{ "1": "And the tabernacle you shall make with ten curtains: twisted fine linen, and blue, and purple, and worm of scarlet; cherubim—the work of a skilled craftsman you shall make them. ", "2": "The length of each curtain shall be 28 cubits and the width of each curtain shall be four cubits. All of the curtains shall be one size. ", "3": "Five of the curtains shall be joined each to another, and five of the curtains joined each to another.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "4": "And you shall make loops of blue on the edge of the first curtain from the edge in the set. And you shall do thus along the edge of the end curtain in the second set. ", "5": "You shall make 50 loops on the first curtain, and you shall make 50 loops on the end of the curtain which is in the second set. The loops should be opposite to each other. ", "6": "And you shall make 50 clasps of gold and join the curtains together with the clasps and the tabernacle will be one.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p ", "7": "And you shall make curtains of goats’ hair for a tent over the tabernacle. You shall make 11 of these curtains. ", "8": "The length of each curtain shall be 30 cubits, and the width of each curtain shall be four cubits. The 11 curtains shall be the same size. ", "9": "And you shall join five curtains to each other and six curtains to each other. And you shall double over the sixth curtain at the front of the face of the tent.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "10": "And you shall make fifty loops on the edge of the one end curtain in the joined set, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain in the second joined set. ", "11": "And you shall make 50 clasps of bronze and put the clasps in the loops and join them and the tent will be one.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "12": "And the remaining excess curtain of the tent, the half curtain remaining, shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.", "13": "And a cubit from this side and a cubit from that side, the excess of the length of the curtains of the tent shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle, from this side and from that side to cover it.", "14": "And you shall make a covering for the tent of reddened hides of rams, and a covering of hides of sea-cows above that.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p ", "15": "And you shall make upright frames for the tabernacle from wood of acacias. ", "16": "The length of a frame shall be ten cubits, and the width of one frame shall be a cubit and a half of a cubit. ", "17": "There shall be two tenons in each frame for joining the frames to each other. Thus you shall make all of the frames of the tabernacle. ", "18": "And you shall make the frames for the tabernacle: 20 frames for the south side.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "19": "And you shall make 40 bases of silver under the 20 frames: two bases under one frame for its two tenons, and two bases under one frame for its two tenons. ", "20": "And for the second side of the tabernacle, on the north side: 20 frames ", "21": "and their forty silver bases. There must be two bases under the first frame, two bases under the next frame, and so on.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "22": "For the back side of the tabernacle on the west side, you must make six frames. ", "23": "You must make two frames for the back corners of the tabernacle. ", "24": "These frames must be separate at the bottom, but joined at the top to the same ring. It must be this way for both of the back corners. ", "25": "There must be eight frames, together with their silver bases. There must be sixteen bases in all, two bases under the first frame, two bases under the next frame, and so on.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p ", "26": "You must make crossbars of acacia wood—five for the frames of the one side of the tabernacle, ", "27": "five crossbars for the frames of the other side of the tabernacle, and five crossbars for the frames for the back side of the tabernacle to the west. ", "28": "The crossbar in the center of the frames, that is, halfway up, must reach from end to end.\n\n\\ts\\* ", "29": "You must cover the frames with gold. You must make their rings of gold, for them to serve as holders for the crossbars, and you must cover the bars with gold. ", "30": "You must set up the tabernacle by following the plan you were shown on the mountain.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p ", "31": "You must make a curtain of blue, purple, and scarlet wool, and of fine linen, with designs of cherubim, the work of a skillful workman. ", "32": "You must hang it on four pillars of acacia wood covered with gold. These pillars must have hooks of gold set on four silver bases. ", "33": "You must hang up the curtain under the clasps, and you must bring in the ark of the testimony. The curtain is to separate the holy place from the most holy place.\n\\ts\\* ", "34": "You must put the atonement lid on the ark of the testimony, which is in the most holy place. ", "35": "You must place the table outside the curtain. You must place the lampstand opposite the table on the south side of the tabernacle. The table must be on the north side.\n\n\\ts\\*\n\\p ", "36": "You must make a hanging for the tent entrance. You must make it out of blue, purple, and scarlet material and fine twined linen, the work of an embroiderer. ", "37": "For the hanging, you must make five pillars of acacia and cover them with gold. Their hooks must be of gold, and you must cast five bronze bases for them.\n\n\n\\ts\\*", "front": "\\p " }