the larger distinct groups of people on earth, rather than to each set of parents and children.
* __blessed through your family__ - Here, "family" refers to the many descendants that Abraham would have. The future generations of the world would be blessed through Abraham's descendants. The greatest blessing would come many generations later through God's chosen servant, the Messiah.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
# blessed through your family
Here, "family" refers to the many descendants that Abraham would have. The future generations of the world would be blessed through Abraham's descendants. The greatest blessing would come many generations later through God's chosen servant, the Messiah.
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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## A Wife for Isaac [06-01] ##
# sent one of his servants back
This could be translated as, "told one of his servants to go back." The word "back" means that the servant would be going to the same place where Abraham used to live long ago before he came to Canaan. Make sure the translation of this phrase makes that clear.
When __Abraham__ was very old, his __son__, __Isaac__, had grown to be a man. So Abraham __sent one of his servants back to the land__ where his relatives lived __to bring back a wife for his son__, __Isaac__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[son](
* __[isaac](
* __[servant](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __sent one of his servants back__ This could be translated as, "told one of his servants to go back." The word "back" means that the servant would be going to the same place where Abraham used to live long ago before he came to Canaan. Make sure the translation of this phrase makes that clear.
* __to the land__ - This land was east of where Abraham was now living.
* __to bring back a wife for his son, Isaac__ - This could be translated as, "to bring back an unmarried woman for his son, Isaac, to marry".
# to the land
This land was east of where Abraham was now living.
# to bring back a wife for his son, Isaac
This could be translated as, "to bring back an unmarried woman for his son, Isaac, to marry".

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@ -1,20 +1,3 @@
## Finding Rebekah [06-02] ##
After a very long journey to the land where __Abraham's__ relatives lived, __God__ led the __servant__ to __Rebekah__. She was the __granddaughter of Abraham's brother__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[god](
* __[servant](
* __[rebekah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __granddaughter of Abraham's brother__ - Specifically, she was the daughter of Abraham's brother's son. Her grandfather was Abraham's brother.
# granddaughter of Abraham's brother
Specifically, she was the daughter of Abraham's brother's son. Her grandfather was Abraham's brother.

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@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
## Isaac Married Rebekah [06-03] ##
__Rebekah__ __agreed__ to leave her family and go back with the __servant__ to __Isaac's__ home. Isaac married her as soon as she arrived.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[rebekah](
* __[servant](
* __[isaac](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Rebekah agreed__ - Even though Rebekah's parents were arranging her marriage, they did not force her to go marry Isaac.
# Rebekah agreed
Even though Rebekah's parents were arranging her marriage, they did not force her to go marry Isaac.

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@ -1,24 +1,7 @@
## Rebekah Was Childless [06-04] ##
After a long time, __Abraham__ died and all of __the promises that God had made to him in the covenant were passed on__ to __Isaac__. God had promised that Abraham would have __countless descendants__, but Isaac's wife, __Rebekah__, could not have children.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[abraham](
* __[promise](
* __[god](
* __[covenant](
* __[isaac](
* __[descendant](
* __[rebekah](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __the promises … were passed on__ - The promises of the covenant that God made with Abraham were not for him only, but also for his descendants.
* __countless__ - This could also be translated as, "very many." The word "countless" means there would be so many descendants that people would not be able to count them.
# the promises … were passed on
The promises of the covenant that God made with Abraham were not for him only, but also for his descendants.
# countless
This could also be translated as, "very many." The word "countless" means there would be so many descendants that people would not be able to count them.

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@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
## Rebekah Became Pregnant [06-05] ##
__Isaac__ prayed for __Rebekah__, and __God__ allowed her to get pregnant with twins. The two babies struggled with each other while they were still in __Rebekah's womb__, so Rebekah asked God what was happening.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[isaac](
* __[rebekah](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __in Rebekah's womb__ - That is, "inside her."
# in Rebekah's womb
That is, "inside her."

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@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
## Two Nations [06-06] ##
# from the two sons
That is, "from the descendants of the two sons."
__God__ told __Rebekah__, “Two nations will come __from the two sons__ inside of you. __They will struggle with each other__ and __the older son__ will __serve the younger one__.”
# They will struggle with each other
## Important Terms: ##
Both the two sons and the nations that will come from them will continually fight with each other. Compare to [06:05](06/05).
* __[god](
* __[rebekah](
* __[son](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __from the two sons__ - That is, "from the descendants of the two sons."
* __They will struggle with each other__ - Both the two sons and the nations that will come from them will continually fight with each other. Compare to __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:06-05|[06-05]]]__.
* __the older son__ - Even though the babies were twins, the baby that came out first would be treated as the older son.
* __serve the younger one__ This could be translated as, "the older son will have to do what the younger one tells him to do."
# the older son
Even though the babies were twins, the baby that came out first would be treated as the older son.
# serve the younger one
This could be translated as, "the older son will have to do what the younger one tells him to do."

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@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
## Twins Were Born [06-07] ##
# Rebekah's babies were born
Some languages have a more indirect way of saying this such as, "when Rebekah saw and took them" or, "when Rebekah brought them to light."
When __Rebekah's babies were born__, __the older son__ came out __red__ and __hairy__, and they named him __Esau__. Then __the younger son__ came out holding on to Esau's heel, and they named him __Jacob__.
# the older son … the younger son
## Important Terms: ##
This could be translated as, "the first son to come out … the second son to come out." Make sure that the way "older" and "younger" are translated still communicates that the boys were twins.
* __[rebekah](
* __[son](
* __[esau](
* __[jacob](
# red
This may mean that his skin was very red or that the hair on his body was red.
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Rebekah's babies were born__ - Some languages have a more indirect way of saying this such as, "when Rebekah saw and took them" or, "when Rebekah brought them to light."
* __the older son … the younger son__ - This could be translated as, "the first son to come out … the second son to come out." Make sure that the way "older" and "younger" are translated still communicates that the boys were twins.
* __red__ - This may mean that his skin was very red or that the hair on his body was red.
* __hairy__ - Esau had a lot of hair on his body. You could say, "the older son's body was red, with lots of hair."
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
# hairy
Esau had a lot of hair on his body. You could say, "the older son's body was red, with lots of hair."
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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@ -1,22 +1,11 @@
## The Boys Grew Up [07-01] ##
# loved to stay at home … loved to hunt
Some languages will use a word for "love" here that is different from the one used for, "Rebekah loved Jacob." For example, this could be translated as, "liked to stay at home … liked to hunt" or, "preferred to stay at home … preferred to hunt."
As the boys grew up, __Jacob loved to stay at home__, but __Esau loved to hunt__. __Rebekah loved Jacob__, __but Isaac loved Esau__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[jacob](
* __[esau](
* __[rebekah](
* __[isaac](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __loved to stay at home … loved to hunt__ - Some languages will use a word for "love" here that is different from the one used for, "Rebekah loved Jacob." For example, this could be translated as, "liked to stay at home … liked to hunt" or, "preferred to stay at home … preferred to hunt."
* __at home__ - This expression refers to the area around the family dwellings. Jacob preferred to stay close to the tents where they lived. Some languages have a special expression for, "at home."
* __Rebekah loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau__ - This could be translated as, "Rebekah was more fond of Jacob, and Isaac was more fond of Esau." This does not necessarily mean that Rebekah and Isaac did not love the other son, but that each parent had a favorite.
# at home
This expression refers to the area around the family dwellings. Jacob preferred to stay close to the tents where they lived. Some languages have a special expression for, "at home."
# Rebekah loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau
This could be translated as, "Rebekah was more fond of Jacob, and Isaac was more fond of Esau." This does not necessarily mean that Rebekah and Isaac did not love the other son, but that each parent had a favorite.

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@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
## Esau Sold His Rights [07-02] ##
One day, when __Esau__ came back from hunting, he was very hungry. Esau said to __Jacob__, “Please __give me some of the food__ you have made.” Jacob responded, “First, __give me your rights as the oldest son__.” So Esau gave Jacob his __rights as the oldest son__. Then Jacob gave him some food.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[esau](
* __[jacob](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __give me some of the food … give me your rights__ Some languages may prefer to use two different words for "give" here. This would also apply to, "Esau gave … Jacob gave" in the last two sentences.
* __rights as the oldest son__ - According to their custom, since Esau was the oldest son, he should have been the one to receive twice as much of their father's wealth when their father died. Jacob thought of a way to take these rights of the oldest son from Esau.
# give me some of the food … give me your rights
Some languages may prefer to use two different words for "give" here. This would also apply to, "Esau gave … Jacob gave" in the last two sentences.
# rights as the oldest son
According to their custom, since Esau was the oldest son, he should have been the one to receive twice as much of their father's wealth when their father died. Jacob thought of a way to take these rights of the oldest son from Esau.

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@ -1,24 +1,15 @@
## Rebekah and Jacob Tricked Isaac [07-03] ##
# give his blessing
It was customary for fathers to formally express their desire for good things to happen to their children. Normally the older son received the best promise. Isaac wanted this extra prosperity to happen to Esau.
__Isaac__ wanted to __give his blessing__ to __Esau__. But before he did, __Rebekah__ and __Jacob tricked him__ by having Jacob __pretend__ to be Esau. Isaac was old and could no longer see. So Jacob put on Esaus clothes and put __goatskins__ on his neck and hands.
# tricked him
## Important Terms: ##
The word "trick" means to do something to deliberately deceive someone. Rebekah came up with a plan to deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the special blessing instead of Esau.
* __[isaac](
* __[bless](
* __[esau](
* __[rebekah](
* __[jacob](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __give his blessing__ - It was customary for fathers to formally express their desire for good things to happen to their children. Normally the older son received the best promise. Isaac wanted this extra prosperity to happen to Esau.
* __tricked him__ - The word "trick" means to do something to deliberately deceive someone. Rebekah came up with a plan to deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the special blessing instead of Esau.
* __pretend__ - The word "pretend" shows how Jacob would deceive his father (who had very poor eyesight in his old age).
* __goatskins__ - The hairiness of the goatskins would make Jacob feel like Esau.
# pretend
The word "pretend" shows how Jacob would deceive his father (who had very poor eyesight in his old age).
# goatskins
The hairiness of the goatskins would make Jacob feel like Esau.

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@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
## Isaac Blessed Jacob [07-04] ##
__Jacob came to Isaac__ and said, “I am __Esau__. I have come so that you can __bless__ me.” When Isaac felt the goat hair and smelled the clothes, __he thought it was Esau__ and blessed him.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[jacob](
* __[isaac](
* __[esau](
* __[bless](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Jacob came to Isaac__ - In some languages it might be more natural to say, "Jacob went to Isaac."
* __he thought it was Esau__ - He thought that the person he was touching and smelling was Esau.
# Jacob came to Isaac
In some languages it might be more natural to say, "Jacob went to Isaac."
# he thought it was Esau
He thought that the person he was touching and smelling was Esau.

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@ -1,20 +1,7 @@
## Esau Hated Jacob [07-05] ##
__Esau__ hated __Jacob__ because Jacob had stolen his __rights as oldest son__ and also __his blessing__. So he planned to kill Jacob after their father died.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[esau](
* __[jacob](
* __[bless](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __rights as oldest son__ - Jacob found a way to get the larger portion of their father's wealth that should have gone to Esau as the older son. See also note on __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:07-02|[07-02]]]__.
* __his blessing__ - Jacob also tricked their father into giving him the promise of extra prosperity that Isaac intended to give to Esau. See also note on __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:07-03|[07-03]]]__.
# rights as oldest son
Jacob found a way to get the larger portion of their father's wealth that should have gone to Esau as the older son. See also note on [07:02](07/02).
# his blessing
Jacob also tricked their father into giving him the promise of extra prosperity that Isaac intended to give to Esau. See also note on [07:03](07/03).

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@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
## Isaac Sent Jacob Away [07-06] ##
# Esau's plan
Esau's plan was to kill Jacob after his father died.
But __Rebekah__ heard of __Esaus plan__. So __she and Isaac sent Jacob far away to live with her relatives__.
# she and Isaac sent Jacob
## Important Terms: ##
Rebekah wanted to protect Jacob from Esau so she talked to Isaac about sending Jacob away.
* __[rebekah](
* __[esau](
* __[isaac](
* __[jacob](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __Esau's plan__ - Esau's plan was to kill Jacob after his father died.
* __she and Isaac sent Jacob__ Rebekah wanted to protect Jacob from Esau so she talked to Isaac about sending Jacob away.
* __far away to live with her relatives__ - This was the same place where Rebekah was living when Abraham's servant got her to be Isaac's wife. To make this clear, you could add, "relatives in the same land where she used to live." The land was to the east, several hundred miles away.
* __her relatives__ - This could also be translated as, "their relatives." Since Abraham's brother was Rebekah's grandfather, her relatives were also Isaac's relatives.
# far away to live with her relatives
This was the same place where Rebekah was living when Abraham's servant got her to be Isaac's wife. To make this clear, you could add, "relatives in the same land where she used to live." The land was to the east, several hundred miles away.
# her relatives
This could also be translated as, "their relatives." Since Abraham's brother was Rebekah's grandfather, her relatives were also Isaac's relatives.

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@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
## Jacob Prospered [07-07] ##
__Jacob__ lived with __Rebekah's__ relatives for many years. During that time he married and had twelve sons and a daughter. __God__ made him very __wealthy__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[jacob](
* __[rebekah](
* __[god](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __wealthy__ This included money, large herds of animals and other possessions.
# wealthy
This included money, large herds of animals and other possessions.

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@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
## Jacob Returned Home [07-08] ##
__After twenty years__ away from his home in __Canaan__, __Jacob__ returned there with his family, his __servants__, and all his herds of animals.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[canaan](
* __[jacob](
* __[servant](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __after twenty years__ - Jacob had lived for twenty years in the land where his mother was from. If that is not clear you could say, "After twenty years living in the land where his relatives were."
# after twenty years
Jacob had lived for twenty years in the land where his mother was from. If that is not clear you could say, "After twenty years living in the land where his relatives were."

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@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
## Jacob Met Esau [07-09] ##
__Jacob__ was very afraid because he thought __Esau__ still wanted to kill him. So he sent many herds of animals to Esau as a gift. The __servants__ who brought the animals said to Esau, “__Your servant, Jacob__, is giving you these animals. He is coming soon.”
## Important Terms: ##
* __[jacob](
* __[esau](
* __[servant](
## Translation Notes: ##
* __your servant, Jacob__ - Jacob was not actually Esau's servant. But Jacob told his servants to say this because he wanted to show Esau that he was coming to him humbly and respectfully, so that Esau would no longer be angry with him.
# your servant, Jacob
Jacob was not actually Esau's servant. But Jacob told his servants to say this because he wanted to show Esau that he was coming to him humbly and respectfully, so that Esau would no longer be angry with him.

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@ -1,30 +1,19 @@
## The Brothers Were Reunited [07-10] ##
# lived peacefully
This refers to the fact that Esau and Jacob were not angry at each other and did not fight with each other.
But __Esau__ had already __forgiven Jacob__, and they were happy to see each other again. Jacob then __lived peacefully__ in __Canaan__. Then __Isaac__ died, and Jacob and Esau __buried him__. The __covenant promises God__ had promised to __Abraham__ now __passed on from Isaac to Jacob__.
# buried him
## Important Terms: ##
This could mean that they dug a hole in the ground, placed Isaac's body in it, and covered the hole with dirt or stones. Or it could mean that they placed Isaac's body in a cave and covered the opening.
* __[esau](
* __[forgive](
* __[jacob](
* __[peace](
* __[canaan](
* __[isaac](
* __[covenant](
* __[promise](
* __[god](
* __[abraham](
# covenant promises
These were the promises that God made in his covenant with Abraham.
## Translation Notes: ##
* __lived peacefully__ - This refers to the fact that Esau and Jacob were not angry at each other and did not fight with each other.
* __buried him__ - This could mean that they dug a hole in the ground, placed Isaac's body in it, and covered the hole with dirt or stones. Or it could mean that they placed Isaac's body in a cave and covered the opening.
* __covenant promises__ - These were the promises that God made in his covenant with Abraham.
* __passed on from Isaac to Jacob__ - The promises went from Abraham to his son Isaac, and now to Isaac's son Jacob. Esau did not receive the promises. See also __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:06-04|[06-04]]]__.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
# passed on from Isaac to Jacob
The promises went from Abraham to his son Isaac, and now to Isaac's son Jacob. Esau did not receive the promises. See also [06:04](06/04).
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
## Joseph, the Favorite Son [08-01] ##
# sent
This word means that Jacob told Joseph to go and Joseph went.
Many years later, when __Jacob__ was an old man, he __sent__ his __favorite son__, __Joseph__, to __check on__ his __brothers__ who were __taking care of the herds__.
# favorite son
## Important Terms: ##
This could be translated as, "the son he loved more than any of his other children."
* __[jacob](
* __[josephot](
# check on
This means that Joseph is to go and see if everything is all right with his brothers. Some languages might say something like, "to see his brothers' well-being."
### Translation Notes: ###
* __sent__ This word means that Jacob told Joseph to go and Joseph went.
* __favorite son__ - This could be translated as, "the son he loved more than any of his other children."
* __check on__ - This means that Joseph is to go and see if everything is all right with his brothers. Some languages might say something like, "to see his brothers' well-being."
* __brothers__ - These were Joseph's older brothers.
* __taking care of the herds__ Since this was several days' journey away, it may be necessary to say, "who were far away taking care of."
# brothers
These were Joseph's older brothers.
# taking care of the herds
Since this was several days' journey away, it may be necessary to say, "who were far away taking care of."

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@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
## Joseph Was Sold as a Slave [08-02] ##
# came to his brothers
Another way this could be translated is, "reached the place where his brothers were."
__Josephs__ brothers hated him because their father loved him most and because Joseph had __dreamed__ that he would be their ruler. When Joseph __came to his brothers__, they __kidnapped__ him and sold him to some __slave traders__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
* __[dream](
* __[servant](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __came to his brothers__ Another way this could be translated is, "reached the place where his brothers were."
* __kidnapped__ - They took him against his will. It was not right for them to do this.
* __slave traders__ - These were people who made a business of buying people from one owner and selling them as slaves to another owner.
# kidnapped
They took him against his will. It was not right for them to do this.
# slave traders
These were people who made a business of buying people from one owner and selling them as slaves to another owner.

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@ -1,18 +1,3 @@
## The Brothers' Lie [08-03] ##
Before __Josephs__ brothers returned home, they tore Josephs robe and dipped it in __goat's blood__. Then they showed the robe to their father so he would think that a wild animal had killed Joseph. __Jacob__ was very sad.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
* __[jacob](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __goat's blood__ - The brothers wanted Jacob to think that the blood on the clothes was Joseph's blood.
# goat's blood
The brothers wanted Jacob to think that the blood on the clothes was Joseph's blood.

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@ -1,22 +1,3 @@
## Joseph in Egypt [08-04] ##
The __slave__ traders took __Joseph__ to __Egypt__. Egypt was a large, powerful country located along the __Nile River__. The slave traders sold Joseph as a slave to a wealthy __government official__. Joseph served his master well, and __God blessed__ Joseph.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[servant](
* __[josephot](
* __[egypt](
* __[nileriver](
* __[god](
* __[bless](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __government official__ - This was a person who was part of the Egyptian government. Another way to say this would be, "a leader in Egypt's government."
# government official
This was a person who was part of the Egyptian government. Another way to say this would be, "a leader in Egypt's government."

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@ -1,23 +1,11 @@
## Joseph in Prison [08-05] ##
# tried to sleep with Joseph
Another way to say this would be, "tried to seduce Joseph to have sex with her." To "sleep with" is a way of expressing this in order not to be crude or offensive.
His masters wife __tried to sleep with Joseph__, but Joseph refused to __sin against God__ in this way. She became angry and falsely accused Joseph so that he was arrested and sent to prison. Even in prison, Joseph __remained faithful to God__, and God __blessed__ him.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
* __[sin](
* __[god](
* __[faithful](
* __[bless](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __tried to sleep with Joseph__ Another way to say this would be, "tried to seduce Joseph to have sex with her." To "sleep with" is a way of expressing this in order not to be crude or offensive.
* __sin against God__ - It is against God's law for people to have sex if they are not married to each other. Joseph did not want to sin by disobeying God's law.
* __remained faithful to God__ - Another way to say this would be, "continued to obey God."
# sin against God
It is against God's law for people to have sex if they are not married to each other. Joseph did not want to sin by disobeying God's law.
# remained faithful to God
Another way to say this would be, "continued to obey God."

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## Pharaoh's Dream [08-06] ##
# disturbed him greatly
This means that the king felt very afraid and confused (because of what he had seen in the dreams).
After two years, __Joseph__ was still in prison, even though he was __innocent__. One night, the __Pharaoh__, which is what the __Egyptians__ called their __kings__, had two __dreams__ that __disturbed him greatly__. None of __his advisors__ could tell him the __meaning of the dreams__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
* __[innocent](
* __[pharaoh](
* __[egypt](
* __[king](
* __[dream](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __disturbed him greatly__ This means that the king felt very afraid and confused (because of what he had seen in the dreams).
* __his advisors__ - These were men with special powers and knowledge who could sometimes tell what dreams meant. Some translations refer to them as, "wise men."
* __meaning of the dreams__ - People in Egypt believed that dreams were messages from the gods telling them about what would happen in the future. God used Pharaoh's dreams to tell him what would happen.
# his advisors
These were men with special powers and knowledge who could sometimes tell what dreams meant. Some translations refer to them as, "wise men."
# meaning of the dreams
People in Egypt believed that dreams were messages from the gods telling them about what would happen in the future. God used Pharaoh's dreams to tell him what would happen.

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@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
## Joseph Interpreted the Dream [08-07] ##
# interpret dreams
To "interpret" is to tell what something means. So Joseph was able to tell people what their dreams meant.
__God__ had given __Joseph__ the ability to __interpret dreams__, so __Pharaoh had Joseph brought to him__ from the prison. Joseph interpreted the dreams for him and said, “__God is going to send__ seven years of plentiful harvests, followed by seven years of __famine__.”
# had Joseph brought to him
## Important Terms: ##
Another way to say this would be, "ordered his servants to bring Joseph to him."
* __[god](
* __[josephot](
* __[dream](
* __[pharaoh](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __interpret dreams__ - To "interpret" is to tell what something means. So Joseph was able to tell people what their dreams meant.
* __had Joseph brought to him__ - Another way to say this would be, "ordered his servants to bring Joseph to him."
* __God is going to send__ - God will cause the crops to grow well for seven years, and after that He will cause them to produce very little food so that the people and animals will not have enough to eat.
* __famine__ - The gardens and fields would produce so little food that people and animals would not have enough to eat.
# God is going to send
God will cause the crops to grow well for seven years, and after that He will cause them to produce very little food so that the people and animals will not have enough to eat.
# famine
The gardens and fields would produce so little food that people and animals would not have enough to eat.

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@ -1,20 +1,7 @@
## Joseph Ruled Egypt [08-08] ##
__Pharaoh__ was so __impressed with Joseph__ that he appointed him to be the __second most powerful man__ in all of __Egypt__!
## Important Terms: ##
* __[pharaoh](
* __[josephot](
* __[egypt](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __impressed with__ - Pharaoh was amazed by Joseph's wisdom and felt respect for him; he trusted Joseph to make wise decisions that would benefit the people. It may be clearer to say, "impressed with Joseph's wisdom."
* __second most powerful man__ - Pharaoh made Joseph a very powerful and important ruler over all of Egypt. Only Pharaoh was more powerful and important than Joseph.
# impressed with
Pharaoh was amazed by Joseph's wisdom and felt respect for him; he trusted Joseph to make wise decisions that would benefit the people. It may be clearer to say, "impressed with Joseph's wisdom."
# second most powerful man
Pharaoh made Joseph a very powerful and important ruler over all of Egypt. Only Pharaoh was more powerful and important than Joseph.

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@ -1,18 +1,7 @@
## Joseph Stored Up Food [08-09] ##
__Joseph__ told the people to __store up large amounts of food__ during the seven years of good harvests. Then Joseph sold the food to the people when the seven years of __famine__ came so they would have enough to eat.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __store up large amounts of food__ - They took food from the abundant harvests to the cities and stored it there. The food then belonged to Pharaoh.
* __famine__ - See how you translated this in __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:08-07|[08-07]]]__.
# store up large amounts of food
They took food from the abundant harvests to the cities and stored it there. The food then belonged to Pharaoh.
# famine
See how you translated this in [08:07](08/07).

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@ -1,18 +1,7 @@
## The Famine [08-10] ##
# Egypt, but also Canaan
__The famine was severe__ not only in __Egypt__, but also in __Canaan__ where __Jacob__ and his family lived.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[egypt](
* __[canaan](
* __[jacob](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __Egypt, but also Canaan__ For some languages it may be clearer or more natural to say, "the country of Egypt, but also the land of Canaan."
* __The famine was severe__ - The famine was very bad. There was very little food and many people outside of Egypt were starving.
For some languages it may be clearer or more natural to say, "the country of Egypt, but also the land of Canaan."
# The famine was severe
The famine was very bad. There was very little food and many people outside of Egypt were starving.

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@ -1,20 +1,7 @@
## The Brothers Bought Food [08-11] ##
So __Jacob__ sent __his older sons__ to __Egypt__ to buy food. The brothers __did not recognize Joseph__ when they stood before him to buy food. But Joseph recognized them.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[jacob](
* __[egypt](
* __[josephot](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __his older sons__ - These were Joseph's older brothers who had sold him into slavery.
* __did not recognize Joseph__ - They did not know that the man was Joseph, because now Joseph was much older than when they last saw him, and he was dressed as an Egyptian ruler.
# his older sons
These were Joseph's older brothers who had sold him into slavery.
# did not recognize Joseph
They did not know that the man was Joseph, because now Joseph was much older than when they last saw him, and he was dressed as an Egyptian ruler.

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## Joseph Met His Brothers [08-12] ##
# testing his brothers
Joseph placed his older brothers in a difficult situation to see if they would protect their youngest brother, or treat him as badly as they had treated Joseph. When they protected their youngest brother, Joseph knew they had changed.
After __testing his brothers__ to see __if they had changed__, __Joseph__ said to them, “I am your brother, Joseph! __Do not be afraid__. You tried to do __evil__ when you sold me as a __slave__, but __God__ used the __evil for good!__ Come and live in __Egypt__ so I can provide for you and your families.”
# if they had changed
## Important Terms: ##
Another way to say this would be, "if they were different than they used to be." Years ago Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph wanted to find out if they would now do what was right.
* __[josephot](
* __[evil](
* __[servant](
* __[god](
* __[good](
* __[egypt](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __testing his brothers__ - Joseph placed his older brothers in a difficult situation to see if they would protect their youngest brother, or treat him as badly as they had treated Joseph. When they protected their youngest brother, Joseph knew they had changed.
* __if they had changed__ - Another way to say this would be, "if they were different than they used to be." Years ago Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. Joseph wanted to find out if they would now do what was right.
* __do not be afraid__ - Another way to say this would be, "You do not need to fear any punishment from me." Joseph's brothers were afraid because they had greatly wronged Joseph and now as a great ruler he had the power to punish them. Joseph could refuse to sell them food, or even put them in prison or kill them.
* __evil for good__ - Joseph's brothers did an evil thing when they sold Joseph as a slave and he was taken to Egypt. But God allowed this so that Joseph could save thousands of people from starving during the famine, including his own family. This was a very good thing.
# do not be afraid
Another way to say this would be, "You do not need to fear any punishment from me." Joseph's brothers were afraid because they had greatly wronged Joseph and now as a great ruler he had the power to punish them. Joseph could refuse to sell them food, or even put them in prison or kill them.
# evil for good
Joseph's brothers did an evil thing when they sold Joseph as a slave and he was taken to Egypt. But God allowed this so that Joseph could save thousands of people from starving during the famine, including his own family. This was a very good thing.

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## Joseph Was Alive [08-13] ##
When __Joseph's__ brothers returned home and told their father, __Jacob__, that Joseph was still alive, he was very happy.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
* __[jacob](
### Translation Notes: ###
_(There are no notes for this frame.)_
_(There are no notes for this frame.)_

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## Jacob Went to Egypt [08-14] ##
__Even though Jacob was an old man, he moved to Egypt__ with all of his family, and they all lived there. __Before Jacob died__, he __blessed__ each of his sons.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[jacob](
* __[egypt](
* __[bless](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __Even though Jacob was an old man, he moved to Egypt__ - Egypt was a great distance away from Canaan, and it would have been difficult for an elderly man to walk or ride a cart that far.
* __Before Jacob died__ - Jacob died in Egypt. He did not get to return to Canaan, the land God had promised to give to him and his descendants.
# Even though Jacob was an old man, he moved to Egypt
Egypt was a great distance away from Canaan, and it would have been difficult for an elderly man to walk or ride a cart that far.
# Before Jacob died
Jacob died in Egypt. He did not get to return to Canaan, the land God had promised to give to him and his descendants.

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## The Twelve Sons [08-15] ##
# covenant promises
Long ago God made an agreement with Abraham and promised him that he would give him many descendants; they would possess the land of Canaan and become a great nation. God also promised that all peoples would be blessed through Abraham's line. See also [07:10](07/10).
The __covenant promises__ that __God__ gave to __Abraham__ were __passed on to Isaac__, then to __Jacob__, and then to Jacobs twelve sons and their families. The __descendants__ of the twelve sons became the __twelve tribes of Israel__.
# passed on to
## Important Terms: ##
Another way to say this would be, "passed down to" or, "given to" or, "applied to." God's promise to Abraham was also for Abraham's children, grandchildren and all the rest of his descendants. See also [06:04](06/04).
* __[covenant](
* __[promise](
* __[god](
* __[abraham](
* __[isaac](
* __[jacob](
* __[descendant](
* __[israel](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __covenant promises__ - Long ago God made an agreement with Abraham and promised him that he would give him many descendants; they would possess the land of Canaan and become a great nation. God also promised that all peoples would be blessed through Abraham's line. See also __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:07-10|[07-10]]]__.
* __passed on to__ - Another way to say this would be, "passed down to" or, "given to" or, "applied to." God's promise to Abraham was also for Abraham's children, grandchildren and all the rest of his descendants. See also __[[:en:obs:notes:frames:06-04|[06-04]]]__.
* __twelve tribes of Israel__ - God had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their descendants would become a great nation. God later changed Jacob's name to Israel. The descendants of Jacob's 12 sons became 12 great tribes. These 12 tribes made up the ancient nation called Israel, which was named by Jacob's new name.
* _A Bible story from_ - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
# twelve tribes of Israel
God had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their descendants would become a great nation. God later changed Jacob's name to Israel. The descendants of Jacob's 12 sons became 12 great tribes. These 12 tribes made up the ancient nation called Israel, which was named by Jacob's new name.
# A Bible story from
These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.

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## The Israelites [09-01] ##
After __Joseph__ died, all of his relatives stayed in __Egypt__. They and their __descendants__ continued to live there for many years and had many children. They were called the __Israelites__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[josephot](
* __[egypt](
* __[descendant](
* __[israel](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __called the Israelites__ - The people group that descended from Jacob was called "Israel," which is the name that God gave to Jacob. The people from that group were called "Israelites."
# called the Israelites
The people group that descended from Jacob was called "Israel," which is the name that God gave to Jacob. The people from that group were called "Israelites."

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## A New Pharaoh [09-02] ##
After hundreds of years, the number of __Israelites__ had become very large. The __Egyptians__ no longer remembered __Joseph__ and all he had done to help them. They became afraid of the Israelites because there were so many of them. So the __Pharaoh__ who was ruling Egypt at that time __made the Israelites slaves__ to the Egyptians.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[israel](
* __[egypt](
* __[josephot](
* __[pharaoh](
* __[servant](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __Pharaoh__ "Pharaoh" is an Egyptian word that refers to their king. This Pharaoh was probably the son of a former Pharaoh who had died, who may have been a descendant of the Pharaoh that Joseph knew.
* __made the Israelites slaves__ - That is, "forced the Israelites to do hard labor against their will and treated them very harshly."
# Pharaoh
"Pharaoh" is an Egyptian word that refers to their king. This Pharaoh was probably the son of a former Pharaoh who had died, who may have been a descendant of the Pharaoh that Joseph knew.
# made the Israelites slaves
That is, "forced the Israelites to do hard labor against their will and treated them very harshly."

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## Hard Labor [09-03] ##
The __Egyptians__ forced the __Israelites__ to build many buildings and even whole cities. The hard work made their lives __miserable__, but __God blessed them__, and they had even more children.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[egypt](
* __[israel](
* __[god](
* __[bless](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __miserable__ This means that they suffered terribly because of how harshly they were treated and how hard they were forced to work. They also felt very discouraged.
* __God blessed them__ - God took care of them, helping them endure the severe treatment and even caused them to become more numerous by giving them children.
# miserable
This means that they suffered terribly because of how harshly they were treated and how hard they were forced to work. They also felt very discouraged.
# God blessed them
God took care of them, helping them endure the severe treatment and even caused them to become more numerous by giving them children.

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## Kill the Baby Boys [09-04] ##
__Pharaoh saw__ that the __Israelites__ were having many babies, so he ordered his people to kill all Israelite baby boys by throwing them into the __Nile River__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[pharaoh](
* __[israel](
* __[nileriver](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __saw__ Another way to say this would be, "realized" or, "knew."
# saw
Another way to say this would be, "realized" or, "knew."

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## The Birth of Moses [09-05] ##
A certain __Israelite__ woman gave birth to a baby boy. She and her husband hid the baby __for as long as they could__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[israel](
### Translation Notes: ###
* __as long as they could__ - They hid the baby from the Egyptians until it became too difficult to keep him safely hidden in their home.
# as long as they could
They hid the baby from the Egyptians until it became too difficult to keep him safely hidden in their home.

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