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726 B
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"verseBefore": "When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before the calf and made a proclamation; he said, “Tomorrow will be a festival in Yahwehs honor.” ",
"verseAfter": "And Aaron saw, and he built an altar before the face of it and Aaron called and said, “Tomorrow will be a festival to Yahweh.” ",
"tags": [
"username": "deferredreward",
"activeBook": "exo",
"activeChapter": 32,
"activeVerse": 5,
"modifiedTimestamp": "2021-11-11T20:29:08.397Z",
"gatewayLanguageCode": "en",
"gatewayLanguageQuote": "",
"contextId": {
"reference": {
"bookId": "exo",
"chapter": 32,
"verse": 5
"tool": "wordAlignment",
"groupId": "chapter_32"